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Foreplay: Isn’t it strange at times, in that a person’s whole life can change within a very short space of time? Ben reluctantly takes the place of his sister’s now ex-boyfriend, on a holiday that changes everything. Of course this is a story, total fiction, dreamed up by the author’s fertile imagination … Or is it? Could it really have happened? You decide.

“And, of course, I was the last one to get to know. That bastard made me feel just 6 inches tall. I just can’t get it out of my head that he was fucking Jenny behind my back.”

You could almost see steam coming out of both ears as my sister, Rosie, was talking on the phone to one of her friends.

“Just how I’m going to get my money back I don’t know. I guess the travel insurance would only pay out if I got knocked down by a runaway bus and I can’t just tell them my boyfriend was fucking one of my best friends.” There was a break as Rosie listened in to yet another stream of advice. This was the seventh phone call of that morning after the world’s worst nightmare and it seemed most of her friends already knew, or at least had a very good idea something was wrong.

The weekend came, Rosie hadn’t calmed down at all. Although we had grown up together, our three years difference in age meant that she had always been my bossy older sister. Teenage years were fraught with arguments and fights. There had been many times we’d wrestled as an end to a day of constant bickering; when we were younger I would always win but not now, not since she’d started to go to that martial arts gym.

I couldn’t remember the name of what she did there … it was something ending with ‘sudo’ – crapsudo I think because she was always spouting some crap about who she’d beaten.

We still wrestled now, against my best will, because I wasn’t going to let her have the last word. Words were something I COULD fight with, which made her even madder. If I was totally honest though, especially just recently, we didn’t wrestle often enough. I’d begun to actually enjoy it and even though I hadn’t a snowball in hell’s chance of winning I’d often get a boner.

“What’s up, sis? Boyfriend not like you pinning him down on the bed?”

“It’s none of your fuckin’ business. Get your snout out. Go read your porn mags and have a good wank. Give your teeny weeny a bit of pleasure and leave me alone.”

As if to add more insult she waved her little finger in front of my eyes. “Yes, mister two inch, give it some exercise.”

“Take a chill pill. Rag week coming up?”

I walked out, slamming the door behind me. She’d chill. It might take an hour, it might take all day, fuck knows – it might even take the bitch all week. It always happened that way, though this time it was serious. Boys came, boys went. Sis was an easy target and a gullible one, tits to fantasise about, slim and trim. I had to admit my sister was a real looker and easy prey to any guy who had cash to flash. Which presented a conundrum; this one had an overused charge card. He’d spent what he hadn’t got.

I knew that Rosie had stumped up the deposit on the Ibiza holiday as her ‘serious’ boyfriend had maxed out his card. Although the holiday was a bargain he didn’t have the deposit, so Rosie paid it until his monthly wage temporarily took care of his bank overdraft. But the bank had charged him dearly for overstepping his overdraft. The charges, the fines had not only left him broke but the direct debit for his charge card had been cancelled. Not only did he owe the bank but he also owed two months on his Visa card.

Rosie was already fifty quid down. Unlike boyfriend

4 (or was it

5, I’d lost count), Rosie had savings. Not much, admittedly, but enough to cover her half of the holiday and most of what she’d need in euros to enjoy her stay in Ibiza. Not only was her balance due in two weeks’ time but, as the booking was in her sole name, so was her now ex boyfriend’s.

I was right about rag week. It came and it went and Rosie excelled herself in being a cranky bitch the whole way through. She phoned the travel agents and got probably what was a well rehearsed story, possibly read back to a thousand and one people before her; in summary, tough shit. Two plane seats had been reserved, one hotel room for two people had been booked, even two seats on the shuttle bus and two lots of airport taxes.

“So is there nothing you can do?” she asked finally.

“Your only option is to find someone to take your boyfriend’s place. As you haven’t already paid the balance, we could alter the name and amend the flight details, but there would be an administration charge. If you want to cancel or amend one reservation after the final date the balance is due, you will still have to pay the full amount, plus the new booking.”

Rosie was genuinely distressed after the phone call. Her eyes were red, her make-up in multicoloured streaks, tears ran down her cheeks.

“Why don’t you ask Ben?” I heard mom ask.

“Mom! My brother? Sleeping in the same bed, in the Escort bayan same room? Going to foam parties tanked up with cheap alcohol?”

“I’m sure you can manage. The hotel could put you in a twin and you can get changed in the bathroom. And having your brother as a minder at a party surely isn’t a bad thing.”

