Tag: opening wide

Bon Chance, Conclusion

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When they got back to camp, both men were famished after their long day. Jean-Claude cooked their dinner while John watched him with a new intensity. He felt that he had admitted to Jean-Claude that he was gay even though this was not completely the case. The way he felt right now, however, was that he would like to hold Jean-Claude and feel his large penis in his hand and maybe in his mouth. He had felt this way before, especially on the beach when they played their version of football, were one of them would bend over and hike a coconut between their legs to the other and then that person would try to run to the goal at the opposite end of the beach. He had enjoyed seeing Jean-Claudes cock and balls hanging below his ass, the legs spread apart, and as they ran and tackled each other, they would become semi-erect. They would slap at each other’s half-hard penises in fun and yell at each other “You queer” or “Faggot” in a playful manner. Now John wished that he had taken Jean-Claude down and made love to him.

John watched Jean-Claude cook their meal, his tanned body, the dark hair covering his chest and stomach and that large cock swaying back and forth with every move. Jean-Claude would smile at John and purse his lips in a kiss; John was embarrassed but happy nonetheless. They sat and ate their meal, talking about the weird feeling of being watched. No mention was made of John’s childhood experience or of his voyeurism at the beach. They completed their meal and then went over to the pool and cooled off.

They ran down to the beach and sat down on the sand next to each other under the moonlight. John put his arm around Jean-Claude’s waist and looked into his eyes. John can feel his penis growing as he holds his friend. Jean-Claude sees the growing erection, reaches his hand over, and starts stroking John’s hairy chest and nipples. Jean-Claude moves his face next to John’s and rubs his cheeks gently and starts kissing his cheek, forehead, eyes and nose. He moves to the mouth and kisses John gently on the lips.

John pulled back slightly but then puts his hand on Jean-Claude’s hairy stomach and moves in for another kiss. He opens his mouth slightly and licks Jean-Claude’s lips lightly, Jean-Claude responds, their tongues meet, and they start kissing slowly but passionately.

Both men have hard-ons and Jean-Claude slowly moves his hand from John’s face down his body, “May I touch your cock John? I would like to make love to you.”

John nods yes and Jean-Claude continues and touches John’s penis. John’s hard dick jumps excitedly and Jean-Claude starts stroking it gently. He then bends over and puts it in his mouth, John lays back and revels in the attention. He has secretly longed for this and to feel Jean-Claude’s penis.

After several minutes he sits up and pushes Jean-Claude back, he takes Jean-Claude’s large cock in his mouth and pushes the foreskin back with his tongue, he attempts to swallow it all but gags, he withdraws and then goes down on him again, gently moving up and down the hard shaft. He has never had a man’s cock in his mouth and the smell and taste are exciting him. He licks the head of the penis gently and moves his lips up and down on the hard shaft. His fingers move through the thick black hair on Jean-Claude’s balls. He cannot believe he has another man’s cock in his mouth or that he could ever touch a man the way he is and enjoy it so much…

“Arrest, Arrest! I’m going to cum!”

“Cum Jean-Claude, I want you to cum.”

Jean-Claude puts his cock back in John’s mouth and pushes it all the way in and then starts to slowly pull it out, Jean-Claude doesn’t pull his penis out in time and as he is withdrawing he shoots a massive load of cum in John’s mouth and on his face and beard. “Ohhh, Ohhh!, oh god I’m cumming! Jean-Claude pulls John’s face up to his and licks off the cum and then puts his tongue in John’s mouth and is licking his own cum from John’s mouth.

John starts stroking his half-hard cock furiously.

Jean-Claude pushes him back and takes his cock in his mouth. The penis quickly becomes fully erect again, Jean-Claude moves smoothly up and down on the shaft, slowing momentarily on the head every couple of strokes.

“I’m cumming Jean-Claude!”

Jean-Claude takes his mouth off of John’s cock momentarily, “Cum in my mouth, I want to eat your seed.” He then goes back on the cock and works it slowly to an orgasm.

John yells wildly and he shoots his load into Jean-Claude’s mouth, Jean-Claude continues to suck on his cock until John cannot stand the friction anymore. Jean-Claude moves up next to John, “I want you to eat your cum out of my mouth too.” and kisses him gently, sticking his tongue in John’s mouth to taste his own sperm.

