Tag: short short story

The Natural Scent of Pussy Ch. 01

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Adam and Eve Ramsey were on their way home after enjoying a celebratory meal at the local pub. They were both off from work for the next two weeks for their summer holiday and decided to splash out on a steak dinner.

Driving along the narrow country lane was a journey they were very used too and usually found the road deserted, especially late evening as it was tonight. It was only about five miles to their cottage from the local pub but they lived in the back and beyond, their nearest neighbour being half a mile away so the road was little used.

Adam and Eve had been married for twelve years now and were very happy together. They had been childhood sweethearts and were very well suited. They kept very much to themselves and were content with each others company which is why they had chosen to live away from the maddening crowd.

It was to their great surprise when they saw someone in the road up ahead. The light was fading fast so it was just as well Adam was a diligent driver and saw the figure in time to avoid what could have been a nasty accident.

“Who the hell is that walking this time of night!” Adam said with surprise.

“Looks like a young girl, pull up and see if she’s alright,” Eve said.

Pulling up beside the girl, Eve lowered her window, “Are you OK love’ what are you doing out here miles from anywhere?” she asked.

“Erm, well, I don’t really know,” the girl seemed confused.

Although it was the middle of July and it had been a warm day it was turning a little chilly. The girl was only wearing a tee shirt and short black skirt and seemed a little worse for wear.

“Can we give you a lift somewhere? It’s too dangerous to be walking along here at this time of night. Where are you headed?” Adam asked, lowering his head and leaning towards the open window.

“I, Err, I’m not really sure,” the girl said, swaying slightly as she spoke.

“We can’t leave her out here, what can we do,” Adam said, sitting back in his seat and looking towards his wife.

“Lets get her in the car, we’ll have to take her home if she can’t tell us where she’s going,” Eve said.

“Hasn’t she got a phone with her?” Asked Adam.

“Haven’t you got a phone with you?” Eve asked the girl.

“Err, no, I think I’ve lost it,” she answered.

Eve jumped out the car just in time to steady the girl as she almost fell off of her black high heeled shoes. She could see she hadn’t anything with her apart from the clothes she wore. Eve helped her in to the back of the car and fastened her in with the seat belt.

“I think she’s had a good drink, perhaps that’s why she can’t remember anything,” Eve said to Adam as she got back in the car.

As they continued their journey Adam kept glancing in the rear view mirror, “You know, if you turned the clock back fifteen years that could be you sat in the back there. Do you see the resemblance?” he said to his wife.

“I know that’s just what I was thinking. Uncanny isn’t it!” Eve replied.

Fifteen years ago Eve would have been twenty years old, this girl did look as though she couldn’t be much older than that herself, in fact she may be younger. Both Adam and Eve had just turned thirty five, in fact they shared the same birthday, June the fifth. A blessing for Adam, at least he could never forget his wife’s birthday.

Eve turned to speak to their passenger, “So what’s your name honey?” she asked.

“Honey,” the girl said.

Thinking the poor girl was confused, Eve asked again, “Can you tell us your name?”

“Honey, my names Honey Reed,” the girl replied, barely able to stay awake.

Both Adam and Eve chuckled.

“I guess we’d best take her home and let her sleep it off. Don’t think we’re going to get much out of her tonight,” Adam said.

“Yeah we can’t really do much else. Hope it’s not going to stop us enjoying the rest of our evening, I had plans!” Eve said.

“Oh yes. Did these plans involve me in any way?” Adam asked knowing full well what his wife was referring to.

Another reason why Adam and Eve were so happy together was that they both had the same appetite for sex. Both having a high sex drive meant they didn’t often go a day without making love. At least once a day was normal for them, sometimes more than once.

“Might urfa escort do!” Eve replied, teasing.

They soon pulled up outside their cottage and got their unexpected guest inside.

“Sit down here Honey,” Eve said, steering the young girl towards the sofa.

Once Honey was safely sat down Eve knelt down in front of her.

“Know lets get these shoes off shall we,” Eve said.

Adam watched on as his wife removed the girls shoes and lifted her legs up to lay on the sofa. Again he marvelled at how similar she was to his wife. They both stood almost the same height, Eve perhaps an inch taller which would make Honey five feet two or there abouts.

Both had short blond hair although of course Adam knew his wife wasn’t a natural blond, he couldn’t vouch for the girl but he suspected hers wasn’t natural either. Their figures were very similar, both having a small bust and sharing the same, what some would say as child bearing hips.

The likeness of their facial features was quite remarkable, they could easily be mistaken for sisters. Even their eyes were a similar shade of blue. Adam found himself wondering if the more private parts would be as similar.

The sofa was a long three seater which would quite comfortably seat four average sized adults, so with Honey laid out Eve sat herself the other end. Adam sat down on the one armchair that completed their two piece suite.

“Looks like she’s out for the count but we’d better make sure before I get you upstairs and implement my plan,” said Eve, a twinkle in her eye.

“I guess you’re right, lets give it twenty minutes,” Adam said turning the TV on with the remote.

