Tag: forward moving

Sharing Him for the First Time

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Kara knew Josh had the hots for one of the women he worked with. She trusted him, knew he would never cheat on her, but she could sense his infatuation with his coworker when he mentioned her name. It was always casual, some funny story that had happened that day, or a tidbit about her personal life that he had learned. They were friends, and that was fine with Kara. She had met the girl once at an impromptu happy hour with a bunch of her husband’s coworkers. Her name was Julie. She was cute, sweet, and Kara enjoyed her company as well. She assumed some natural flirting occurred at the office, which Kara loved to imagine. Kara had friended her on facebook and poured through her photos. She had tons of friends, and loved to travel and party. Kara was looking at an album from a trip to Cancun when her husband walked in and dropped his keys on the table.

“Hey babe. How was your day? Anything exciting at work?” Josh asked her as he loosened his tie and hung his suit jacket up. She knew he would head straight for the bedroom to change into basketball shorts and an old t-shirt from his college days.

“Nope. Boring. How was your day?” she replied, as she shut her computer down and followed him down the hall towards the master bedroom.

“Nothing much. Do you feel like going to Jade later? A bunch of people from the office are heading down there around 8 for dinner and drinks. I didn’t give a definite yes or no. Thought I would talk to you first.” Josh pulled a t-shirt over his head, hiding his tight stomach and strong shoulders a little too soon for her liking. Jade was a restaurant and bar located downtown. She’d never been, but heard it had an amazing atmosphere and great food and drinks.

“Sure, who all is going?” Kara asked as she slid her hands under his shirt, feeling his muscles and smooth skin.

“I don’t know for sure, I think David and his wife, Sam, Gina, Mike, and Julie.” Josh wrapped his arms around her. His fingers slid under the edge of jeans, under the band of her thong, and dug into her butt. She pushed her body against his and kissed his neck slowly.

“Yeah, sounds good to me.” She smiled, thinking about Julie. She imagined that’s why Josh wanted to go. For some reason, that turned her on more than his hands down her pants right now. She nipped his neck and pulled away, sliding her shirt over her head, and slipping out of her jeans. “You’d better take off that old t-shirt and find something nice to wear if we’re going to Jade. I hear it’s upscale.”

She sashayed toward their walk-in closet in nothing but her tiny thong, knowing he was watching her lustily. She glanced over her shoulder to see him pulling the t-shirt back off, now wearing nothing but his tight boxer briefs, following her to the closet. She stepped into the closet and flipped the lights on as he caught up to her, grabbed her around the waist and pushed her up against the door as it slammed closed. She could feel his erection pressing against her abdomen as he kissed her slowly, running his hands over her breasts and down her sides, trying to slide her thong down.

“Not so fast mister. We have plenty of time for that later.” She pushed his hands back up toward her waist and pushed her groin hard against him, feeling him growing harder by the second. She reached down, running her fingers over his penis through his underwear. He moaned and leaned down to kiss her again, harder, and with more passion. She smiled. Tonight would be fun. She turned around so his hard dick rubbed against her ass, and she leaned over, reaching for a pair of heels on the floor of the closet. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him. She felt his bare, hard dick probing and rubbing against her, and she felt herself growing wet. He rubbed back and forth between her legs and she felt herself throbbing with desire. She wanted him bad, but she also loved the tease and anticipation of making him (and herself) wait for it. She stood back up and turned to smile at him, reaching for his hardness with her free hand. She rubbed up and down bitlis escort a few times and then reached past him for her favorite dress.

“Come on babe, we have plenty of time. I don’t care if we’re late.” Josh whispered huskily as he tried to take the dress and shoes from her hands. She stepped past him, opened the door, and walked towards the bed where she laid out her outfit and turned to watch him follow her. His underwear was around his thighs, his penis as hard as a rock and standing at attention. She smiled slowly and headed toward the master bath, still wearing nothing but her thong.

Standing in front of the mirror, she brushed her long auburn hair and reached for her makeup bag. Josh appeared in the doorway behind her and they met eyes in the mirror. He watched as she brushed her hair, applied a coat of lipstick and mascara, and carefully blotted away any excess. After a final glance in the mirror she turned to face him. “As much as I want you right now, the sex will be that much better after a few hours of anticipation.” She turned sideways to slide past him, making sure her breasts rubbed against his chest, and running her fingers lightly once more over his dick.

Josh sighed and pulled his underwear over his erection, following her toward the bed, where he pushed her belly first onto the bed and pushed his hardness against her ass one more time before heading to the closet to find something suitable for a night out at Jade.

At 8 o’clock sharp Josh and Kara walked into Jade, scanning the room for Josh’s coworkers and spotting them in a corner booth in the back of the restaurant to the left of the bar. Only 3 people sat there, Gina, Mike and Julie. Josh and Kara walked to the large booth and slid in; Josh first, next to Julie, and then Kara.

