Tag: good impression

Let’s Play Doctor Ch. 03

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American Dad


When my husband and I were younger and in graduate school, we were poor students struggling to get by on his half-time teaching assistantship and whatever I could make doing part-time gigs. This meant taking on more student loan debt than we’d planned. In my second year I snagged a well-paying job as a Gynecological Teaching Associate (GTA). My role was to be a simulated patient helping to teach medical students to perform breast and pelvic exams. It was a much more professional role than just submitting to be examined by students. We GTAs learned the clinical protocols of those exams done properly, plus the appropriate sensitivity, demeanor, mannerisms, and dialog to have with patients. The job paid $50 per hour, so it was appreciated, and I did my best to meet all the professional performance expectations.

In addition to the pay incentive, I gained great respect for my role making the med students, especially the men, more responsive and respectful of the women patients’ perspective in very exposed and vulnerable exams. And finally, to quietly whisper the honest truth, there was also a sexually arousing side to these exams. Their being done by multiple students added a snowballing effect to their seeing and touching my intimate body parts. I did this for my entire second year of grad school, and only had one episode of inappropriate behavior by a student. In my last session, one student performing a pelvic exam bore down on my G-spot and caused me to have an orgasm. While I tried to conceal any signs of the orgasm itself, I also squirted all over his hand which was evident to the resident instructor. The student responsible was dismissed for a semester and I learned a valuable lesson in knowing when to blow the whistle on inappropriate student behavior.

In the summer after my second year, both Dave and I had a class or two to complete during the summer session in order to graduate. Both my GTA job and Dave’s assistantship ended in May, so we were financially on our own for the summer. I applied to be a nude model at the art school since it paid at least double what retail or fast-food jobs paid. Before the art school replied, I got an unexpected offer from my supervisor in the GTA program to help in updating their training and curriculum materials. The ones I had used were quite dated. In addition, she wanted me to help write the script and then “star” in the remake of their training film, now to be a CD, on how to perform breast and pelvic exams.

The project paid $3,000, so I immediately accepted. That pay level seemed appropriate for my being exposed to the resident instructor, a medical student, and the videographer for lengthy and very revealing footage of my most intimate body parts being inspected and examined. And who knew how many students would see me over the life span of the CD.

The materials and CD turned out to be exceptional, and the University decided to market them to other schools and programs through a third-party medical supply company. I had concerns about my exposed body being potentially shared with groups whose business ethics and personal principles I knew nothing about. The medical student appearing in the film with me had also received a copy of the CD. So, between him, and the marketing company I had no assurance the CD wouldn’t make its way to any number of men engaged in the genre of “playing doctor” fetishes and fantasies. That would make me feel violated and exploited both sexually and financially. I knew the medical student performing the exams and receiving a copy of the CD, had already made at least one unauthorized copy which he shared with my Social Work practicum supervisor who had been in the same fraternity. My supervisor, Jim, viewed the CD, and was caught by his wife while jacking off over a scene of me with a speculum spreading my pussy wide open. She made him confess to me, so I would know the CD was vulnerable to piracy and re-copying. I struggled with Jim seeing me so exposed in the CD, yet our close friendship brought a conflicting element of some degree of arousal with it too.

Another GTA colleague of mine, Maria, told me she’d been approached by a questionable photographer about also making a breast and pelvic exam “medical training” CD and be paid $5,000. She suspected he was actually making a film for the “play doctor” fetish market, and he’d sought her out since she was skilled in the exam protocols and would be a credible actress. She turned down the deal, but her offer of $5,000 for a questionable purpose made my $3,000 for an honorable one feel very paltry and unfair. And if my CD were to get into the fetish market it would bring someone other than me a potential windfall by exploiting my body. This really infuriated me, and I needed to find way to resolve my feelings of angst, before becoming obsessed with the unfairness of it all.

I shared all these feelings with my husband, Dave, who understood exactly what I was concerned with. After me, no one else had a more proprietary interest in my body and its potential exploitation for others’ profit and sexual pleasure. bursa escort bayan I had two issues eating at me: first was being so underpaid by the University, when a fetish vendor would pay almost double; and second, how easily my CD could find its way into that same black market to enrich others but not me.

