Tag: inside van

Moving to Jamaica Ch. 05

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Editor’s Note: this submission contains raceplay and racial kink content.


Marco was working his day job on the beach a week after Jill and Carol left for the states. His life was back to normal with being a cabana boy during the day and a pimp at night. Even though the two white sluts were gone, he still had his four black girls who turned a decent profit for him. As he was putting away some lounge chairs at the end of the day, he heard, “Hey baby. Did you miss me?” When he looked up, he grinned ear-to-ear to see Carol standing there wearing an extremely short dress that the light breeze was blowing up around her waist. Seeing her tiny bikini panties reminded him of her sweet pussy that he loved to abuse, and that could make him a fortune if he could put it to work for him.

She slowly walked over to him and reached up to put her arms around his neck. She said, “I missed you, baby,” and then she stood on her toes and kissed him. His hands roamed down her body and landed on her perfectly shaped ass. “Mmmm, baby. Your hands on my ass feel great. I missed you.”

He said, “I missed you too, my little slut. Are you ready for me to put that hot white pussy to work?”

“Mmm. Hmm. Are you ready to try it out first, Marco. I’ve missed your big cock.”

Marco told one of the other young men to cover for him while he took the hot little white bitch to her room and fucked her. He told him that if he finished up for him that he can come up to the room in an hour and dump some of his own cum into the little whore, and he quickly agreed.

When they got to the room, Marco ripped Carol’s clothes from her body. He slapped her face and her breasts and said, “You’re nothing but a cheap fucking whore and I plan on putting your fuck holes to work for me.” He spit in her face, and while she was using her finger to scrape his spit into her mouth, he continued, “You’re now a whore for niggers. Understand me, bitch?” He slapped her breasts again and noticed that her nipples were rock hard as she nodded her head yes. “You belong to me, bitch! Understand? I can use you any way I want.” She nodded her head again.

He lifted her and threw the bitch on the bed. “Suck my cock and balls and lick my ass hole. Then get on your knees so I can fuck that mare hole ass.” Carol spent 10 minutes sucking Marco’s cock and balls. Then she moved behind and ate his ass hole for a few minutes before moving back to his cock. Marco reached down and grabbed her hair and lifted her to her feet, throwing her onto the bed. She immediately turned, put her face on the pillow and lifted her ass for him. Without any attempt to lubricate her perfect ass, Marco slowly put the head of his cock into her ass.

“Owww! Ahhh.” She yelled. Marco looked evilly at her and then rammed his cock balls deep into her helpless ass. “AHHHH! OH FUCK! OWWWW! OWWW! PL-PLEASE ST-STOP! AHHHH!”

He ruthlessly pounded her white ass making her scream and thrash. His huge body had no trouble holding the much smaller white girl steady while he rammed his big cock into her ass over and over. As he was about to cum, he demanded that she turned and take his cum in her mouth. She eagerly turned and engulfed his cock in her mouth and looked up at him as he filled her mouth with his seed. When he was finished, she continued looking at him and opened her mouth showing him his cum, and then swallowed all of it.

He looked down at her and in a snide manner, said, “You’re nothing but a whore, Carol. Do you know that?”

She smiled up at him and thought to herself that this could be a fun few weeks getting laid in Jamaica before heading back to college. As she got to her feet, she said, “I’m your whore, Marco. You’re my master as long as I’m in Jamaica.”

“You may be here longer than you think, slut.”

“Mmm. You never know,” she said.

He saw that she hadn’t yet unpacked so he grabbed her suitcases and said, “Come with me.”

She blindly followed him and they took a cab and eventually ended up at a small bungalow. He said, “You’ll live here with me and my other whores.”

She looked around the small cabin. A minute later, mobil porno four black women came out of one of the rooms and one said, “Who dis bitch, Marco?”

“Dis is my new whore, girls. Make sure she get settled in and den all you git to work.”

The four women took Carol’s luggage into the room and immediately opened and began grabbing her clothing. When Carol attempted to stop them, she was slapped and knocked to her ass by the girls. Marco stood at the doorway smirking until the girls found a large wad of money. Before they could conceal it, Marco lunged and took the money for himself.

“Hey, that’s my money, Marco,” Carol yelled as she started towards him.

“Not anymore, cunt. You work for me now. You’re my property, understand?” He slapped her and she fell to the floor.

After the girls had taken all of Carol’s clothes, she was given some of their old clothes. Marco told the girls to dress and go get busy. The black girls all dressed in their new clothes and Carol put on one of the slutty outfits that was left over. The outfit left nothing to the imagination. The four black girls left to go work the streets and Marco told Carol to come with him. When she started to complain, he slapped her again and told her to keep quiet. He said, “I expect you to earn me a minimum of $300 tonight. Don’t stop fucking until you do.”

