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Savannah’s Hypnotic Socks Pt. 18

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(I have been hitting a good writing pace lately so I think I will be able to maintain two updates a month going forward. Around the middle of each month I will publish a part of this story and around the end of each month a part for my other story.)

Chapter 21

Roxanne’s alarm went off at 7:55 am, five minutes before she was supposed to wake Savannah up. She was still wearing her stockings from yesterday. The collar was something she couldn’t even take off on her own. Silently she got up, hooked the leash to her collar and got down on her hands and knees.

With the chain dragging along the floor underneath her body Roxanne crawled her way into her roommate’s room across the hall. Savannah was still loudly snoring as Roxanne started worming her head underneath the covers and in between her legs.

It was a warm hard task, but eventually Roxanne managed to get to her roommate’s pussy only to be surprised when she used her tongue to orient herself. She hadn’t noticed before, but Savannah was sleeping on her stomach, up was suddenly down and it confused the girl who was still so new to eating pussy. All of a sudden she didn’t need to lick up, but down instead to reach Savannah’s clit. It took her a few licks until she really got the hang of it.

Another problem with Savannah’s current position was how Roxanne was forced to burry her face between her roommate’s big sweaty ass cheeks to even get access to her pussy. Her nose involuntarily rubbed against the black girls stinking wrinkled butthole. The smell of Savannah’s unwashed sweaty butt crack was revolting, and yet she somehow got aroused as she proceeded to eat her roommate out like this.

Savannah’s snores slowly turned into moans as she slowly woke up, already well on her way to her first orgasm of the day. “Mmmm, good morning my slutty pussy muncher. You are doing a very good job. In fact a great job. I love how you are massaging my butthole, I never thought that would feel good, but well here we are. In fact, I’ll even make that the new part of your training. Whenever you are eating pussy, I want you to gently massage the butthole at the same time, at least as much as possible. So don’t be shy and really get in there. Use some pressure. Ooooh yes? Just like that.” Savannah mused in a sing song voice. Getting woken up like this had instantly got her in a great mood.

Embarrassed out of her mind Roxanne started grinding her cute nose against Savannah’s butt hole even harder. The added pressure along with the way in which Savannah relaxed caused the tip of her nose to slightly slip in at times. It made her cringe beyond believe, at the same time those moments also send a surge of pleasure to her own pussy.

It didn’t take all too long for Savannah to have her orgasm. The added stimulation to her butt as well as the excitement of knowing that her roommate was debasing herself way further by actually massaging her butt hole with her nose proved to be two strong stimuli. Savannah was even surprising herself with how low she could make Roxanne sink. Her laying on her stomach had just been a coincidence, but it sure led to a wonderful new idea.

A couple of minutes later, an intense wonderful orgasm washed over Savannah. There was no better way to start her day than with an eager pretty slut lapping her to an orgasm. Roxanne had a different opinion on that though. Getting between her roommate’s legs while she was sleeping was way to warm and very hard work, on top of that it was disgusting. Yet as Savannah came, she did her best to lap up all of her roommate’s juices.

With a wet face and sweaty body from being buried between Savannah’s warm legs, Roxanne wurmed her way out from under her roommate’s sheets. Slowly but surely she crawled her way around to the side of the bed where she knelt down, lowered her head and offered up the handle of her leash to her Goddess on her open hand palms.

Savannah took the leash with great pleasure as she got up and walked to the bathroom guiding her by now very obedient roommate behind her. She would keep this up for a week, just savouring her obedient home pet while letting Roxanne get used to the idea of belonging to her completely. Then next week would finally be the time where she would show the world her Roxy, the pet she had moulded so well, her pride, her property.

These thoughts were running through her head as she sat down on the toilet. Without complaint or even needing to be asked Roxanne got down on her back and presented her face to her Goddess’s bare feet. A gesture Savannah gladly took advantage of as she placed her one sole square across the girl’s face while pulling her nipples with the toes of her other foot all while she let out a hard stream of morning piss.

As she was done Savannah placed her feet back on the ground and started pulling Roxy’s head up with the leash until her chin once more rested on the edge of the seat. Tears filled Roxanne’s eyes as the awfully strong offensive scent of her roommate’s minyon porno morning pee invade her nostrils.

