Chapter 8 is supposed to be the last in the P&C saga. But I am having a hard time saying goodbye to Matt and Cat. So I am posting in 2 parts. The final part is in editing before my final re-write and will be up shortly. Thanks for the love! Enjoy!
New Year’s Eve 2016
Catherine walked around the ballroom. The plan was to dress up, spend a fun night with friends and welcome the New Year. But sadly it devolved into her being a third wheel who felt awkward and alone. Catherine took a deep breath to steady herself and stop the flood of tears. There had been enough tears for the past 3 months. Matt. He was never far from Catherine’s mind. But 2017 was about a new beginning, and there were none for her and Matt.
Catherine looked at her watch…10:15pm. It was too early to take off her bra and climb under the covers. Initially, she was excited about the evening. It was an over the top party in a hotel in downtown Alexandria with views of the water. The all-inclusive ticket included indulgent food, host bar and access to three party rooms: the main ballroom with a band that plays everything from the 60s until today, a smaller room featuring a jazz quartet and another room with a DJ. At midnight, there was a balloon drop with a champagne toast.
Planning to stay downstairs until at least 12:01AM, Cat reviewed her options. The buffet was closed, but desserts and coffee were available until midnight. Or she could listen to the jazz quartet and enjoy a cocktail from the most generous bartenders in the jazz lounge. Catherine took a sip from her cocktail glass. How could it be empty again? She placed her empty glass on the table and headed to the smaller room.
It was Lewis who convinced Cat to ditch the X-dogs and go out with him tonight. And the idea of spending the night with him instead of Ryan Seacrest and Chinese food appealed to her. Lewis was an Education professor at the University where Cat taught Math. They’d met in the faculty parking lot one night when she tripped walking to her car. Like a knight in shining armor, he’d come to her rescue helping her pick up the scattered contents of her bag. He’d asked her out for coffee, but she politely declined and thanked him. Cat explained she was coming off a relationship and needed time.
He stated he just wanted to buy her a cup of coffee not pick out wedding China. Catherine laughed out loud and agreed to the coffee. The first meeting Lewis did most of the talking. He taught during the day at a college in Northern Virginia but decided to take on the night class when the instructor backed out. The chair of the department helped Lewis land his first job out of grad school, and Lewis felt he owed him.
Retiring from the air force after twenty years, Lewis pursued his Master’s and Doctorate in Education. The son of two teachers, Lewis felt passionate about the state of the education system. He wanted to empower teachers in a flawed system that put too much emphasis on test scores and not on student engagement. Offered a tenure-track position, he moved to Virginia.
Over the next two months, the relationship blossomed. Lewis planned day trips on the weekend shocked by how little she knew of the state she called home for the last 7 years. They visited the homes of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, drove through the mountains and attended local fairs and festivals.
Catherine found him charming, intelligent, witty and very easy on the eyes. He stood 6’4 with a toned body, gorgeous dark brown skin, and a bald head. Out of the military ten years, Lewis kept up with his daily physical training of running and weights. An impeccable dresser, he looked like he stepped out of a magazine. Cat teased him mercilessly about living up to the Air Force “pretty boy” reputation. He teased her back about being brainwashed by the Army at a young age.
“You don’t look like you are having a good time?” Catherine heard Lewis’s dulcet tones in her ear. She missed him sliding in line behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “You are not planning to head upstairs are you?”
Catherine turned around to face him. The line to the bar was moving very slowly due to the two handsome bartenders. Not only were they excellent bartenders they were also charming and devilishly handsome. Cat, however, had it on reliable authority that neither of the bartenders was interested in the bevy of women who fawned over them. “No I promised I would stay downstairs to 12:01 and I am a woman of my word.” He kissed her briefly on the cheek.
On paper, Catherine and Lewis would make an excellent couple. They were both educated, driven professionals who loved to laugh, shared similar politics and enjoyed each other. However, there was on significant problem. “Where is Brian? Last I saw you two were cuddled up in a corner. Not planning to slip away before 12:01, were you?” Lewis was gay and happily in love with his partner Brian. The cat couldn’t blame him, Brian was great.
