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Relocation Ch. 01

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Big Tits

Brooke finished unpacking the last suitcase in the extremely large walk-in closet which had been provided for her by her new employer. Brooke had a completely new wardrobe due to the fact that she and her husband Kevin lost everything in Mississippi during the hurricane and flood

Brooke had been working as a waitress for one of the floating casino’s and lost her job to the total devastation along with her husband Kevin who had worked for the same casino. That’s how they met and got married exactly a year before the big hurricane came through and destroyed their rented home and ruined their jobs.

Kevin fell in love with Brooke the moment he set his eyes on her when he first saw her serving drinks in the short cocktail dress the waitresses wore at the casino. Kevin remembered how gorgeous she was standing only a few feet from him with her long blonde hair with most of her long tapering legs exposed in the short uniform she was wearing that night.

Brooke had smiled and flirted with him that first night but it took a whole month before she accepted their first date together. It wasn’t until the third date that Kevin was able to get her in bed. Kevin could still see Brooke as she sat on top of his legs on the bed and reached around to unsnap her bra letting her large full tits fall free in front of his face.

At twenty-five she was an absolute gorgeous creature and knew how to play the game to get the things she wanted in life.

Although she had dropped out of high school when she was sixteen, she was a smart girl and had the potential to do most anything she had the desire to do.

While working at the casino, she had met lots of guys who tipped her well and even bought her gifts. Kevin didn’t seem to mind because it benefited both of them when she brought home large sums of money every night.

Kevin didn’t have any complaints because he knew Brooke flaunted her body in order to get large tips from the men. Besides, they had a great sex life and were very happy together. Well, at least until that faithful day the hurricane changed their lives.

Brooke had saved a small chunk of cash with the money she had saved but it was just enough to let them eat and rent cheap hotel rooms.

One day they hoped on a bus to Atlantic City where Brooke hoped to get a job as a cocktail waitress and the day that they arrived she had bumped into one of her long time customers from the casino in Mississippi.

Kevin remembered getting a call from Brooke in their hotel room that she had met an old friend she knew from the casino in Mississippi that might offer her a job. The only thing Brooke said that night over the phone was that he was a rich old man that owned a music company that dealt with rap singers.

Brooke had returned to their hotel room that night excited with news that she had got a job paying one hundred thousand a year plus bonuses. Brooke was too excited to get into all the details that night as they spent most of the evening having sex and celebrating her new job.

Brooke showed Kevin ten thousand dollars in cash she got in advance so she could go out and buy a new wardrobe and luggage. It wasn’t until the next morning that she told Kevin that they were going to Miami where she would be working.

That same morning she also told Kevin that they had plane tickets waiting for them at the airport and they would be flying out that night. Everything seemed to be taking place so fast for Kevin but their lives were abruptly interrupted when the hurricane had stuck and he couldn’t wait to get some sort of normalcy back in their lives.

Once they arrived in Miami, they were picked up in a big white limo and taken to the South Beach area. It was a gated community and the huge house had big gates that opened up as the limo drove into the property.

There were people there to open the doors for them when they arrived as well as to carry their luggage up the large stairway to their room.

Kevin figured the place must have had forty rooms or more with a lavish pool that could be seen from the stairway which looked down across a large massive room. Kevin could even see men cleaning around the pool as they walked up the stairs and were escorted to their room.

The same man who had driven the limo had walked them up to their room carrying Brooke’s suit cases for her and gave Kevin several weird looks. When they reached their room, the man sat the suit cases down on the floor and looked over at Brooke and said. “Is he going to be staying here with you for now?”

Brooke quickly nodded her head and replied. “Yeah. He’s staying here with me.”

Kevin starred at the man as he closed the door behind himself as he left the room and looked over at his wife and said. “What the hell is that all about?”

Brooke quickly shrugged off the remark the man said to her and walked over to her husband and said. “Isn’t this a wonderful place?”

Kevin started to look around the room which resembled a studio apartment and as he walked through kilis escort a doorway he thought was a bedroom, he found himself in a short hallway and saw a bedroom at both ends of the hall and a large bath in the center.

Kevin walked around and saw that both bedrooms had private doors leading into the large bath with a heart-shaped whirlpool tub.