For a moment she thought about refusing, but as another strong surge of arousal coursed through her body Roxanne realised this was where she belonged. Blushing crimson she extended her tongue and started to lap up the dark yellow droplets of pee from in and around Savannah’s pussy. Once Savannah was satisfied, she pulled the girl away.

“Alright Roxy, that’s enough. I know how much you love and adore my pussy, but I have a busy day ahead of me so we need to get going. Now take of your pretty stockings and off in the shower we go. Don’t worry about your pretty collar. It can handle a bit of water.” Savannah mused in a singsong voice. She was in the best mood she had ever been in.

Roxanne quickly obeyed, rolling down her stockings in a hurry and throwing them aside so she could crawl into the shower along with her roommate. “Why don’t you go first and tell me when the water has heated up?” Savannah smirked as she pushed the girl into the shower and turned on the water which was always ice cold for starters.

It didn’t take long for the water to heat up, but even that short time was enough to give Roxanne’s lips a light purple hue. “The water is warm my divine Goddess.” The girl called out through clattering teeth that slowly calmed down as her body started to warm up while Savannah joined in.

Once Savannah got in the shower, she took up the whole stream of water forcing Roxanne to stand outside the warmth. She also just stood there, a hint Roxanne quickly picked up on as she took some soap and a loofah to carefully wash every nook and cranny of her Goddess’s body.

Savannah moaned satisfied, she only had to stand there, and Roxanne did all the work. This pretty pale girl was all over her, paying attention to her whole body with complete devotion. For Roxanne the shower was rather pleasant as well. It was so much softer than how she usually got treated. It smelled like flowers and she could stand up. If she pressed her body against savannah’s while washing, she could even enjoy some of the warm water herself.

It was soft, gentle and clean. Yet every surge of arousal stayed out as well. It once again made her realise how much she craved to be used and abused to preform all kinds of nasty tasks for her Goddess. After all what kind of pervert enjoyed licking a piss soaked pussy clean more than gentle cuddling in the shower?

After she was done washing Savannah the black girl got out of the shower allowing her pet one minute to wash herself. The fact that she only had one minute made Roxanne panic since she knew it was going to be the only shower she was allowed. Taking no time to rinse and resoap her loofah Roxanne quickly washed herself using the still somewhat soapy loofah she had used on Savannah. She spend most of the time washing her face after all it had lately become the dirtiest place on her body and she was mortified at the thought that someone would notice.

“Stop!” Savannah suddenly called out after which Roxanne dropped everything and stopped the shower. Meekly she got out and started drying off her Goddess before drying herself using the same towel and getting back on her hands and knees.

Savannah took the leash again and headed to her room with her pet pulled behind her. For today she opted to wear a pair of light lavender coloured tights paired with an orange skater dress. After Roxanne helped her into the outfit they headed to Roxanne’s room. There she made Roxanne switch out her current stockings for a pair of lavender ones. She also made the girl pull out a pair of lavender ankle socks. “You may switch out your stockings for these when you get dressed, but I don’t want to catch you wearing anything but lavender socks understand. If you really want to you can also wear the knee highs, or the tights, but they have to be lavender.” Savannah informed the girl sternly.

Now that Roxanne was wearing the right stockings they went to the kitchen. Roxanne prepared her Goddess her breakfast while she got to eat dry cornflakes out of a bowl between her feet. Once the meal was done and everything put away Roxanne went back to her room. Upon re-entering the open kitchen and living room she was wearing a navy and white body con dress reaching to mid-thigh, a pair of white sneakers with the lavender coloured ankle socks poking out of the tops.

Normally Roxanne only wore white or black ankle socks, that or sheer black or nude pantyhose. The more colourful socks were definitely a change for her, it was very subtle, and the pale lavender wasn’t the brightest of colours. Yet it did make her nervous. For the first time she would wear something that could link her to Savannah.

“Come over here a minute before you leave Roxy.” Savannah beckoned the girl with her finger. Of course Roxanne was going to come over. She wasn’t planning on heading out wearing that collar and leash olgun porno after all. Still approaching her Goddess while she was obviously checking her out did make her nervous.

