Tag: forced orgasms

Humper Family Values

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Starring Hilda, Harriet and Henry Humper in:

“Humper Family Values”

Written by Victor C. Nathan and Chantal Lefleur

This is a story of a scintillating sexual journey. It’s a tale of pleasurable and wonderful sexual discoveries.

“I swear, fastening this bra gets harder every day,” Hilda Humper fumed to herself as she struggled to close the hooks and eyes on her triple J-cup bra. “These boob bags of mine seem to have a mind of their own sometimes.”

Finally getting it fastened around her awesome melons after a lengthy struggle, Hilda pulled on a pair of panties and went to her closet to find something to wear.

“Everything I have is getting so tight,” she moaned, fiddling with her bazooms before trying to find something suitable. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think these big fuckers of mine were still growing, tee hee hee.”

Just as she was pulling out a pair of slacks and a blouse, Hilda could hear the sound of the phone ringing and crossed to the other side of her bedroom to answer the phone that sat on her night table. Hilda’s jugs wobbled up and down as she moved. Reaching past her huge knockers, she grabbed the phone and pulled it to her ear.

“Hello?” she answered sweetly, moving her bra strap up to a comfortable position on her shoulder, feeling the full tonnage of her boobs hanging against the cups as she discarded her blouse and slacks for the moment. She sat down on the edge of the bed in just her white bra and panties. “Oh, hi, Tammy.”

“Hi, Hilda. How the fuck are ya?” came a slightly inebriated voice on the other end of the line. “Hopefully fuckin’ fantastic. Tee hee hee! I know we are, fuckin’ fantastic, that is! Humper family life at its motherfuckin’ best!”

“Wow, Tammy Faye. It sounds like somebody’s had a couple today. Tee hee. What is it? Twelve o’clock?” Hilda asked, reaching inside her brassiere to pinch on her nipple a little bit.

“That’s motherfuckin’ Humper happy hour, Hilda!” the intoxicated relative cackled, eliciting a wincing smile from Hilda.

Tammy Faye Humper was the wife of Rusty “Boobie” Humper, the son of June’s brother, Ira. Boobie’s name had come about because his favorite activity had always been slipping his enormous hard-on between his mother’s gargantuan globes, earning him the sobriquet. Boobie and Tammy Faye lived in West Virginia, and had two children, Norma Jean and Boobie Jr.

“So, how the fuck are ya?” Hilda asked sweetly, patting a bit of cleavage into place that was overflowing her bra. “How are Boobie and the kids?”

“Oh, they’re fuckin’ terrific,” Tammy said, slurring every word as she raised a glass to her mouth again and took another swig of Jim Beam on the rocks, her favorite poison. “Boobie Jr. is doing so much gooder in school lately. I think sucking his wee wee every night before bed has really helped him and shit. He seems a hell of a lot less stressed out, I’ll fuckin’ tell ya that.”

“I guess getting a little regular squirt out of him probably calms him down. From what I remember, he was sort of a dumbass in school before, wasn’t he?” Hilda said seriously, lasciviously pinching some of the flesh of her boobies. “I guess he must be up to a straight D minus average by now.”

“Yeah, Hilda,” Tammy replied, her own blouse and bra lying on the floor as she watched Jerry Springer topless and chatted on the phone. “And me and Boobie Sr. are so fuckin’ proud of little Boobie too! That boy could end up being another Alfred Einstein. Tee hee. I mean, he does read sometimes. Pornos and shit. That boy must have a fuckin’ hard-on every damn fuckin’ time I see that naughty little sumbitch. Tee hee hee. I can’t hardly keep him off my titties. Always pawing at ’em and shit. Tee hee. So I just quit fuckin’ trying.”

“And how is Norma Jean these days?” Hilda asked Tammy, as Hilda tinkered around with her proud set of honkers.

“Oh, that fuckin’ girl has grown so fuckin’ much, Hilda!” Tammy said, giggling for no reason. “Not to use a Halloween symbol, but her boobs must be the size of motherfuckin’ pumpkins by now! They have really fuckin’ grown. I mean, you don’t get that many damn Jerry beads if you ain’t fuckin’ stacked like a busty bitch, now do you?”

