Tag: two-way mirrors

Santorini Paradiso Ch. 11

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They all took breakfast in the kitchen, and Elena was glad of the distraction provided by the bustling, effusive Maria. It was easier to keep information to yourself when someone else did all the talking.

Adonis had returned from his run, but had not yet showered. Elena loved seeing him like this – it actually turned her on. The sight of his glistening skin, his lush hair slicked back and clinging to his neck, the way his shorts accentuated his powerful thigh muscles – it made her want him badly. Even the musky scent of him was alluring. She felt herself grow wet just sitting in the same room. It was almost an ache.

But due to his sweaty state, he was not allowed to sit at the table with the rest of the group. He was banished by the housekeeper to a stool at the island. Maria thought it was unseemly to come to eat in such a manner – a fact that she pursued relentlessly, much to Petros’s amusement and Adonis’s exasperation.

When Petros’s mischievous eyes caught Elena’s in a look that was conspiratorial, she knew he was deliberating egging on the boisterous, gnome-like woman.

“Adoni…” He began, “Did someone spray you with a garden hose? You seem extraordinarily wet, my brother.”

With affected nonchalance, Petros slipped a piece of melon into his mouth with the tip of his knife. Seeing that sharp edge between his lips, Elena quietly gasped. She found that oddly arousing, too. Petros looked back at Elena, and his sparkling eyes darkened a tad when he saw how she was looking at him. He narrowed his eyes slightly and winked wickedly. She felt another trickle of wetness in her panties.

Meanwhile, Adonis sighed, his shoulders dropping, in anticipation of the coming outburst.

Maria clucked in mock disgust. “Ack! No one sprayed that boy with water – that is idros! It is just his SWEAT from all of that RUNNING. Running, running, and not going anywhere but back home. And he comes like this to MY kitchen, as calm as you please. My Pateras – my father – would have grabbed him by the neck and thrown him into the swimming pool!” She continued to grumble and mutter in Greek. Something she said made Adonis wince.

Petros leaned back and nodded his head, as if finally understanding the situation. “Ah, yes, now I can see that he is very sweaty, and here, too, in your kitchen as we all try to enjoy our food. Please, Adoni – stay on that side of the room, because it is downwind – which is much better…”

Elena snorted, quickly covering her mouth with her hand to keep from spitting out her juice, as this succeeded in making Maria start up again. Adonis rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling as her new rant started.

“Apistos!” (Incredible) “Anyone would think that these two men were raised in a barnyard, instead of among polite people!” Maria pointed a finger at each of them with a jabbing motion, to make herself clear.

Adonis barked a laugh triumphantly, clapping his hands at the look on Petros’s face, while Elena now held her napkin to her mouth to hide her own laugher.

Petros mounted a theatrical objection to her use of the plural: “Me synchoreite!” (excuse me!) “But how does this apply to me? Am I not freshly showered and neatly dressed?”

Maria wheeled toward him and shook her finger at him as she spoke, her other hand on her hip.

“Don’t think for one minute that I don’t see you trying to make trouble, Petros! You forget that I have known you two for many, many long years! And I –” She would have continued, had a gently laughing Dimitri not hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear.

Elena could not hear what he said, but given that Maria blushed to the roots of her hair, she could only assume it was something highly suggestive. It stopped her tirade short, and caused her to erupt in astoundingly girlish giggles. Dimitri went so far as to tickle her at the waist, which caused her to squirm violently and brought forth a charming little squeal. Maria whirled around and playfully pushed him away. She ran a hand over her hair in a flustered manner and began to noisily stack pans and dishes in the sink, continuing to mutter in Greek.

Adonis stood up and stretched. Elena could not help staring at him, noting when the hem of his shirt pulled above the waistband of his shorts and exposed his ripped abs and the “v” created by his pelvic muscles. He saw her watching him, and walked slowly over to her. Slipping a hand under her heavy mane of hair, he gazed down at her under heavy-lidded eyes and asked, his voice deep and openly sultry:

“Do you find me disgusting, too, little Elena? Hmmm?”