Once within reach Savannah extended her hand and instantly wormed it underneath Roxanne’s dress. Roxanne could feel her roommate’s fingers moving right over her pantied pussy. She wanted the ground to swallow her. Somehow being casually checked and felt up like this was worse than crawling around naked. Despite that she could instantly feel her pussy moisten up.

Upon pulling her hand away Savannah had a stern expression fixed on her face. “Roxanne, what are you wearing underneath that dress? Lift up your dress right now.” She said. It was the first time in forever Savannah had used Roxanne’s full name instead of the shortened Roxy. At this point it just sounded weird, like how her mother would call her by her first and last name when she was in trouble.

The nerves where raging wildly within Roxanne as she meekly started rising her dress’s skirt, revealing the white lace hip hugger panties she was wearing. Savannah instantly started shaking her head at the girl.

“No, no, no. You are doing it all wrong. Do your really think it is suitable for a perverted slut like you to be wearing panties? You might give people the wrong impression sweetie. Now take them off and hand them to me. Then I will unlock your collar and you can go.” Savannah said extending her hand.

Embarrassed out of her mind, but oh so wet Roxanne slowly slid down her panties in front of her roommate. They had been a fresh pair yet due to the humiliation of this entire situation they already felt moist when she put them in her roommate’s hand.

“That’s a good girl, way more suiting for a perverted slut like you.” Savannah said before yanking Roxanne’s head down using the leash and unlocking her collar. She took the girl’s chin and pulled her in for an aggressive sloppy kiss before saying. “Have a good day at school my little pet.”

Completely flustered and embarrassed Roxanne stumbled out of the door. She felt so dirty not wearing anything under her dress, nervous as well, what if people found out? What if they made the connection between the colour of her socks and Savannah’s tights? Sure the ankles socks weren’t that noticeable to others, but to her, knowing what they stood for they certainly were.

Once Roxanne had left Savannah went to her room to collect her socks and called her taxi driver to drive her to the mall. Her plans for today were skipping classes and winning her bet with Leila. It would be an easy feat with the help of her socks.

The day passed by easier than expected for Roxanne. No one really seemed to notice about the panties or the socks. It allowed her to relax a bit. The only downside of the day was that Savannah didn’t allow her an orgasm. When she asked why the girl only said. “Because you don’t seem proud enough to be mine.” She didn’t give any more information.

That’s how the week dragged on. At school Roxanne had to wear skirts or dresses with no panties and at home she was Savannah’s perfect pet. Her room had become filled and stunk up by the many dirty tights and panties from her roommate hanging around there. It just added to her insane arousal that build everyday when Savannah denied her her orgasm for the same reason each time. It certainly didn’t help that Savannah made her masturbate for her viewing pleasure each day.

Her pussy licking skills had increased by a lot as well. Savannah had stopped giving tips and pointers, she had given enough of them anyways. Everything added Roxanne was supposed to teach herself by researching the internet. Savannah made sure that the girl had more than enough practice and as they say practice makes perfect. Even Savannah had to admit that the girl’s clumsy tongue had turned rather skilled. She could always make her cum within five minutes. Even when Savannah tried to hold back or had already been satisfied.

It wasn’t until Thursday that Roxanne realised the reason she hadn’t been allowed an orgasm was because she always chose for the ankle socks. Maybe that was what Savannah meant by her not being proud enough. She had to wear a bigger sign that she and her Goddess belonged together.

Chapter 22

Today was the day that Roxanne would test out her theory. Savannah had chosen to wear a pair of yellow tights which meant she was wearing yellow thigh high stockings as she went to get dressed. She didn’t bother with panties. She had learned that lesson on Monday.

This time she decided to keep her stockings on. She paired it with a bright yellow sundress and a pair of yellow flats. She had read a lot about those mono chrome outfits. It was one of the latest fashion trends where one would wear an outfit completely in one colour. A bright colour preferably. She didn’t like the look, and she didn’t feel confident enough to pull it of. Luckily the trend was fading, şahin k porno and very little normal people had actually jumped that band wagon, but for now it would at least works as some kind of excuse of why she was wearing such bright colours. After all what outfit could your wear bright yellow tights or stockings underneath and not be noticed? At least the mono chrome offered a sense of an explanation compared to wearing it with any other outfit.

