Tag: slowly tracing

In Laws In Charge Ch. 04

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It had been quite the most surreal, bizarre and troubling fortnight of my life. It had all started one weekday afternoon when I came home early from work to find my wife, Denise, sexually dominating (and I mean really dominating) my big sister, Kelly. I had managed to remain undetected throughout (or so I thought) and having heard Denise demand a return date involving my mother I had made all the arrangements I felt necessary to be there again to observe the perverse happenings. And they were perverse! From my own bedroom wardrobe I watched again as my slim, beautiful, blonde wife totally controlled my sister and mother to her sick will and made them do unspeakable, taboo acts. Worse still, watching it seemed to turn me on! I watched as my mother stripped to command, wrote “CUNT” on herself and joined her own daughter in licking her daughter-in-laws boots. That was as nothing though when Denise ordered my mother to make my sister cum with the use of her oral skills before Denise’s mother had joined the fray and the two of them had double fucked my mum. Only then was I revealed by Denise (who , it seemed had known of my hiding place) and I stepped out with cock in hand and driven wild by lust.

Lust must be a powerful thing because overcome by it, I allowed my self control to go and under the watchful, mocking gaze of my wife, my mother-in-law and their video camera I proceeded to fuck my mother in the ass, be sucked off by my sister before fucking her soaking pussy senseless. And when I had finally recovered it was only to find myself tied to our bed, mother and sister gone and to have to look on as my wife introduced me to her new, young, black lover while my mother-in-law dildo fucked my sore asshole.

And right now, as I pondered those occurrences I was preparing to step right into the lions den, my in-laws family home!

Normally going there was bad enough – we had no particular love for each other, just a shared caring for Denise (which it now seemed I had made a gigantic mistake over). Her mother, Marcia, a wizened old toad of a woman, as spiteful as any person I had ever encountered, and her father James, tall and authoritive and clearly of the opinion from the first that I was not worthy of his youngest daughter. Denise’s sisters and brother were not mush better, Barbara and Lynne both older, blonder versions of Denise but with meaner attitudes I thought and Kevin, the baby of the bunch a pretty sarcastic waste of space little brother. So bad enough going there, but to be going there in these circumstances, a virtual slave to my wife and her mother with the evidence they were blackmailing me with was unthinkable.

But I was. And not only that I was going there secure in the knowledge that I was headed into a viper’s pit where all their venom and bile and history with me was going to unleashed and I would just have to go along with it, whatever it was (and I knew it would be bad from what Denise and Marcia had done to me drugged family and me).

So why didn’t I fight back? Was I so much of a wimp that I would allow these bitches and bastards to do this to me? Well I didn’t like to think so, and indeed since matters had taken such a turn for the worst and I had regained my composure I had wracked my mind for a way out, I had strangled my wife and her family a hundred times in my dreams but the truth was they had me over a barrel and would offer no option of release. I had no doubt that Marcia would happily release the tape of me fucking both Kelly and mum and of the two of them getting it on, to our friends, our family, our work colleagues and the world at large and no matter how satisfying it would have been to stand up to them the result would be disastrous to my family. For now, at least I would be the willing pawn in their kinky, perverted games. As the week had passed in build up to the Saturday night visit Denise had tormented me (when she wasn’t out with her younger lover, that is) with vague details of exactly how kinky it would be and despite myself I had grown hard at the thought. Maybe I deserved this fate after all.


I stood on our living room rug, waiting on my wife – we were already more than fashionably late but for once this didn’t bother me one little bit. What did bother me was where we were going to and who would be there but even that wasn’t my immediate concern, right now my main worry was that as per Denise’s instructions I stood in our living room awaiting her wearing nothing but my black shoes!

I had waited like that for nearly thirty minutes and it would be ten more before she deigned to descend from our bedroom to address me. I winced at her harsh stare, these days she had taken to viewing me like something nasty she had trodden in. Her white coat and dress and boots might have made her look angelic but there was nothing heavenly about her voice or the threat it constantly seemed to carry nowadays.

“Ready dear?”, her voice nothing more than a mockery of the woman I had fallen in love with and married.

I tried one Escort bayan more time (that must have been the millionth time that week) to talk sense into her.

