Tag: tasted good

The Garage: Forever Yours Ch. 08

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WIth this submission I have written 99 word document pages for this story, definitely the longest thing I’ve ever written.

I am not in any way affiliated with the church mentioned in this chapter (or any church for that matter). I just did a google search for a church that accepts same sex couples, as all churches should.

Chapter 8) April

When the men woke up on April 3rd, they found it to be a bright, sunny day. This worked well with their plans. After a leisurely breakfast, they went to the park where they had first confessed their love.

They met Diana, Jo, Wade, Jake, Matt and Paul in the open area by the lake that they had watched from the overlook on the walking path. With their friends’ help, they set up folding chairs; decorated with streamers and flowers; and prepped the area for the early afternoon ceremony. Once everything was set up, Wade, Jake, Matt and Paul stayed at the site. They took turns to freshen up and change at the public bathrooms, making sure nothing happened to the decorations and seating guests as they arrived.

Cliff and Scott went home to dress. They both wore a cream colored linen suit. Scott wore a blue shirt, Cliff’s was green Their ties were both cream colored, Scott’s with a thin blue stripe, Cliff’s with a thin green stripe. Cliff’s short black hair was carefully gelled and stood up on top. He had stubble on his chin and jaw line, a look he had adopted some months ago. Scott’s long silky brown hair, now halfway down his back, was loose and flowing and he was clean shaven. They each had a red rose on the lapel of their suit jacket.

Scott met Cliff at the door to their home, and they walked arm in arm to the Mustang. They held each other silently for a few moments, before kissing lightly and getting into the car. Quietly, nervously, Scott drove to the park. He parked in the space his friends had saved for him, right behind the chairs where their friends and family sat.

Cliff’s parents had flown down and were staying with Scott’s parents. Cliff’s friend, Tom, had flown in from California and was standing as Cliff’s witness. Diane, Scott’s best friend, was standing for him. Their friends were there; Al from Children’s Home attended and brought Alex with him. They even agreed to close The Garage early so their employees/coworkers could attend. Since neither man was active in their religion or any church, Scott’s uncle George agreed to open and close the ceremony. At some point in his many careered past, George had been a minister for Universal Life Church. He hadn’t actively participated in the church for several years, but was still able to officiate a ceremony. He even printed a Commitment Ceremony Certificate to present to the happy couple.

When George saw the car pull up, he stood and welcomed everybody to Prescott Byron Edwards and Heathcliff Earnshaw Andrews’s commitment ceremony. He talked a little about how the couple met, and how they now worked together.

While George continued his speech, Cliff and Scott sat in the Mustang; staring at each other. Carefully, Cliff took the ring off his left ring finger. Spinning it between his fingers he read the writing inside before handing over to Scott. Scott also removed his ring and passed it over to Cliff. They would exchange the rings, again, during the ceremony.

George finished his speech, and started music on a CD player. When Cliff and Scott heard the strains of the guitar, a recording Scott had made for the occasion, they opened their car doors and met at the front of the Mustang.

Diane and Tom rose from their chairs at the back of the seating area. Arm in arm, they walked up the aisle between the seats. When they reached George they separated, each standing on one side. Following them, Cliff’s arm entwined in Scott’s as they slowly walked up the aisle to stand in front of George.

George explained that Scott and Cliff would exchange their own vows.

“Cliff, I knew I wanted to know you the day we met,” Scott started, holding Cliff’s hands in his own and looking deep into Cliff’s eyes. “Talking to you in the classroom at The Garage, I found you to be intelligent, considerate, and beautiful. Unfortunately, ethics rules didn’t allow me to ask you out while you were a client. I found out you were thinking about going to the car show and I waited impatiently for you to show up all day. Just before you arrived I had decided I was going to have to swipe your number from the office files, ethics rules or not.”

“The past year has been amazing. Knowing you and loving you has changed my life for the better. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I promise to love you, and be faithful only to you for as long as we live. Forever yours.” He slipped Cliff’s ring onto his lover’s left ring finger.

“A year ago, I still wasn’t sure where I was going in life. Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me. I not only found the love of my life, my family, I also found a home, and a career. I promise to always communicate with you even when we’re mad at each other, and to never take erzurum escort your love for granted. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I promise to love you, and be faithful only to you for as long as we live. Forever yours,” Cliff vowed as he placed Scott’s ring on his finger.

The men kissed to finalize their vows and turned back to George.