“Brian is currently on Alexis’ duty. We found her making siirt escort out with some guy in the lobby two sheets to the wind and missing her heels. We decided it was best she head upstairs and get into bed.” He pulled Catherine into a hug. “I am sorry this is not the night we planned. You need to be looking forward to 2017 not stuck in sadness. I blame Brian. He should not insist we pregame.”
Catherine let out a light chuckle. Brian insisted they take a few shots before heading down to dinner. The stopped by a wine and cheese reception where Alexis drank 3 glasses of Rose to Cat’s one. It was only when they sat down for dinner Alexis revealed she hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Of course, she said this as she sipped her second Vodka and soda.
“Alexis is a big girl who usually holds her liquor well. I wouldn’t have invited her if I knew she was going to behave like this.” When Brian’s business trip got canceled, Lewis offered to give his ticket to Cat for her and a “friend.” She declined to insist that he and Brian use them. Brian suggested she ask Alexis and make it into a “foursome of fun.” Alexis agreed and convinced Cat to book a room at the hotel, instead of taking an Uber back to Brian and Lewis’s home. “I should go upstairs and check on her.”
“No! You will have a long ride back to Fredericksburg with her tomorrow. Tonight you and I dance. Those heels deserve a spin on the dance floor. Plus I think the band just started an Earth Wind and Fire set.” In a flourish, Lewis twirled Catherine out of his embrace. “Let’s Groove, Dr. Miller.”
Matt took a sip of his whiskey as he watched the man lead her out of the room. There was something about the way she followed him that Matt did not like. No, Matt did not like anything about the scene that unfolded before him. He watched the manner he snaked his arms around her waist, the kiss on her cheek, or the way she laughed. He heard that laughter as clearly as if she stood next to him not halfway across the room.
“Wow, Catherine!” Matt glanced next to the woman standing next to him. “If I did not remember her, I would know it from your reaction.” She read his scowl accurately. “Sorry, but I think he will take you in a fight.” She laughed before holding up her empty glass. He watched as his grey eyes twinkled back at him. “We could both use a refill. And I know the bar we need to visit.” She walked towards the door leading back to the lobby.
Matt downed the last of his drink and followed her.
Catherine smiled at the blonde woman standing next to the bar. There was something oddly familiar about her. Cat could not place her, but she felt like she knew her but could not pinpoint her. Not that she looked like someone you could easily forget. The woman was strikingly beautiful with gilded blonde hair pulled back into an elegant updo. She was wearing a sleeveless navy jumpsuit with slim legs and an all lace top. The strategically placed flowers did not conceal she was not wearing a bra. And from what Catherine could tell she did not need one. Her makeup was artfully done accentuating a full mouth and her grey eyes. It was the grey eyes that Cat couldn’t stop looking at they seemed familiar and strange at the same time.
“That’s a beautiful dress you are wearing.” Catherine broke out of her thoughts. “The color is very flattering against your skin tone.” Patricia chose the hot pink off the shoulder A-line dress for Catherine. Catherine and the salesperson agreed the dress neckline accentuated her shoulder and full cleavage but flared out over her hips and butt. The knee length dress showed off her shapely calves from hours of walking the dogs. Patricia loaned Cat her diamond tennis bracelet and necklace. Catherine finished the outfit with 4″ silver peep-toe pumps that were surprisingly comfortable.
“Thank you. You look spectacular yourself. I am jealous of anyone who can go out without a bra.” The lady laughed. Cat felt herself relax. “I should not have said that it was incredibly rude.”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I was jealous of your cleavage? V-necks are completely wasted on me. You can go braless when you’re this small.” She looked at Catherine, those eyes unsettling Catherine. “That man you are with is handsome. You two are a striking couple and looked great on the dance floor.”
Catherine smiled as she was handed her bourbon and ginger ale with 2 cherries. Oh, she was interested in Lewis and trying to see if they were a couple. “Lewis and I are just great friends. Sadly, he is not interested in this cleavage.” She pointed to where he stood with Brian. “And I am missing a penis.”
The lady nodded her head. “All the good ones are these days.” She raised her drink “Let’s make a toast to finding love and happiness in 2017. But I have a feeling that it might be closer than we think it is.” Catherine raised her glass and took a sip.
The woman winked at Cat. “Good to see you again, Cat.”