As we thought through both concerns, we concluded we couldn’t do much about the University’s lower payment. I’d signed a contract and they’d paid me. But there were two ways to deal with the problem of my CD ending up in the fetish market without me being compensated. First, I could sell my copy to an underground pirate before the medical student or even another purchaser could do so; or I could try to contact the questionable photographer who had approached my GTA colleague, Maria, and offer to star in his film. If this could happen quickly it might preempt any pirating of the University’s film. There’s probably not a big market for two CDs of the same woman doing the same exams.

Dave pointed out we wouldn’t want to get into copyright issues from selling my CD copy, so Option 1 was out. Option 2 would likely mean posing very sexually for and with another set of photographers and actors, none of whom would probably be medical professionals; and it would ensure my image would be circulated throughout the “play doctor” fetish community. That’s a lot of exposure to an untold number of potentially unsavory and mercenary people. Dave reminded me that my CD might already be destined for the fantasy folks via the med student, someone he shared a copy with, or a legitimate buyer of the CD who wants to share or sell it online or to a pirate. And maybe the medical supply company won’t be particular who they sell it to.

The more we thought about it, the more we realized my CD and graphic images were going to be sold on the black-market web, one way or another. I could maybe get the $5,000 offered to Maria, and possibly negotiate for more, or I needed to be satisfied with my $3,000 and knowing others will get what they can from selling unauthorized CDs of my naked body.

When we thought about it in those terms, it became an easier decision. I could sell the same degree of my privacy and intimacy for either $3,000 or $8,000 and maybe more. One way or another, there were going to be many more men than just Jim getting their rocks off over my tits and pussy.

We decided to sleep on it overnight and reassess in the morning. It didn’t take long the next day to decide I needed to call Maria. I called her early to catch her before the workday began. She was surprised to hear from me, but when I told her why I was calling she was open and empathetic to my questions.

“What made you turn-down their offer to make their training film?” I asked. “That $5,000 must have been pretty appealing.

“Oh, it was incredibly appealing, and I sure could have used the money,” she replied, “but I just knew it wasn’t a legitimate scholarly training film.”

“If the money was so good, weren’t you tempted to do it anyway?” I replied. “Even if you were skeptical about the actual use of the film?”

“I’m single and I don’t have a significant other who could have gone with me for the filming, and honestly, I didn’t feel safe going alone not knowing who all was really going to be involved. Plus, I wasn’t sure how far off our clinical standards and into really kinky stuff they might go.”

“I can understand that.” I said. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with flirting so ‘nakedly’ with the fetish film market either. But I’m pretty sure my CD with the University is going to make its way to that market, and I hate the thought of this bunch profiting alone off my body. Taking the same offer made to you at least gives me some serious money for what’s going to happen anyway.”

She grasped and sympathized with what I was saying and gave me a phone number for the guy who approached her to perform in his film. I called right away and explained that Maria had given me his number and that I was an experienced GTA colleague of hers who she thought might be interested.

He asked me some questions to be sure I was in fact a real GTA. Then he told me the film was to show how to do breast and pelvic exams, and it would include a “doctor” and several “students” learning the procedures. All the right things to say. I explained that I’d already made a similar film for the University. While he was impressed with my having this experience, he asked why I was interested in doing it again. I told him I needed the money, since my husband and I had no income for the summer session, and I asked what the intended market was for the film. He tersely replied, “Let us worry about that.” This was all the confirmation I needed that this film was destined for the fetish market.

He told me the pay would be the $5,000 Maria had quoted, and when I asked about the possibility of it being more, he replied, “Not for the basic training film, but we have some other opportunities that could provide additional income.”

I wasn’t sure I even wanted to hear what those opportunities bursa escort could be. So, I told him I’d be interested in doing the training film for the $5,000 and taking Maria’s advice I added that I’d want to have my husband present during the filming.

He hesitated, then replied, “We’ve found having ‘significant others’ on-site disrupts the subject’s concentration on the filming, and the nature of the exams can make a husband uncomfortable and sometimes challenging.”

“Believe me, he won’t be a problem.” I said, “He’ll find my exposure arousing and support my performance,” I added expectantly.

“I’ve heard that line before, but OK,” he said cautiously, “we’re behind schedule for this film, so we need someone to be ready like tomorrow. Can you do that?”

