Best Body
Louetta here. I want to tell the story of the Best Body contest I participated in two weeks after my high school graduation. I cheered for lacrosse and, like all cheerleaders at my school who had turned eighteen, I was eligible to participate in the contest one time, which I did in 2014. It was a requirement of the contest that everyone be over eighteen. A few teachers and former students are mentioned here as well as my older brother and all of them are over eighteen. I have chosen to tell the story partly through the texts sent out by Mr. Brown, the faculty adviser to the sports program who organized the event each year. I got the texts from my older brother, a former captain of the lacrosse team, who attended the event as did all the former captains and a few faculty members, like Mr. Brown. I am telling this story now, as a part of my series updating my life since my marriage to help introduce some of the characters who have been in my life leading up to my wedding.
Mr. Brown’s texts, which tell the story from the point of view of him and the lacrosse people are presented after the date and time they were sent. My comments are presented in brackets (Like this : [comment]).
Saturday May 31, 2014.
Greetings all. This year’s BB contest will be held in the customary place at the customary time three weeks hence on June 21. I have set up a url [url deleted by me, Louetta] to display the qualification pictures provided by the girls who wish to enter. We will limit entries to ten as usual. If there are more than ten entries we will vote, MVP style, with each of you voting for 0 to 10 entries to cut the field down to ten before hand. Some of the entry photos show tit but fear not everyone is over eighteen. Phil.
Good work, Phil. Will there be a guest poser? Jimmy
Yes on the guest poser. Last year’s winner Olivia Marciano has graciously offered to appear, buck naked again, naturally. Phil
Tuesday June 10, 2014.
Greetings all. I have posted four photos on the website. I’m going to name and number them here and number them on the website. Of course you’ll probably recognize them all from the games but no sense in putting their names out there on the website. We have 1) Emily Hanson 2) Hannah Madison 3) Madison Schulte 4) Olivia Dunn. Livvy is a graduate from last year who was not eligible then due to age but she has now turned eighteen and is eligible. Everyone else is, of course, over eighteen. Livvy is, you’ll notice, topless and Hannah topless but from behind. Bravo to Livvy.
Livvy IS awesome. Too bad we missed her last year. Ryan [Ryan is my oldest brother. I’m not going to include all the comments here but I thought his appreciation for one of my main opponents in the contest was ominous. If I can’t get my brother’s vote then who? Louetta]
Greetings all. I should point out all the girls know the rules. Qualification shots must show the body (as well as the face so we can be sure whose body it is) but they can be wearing anything. I have told them about the ten girl cut for the contest so they can figure the more they show in the qualification photo the better chance they have of making the cut. Phil
Thursday June 12, 2014
Greetings all. Three more entries numbered consecutively from the first set. 5) Louetta Henry, Ryan’s sister of course, not the first time we’ve had a relative 6) Emma Herbig 7) Ashley Scott. We have some side boob [That was me, one of Harry’s concoctions.] and some bare ass [Ashley]. Ashley is another girl who graduated last year but was too young then and eighteen now.
[Various times, various texts] Viva, Louetta. You go, Louetta. Great shot, Louetta. [And more, nothing explicit in deference to my brother, no doubt, not me]
Tuesday June 17, 2014
Greetings all. Great news. The Toomey twins have both entered, our first set of twins and both worthy entries. Abby submitted a picture of both of them hugging, but it shows their faces and their bodies in bikinis so I have decided to accept the single photo and label things for voting purposes when we cut the field to ten 8) Abigail Toomey and 9) Sarah Toomey. We also have 10) Brittany Holden [a member of our Wenches BDSM club] and 11) Haisol Martinez. Phil
Boy, would I like to see more of the Toomeys. Jimmy
You’ll most likely see more on the 21st. Has anybody had them? Ethan
Nice to see someone who isn’t lily white. [That would be Jaisol] Cooper
Wednesday June 18, 2014
Greetings all. Some bad news, Emma Herbig has dropped out saying “my father would kill me if he found out.” I told her she can participate in any bikini she wears on the beach so she could tell her Dad and he’ll know she’s not stripping off. She said she’d think about it. Phil
Greetings again. I have set Friday at 9AM as the deadline for entries. Looks like we will have to do a qualifying vote especially since we still have nobody from football yet but we will soon and they always have some of the best girls. Phil
Thursday June 19, 2014
Greetings selçuklu escort all. More pics. 12) Lauren Rizzoti 13) Grace O’Leary 14) Samantha Brown, no relation 15) Bethany Beaudoin [another member of the Wenches] 16) Morgan Lincoln 17) Sydney Summers 18) Megan Schulte, Madison’s cousin. At first I thought more twins. We have so many entries I was wondering. Just doing it on photos will deprive us of a lot of enjoyment seeing the girls’ bodies in real life. I’m certainly like to see more tit. Maybe we can consider a kind of live semi-finals. Any thoughts? Phil [There was much discussion over the next two days and it was decided there would be a semi-final round on Saturday morning in bikinis. Tops were optional.]