George spoke for a few minutes about commitment, love, and trust. Before the ceremony could get too long, he proclaimed them partners and husbands, in spirit if not by law. George thanked everybody for attending, and invited them to the reception that was set up on the 3rd floor of Exc!te. Cliff and Scott Edwards, because Cliff wanted to take Scott’s name, walked back down the aisle arm in arm.

Once they reached the Mustang again, Scott wrapped his arms around Cliff and pulled him close. Braiding his hands into Cliff’s hair, he passionately kissed his husband, his tongue plunging into Cliff’s mouth. Cliff intertwined Scott’s tongue with his own as he enfolded his husband into his arms.

Breathing hard as they separated, they heard their friends and family cheer and whistle as they got into the car and drove away. At the reception they mingled with their friends and family as they enjoyed a buffet dinner, wine and champagne, and dancing. Scott and Cliff danced closely, shared bites of their dinner, and kissed every time their guests tapped silverware against their wineglasses.

After cutting their wedding cake and sharing a piece, they danced one more slow dance before leaving for their honeymoon.

Scott and Cliff had just arrived back at their home from their reception. The men had plans to go to a cottage on a private beach in Mexico for a few days. Their plane didn’t leave for several hours, so first they planned to consummate their union in their own home. In Cliff’s hand was the certificate commemorating their ceremony, already framed courtesy of George. The first thing they did was made room for it on the bookshelf in the living room. After having gently placed it, Cliff turned to Scott and wrapped his arms around Scott’s neck.

Scott looked down at his love and smiled as he ran his thumb down Cliff’s face. He leaned down and kissed Cliff’s cheek, his lips, and his neck. Scott breathed, “My partner, my husband,” as he fiercely pressed his lips against Cliff’s.

They each removed the other’s suit jacket and tie as they stood there kissing. Breaking apart from their heated kisses, Cliff grabbed Scott’s hand and pulled his partner up the stairs to the bedroom.

Once there they saw that Diana had snuck into the house during the reception. Scattered on the bed was flower petals. On their bedside tables and dressers were bouquets of wildflowers and roses, next to them flameless candles flickered gently in the semi-dark room.

Cliff surveyed the room with appreciation before turning back to his love. His eyes on Scott’s, he unbuttoned his lover’s shirt and slowly slid it off his shoulders and down his arms to pool onto the floor. As Cliff unveiled his lover’s hard, smooth shoulders and chest he kissed the soft skin, feeling the muscles contract under his touch. Scott groaned, wrapping his hands in Cliff’s long hair, as his lover continued to worship his body.

Cliff released the catch on Scott’s dress pants and pushed them down past his hips and muscular thighs. Kneeling, Cliff removed Scott’s shoes and pants. Scott stood before his love in just a skimpy black thong.

Still kneeling, Cliff slowly dragged the thong down Scott’s muscular legs. Pulling his hand up and down the length of Scott’s cock, Cliff looked up to meet Scott’s eyes with his own before taking the tip into his mouth. Eyes locked together, Cliff’ sucked the head deeper into his mouth as his tongue ran over it. Scott wrapped his hands around Cliff’s head, gently pushing him further into his groin.

Scott moved his hands to Cliff’s ass, grasping the muscular mounds in his hands as he continued to suck and lick at Scott’s cock until it was fully hard and dripping. Then he stopped, removing his lips and hands from Scott’s body as he stood.

Cliff led his lover to lie down on the bed. He stood at the edge of the bed and stripped, his eyes locked on Scott’s. Naked and grinning he grabbed a partially opened rose out of the vase next to him as he crawled onto the bed to sit next to his lover.

Setting the rose on the bed next to him, Cliff leaned over Scott and entwined their hands as he kissed him deeply.

“I love you Scott Edwards, my husband,” he whispered as he moved his lips along Scott’s jaw, enjoying the burn from the stubble there. Dropping a kiss on the underside of Scott’s jaw he sat back up and disentangled their hands.

Cliff picked up the rose and swiped the side of the velvet soft flower against Scott’s collarbone. Scott shivered under the soft, light touch. Cliff continued to play the flower along Scott’s chest, as he watched Scott’s eyes turn darker and smokier. Pulling the erzurum escort bayan rose up perpendicular to Scott’s chest, he enveloped first one, then the other, of Scott’s nipples with the dark red flower and twirled it around. Scott moaned as the velvet petals lightly teased his nipples and areolas.

Scott caressed Cliff’s body with the hand closest to his lover as he continued to writhe under the soft touches Cliff administered. Scott ran his hand down Cliff’s side and over his hip. He squeezed Cliff’s ass and ran his fingers along the crack. As he teased Cliff’s puckered hole, Cliff moaned.