“I don’t need a minder, I don’t want that wimp of a brother with me. I AM NOT going with my brother. End of.

It wasn’t till the following day that Rosie spoke to me. I was in my room, watching TV.

“Ben, mom suggested I ask you to take Martin’s place on the holiday.”

“Sorry, sis. I just couldn’t afford it.”

I left school at 17, managed to get work with only maths, English and my wits to get by on. Store work as a junior didn’t pay well, despite the raise after my 18th birthday.

“Come on, you tight fisted git. You must have something in the bank.” She jabbed me playfully in the ribs, then on my sides where she knew I was very ticklish.”

“No, sis. I can’t afford. And why would I want to go on holiday with my big sister?” I pushed her hands away but my sister didn’t give in that easily.

“Don’t call me sis, I have a name.” She jabbed me again where she knew I just couldn’t stand the tickle torment.

“It still doesn’t make any difference, Rosie. Anyway I’d have to get leave from work and you know it will be mid holiday season.” This time it wasn’t a jab, but a thumb and fingers deliberate tickle. Despite me fending her off, I stumbled against the bed and lay awkwardly on top of the mattress. Within seconds Rosie was on top of me, expertly pinning me down so I couldn’t move, totally at her mercy.

“So we wrestle for it brother? Eh? What do you say? Or do I pin you and tickle torture you?”

I gave in like I always gave in. Rosie was knelt in such a way that was causing me a full erection. “I can’t afford to pay for the full holiday and beer money as well,” I bleated. “And I don’t really want to spend 14 nights in the same bed as you.”

Rosie’s full weight was on my hardness and she must have been aware of the embarrassment it was causing me. “Oh you don’t? Really? I don’t snore, I don’t fart while I’m asleep and, believe me brother, you won’t touch an inch of my bare flesh. Anyway, we’ll get twin beds.”

Then suddenly Rosie had a quizzical look on her face; a half smile and a really unsure look. Maybe she needed to think it through some more. The look faded and she returned to taunting me, easily fending me off as she hit my tickle spot time and time again. Usually that would be the end of it, I’d submit, not wanting to wrestle or struggle more for she’d learned the skills to turn anything to her advantage.

Suddenly I sensed she was in thought again and I made a swift move. Soon both of us fell to the carpet but Rosie was on top again.

“You really don’t want to wrestle me, eh? Your loss, but that’s not what your body is telling me.” She was right – as always. “My ex liked to wrestle me, and so did some other boys I knew. Sometimes I,” and her voice went soft and low, “Sometimes I let them win.”

“I … don’t … know,” I started. Rosie was purposely taking me out of my comfort zone. She knew my confidence with girls had a lot lacking.

“So, my offer, I stand the loss of the deposit if you pay the balance. I’ll ask mom if she’ll help you out with some spend.”

Rosie was astraddle me, pinning me down again and positioning herself over my erection. Fuck, she was actually coming on to me. She moved ever so slightly, knowing full well her covered up pussy was moving against my covered up hardness.

“So, wrestle me Ben, while you’re thinking about it.”

Her grip on my wrists slackened and she was no longer pressing my hands fully against the carpet. For once in a very long time we wrestled like it was for fun; no bad mood, no PMS, no argument. Rosie knew too well that I had a hell of a boner, so full that it was starting to hurt. All she wanted was for me to agree to paying a month’s wage … hard earned in the warehouse of a store which insisted paying little more than the absolute minimum.

Suddenly she let go of a headlock which was starting to hurt. “Don’t move. I need something from my room. You move and I’ll pin you down so hard you’ll beg me to let you free.”

A few minutes later the jeans were gone, the sloppy sweater too. Instead Rosie wore one of her shortest skirts and one of her tightest, thinnest sports tops.

“You moved. I warned you.”

Despite trying my hardest I was losing the battle fast. Five inches taller than Rosie and many pounds heavier meant nothing. I was pinned, unable to move but far from hurting me, Rosie was again deliberately pushing herself against my hardness. Then she moved, swiftly, now pinning my arms down with her legs, expertly balancing herself on my chest – her panties close enough for me to smell her sex.

“OK, you win,” I conceded. “I need a holiday anyway. I’ll have a word with the warehouse manager Bayan escort if you’ll have a word with mom.”