“How many sets of Jerry beads does she have?” Hilda inquired, wondering why she had never seen Norma Jean or her ‘motherfuckin’ pumpkins’ in the audience when she watched Jerry most evenings.

“Oh, she’s got a shit load, Hilda,” Tammy Faye said proudly, puffing out her chesty charms as she beamed with maternal pride. “Didn’t you know a lot of Jerry’s guests are relatives of mine, Hilda? Shit, cousin Bob’s been on the show, you know. The episode where he was in love with his wife’s sister’s third cousin’s niece? They really got into it on that one. Bob’s fuckin’ crazyass wife has a left hook that’s positively deadly. She nearly knocked old Bob on his ass with those tits of hers before Jerry’s bouncers separated ’em. Make sure you watch next Tuesday. I think Aunt Alice…….you japon porno remember Aunt Alice don’t you? Well, Alice has been gettin’ boned pretty good by her husband’s Uncle Jimbob. That show will be a fuckin’ hoot!”

“Yeah, it sounds like it,” Hilda told her flatly, her whole hand inside her bra at this point, pulling hard on her bulging breast in various places. “How are you and Boobie doing?”

“Well, Boobie is still doing good as a mattress salesman. Tee hee. He is number one in sales out of their two salesmen. Tee hee. Except I kinda think ol’ Boobie might be doing a little fuckin’ mattress- testing with some of them fuckin’ female customers. But who really gives a fuck, right? He’s so tired when he gets home from work, I figgered he’d have to be doin’ a little fuckin’ huffin’ and puffin’ with some of them girls down there that come in. I mean, they do have some big jugs, some of them blondes.”

“Wonderful to hear,” Hilda spoke in a monotone to her insane relative, who was a bit on the white trash side. “But when he gets home, Norma Jean manages to cheer him up. Ol’ Big Boobie just can’t keep his hands offa her fuckin’ jugs. And of course, she plays with his boner sometimes after dinner. Nothin’ too serious. I mean, they are both just having a little fuckin’ fun, except on weekends when he sometimes gives her the ol’ one-eyed monster sometimes.”

“Do Boobie Jr. and Norma Jean get along?” Hilda asked, wondering now how she could politely end this conversation in the not too distant future and play with her massive teats a little bit. “Henry’s been away at his grandparents’ farm all summer and even though I miss him, it’s been nice not to have to listen to him fight with Harriet all the fucking time.”

“Oh, mine fight too sometimes, Hilda. I reckon it ain’t no big deal or nothin’. I mean, they’re siblings after all. But now that they’ve started sharin’ the same room every night, they’s gettin’ on a little better it seems.”

“They…….um……..share a bedroom?” Hilda asked, fondling her nipples absent-mindedly with her free hand. “You mean they sleep in the same room, but in separate beds, right?”

“Hell, no,” Tammy Faye responded with a hearty laugh. “Those two younguns are in there humpin’ up a fuckin’ storm most nights.”

“Wow, you mean the kids really……..I mean, they actually……?”

“Oh, shit, yeah,” Tammy Faye said, slapping her knee as she roared with laughter. “Those kids have more fun than a barrel of monkeys in the sack, ya know? I think it’s great for a family to be close, don’t y’all? Livin’ out here in the country like we do, we spend a lot of time together. Why, just this morning, we all climbed into the shower together. It conserves water, ya know. And besides that, it’s funner than shit! Boobie Jr. and Sr. were just havin’ a fuckin’ blast lathering up our titties, and drawing funny faces in the foam. Norma Jean and I went through almost a whole bottle of that Dial liquid soap trying to get a good lather going on our menfolk’s big dicks, tee hee hee. Norma Jean got so much lather on her daddy’s cock that it looked like some fuckin’ piece of modern art.”

“Holy shit,” Hilda breathed softly, stretching and pulling on her malleable mam. “So you are also doing Boobie Jr. and Boobie Sr. is boning Norma Jean? Holy shit!”