“Denise, please there must be some other way. If you want a divorce, a separation fine but please leave my family out of this. At least let me wear something, I can’t…”

I broke off as she had come towards me and wasted no time fastening her hard hands around my balls and squeezing real hard. As much as I would have wanted to curl my fist into a ball and take my own action I knew it was hopeless and trailed my voice out as she stared me down. Right now she was the boss, no mistaking.

“Shut it motherfucker!”

She broke off to smirk at her ironic joke and at least relaxed her death grip on my nuts.

“You’ll get something to wear dear, here put this on to start with.”

She handed me a dog collar, thin and strappy and it barely looked like it would fit. I made to object again but just the movement of her hand back towards my crotch saw me nod my agreement and quickly pull it around my neck and somehow fasten it on. If she wanted me to feel owned it was working. From the hall she produced my long, grey trench coat and told me to wear that and with no more discussion as soon as the coat was on we headed out into the night.

The walk looked like being pretty uneventful, even in my state of undress. Normally we would have driven the five minutes to Denise’s folks but of course tonight she insisted we walk. About half way Denise told me to undo all the buttons on my jacket and walk the rest of the way with the flaps of the jacket unfettered. I think she was hoping I’d end up flashing an old lady or some teenage girls but if so she was out of luck and we made it to the viper’s nest with no problem but that just seemed to annoy her so maybe I wasn’t so lucky tonight.

She rang the bell but didn’t wait to enter and within seconds we stood on the threshold of her parents living room and until the day I die I will never forget the scene that greeted us as we entered.

Lying on the sturdy, dark, wooden coffee table was my big sister , Kelly. She was stark naked and lying face down on the surface, her massive, fleshy breasts squashed below her and slipping out the side of her frame. He arms reached straight behind her and held resolutely onto her the long heels of the shoes she wore, which in turn lifted her face up towards the door we had entered. But Kelly wasn’t looking at us, rather she was busy having her face fucked by Denise’s nasty young brother Kevin (and I couldn’t help seeing he was massively endowed). Beyond them sat Denise’s parents sitting, in their comfy armchairs, for all the world, like proud parents on Christmas day watching the perverse spectacle before them, their eyes lifting to nod greeting to Denise, barely registering my appearance. Next to them stood my own mother dressed in a sexy, kinky French Maid’s outfit, her breasts deliberately pulled out over the top of the lacy front. And the frilly skirt barley covering anything at all. She held a drinks tray and seemed to be waiting hand and foot on my hated parents-in-law.

Completing this bizarre charade were my wife’s two older sisters, sitting away to the far right of the living room, seemingly engrossed in the events on the large screen TV that lay before them. I quickly saw that they were watching a high definition recording of the fateful afternoon so very short days ago where myself, my sister and mother were induced to fuck and suck each other to unbelievable lengths. As I finally realised what those unmarried harpies of sister-in-laws were watching I felt Denise tug the raincoat from me, push me to my knees and clip a leash to the collar I so humiliatingly wore.

I had braced myself to be trusted into the perverted action but to my complete surprise I could not have been more wrong. As I knelt there waiting for the hammer to, figuratively at least, fall my father-in-law rose from his armchair to stand and then pace over towards us. But just as he paused before me it was not me that was pushed into action, no, Denise, his own youngest daughter dropped to her knees beside me and looked adoringly up at his face. She bit her lower lip and reached out to tug at his zipper, lowly moaning as she did so.

“Mmmmm, Daddy, how long has it been? I should have known no man could measure up to you.”

This was madness! Utterly surreal, like a dark Alice In Wonderland where everyone has sex of some kind. Kevin continued to roughly face fuck Kelly as Denise hauled out her fathers thick cock and shuffled forward on her knees to accommodate it in her eager mouth. Her mother just sat there smiling as this took place. This was no rough blow job like my sister was currently taking (her arms no doubt commanded there, in that uncomfortable position, by my father-in-laws drugs), no this was an almost loving piece of oral sex. Denise was soft and gentle in her oral ministrations to her dad’s penis, her tongue coating it’s Bayan escort length and breadth in her saliva before taking it fully into her mouth, her red lips easily rolling the wet foreskin back. Her dad just held the sides of her head, keeping her there easily and allowing her own bobbing motion do most of the work.