The two lie next to each other several minutes kissing and touching each other. John and Jean-Claude have eaten each other’s sperm for the first time, consummating their friendship.

John sits up “Let’s go to bed.”

“Yes, it has been a big day, we need to sleep.”

The two get up and go kayseri escort into the hut, they lay down on the bed, John lays down on his back and Jean-Claude lays on his back next to him and moves his hand to touch John. John runs his hand over Jean-Claude’s hairy chest and stomach, he holds Jean-Claude’s penis in his hand and strokes his balls. Jean-Claude reciprocates and kisses John gently. John cannot help licking Jean-Claude’s tongue, as if it were another penis just waiting for attention.

“I cannot believe I have sucked your penis and have made love to every inch of your manly body. I’m in shock! No, not shock, disbelief. I knew I wanted to do it for so long. I’m glad I finally did.”

“You were wonderful tonight my lover.” John holds Jean-Claude’s hand and they go to sleep.

The next morning John wakes up and smells food cooking, he goes out, Jean-Claude smiles wildly at him.

“Good morning.”

“Yes, good morning.” John replies. He walks past Jean-Claude and goes to the river. He immerses himself in the water and drinks many handfuls of water. After several minutes, he comes back. Jean-Claude meets him and bends in to kiss him.

“What we did last night was good, we acted on our feelings.”

“I love you Jean-Claude, I am a man who loves another man!”

“I love you too, mon ami, I love you very much.”

“I cannot believe I am queer! I have hidden my feelings from myself for so long.”

“Do you think you are queer or just in love with me?”

“No, since the first day on the beach, I wanted to have sex with you, and now I have, I am really queer, and all I can think of is putting your cock in my mouth again and touching your body. I love your looking at and touching your hairy body; the fact that you are a man.”

He walks over to Jean-Claude and kneels next to him; he takes Jean-Claude’s penis in his mouth again.

Jean-Claude withdraws carefully, “I think we had better eat this food first before it burns!”

John stands up and smiles, “I want to suck your cock again and again, breakfast will not be as good as your cum in my mouth, but let’s eat!”

The two sit next to each other and finish their food, John cannot help smiling and looking at Jean-Claude. Jean-Claude sways sideways and bumps John’s shoulder with his own. John is happy; he cannot believe how this tragedy has changed his life forever.

Jean-Claude finishes his food and stands up, John is also finished and they walk back down to the beach together, arms around each other’s waists.

When they reach the water, they both wade in and John falls down on his knees and turns Jean-Claude toward him. He takes Jean-Claude’s penis in his mouth and starts moving his tongue over the head and under the foreskin. The two of them are in the middle of the open area, having sex where, if there were anyone there, they would have a perfect view of the lovemaking. They make love to each other in the surf, the water lapping around them.

“I love you John, j’ taime!”

“I love you too Jean-Claude.”

Up on the hill behind the camp there is a pair of dark brown eyes watching every move they make, watching the fierce and gentle lovemaking. The eyes betray no emotion. Only staring. What would the two of them think if they knew that someone was watching them in their lust for each other?

The two of them finally get up out of the surf and run to the other end of the beach and then back, slapping at each other and tackling one another. Several times, they stop and kiss.

They get back to the camp and John holds Jean-Claude close. He then steps back a bit and starts running his hands over Jean-Claude’s body.

“I am touching another man; I am loving touching another man! I love touching your body Jean-Claude, your furry, manly, beautiful body. I am queer and am touching a man’s cock! I love to eat your sperm and suck your dick and hold your balls in my hand and feel how hairy they are! I am so queer. I am a faggot! I love you Jean-Claude and I love touching a man!”

Jean-Claude looks at him. “My friend, what have I done to you? I love you too, and yes, we are men who love each other. You are happy then that you are gay?”

“I never thought that I could touch a man and suck his penis and hold another man’s body next to mine! I have looked at men and thought about touching their naked bodies but I could not do it. I love you Jean-Claude and that is the reason I finally had sex with a man!”

Jean-Claude smiles at him. “I am so happy we found each other, and I am happy that you love me, I am happy that I love you and that we can share our bodies. We are both gay and love to touch each other and we can have sex together. It doesn’t matter if we say we are gay, it only matters that we can share each other without shame. What a shame that it took so many months, but, voila, now we are one together!”