“Holy shit is right, Hilda! We’s some Humpers, and we like us some sex! I mean, Norma Jean gets almost hungry for her daddy’s wee wee sometimes! I mean, that girl is hungry for some fuck out here in the country, and ol’ Big Boobie doesn’t exactly need to be begged. He’ll slip her the tallywhacker, just shove it right into what he calls her ‘cute little box’. Tee hee. Ain’t that some funny shit, Hilda?”

“Hilarious, Tammy,” Hilda managed, letting go of her tittie as her mouth dropped slowly open, surprised and feeling somewhat inadequate in a weird way she couldn’t quite describe. “And Boobie Jr. will bury his boner in me anytime I get a tingle in my pussy. Oh, damn, Hilda, that boy just twangs my buds! Hilda? Hilda?”

“Sorry, Tammy Faye. I’m still here,” Hilda said into the receiver as she fanned her face with a piece of newspaper that was on her bed. “I just felt a little faint there for a minute, but I’m okay now.”

“I’m tellin’ ya, Hilda,” Tammy continued, unaware that the person on the other end of the line was finding her words a bit unsettling. “You and Harriet should let that overendowed boy of yours slip you both the big one from time to time. They’re ain’t nothin’ like it. Shit, most weekends we don’t even leave the house. There ain’t no need to go lookin’ for what you can find right here at home, right? I gotta tell ya, our family ain’t never been as close to one another as we are now, and a suckin’ and a fuckin’s what did it, no doubt of that. Anyway, I’m guessin’ that I’ve talked your ear right offa your head by now.”

“But I’ll tell you what, Hilda. There ain’t nothin’ better than the kind of fun fucking times we have in this crazy motherfuckin’ kızlık bozma porno trailer,” Tammy Faye Humper continued to chatter on, obliviously drunk as she pulled her drink off her tits and took another sip as the Springer show wound up with Jerry’s closing thought. “Oh, shit, Hilda! Our life is so much fun! When I’m not drunk, I’m gettin’ a good scrumpin’ from one of my two big Boobies! And both of ’em have big hogs in their pants, them big eleven inchers those two horny toads have between their legs can make you jump up and beg for some wee wee. I’m so horny all the fuckin’ time, I can’t think straight. Of course, that could be the whiskey. Ha ha ha!”

“Yeah, I understand,” Hilda managed, disregarding her whoppers and readjusting their two big bags. “Sounds like your family is one big happy family.”

“Yeah, I reckon it is,” Tammy Faye replied thoughtfully as the ice clinked against the glass she had just refilled with Jim Beam. “For the first time I feel like an honest to God, true and genuine Humper, ya know? Marryin’ into the family made me feel like a outsider for a while, but now I feel just like kin. Ain’t it great?”

“Just wonderful,” Hilda replied, Tammy Faye’s words reverberating in her head for some reason. “I’m really happy for you, Tammy Faye. Really. I am.”

“Well, I’m guessin’ I’ve been taking up too much of your time, Hilda. But it sure was nice talkin’ to you again. We really should keep in touch more often, don’t ya think? Anyway, give my love to the kids, and a big ol’ kiss to Henry’s wee wee from me when he gets back. Bye, Hilda.”

“Yeah, b-bye, Tammy,” Hilda stammered uncomfortably, shifting her udders in her bra to situate them as she hung up the phone. She almost felt like she had been sucker-punched in the titties by the phone call. “True and GENUINE Humper. TRUE and GENUINE. She feels like a TRUE and GENUINE Humper now. What am I? A pseudo-Humper? I mean, the woman feels like more of a Humper than I feel like a Humper? There is just something not FUCKING right about this picture. Could I have been wr-wr-wrong for all this time, not utilizing, not taking advantage of the gifts, the resources, the, the………cock and balls?”

The busty and stacked blonde Humper sat motionless for a second, not even bothering to get dressed, still just sporting her bra and panties, and she thought and thought about what the rather trashy Tammy Faye Humper had told her about Humper family life in Tammy’s tacky trailer in a Springeresque trailer park.

