Tag: twice as good

The Vampire Alastair

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Hi everyone please please please please leave your comments and please please please leave votes- the comments would be useful as i do plan on continuing the story but i need some ideas if you guys don’t mind sharing thanks a bunch and enjoy- oh this story is also linked with a poem that is awaiting approval and with other poems i plan to list on the website- they are all under the theme Tales of the Macabre (pretty self explanatory) these stories and poems are going to be morbid and creepy and altogether enjoyable the poem if your interested it called you’re never famous till your dead again feel free to comment thanks – kaila 🙂


I Am The Vampire Alastair.

Dramatic I know but I have never been one for subtlety, not even when I was alive. Before being born unto darkness I always preferred to paint a picture with my words. I always wanted to do more than to tell a story. Ironic considering that’s what I plan to do now. Tell a story. Well, that’s not entirely true what I plan to write shall be more than just story telling it will be a collection of my thoughts and feelings- a diary if you will; written not only in the form of date entries but it will also contain my poetic genius.

I never was one for modesty. I should warn those who are of the faint of heart that this collection shall not contain happy endings, or be filled with love and romance. What I plan to write shall be of the macabre, it shall be terrifying, and it shall be horrifyingly phenomenal. By the end of it I will have achieved the very thing that I have set out to do when I began writing… to instil fear, revulsion and panic. I am not the hopeless romantic creature, who despite being cursed with this dark gift seeks to love and be loved. I am a killer and though I have found pleasure in the form of both men and women they all too quickly lose their appeal and are soon disposed of. Never forget I kill and I enjoy it!

November 20th 2009

Where should I begin? Now that is an interesting question, I refuse to begin in the way that others before me have begun, with the mundane: I was born I lived, I was reborn. So instead I have opted for a new approach I will begin with the memories that have made the most impact on my 544 years of life. Of course I should also tell you that like most of our kind I am shockingly beautiful, although why this is a shocking factor I have no idea for the most terribly creatures that have plagued mankind leaving behind terror and carnage in their midst were beautiful. Ted Bundy, Paul Bernado and the most terrifyingly beautiful of them all Satan.

I suppose it’s what draws our prey to us- I mean consider it for a moment if a creature as hideous as the recluse Quasimodo were to approach you with the intent to kill you a reasonable person would run away. But like most poisonous flowers appearing so delicate until their venom pulses through the veins of their victim so we vampires appear, our victims flock to us like the proverbial sheep to water. Many of our kind were turned in the very prime of their youth; the most deadly of our kind appear as little more than children.

I am over 6 feet tall with shoulder length wavy black hair and vivid green eyes a long straight nose and as if to add insult to injury I have dimples! HA! As if I would need any of these aesthetics to lure the trusting ignorant fools to their death. Even when I was truly alive (and I say truly alive because I don’t consider this form of animated existence being alive I am little more than an animated corpse when one really gets down to it) my appearance caused lust in the eyes of many and even in this 21st century men and women still clamour fervently in their desperate attempts attract my attention.

I have the physic of a 23 year old male but if one were to look just that little bit closer you would see wisdom well beyond my years in the very depths of my eyes. Not that I would permit it unless of course as previously stated a particular human took my fancy. I believe that it would also be prudent to acknowledge the fact that there are two sides to The Vampire Alastair. I have christened myself the Beast within or I sometimes go by The Vampire Alastair. When I am in control I feel no remorse I kill at will and delight in it. I feel complete and utter ecstasy when feeding upon my victim I feel their heart stutter to a complete stop. I reach a peak when the last breath from that unfortunate soul whispers through their lips. Terrible I know; and yet I can’t seem to care.

Then there is the pitiful, whining snivelling eternal thorn in my side Alastair. He sickens me to no end make no mistake if there were a way to eradicate this festering abscess I would. Alastair might be what one would call a conscience.

Pathetic I know! The cold blooded vicious Vampire Alastair has a conscience who constantly berates him for doing something as insignificant as feasting upon a family of 5 how charming! I mean really killing 5 people is no worse than the time I wreaked havoc on London during the 1700 at the time they qiqitv.info called it the plague.