Honey suddenly let out a sigh and shifted position slightly. Both Adam and Eve looked towards her as she moved her left leg, bending it at the knee, her foot flat on the sofa. The movement caused her short black skirt to ride up slightly exposing her lacy black panties underneath.

“I hope you’re not looking?” Eve said knowing her husband was but unable to avert her own eyes from the girl.

“Oh so I’m not aloud to look but you are!” Adam said watching his wife staring between Honeys thighs.

“Look at her sweet little feet Ad, her silky tanned legs and her perfect shapely thighs,” Eve said.

“So you want me to look now then!” Adam said intrigued by his wife’s interest.

He’d never known Eve to be interested in another woman so was surprised in her behaviour now.

“I’m sure I can see the outline of her lips through those knickers. I wonder…no that wouldn’t be right,” Eve said never taking her eyes off of the girl.

Adam knew his wife inside out. They shared the same obsession and so he knew just what his wife was thinking.

“Wouldn’t you like to though? I mean I know we can’t but you’d like to wouldn’t you?” Eve said.

Adam knew exactly what she meant. Their sex life was dominated by their shared fetish. The natural scent of Eve’s pussy always did the job for both of them. In fact it had become the overriding essential for their sexual enjoyment. Many of their sessions didn’t even involve penetration.

Ever since Eve could remember she would masturbate while sniffing her own aroma from her own panties. When she and Adam got together they soon found they both got turned on by the same thing which is probably one of the main reasons they were so well suited.

The surprise for Adam now was Eve wanted to sample another woman’s scent. As neither of them had any experience of anyone else except each other he couldn’t deny he wasn’t thinking the same thing.

“It wouldn’t be right Eve,” Adam said with no real conviction.

Eve began gently stroking Honeys silky smooth leg up to the knee, “Such lovely skin,” she mumbled.

“I suppose a quick sniff couldn’t do any harm,” Adam said, as much to himself as to Eve.

“I suppose it would be alright, after all it’s only a sniff,” Eve said.

“Do you think it would smell like yours? It might be horrible!” Adam said.

“It might be better than mine!” Eve said.

“No I don’t think that’s likely. Go on Eve, have a sniff,” Adam egged her on.

Eve was trembling with excitement as she knelt on the floor. Gently placing her hand on Honey’s thigh balıkesir escort she lowered her head towards the black panties. Her skin felt warm and inviting under her hand. The first odour was of the young girls perfume but as she edged closer she caught the first delightful whiff of Honey’s true scent.

“Oh Fuck Ad, that’s incredible,” Eve said and leaned in closer for another sniff.

“Am I being unfaithful if I have a sniff?” Adam asked quite seriously.

“Of course not you must have a smell, it’s delicious,” Eve said.

Reluctantly Eve moved aside to let her husband sample the young girls scent. Lowering his head he could see what Eve had noticed earlier, the faint outline of Honey’s pussy lips through her panties.

The subtle aroma of perfume was soon replaced by the real scent of the girl as Adam’s nose almost touched Honey’s panties.

“Oh Wow that’s fucking hot,” Adam said and quickly returned for another sniff.

“Prefer it to mine?” Eve asked.

“Well I think I need to compare it. Get those jeans off!” Adam said.

Eve was ahead of him. She was already pushing her jeans down her legs.

“Give me a hand,” Eve said, sitting back down.

Adam didn’t need asking twice and had soon pulled Eve’s jeans all the way off.

“Oh God look! My panties are wet already,” Eve said looking down between her legs.

“Mmm well, best get them off as well,” said Adam.

Eve slid forward and lifted her bum to let her husband pull her panties from under her. Adam peered between his wife’s legs and enjoyed a sight he’d seen a hundred times before or probably a thousand times before and pressed her wet panties to his face.

“Just as good as ever,” he said and passed them to his wife.

Eve snatched them from his hand and was soon sniffing at her own sexy scent while Adam kissed his way up her inner thighs. Inching closer to the neat patch of dark hair the strength of odour from his wife’s pussy intensified.

By the time his nose touched the wet protruding lips Adam was once again in heaven. The musty natural odour never failed to get him aroused and his erection was soon straining against his own jeans.

“Do you think we dare get her knickers off? I really need to have another sniff,” Eve said hoping Adam would agree.

“Have to do it carefully. Don’t want her waking up. Just imagine if she woke up and caught us pulling her panties off!” Adam said.

“Come on lets try. I don’t think she’s gonna wake up any time soon, but we’ll take it slowly,” Eve said excitedly.

With great care they both slowly pulled the black panties down and both gasped with delight as gradually they uncovered the girls sweet little shaved pussy.

“Oh God that looks so inviting,” Eve said.

Adam was again surprised to find his wife getting excited about another woman but also found it was quite a turn on. Leaving Eve to navigate Honey’s black panties down her legs Adam stripped off his own clothes and released his rock hard erection from it’s confines.

A sudden movement from Honey made them both freeze. Straightening her bent leg and laying it flat on the sofa her other leg bent slightly and then dropped down. Adam and Eve didn’t move and barely breathed until they were satisfied she wasn’t going to wake up.