“Could it be that I’ve been wrong all these years?” Hilda asked herself rhetorically, slipping a hand into her cleavage with a tissue to wipe the film of perspiration that was developing there. “I mean, I’ve given Henry’s tallywhacker the odd workout with my hand or between my boobies. I’ve even given his huge fucker a kiss or a wiggler, but I never even considered letting him go further. June once said that I should give Henry a blow job because she ‘knew I wanted to’…was she right? I am so confused!”

“Mom, I’m home!” came Harriet’s familiar voice as she entered the front door of the house, tits first, and slammed it hard enough to echo throughout their home. “Mom?”

“Up here, sweetie,” Hilda called out in response, still sitting on the bed, only half paying attention to her daughter’s voice and now totally neglecting her J-cuppers. “I’m in my bedroom.”

“And you’re alone up there?” Harriet shouted back, her hooters jiggling back and forth under her cheerleading outfit that accentuated her full figure so beautifully as she headed up the stairs.

“Yeah, I’m alone!” Hilda shouted back, reaching for her blouse at last and stretching it over her jiggly fleshy mountaintops.

“I thought you’d probably be getting a poke from somebody,” Harriet laughed, bounding up and down at the chest as she walked into the room. “Normally somebody’s giving you a little pokey with their wee wee at this time on a Saturday afternoon.”

“Nope, no pokey and no wee wee in my pussy right now,” Hilda spoke slowly, smoothing her blouse’s material at the bosom region, her ladybumps bunching it out tremendously as she tried not to convey her troubled emotional state to her daughter.

“Hi, Mom,” said Harriet cheerily, flopping down on the bed beside her mother and blowing bubbles with her gum as her hooters jumped. “Were you talking to someone on the phone just now?”

“Yeah, sweetie, I was,” Hilda replied absent-mindedly. “Your Auntie Tammy Faye called from West Virginia for a talk.”

“That’s that fucking redneck wing of the family, isn’t it?” Harriet asked, wondering why her mother seemed a bit subdued, something that was entirely out of character for Hilda Humper, a woman who normally was busy bouncing her big titties around and grabbing for the nearest wee wee. “Don’t they live in a trailer or some shit?”

“That’s the family,” Hilda told Harriet as she pulled on a pair of slacks over her round sexy Humper ass. “She was köylü porno telling me all about Norma Jean and Boobie Jr. and you won’t believe what she told me.”

“What did she say?” Harriet asked, sitting up and adjusting her breasts within her bra to accommodate the change in position.

“She told me that Boobie Jr. and Norma Jean are…..ummmmm….doin’ it, I guess you could say,” Hilda said in almost a reporter-like voice, her heavy globes heaving with the breath she took. “The two kids, fraternal twins, as you know, share a bedroom.”

“With separate beds, you mean. Right?” Harriet inquired, pulling off her cheerleading sweater and getting down to her bra. “Sorry, Mom. But after cheerleading practice, the ‘girls’ need to get a little air. These puppies are sweatin’ like shit.”

“Yeah, go ahead, sweetie,” her big-boobed mother told her with a wave of her hand, continuing to talk. “No, I mean they both sleep in the same bed. They share the same bed every night and they….they….get it on…I mean, like all the time, is what Tammy said. She was drunk and watching Jerry Springer again.”

“She still watches that shit?” Harriet said, swallowing her gum and reaching for a fresh piece as she massaged her sweaty boobs. “Well, I guess that really doesn’t surprise me. It seems that every time I turn that show on, one of her crazy relatives is either part of the show or in the audience showing off their tits for a string of Jerry beads. It’s fucking hilarious. My friends and I watch it all the time when we need a good old fashioned belly laugh. I just don’t let on that I know some of those stupid fuckers.”

“Yes, baby,” Hilda said, patting her daughter affectionately on her left breast. “But do you know what really bothers me? That woman, that moron, that redneck piece of shit whore said that SHE now felt like a TRUE AND GENUINE HUMPER! What the fuck are we, chopped liver?”

