Tag: replied katie

CFNM with Neighbour, Aunt , More

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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


My name is Mathew but everyone just calls me Matt.

I’m 18 years old and a senior, soon to be finishing school and heading off to college. I’m not a jock by any means but I stay fit because I started running track about a year ago and I’ve started visiting the gym a bit more recently for building some muscles. To be honest though, I’m a pretty shy guy and I haven’t dated many girls so far in my life. Probably because I was a late bloomer and before I started running I was actually a bit overweight. The growth spurt and weight loss have now made me stand out at 6″ tall. Plus my sandy blonde hair and blue eyes don’t hurt either.

I made out with two girls recently – they were my first experiences with the opposite sex. But like I said, I’m still shy and I’m still a virgin.

As the school year was approaching its end, my parents decided to throw a small family get together to celebrate my graduation and the end of my high school life. Several relatives, family friends and a few of my own friends were joining – including my brunette Aunt Carol, my busty and recently divorced blonde next door neighbour Justine – although I call her Ms Jones – and lastly my best friend Samantha, also blonde actually.

Yes, my best friend is a girl. We’ve been inseparable since we were kids and I’ve always been attracted to Sam but that has always been one-way. Probably in large part to my former weight problems. Although I will admit that I think Sam might finally have noticed the differences in me recently as she convinced me to go shopping a week ago and helped me dress a bit smarter.

Back to the party though, my parents’ home is pretty awesome. We have a large two storey house, nice backyard and pool with a hot tub. There’s even an outdoor shower around the side and a sauna to boot. My parents love entertaining and tonight was no different. The barbecue was firing away, the younger folk were enjoying the pool and some of the adults were in the hot tub.

It was around 7pm, and at this point I hadn’t actually set foot in the pool yet – mostly from force of habit, I used to be so shy about how I looked that I would always avoid the pool. Instead I was chatting to my friend Kurt about a new science fiction movie we’d seen the weekend prior and enjoying a beer. Thankfully my parents are pretty relaxed about alcohol and they were happy for us teenagers to drink a little although they did keep an eye on us to be honest. I walked away from Kurt to grab another beer when my aunt Carol noticed me and pulled me aside.

“Matt! I just wanted to say congratulations again on the end of this chapter” she said sweetly as she grasped my arm and gave my bicep a little squeeze. Her hand stayed a few seconds longer than necessary and rubbed up and down my arm briefly. “It still feels like just yesterday that you were born you know. Just a little baby in my arms. Time really flies…”

I smiled back at my beautiful aunt and thanked her “Aww, thanks aunt Carol”.

Now, something to understand is that when I say “beautiful aunt” that’s a bit of an understatement. My aunt is actually gorgeous with brunette hair and dark brown eyes. At around 5’4″, a slim and well-proportioned body, she exercised regularly and it showed. She’s actually 9 years younger than my mom at 38 years of age but she honestly looks like she’s just turning 30. Maybe because she never married and has always been a bit more of a free spirit she didn’t have as much stress as my mom or other women her age. Having said that, she did have a long term partner for 5 years who she broke up with a couple of years ago.

It was only at this point in the evening that I really took a good look at what she was wearing this night. She hadn’t touched the water yet so she was wearing a white crop top with little straps over the shoulders and a long blue skirt.

“Well, it’s the truth.” she responded matter of factly. “Enjoy your youth while you can because it’s gone fast my dear boy!” she said with a bit of a mocking tone.

I laughed and added “I do Aunt Carol. But when you say that it makes it sound like you don’t count yourself as youthful anymore.”

“Well I’m not silly!” She said with a tinge of pain in her voice.

“Oh Aunt Carol, trust me you still turn the heads of all my friends and honestly you’re more attractive than the majority of the girls in my year.” I said. Maybe it was the beer but I was feeling a bit more confident in my flirtation this evening.

I think my compliment caught her off guard as her face looked a little surprised and yet also flattered as her eyes dropped slightly from my face to my chest and she stepped a bit closer while putting her arm on my chest and shifting the balance in her hips subtly. “My my Matthew… you really have grown up haven’t you? Look at you learning to talk to women and everything…” she paused and then looked up again at my eyes with a different kind of look. One that then gaziantep escort surprised me, some kind of curiosity behind her eyes.