Friday June 20, 2014
Greetings all. The last set of pics, since the deadline has now passed. Also, Emma is back but her Dad did say she must wear a top (and, presumably, a bottom). As you know the contest requires a thong, one inch, two inch or three or less on the bottom. Most of the girls have these these days. Louetta Henry [yes, me] has agreed to provide string bottoms to anyone who wants to show more bum. Bare tits are permitted but not necessary. Hand boobs are a possibility but usually don’t work out. Far as I know all the girls know this. Emma knows she will suffer in the voting if she does not show tit. They also know there will be an official photographer though no phones are allowed. Phil
God. Forgot to include the last set of girls. 19) Kayla Samuel, glad to see her [she had tits as big as my head] 20) Haley Thomas 21) Nicole Jordan 22) Paige Hunter 23) Danielle DuBois [still another Wench]. Some of these past sets of girls are also from last year but it’s getting redundant to mention.
Greetings all. OK we are set for tomorrow morning. We’re going to be outside because in addition to twenty three girls, if everybody shows, each girl can bring a guest for comforting purposes. Then there are twenty or so captains and that many again current varsity and a few faculty. We’ll do groups of five girls at a time and eliminate one in each group and then shuffle the groups and repeat until we are down to a number we can handle at night. Probably ten or maybe twelve so we can all see more stuff. Phil
[A few quick notes. Saturday morning I drove to the contest site. I brought my sister Molly as my companion, each competitor could bring one person, and my fellow Wench Bethany brought my sister Robin. Both Robin and Molly would in the coming years be eligible for the contest and wanted to learn something about it. We arrived early but nevertheless there were already two police cruisers there. We had been asked to agree to having cops for witnesses. It was best for all of us. Two cops were in the parking lot suspiciously eyeing everyone who arrived and two were at the back field where we would have our qualifying round. I knew most of the cops from when I life guarded and all of them had thus already seen me just about naked except for what little was covered by the string bikini I wore guarding, to the outrage of some of the citizenry. I had brought a couple of bikinis, the smallest that I owned, the smallest I could get to stay on my rather generous boobs and bum.
I parked the car and Molly and I walked down to the back field. I handed off to Mr. Brown the string bikini bottoms I had promised. Never saw a one of them again. I knew the cops there and greeted them as we went in. One was a female. They always bring a girl cop when they knew a female was the person of interest in whatever incident they were attending to. I was glad the cops were there since I planned to show tit, as did most of the girls. Having the cops there made it kind of legitimate and we all felt we could get as near naked as possible safely. I kept a coverup on, as did all of the girls, until we got started. I was in the first group of five girls. Just before I stripped down the police lieutenant arrived. I don’t know how many cops our small town has on duty on a Saturday morning but we now had five of them in one place where the chances of a crime being committed were minimal.
Finally we got started. It was sunny and hot, perfect weather for stripping off in public. Surprisingly all twenty three girls had shown up. My friend Harry was the official photographer who, in the course of the proceedings, took a few dozen pictures of each of us in various states of nudity. This was tough on some of the girls but halfway through everyone seemed comfortable showing just about everything. We started the qualification with six groups of four girls. Elaine Peruffo, a past contestant, came out of the crowd to make it an even twenty four contestants. She had no bikini but cheerfully stripped to just her string panties. Each of the six groups would come out and then one at a time show their stuff. The judges would then vote and one girl from each group would be eliminated. That left eighteen. The only rule was the two Toomey sisters had to be in different groups. Then the names were shuffled into six groups of three and one girl dropped from each group to leave twelve.