“She feels like a real Humper and she and her family do all that weird shit?” Harriet asked, cooing as the cool air hit the tops of her H-cup juggernauts. “We’re real Humpers, and we don’t do that messed up shit.”

“But maybe she feels like a TRUE and GENUINE Humper because Humpers are supposed to fuck, sweetie,” Hilda replied, patting Harriet’s other breast in a purely affectionate and motherly way. “We’re supposed to provide pleasure wherever we are, to make wee wees tingle, to whip our titties out and make men hard. The male Humpers are supposed to use their huge wee wees to make the women tingle and their supposed to be tit-men in all circumstances and suck all the boobs they can get their mouths on, the bigger the better. That’s what being a Humper is about, sweetie. It’s about SEX and pure pleasure at all costs, but mainly with no costs and not too many strings, and very little romance, hopefully. That’s Humperism, in a nutshell.”

“What are you talking about?” Harriet asked her, confused at her stacked parent’s sudden vehemence.

“Think of it this way,” Hilda said patiently, trying to think of the most appropriate words to express her thoughts. “Henry’s big fucker is a natural resource, is it not? And our big fucking knockers are natural resources as well. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Harriet responded, giggling at the comparison of her huge sacks of titmeat to ‘resources’. “I guess you could say that our titties are the ninth fucking wonder of the modern world, tee hee hee.”

“Now,” Hilda continued, so serious now that she had even stopped playing with her own tits. “We aren’t taking full advantage of those natural resources, are we? We’re letting them go to fucking waste. Do you see that?”

“So what you’re saying is that we should be doing like those redneck morons in West fucking Virginia and sucking and fucking Henry?” Harriet asked incredulously, not sure if she had understood her mother correctly. “Is THAT what you’re saying, Mom?”

“I’m saying that it might not be a bad idea. I mean, Henry has a twelve inch cock, sweetie, and not just that, but it’s fucking thick too. That thing must feel like a truck going in when he sticks it in a girl’s pussy. I mean, it’s like a fucking monster. Think of what kind of pleasure he could give to us with a penis that large.”

“Yeah, but it’s sort of…..ummm……weird. I mean, I know you have messed with his wee wee a lot, but I haven’t. It’s not as big of a leap for you. You’ve been jonesing for that hunk of cock for the last couple years.”

“And Harriet,” Hilda continued, poking a finger against Harriet’s bra- clad bazoom. “Look at what the fuck you have on your chest. Next to me, you’ve got the biggest boobies in the whole fucking high school. You’ve shared them with the whole football team, and the baseball team, and the lacrosse team, and the soccer team. Hell, you even gave ‘sympathy fucks’ to the chess club. You fucked those nerdy fuckers. Henry is sort of being cheated here too, sweetheart. Look at what he is missing. Think of him for a second.”

“So now I’m supposed to be all altruistic and shit?” Harriet asked, wondering for a second if she had fallen asleep and might be dreaming an insane Humper boobie dream. “I mean, don’t you think that Henry and I…um……..er……..you know……fucking….is just a bit messed up, even for this fucked up family?”

Wrestling Attorneys Ch. 01

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Alli Rae

The two opponents looked at each other from across the mat. Both combatants were preparing to do battle with a strip to the finish. Their distrust and hatred for one another transcends beyond the rubber mat lying on the floor between them.

There was much at stake. The bickering and bantering, through e-mail, websites, and telephone calls had built up the match. Friends and co-workers found out about the match. Both law firms had other attorneys and paralegals sitting in the stands.

The two combatants were professional women, adversaries in their daily lives. Both were attorneys that have squared off against one another in the court. There legal contests were evenly split. The last winner glowing and celebrating her win over the other in a local tavern drinking and enjoying the windfall of cash and the great legal work and humiliating the loser.

Today would be more than a professional humiliation. Today, the winner not only had bragging rights to the better woman but also the right to humiliate the other publicly, and strip them naked.

Lyn Johnson was the attorney that had won the last court battle over Sue Hopkins. Smart, confident and a bitch on heels as her co-workers and colleagues called her. Lyn is stunning in every way. Her body was sculpted from hard work in the gym defining a muscular 36-23-25 body.