She probably wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t think it would grant her an orgasm. At this time she was just so desperately horny that she felt like she had to. God if she got an orgasm it would all be worth it. Nervously and embarrassed Roxanne walked out for her obligatory outfit inspection. Even the prospect of being seen by her roommate was embarrassing enough to cause a surge of arousal.

A big smile instantly appeared on Savannah’s face when she saw Roxanne in her all yellow outfit, just like her own tights. She loved the symbolism that the girl belonged to everything her tights enveloped. Her butt, her pussy and most of all her feet. After all her feet held so much power over the girl.

“Well well, if it isn’t my little ray of sunshine. Why don’t you come over here?” Savannah mocked. The moment Roxanne was close enough she felt up the girl’s skirt even though she hadn’t worn any panties since that one time on Monday. Smiling broadly at how sopping wet she was. She could even feel her pussy pulse against her finger under this embarrassing treatment. Finally it had gotten true to her what she had to do and the result was even better than Savannah had hoped for.

“My my, you are so wet my little pet. I bet you must have loved to eat me out this morning, or was it licking me after my morning piss? Anyways, clean up my fingers and you’re good to go.” Savannah said holding her juice covered fingers up to the girl’s lips.

Without a word of protest or even a sign of hesitation Roxanne opened her lips, welcoming Savannah’s fat wet fingers. Dutifully she caressed them with her tongue sucking all of her juices from them as she tasted her own pussy. It seemed to please her roommate who soon pulled her fingers away and unlocked her collar, allowing her to go to school.

That day at school Roxanne had to endure a lot of stares and ogles, as well as a ton of questions regarding her outfit from her friends. She always gave the same answer. It was just her giving that fashion trend a try before it disappeared completely. She also said that she didn’t quit like it, but that she at least knew it now. It were all lies making her feel very self-conscious, but although some of her friends didn’t seem to completely believe her, most of them did.

Luckily no one seemed to have mad the connection to Savannah her roommate who was wearing tights in that exact same colour. After all, all the attention went to Roxanne since Savannah wore weird overtly colourful outfits all the time. It really wasn’t anything new anymore.

The attention was the only thing Savannah hadn’t thought of when she basically manipulated Roxanne into wearing this. She liked wearing bold colours because it always got her stares and attention. Now all of that went to Roxanne whose outfit was even bolder. It pissed Savannah off a little. Soon that would change though. Very soon as Savannah would make her roommate come out as her girlfriend starting next week.

As the day dragged on Roxanne got approached by Chad. It instantly made her nervous. She thought she loved him. He was funny, smart, handsome, kind,… everything she had ever dreamed off, but she had been spending so much time with Savannah, devoting herself to her demanding roommate that she hadn’t had time to hang with Chad or go on days. Besides it wouldn’t feel right to go on a date without permission from Savannah.

“Hey Roxy, I’ve been thinking. We haven’t been seeing each other a lot lately so I wanted to change that. How about we go out on a date this weekend? A dinner, maybe a movie after and who knows.” Chad asked with his wide charming smile.

“Oooh, euhm that does sound very nice. I don’t know when I am available though. I should check my agenda at home, euhm that’s okay right? I’ll let you know. I promise.” Roxanne said nervously not wanting to let Chad know that she had to ask Savannah first.

Chad was a bit taken a back. He had a expected a quick enthusiastic yes. He decided he shouldn’t let his disappointment shine through. One thing was certain, he didn’t want to lose his sweetheart. “Okay cool, then I guess I’ll hear from you.” He said nonchalantly giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.

With that said they both went their separate ways. Roxanne’s nerves did not go down at all. Her little chat with Chad had confused her so much. She was pretty much sure that Savannah was the best partner she could ever wish for. At least she understood and indulged all her perversions. She gave her the firm hand she clearly needed and on top of that it seemed like she was the only person that could make her feel good enough to have an orgasm. Even if it was in an extremely humiliating way, requiring her feet on her face. Chad was so handsome and overall perfect though. Every time she saw him her heart fluttered in her chest.

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