The judges serdivan escort were Mr. Brown and two other male faculty members and eight of the past lacrosse captains. My brother was excluded because of possible bias toward me though I knew he would much have preferred to see as much of the others as possible. He had already seen me naked, plenty. And he couldn’t fuck me so why look at me. As the groups were small, the girls were seeded so the best girls would not be in one or two groups and be eliminated early. There were six first seeds and six seconds, chosen in advance. We were not told who was seeded where but I found out since my brother got all the texts. We also were not told up front that any girl who made the final twelve would have to agree to appear naked for the evening session. Later, when we were told, two girls refused as it became clear that we would be expected to undergo considerable touching. Complete nudity in a Best Body contest did make sense but the pussy and asshole penetration that occurred in the semi-finals was too much for some.
The first four of us were called out. We stood along a line facing the judges. There were lots of people there, including my oldest brother and both of my sisters. All of the past lacrosse captains who wanted to attend were there. The judges sat in chairs and on either side of the judges were the current players, all of whom I knew, some of whom had already seen just about all of me. There were at least a dozen faculty. Most of the companions the girls had brought were their boyfriends. It felt like if I had to strip all the way I wouldn’t be able to walk down the street without passing somebody who had seen me naked. I kind of hoped I could get away with just bare tits and (almost) bare ass until the evening show, if I made it there. But I was prepared for anything. Now back to Mr. Brown’s texts.]
Saturday June 21, 2014
OK judges we are ready. Our top seeds by heat are Brittany Holden, Olivia Dunn, Danielle DuBois, Bethany Beaudoin, Sydney Summers and Kayla Samuel [I don’t know why. All she had was big tits. I guess they were big enough.] Second seeds are Louetta Henry [me], Lauren Rizzoti, Madison Schulte, Morgan Lincoln, Paige Hunter and Grace O’Leary. For our first group we have Brittany, Louetta, Emily and Nicole. Let’s hope we see a lot of boobs. Phil
[One by one he called each of the four of us out. First Brittany Holden, one of The Wenches BDSM group and definitely the prettiest. Her body was nice but not the most bodacious but she had long brown hair and a nice flat tummy you could bounce a quarter off of and a tight ass and nice legs.
“Would you show us your bosom?” inquired Mr. Brown, and she did, nice firm breasts any boy would enjoy. My photographer friend Harry had positioned himself behind the judges and got a fine selection of pictures of Brittany’s tits. I have some. As a public service I had collected email addresses on everyone in the contest who had graduated with me, and Livvy Dunn gave me the addresses of those who had graduated with her so everyone could get their stuff from Harry. Of course he would not use the stuff without a release. Naturally I promised to help him recruit any interested parties for further work.
“And now turn around, please.” Britt did and there was applause. She had on a two inch thong and her bum, like her tits, was medium size and tight as a snare drum.
“OK, please step back into line. Now Louetta, please step forward.” I did. There was a brief interval for the judges to get a look at me.
“Now, would you show us your breasts?” Of course, Mr. Brown. Glad to. They were bigger than Brittany’s, and the other two girls, for that matter, and there was more applause for mine than for Britt’s and some more when I turned to show my almost bare ass. Harry took my picture too, odd since he had only three days earlier, the day after my eighteenth birthday, photographed me for the first time naked as the day I was born, but later he said he thought it might raise suspicions if he skipped me.
“Very nice,” intoned Mr. Brown. It was far from the first sign I had received over the years that he liked me but of course it was the most direct appreciation he had shown for my scantily clothed body.
“Please step back. Now Emily, please.” Emily I didn’t know very well but like all the cheerers she was pretty and had a nice, tight body. She declined to show her bare breasts but everything else was fine. Harry photographed her too, hopeful someday he could coax her into removing her shirt. So too with Nicole, except she showed tit but she was not as athletically built as the rest of us, with some fat on her bum. When Mr. Brown called for the votes Britt got nine of the eleven, I got all eleven, Emily got seven and Nicole four so she was eliminated. It was interesting that Emily declined to show tit but beat out Nicole who did, though she did have a slightly big ass. But what was more interesting was that I beat out Brittany. Billy Andrade and Todd Henton voted for me instead of her which was the first sign I got that things might not be on the level. Nicole cried a bit but some hugs fixed her up. Who şerifali escort gave a shit, really. I told Britt, whom I know well from Wenches that she got jobbed.
“You know you have bigger boobs,” and hugged me warmly. Of course both of us advanced to the next round. I went and sat with my sisters to watch the proceedings.]