Cliff finished with Scott’s nipples and moved on to drag the side of the soft flower down Scott’s chest and abdomen, tracing the lines of his muscles. Reaching further down, Cliff trace the rose back and forth against the smooth shaven skin above Scott’s length.

“Damn, honey, that feels so good,” Scott moaned as his hips thrust up and his hand grasped Cliff’s butt. Moving his hand to Cliff’s mouth, Scott teased at his lips until Cliff sucked Scott’s fingers in. Once Scott’s fingers were wet, he withdrew them and again teased Cliff’s hole with his now wet index finger.

As Cliff ran the side of the flower up the underside of Scott’s cock, Scott gasped and plunged his finger into Cliff’s entrance. Cliff groaned, “Oh, fuck Scott,” as Scott’s finger moved around inside him, seeking out his prostate.

Cliff worked his hips against Scott’s movements as first one then two and finally three fingers were buried deep inside, teasing his prostate. Cliff’s cock jutted straight out in front of him and dripped precum onto Scott’s muscular abdomen.

Groaning as he tossed the abused rose aside, Cliff grasped Scott’s cock and vigorously jacked it a few times, spreading the precum down the shaft. Moving so that he was straddling Scott, Cliff whimpered as Scott’s fingers came out, leaving his ass feeling empty.

Reaching under him, Cliff held Scott’s hard length straight up so he could sink down onto it. Scott moved his hands to Cliff’s hips, guiding him up and down to meet his thrusting hips.

“Oh yeah Cliff, so damn hot, so tight, love you so much,” Scott groaned as he thrust up harder into Cliff’s ass. Scott wrapped one hand around Cliff’s dripping length, pumping it in rhythm with his thrusts.

“Harder, love, more,” Cliff begged as he looked down at Scott with his eyes glazed over with lust. Cliff’s hands were on his own chest, twisting at his nipples and tugging at his chest hairs.

Scott groaned as he watched his lover. He released Cliff’s cock to grab his chest hairs, tugging on them until Cliff leaned over, laying on Scott’s chest with his cock trapped between them. Scott bent his knees and thrust harder into Cliff as he tangled his hands in Cliff’s hair, forcing Cliff down to meet his lips.

Cliff wrapped his arms around Scott’s shoulders and attacked Scott’s mouth and neck. He worked his hips to meet Scott’s thrusts.

“Almost there baby,” Scott groaned as he moved his hands to Cliff’s ass, pushing it down further onto his throbbing length as he thrust up. Grinding together a few more minutes, Scott cried out, “Love you Cliff.” He reached his head up to suck and bite at Cliff’s neck as his orgasm hit.

Cliff shuddered against Scott’s body, overwhelmed by the combined pain and pleasure at his throat. As he felt Scott’s hot seed shoot into his bowels, his body tensed and he shot his release between their bodies.

They moved against each other for a few more moments as they came down from their orgasms. Scott ran his hands along Cliff’s back and hips as they murmured their love to each other and kissed softly.

Twenty minutes later they were still lying on the bed, cuddling side by side and stroking each other as they softly talked, punctuating their conversation often with kisses. Suddenly, the peace was shattered by a loud buzzing noise.

Sitting up, Scott moved a vase of flowers to find a small portable alarm clock blaring. Lying atop the clock was a note, “Don’t be late for your flight!”

Scott chuckled as he turned the alarm off and handed the note to Cliff. Cliff read it and commented, “Diane thinks of everything.”

The newlyweds arrived in Mexico early Monday morning. They rented a car and drove straight to their rented cottage on the beach. They had spent the entire day Monday alternatively making love and napping. They snacked on cheese and crackers, fruit, and champagne provided by the rental agency. The only time they came close to leaving the cottage was when they sat out on the back patio, snuggled on a loveseat watching the sunset.

Tuesday morning, after making love again, they showered and dressed. After a quick breakfast, they drove the 20 miles to a village where they spent the morning sightseeing. They window shopped through a few small shops, buying souvenirs for their family and close friends. They enjoyed lunch in a little café, eating at a table outside under an umbrella. As Scott drove slowly escort erzurum through the village, Cliff pointed out a sign for a club. It was closed until evening, but the sign proclaimed it to be a gay club that would have live entertainment on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. The couple was heading back home late Friday afternoon, but thought they might check it out Thursday night.

Once they arrived back to their cottage, the men decided to walk on the beach. It was a private beach, but they didn’t quite feel comfortable walking naked, so they wore their swimsuits. Cliff carried a beach blanket, and Scott carried a picnic meal they packed for their dinner.