“Yes, I can be ready tomorrow; what time, and where?” I replied. I scribbled the address on a card, and he told me to be there at 10:00. Then he added, “If your husband is any kind of problem, he will be immediately escorted out.” I agreed to be there in the morning, and again assured him Dave wouldn’t be a problem.

He ended the call pointedly with, “We’ve got some serious money invested in this tomorrow. Are you committed to showing up tomorrow and finishing the whole film as directed? If you’re not, say so now.”

I replied, simply, “I’ll be there and do the job.'”

In the morning, I trimmed my pubic hair again so it would not block any view of my labia and vulva. I figured if I didn’t, they’d have someone do it for me there, and maybe even on-camera. I threw on a casual dress and didn’t bother with underwear. I had seen some of the films marketed on the play doctor fetish sites and knew there was a significant demand for seeing women having close to a regular exam, but with lots of prolonged touching and close-up shots. I also knew my exams today could go well beyond purely clinical purposes, so I was thinking of what my limits would be. I knew Dave would call a stop to any overtly deviant sexual intrusion.

Dave drove us to the address I’d been given. It was in a lower-rent office area, and this storefront was billed as a diagnostic clinic, that I figured was used for insurance physicals, personal injury cases, and maybe workers comp exams. I assumed doctors were retired or part-time and available on-call as needed, leaving the facility open for “rent” to other medically related enterprises in the downtime.

We went in and found six people waiting for us. The guy that seemed to be in charge wore a white lab jacket making him look like a doctor. Three other guys wore scrubs and were probably to play the medical students; in fact, they looked like college students. The fifth was obviously the videographer, and the sixth was a woman who looked like a make-up artist and with minor wardrobe adjustments could also play the role of a nurse if needed.

The woman, Angie, asked me to come with her to sign a model release form and other paperwork. Then we went into a small exam room, where she asked me to undress and get on an exam table before getting into the gown. She looked me over from head to toe for any scars or other blemishes to cover up and did a little make-up and hairstyle work. She put me in stirrups, noted my pubic hair trim, and said it didn’t look like it needed any more work, and she liked my toenail polish. Finally, she put some lip gloss on my labia, to make me look aroused already. I asked her if there was a script for any speaking parts, and she just told me to answer the questions the “doc” would ask and go with the flow. “From your work at the med school, you’ll know the drill,” she added.

Before we left the room, Angie came closer to me and said quietly, “The boss said you might be interested in earning some extra money today.” I nodded. “They’ll pay $250 if you have an orgasm during the pelvic exam, and an additional $500 if you ‘squirt’ too. They won’t allow you to fake it, and believe me, they can tell; but if it happens, it’s the money-shot. Oh, and if you’re willing to pee in a cup for some close-up shots, it’s another $250.”

I thought about that and knew this could be a profitable day if I could accept swallowing my pride and modesty for the special fantasy enthusiasts. At that point I also thought about Dave and how he’d deal with all this well-beyond-clinical scenes and filming. I knew from my work at the med school, he was much more accepting of my doing this knowing we’d get a copy of the CD.

Before we headed to the larger exam room to get underway, I said back to Angie, “I’ll try my best to earn the extras, but what I’d really like too is a copy of the final film. It’s something Dave would really like to have.”

“If he behaves himself in there, I’ll see you get a copy,” she promised.

Back in the larger room, the guy looking like the doctor pointed me to the exam table, and Dave to a chair in a corner just inside the door. The three “students stood around the table near the doc. Angie stayed by Dave and whispered something in his ear, presumably to keep him in line with maybe the promise of bursa escort bayan a copy of the CD if he behaved. The cameraman was right next to the doc, so he wouldn’t miss capturing any details on film. Dave wasn’t going to get the unobstructed view of me he was hoping for.

The doc said to me, very matter-of-factly, “I know you’ve done this before at the University; we’ll follow much of the same script here, but we will try to make it a little bit more fun for our audiences, and hopefully for you and all of us too. That’s why we’re paying you $5,000.” I got the picture.

Everyone acknowledged they were ready to start, so the doctor spoke to me and the camera saying he had three med students working with him today to learn the proper procedures for performing breast and pelvic exams. “Are you OK with them observing and practicing on you?” he asked appropriately. I gave a simple “Yes.” I don’t think their audience was expecting Oscar winning screenplay.