Her head dropped back to look up at him, a lazy smile lighting her lovely face. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes took on a sexy gleam as she replied: “No, Adoni – ‘disgusting’ is definitely not the word I would use…”

He made a noise in his throat that sounded like a growl. Leaning down toward her, he said in a low voice: “Why don’t you come upstairs and help me to clean Side escort up, agape-mou.”

She rose from her chair in reply, allowing him to take her hand. She looked at Petros, who was watching them. His own eyes had taken on that sexy, predator look that thrilled her. Elena paused and cupped the side of his face. He caught her hand, turning to kiss her palm. Petros seemed to assume he would remain in the kitchen, but Elena laced her fingers in his and pulled gently – clearly indicating that she wanted him to come along. He gave her a crooked smile and pushed his chair back, standing and following them as they left the kitchen.

On their way out, Adonis said: “Efkharisto poly, Maria – breakfast was delicious!” And playfully slapped her round buttocks.

“Hela – Malaka!” Laughing roundly as she swatted after him with a dishtowel. He shifted his hips just in time to avoid contact.

The boys hustled Elena up the stairs so fast, she had to run. There was something exciting to her in the way they nearly dragged her when they got to the top landing. She was laughing and panting at the same time. She must have paused for a moment too long, because Petros suddenly swept her up into his arms like she was a child, and followed Adonis into his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. Elena wound her arms around his neck and met his mouth half way as he savagely kissed her. He tasted of fruit and the thick, sugary coffee he’d had at breakfast.

She realized vaguely that he was not headed for the bed. Rather, he’d followed Adonis into the bathroom, where the shower was by this time already running. Steam was rising in the air around them, as Adonis reached down and pulled his shirt up over his taut stomach and wide, muscular chest, and then over his head. His eyes held Elena’s as she watched. He tossed it to the floor and then hooked his thumbs into his running shorts, tugging them, along with any underwear he may have had on beneath, down his legs in one graceful motion. He stepped out of them, moving closer to Elena, who was still resting in Petros’s arms.

“Pahme” Adonis said in a deep, low voice. Petros eased Elena’s legs down so she could stand, and the two men began to undress her. Her eyes widened at the realization.

“I’ve already showered – ” she began, giggling, but her words were abruptly cut off as Adonis claimed her mouth in a hard, sensual kiss. His hands slid up her face as he moved closer, causing her head to drop back. Petros had already removed her dress, and unhooked her bra, and was reaching under the now loose cups to palm her full, aching breasts. She felt his mouth on the curve where her neck meets her shoulder and moaned into Adonis’s mouth as she felt Petros nip her skin with his perfect white teeth.

Adonis released her mouth and looked down at her, his gaze smoldering as he helped Petros slide the bra straps off her shoulders and down her arms. His hands molded her breasts, pinching her nipples between his fingers. He touched his forehead to Elena’s as he watched the rosy tips harden and deepen in color.

Petros, meanwhile, was sliding Elena’s panties down her body, depositing slow, sexy kisses on her ass. He tapped first one of her legs, then the other, so she would step out of them, and ran his hands up her thighs and hips as he stood back up. Leaning into her, she felt his stiff erection through his jeans.

Adonis began to pull her toward the shower, and she could hear Petros undressing behind her.

“I just dried my hair…” She said with a playful pout, knowing that it didn’t matter at all. She could dry it again.

“I like to make you wet, my lovely girl.” Adonis growled in reply. Like a Pavlovian response, she felt another trickle of wetness flow between her legs.

Adonis backed into the shower, releasing her hands as he tilted back his head and ran his fingers through his hair under the spray. Elena gasped as she watched him with rapt attention, as if it were all happening in slow motion. His sculpted wet body and handsome, chiseled face were under the flowing water, one hand giving his growing erection a few slow pumps. Classical beauty but overt carnality. It was a bit like watching Michelangelo’s David doing a porno.

As Petros moved against her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her ass back against his likewise hard cock, she let her head fall back against his chest. He was kissing her ear, the tip of his tongue gently teasing her. She sighed, her body softening against him, as she covered his arms with her own.

She felt another odd sense of déjà vu. ‘You are both so beautiful, it takes my breath away sometimes.’ She thought to them.