It happened so easily, none of the manic screaming like when I had made love to Denise just a series of soft grunts and I could see my wife’s mouth fill up with a healthy load of her own fathers semen. Before I could fully take that in Kevin started grunting too and father soon found his voice and cautioned him.

“No son, don’t cum in that cunt’s mouth, she’s not worthy of your cum. Here get over here and let your sister take it from you.”

Neither sibling raised any objection and I watched bemused as Kevin got to his feet, nursing a throbbing, almost purple coloured cock and stood over Denise and pumped a fair load of sticky white cum in after his fathers.

“I hope you haven’t swallowed any cupcake” called Marcia from the comfort of her armchair, ” You do know what to do with it, don’t you?”

Denise bobbed her head at her mothers query and shifted round to face me, a trail of cum slightly spilling from the right corner of her mouth. She moved toward me and I suddenly knew what she was going to do. I made to protest but just as suddenly found her cold, hard fingers once again tightly cupped around my scrotum, squeezing until I had to open my mouth and she latched her lips onto mine like a limpet and spat the full contents of her mouth into my mouth and down my throat. She twisted her grip as she withdrew her lips and commanded me to swallow until I obeyed, allowing the dull, slightly sour taste to slide down my gullet. The taste was bad but the knowledge that I had just swallowed a mixture of my father-in-law and brother-in-laws cum was the worst.

I dropped my head in disgust at myself and contemplated what was being done to my family. James stalked off from the room, slipping his freshly sucked by his daughter, cock back in his trousers, he obviously was headed to the toilet. His bitch of a wife called out after him.

“Honey, why don’t you take the maid with you, you know save on the toilet paper!”

They all found that a real laugh and I knelt there and watched as my mother, replete in her humiliating outfit, trotted obediently after him, ready to tend to his every need. Maybe that was the time to act and I did try to stumble up off my knees but was pulled back by Denise, her hand tight on my collar.

“Don’t go anywhere dearest, we’ve got more fun for all the family yet. Well our family anyway!”

At this the room except for my and my sister exploded with laughter and I finally found my voice and demanded to know what the hell they fucking well wanted!

“Oops, potty mouth, aren’t you? Well we’ve got some real fun lined up later but you’re going to enjoy this right now. I well remember how much you enjoyed fucking your sister before, didn’t you. Don’t lie, all we have to do is watch it back on TV don’t we. We can watch you and that fat slag doing the dirty anytime we want, and if you don’t want every single of your family, your friends and your work colleagues seeing it you’ll do it again for us, right here, tonight!

I pleaded then, knowing that it was hopeless and knowing that the entire lot of them were getting off on my begging. I felt terrible because before when I did it I was overcome by lust, overtaken by desire and had been too weak to control my inner emotions. In the cold light of day I knew how wrong and sick it was for me to make love with my big sister and I was determined not to feel like that again, but as she continued Denise’s fingers began to caress and fondle my cock and balls and I could do nothing to prevent myself becoming aroused.

“Mmmmm, I think you’ll do just as you’re told. I know you, I know how weak willed you really are. It doesn’t matter that that slut over there is your sister, you think with your dick and as always I control it. You! Kelly, get down on your back and open those legs, this big boy wants to get re-acquainted with you.”

I watched helpless as my sister uncurled herself from the coffee table and eagerly lay on her back on the carpet and, under the full gaze of my in-laws she spread her legs as wide as possible and waited on me climbing aboard. Denise’s fingers tightened around my rigid dick and squeezed and rolled my foreskin back to reveal an engorged helmet, pointing right at my sisters wet slit (boy my Father-in-laws drugs sure took her mind over). Suddenly, I was defeated and I sank to my knees between her legs and wasted no time in easing my cock inside her once again. For that moment I was oblivious to my watching in-laws and wife, I only wanted to screw Kelly, to fuck her and lose this inescapable itch that I had in my loins.