The doc asked one of the students to untie the top of my gown and rightly asked me if it was OK for him to expose my breasts for the group. Another “Yes.” Lucky I wasn’t getting paid by the spoken word.

My nipples sprung to attention, as I knew they would, and the camera zoomed in to capture every detail. The doctor explained how some women get aroused when their breasts are exposed and examined. Then he explained how to examine the female breast and demonstrated the basic clinical techniques before just plain feeling me up. This ended with him rolling my nipples between his fingers and pulling on them to achieve their maximum length, and my nearly maximum arousal level. I’m quite capable of reaching an orgasm through nipple stimulation alone, and I knew I had three other guys ready to feel me up any minute now.

I looked to Dave to see how he was handling watching my breasts being manhandled by this pseudo-doctor to satisfy who knew how many “play doctor” fantasies and fetishes. I smiled at Dave, so he’d know I was OK and not needing any intervention from him. I couldn’t read whether he was finding this experience arousing or threatening.

The doc turned me over to two of the students who would each examine one of my breasts. They didn’t spend much time in medically based palpating, and went to the massage techniques quickly, with the camera zooming-in for their nipple work to finish up. When they were done, I was asked to lay back and the third student asked me to put my hands behind my head while he followed the docs instruction to finish my breast exam. Thankfully, there was enough time between each of them touching my tits to let me avoid an orgasm, though the cumulative effect certainly kept me at the brink. I don’t think Angie needed to apply the lip gloss.

The doc asked me to sit up and scoot to the end of the table again, while the camera again spent time highlighting my breasts. After a minute or two, he asked me to lay back again for the pelvic exam and instead of draping me with the johnny, he took it away altogether. I really don’t think it made me feel any more exposed than I already was. He very slowly guided my feet into the stirrups while gesturing me to fan and wiggle my toes for the camera and the foot fetish folks. He spread my knees so wide, it felt like my vulva was saying “ahh” for him and the camera.

The doc gave the students a crash course in Female Anatomy 101, pointing out each feature with his gloved finger. He took a long time feeling my labia, presumably looking for cysts or nodes, and talking about discharges and how they can indicate infections. Then he talked about when years ago, before modern lab tests, doctors would smell the vaginal secretions, and even taste them to diagnose problems. To prove his point, he put two fingers deep into my pussy and proceeded to smell and taste his wet fingers very sensuously, adding, “Nothing unpalatable here.” He then asked the three students to do the same to their pleasure and that of the future audiences, no doubt.

The next step was demonstrating the use of a speculum, as if I weren’t spread wide open enough already. The cameraman couldn’t get close enough to film this while the doc described the state of my cervix. He did a pap smear and withdrew the speculum and handed it to the first student to reinsert. My pussy was getting a workout after three more vaginal stretches. Then they each got to do a bimanual exam, and this must have been the highlight of the day for all of them. They each must have acted in sex films before because they knew exactly how to find my G-spot instantly, and how to use their thumbs on my clitoris at the same time. This was clearly aimed at Improving the odds for those “money shots” Angie told me about.

The cumulative effect of all this shameless examining, and my exposure to five men with Dave watching was indeed bringing my arousal level to its peak, and to the attention of the guy playing doctor for sure. He could see I was nearing the verge of orgasm, and he beckoned the cameraman, “Get in tight for this shot, she’s going to cum.” And I did, and squirted too, quite visibly all over the last student’s hand. He pulled his fingers out of me, and the camera focused on my vulva pulsating open and closed as my orgasm unfolded. It truly was the money-shot for them and for me too. They let me have five minutes to recover, and Angie brought me a bottle of water and a towel.

Sara’s Friend Ch. 4

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Keith came to the red front door leading to Sara’s home excited but very nervous. Wiping his hands down the side of his blue jeans as he thought over again and again what the possibilities could be tonight. He knew that whatever it may be this was definitely going to be one of the best nights of his sexual life. When Sara had called him today at home he had been confused by her meaning till she made it plainer to him. He remembered his heart going through his gut as realization had come in. It was definitely most men fantasy to have two beautiful women in a threesome. He just hoped he was able to please them both. Although he would never tell anyone he even doubted himself with that. Slowly lifting his hand up to press the doorbell, he came to the conclusion that if nothing else he would damn near try even if it killed him. With a chuckle at that thought he pressed the button and waited.