Lyn was especially proud of her long brown hair. She used it as a sex tool to get the attention of men and drive other women to the point of seeing red. In a bikini, Lyn’s hair would cascade down her alabaster shoulders with the ends of her hair naturally circling her breasts and nipples.

Lyn won the case based on winning over the jury on emotions, controlling the conversation and argument to her advantage, and was truly better than Sue in her oratory skills.

Sue Hopkins argued the case based upon the legal precedents, almost smug knowing that the case was won before the jury was selected. How wrong she was.

Sue was also a stunner at an even six feet, short blonde hair. Her body was more impressive with 38 C-24-36 measurements. When she was in court, members of the jury would stare at her. Judges, both male and female, had been caught glancing too long at the busty blonde.

Today, Sue glared across the mat at Lyn. Lyn was wearing a black string bikini smiled back mouthing the word “loser” in Sue’s direction. Sue thought to herself, there is no precedence to today’s match other than her preparation for the match. She prided herself on her physical strength and stamina. Her 38 C’s were barely contained in the piece of string that doubled as her top. The red, thong style bottom barely covered the landing strip patch of hair above her clit. Her blonde hair cut short above her shoulders.

Lyn continued to mock her opponent, strutting in her black string bikini. Lyn always enjoined working out and was proud of her 36 D bust. Her only real preparation was shaving her pussy so no embarrassing, stray hairs would be peaking out from the thin material covering her charms. Lyn enjoyed her dark brown hair. She let it grow and find it quite picturesque as the ends curled around her large nipples.

The referee, Mary Jones, wore a black and white striped body stocking. “Ladies, keep it clean but you are allowed to pull hair but there is no scratching, biting, or punching. If you do any of those three you will be sanctioned. This is a two fall match. You must pin your opponent twice during the match and there is no time limit to the match. If you lose an article of clothing, be it top or bottom, it belongs to your adversary. Understand?”

Both combatants porno izle nodded in agreement and returned to their sides of the mat.

Mary tooted her whistle and Lyn and Sue came to the center of the mat, glaring at one another. Lyn hissed at Sue, “You’re going down bitch!”

Mary screamed, “Wrestle!”

Lyn and Sue circled one another. The crowd began chanting for their favorite with the gym evenly split for the ladies.

Lyn, being the aggressor, moved first grabbing at Sue’s wrist. Sue moved out of the way but Lyn anticipated the move and tripped Sue from behind dropping her on her beautiful blond ass with a thud. The crowd erupted screaming for physical contact. “Tear off her top!” came from the crowd.

Lyn wasted no time. She hurled herself at Sue driving a shoulder into her left breast. Not only was she aggressive in court, but she was dominating on the mat.

Sue had her wind knocked out of her but had enough common sense to roll on her back. Lyn jumped in the air landing on Sue’s back with a loud thump.

Sue gasped but remained in control of her breathing. Lyn sat on Sue’s lower back and reached back to grab both of her feet, pulling with all her strength, immobilizing Sue face-down on the mat.

Sue screamed in pain as Lyn worked her legs higher, the crotch of her red bikini being drawn into her pussy. Her legs were being pulled and stretched higher that her soles were almost touching her back, her spine arched in a most painful position.

Tears streamed down Sue’s face. Her mind flashed images of intense pain and torture.

Lyn leaned forward and cackled in Sue’s ear, “Give up? I beat you in court now I’m gonna whip your ass on the mat!”

Sue began to feel deflated but responded through tears and clenched teeth, “up yours.”

Lyn applied more pressure.

Sue screamed again. The crowd around the mat continued to cheer. “We want skin! We want skin!” began the chant.

In a swift motion, Lyn being the dominating sadistic, legal bitch that she is, let go of Sue’s legs, landing with a thud on the mat, and grabbed her string top from the back.

Sue’s legs were shaking as the blood returned causing her to scream again. Her tears began to puddle on the mat beneath her.

