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The Perfect Pair Pt. 07

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The Perfect Pair, Part 7

(fetish, chastity, consensual, cross dressing)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

A story of a loving couple exploring their sexual fantasies, together.

Read Chapter 1 – 6, first.

Dennis and Brooke continue playing their chastity game. Their adventures continue and expand.

Monday was a good day for Dennis, even though he was tired from Saturday’s personal orgy. He was in the best of spirits and everyone in the office noticed and appreciated his upbeat attitude.

Brooke was relieved. She had seen how frustrated he had gotten as the days and weeks passed with no release from his chastity belt. It was getting more and more difficult for both of them as the rules they had established and sworn to live with, forced them to wait longer and try harder to earn their releases.

It was wearing on both of them, but that was the whole idea, enforced chastity, and neither of them wanted to give up on their fantasy fulfillment games.

At this point, as they couldn’t’ partake in sex, they were drawing their enjoyment from their fetishes and their friendships.

Kelly and Victoria were now their best friends, and they spent a lot of time with them. And as for their fetishes, Dennis was totally enamored with his life as Denise. He spent every minute, apart from his time in the office, living the life of the pretty woman of his dreams. And he was pretty, and very successful at acting the female. No one, not even Kelly or Victoria suspected anything.

As for her own fetishes. Brooke loved her huge breasts and her outings as bimbo Brooke, where she got to flirt and tease and show off, as the sexy slut she had always dreamed of being.

Despite the difficult times, their chastity game was a huge success, and neither of them were willing to stop.

After work, they stopped home for a quick change of clothes, before heading over to Kelly and Victoria’s house. It had become a regular thing, where Denise had taken on the job as full-time tutor to Victoria, who was struggling with the statistics course, that was an important part of her MBA program.

As the two of them resumed where they had left off after the last visit, Kelly and Brooke sat down to chat.

Kelly, as she often did, started questioning Brooke on her and Denise’s chastity games. The subject fascinated her.

“OK, so you guys wear those belts all of the time?”

Amused, Brooke nodded, “yes.”

“And you’re horny all of the time?”

“Yes,” smiling, broadly.

“And they don’t get in the way of your everyday lives?”

“Well, not too much. They don’t restrict our movements and they’re not visible underneath our cloths. Bodily functions can be challenging but we’ve learned to handle it.”

“OK, I get it. That’s really cool. And kinky,” Brooke sighed, with what Kelly thought was a touch of envy.

A few moments later, Kelly continued, “What about flying? Have you had to go through airport security, the TSA?”

And before Brooke could answer, she jumped back in, “Oh, and the question came up because Victoria and I are planning a vacation trip to Europe in a couple of weeks. So, we were just talking about the airport.”

Brooke, laughed, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I had to fly to San Francisco for a day of business meetings, a couple of weeks ago. It was an adventure, all right. But they did let me go, after a full body search.”

Kelly laughed, “OK, what happened? Do tell.”

“Oh, you can imagine. I was prepared for a battle when I walked into the scanner. Denise and I had already discussed the best way to handle it. So, when they told me to stand aside for additional screening, I immediately requested to speak to a female supervisor. It took a while but one finally showed up. I asked her if we could go somewhere private so I could show her the reason I failed the scanner. She reluctantly agreed and we went into a little room, where I showed her my belt.”

“I can picture her reaction.” Kelly said, giggling.

“Well, I was actually surprised, as she wasn’t all that shocked. Apparently, she’s seen a lot of strange shit, so a chastity belt, securely locked, didn’t seem to be that big a deal to her. She wasn’t pleased, though, when I told her I couldn’t unlock the thing, I guess she was worried that I had a stick of dynamite stuck up in there.”

They both broke out laughing, at that.

Eventually, Brooke calmed down and finished, “but she eventually let me go.”

Kelly shook her head, “weird.”

“OK, so where are you two going on your vacation?”

That question changed the direction of their talk. Kelly told of their plans to spend ten days split between istanbul escort Prague and Vienna, two lovely cities that they were dying to visit.

Brooke was instantly envious. She had wanted to include them in their honeymoon trip, but they were both too far from their Amsterdam base. Too long a train trip for a quick visit.

“That sounds great! Wish we could come along, but we burned all of our vacation on our honeymoon.”

