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Mutual Agreement

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I think there are many men that have a fantasy of seeing their wife fucking another man. My wife Kathy is getting herself ready right now to meet a lover she had hand picked just for that very reason. I can only imagine what is going through her mind right now and how she feels about another man fucking her with her husbands blessing. I’m standing here outside our bedroom door watching my wife as she pulls up her nylons and attaches them to the little hooks on her garter belt she had bought for her first date. Butterflies running through my stomach as I watch my beautiful red headed wife prepare herself for the nights events.

This whole idea came about two years ago with a severe medical problem which caused me of not being able to achieve an erection. A medical problem the doctors said I would not be able to correct with any of the new medicines available to men having problems obtaining an erection. I’m able to ejaculate but I’m always soft no matter how aroused I become. Kathy and I bought several new toys over the following months which consisted of dildos’ of different sizes and colors.

Kathy has always told me I was the best lover she ever had and I could bring her to many orgasms with my talented tongue. Kathy and I were married several years ago straight out of college and decided to wait a couple years to have children. After the third year we did make an effort to start a family and soon learned of my medical problems which included my low sperm count that would unable us to ever have children without adopting.

Kathy is twenty eight years old and I’m four years older than my wife. Kathy is a very beautiful woman at 5’6″ tall, beautiful long red hair and a body that most women would die for. Kathy’s long slender legs curve up to a perky little round ass and which taper down to a very small waist line and back out to a 34C bust size.

Over the months I had brought up the idea of an arrangement where Kathy could make love to another man with my permission. Kathy gave a definite no answer each time so I laid the idea to rest and didn’t bring up the idea again until one night after a party and a few drinks I decided I would approach Kathy again with the idea. Kathy was setting in front of her makeup stand when I walked up behind her and kissed her neck at the same time running my hands around to cup her breasts in my hands.

I had seen a handsome gentleman at the party flirting with my wife tonight and I asked her how she would like to fuck him. Kathy didn’t say no this time but took hold of one of my hands on her tits as she turned around and kissed me. After we broke the kiss, Kathy looked into my eye’s and asked me if that is what I wanted to happen. I responded by telling Kathy how I felt about not being able to satisfy her need sexually. Kathy’s response back by telling me she loved me very much and didn’t need to have sex with another man.

I responded back by telling Kathy how much I loved her and how much I felt it might be exciting for both of us and if we both agreed that I wouldn’t consider it cheating on me. Kathy said she would give the idea some thought and kissed me again.

Several weeks had passed before I anything was mentioned again about my wife having sex with another man. Than one day at breakfast, Kathy mentioned talking to a guy online for the last several weeks and was interested in meeting him in person and wanted to know how I would feel about it if she decided to meet him. Kathy’s statement caught me completely by surprise as my body went numb after hearing that my wife wanted to meet a strange man.

After all, this was something I had brought up to my wife on several occasions but now that I was hearing those words from her it sort of gave me a jolt. I told Kathy I would be fine with it as long as she felt comfortable. I asked Kathy all about this man and Kathy said he had never been married and graduated from the same college as her only a year later.

Kathy said he shared many of the same interests as her new friend who has only lived in the area for the past several months. Kathy said they made a date for this Friday to do a little site seeing around town. I was a little hesitant at first but didn’t want to give Kathy any sign that I wanted to back out. Kathy kissed me and said this was only going to be a friendly meeting to see how they hit it off so I didn’t mind as much.

Friday morning came and Kathy and I both had a long weekend off from work. After breakfast that morning, Kathy showered and got dressed for her day out. To my surprise Kathy came out of the bedroom wearing a pant’s suite with a jacket and heels. Kathy looked lovely as she walked out of the bedroom. It wasn’t something sexy like I had expected my wife to wear today but she dressed in good taste.

Kathy sat down on the sofa and motioned for me to join her as I sat down right next to her on the sofa. Kathy said she had spoken to Dave several times at lunch from work this week and he seemed very nice. Kathy went on to tell me not to worry about anything gay porno happening sexually because she felt she wasn’t ready yet which put a little relief in my mind.