They walked, holding hands, about 50 yards up the beach before they came to a rocky area. Wandering carefully around the rocks they found a secluded cove area, the beach completely surrounded by tall, sharp rocks. The ocean gently lapped at the sandy white beach. Grinning at each other, they spread out the blanket and enjoyed their dinner.

After dinner was done and packed up, they sat on the blanket, talking quietly as they watched the waves. As they talked, Cliff leaned his head against his lover’s shoulder, wrapping his arm around Scott’s waist. Scott kissed Cliff’s temple as he whispered, “Love you.”

Cliff tilted his face toward Scott’s, “Love you too,” he murmured as their lips met. Scott put his arm around Cliff’s shoulders, guiding him to lie back on the blanket. Lying on his side, Scott leaned over to nuzzle into Cliff’s neck which he licked and sucked as he slipped a hand into Cliff’s shorts, fondling the semi-hard package he found there.

Cliff moaned and he wrapped one arm around Scott’s neck as he turned on his side and ran his other hand down Scott’s side and hip. Gliding his hand into Scott’s shorts, he massaged Scott’s cock and balls. Scott’s lips travelled from Cliff’s neck to his chest. He latched onto Cliff’s nipple, tracing his tongue over the rough areola and around the hard tip before sucking hard.

Releasing Cliff’s chest, Scott looked into Cliff’s beautiful light brown eyes and implored, “Cliff, I need you. I want my husband to fuck me here on the beach.”

Cliff returned Scott’s gaze, seeing lust and love in the dark, smoky eyes that met his, “Yes, baby, oh yes.”

Scott leaned in and crushed his lips to Cliff’s. Removing his hand from Cliff’s shorts, he pressed against the back of Cliff’s head, holding him close as his tongue plundered Cliff’s open mouth. Scott pulled away and quickly tore his shorts off. Tossing Cliff a container of lube he had packed into the dinner basket, he moved so he was on his hands and knees facing the ocean, he spread his legs. He grinned over his shoulder at Cliff as he wiggled his ass, “Come and get it honey,” he teased.

Cliff groaned, “Oh damn,” as he saw Scott’s tight, puckered hole peeking at him. He pulled his shorts off and tossed them aside as he kneeled between Scott’s legs. Pulling Scott’s cheeks apart he leaned in and swiped at the tempting hole with his tongue. Cliff kissed, licked and sucked at the tight sweet hole until he felt the muscle start to relax. Then he pulled back and coated his finger with lube. As he pressed his finger into Scott’s anal orifice, he reached his other hand around to stroke Scott’s hard length.

Scott moaned as Cliff continued to work his ass open. “I’m ready Cliff, I need more,” he begged after Cliff had worked two fingers in and scissored them to stretch Scott’s sphincter muscle. Cliff removed his fingers and lubed his aching cock. Lining up with Scott’s loose hole, he pushed until he felt the head pop in. Caressing Scott’s back, hip, and buttocks; Cliff waited a moment to allow Scott to adjust.

“More honey; I need more,” Scott cried. Cliff gripped Scott’s hips as he slowly pushed until he was balls deep in his lover’s ass.

“Oh damn, love. So hot, so tight,” Cliff groaned as he pounded his lover’s ass.

“Oh fuck, right there, more,” Scott growled as Cliff repeatedly found his prostate. He thrust his hips back against Cliff, “Oh shit, I’m going to come.”

“I love you so much, Scott, come for me baby,” Cliff murmured as he continued to pump into his love.

Adjusting so he was holding his upper body up on his elbows rather than his hands, Scott rested his forehead against his left forearm. He moved his right hand to stroke his throbbing length a few times. The added stimulation threw him over the edge, and on the next thrust when Cliff hit his prostate he came, ejaculating all over the blanket as his sphincter muscles clenched around Cliff.

Cliff thrust a few more times against the tightened muscles before his orgasm hit him and he pushed tight into Scott as his seed burst from him. Panting, he slumped onto Scott’s back, lovingly kissing his husband’s back and shoulders as his breathing slowed to normal.

As the couple became more aware of their surroundings they realized the sun had set almost completely during their lovemaking. They also realized they were covered in sand, some of it in very uncomfortable places. They hurriedly cleaned off as best they could with the sand covered beach blanket. Seeing their shorts were covered in sand, they looked at each other and shrugged. Tossing the shorts into their basket with the lube and sandy blanket, they quickly walked back to their cottage, cautiously watching for other beachgoers, but saw no one.

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