Weeks go by and months go by, the two make love to each other daily and are very happy together. They make many kayseri escort bayan trips up the river to the pool, swim, and enjoy their part of the island. They go hiking around the beach and explore into the jungle around the beach. The two men are always naked, though, when they leave the beach they have made a form of sandal to wear to protect their feet from rocks and sharp objects.

Both men are very tanned, both have long hair and their beards are getting longer and fuller. Their appearance is almost that of cavemen, they have grown into the wild and they are not even thinking of rescue or what will happen the next day or week or year. Once in awhile they talk about their former lives, the hot sweaty work in the ships kitchen, the monotonous days in the office dealing with clients, visiting relatives and about their friends. Neither of them is missing their previous life at all.

After over a year on the island, they are walking over the hill to the beach to the south of their camp. They walk out onto the beach, and there again as they have seen on two other occasions there are signs that some type of boat has been there, they run hurriedly down the beach and as they pass a little inlet, they see something horrifying. There, tied to a post buried in the ground, is a naked decaying man! They run to where to man is tied up, he has obviously been there for several days or more judging by the decomposition. Flies are swarming around the body and it is evident that small animals have been clawing at the flesh.

John reaches out to untie him from the post, “No, don’t do that!” Jean-Claude pulls John back, “If they come back and see the body gone they will know someone was here!”

“But we can’t leave him here like this, we must bury him!”

“Mon ami, he is dead, for our own protection we must leave him here, we must leave and never come back here again!”

The two turn around and start running back down the beach to their camp. Suddenly, Jean-Claude turns around, looking at their footprints in the sand. “We must cover these over in case they come back soon!”

The two go up to the edge of the jungle and get some branches and go back over the sand to erase their footprints.

“It is not perfect, but in a couple of days no one will be able to tell.”

The two then run back up the hill to the security of their camp.

“Jean-Claude, do you think they know we are here?” John wonders aloud.

“I don’t think so, the man there; it looked like his throat was cut and his head bashed in! If they knew we were here I think they might have done the same to us!”

“We must be very careful Jean-Claude; do you remember the noise at the waterfall? What if they were watching us then?”

“Oh, I hope not, I hope they stay on their little beach and do not find us.”

They both talked about whether they should move their camp, they would certainly have to be more careful, especially with the fire. These animals, whoever they were, obviously were very violent and sadistic. What kind of people could do something so horrible and where were they coming from? If only this person or people were not savages, they could be rescued.

The two men had been to the highest points on the island and there was nothing visible for as far as they could see. How, then, could these people have gotten to the island and for what purpose?

The two men continued with their daily lives, but somehow the light-heartedness of their lives had changed. They now were always mindful of strange noises, looking for anything out of the ordinary. They did not risk going back to the other beach, they had thought about keeping an eye on it, but decided there was too big a risk of someone seeing them. The sight of the naked dead man haunted both men but they talked about it very little.

The island they were on was very near the equator and the weather seldom changed. There were sometimes violent storms that passed by; however, by chance they had picked a location that was fairly well sheltered from the greatest part of the storms fury. The wind and rain were horrific but they had strengthened their hut and had moved the tools that they had fashioned up to a secure location just at the edge of the jungle.

They were still surprised that they had no kind of small animals there; they also saw few birds other than the occasional gull that seemed to have somehow strayed off course to who knows what destination.

They spent a lot of time gathering food and fishing, they had learned which of the many types of fruits and roots they could eat and which to avoid.

They only had each other and though at times they sat in silence the love in their eyes did not diminish at all. John had become completely adjusted to loving another man; Jean-Claude would relate stories of his experience with other men. John had known of a few gay men at work and in the shops and cafes where he had gone, but did not know a lot about the lifestyle of gay men. Occasionally escort kayseri he would have a question for Jean-Claude, sometimes they were very stupid questions and Jean-Claude would laugh hysterically. Other times, the questions were more serious and he would do his best to explain how he felt on the subject.

Jean-Claude also was improving his English and teaching John French. John had a terrible time with the accent though and sometimes threw up his hands in surrender.