Kathy than looked at her watch and leaned over to kiss me and said she had to go before she was late. I watched as my wife walked out the door to her car and I watched as her car backed out of the driveway. I had butterflies in my stomach as I watched Kathy’s car turn the corner and went out of sight.

I spent most of the day walking around the house and keeping myself busy at the same time thinking about Kathy out with this man and wondering where they may have gone and if she were all right. Kathy said she would give me a call and let the phone ring three times if everything were OK. I looked at my watch and it was just a little after four when I herd the phone ring in the kitchen. After the third ring it stopped and I knew that Kathy was telling me everything was all right and not to worry.

Just after seven that evening, I herd Kathy’s car pull into the drive and the door shut and I walked to the door to greet her. Kathy walked in and kissed me right away and gave me a big hug as she said that everything went just fine today. Kathy walked over to the sofa and took off her heels and told me that David was a real gentleman and they had a really nice time.

Kathy told me that David treated her much better than expected and that they had a date set for tomorrow evening for dinner. We sat together on the sofa with my arm around my wife smelling the perfume she had worn for the day and how good she must have smelled to this strange man she had met today and wondered what may have gone through his mind today knowing he was out with a married woman.

Glancing down at my wife’s left hand I noticed Kathy’s wedding and engagement rings were missing. I asked Kathy why she wasn’t wearing her rings and she told me that she never got around to telling David that she was married and didn’t tell him our situation because she didn’t want him to think she was meeting him just for sex. Kathy said it was better to start this way because David wouldn’t expect anything from her and she felt more comfortable this way.

The phone rang and Kathy jumped up to get it before the second ring. After saying hello to the person on the other end, Kathy turned back to me and said it was Dave and she would take it into the bedroom. I sat back on the sofa and feel asleep from the tension I felt all day worrying about my wife. I woke up and it had turned dark but could see a dim light on in our bedroom.

I think I fell asleep for over an hour and I could still hear my wife talking on the phone. I could hear Kathy laughing as I walked toward the door and standing in the hall trying to listen to their conversation. Kathy was telling this man that she thought he looked sexy today and how relaxed she felt even when he put his arm around her. Kathy was telling him about a black dress she was going to wear tomorrow night and she was looking forward to their date and said goodnight.

I waited a couple minutes until I walked into the bedroom and found my wife had taken all her clothes off and was laying naked on the bed. Kathy motioned for me to join her and put her arms around me as I sat on the bed. Reaching down between her legs, I gently stroked Kathy’s pussy and found it very wet as I inserted a finger inside my wife as she squirmed and kissed me again. Kathy must have got excited talking to her boyfriend on the phone. I asked Kathy if she wanted me to lick her but said she was really tired and wanted to turn in early tonight.

That brings us up to date and now my beautiful wife is getting ready for her date with her new boyfriend David. Kathy was now wearing a pair of nude stockings along with a black garter belt. Kathy has always liked the way the old pinup girls dressed and loved to dress very erotically herself.

Kathy slipped on a half cup bra and reached for her skirt and blouse that was laying across the chair. As Kathy stood in the mirror adjusting her skirt, she looked absolutely stunning in the all black ensemble

I waited for Kathy in the living room until she finally entered the room dressed entirely in black including the 5 inch spike heels. Kathy walked over and kissed me on the lips and gave me a hug as she asked me if I were sure I wanted her to go on this date tonight with David.

I told Kathy not to worry about it any more that I had made up my mind long ago with this decision and she kissed me again. I could smell the sweat scent of my wife’s perfume as she kissed my lips. She had painted her finger nails bright red which seemed to highlight her red hair.

Kathy said that David would be here around seven to pick her up and Kathy said it might be better if David didn’t see me when he got here and she would introduce him to me later. Kathy said she was nervous and didn’t know if she could go on this date tonight if I met David right away so I agreed to stay in the guest room until fetiş porno they had left.

Kathy than walked over and hugged me again saying she wouldn’t be out too late tonight and not to worry. Kathy than looked into my eye’s and told me that this date tonight would only give them a chance to get acquainted tonight. I put my arms around my wife and held her tight as we both herd a car pull into the driveway.