He dropped her in a middle-class area with a lot of night life. Carol spent the first two hours crying and trying to figure out how to get out of the situation that she walked blindly in to. As she was sitting on a bench, she heard a voice, “Are you a cop?” She looked up at a big well-dressed black man and shook her head. “Are you a prostitute?” She paused for a minute and then nodded her head. I’ll give you $100.” Carol stood up and turned to him and slowly nodded her head. They walked a short distance to an old hotel and the man took a room.

Inside the room, the man paid her and both of them took off their clothes. The man stared at the flawless white skin on the beautiful American, and Carol stood mesmerized at the coal black skin of the muscular black man. What had started out to be a paid fuck between a john and a hooker turned in to a slow almost romantic love-making session between two people excited to have such an attractive lover. Their love-making was over all too soon, and the man said, “Will you stay the night with me?”

She hesitated and then said, “I can’t. I still have to earn another $200.” The man smiled and handed her $200. Carol stayed the night with the sensuous black man and they had sex two more times. When they got up in the morning, the man asked if he could see her again. She nodded her head, but then remembered that she worked for Marco, so she ran from the room.

Marco didn’t really care that she spent the night with a customer as long as he got his $300. When she handed him the money, he yelled at the other whores, “See, this is how it’s done, you worthless cunts.”

The four women came into the room and said, “Yeah, but she white and she new. When she been in da business as long as us, den she not be earning $300 either.”

Marco grinned at them and said, “Yeah, but she can do things that you girls won’t do. Watch.” He turned to Carol and said, “Get on your knees and crawl over here and lick my ass hole.” Carol only hesitated briefly before getting on her knees and crawling over to her master and shoving her face between his black cheeks. She licked and tongued his ass hole for a few minutes before Marco stepped back and said, “See that girls. You think you’re too good to do that, but this white slut couldn’t wait to bury her face in my smelly black ass. Ain’t that right, slut?” Carol obediently nodded her head.

Carol quickly fell into a routine with the other girls. They slept till about noon and then got up and had breakfast. They spent the afternoon relaxing and then hit the streets at night. During the first month, Carol lost track of time and of how many men she had fucked. Her initial excitement of spending time with Marco had subsided. He had only fucked her a couple of times during the month and alman porno that was just to taunt the other girls. She had no money and only the old clothes that the girls had dumped on her when they took her expensive clothes. She didn’t know where she was or how to get out. She was truly in a mess.

Back in the states, Jill was surprised that Carol wasn’t waiting for her when she was released from her treatment. She went home and tried to call her but the message said her phone had been disconnected. Maybe Carol was embarrassed with her mother and wanted to shun her for a while. It wouldn’t be the first time. As Jill relaxed in her own home, she thought back to her time with Marco. That was the best sex she had ever had, although it eventually got out-of-hand. But that was her fault for agreeing to the drugs. He had warned her that she would be on a fast slope down if she did the drugs, but she did them anyway. She conveniently forgot that it was Marco and his cronies that drugged her in the first place so she wouldn’t remember the disgusting things they did to her.

As Jill was wondering what to do next, she was surprised to find that she was packing her suitcase. She booked a ticket back to Jamaica and was quickly on her way. Her room was still reserved and paid so she checked herself in, had a few drinks from the room fridge and then fell asleep on the bed. The next day she went to the beach at the end of the day and found Marco putting the beach chairs away.

“Hi Marco. I missed you,” she said.

Marco’s face lit up when he saw that his old rich whore had returned. “Hey bitch. Nice that you came back to me.” He held out his arms and she ran to him. He said, “Why don’t you meet me in da restaurant in a couple hours and we’ll catch up? I gotta make a few calls to reschedule something.” She immediately agreed and went to her room to get ready.

Marco called and told one of his whores where to take Carol to work for the night and then met Jill in the restaurant. After dinner and a few drinks, they ended back in her room. She said, “Things are kind of fuzzy from before, Marco. I know I was on drugs, but did I do anything else that I could be arrested for?”

Marco smiled and said, “Well baby, you fucked a lot of people and you seemed to like it. And then there was that weekend you spent in da cabin in da woods wit the five boys and two dogs. Dats when you was pretty out of it.”

“Did . . . did I . . . .?

Marco laughed and said, “Yeah, you did. And we got the movie to prove it.”

“Oh no,” she sobbed. “What about the boys? Please tell me they were old enough. Please tell me they were at least the legal age.”