Now unfortunately as much as I would desperately wish to claim that all the carnage and mayhem caused during that era was my doing I must admit I did have help the plague had been around since the 1400’s however the situation was made drastically worse by myself at least I can claim that much.

Let’s review the symptoms shall we: swelling around the groin or armpit by this time I was 250 years old and tired of the conventional ways of drawing blood from my victims and thus sustaining life. I became more creative! Whilst my chosen quarry had fallen into a drunken stupor as was often the case during these times I would tie a piece of rope either around either the genitals or just above the armpit and wait for the blood to collect in that area. What excited me the most was that it would take only minimal amount of pressure from my teeth to cause the blood to gush straight into my eager waiting mouth.

Symptom number two black or red spots now given the fact that this was 17th century London and the bathing practices of the inhabitants left much to be desired a simple cut or bruise having become infected would fester and spread beyond control becoming rather painful. Thus you have symptom number three.

Symptom number four tiredness coupled with the pain made it hard for the victim to sleep. Like a ravenous beast once that warm, thick life sustaining elixir enters my mouth it starts a frenzy within me- it wasn’t until well into the 18th century that I learned to take my time and play with my victims, resulting in the victim feeling lethargic now due to the fact that as I stated before hygiene was not on a persons top list of priority back in those days resulting in people sharing their tiny accommodations to household pets such as ticks, fleas, cockroaches as well as rats disease was rife! I do believe that the largest killer of human beings second to me and God of course is disease. A single disease can wipe out whole colonies in the space of a few weeks.

Symptom number five an increased temperature leading to pressure on the brain and nervous system resulting in incoherent speech patterns. Symptom number 6 swelling of the groin, armpit and neck (now I said I was tired of conventional means of sustaining life not that I abandoned them altogether) which caused bleeding under the skin causing decolouration of the skin to a blue/ purplish tinge resulting finally in the last and by far my most favourite symptom Death!

As I was saying that eternally infuriating thorn in my side Alastair, has often voiced his opinions about my feeding habits. No voiced would be putting it lightly he screamed and howled spewing some moronic crap about being an abomination and deserving to be punished et cetera et cetera et cetera. You see I very rarely pay attention to him. And after 500 years I have gotten rather good at ignoring him completely. If I try hard enough, I can for lack of a better phrase contain Alastair within a locked room inside my subconscious. However this can be a rather taxing and tiring task and sometimes, well I let my guard down and Alastair makes his resurgence and I find myself imprisoned in the same said jail that I built for that pathetic excuse for a vampire Alastair, presenting a situation that vexes me to no end.

Now on the few occasions that Alastair has made a resurgence he struts about like some vampiric messiah refusing to take human life instead opting for either and it pains me to say this drinking animal blood or appropriating two litres of 0 negative. By appropriating I mean he steals from the hospitals which to me is being totally and utterly hypocritical, he wont kill but he will happily deprive little Johnny what’s- his- face of a life saving blood transfusion of 0 negative.

Hmm Alastair the righteous, Alastair the righter of wrongs the punisher of wrong doers the modern day vigilante. Ladies and gentleman I present to you Alastair, the blood thief! Hmm I wonder what Alastair would do if people found out about Tobias!

November 29th 2009

Yes I know I haven’t written in a couple of days I haven’t been in the mood. During my absence I was out feasting upon this scrumptious young run away. It was a cold, snowy night and I was out prowling the streets desperately searching for some mortal that appealed to me in even the slightest way.

That’s when I saw him! I watched him from afar a first, he was sitting on a park bench his hair was dirty blonde and was so long that his bangs continued to fall into his eyes. Every time that his hair fell into his eyes he’d give and exasperated sigh and push it out of the way only to have it fall back down again. He was fascinating to watch. He was beautiful! He shivered often due to not on the cold but also from his scanty attire he had his feet tucked up underneath him to retain some mere essence of warmth- He courted death that much was clear from where I stood. Well if death was what he wanted who was I to deny hizmetçi porno him? Finally I tired of watching him from the shadows like some peeping tom, no sooner had I thought of being at his side was I there causing him to take a sharp intake of breath at my sudden appearance.