Adonis opened his eyes, which were now so dark green they looked black, and stepped forward to reach for her, as Petros gently pushed her forward with his body until all three of them were standing together under the water. Mouths and hands began to move wetly over her. Elena Escort side closed her eyes and savored the incredible sensuality of the moment. Their bodies moved slickly against hers, an urgently hard cock pressing against her abdomen and another against her ass.

‘You are the beautiful one, our little Elena.’ Their voices seemed to blend in her head as they said these words essentially in unison.

The men were sharing her: one kissing her passionately while the other held her head still, then turning her to his brother so he could do the same. She was dizzy with it, her body undulating against them almost as if it had a will of its own.

Someone introduced spicy scented body wash, and their hands and bodies now created fragrant lather as they moved over Elena’s breasts, arms, thighs, stomach, back and ass. When multiple hands gently rubbed the liquid soap into her tender pussy, she moaned loudly – briefly breaking her kiss – but Elena was too befuddled to know whose it had been.

She almost stumbled when suddenly both men dropped to their knees. Elena had to brace herself by putting a hand on the walls at either side. She groaned deep in her throat, wobbling a little drunkenly as she felt them nudge her legs apart, their mouths plundering her pussy and her ass at the same time. Adonis had one arm wrapped around her thigh, the other was gently kneading her breast. Petros had one arm around her other leg, and his other hand was flat against Elena’s abdomen. This steadied Elena so she could release the wall, so she found herself running her fingers through Adonis’s hair – pulling him even closer to her, and pressing Petros’s hand even harder into her belly.

The intense electrical heat was building inside her. She was going to cum fast and very, very hard. The naughty sensation of Petros’s tongue tickling around and inside her tight little bud was making her crazy. Her pussy would have been dripping if Adonis had not been lapping up her juices, his tongue alternately plunging into her and flicking over her engorged clit. She was moaning rhythmically.

Elena began to shake, her breath ragged, as the climax rose up, up, up and then all at once, exploded. She screamed into the back of her hand as her body convulsed. The boys held her more tightly to keep her from falling as she rode the waves of this intense orgasm. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the water from the shower. Finally, her knees began to give out and they both stood up to catch her before she collapsed.

Adonis pulled Elena with him as he moved back toward a teak bench by the far wall of the stall. He sat on the bench, turning Elena away from him, making her straddle his legs. Petros was there before her, running a gentle hand over her flushed face.

Elena heard Adonis’s thoughts: ‘slide down over my cock, my beautiful girl. I need to be inside you. Petro – help her.’

Petros helped to position Elena over Adonis and gently pressed her down onto his lap. She reached between them to guide Adonis’s erection into her still quivering folds. She closed her eyes in pleasure as his large cock slid between her lips and inside her tight heat. Elena began to ride him, sliding up and down on him, while Adonis pushed up into her. They began a slow, sensual pace. Adonis guided her movements, his hands on her hips. She felt very full. It was glorious.

Elena looked up at Petros as she took his hard length into her hands and began to gently stroke. He brushed her hair away from her face, his eyelids becoming heavy, as she expertly handled him. But soon enough, hands felt insufficient to Elena and she leaned down – pushing him back slightly to get a better angle, and took him into her mouth. Petros moaned her name aloud. She could only accommodate about half of him, so used her hands on him too. There was harmony in their collective motion – as she brought her body down onto Adonis’s cock, Petros moved out of her mouth, and vice versa.

She lost track of time as the delicious symmetry of their lovemaking stretched on. It was only as the men began to get more vocal and their movements more violent that Elena realized they were approaching their own climaxes. Just then, Petros pulled completely out of her mouth, stepping away from her. She weakly began to protest, but it was cut short as Adonis’s movements speeded up. He was yanking her down on him faster and harder, his hips jamming up into her on each stroke. She could feel him hitting the walls inside her – and her body began to respond. Adonis shifted slightly, moving further to the edge of the seat. This altered the angle of his thrust just enough that the tip of his erection dragged across her g-spot. Elena was gasping each time the head of his cock slammed against her cervix.