They spent the next half-hour talking about Europe and tourist topics, highlights and surprises, before shifting to dinner preparations.

Meanwhile, Denise and Victoria were still working on probability theory and typical ‘what are the odds’ calculations. It was slow going and finally, exasperated, Victoria just pushed back and sighing, closed her eyes and began massaging her temples.

“I’m getting a headache. This shit is wearing me out. Let’s take a break,” she said.

“OK, I understand,” Denise replied. She stood up and moving behind her friend, began giving her a shoulder rub. Returning the favor from the other night.

For several minutes, both of them really enjoyed it.

Sighing contentedly, “Denise?” Victoria asked.


“How do you really feel about your chastity belt? Doesn’t it drive you crazy? How can you stand it? Not being able to orgasm like that.”

Denise was surprised. Kelly had always been the one asking about their belts. Victoria had only listened, quietly, during their question and answer sessions.

“Well, honestly, I’m really enjoying our kinky adventures. I wouldn’t be the woman I am, without the game we play.” She paused for a moment, chuckling at her own hidden admission.

“But aren’t you always horny?”

“Yes, but the belt forces me to live with that luscious feeling. And I love it. Every minute I’m not focused on some mundane task, like work, I’m thinking about sex. And sex is good. In fact, the sex when I’m finally released is the best I’ve ever had.”

“Hmmm” Victoria said, thoughtfully.

“Why do you ask? You’ve never seemed that interested in the topic.”

“Oh, I am. It has fascinated me, but I never wanted to pry. Not like Kelly. She loves the idea. Not of being locked in a belt, but in being the keyholder. I think she wants to lock me into a chastity belt.”

“Oh my,” was all Denise could think to say.

“And, I don’t know,” Victoria mumbled, “I think I just might give it a try.”

Denise was still slowly massaging Victoria’s shoulders, but she stopped upon hearing that. She was totally turned on by the thought of her dear friend being locked away, and at the mercy of the dominant Kelly.

Victoria, decided that it was time to get back to her studies, so she pushed her chair back to the desk and once again began staring at the textbook and her scribbled calculations.

Denise, took the hint and sat down next to her and they got back at it, working together until they were called in to dinner.

That night, lying in bed, Denise’s cock strained mightily in its tube as she replayed her conversation with Victoria in her head. She drifted off to sleep, hornier than ever.

The next night they dressed as bimbo Brooke, and bimbo Denise and went to Ladies’ Night at the gay club. Unlike Brooke, Denise didn’t earn any extra points for dressing in a slutty outfit. In fact, it made her even more nervous than usual, to be parading around so sexily. She was always a little on edge, afraid that somehow, some way, she would be found out. Exposed as a guy dressed as a girl.

But, deep down she knew, that was all part of the game. And she did love the game…

At the club they met up with Kelly and Victoria and, as they always did, had a great time. Eating and drinking, dancing and visiting, and meeting others of the lesbian community.

Kelly, as one would expect, knew a lot of the regulars, and with her personality, many of her friends were of the dominant persuasion, or part of a dominant and submissive pairing.

Several couples had visited before the very dominant Annette stopped by with her feminized husband Francis, but only for a moment to show off her poor slut slave. He was, of course, dressed as a woman, and he obviously didn’t enjoy it. On this night he was wearing a tight, red latex minidress over an obviously very tight and strict corset. The tops of his stockings were visible as were the corset’s garters that held them up. He also had matching latex opera gloves on his hands and oddly enough their thumbs were fused to the rest of the gloves, so he didn’t have use of his opposable thumbs. It was a subtle form of bondage, that made him entertaining to watch; struggling to hold a glass or fork.

His outfit also included a posture collar that held his head stiffly. He couldn’t look up or down, or turn it side to side. He seemed thoroughly miserable in the hot, restrictive and slutty outfit, but then again, he always looked that way whenever Kelly and Victoria saw him.

A while later another couple Escort Anadolu Yakası came over and Kelly greeted them like close friends, with kisses and hugs.

She introduced them as Christine, the dominant one of the pair, and Roxanne, her contented slave.

Christine was leading Roxanne by a leash attached to a large and impressive metal collar. While Christine wore a pretty LBD, Roxanne was wearing an open-weave knit dress, with a lot of bare skin showing through the yarn.