Waiting a moment then eventually hearing someone walking toward him on the other side of the door, Keith took a deep breath. He wanted to remain calm and collected to make sure these women were at ease with what was to happen tonight.

“Hello?” a voice said on the other side of the door.

Clearing his throat softly Keith responded.

“Hi Sara?” he said

“Yes,” the voice continued from inside the house with caution.

“Sara, it’s me Keith,” he replied.

“Oh okay Good” Sara said with relief as Keith heard her fumbling with the locks of the door.

Slowly the door opened to reveal Sara smiling and dressed very sexy. She had on a short shirt showing her midriff and snug blue jean shorts. Although most men would have liked the showing up naked or lingerie… for Keith her being natural and comfortable was even sexier. Also the fact that she was barefoot showing Pink nail polish on her toes made her seem so feminine. He could also tell as his eyes wondered back up her body to rest on her breast, that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Keith almost groaned out loud as he felt a stirring in his jeans from looking and imagining what he would do with those soft, firm, and “puppies” later. He smiled at that thought also.

“What are you smiling about Honey?” Sara said with a smile full of mischief

“Like you can’t guess,” Keith said laughing out loud as he moved closer looking her in the eye.

Sara feeling wanting to tease moved to block his way inside the house.

“You know I wonder…” she said giving him a fake look of concentration

“Yes?” Keith replied stopping short and raising an eyebrow at her.

“Well… I was wondering if maybe you have any doubts about entering in here tonight,” she said teasingly.

Keith looked at Sara for a moment then moved his head around to look over the yard. As if seeing if anyone was listening. Sara watched for a moment perplexed until he stopped looking around and looked straight at her. Walking slowly toward her till his body was not even an inch away he leaned down toward her ear.

Sara started to breathe hard with him so close to her body. She could feel her nipples harden under her shirt as she felt his warm breath breathing in her ear.

“Do I have doubt that I will fuck you hard and make you cum baby?” he asked as he whispered in her ear. Sara started to close her eyes as she felt her body go weak.

“No I don’t doubt that at all,” he continued. “The only thing I doubt about is am I going to make you cum eight or nine times tonight… I haven’t decided yet.” He finished as he leaned down to kiss the side of her neck softly.

Sara shivered as Goosebumps appeared on her skin at his answer.

“Now let me in this house and stop teasing me so I can prove it,” he demanded softly between soft kisses on her neck.

Sara obeyed by moving a step back as he followed to let her lover in the house. She knew he had total control now and it excited her more. Giving one soft lingering kiss on the base of her neck Keith looked up again in Sara’s eyes, reached up and slowly pushed the door over her head open. Never breaking eye contact with Sara. Letting her know that she was no longer in control of the situation. Sara complied by stepping back and lowering her eyes to let him in her house. She could feel the moisture in between her legs as Keith moved by her to go into the house, slightly brushing her breast with his arm as he passed.

He looked around the familiar house as Sara turned and shut the door softly. Making sure it was locked back and taking a deep breath she looked back to Keith and moved to the doorway of her living room. Keith watched her intently as if she was prey to his game. Sara had never seen anyone so calm and intent before. She definitely felt female in Keith’s presence. He just looked her in the eyes waiting for her next move as if he expected her to take flight. Sara knew even if she made a move to do so he would stop her and drive her crazy with sexual lust before she made a step. Feeling unsure of her now she looked down at the floor for a moment.

“Would you like to sit on the couch and wait till Michelle gets down here?” she asked a little nervous.

“No,” he stated “I will just wait here in the hall with you.”

Confused but acceptant Sara looked around Escort bayan the hall for a second then looked up at Keith’s eyes as she tried to figure out in her mind what he was thinking.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t want to get comfortable on the couch? ” she asked trying to please him

Keith looked at her and moved slowly toward her again, making Sara move back toward the wall without realizing it. Feeling her back hit against the cold surface behind her made Sara jump slightly. Keith kept moving in on her never taking his eyes from her. She saw determination and lust build up in them as he finally made it to her. Her breast slightly touched his chest as he stopped and raised his arms over each side of her head. She couldn’t move, or even hardly breathe.