The men did not know that every couple of months someone lurking in the jungle was observing them. What kind of person was this that would leave a pair of castaways to live out their lives not knowing of a possibility of getting off the island? Why would this person not make themselves known to the two men?

“Let’s go up the river.” John said.

Jean-Claude got up and smiled broadly, “Yes, I will suck you dry under the waterfall!”

The two men ran up the bank of the river. It was before noon and the weather was perfect. The two got to the pool at the base of the waterfall and both dove in. They swam to the other side and crawled out on the rocks just below the waterfall.

John laid down on one of the rocks and Jean-Claude lay next to him, reaching out his hand and swirling the wet blond hair on John’s chest. John cupped his hand behind Jean-Claude’s head and moved his face over and the two kissed passionately. They stroked each others wet bodies with slow deliberate strokes but neither of them touched each other’s growing cocks.

John got up on his knees and started masturbating with his cock an inch away from Jean-Claude’s mouth. Jean-Claude would stick out his tongue to lick it and John would move it just out of reach. Jean-Claude reached up and played with John’s testicles and stroked his nipple gently.

John looked down at Jean-Claude, “Open your mouth I’m going to cum.” Jean-Claude obeyed silently, John sent wave after wave of his seed into his mouth, and it ran down his nose and chin.

Jean-Claude licked his lips and chin as much as he could and then John leaned over and sucked the remainder of his cum off Jean-Claude’s face. He then kissed Jean-Claude, he loved tasting his own sperm and eating it out of Jean-Claude’s mouth.

“Do you want me to masturbate in your mouth too?”

“No, I want you to stand over me and cum all over me.”

Jean-Claude stood up and positioned his feet on either side of John’s hips. John looked up at the big balls swinging quickly as Jean-Claude stroked his large penis. John stroked his own half-hard penis and his chest and stomach.

Jean-Claude stroked his penis slowly and the pre-cum was gathering on the end of the head, he reached down with the other hand and wiped the liquid off with his finger and then licked it off.

John’s dick was becoming hard again and he ran his finger over the head and down the shaft. Jean-Claude was ready to cum.

“I am cumming lover!”

“Cum on me, cum all over me!”

Jean-Claude bent slightly forward and started discharging his load all over John’s chest and stomach, some of the cum also hit John’s face and also fell on his penis. Jean-Claude shuddered as he shook off the last few drops of sperm from his penis and then knelt down and placed his dick in John’s mouth to suck off the remaining cum, and then he leaned over to lick his juices off of John’s body and transfer them to John’s mouth.

He then lay on top of John and the two kissed for half an hour. The two of them then lay on their backs, both of them spent. After a few minutes, they got up, went under the waterfall, and bathed off the sweat and saliva. They kiss repeatedly and rub each other’s bodies.

They then swim back over to the side of the pond and lay on another large rock to dry off. As the sun starts getting lower in the sky John gets up and says, “Let’s go back, I’m very hungry and we have to still catch fish.”

Jean-Claude gets up also and agrees with him. He steps forward to step onto the next rock but his foot slips and he falls backwards, there is a terrible crack as he falls on his back and his head hits a small rock.

John turns around quickly and sees blood spreading rapidly from Jean-Claude’s head across the rocks.

“Jean-Claude!” he yells, but he sees a last burst of air come out of Jean-Claude’s mouth and he immediately knows that Jean-Claude is dead!

He falls down on the rock and cradles Jean-Claude’s head and body next to his own, he rocks back and forth sobbing. He sits there for hours as the sun sets; holding Jean-Claude, knowing this is the end of his love and his paradise.

He finally pulls Jean-Claude’s body into the water and along the shore to a small clearing at the edge of the river. He digs with his hands in the dirt for hours fighting through tree roots and large stones until he has dug a grave for his love. He places Jean-Claude’s body in the grave but cannot bring himself to cover it over. He sits by the grave crying until well after sunrise.

Finally, as if driven by fate, he kisses Jean-Claude’s lips for the last time and pushes the dirt over him. He covers the grave in small rocks and chooses darker rocks to form a cross in the center of the grave. As he places the final rocks over the grave, he doesn’t know tears fall from the silent eyes in the jungle that have stood watch over the whole ordeal.

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