After the introductions, Kelly invited Christine and her slave to stick around for dinner, and they did. They joined in the group’s conversation, and fit in easily with the four of them. Roxanne, her leash dangling, seemed comfortable and pleasant as she too participated in the discussions, regardless of topic.

Over the next hour, bit-by-bit, Brooke and Denise learned Christine and Roxanne’s story.

Roxanne wears her permanent ‘Swedish Collar’ as a sign of her status and position as Christine’s slave. And more importantly to her, as a sign of her love and devotion to her dominant partner.

“I’ve always been submissive, and gay, and Christine is my perfect mate,” she explained, at one point, “and I have no problem with showing it.”

“I keep her leashed all of the time,” Christine added, proudly. “She’s really well trained, too. She won’t go anywhere unless she’s ‘on leash’, like the wonderful pet she is.”

Kelly joined in, telling how she saw the two of them as a wonderful and kinky couple, perfectly suited for each other, with neither of them too far ‘over the top’.

And Christine and Roxanne, were pleased to hear her opinion, as that’s the way they saw each other.

As they continued chatting, Brooke was mesmerized by flashes of silver she spotted at the tips of the slave’s breasts. Christine noticed and knew what was attracting her attention, so she spoke up. “Not only is Roxanne’s collar permanent, she also has her nice big nipples pierced with permanent rings. I just love them. They’re lovely and fun to play with.”

Brooke, embarrassed about being caught staring, blushed and smiled.

“Tell Brooke about them, Roxanne,” Christine ordered.

Roxanne smiled and happily explained, “I have two piercings in each nipple, one at the tip with a half-inch 12-gauge ring and a second piercing at the base with a two-inch, 4-gauge ring. My rings are solid gold, and all of them are soldered closed.”

She was obviously proud of her jewelry.

Brooke is fascinated, “wow, that’s great, and sexy, but how do you wear a bra with those big rings? Isn’t it uncomfortable?”

Before her slave could respond, Christine spoke up, “I don’t usually allow her to wear a bra. Oh, sometimes I’ll permit a half bra that doesn’t cover her beautiful nipples, but that’s usually it.”

“Yes, wearing a full bra is uncomfortable, and even painful, so I don’t wear them,” Roxanne added.

“So, under your clothes your rings must be obvious to everyone,” Brooke said, captivated by the mental image.

“Yes, between her collar and her rings, pretty much everyone who sees her understands her position in life. I’m so very proud of her,” said Christine.

Watching and listening, Denise thought Christine did look like a proud owner of a puppy, or a slave.

“And I am too,” Roxanne adds, smiling, “proud of being hers, that is”.

Denise could see that Roxanne is a happy slave. Content with her life and her treatment. She can only wonder what that life is like. At one time, her own fantasies had included living as a sex slave, but that was a long time ago, and she had left those visions behind, dismissing them as impractical, and too scary.

Brooke, totally captivated with Kelly’s friends got Roxanne to open up even more about her feelings — why she enjoyed being a sex slave.

Roxanne, smiled as she described her easy life. Serving only Christine, and in turn being completely taken care of by her lover. She had no other job, no other duties and no other boss than her Mistress. She was very happy and content with her life. She also reiterated that she wasn’t in the least embarrassed by her status. She enjoyed showing off her collar and body, and she enjoyed all of the great sex that they shared.

Kelly, devilishly joined in the questioning, “do you enjoy being punished for your sins? And do you enjoy being shared out by your mistress, too?”

Denise felt that Kelly was just being a bitch, enjoying herself, trying to push Roxanne’s buttons.

But the girl, wasn’t fazed. She smiled pleasantly, “I accept Christine’s punishments as part of our relationship, I am the submissive and the slave and expect to be punished when I get lazy or don’t perform well enough. And if my lover wants to share me, that’s fine with me. I know she’d never force me onto someone she didn’t like or trust. And I love sex. Particularly with my lover, but with anyone else, too.”

“Wow,” Brooke and Denise said in unison, and everyone at the table broke out laughing, Anadolu Yakası Rus Escort not only at the in-unison comment, but in admiration for Roxanne’s loving and obviously contented admissions.