Again there was a pause between us but it was interrupted by a younger voice arriving at the party.

“Matt!!” – my head flicked to the right, towards the backdoor of the house and my aunt turned her gaze as well. It was my best friend Samantha who just arrived.

“How are you not wet yet!?” She yelled as she marched over. My aunt looked back up at me with a slight smirk at the choice of Sam’s words. Aunt Carol took her hand off my chest and stepped back.

Sam’s question made sense once I looked at her attire. She was already dressed in a yellow bikini and ready to jump in the pool. She looked stunning. Sure, she didn’t have my aunt’s proportions but she was a 5′ petite bubbly hot teenage girl with blonde hair and blue eyes like my own. She still had a tan from the summer too.

“Go get changed for God’s sake! I can’t believe my best friend has a pool and never uses it. Life is cruel really. Hey aunt Carol.” Sam quickly added.

“Hey you” said my aunt before turning to me “the girl is right Matt! You should change and join the rest of the others. Looks like your neighbour Justine is certainly enjoying herself actually…” she added with a bemused tone.

I scanned the water for Justine and found her chatting quite close with my friend Josh in the hot tub. Possibly a bit too close from the look of it. Josh seemed a bit nervous as Justine was chatting into his ear while holding a cocktail of some kind in one hand. And her other hand was under the bubbles and somewhere below Josh’s torso from the look of it.

“Well to be honest Aunty Carol, I think you should join us too.” Sam added, seemingly unphased or oblivious to the situation unfolding between Ms Jones and Josh.

My aunt smiled and responded “Not a bad idea but maybe next time. I didn’t bring my swimsuit actually.”

“Nonsense, just borrow one from Matt’s mom!” said Sam, deftly solving the problem as usual. Aunt Carol smiled again and seemed to consider the idea. “And you mister, go change!” Sam said, directed at me.

I held up my hands to show my innocence and acceptance. “Okay, okay! I surrender!” I laughed and headed into the house to get changed.

I walked up the stairs towards my bedroom, passing the upstairs bathroom and laundry. My parents’ room was at the end of the hall. I kicked my door closed and walked up to my chest of drawers. Like I said earlier, I was shy about my body in the past and as a result I don’t have that much swimming gear. Just a pair of light blue swim shorts.

I pulled my t-shirt off over my head and unbuckled my jeans. They dropped to the floor and stepped out of them. Taking a quick glance in the mirror, I was once again reminded of how much payoff my exercise had done my body. I was looking very lean and decently muscular in my chest and even a little bit of tone in my abs as well with lots of muscle in my thighs from running. I glanced at my groin which was still covered by my white boxer briefs.

Maybe now is a good time to mention one other important fact about my body. Although I was overweight growing up, after my growth spurt I didn’t just gain a fair bit of extra height – I also gained a fair bit of length as well. I don’t know if it comes from my dad or not but either way, I am rather gifted in the manhood area.

Last time I measured, my penis is a very respectful 5″ while flaccid but it can grow to around 8 and a half inches when I’m erect. I like to measure it every few weeks as it still seems to be growing, especially since I’ve started going to the gym as well. At this particular moment, after the brief sexual tension I’d had with my aunt and then seeing Sam in her bikini, my cock was already feeling a little bit chubbier than usual and I grabbed it with my hand to give it bit of a squeeze to relieve some of the tension.

Back to the task at hand, I started to become frustrated as I struggled to locate my swimwear. I could’ve sworn they were in the same drawer as my underwear but I was having no luck.

“What the hell” I thought to myself as I kept searching for a good couple of minutes. I stood up straight, still wearing my underwear and put my hands on my hips in defiant frustration when I heard a whistling sound from the corridor making a sound of approval.

I turned to my door and it was at that moment I realised it hadn’t actually closed as much as I’d thought. There in my half open doorway stood my Aunt Carol, still dressed in her white crop top and blue dress but admiring the view of my body. With her dark brown eyes looking at me I felt some blood rush to my cock and I knew I had to be careful to keep it under control.

“Wow Matt… running has done you a lot of good huh?” She said as she pushed open my door a little bit and leaned against my door frame. “Please tell me you’re not thinking of swimming in those…” She konya escort said in a mocking tone and with a devilish grin.