“Yeah baby, dey was legal. Dey was of de age of consent, as you say.” He saw her breathe a quick sigh as he added, “Of course, de age of consent is different in different places.”

She had a puzzled look on her face and she asked, “What do you mean, Marco?

He laughed and said, Well, even in your own country. In California, da legal age is 18, but in your state of Kentucky, it’s only 16. You didn’t know dat, did ya?” She shook her head. “In most countries, it’s 18, but in some countries, it’s lower.”

She shook her head and asked, “Do I want to know what it is in Jamaica?”

Marco smiled and said, “Relax bitch. De only law dat was broke was when I sold your pussy on da street. Dat’s not legal most places, OK?”

Jill sat in a chair and sadly looked down at the floor. “M-Marco, I’ve d-done s-some bad . . . . “

She was interrupted by Marco’s laugh. “You done dem things because you’re a whore, baby. You belong to me, bitch. You understand me?” She looked into his eyes and slowly nodded her head. “OK den, bitch. Now strip and suck my cock.” Jill smiled as she quickly removed her clothes and dropped to her knees in front of her young master. She knew this was what she was meant to do.

Marco put his old rich slut through the paces of sucking his cock and rimming his ass hole before he got her dressed in one of her slutty outfits and took her out for the evening. He took her to a decent upscale bar where he alexis texas porno sold her pussy to several black businessmen. When they were finished with her, he took her back to her room and told her to be ready to go to work at 7:00 the next evening.

“But baby, please. I came back to be with you. Won’t you please stay with me tonight? I need you, baby. Please?”

“Maybe tomorrow night, slut, but it depends how much money you bring to me.”

“How much do I need to bring to you, baby for you to spend the night with me?”

“$1,000,” he said.

She reached in to her purse and pulled out some bills and counted out 10 $100 bills and reached out to him. He grabbed the money and put it in his pocket and said, “You still need to bring me $1,000 tomorrow night,” and he left the room.

As Marco was on his way back to his place, he was so happy that he was singing. He now had what he wanted; the two rich white bitches who would do anything for him. With both of them working the streets and bars for him, he would be rich. And those two stupid bimbos had no clue that he owned both of them. Damn, he thought, life was good.

When he got home, he had Carol rim his ass; the same ass that her mother had just rimmed an hour before. He went to bed with a big smile on his face.

Marco insisted that Jill buy a small place near town where she could ‘entertain’ her customers. Once she had moved from the hotel to her new cottage, Marco was the first visitor. He was pleased with her new place and he let her lick his balls, rim his ass and swallow his cum to show his appreciation to her. He even spent the night with her, and as they consumed more and more rum, he convinced her to set up an automatic transfer of $1,000 each week from her account in to his account. As he shook his head and wondered how this beautiful woman had managed to create, build and sell a company for millions, she looked adoring up into his eyes and begged him to spend the night and use her body.

Life was, indeed, good for Marco. Jill entertained clients in her small cottage and Carol and his stable of other whores worked the streets. Counting Jill’s automatic transfer to his account, he was making just under $9,000 per week. Being a good boss, he made it a point to fuck each of them at least two or three times each month. While the black girls enjoyed their nights with Marco, it was the two white women that he most enjoyed. They truly appreciated him and begged for his cock and to have their white bodies used in any way he wanted.

After a few months, Marco took Carol off the streets and decided to breed her himself so that he would have a son to carry on his bloodline. Carol was ecstatic and within two months became pregnant with Marco’s baby. The other four whores were jealous of her and Jill was unaware that her daughter was even on the island, let alone pregnant to the man that she belonged to.

Carol gave Marco the baby boy that he wanted, and returned to her previous weight within a month. Marco hesitated putting her back on the streets even though he had many clients clamoring for the hot little white bitch. He tried to send some of them to her mother, but only a few of them went. They were always pleased with the quality of Jill’s work, but the older woman was beginning to show her age. The years and the many cocks and the alcohol and even the periodic drug use was wearing on her. She had lost weight and her eyes always had dark circles and were bloodshot. He breasts were starting to sag and her hair always looked unkempt. Many times, she had a vacant look on her face and just seemed to be going through the motions. Marco had her sign her cottage over to him just in case she went off the deep end with drugs again.

Eventually, Marco found a small apartment nearby for Carol to entertain clients so they would stop clamoring for the ‘hot little white bitch.’ Marco finally had it made. He had his two little white sluts working full time and making decent money for him. He could also stop and fuck them anytime he wanted since they each had their own homes. And he had his four black sluts working the streets, who he also could stop and fuck whenever he wanted.

And even though the four black women all hoped to improve their lives by someday getting out of the business, the two white women knew they were exactly where they should be and doing what they were meant to do.

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