“Sara, I want you to do something for me,” he said as he moved his hips closer toward hers.

“Yes?” Sara croaked out softly as her body responded to Keith’s.

Smiling softly and looking deep in her eyes as if he was searching her soul he answered.

“I want you personally to make me comfortable.”

Sara almost melted as she felt his hips move gently against hers making her pussy wet.

“Kiss me Sara, make me comfortable” he demanded gently as he lowered his head down, before stopping just a breath away from her soft mouth.

Sara looked at him with lust also filling up her eyes as she felt his dick harden next to her pussy. Her hesitation only made him move his hips closer to hers, sending jolts of heat up her body and making her breast swell.

“Kiss me baby… you know you want to” Keith said with persuasion.

“Oh God Keith” Sara answered her eyes slightly closing

“Open your eyes and kiss me” he demanded again as he totally pushed her up against the wall with the rest of his body.

Sara opened her eyes and slowly leaned in toward his mouth. Her lips touch his with hesitation and wonderment. Keith let her take control as she moved her mouth over his softly. She couldn’t stop the moan as she felt how soft his lips were. She wanted to suck on them and make them red with her kisses. Sliding her tongue out and lightly taking the tip to trace his lips, Sara licked all over the surface of them. Keith parted them to allow her to move her tongue a little inside. Taking the tip Sara traced the inner side of each lip feeling moisture and warmth of his mouth. Her heartbeat started to race as she moved her tongue in more. She was nervous as she slid her hands up to wrap her fingers in his hair. Keith moved his hands from above her head to put them on the sides of her face. Ever so slowly she moved her tongue deeper into Keith’s mouth and played with the tip of his tongue. Teasing and making soft movements as Keith held her head snug. Opening her mouth wider to bring her tongue out more Sara groaned.

“Damn he tastes so good,” she thought to herself.

Keith slowly grounded his hips to hers as he started to take over the kiss. She knew he was about to break and kiss her passionately. She could feel his cool start to break.

Keith moved his tongue out of his mouth more and entered her mouth. Slowly sucking and lapping up all her sweet juices in her mouth. Sara knees started to shake. She felt her pussy start to pulsate as he moved his tongue all around her mouth. She could actually feel the lips of her pussy start to swell, as her breast became sensitive with the movements from his chest rubbing on hers. Every nerve ending in her body was alive with pleasure. Keith took over the kiss totally as he kissed her with pressure. His control starts to disappear, as he grounded his mouth to hers. A growl escaped from his throat as he felt her compliance. He wanted to fuck her right there. He knew she had the ability to make him loose control totally and he loved it. Gripping her head he moved his mouth all over hers consumes her every breath. Sara was in his total control.

Moaning deep in her throat made Keith want more and more, breaking the kiss suddenly Keith raised his mouth to move it down to her neck. Holding her head as he moved his mouth all around her throat and the base of her neck. Sucking and nibbling all the places he knew would make her ass tingle. He was enjoying himself very much. His hard on was proof of that.

“Oh God Keith … yes” she whispered desperately wanting more.

Keith continued the assault on her neck and rubbing his cock on her pussy showing her what she would have soon. He knew he could make her beg for him if he teased her enough. She had made him do the same thing in the past, begging for her. Keith pushed her totally up against the wall as his hands moved from her head to move down to hold her breast one in each hand. Sara moaned as the swelled to fill up the palm of his hand. Lightly he moved his thumbs over the erect nipples feeling her slightly jump from the sensation.

“MM…. yes baby touch me,” She said between moans.

Keith stopped and looked into her glazed eyes his looking just the same.

“I will… All over and believe me when this night is over. My fingerprints will be all over you,” he said with determination.

Sara’s body melted, as she knew he was as good as his word.

“But first… Bayan escort I want you to take off all these cloths” he continued.

“Now?” she asked trying to understand him correctly

“Yes now, right here” he said smiling ” I don’t want no barriers”

Slowly Sara detangled her fingers from his hair and let her hands fall down on the side. Keith dropped his hands and moved back to enjoy the show. Slowly she raised her hands back up, grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her breasts. Keith watched with admiration as her breast came into view. He automatically wanted to wrap his tongue around those nipples and make a little Cocoon for it to nestle in. Having control at the moment and not pouncing on her was the toughest thing he was dealing with at the moment.