Kathy gave me a quick kiss before I descended into our guest room and shut the door. I listened as my wife opened the door for this man she was going to fuck in the near future. I guess I was being a little thankful it wouldn’t be tonight as Kathy told me this was just a date to get to know him better.

I could hear his voice which was very deep and could hear him tell my wife how beautiful she looked. I could hear Kathy thanking him for the flowers and telling him how sexy he looked tonight. I herd the front door shut and I knew they had left the house. I walked out into the front room to try and get a look at this man my wife had picked to fuck her but all I could see was a tall figure walking around the car and getting inside. I watched the car pull out of the driveway and turn off the street.

It seemed like many hours had passed as I sat on the guest room bed watching the television and trying to take my mind off my wife on her date with this man she said was sexy. I looked at the clock and it was after twelfth and wondered what they might be doing right now.

I must have fallen asleep, when I glanced at the clock again it was after two in the morning. I reached for the remote and turned the television off and lay there in the total darkness wondering when my wife would be home.

I could hear Kathy’s voice out in the front room, she was laughing and I figured she must have arrived back home while I was sleeping. I almost got up to walk out and introduce myself but remembered that Kathy wanted to wait for me to meet him. I figured maybe it was better to take my wife’s advise and stay in the bedroom. I figured I could open the door just a crack and see if I could take a look and see what this guy looked like.

I’m not sure how long they had been home but I could hear wine glasses being knocked together as I gently cracked open the door. All I could see from this angle was the back of the sofa and my heart sank as I could barely make out the figures of my wife and her boyfriend David. I could see the back of David’s head and my wife seemed to be sitting on his lap facing him with her arms around his shoulders. All I could tell about David was that it looked like his hair was black and curly and now my wife had her head bent down and was kissing him.

Kathy’s head appeared to move up slightly than down as they continued the long kiss. I could hear Kathy’s voice but couldn’t make out what was being said. I could still see my wife’s upper body as she seemed to be moving very slowly up and down motion. My heart sank again as I wondered if my wife was getting funked right there on our sofa tonight.

I decided that I could walk out the French doors in this bedroom and look inside from the living room doors. I made my way outside into the yard trying not to trip on something because there wasn’t any moon tonight. It was pitch black out side tonight so I wouldn’t be noticed looking inside the house from out here.

The doors were open with only the screen doors between me and my wife and her boyfriend. I looked around the corner and froze solidly as I could see my wife had straddled her boyfriend on the sofa. Kathy’s head was now tilted as she kissed her lover and could see his face now. He was a black man! Not only was he black but a very huge muscular guy. I could see Kathy’s heels pointing toward me as her lover cupped her ass and moved her up and down his cock. Looking closer I could barely make out David’s huge shaft stretching Kathy’s tight pussy.

With the door open I could hear everything from my position now including the suction sounds of Kathy’s pussy each time she was lowered onto this huge shaft. Kathy was telling David she had never been funked this deep and wanted him to take his time tonight. David had lowered his head to Kathy’s tits and began to kiss, lick and bit on them as he continued to slowly fuck my wife’s pussy.

Kathy was rotating her little round ass around in David’s lap as his hands cupped her ass checks and held my wife in position above his massive cock. Each time my wife’s body was raised I could see David’s massive cock and large testicles below. David’s cock was wet with my wife’s pussy juice and I could now make out a condom covering his shaft.

David than told Kathy to hold on to him tight as he lifted my wife up into the air and funked her standing up within several feet of my face. He was bouncing her little body up and down his cock like a rag doll as my wife moaned and told David to fuck her harder. David kept up this pass for several minutes before sitting my wife down on the sofa hamile porno and mounting her from the top.

Kath still had on her garter belt and stockings and heels that were now pointed straight up at the ceiling as David rammed his thick black cock deep inside my wife’s little pussy. Kathy was yelling out loud now as she told David she was going to cum.