Lyn pulled on the top string stretching it beyond the manufacturer’s tolerance for such material. Sue was forced to arch backward again as the string cut into her sides and 38’s. The holstered breasts were being trapped painfully against her body. Sue tried in vain to move her arms to release the pressure but Lyn continued pulling. Sue’s arms flailed but could do little to help herself.

The crowd enjoyed the predicament Sue was in. Lyn controlled the proceedings and was dictating to Sue her movements.

With a final tug, Lyn grabbed the string and it came free splitting between Sue’s cleavage releasing the mounds of flesh. Lyn drove Sue’s face into the mat and whispered in her ear, “give up bitch… you’re ass is mine and so will your pussy… you are not going to enjoy the embarrassment…I’m gonna make you shave that little puss of yours for everyone and parade around naked…”

Sue began to feel her legs again but Lyn continued to push her face into the mat. The ref signaled the first fall to Lyn.

Lyn stood to the music of Judas Priest, Living after Midnight, and strutted around her fallen opponent, swinging the string bikini top from her right index finger.

Sue picked herself up, her hair matted on her tear-streaked face and her tits swaying back and forth to the delight of the crowd.

In the five minute interval, Lyn worked amatör porno the crowd into a frenzy that nearly everyone was chanting for “Lyn, Lyn, Lyn!”

Sue used her time to stretch and replenish her body.

The ref announced the start of the second fall with Lyn up 1 fall to zero for Sue. The crowd continued their chant. Lyn was enjoying the attention and her body was aroused by the commotion and sounds in the gym. It showed on her hardening nipples as they began to protrude through her black string bikini top.

The two combatants squared up again. Lyn smiling at Sue and mouthing the word ‘Loser’. Sue ignored Lyn but focused on her opponent’s belly button.

The command from the referee was shouted over the crowd, “Wrestle!” Both women circled one another. Lyn, staring at Sue, waved her arms to the crowd for more noise.

From the crowd, a fan cheered, “Go get her Lyn, strip her and fist her!”

Lyn glanced to her left at the commentator from the crowd for a split second. In that nano-second of distraction, Sue moved in grabbing Lyn’s breasts and pulling on her nipples. Sue pulled and grabbed as though her life depended on it, grabbing the long-hard nipples and twisting and turning them obscenely.

Sue caught off guard, her mouth in the form of an ‘O’ and in a state of shock, grabbing at Sue’s wrists. Sue anticipated Lyn’s reaction and let go of the nipples only to latch onto her brown hair, pulling it toward her. Sue bent over and drove her head into Lyn’s stomach as she pulled on Lyn’s long brown hair.

Sue stood and flipped Lyn unexpectedly onto her back. The crowd erupted in a loud cheer. The sound of the crowd was deafening to Lyn but Sue heard nothing as she was so focused on her mission.

Lyn landed with a slap as her glistening skin made contact with the rubber mat, her body bouncing twice off the blue rubber. Her wind knocked out of her, Lyn groaned and rolled from side-to-side on the mat.

Sue wasting no time to allow her opponent to recover leapt in the air with her knees underneath her, landing squarely on Lyn’s solarplexes. The whole gym heard the air escaping from Lyn’s lungs, ooommmppppphhhhhhhhh!

Sue head-butted Lyn nearly knocking Lyn unconscious. Lyn, by reflex, raised her knees and Sue slid her hands down Lyn’s sides hooking her fingers in Lyn’s black string bottoms and ran them all the way down to her ankles, twisting them, and them pulling them back toward her.

Sue dropped her heart-shaped ass on Lyn’s chest. Sue pulled on the twisted panties that caused Lyn’s legs to cross and continued to drop herself over and over on Lyn’s chest.

Lyn was barely conscious. Mary lifted Lyn’s arm and it dropped to the mat. Sue continued to pull on Lyn’s twisted legs while pushing down on her chest, not letting her catch her breath.

Mary slammed her hand on the mat as Lyn was pinned for three seconds.

Victoriously, Sue stood and untwined Lyn’s legs, taking her black string bikini bottoms with her. Lyn remained on the mat for the first three minutes of their break.