Flipping the shirt over her head and letting it drop to the floor as her eyes connected with his made his dick swell more. Smiling she looked down to her shorts and slowly unsnapped and unzipped them. Hooking her hands on the side she slid them over the smooth curve of her hip and let it fall to the floor. Slightly lifting her legs to move her feet from them. Keith stood in amazement as he noticed she had no panties on. Her pussy looking perfect as it waited for him. He could already see some wetness, showing him she was soaking between the lips.

“Holy shit ” he thought to himself ” Is she trying to drive him insane? “

Keith growled and moved toward her.

“No Please Keith… take your cloths off too.” She asked urgently.

Keith stopped and realized he was indeed fully clothed. Quickly he unbuttoned his shirt, whipped it off and went for his jeans. Sara stood and watched him this time. Enjoying everything about his body. His chest was covered with light hair and broad. His waist slim and fit. He had the perfect washboard stomach from working with his fathers Construction company on the weekend. As He unsnapped his jeans Sara licked her lips to await the prize. She loved how good he made her feel when they were together in sex. He was definitely one of the best looking men she ever knew in her life. With his brown eyes, long lashes and curled to give off a mysterious look. Blue eyes so bright they made you stop to take a second glance before you lost yourself in them. He faces almost perfect in shape as she had seen women stare when he was around. But the thing that really got her the most was the self-assurance surrounding him wherever he went. He could walk in a room and everyone would notice. It made her wet just thinking about how masculine he was. She had known the first time she had met him she wanted to be with him in his bed. Bending down quickly with his jeans unsnapped he took off his shoes and socks. Where they went Sara doesn’t know she just watched him. Finally that done he reached back up to his jeans, watching her watch him.

Keith continued to take his jeans off as he slid them down over his hips showing he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Sara sucked in her breath as she saw his cock spring forward to let her know he was ready for her. She moaned out loud as it moved around teasing her as he slid his pants down his legs and then whipped them off also to sling them away. Still looking at her he stood in all his glory letting her access his body with her eyes. She became very hungry for him and it showed in how she devoured his body with each second of her gaze. Keith was totally turned on by this, which made his cock jump.

Slowly Keith smiled and moved toward Sara swiftly. He wanted to eat her up. Grabbing her arms gently he raised them up over her head, holding them against the wall as his mouth went back to her neck. Sara stood still as he moved his mouth softly over her skin. He nibbled slowly on the base of her neck as he moved one hand from holding hers. Taking his other to hold both above her head. Slowly he moved his free hand down her neck to her collarbone and over the top of her breast. Sara groaned loving the tingling feeling spreading through her body. Reaching down further he cupped one breast softly, flipping his thumb over the hard nipple. Sara groaned loud not caring who heard her. Keith raised his head and moved his mouth to her ear.

“How bad do you want this cock in you Baby?” he whispered.

Sara shivered as she felt warmth from his mouth go in her ear. Keith being impatient from her lack of answer moved his cock closer, rubbing it on her belly.

“Tell Me.” he continued ” How bad you want me to slam my cock in you?”

“Oh my God …so bad Keith” Sara whimpered.

Keith quickly moved back from Sara and turned her body to face the wall. Sara’s face was positioned sideways as her cheek rubbed the wall. With her hands still above her head as Keith held them with one of his she didn’t have many choices as to what she could do. She loved every minute of it. Again Keith moved he free hand over her body feeling and lightly caressing her breast, moving down her stomach. Finally making it to the top of where her lips were. Sara felt tingles as she craved for him to mess with her clit. Moving his finger slowly up and down the surface of her lips. Sara thought she would go crazy with wanting. She wiggled her hips to invite him in Escort her pussy. Keith moved his hand away quickly and leaned his head down again.

“No… ” He demanded softly ” I will decide when I want to play with that clit, you don’t move” He whispered in her ear roughly making her juices flow even more from her pussy. She loved when Keith took control over her body making it his totally.

“Now.” he continued ” are you going to be a good girl for me baby?” he asked teasingly, knowing she would do anything he wanted.

“Yes, Yes, Yes” she cried out softly

“Good ” Keith stated.