Catherine walked back over to where Brian and Lewis stood. Brian sinop escort held out a plate of macrons for her. “I snagged these from the dessert buffet. Alexis is sleeping like a baby. I can’t imagine she will not have a massive hangover tomorrow.” He looked at Cat Sympathetically. “She will be a very cranky tomorrow. Hopefully, she will fall asleep on the way home.”
“Did you see the lady I was talking to at the bar? She knew who I was, but I have no idea who she is.”
Lewis shook his head. “She was in the jazz lounge on one of the couches with a handsome guy. He was checking you out. Maybe they are hoping to rope you into a three-way later tonight. A reverse Oreo.”
Catherine rolled her eyes. “You would go straight to the gutter, Lewis. But she did ask about you, so maybe they are swingers. It’s New Year’s Eve, the night to let your freak flag fly. But I had to shatter her dreams by telling her you only have eyes for Brian.”
“So they are just friends?” Matt looked up at his sister. He snuck out the ballroom the moment he saw her strike up a conversation with Catherine. “I saw the way they danced together. Trust me no man could hold that body and not have some lascivious thoughts.”
“Did I not mention, he is gay and here with his boyfriend?” She sat down on the couch with him. “Matthew, this is fate. What are the odds that two people who don’t live in Alexandria would end up at a party in Alexandria? About the same as me winning an all-inclusive New Year’s Eve package off the radio and my date slipping in the shower and breaking his wrist. I love you brother but if you don’t go and talk to her the topic of Catherine Miller is closed between us. For the past 3 months, all I have heard about is the could of, would of and should of where Cat is concerned. And now she is here in the flesh on New Year’s Eve. “
“Matt, I know you are scared, but you have the soul of a poet. You will find the words to say to her. Besides, you are seriously harshing my New Year’s Eve buzz. I should be drinking and dancing to the DJ not consoling my heartbroken brother. And one of us should get laid tonight.”
Matt stood up. “Go dance, Sis. I will handle this. And as far as I am concerned, you will be a virgin until your wedding night. And for God sake go put on a bra or a sweater. “
He could hear her laughter as he walked away.
Catherine stood in line for another cocktail. Brian and Lewis slipped away for a “quiet moment” after spending the last half hour dancing to the band. Lewis and Brian were sensitive to her feelings, and Catherine knew they did not want to be affectionate in front of her. Even Patricia was sympathetic to her emotions. She’d spent Thanksgiving encouraging Catherine to call Matt instead of stalking his Instagram. He really should make that page private. She’d checked it earlier tonight when she was getting ready to see if he was going out. No pictures posted since before Christmas.
Catherine took a deep breath. She was not going to cry on NYE. She planned to have fun and enjoy herself and welcome in 2017. Then she was going to slip off her heels, take the elevator to her room, and collapse in the bed.
“Has anyone told you, you are the most beautiful woman in the room? If they haven’t, let me be the first to correct that.” Catherine felt a chill run down her spine. “I saw you in the jazz lounge earlier and could not let 2016 end without telling you how attractive I find you. ” She felt his breath on her neck. “I will have a whiskey neat, and the lady will have …”
“A bourbon and ginger ale, 2 cherries.” Catherine turned around. She looked into Matt’s face, his grey eyes sparkling. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or concerned.” She extended her hand out to him. “Dr. Catherine Miller.”
“Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Duke University.”
“An incredible brain in an incredible package.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. His lips lingered on her skin. “Catherine, or do you prefer Dr. Miller, I would offer to pay for your drink, but they are free. Instead, can I tempt you to share a dessert with me? But in the interest of full disclosure, I graduated from law school at UNC-Chapel Hill.”
“Not smart enough to get into Duke?” Catherine raised her eyebrow at him.
“I had enough education with a side of pretention at Wake Forest University, my undergrad. I chose to go less pretentious but no less prestigious for Law School. But I will forever credit Wake Forest University for giving me a love of chocolate.” His eyes swept over her as he held her hand still.
“In your dessert choices? Because the dessert bar did have some very tempting chocolate layer cake, Mr. Walker.” Catherine removed her hand from his grasp and walked towards the dessert serving area. She glanced over her shoulder. “Don’t forget my drink.”