I reached for her big tits and played with them as I pumped my cock inside her and she wrapped her legs around me, drawing Escort me in deeper. Somewhere in my mind I tried to square this away to myself: I didn’t have a choice, I had to do it to satisfy my bitch of a wife, I was as much a victim as Kelly. But really I was doing it because I plain wanted to fuck my big sister and maybe I always had wanted to – subconsciously, at least.

I didn’t take long to cum, firing my cum deep inside her and lying there for a moment until the huge wave of guilt hit me and washed over. Kevin had hovered around us the whole time and only now did I register the video camera in his hand. Shit! Now the bastards had even more on us. But if I thought that bad then what my wife told me next made things ten times worse.

“Another great fuck, eh? You two really are made for each other, and guess what? I’ve been in constant touch with your slag of a sister lately and today just happens to be the perfect time of the month for her to conceive! Now wouldn’t that be something asshole, if you had just mad your sister pregnant!”

I would have lunged at her but I was spent and instead put my forehead to the carpet in defeat as my in-laws ushered my wife and sister into another room to get dressed. Denise’s voice still dripped with malicious intent.

“Don’t worry honey, Dad and Kevin will take those two sluts home, we’ve got so much more for you to do. And if you even think about not doing what we say then one small call on the mobile will see them dropping them off in the red light district! I’ve always said the pair of them were nothing short of two bit whores!”

As my family were led out Denise high fived her mother and sisters and turned to me again.

“Ready for a real ‘girls’ night ladies?”


The men folk took Kelly and Mum away as I knelt on the floor and stared at the four women making evil eyes at me. Denise, her mum and two sisters looked so alike now, their faces twisted with disdain and disgust at me and delight at what they were about to do. As it turned out it was her two sisters, Barbara and Lynne who would take over from here and they were only too delighted to further dominate me. Like I said earlier I had never had much time for either, Barbara was a hairdresser and Lynne a beauty therapist but if I hadn’t married their little sister neither would have paid me any notice. They hated that I earned much more than them and on the whole I had stayed out of their way and they out of mine, but we both knew that we didn’t like each other. And now I was at their mercy.

As they crowded round me Denise dumped a bag full of women’s clothing next to me. I looked at it and began to get an inkling of their plans, my heart sunk.

“We always said Denise wore the pants in your relationship and that you were nothing more than a prissy, whining bitch.”

Stated Barbara baldly.

“Tonight we get to make you just that, our little, feminized, bitch!”

All four cackled at that and again I made to get up but Marcia held her phone out at me and reminded me that one call to her husband and Kevin would lead to bad things for my sis and mum. And in fact the next hour or so held more humiliation for me than I had endured up to that point in my life. The four of them, my wife, her mother and two sisters took great delight in using shavers to shave every bit of bodily hair from my body. First my head was shaved totally bald, then under my arms pits, then my chest was done and my legs and finally every inch of my pubic hair was removed. It made me feel like a small child again, helpless in their clutches my body humiliatingly shorn of all it’s adult hair.

I raised my complaints but by now they knew I was beaten and merely laughed them off and continued., worse they even discussed what their intentions were, what make -up they would put on me, what wig they would chose, what clothes they would have me wear. All the time I felt less and less like a man and to watch my wife, who I had loved so much just recently participate so eagerly was heart breaking.

My mother-in-law held up a pair of tiny, frilly pink panties, pushed them at my face as she spoke.

“What about these, girls, think he’d suit them?”

Lynne answered, sneering at me.

“Oh definitely mum, but save them for later, he’s not going to need panties for a while!”

Oh they were loving it, they were drinking wine as they made up my face in as feminine a colour as they could use, applied lipstick, made me wear a padded bra top and a short, pink skirt and matching pink suspenders before gluing a long, blonde wig to my scalp. Taking pleasure in showing me a mirror so I could view my transformation. I stared into the mirror and almost cried, a fact that did not go unnoticed or uncommented upon, especially as Denise was busy filming the whole thing, no doubt to further their stranglehold on me. They left me for a moment, seeming satisfied with the results of their handiwork and I couldn’t help but stare at what they had done to me in the mirror.

Just as I was doing so a hard object prodded at my left cheek and I saw a thick, black cock loom into view in the mirror image. I whirled around to face it and looked up to see Barbara sporting a huge strap on dildo around her crotch.

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