I felt slightly embarrassed to be showing so much skin to my aunt. But I decided to try to keep my cool and kept one hand on my hip while relaxing my other arm as I turned to face her. “Sorry to disappoint you Aunt Carol but I’m still looking for my shorts…” I replied with a chuckle.

“I’m not disappointed, don’t worry. And I bet neither is Samantha from the look of you.” she said, still grinning.

“Oh. Sam and I are just friends Aunt Carol” I said with a tinge of regret in my voice.

She looked genuinely surprised “Oh really? Well, once you get out in the water and show everyone how much you’ve… uh… developed over the last few years I’m sure she’ll rethink that. I bet she’ll be wet all over by then.” she beamed a smile.

I could feel a bit more blood pumping towards my manhood as her words hung in the air. My dick was unfurling a bit more as I stood there and I just wished she would leave so I didn’t embarrass myself any further.

I stammered a response “I… uh… I should probably keep looking for my shorts Aunt Carol” I finally said in an attempt to break the tension.

She bit her lower lip and looked down more blatantly at my groin, watching me squirm for another good 10 seconds before relenting. “You’re right. I should go find one of your mom’s suits.” she said, and then added “See you in a bit Mathew…” as she peeled away from my door frame.

After she left I looked down at my groin and found my cock had expanded more than I’d thought, there was a very obvious and sizable bulge. I breathed out a sigh of relief, trying to calm myself down and continued to search for my shorts to no avail.

Finally I realised – the laundry. My mom had the habit of washing my clothes without asking and maybe she washed my swim shorts knowing I might need them for the party.

Without overthinking things, I took a quick glance down both ends of the corridor and zig zagged to the combined bathroom and laundry. Entering the bathroom and closing the door behind me to seek more privacy, I opened the dryer and bingo – my blue shorts were there along with some of my other clothes.

I grabbed my shorts and put them on the bench by the sink.

“Okay, show time” I thought to myself and pulled my white briefs down to my ankles, bobbing down at the same time. Stepping out of them I was about to stand back up and grab my shorts when suddenly the bathroom door burst open.

“Oh… my…” a woman’s voice spoke to my right.

I gulped, my eyes bulged and my body froze. I slowly turned to the door and stood up to discover Ms Jones, my next door neighbour standing in the doorway holding a cocktail in one hand. She had a slightly surprised and bemused look on her face but her eyes widened significantly as my large and quickly expanding half-hard cock came into her view. Her reactions seemed slow and I realised she was probably very tipsy.

“Maybe I should’ve knocked?” She said with a slur in her voice and a bit of a giggle.

Standing up straight my knees shook a little at the situation. I thought the encounter with my aunt was embarrassing but this was a whole new level. My entire penis was on full frontal display to my busty blonde neighbour and I was paralysed – my cock twitched.

Justine was still wet from the hot tub and wearing just a skimpy red bikini. She was curvy in all the right places with large full breasts and a plump but not fat ass. She was just a bit taller than Sam at 5’2″. Yes, she was 45 years old but she was also a hot cougar.

She stepped into the bathroom, barely two feet away from me and without taking her eyes off my groin she reached back with her free hand and shut the door.

“I just… really needed to use the bathroom… I’m bursting to go you see…” she explained and then added “Looks like you could use some release too?”. Her eyes then flicked up to mine and she licked her lips. She had really puffy pink lips that were just begging to be bitten. Her mouth stayed slightly agape after her comment.

With a slightly drunken stumble she took another step forward and offered her cocktail to me “Would you, uh, mind holding this for a minute, honey?” she asked.

On autopilot I took her drink for her and stood there. She then proceeded to sit down on the toilet seat opposite me and pull down her bikini bottoms at the same time. I instinctively backed up against the sink to create room for her and I felt my ass touch the cold porcelain. I shivered involuntarily.

Justine giggled again which caused my cock to twitch more, I was now at least 7 inches hard, caught between the thrill of the situation and the inherent embarrassment. She was smiling up at me like she had discovered a wonderful prize. Finally she closed her eyes and concentrated as a gentle stream started to pour into the toilet bowl. She sighed with relief.