Kevin walked back into the main room and said. “What’s the deal with the two bedrooms? Why do we need two bedrooms when it’s only you and I?”

Brooke ignored her husband’s question and picked up her luggage and walked into the bedroom to begin unpacking. Brooke stopped at the bedroom doorway and turned toward her husband and said. “Honey. Why don’t you put your things in the other bedroom so we can have more room?”

Kevin didn’t argue with Brooke as he picked up his suit case and slammed the door to the bedroom and tossed the bag onto the bed. He laid down next to the case with his hands tucked under his head as Brooke entered the room.

Brooke walked over to the edge of the bed and climbed up and sat on her husband’s legs and bent down and kissed him on the lips and said. “Please don’t act this way. I feel very lucky to be able to get this job.”

She was rubbing her ass along Kevin’s legs as she bent down and gave him a long passionate kiss this time and rubbed her large tits against her husband’s chest while running her hands through his blonde hair.

Kevin placed his hands on his wife’s hips and gave them a squeeze as she wiggled her bottom as they continued to kiss. She starred into his eyes and said. “I love you.”

Kevin knew he was very lucky to be married to such a beautiful woman. He felt twice as lucky at that moment knowing full well that she was going to be the bread winner for the present time. They needed the money very badly to get back on their feet and hopefully move back to Mississippi once the casino’s were rebuilt.

Brooke slid down beside her husband on the bed as they lay their cuddling Kevin’s arm was under his wife’s head as he leaned over to face her and said. “You never told me what you would be doing once we got here.”

Brooke starred back at her husband and said. “Honey. Kyle is an old man with a lot of money and he used to tip me for just hanging close to him in the casino. He said I brought him good luck so when he saw me in Atlantic City and found out I had lost my job, he offered to bring me here and he said he would find something for me to do.”

Kevin started to kiss his wife again until the phone next to the bed rang. Brooke picked up the phone and replied. “Hi Kyle . . . Yes . . . It’s very nice . . . Yeah . . . OK . . . Around seven . . . I’ll see you than.”

Brooke hung up the phone and stood up and said. “I have to take a shower and get ready for dinner. Kyle wants to take me out to dinner tonight.”

Kevin got up out of the bed and held his wife’s shoulders and said. “When do I get to meet this guy that hired you to do, I don’t know what?”

Brooke replied. “Honey. As soon as we get settled and I find out more about my job. Let me go and get ready.”

An hour later, Brooke was dressed and ready to leave on her dinner date with Kyle. Kevin hugged his wife as she held his hands in hers and said. “Don’t worry. I won’t be too late.”

Kevin glanced down at her left hand and noticed Brooke wasn’t wearing her wedding band or engagement ring and asked. “Why aren’t you wearing your rings tonight? Does Kyle know you’re a married woman?”

Brooke looked nervous as she tried to find the right words to say to her husband and finally replied. “Honey. Look. Kyle knew me when I was still single and I never got a chance to tell him I got married. When he offered such a large chunk of money as a bonus, I didn’t want to ruin any chance of losing it.”

Kevin looked pissed off at this point and backed away from Brooke as she tried to speak to him and said. “Honey. Listen to me. We needed the money really badly and I figured that I would tell Kyle the truth once I got in good and secured the job.”

Kevin kicked the chair next to him and replied. “What the hell did you tell him about me anyway? Or did you even mention bringing me here with you?”

Brooke followed Kevin across the room and grabbed his arm and pulled him around to face her and said. “Honey. We need the money and I told him you were my brother and we had been living in the same house together when the storm came so he said it was OK for you to stay here with me.”

Kevin angrily replied. “So. You’re telling me. This man thinks your single and available? That’s fine and dandy to me, just really dandy . . . Go on . . . Go on your date . . . Screw him for all I care . . . “

Brooke was getting angry listening to Kevin’s voice and walked over and picked up her purse and walked out of the room slamming the door as she left.

Kyle had just returned from a quick trip to Los Angeles on business and was on the other side of the estate at kırıkkale escort that very moment adjusting the collar on his suite jacket.