“Everyone else bailed on us. Apparently David and Sara had a sick kid to take care of, and Sam decided to go with his girlfriend to some party.” Mike said as everyone settled in and said their hellos. “I can’t stay late. I leave for Jamaica in the morning. Vacation!”

“Lucky.” said Gina, shoving Mike’s shoulder. “I have to get up early for this new workout group I joined. These ladies are crazy. Six a.m. workout classes on a Saturday? But I promised, and they will hold me accountable. That’s why I’m drinking water. No way I can work out that early with a hangover.”

Kara glanced at Julie, noticing that she was looking at Josh, and asked, “What about you Julie? What are your plans for the weekend?”

Julie startled and her eyes met Kara’s. “Absolutely nothing. I have plans for the next three weekends, so this one is my lazy weekend. I’m sleeping in.” She smiled at Kara and picked up her margarita, taking a big gulp.

“That looks delicious. I think I’m having one of those.” Kara said as she looked toward the bar, looking for a waitress. She caught the eye of a cute blonde waitress and raised her hand. The waitress headed their way.

After hearing the specials and ordering their drinks and food, the small group talked about their work and families. Drinks arrived, followed by food, and by 9:30 their table was being cleared of plates and Mike slid from the booth, dropping a couple of twenties on the table. “Sorry guys, but I gotta run. I still have to pack, and my flight leaves at eight in the morning.”

Gina sighed and glanced at Julie. “I guess I’d better head out too. You want a ride home Julie? Or are you going to Uber?”

Julie glanced over at Kara and Josh. “Are you guys down for another drink or are you ready to leave? I rode with Gina, but if you guys want company I can Uber home later.”

“We can give you a ride, Julie, no problem. Stay for one more drink.” Kara said, and leaned toward Josh, running her fingers up his thigh underneath the table. She reached for her margarita, downing the last sip and looked at Josh, “Right honey? Can you order me another margarita? I need to run to the ladies’ room.”

Gina and Mike said their goodbyes and headed for the door as Kara bolu escort walked across the restaurant towards the restrooms. She wanted to give Josh and Julie a little bit of time alone to talk and hopefully flirt. As she washed her hands slowly she looked in the mirror. She opened her purse, found her lipstick, and reapplied, then ran her fingers through her hair and bit her lip. As she stepped into the hallway outside the restroom, she peeked around the corner to the back booth. Julie was leaning toward Josh, whispering in his ear. He smiled slyly and laughed, leaning close to whisper back. His lips practically touching Julie’s earlobe. Kara watched for another minute before heading back toward their table, nervous but excited. A fresh margarita sat in front of Julie and one waited at Kara’s place as well. Josh sat in the middle, a full beer in front of him.

For the next twenty minutes, they drank their drinks and made small talk. Finally Kara worked up the nerve to reach for Julie’s hand. “That’s a beautiful ring, is it an engagement ring?”

“Oh, no! It was my grandmother’s. I just wear it on my left hand because it fits the best there, and I’ve been too busy to resize it. It’s also handy when I need to scare away some annoying guy at a bar, I just wave it around and pretend it’s an engagement ring.” Julie held her hand across Josh while Kara admired the ring. Slowly Kara caressed Julie’s fingers, then up the back of her hand to her wrist.

“It’s beautiful.” Kara said huskily, still holding Julie’s hand and meeting her eyes. Julie smiled slowly, staring back at Kara, then glanced at Josh. Josh looked back and forth between the two of them curiously.

Slowly, Kara lowered Julie’s hand, placing it in Josh’s lap. She rested her hand on the back of Julie’s and held her gaze. Their hands rested right on the fly of Josh’s jeans. For a few seconds they just sat and stared at one another, then Julie slowly started to rub her hand in small circles, and Kara traced her fingers up Julie’s arm to her elbow and back down, encouraging her. Josh leaned back against the booth and watched Kara, immediately starting to grow hard. Nothing like this had ever happened before. He hadn’t been touched by another woman since he met Kara 7 years ago.

Julie reached toward Josh’s zipper and slowly unzipped it an inch, looking at Kara for approval. Kara smiled and gave a small nod, and looked into Josh’s eyes. He didn’t say a word, but nodded as well, afraid to break the spell of whatever the hell was going on. Julie unzipped his jeans and popped open the top button, pulling his shirt down to cover her roving hand, even though the corner was dark and the table and wraparound booth hid them well. Her fingers slowly felt his growing erection through the fabric of his underwear. She’d been curious about Josh for the last year they had worked together. Always flirting, but never coming close to crossing any lines into cheating. She liked Kara as well, and wouldn’t do that to her. But she had to admit, she’d had many dreams that included Josh.