I kayseri escort continued to feel a bit dumbstruck in front of her, unsure of what to do. I simply waited as she finished emptying her bladder. Looking up at my face she quizzed me “So Mathew, what were you doing in here, naked as the day you were born and with the door unlocked…?”

My throat croaked out a response “I was just… changing into my… swim shorts… Ms Jones.” again I gulped.

Justine looked behind me at the sink and saw my shorts sitting on the bench in a crumpled ball. She smiled and leaned forward, stretching her arm out she grabbed them as her face came extremely close to my throbbing manhood. So close I could feel her breath against my skin and my cock leaked drops of precum. After grasping my shorts in her hand she didn’t lean back immediately, instead she closed her eyes and breathed in slowly as if she was breathing in the smell of my scent. I felt my cock expand another inch as I looked down at her. She exhaled slowly and then pulled back. I stared at her with my mouth agape.

“These?” She said innocently while looking up at me. “Something tells me they might be a little bit small for you big fella. But let’s see…”

She bent down and stretched open the waist band, holding the shorts in front of my feet for me to step into. “Come on now… I won’t bite…”

Obediently I took two steps into the shorts, my cock was now fully erect at its complete 8 and a half inches. It was throbbing and the veins were bulging out. She pulled my shorts up my legs and finally reached my hips and waist. I felt them pull up around my balls and my cock as they hugged against me and my shaft pointed upwards along the fabric. She stopped after my waistband met with my hips and the result was slightly comical as my enormous cock simply spilled out the top of my shorts on full display, several inches were completely visible.

“Tsk tsk…” She muttered as she stood up from the toilet, “Now that won’t do, will it?” She stated matter of factly before pulling the waistband of my shorts out in front of my groin with one hand and then grasping my cock with the other hand, pushing it down into my swim shorts with some roughness until my dick strained against the fabric of the shorts and snaked down my right leg.

As she pulled her hand out, she let her fingernails gently scratch against my cock and I gasped ever so slightly. She grinned mischievously and we both looked down to see that it was impossible not to notice the strain of my package against the fabric, in fact my shorts weren’t quite long enough to hide my impressive appendage either and the head of my cock peeked out.

Justine then reached and pulled up her bikini bottoms, letting the straps snap against her skin in a quick motion and took her cocktail glass back from me.

“Well Mathew I might go back and join the others. You might want to wait a few minutes and calm down before you step outside like that.” she said with a grin. She moved towards the door and opened it, my eyes dropped down to her luscious ass cheeks and noticed for the first time that her red bikini was a g-string. Justine stopped for a moment mid step with her hips tilted and turned her head back to me a bit while adding “Take your time Mathew. Take your time.” and on that note she left me with the hardest erection of my life.

I stood there in the bathroom for a good minute or two, breathing in and out slowly, trying to will my erection to go down. After putting my mind into more innocent things like sports and movies, I could feel my cock deflate. I looked down and I could see it was still very visible in my shorts but it was no longer in the obscene state it was earlier.

With another breath out I stepped into the corridor and started down the stairs to rejoin the party. My knees buckled slightly as I took the steps.

I walked out on the back patio and found the party was in full swing now. I was about to head to the pool and join my friends when my mom belted out to me, “Oh honey, you found your shorts! I forgot to tell you I washed them for you!”

She summoned me over to join her and Ms Jones who were both sitting on the outdoor lounge chairs. My mom’s eyes dropped to my groin and her eyebrows seemed to raise a fraction.

“You haven’t worn those in years right? They’re not too tight are they?” my mum added as I cringed.

Justine chimed in “They do look a bit tight to be honest” and winked at me.

“I think they’re ok. Don’t worry mom” I quickly replied. Trying not to let Justine trigger any more arousal in me.

“Ok that’s good honey.” my mom said, accepting my answer. I started to turn back to the pool so I could join my friends but my mom followed up “Oh Matt, Justine was just telling me she has a few chores she needs done at her place. Do you think you could help her out sometime?”

I gulped again, trying to think of what to say. I just obliged again and responded positively “Yes of course. Happy to help.”

I glanced over at Justine and saw her staring at me like I was a piece of meat to be devoured. I was still a virgin so I was excited but also nervous at whatever she had in mind. “Maybe we can figure out the details later? I’d like to join my friends mom” I said, once again trying to extract myself from the situation.

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