Kyle owned a large recording company and most of his clients were rap singers and new talent but he also had a dark side that not many people knew about.

He owned a very large company that produced adult entertainment including Films, and adult entertainment centers around the country and many other aspects including prostitution. Kyle was a tall man and once had a chance to play professional basketball until his leg injury stopped him from following his dream.

Kyle was six-seven with broad shoulders, in his mid fifties now with greying hair but still kept himself in shape working out in his gym. with his private instructor. His passion of seeking out new talent for his music company and supplying his agents with fresh meat sort of speaking, kept his day as interesting and exciting as any man could dream.

This new woman he had brought in today was going to make a fine specimen for his tight net stable. Brooke was twenty-five, and a beautiful blonde with large tits and a fine round ass with long tapering legs. Kyle had done a full investigation on her the day after they met in Atlantic City and he found out she wasn’t single like she had told him.

Kyle smiled at himself in the mirror as he thought about her sweat white ass and how he couldn’t wait to get his prick buried in her tight pussy. The fact that she was married meant only one thing to Kyle and that fact was that she would be clean and free of any deceases.

If everything worked out the way he planned, she would become his personal aid and assistant. As Kyle was thinking, she would be around to look pretty and supply him with white pussy whenever he was in the mode.

He’d be able to use that young stud husband of Brooke’s as well but would have to keep the kid away from his wife’s pussy if he wanted to keep her as his private stock.

Once he tired of her, he would turn her out with the others keeping his clients happy or maybe get her into some films. He had to get the ball rolling tonight as he took one last look in the mirror and headed down where Brooke would be passionately waiting for him.

Kevin lay on the bed with the scent of his wife’s perfume still lingering in the room. He thought to himself, “What a crock of shit this was giving them a suite with two rooms and for Brooke to make a suggestion that he put his clothes in the opposite bedroom.”

Kevin could still see his wife dressed in the short cotton dress with bright flowers and how revealing it was down the front exposing her cleavage for this old fart to see just to position herself with her new job. Whatever that might be!

He wondered how old this man really was and how he looked and wondered if he was married or had kids of his own. Would Brooke be some sort of maid for this couple and a nanny for a bunch of rich spoiled kids? He was going to find out tonight while Brook was gone with Kyle and hoped to snoop around the estate and talk to some of the people that worked there.

Brooke was waiting for Kyle as he entered the room and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Kyle said. “You look so lovely tonight. Where is your brother?”

Brooke replied. “Oh. He’s still up in our suite. I told him I had a dinner date with you tonight and I guess he’s just going to watch the television.”

Kyle chuckled and replied. “Nonsense. I arranged for a special date for your brother tonight. What did you say his name was?”

Brooke replied. “Ah . . . His name is Kevin. But I don’t think its necessary for him to go out on a date with another woman with us.”

Kyle laughed again and said. “Oh. Darling . . . They will just be joining us for dinner and than they can leave and go where they wish and we’ll have the whole night to ourselves and we can talk about our little employment deal if that sounds all right with you.”

Brooke nervously smiled as Kyle got on his cell phone and spoke to the woman he arranged for Kevin to meet tonight. She could hear him making arraignments for the woman to meet them at the restaurant at seven.

Kyle leaned close to Brooke kissing her on the cheek again and said. “Why don’t you hurry on up to your suite and tell your husband, Oh . . . Ah . . . I mean your brother, that I would like him to join us for dinner and to change into something appropriate?”

Brooke smiled before she turned and hurried up the stairs and went to their suite where she found Kevin sitting on the sofa watching television just like she had thought he would do and said. “Hurry and change into the new suit you bought, Kyle would like to take us both out to dinner.”

Kevin was reluctant to move but Brook sat down on his lap giving him a passionate kiss and put her arms around his neck and said. “Honey. Please. Do this for us. Kyle would like to meet you and buy us dinner.”

Kevin didn’t reply but sat there with a kırklareli escort stubborn expression on his face as Brooke stood up and pulled him to his feet and helped him get dressed. She even combed his hair for him once he got the suit on and adjusted his tie for him than gave him a kiss and took his hand as they walked out the door.