Rosie knew I was awkward with girls and I’d very little confidence. At work I explained my reason for wanting a break with such little notice. The store accepted my leave request. I gave Rosie part of the money from my savings and the rest when I got paid. Mom and dad were great, chipping in the extra cost of changing the booking. I was starting to look forward to some sun after a wet and gloomy British spring. I didn’t know at first but some of Rosie’s friends and their partners had booked the same break. I knew some of the girls from Rosie’s birthday flings; they were fit but I was definitely the least experienced and probably the shyest of them all.

“Thanks Ben,” said Rosie as I gave her the last of the holiday money. Now I just needed some euros for alcohol. She continued, “I think you deserve this.” Before I’d chance to think she caught my arm, hooked her leg round the back of my legs and I was lying sprawled awkwardly on her bedroom floor.

“What the fuck?” I’d chance to mutter before she was on top of me.

“You like wrestling, don’t you? she asked, knowing full well that my enjoyment – even when she was winning – usually became very obvious as a bulge.

“But I’ve just given you the cash,” I blurted.

“Hmmm, yes, but you’ve been a bastard of a little brother at times, trying to peek down my blouse.”

“I never … ”

“You never what?” Rosie hissed. “You never peeked at my tits so you could go wank your two inches?” As if to add to the insult she waved her little finger in front of my eyes.

“What …?”

Having let go of one of my arms, she soon pinned it down again with her knee. She swiftly undid two more buttons of her blouse, in addition to the two she already had open. I guess everyone in the office where she worked had seen fully down her cleavage when she leaned forward to sign this or that form. Her pale beige, lacy bra was now fully in view.

“You like this bra, don’t you Ben? You’ve had it out of the wash basket along with my panties because you’re a fucking pervert.”

She leaned forward. Her ample breasts were now only an inch or two from my face. “No I never,” I lied.

“And my tits? You can never get enough of looking, can you. Never miss a chance if I’m wearing something a little low cut or tight? Well take a real good look.”

As swift and as nimble as before she undid the rest of the buttons and her blouse was on the carpet, followed by her bra. Her tits dangled temptingly in front of me.

A smile formed on her face. Her voice softened. She leaned forward and kissed me briefly full on my lips. “Thank you Ben. If you behave yourself between now and the holiday you might get to see them more often.”

As if she’d finally accomplished the task of totally embarrassing me, Rosie got up, grabbed her bra and blouse and got fully dressed again.

“I just hope …” Was all I managed to say before Rosie cut in.

“Ben, you have to learn some manners. Stand up when you’re talking to a lady.” I felt like I was 5 again, being bossed about by my big sister. Awkwardly I stood up, trying to hide what was now a very visible bulge in my jeans.

“I just hope,” I started, hoping Rosie wouldn’t again cut me off mid sentence, “That the holiday is worthwhile”

“Well you’ve paid for it now. It’s up to you to enjoy it.” Standing back she gazed at my bulge. “Mmmm, not quite mister two inch now.” Her tone of voice softened again as she reached forward to brush her fingers over my bulge. “Mmmm, not bad at all. I might just wrestle with you again if that’s the result I get.”

I just stood, lost for words. She was alternating between hot and cold. Finally she grabbed me to her, but instead of tripping me backwards she planted her lips on mine. I’d always been unsure about kissing girls and … well … Rosie was my sister.

“Oh for fuck’s sake Ben. Don’t you know how to kiss?”

Her lips clamped on to mine, opening her mouth and practically forcing mine to follow. I just didn’t know what to do. Finally Rosie pulled away again.

“Listen little brother,” her voice calm and soft, “I might be a bossy cow at time but I really do appreciate you paying the money I would have lost. Let me show my appreciation. Chill, let yourself go.” Her lips were so soft, her mouth became more and more exciting as she flicked her tongue and waited for me to do the same. Wow, my big sister was coming on to me?

“OK,” I said, feeling nervous but willing to give it try. This time I let my jaw go a bit more loose. I didn’t need to ask, it just felt OK. Rosie gently pulled me nearer and her bra cradled breasts pushed softly into my chest. Wow.

“If you were my boyfriend, I’d be more than happy to attend to this.” Again she traced her fingers across the bulge in my pants. “But you’re my brother, so it wouldn’t be right.”

We kissed again. This time she eased Escort me towards the wall and when her hips pushed against me I automatically pushed back.

“Fuck convention, fuck what’s right and what’s wrong,” she murmured, briefly breaking the kiss again, “You’ve given up most of a month’s wage and I think I should thank you properly.”