Once he had regained his composure he attempted to give me his best steely glare as I sat down beside him and continued to gaze at him in awe. Taking in his soft and delicate features delighting in what I saw there: a long straight nose lightly peppered with freckles, a soft well rounded almost pouting mouth that begged to be kissed, eyes that made you feel like you were drowning in the bluest of oceans. An altogether pleasing face, one that however hinted at hardships that forced this young beauty to grow up much too quickly and to view the world with an old man’s cynicism.

Continuing my detailed inventory this time noting his slight frame that had become increasingly tense as his discomfort at the current situation heightened, I noticed long arms that tapered off to thin wrists and long sensual fingers. In my time many a painter and classical pianist would have sold his soul to the devil for hands such as his. Allowing my eyes to trail further down I noticed long luscious legs hidden behind dirty denim jeans. I having finished my inventory concluding that this was the most mouth watering mortal that I had even beheld he spoke, pulling me out of my revere he said me in the most attractive voice I’ve heard in years “See something you like freak!” “As a matter of fact” I replied calmly refusing to break eye contact with my victim “I do”. In one quick and fluid motion he was up and backing away. Hmm this was always my favourite part where my chosen victim sensing that something just wasn’t quite right attempted to disentangle themselves from their current predicament.

Usually I waste no time in killing my victim but for this one I wanted to have a little fun. I allowed him to run; I revelled in the fact that by running away he unknowingly made himself all the more desirable. I followed him through the park allowing my approach to be heard on the crisp snow. I could all but taste his panic in the air- I could practically dance to the sound of his heart racing as I approached. His footsteps slowed, he was getting tired. Pity! just as I was really starting to enjoy this. How perverse I can be sometimes. He stumbled. I slowed my pace. I could see him frantically searching in the dark for me. I stared, watching, waiting.

I could hear Alastair begging me to leave him be “‘ HE’S JUST A CHILD”‘ he screamed. ‘SHUT UP’ I said softly I didn’t care I wanted him I desired him so much I ached. I advanced I stepped on a fallen twig I applied pressure to cause it to snap. His heart raced! I walked slowly towards him; no need to rush really due to his actions and the weather there was no danger of being interrupted. And even if we were those who dared to have the audacity to involve them self in what was to take place would soon be disposed of quite quickly and effectively.

I casually stood in his line of vision I allowed him to watch me as I watched him. I stepped forward for my advance he retreated further and further into the shadows. I lunged; he landed spread eagled on the ground with me pinning him firmly beneath me he uttered a single cry “‘ NO”‘ Oh! How he writhed and struggled against me attempting to gain some form of leverage to remove himself from my grasp, continually biting and scratching like a wild animal sensing its end. I must admit that I had underestimated that such a small creature would have so much fight in him, not that his efforts made a difference they only succeeded in making his blood pump much more furiously through his veins.

I had his hands firmly secured on either side of his head he panted and pleaded with his eyes as I began to move my hips against him. There came once again that strangled cry “‘NO”‘. I was so utterly aroused I bent my head to those lips and he turned his face from me. I chuckled softly and began instead to kiss his neck, the underside of his jaw the tip and lobes of his ear. All the while Alastair howled inside me to free him. I paid him no heed continued to kiss the young ones collar bone alternating between gentle nips with my teeth to bathing it with my tongue. His breathing had become all the more ragged due to my ministrations on his pelvic area. Hid eyes had become glasses and when I bent once again to kiss his lips he offered no resistance instead he opened his mouth and sighed as my tongue waged a silent assault inside his mouth.

Finally having worked myself unto the point of no return with fangs descended I bit into him; he grunted and moaned softly he tasted like cinnamon slightly spicy yet oh so sweet! Positively intoxicating! I took my time drawing just enough blood into my mouth and savouring it like a rare vintage wine. Over and over I drank from him until his barely audible pants and whimpers filled the night time air.