Brooke stopped a few feet from the stairs and whispered to her husband. “I want you to know that Kyle has arranged for another woman to join us for dinner tonight. She is supposed to be your date and I want you to behave yourself and act like a gentleman tonight. Do you understand?”

Kevin gave her an evil look as he relied. “Gosh. Your new boss sounds great! He already has a woman for me to fuck! Just great isn’t it?”

Brooke wasn’t laughing but squeezed his hand and said. “Just listen to me and act like you’re my brother and don’t screw this up for us.”

Brooke walked down the stairs with her husband at her hand and introduced him to Kyle who shook his hand and said. “We better get going before we are late for our dinner anointment.”

Kevin was stunned to find that Kyle was a black man and not quite as old as he had expected. Kevin had pictured Kyle as a short fat bald old white guy but Kyle didn’t fit any of his imagination at all.

Kevin mostly sat in the limo listening to Kyle talk to Brooke on the way to the restaurant but Kyle did ask him a few questions and told Kevin that he would be hiring him to work on the estate as well as Brooke.

When they got to the restaurant, they were met by a tall dark haired woman whom Kyle introduced as Donna who looked more like Elvira because she was dressed in all black with long black hair and dark eyes and had an evil look in her eyes as she starred and shook Kevin’s hand.

Donna sat next to Kevin during the diner while Brooke sat across the table with Kyle. Brooke kept her eyes focused on Donna and tried to listen to the woman when she spoke in a low tone to her husband. Donna was doing exactly what she had been told by Kyle which was to bond with the young husband and begin to alienate him from his wife.

Kyle was carefully explaining his well-planed schemes to Brooke and she was falling for his idea that she would become his full time personal assistant which meant that he wanted her to travel with him and take care of all his personal needs.

Brooke’s understanding was much different from Kyle actually had in mind but Kyle knew that she would be his to do as he pleased within a short period of time. He watched Donna as she practiced her talents on the young husband.

Donna’s was laughing and joking with Kevin and Kyle could see her hand positioned in Kevin’s lap and knew that she was massaging his cock at that very moment.

Kyle made a bold move himself and placed the palm of his hand on Brooke’s thigh as he spoke to her and felt her body tighten and quiver with fear knowing that she didn’t want Kevin to see where Kyle had put his hand.

Kyle picked up his glass of wine and made a toast to Brooke saying. “Darling. Your going to be a great asset to my personal team and I think your going to enjoy working for me and earning extra bonuses and special perks.”

Brooke was very nervous as she listened to her new boss and felt his hand squeezing her upper thigh and felt the tips of his large fingers touching the mound of her pussy through the thin material of her short dress.

She didn’t want to jeopardize her job with Kyle and allowed him to keep his hand on her thigh but she was as stiff as a board with her eyes glued toward her husband who was now laughing and whispering to Donna on the other side of the table.

A few minutes later, Kyle made another bold move as he hiked up Brooke’s skirt a couple inches more massaging her upper thigh and coming very close to her crotch area which was covered with only a tiny thong.

Kyle started whimpering to Brooke saying. “It appears that your brother is getting very acquainted with Donna. Tell me. Brooke. When do you think your brother had his last good fuck?”

This stunned Brook as she gasped and moved Kyle’s hand away from her thigh but at the same time not wanting to insult Kyle and moved her hand to hold his and said. “I’m really sorry. It’s just that I wasn’t prepared for you to say that word.”

Kyle smiled as he held onto Brooke’s hand playing with her fingers and replied. “I’m so sorry to be so blunt with you but I believe in getting to the point and I think Kevin and Donna are hitting it off really well tonight. Don’t you think so yourself?”

Kyle waited for Brooke to reply as he starred into her eyes and watched as she nodded her head in agreement to his question.

Kyle moved their hands until they were resting in her lap very close to her crotch and leaned over and whispered to Brooke and said. “What do you say we give them a little encouragement and let them do their own thing while you and I go back to the mansion and talk business?”

Brooke nervously agreed again as she smiled at Kyle and listened to him speak to Donna and Kevin. “All right. Donna. I think Brooke and I are going to return the mansion and leave both of you alone with Kevin so you can get better acquainted with him. I’ll be taking the limo back so just call for a cab and put it on my tab.”

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