After the food, they all took turns on the dance floor and eventually, their night ended as they followed Roxanne, on her leash behind Christine, out the door.

In the parking lot they all exchanged hugs and affectionate kisses before heading for their cars and driving off.

That night both Brooke and Denise dreamt of their encounter with Christine and Roxanne. It left both of them unsettled, and hugely aroused.

As a result, both of them were groggy that Wednesday morning, and they were both moving slowly as they prepared for work.

When Denise, now more awake, stepped out of the shower, she reached for her butt plug, as she has done every morning for several months now, only to find the larger one Brooke has demanded that she move up to. She’s not so very surprised, as she knew it was coming.

Hating the idea, she nevertheless decides to surrender to her lover’s demand. In part because she knows that she has no choice, but mostly because she knows that it will soon lead to their first experiment in anal sex. Something that she’s always fantasized about, but only as the giver, not the taker.

She still has no intention to ever be the taker, even though, over time she has learned to enjoy the feelings as the plug pushes against her prostrate.

Denise lubes both her ass hole and the new plug and slowly works it through the hole in her chastity belt, and then up into her own hole.

After so much practice with the previous plug, she really doesn’t have much trouble with this one, even though it is larger. According to Brooke it is as large around as her own cock, when it’s at its’ hardest.

She can feel the difference as she stands at the mirror and fills in her eye brows, returning them to a semblance of Dennis’s manly versions.

After slipping on her sports bra and her panties, she dons Dennis’ work clothes and heads for the kitchen for breakfast, where she meets up with Brooke.

“Well?” she asks him with a small smile.

He shrugs, “yes, I’m wearing the bigger plug, and I guess it’s OK. I can feel the difference, but not by much.”

Brooke gives him a congratulatory kiss, “how does it feel on your prostate?”

He hates to admit it, but he answers honestly, “pretty good, actually.”

“See, I told you it wouldn’t hurt you.”

She giggles, though, when he sits down to eat his breakfast and moans as the plug is pushed deeper by the hard chair.

He just gives her a dirty look and focusses on his plate.

The day slides by as does Thursday and also Friday. They’re both earning points toward their release, but both of them are far too short to make their goal by the coming weekend.

Despite months of practice at the game they’re both frustrated and very horny. It’s apparently something they’ll never get used to — the lack of frequent sex, that is.

As Victoria still needed help with her studies, Brooke and Denise are again at their friends’ home on Friday night.

While Denise and Victoria focus on probability formulas, Brooke and Kelly sit and chat, as they regularly do.

“I changed our plans for our vacation. We’ll now spend a couple of days in Amsterdam before heading on to Prague.” Kelly said with a sly grin.

Brooke could see that something was kind of fishy, “Oh, and why did you do that? Don’t get me wrong, Amsterdam is a wonderful and fun city, but I thought Prague and Vienna were your dream locales.”

“Well, they are, but I decided that Victoria should visit your favorite shop, since we were going to be over on that side of the Atlantic, anyway.” And she started giggling.

Brooke knew exactly what Kelly was planning, “really? You’re going to visit with Walter and Suzette and get Victoria a belt?”

“Yup, I’ve already talked to Suzette, and made an appointment. And she agreed, for an additional fee, to have the belt, and all of the accessories, made, shipped and waiting for us when we get back home, after Vienna.”

“Well hell! We had to wait a month to get our belts,” Brooke said, feigning anger.

Kelly just shrugged.

“So, you and Victoria are seriously planning on trying out a chastity lifestyle?” Brooke asked, but she didn’t wait for an answer, “You must be serious, it must have cost you a fortune to change your plans, this close to departure, and I know the belt is expensive.”

Kelly nodded and smiled, “I sold my Harley.”

That was the first time Brooke had heard anything about a Harley.

“Why am I not surprised that you had a Harley?” Brooke laughed, “I can just picture you riding a big ‘hog’ as part of some biker gang.”

“Yah, I got into that for a while. It was fun. I was a member of a big club down South for several years, but I got tired of the drunk and hairy bulls with small brains and big dicks always hitting on me. I actually knifed some ass hole who wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, one night. That discouraged a bunch of them for a while, but when it happened again, and some prick actually came really close to raping me, I called it quits.”

“Damn! Those bikers do always seem like real goons, to me,” Brooke said.

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