Kathy’s legs started to shake as the orgasm hit her and started to buck her legs like a little rabbit. David yelled out that he was going to cum himself and let out a loud gasp as he rammed himself deep inside my wife’s pussy as he shot his load into the condom. David still had my wife’s legs pointing straight up at the ceiling as David held them in place as he shot his huge load.

After a few minutes my wife and David were kissing and Kathy was telling David it had been so long since she was funked and wanted him to spend the night. David slowly pulled out of my wife’s pussy and I could hear the suction sounds it made as the giant head slipped past her pussy lips. I could hear David yell out, “Dam the condom broke.”

Kathy stood up next to David who looked like he was almost a foot taller than my wife and reached up and kissed him on the lips. David cupped my wife’s ass again and I could see the trial of sperm as in slowly leaked out of my wife’s pussy. Kathy must have had too much to drink tonight because she didn’t seem the least bit concerned that this black man had just pumped his seed deep inside her belly and she could become pregnant.

Instead, my wife took his large hand in hers and led him into our bedroom and I could hear the door shut. I walked around outside of the house and made my way over to our bedroom where I could look in the window. Kathy was on her knee’s on the floor sucking on David’s huge black cock. By the time I got around the house. Kathy was licking him for all it was worth, slowly lifting his shaft up out of the way as she sucked his giant testicles into her mouth.

This continued for several more minutes until David pulled my wife up and pushed her back on the bed. David grabbed a hold of Kathy’s slim legs and pinned them back toward her head as my wife reached down around her ass and took a hold of David’s huge cock and positioned it to the entrance of her pussy. David pushed forward and an inch slipped inside her as Kathy’s body stiffened.

David didn’t even bother putting on another condom and I don’t think my wife even gave it a thought considering the state she was in right now. David pushed himself forward again and another two inches slipped inside my wife. Kathy started to rotate her little ass now trying to work more of David’s thick cock inside her.

David gave one last push until he had several inches of his cock buried inside my wife. Kathy placed her dainty hands on his massive arms as he started to fuck her in a slow pace. David leaned himself down pinning my wife’s legs all the way back now as he kissed her running his tongue inside her mouth. David’s saliva was coating his tongue and ready to drip down into my wife’s open mouth until I clearly could see Kathy as she opened her mouth and sucked the saliva off his tongue.

Kathy was yelling out for David to fuck her harder as she bucked her little ass up to meet his strokes. David cleared his throat as if he were getting ready to spit and told my wife to open her mouth.

Kathy opened her mouth and David spit a big glob of saliva inside my wife’s open mouth. This seemed to turn her on even more as David cleared his throat again and spit another inside my wife’s mouth. David told my wife to swallow it and once she swallowed he leaned down and gave her another open mouth kiss. Kathy didn’t seem like her normal self with this man.

Kathy kept rotating her ass around David’s stiff meat as they continued to fuck until Kathy let out another yell that she was going to cum. Kathy’s legs began to quiver and buck as she yelled out to David to keep fucking her deep and hard. David did just that not letting up on his hard thrusts inside my wife’s little pussy. I could see the lips of her pussy as they clung to David’s thick cock pounding deep inside her.

David’s strokes were getting faster and shorter and I knew he was going to cum again inside my wife. Kathy would have to use a douche to get all the sperm out of her pussy once they were finished. David let out a yell and started to stiffen as he rammed himself deep inside Kathy’s pussy and held himself tightly inside her.

I could see the veins in David’s cock this time as the contracted each time a load was pumped inside my wife. David Lay still for several minutes until David slowly lifted himself off my wife. I noticed that David held my wife’s legs up as David reached up and put a pillow under her little ass as if to trap his seed inside her pussy. David held Kathy’s legs up like she was a trophy as he gently kissed her ankles and her heels.

David finally lowered my wife’s legs and leaned over and kissed her on the lips as he removed the pillow from beneath my wife’s ass. Kathy scooted over toward the end of the bed and I could see the wet stain on the sheet where she had been fucked. Kathy was slipping off the heels and unsnapping the garter belt and rolling the nylons down her smooth tapered legs as David looked on.

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