A slow moan escaped Catherine as she took a bite of the chocolate cake. Matt watched as she licked frosting from her top lip. “Based on your reaction, şırnak escort this is better than the lemon chiffon.” She nodded her head yes before taking another bite. They had been sitting for the past 15 minutes sampling items off the dessert bar. She’d slipped off her heels and propped her feet on an empty chair. “Would Patricia approve of you going out bare legged for New Year’s Eve.” His hand caressed her calf.
“No, Patricia would tell me this is why they have sheer flesh tone stockings. However, she did not mention them when we went shopping. Her focus was on buying me a girdle. After all, I will be 40 in January.”
Matt pretended to look under Cat’s dress. “Did she succeed in convincing you to buy one?”
“Matt, what are you doing here?”
“Trying to see what’s under your dress.”
“No. Seriously Matthew, what are you doing here in Alexandria at this party tonight?”
“According to John Lennon, There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.” He took his hand off her leg and sat them both in front of him and stared her in the eyes. “If you are asking if I am following you, the answer is no. I am here tonight as someone’s “date.” Up until an hour ago, I had no idea you were at this party or in Alexandria. Do you believe in fate, Catherine? Destiny? That some greater power is bringing us back together.”
“I am a scientist Matthew.”
“But you are also a romantic and a Catholic.”
“How does your date feel about you talking about fate with your ex-girlfriend?”
“She encouraged it. In fact, she did a little reconnaissance for me since my first view of you was in another man’s arm.” His eyes twinkled. “I know Amy looks different with blonde hair, but you really did not recognize her?”
“Amy?” Catherine searched her memory for when she would have seen Amy. When she looked into his eye recognition dawned on her “The blonde at the bar was your sister Amy? There was something familiar about her I could not place my finger on, but no I did not recognize Amy. Except for some pictures on Instagram, I have not seen Amy in 20 years. And definitely not the tomboy I remember.”
Matt nodded. Amy was his “baby” sister and 10 years younger than him. He adored her growing up, but she was more like a niece than a sister. Since their mother’s death, he’d grown closer to her. “Yes, she accepted a position with a defense contractor and moved to Alexandria before Thanksgiving. She won an all-inclusive package to this party off the radio and when her date canceled she called me.”
“Wow, she is beautiful Matt. I remember the little tomboy who used to follow you around adoringly.” Matt’s parents frequently attended his track meets. Amy too young to stay home alone would accompany them. She adored Matt. He and the rest of team adored her calling her their “official team cheerleader.” Protective of her brother, it took Cat a moment to win her over. Eventually, she would snuggle up next to Cat during meets and at meals afterward. “I always wanted to reach out to her but didn’t want to make things more complicated.”
Matt reached out and touched Catherine’s hand. “Don’t beat yourself up. In the words of your father “We were young and dumb.”” She smiled at him. “I’ve missed you, Peach. I’ve missed us. Not that new version of us but the Classic version from the 90s. You didn’t answer my question, do you believe in fate?”
“Matt…” Catherine looked into his eyes. “Why me? What did you see in me? On paper we never made sense. You were a handsome, charismatic track star who turned heads and I was a comic book nerd who preferred equations to people. I knew people questioned why you were with me. I questioned why you were with me.” She knew her voice wavered with emotion and her eyes were tearing.
Matt stood up and walked around the side of the table. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. “Catherine, look at me.” Catherine looked at him trying hard not to cry. “Why was I with you? It is tough to find a woman who knows how to do differentials, win at Marvel trivia, has a smile that lights up a room, a loving spirit and a heart of gold. Not to mention someone who is incredibly sexy, funny and deeply passionate.” He kissed her cheek.
“I was always sure you were going to come to your senses and leave me. That day when I looked in the stands, and you were not there scared me. You had a great future ahead of you, and I had no idea what I was going to do the day after graduation. It was only a matter of time before you figured I was holding you back. Be honest with me, would you have accomplished all you have if we’d gotten married after graduation?”
Catherine looked down. Catherine was ambitious, but she knew she would have put off a doctorate for caramel complexion grey-eyed babies. “If we are honest, the answer is no.”
He kissed her cheek again. “I once read a quote that states “A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening.” Maybe it just took us a little longer to do that. But now that we know who we are, we can love each other honestly and fully. I never stopped loving you. I dated other women, I even married someone else, but they were just substitutes for you. What do you say, Catherine, let’s try again?”