The deciding fall was about to begin.

Sue used her time judiciously, preparing for the next fall, the final fall. This time there would be no jury to provide a verdict based on emotions but rather on pure physical energy.

Lyn sat on the mat and for the first time noticed that her bottoms were gone. The crowd continued to cheer but the words stung her. “Show us some more pink…” and ” Sue, Sue, Sue!”

Lyn heard the whistle and shook her head to get the cobwebs out. Sue was already waiting at middle of the mat.

“Wrestle!” anal porno shouted Mary.

Lyn was still wobbly and Sue noticed her opponent’s predicament. Sue shuffled quickly to her right, Lyn’s left, making fake lunges at Lyn. Lyn countered but could not catch the quicker moves of Sue. The long brown hair of Lyn’s seemed to complicate her vision.

Sue moved even quicker grabbing a handful of Lyn’s brown hair. Both of Sue’s hands had Lyn’s hair and she began to swing her about the mat. Lyn’s arms flailed abut she maintained her footing.

Sue swung Lyn straight across the mat letting go in a crack-the-whip style. Lyn lost her footing and stumbled across the mat falling onto her knees. Lyn was on all fours, the crowd laughing and screaming at Lyn’s exposed pussy and ass. The pink slit was completely shaven and glistened from the arousal and sweat.

Sue heard the crowd chanting, “Go for it!” and ran up from behind Lyn and grabbed her left arm and crooked it behind Lyn’s back. Sue put her right knee into Lyn’s back and pushed her forward into the mat.

Lyn’s brown hair and face went into the mat and her left arm was pinned behind her back. Sue grabbed Lyn’s left wrist and string top and began to twist the thin strand of material around and around her wrist.

Lyn’s left arm was immobilized by the material causing her great pain and discomfort. She tried to thrash around but Sue sat on her back pressing her firmly to the mat.

Sue began to smack Lyn’s beautiful ass to the chanting of the crowd. Lyn squirmed and tried to break free but could little with only one hand free and the other tied to her top.

Lyn’s ass was red and burning. Lyn was crying partly due to the spanking but also from the dread of loss and humiliation.

“Five, Six, Seven…” the crowd counted the slaps from Sue on to Lyn’s ass. As the numbers increased, Sue began to enjoy the spanking of her nemesis.

“Forty-eight, forty-nine…” the crowd was screaming. Lyn was beside herself in pain. She wanted it to end. Lyn tried to get Mary’s attention but Sue slammed her face into the mat.

“Not yet bitch, not yet,” Sue muttered to herself.

Sue went for the kill and the embarrassment of her bitchy opponent. Sue stopped the spanking. Lyn’s ass was a fire engine red as though she went sun-bathing without her bottoms for 24 hours in a hot Caribbean sun.

Sue hooked her legs inside the back of Lyn’s thighs. Sue grabbed her own ankles and pulled them toward her.

Lyn, on her stomach, felt her legs being pulled apart. Sue pulled even more causing Lyn’s legs to spread wide exposing her pussy completely. Flash! Flash!

The lucky photographer snapped pictures of two pussies, one completely shaven and another right above with a red string between the lips.

Lyn was screaming into the mat, her right hand slamming furiously in the rubber. Her left hand finally broke free taking her top with her.

Mary the referee slammed her hand down. Sue continued rocking causing more pain to her defeated nemesis. Mary had to pull the two apart and send them back to their respective sides.

Mary blew the whistle again and had both women return to the middle of the mat, Lyn on her right and Sue on her left. Sue smiling, her 38 C’s swinging freely but her bottoms still intact.

To Mary’s right was a completely stripped Lyn, brown hair matted in her face, and a shaven mound.

Mary raised Sue’s right arm announcing her as the winner. Lyn began to move quickly to her side of the mat but Mary announced, “Ladies, you both agreed that the loser must submit to the winner, here, now.”

With those words, the crowd blocked Lyn in from fleeing the gym. Sue had enlisted the help of a few from the crowd to bring an inclined bench onto the mat. The bench was about three foot from the floor.

To be continued…

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