“Oh god!!” Elena began to say this each time he bottomed out in her. She looked at Petros, who was leaning against the wall. He was jerking his own erection slowly as he watched her. She had a flash of vision Side escort bayan – seeing in her head the view that Petros had. Elena’s sex was on full display as it was speared again and again by Adonis’s cock. Her pussy was puffy and very pink, the nub at the top swollen and hard, as his very large shaft disappeared and wetly reappeared over and over. Her abs were flexed, and her large round breasts were bouncing each time Adonis pulled her down on his lap. Elena’s eyes were wide and glazed with lust, her full lips were reddened and moist. Her dripping hair clung in curls about her neck and shoulders.

‘So sexy – so incredibly sexy, Elena-mou.’ This was Adonis’s voice in her head. He saw Petros’s vision, just as she had.

Adonis reached around her and began to massage her clit with his fingers as he fucked her, and this was her undoing. Elena cried out, her back arching against him, as she began to cum yet again. He had been holding off for this, because as her vaginal muscles started clenching around his cock, Adonis clutched her tightly and shot his load inside her, his roar muffled against the soft skin of her shoulder. She reached over her head and wrapped her arms around his neck as he impaled her a few final times and his movements slowed down.

“Fuck!” Adonis said, when he was finally able to regain the power of speech. She rested against him, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tried to get her breathing back under control. Lolling her head forward, she looked at Petros, who was still hard, standing patiently against the wall under the steamy spray.

‘You are not done yet, sexy girl.’ He thought. ‘OMG.’ Was her answering thought.

Petros walked forward and assisted Elena to stand up. Adonis stretched, running his hands through his wet hair, and slowly also stood up. He turned Elena to face him and leaned down to kiss her very tenderly.


Then he turned her back to face Petros, who drew her to him and began to kiss her with greater intensity. Despite what she’d just experienced, Elena was energized by his passion. Adonis ran his hands over her back in a massaging motion, which not only soothed her but also served to press her against his brother’s sinewy body. Petros was making a noise remarkably like the purr of a tiger. Something about that sound triggered a flood of moisture in her. She felt Adonis’s seed, mixed with her slick, running down her thighs, being diluted by the steamy spray.

Elena thought to Petros: ‘what do you want, my love?’ He regarded her for a moment, his eyes sparkling darkly. Adonis began to chuckle softly behind her as Petros thought back: ‘I want to claim your sexy virgin ass, Elena-mou.’

She gasped audibly, her eyes widening in alarm. Adonis and Petros were both stroking her hair and her face, whispering softly in Greek. Her heart began to pound faster.

‘Please…’ she pushed out. ‘I don’t know if I can handle that today.’ Petros looked beguilingly at her as he leaned forward to kiss her. She knew that he could – in all likelihood – seduce her into agreeing.

Elena certainly didn’t object to the act, per se – it was simply that she’d never done it before and was already feeling fairly stretched, sexually speaking. The idea of exploring this right now was overwhelming, and yet she hated to deny these beautiful men anything.

He pulled her into his body, lifting her chin so he could kiss her trembling mouth. Elena’s mind began to spin as her thoughts began to churn. So she could not at that moment see or feel what Petros was about to say – which was that he would happily wait until she was ready. That he had no intention of forcing her to do anything that scared her. She never had to do anything she didn’t want to do.

Elena missed this in her over-stimulated state and became caught up in her worrisome thoughts and fears. Adonis and Petros exchanged looks and were likewise growing alarmed. They tried to communicate with her thoughts but were hit with a flood of so many rapid-fire impressions that they could hardly sort through them. They were about to actually speak, opening their mouths to talk, but then were stopped short. Because Elena’s control was greatly weakened, all at once there it was: the thoughts she’d tried so valiantly to push down all morning had formed themselves in her head against her will.

‘And what if I am actually pregnant? What if there is a baby growing inside me right now?!’

Though silently projected, it felt as if she’d screamed the words. Everyone suddenly froze. Pure shock enclosed them all. No one reacted. No one even breathed. Elena paled and her heart plummeted.

The sound of the water running was the only noise to be heard as the trio seemed to be in suspended animation for several long moments.

She was the first one to recover motor skills. Her sharp intake of breath was immediately followed by her body jerking away from both men to press herself to the far wall. Her shaking hands covered her mouth, she turned away from them to lean her forehead against the cool marble. Closing her eyes, she began counting: One Mississippi, two Mississippi… like she did as a child when waiting for the thunder clap in an electrical storm.

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