Saturday June 21, 2014
OK judges, that was good. Next round is Olivia Dunn, Lauren Rizzoti, Ashley Scott and Samantha Brown. I see Olivia and Samantha have a little treat for us. [they were already bare breasted without him asking. The display of tit caused a murmur of appreciation in the crowd.] I’ll call them out one by one. Phil
[“Olivia, please step forward.” She did. “Welcome back. [She had graduated last year but was under eighteen at that time] Very nice,” he said. Very nice indeed. He obviously liked her as did the crowd. She was a tad short, thin, nice tits, nice ass, not too big but a very pretty package, pretty face big smile. She got the most applause yet and Harry got pics. Lauren came out next. It was a little hard to see why she was second seed with Ashley standing there but perhaps Ashley knew what she was doing when she took her top off before coming out there but it did seem to unnerve her to have her picture taken bare breasted. Lauren done, it was Ashley’s turn.
“Now Ashley.” There was immediate applause. She was practically naked, no top, a string bottom. Nice big tits, nice ass, not particularly athletic. Good pics.
“Now Samantha Brown, and I must point out to the audience we are not related.” She was built along the lines of Olivia.
“Now, Samantha, would you show us your bosom?” asked Mr. Brown, and she did, smallish but nice firm breasts, flat tummy, pretty face.
“And now turn around, please,” and to the delight of the crowd just before she turned she pulled her bottoms down to her ankles giving us all the morning’s first display of pussy. There was immediate applause, though she turned so quickly to face the rear that no one really saw much except two policemen and the lieutenant who stood there watching the proceedings. Of course she gave them a good look at her girlhood while she stood back to us so we could admire her bottom. It was smallish but so tight you could bounce a quarter off it. When Mr. Brown told her to turn around to face us again she reached down and pulled up her bottoms so the boys were, temporarily, denied a better look at her pretty little snatch. Harry was chaffed.
“Very good, Samantha, very nice indeed.” The votes were taken and although Livvy won as expected, Samantha, unseeded, was a close second with her rather bold display of pink, Ashley, unseeded, got third with her ample bosom and Lauren lost out.]
Saturday June 21, 2014
OK judges, maybe this will encourage a little more showmanship. Next is Danielle DuBois, Madison Schulte, Sarah Thomas and Elaine Peruffo. [It was clear in that second round that showing your stuff could get you votes.]
[Again he called the four of them out. First was Danielle, another of The Wenches BDSM group and, along with Brittany Holden, the prettiest. Similar body, long brown hair, nice flat tummy, tight bum. My brothers all lusted after her. She was generally considered to give the best head in town but was hard to get into the sack, or so they said.
“Would you show us your bosom?” inquired Mr. Brown. Supremely confident in her appearance, she declined, though I knew from our experiences at The Wenches they were very nice, though not really large. She was a prime candidate for photos, even with a top on.
“Turn around, please,” intoned Mr. Brown, undeterred. Her bum, like her tits, was medium size and white as the snow.
“OK, please step back into line. Madison, please step forward.” She did. The Schultes I did not know, Madison and Megan, nor did my sisters. They both had decent bodies but were really not pretty.
“Would you show us your breasts?” She did, and they were nice enough but unremarkable, as was her behind, though she did have nice legs.
“Very nice,” intoned Mr. Brown. “Sarah, please.”
Sarah was the first of the Toomey twins to go before the crowd. They were straight out jocks, blond and pretty but thin and small breasted. She stripped naked right away and, unlike Samantha, gave everybody a good look at everything she had. The applause was deafening. Harry was ecstatic. When she turned around she showed an excellent, and completely bare, bum.
“Please step back. Now Elaine.” Elaine was the girl in the crowd who had been asked to make up the 24th slot. She was widely considered to be the town slut in an era where just about everybody put out a little, myself included. She was two years older than I and it was thought likely that Mr. Brown, with his penchant for eighteen year olds, had had her fairly often. She followed Sarah’s lead and immediately removed her pink cotton panties. She was greeted with cheers and cries of “Go ‘Lainey.” In due course she turned to show her behind and then bent over to show a little more then turned back around and lightly touched her cunt with her hand. “Thank you, Elaine,” Mr. Brown said a bit shakily. The vote was taken and Danielle, who didn’t even show tit, won. Sarah and Elaine, who both got naked, defeating second seed Madison, promising more skin to come. There was no text here from Mr. Brown, possibly because he feared affirming his affection for Elaine.