Moving his hand back down to tease her lips again, Sara groaned letting him take over her body. Softly he traced the outline of her lips from the top to the bottom teasing the crack between with some pressure. Sara desperately wanted him to slid his finger inside so bad she tasted it.

“Oh my, what do we have here? ” Michelle said as she walked down the stairs to pause a few steps from the bottom.

Sara jumped slightly totally forgetting Michelle was in the house. Keith stopped and looked around. Immediately noticing how beautiful Michelle was. His mind went into overtime of all the sexual thoughts rushed in.

“Well Hello there” he said casually still holding on to Sara so she couldn’t move.

Michelle smiled at him and took the rest of the steps down to get off the stairs.

“Hi ” she answered a little shyly looking over Keith in his nakedness feeling herself getting excited by thoughts running in her head also.

“Oh Boy ” she thought to herself with a smile appearing on her lips. She knew she was going to have fun.

Keith looked over Michelle’s body in a small sundress with spaghetti straps. She was barefooted and looking very sexy also. Keith groaned in his mind thanking God for this once in a lifetime chance.

Michelle feeling a little nervous but determined to join in moved a few more steps closer. Sara could see her out of the corner of her eye wondering what she was thinking. Finally deciding not to worry about it and hope Michelle joins in soon. Her pussy was aching to have Keith play with it.

“So how can I help…Keith” Michelle asked pausing briefly on his name to make sure it was right.

Keith smiled , Looked over her, Keith felt she was overdressed for one thing.

“Well, Hon, you can start by taking that lovely dress off for me.” He said. Wanting desperately to see this woman naked. Slowly starting to move his hand again on Sara’s pussy, he watched Michelle as she reached for the dress, pulling it up, and sliding it over her head. Again Keith was surprised to find she was also naked under her cloths.

“Things just seem to get better and better, ” he thought to himself. He slowly smiled again looking over Michelle’s naked body as his hand worked on Sara’s Pussy.

“My god she is beautiful ” he thought to himself again.

Michelle dropped the dress and walked closer toward Him and Sara. Keith watched as his finger slid between Sara’s lips to tickle the tip of her clit. Sara groaned closing her eyes.

Michelle walked to where she was a foot away from Keith, looking him in the eye as he caressed Sara’s clit.

“How can I help? ” she asked suggestively.

“How do you want to help? ” Keith answered with a question of his own.

Michelle looked at her friend Sara seeing her lost in sexual pleasure as Keith’s fingers played with her pussy. Suddenly wanting to be all over her friend’s pussy herself. Michelle looked back at Keith.

“I know what I can do” she stated as she moved closer to Sara against the wall. Keith turning his head to watch saw her reach for her friend’s body. Her hands sliding over the skin of her stomach. Sara feeling four hands on her about fainted from the sensation. Slowly Michelle moved one hand down to join in with Keith’s finger. Their hands brushing each other as they both explored Sara’s pussy. Her other hand going toward Keith’s cock and wrapping it around his stiff shaft. She slowly started to stroke it up and down as Keith groaned, loving the feel of Michelle’s soft warm hand tightening over his cock. Michelle leaned into Sara’s shoulder to kiss softly on her shoulder and upper chest exposed to her. Sara groaned out loud. Keith worked harder on Sara’s clit, as Michelle pumped his cock gently. Michelle slid her fingers first on the outside of the vagina teasing her friend then slowly slid them up in her. Both Sara and Michelle groaned at the same time. It was so soft and warm. The warmth of it was tremendous. Feeling the walls of Sara’s pussy. Michelle sought further up till her knuckle was at the base of the friend’s vagina. Slowly circling around till she found that soft little hump inside and started to press on it. Sara went wild, moving around as Keith flicked his finger over her clit and her friend pressing off and on quickly on her G-spot. Moaning loudly Sara wiggled her ass to grind her hips closer to the fingers. Keith gripped Sara tightly around the waist so she wouldn’t squirm away. Michelle also continued to move her hand up and down on Keith’s cock, making sure she brought her thumb up to rub softly but firmly over the tip to make Keith moan each time. The nerve endings at the tip if his cock going into over time. Keith looked up in Michelle’s eyes seeing lust form in them as she saw how much she was bringing pleasure to her friends. She liked the power she had with these two people.

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