Kara watched the interaction between Julie and Josh. She could sense Julie’s attraction to him, and watched her face as Julie slid her hand further into Josh’s pants. Kara could see the lust in Josh’s eyes as he watched Julie, then leaned his head back against the booth and looked down. Kara reached a hand out to feel how hard he was, and run her fingers through Julie’s until they both held his hard cock in their intertwined fingers. She slowly pulled away, giving Julie the freedom to do as she wished. She reached for her drink, took a long sip and watched as this beautiful girl discovered her husband.

Kara leaned forward, pulled Julie close to her lips over Josh’s lap and whispered into her ear, “Come home with us?” Julie said nothing, but nodded quickly and looked at Josh who wore an amazed look on his face. Quickly he zipped his pants, pulling his shirt down to hide the bulge in his pants.

The threesome paid their tab without saying a word and burdur escort headed towards the parking lot where Josh unlocked the doors and three hurried inside. Josh drove while Kara sat in the passenger seat and Julie sat in the back. As Josh drove home, Julie placed her hand on Kara’s shoulder and leaned forward. “Are you sure about this?” Kara thought for a moment and said, “Yes, lets just take things slow and see where it leads.”

Arriving at their house, the three made their way inside toward the living room. An awkward moment passed, and then Kara reached for Julie’s hand and led her toward their sectional sofa. Josh followed and sat next to Julie. Kara leaned over and kissed Josh slowly on the mouth, reaching down to unzip and unbutton his pants. Julie reached out to help him slide his pants and boxer briefs to the floor, while Kara pulled his shirt up over his head. Naked, Josh leaned back on the couch as Kara continued to kiss and caress him. Julie reached out to lightly brush her fingers over his penis, watching it harden as her fingertips reached the head. Kara slowly leaned back, motioning for Julie to do as she wished.

Julie leaned forward, tickling the head of Josh’s penis with her tongue while Kara watched in amazement. She couldn’t imagine anything better than this in her wildest dreams, and it was actually happening right now in her own living room. She was watching a beautiful woman, a friend, giving her husband a blow job. She watched as Julie’s head bobbed slowly up and down. Then Julie moved to the floor between Josh’s legs, moving fast and steady, up and down. Slowing now and then to use her hands, and lick the head of Josh’s cock. Kara pulled her dress over her head. Wearing nothing but her bra and panties she leaned against Josh’s side and pulled his face toward her to kiss him deeply. Julie slowed, then stopped to look up at Kara and Josh, then reached to pull the straps of her dress down over her shoulders, slowly revealing her C cup breasts and sheer panties.

Kara reached for her hand and pulled her down to them. Julie’s legs straddled Josh’s lap, his dick pressed between them. Kara reached for it, wrapping her hand around it and sliding her fingers up and down slowly, then she guided Julie up and positioned Josh’s dick under her pussy, sliding it back and forth between the lips. She could feel Julie’s wetness, how ready she was to take Josh deep inside her. Julie leaned down to kiss Josh for the first time, and Josh filled her up. Julie moaned and moved her body back and forth, riding Josh hard, but slowly. She leaned her head back, eyes closed, and continued to slide slowly forward and back until she came hard and cried out. She gripped Josh’s shoulders and Kara leaned forward to rub her fingers softly over Julie’s breasts, pulling her bra down to her waist.

As Julie finished, she slowly rose, allowing Josh to slide out of her, and pulled Kara toward her. Kara straddled Josh, feeling his still hard penis rub against her clit. Julie maneuvered Kara so her back was to Josh’s chest, and slowly guided Josh’s penis inside his wife. Then she buried her face in Kara’s breasts and kissed, slowly sliding her tongue around Kara’s hard nipples. Kara rode her husband, felt his hands on her hips as she moved up and down. Julie ran her fingers down Kara’s stomach, slowing reaching toward her clit. When she found it, she rubbed slow, soft circles while Kara continued to ride Josh’s cock. She could feel her orgasm building, and suddenly she let go, leaning forward and resting her forehead against Julie’s, gripping her shoulders for support as the strong orgasm rocked her. As she slowly recovered, she led Julie around the sofa, to lean over the back. Josh followed, positioning himself behind her. Kara guided her husband’s cock to Julie’s wet lips, rubbing it back and forth before allowing him to slam into her, again and again. Julie cried out as she came again, and Josh joined her orgasm with his.

Afterwards, the three lay on the couch, intertwining arms and legs, before deciding to move to the bedroom where they could stretch out in the king size bed. Kara positioned Josh in the middle, with her and Julie on either side, facing each other. Julie smiled at Kara and slowly whispered, “Mind if I crash here tonight?”

Kara smiled back, “I don’t mind if you stay all weekend.”

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