When ifşa porno I glanced up at him those ocean blue eyes had glazed over and his lips had parted slightly into a round ‘O’ of either pleasure or pain. He was beautiful! I lowered my head once more to his lips, fangs distended I drew the last trace of blood his body had to offer with a brief kiss of death. My body convulsed and shuddered as my soul travelled to the moon and back his blood coursed through my veins I felt like my whole body was immersed in heat an altogether pleasurable feeling. I felt alive (well as alive as a creature that’s been dead for 544 years can possibly feel) Alastair wept that pathetic sap I refused to let him ruin my high so as usual ignored him and set about removing myself from the mortals tangled limb. As I stood I looked down at him the snow had begun to cool his body and cover those gorgeous eyes – shame I never did get his name.

Now onto more important tales I was going to tell you about Tobias. Now personally I can understand why Alastair acted in the way that he did Tobias was exquisite. A marvellous creature I would have chosen him myself. Oh! How I wish I had gotten to him first I really would have had a fun time with that one. Well being one for the dramatic and always striving to build up the tension to achieve a soul shaking climax, allow me to set the scene. It was one of those rare moments in which Alastair had mustered up enough strength and put me in my/ our cage:

January 1st 1999

Into The Darkness
Everyone has that capability of evil- That’s what you tell yourself
That desire to let loose all inhibitions- That’s what you tell yourself
That desire to let the beast free- That’s what you tell yourself
Oh! Sweet release
Am I evil?
Am I the very thing that makes your blood run cold?
Am I the very thing that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck?
Can you feel me near?
Can you feel the chill?
Can you feel my breath on your neck, on your face?
Close your eyes- feel me inside you?
Let me out!
Look into the mirror- what do you see?
The sickly white skin contrasts with those violent red eyes
Blood red- Oh! Yes blood red
Blood you can still smell it- Feel it taste it even
You can feel it as it gushes down your throat
Oh! Sweet release Oh! Sweet ecstasy!
You burn for that thick life giving elixir
Why do you deny me?
Why do you ignore who you are?
The monster at the end of every childhood tale
The thing that goes bump in the night
The creature under the stairs
The beast lurking under the bed
Call yourself what you will one thing remains certain
One thing remains true
You are a killer! And kill you must
Kill you will:
After all it’s in your nature …
Signed the Beast within: The Vampire Alastair

Well as you have probably deduced being locked up in a cage doesn’t exactly bring out the best in me. With this idiot at the wheel my whole entire appearance went to hell and was dragged back again kicking and screaming. Where I was once attractive, sinfully gorgeous I would have been lucky to get a retiring prostitute to follow me down a darkened alley to feed from. As a result of my constant berating this finally happened (I must say it was my most achieving moment to date):

The First Kill: The Chase

You catch his scent: he’s frightened
He turns down the alley: its blocked
He can’t run any further and he knows it
Just as he knows he’s going to die
His heart beats against his breast bone
You sniff the air tasting the panic delighting in it
After all you’ve been watching this mortal for months
You’ve denied yourself for months
And now you have your prize: You deserve him
This beauty: This glorious being
What will he taste like?
A question you have asked yourself all those nights in the dark solitude
Oh! Those lips so soft: delicious even they have haunted your dreams
You wonder gazing at him curiously should I kill him or do I keep him?
Oh! Alastair such questions
You step forward slowly Oh! So slowly
Like a human hunter with a deer in its sights
The idea makes you smile
For nothing about you is human: Not your translucent skin
Not your vivid red eyes
Still slowly: Still exaggerating your movements
Prolonging it as though you were lovers
Hmm lovers! Such a thought
Out of the gloom and into the flickering lights
You stand before him glorifying in his presence and he in yours
His eyes open wide as you bare your teeth
His skin is flushed: His mind tells you his name- Tobias
Oh! You yearn for him: And he for you
You step closer
You hold him in your arms
Your icy breath causes him to shiver
He moans with anticipation
You pierce the skin….
Signed the Beast within: The Vampire Alastair

That’s right boys and girls your hero Alastair gave into his cravings. And I bet you were probably sitting there begging him not to do it. Well firstly you were warned that this is not a story with happy endings if that is what you are after put this book down and go read some pathetic crap where the prince rescues the damsel in distress and they ride off into the sunset to live out their life happily ever after.

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