This time, as we kissed I felt my zipper go. “Good god, where have you been hiding this?” she exclaimed, in (I assumed) genuine appreciation of what was filling out the bulge. Squeezing all so gently she moved expert fingers up and down the hidden shaft. Pretty soon it wasn’t hidden, being prised out of hiding into Rosie’s soft fingers.

Oh shit! Less than 30 seconds later her hand became sticky wet with the contents of my cum store.

“Well, my, my! I guess that’s a first for me. Sorry Ben, I just hadn’t realised.”

Rosie seemed genuinely sorry. Her wimp of a brother had just had an attack of the prematures. “I just didn’t know you weren’t used to having this monster petted. We can’t have that happening again.”

To be honest I was happy it was all over, at least until Rosie decided to spring the next surprise on me. That was nothing much at all and I thought perhaps she’d realised that it had gone too far. There were, however, a few wrestling challenges, but none where I’d any chance of winning.


Dad had volunteered to take us to the airport, which saved us the cost. After check in and security we met up with a few of Rosie’s friends. Soon came the 2 hour 40 flight and the coach transfer, then finally we reached the hotel. It wasn’t really a bad hotel but it was a budget one. The room was OK but small, and there were twin beds as Rosie had requested. There wasn’t much room between them though and the bathroom was small. Most of our clothes stayed in the suitcases as there wasn’t much storage space.

The evening meal was good but basic, in the self-service buffet style so much in line with holiday hotels. A dozen of us met up afterwards to sample the nightlife which Ibiza is famous for. Travel tired and stressed we made the first evening short.

Rosie seemed quiet as we undressed, separately, and got into bed. I got the distinct idea she was playing it cool. Perhaps she thought the wrestle, getting her tits out and the ultra fast wank had overstepped the mark. We talked for a short while then settled down to sleep.

The following day we claimed a dozen sun-loungers in the accustomed way, leaving towels there before we went for breakfast. The buffet meal over, we settled by the pool.

I hadn’t seen Rosie in a bikini for quite a while. Sure, I’d seen other girls, but not my sister. She really filled a bikini to perfection, as did most of her friends. I must have dozed for a short while for Rosie was laid face down on her sun-lounger with her top unfastened.

Rosie soon noticed I was awake. “Ben, can you please put some lotion on me? I can’t quite reach.” She passed me the bottle of factor 30. I couldn’t see any gloss from oil she’d already applied, so I assumed she’d done her front then turned over

“Where?” I asked quite simply, remembering that Rosie had said I wouldn’t touch her bare flesh. Maybe that only applied to the bedroom.

“All over, please,” answered my big sister, turning her head and flashing me a pretty please smile. “Mmmm,” she murmured as I worked on her neck and shoulders. “Hey, don’t rush,” she murmured as I progressed down her back.

It soon became apparent that Rosie was offering me the chance to give her a massage.

As most of her butt wasn’t covered by the skimpy bikini, I guess that needed oiling too and by now my swim shorts were barely hiding a growing bulge. Why didn’t Rosie ask for a massage in our hotel room instead in view of everyone? Finally I was almost finished, working my way down her trim but muscled legs, to her petite feet. I screwed the bottle cap back on with great relief.

“Do you want to have me in agony, sunburnt and peeling?” spoke a rather snappy big sister.

“No, why?”

“My breasts, dear brother, my breasts. Do you have ANY idea how SORE my breasts would be if they get SUNBURNT?”

‘Stroppy cow,’ I thought, “And rag week has already gone.’ I knew sis was on the pill. Every month was predictable and she just wouldn’t have planned the holiday without careful calculation.

“Can’t you do that yourself?” I already knew the question was pointless.

“And get my hands all messy again with oil? No.” Her voice softened. “Haven’t you wanted to touch my tits for years?”

Was this part of the package for bailing her out? Was she offering me a bonus on top of the holiday? “OK,” I said, unscrewing the cap, “If you’re sure.”

“Do it well,” she almost whispered, and we’ll wrestle later … and I might let you win. Do it very well and … ” She just winked and smiled.

If the two star hotel wasn’t anywhere near heaven then carefully oiling my sister’s breasts was. And boy, did I make sure I did it well.

What had my sister meant? Turning all the possibilities over in my mind kept me firm or semi for the next half hour. I was laid on my stomach, sun lotion applied as best I could, before I dare take a dip in the pool.

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