Hanging on to the panties the girls movements had freed them and Eve now held them in her hands. Honey had also exposed herself even more giving easier access to her most intimate parts.

“Look Eve even her pussy looks like yours, albeit with no hair but look at her lips, almost identical,” Adam said.

“Wow you’re right. I wonder what it would be like to lick them! I know you know what it’s like to lick a pussy but I never have,” Eve said.

“Well now is your chance,” Adam said excited by the prospect of watching his wife licking another woman.

Eve didn’t need any more encouragement and within a moment was kneeling down again on the floor. She started by running her hand up Honey’s soft fleshy thigh and then kissing her inner thighs just like Adam would do to her. Once again she could smell the girls aroma but this time as her nose almost touched the bare lips the scent was so much stronger.

Meanwhile Adam had knelt trabzon escort behind his wife and while gently wanking his shaft with one hand placed the other between her legs.

“God Eve, I don’t ever remember you being so wet,” Adam said.

Eve didn’t reply. She was enjoying her first taste of pussy, or rather, her first taste of another woman’s pussy. She very gently licked at the soft folds nervous of waking the girl but when there was no movement from her, explored a little further.

Probing between Honey’s curled up pussy lips with the tip of her tongue Eve heard a low murmur escape the girls lips and after she heard another, realised that she was responding to her touch.

When Eve delved deeper with her tongue she was rewarded with a taste of Honey’s honey you might say. The stimulation was making the girls juices flow, much to Eve’s delight.

“So what do you think? Your first taste of another girls pussy!” Adam asked.

“Mmm so nice. I can see why you enjoy it so much now, especially when it gets juicy,” Eve replied licking her lips.

Eve was used to tasting her own juices which always made her horny, but to taste this young girl was driving her wild.

“I really want to see her tits. You know she’s not wearing a bra!” Eve said looking up to Honey’s chest.

“Isn’t she! I hadn’t noticed!” Adam said.

“Yeah sure, of course you haven’t. It was obvious as soon as we stopped to speak to her,” Eve said knowing full well her husband had noticed.

“Shall we take a look then?” said Adam in encouragement.

Although Eve was reluctant to move away from the delicious aroma of Honey’s wet pussy she was intrigued to see what was hiding under the girls shirt. Pulling herself away Eve shuffled along on her knees and carefully lifted the girls tee shirt.

“Oh Wow look at those nipples, And the size of the areolae! They look so big on her little tits,” Eve said.

“Go on, You know you want to. Have a suck,” Adam said.

Sticking her tongue out Eve flicked each stiff nipple in turn. Honey groaned softly but remained asleep. It was another new experience for Eve. It wasn’t something she could do to herself, her tits just weren’t big enough to reach with her tongue.

All of a sudden Eve sprang to her feet, “I’ve got an idea,” she said and reached for her mobile phone that sat on the arm of the sofa.

“Rub your knob on her nipple, I want to get a picture,” Eve said with great excitement.

“Well, OK if I must,” Adam said jokingly.

“Good God Ad, look how hard you are!” Eve said with surprise.

“It’s from watching you, so bloody horny,” Adam said.

Crouching Adam lowered himself and rubbed his swollen knob over Honey’s nipple, groaning with delight as the stiff little bud poked into the eye of his glans.

“Hold it there!” Eve ordered and took a picture with her phone.

“Oh Fuck that looks so horny,” she said as she reviewed the snapshot.

“Lets take some more,” Eve said considering the next shot.

“I know, put your knob on her lips,” Eve said.

“Oh fuck Eve, do you realise how close I am to coming!” Adam said.

“Go on, just do it,” Eve said.

Adam had to calm himself before following his wife’s demands. As much as he’d love to shoot his load over Honey’s sweet face he must control himself. Lowering his cock to the girls lips a string of pre cum dribbled down and landed right on her closed mouth.

“Oh Fucking Hell, hold it there, don’t move,” ordered Eve as she framed another shot and clicked.

“Now rub it on her lips,” was Eve’s next direction.

Again they both froze when they heard Honey sigh. Her lips parted letting her tongue poke out and lick her lips clean of Adam’s pre cum. Waiting until all was still again Adam stepped away.

“It’s no good Eve I’m so close I really need to cum,” he said, not able to control himself any longer.

“It won’t take me long that’s for sure. How about you fuck me while I have another taste of this gorgeous pussy!” Eve said.

Within seconds Eve was back licking Honey’s wet pussy, sniffing in her sexy aroma while her husband slipped his throbbing shaft in to her dripping wet cunt. They were soon both on the verge.

Adam sniffed on the girls panties while Eve was sniffing the same scent from between Honey’s thighs. Feeling Adam’s spunk shooting deep inside her Eve’s body stiffened and shuddered as she came to. Both had to stifle their cries of pleasure, worried about waking the sleeping beauty…

Now Adam and Eve had both tasted, and smelt the forbidden fruit, there was no turning back…

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