Tag: flea market

Fundraising: The Sorority Event

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Right from the start, I want to say I think any man in a relationship has, among other fantasies, the desire to have other men see his wife or girlfriend nude. I don’t know where this comes from, but I think it applies to all guys.

My guy, my husband, Ian, is a college professor, has all the right political opinions, would never discriminate against a woman or a minority, and he is no exception to this rule.

We have been at this college in the Midwest for a couple years, and one of Ian’s colleagues and his wife have been especially helpful as we are fitting in to this new place. Graham and Alice are in their 30s, about six years older than us. Graham already has tenure, and he is doing all he can to make sure Ian will pass his reviews when the time comes. Alice, who is an assistant to the Dean of Admissions, got me a job in that office.

Age and job security aside, they are like us in education and outlook. And I know that Graham is no exception to the rule either.

We moved here over one summer before the autumn term began, and whenever we could take a break from setting up house, we were often out with Graham and Alice. Dinners, movies, a party or two hosted by other faculty members or administrators, so we saw them a lot.

During our second year, though, we even started to get together for some afternoons. We’d go to the college’s pool or drive out to a nearby lake for a picnic and swimming. And it was during these times that the fantasies became clear.

I remember we were at the pool when Graham first mentioned the stories going around about the Honors House dorm.

“Ian, you have any honors students in your classes?”

“That Janet from fall semester was in the program. She was one of the best kids in my first class here, so I’ll remember her for a long time. Her boyfriend, Carter, was pretty sharp too.”

“They ever say anything about the dorm?”

“No, but why would that come up in a Comp Lit class?”

“Maybe not in class, but one of them could have said something during a conference in the office.”

Alice jumped into the conversation. “Oh, Graham, get to the point.” Turning to Ian, she went on, “He wants to know if this Janet ever told you she was a nudist. Some whispers have come our way that the whole dorm is nudist.”

Ian had no idea about this rumor. “I certainly would have remembered that if it were mentioned.”

Alice said, “Actually, I think Graham may be more curious about the boyfriend.” She quickly explained, “Not what he looks like nude, but what he thinks of all his dormmates seeing his girlfriend that way.”

I was a bit surprised by her statement and blurted out a question before thinking about it. “What makes you say that?”

“We met while in college down at UT in Austin. He used to like to take me out to Hippy Hollow, and I soon realized that he never insisted that we find some spot private. We were always kind of close to other people, mostly guys.”

I didn’t know the place, so I wondered, “So? What’s the deal about this Hippy Hollow?”

“It’s the local swimming hole. You know, for skinny dipping.”

Embarrassed that I had asked so much, I didn’t ask more. The conversation moved on to other subjects then, but a week or two later, we were by the lake, and the subject came up again.

At the college pool, Alice and I had worn one-piece suits since we felt like we should act more like adults in charge around the students. At the lake, there were students, but a mix of families and lots of other types. Alice had checked with me in advance, so I was prepared to see her in a skimpy bikini. My own bikini was just as small, but my tiny breasts could not be squeezed together in a show of cleavage like hers.

As I pulled off my shirt and dropped my shorts to show my bikini, I said to Alice, “I think the husbands approve of our swimwear.”

Alice replied, “I know Graham likes my suit. Ever since he heard about that nudist dorm, he’s been teasing me about any low-cut blouses or short hemlines.”

“I’m not teasing. I’d call it encouraging you. I’m just trying not to be selfish,” Graham said. “And besides, you used to be okay with baring all at Hippy Hollow. ‘Look but don’t touch’ is a law that we can all live with. What do you say, Ian?”

“I’d let it up to the woman. If she wants to show some skin and no trouble ensues, who am I to tell her how to dress.”

“I’d like to remind my husband that I’m not as young as I used to be,” Alice said. “And, Ian, what if she’s your woman? That woman you’re talking about sounds rather general and anonymous. You say you have no place to tell her how to dress, but what about Vivian? Do you encourage her to show some skin that other men will see?”

Naturally, I was interested in his answer. I had not consulted him about my suit, but I had felt an unspoken nod from him about it. At the very least, he never told me I shouldn’t wear it in front of Graham.

“Well, not exactly. I have never told Viv to dress provocatively to see giresun escort what other men would do. That said, I have to admit to three propositions. First, looking at Viv, dressed or not, is always a pleasure for me. Second, looking, and I mean just looking, at other attractive women, dressed or not, is also a pleasure for me. And third, seeing other men give my Viv an admiring glance gives me pleasure.”

“Well said,” Graham announced, “but you didn’t say about Viv whether ‘dressed or not’ was a choice.”

“As far as I know, it would always be dressed.” Ian and Graham were both looking at me, and I was very conscious of how tiny my suit was. “Or dressed if the bare essentials count as dressed,” he added, and we all laughed.

Alice lifted her beer. “Here’s to bare essentials!”

We all joined the toast, and then Graham offered another. “Here’s to bare!” We all joined in again, although I may have been blushing this time.

As luck would have it, a young couple walked by, and she was wearing a thong bottom. Alice spoke up first, “Great, now Graham will have another idea for me.”

He smiled and raised his eyebrows. “My dear,” he said, “I may be a bit older too, but I can still remember Austin, so I don’t need ideas from any of the girls around here. Nevertheless, if swimsuits are required, that one is a nice idea.”

Ian turned to me and said, “It’s a nice idea alright.”

“Oh, really?” I said. “You want me to get one like that and wear it here with our friends?”

“Just an idea, and it’s easier than transferring to Austin,” he replied, and he kissed me.

That afternoon, I noticed that Alice often leaned over in such a way as to allow anyone to see down her top. Her nipples were not visible, her breasts were too large for that, but you could see all the way down between them. I know Ian took notice, and I know Graham took notice of both Alice and Ian.

I did not have the nerve to make some similar show. One time, though, standing next to me while I sat cross-legged on the blanket, Ian leaned down and whispered to me, “When you rest your arms on your knees like that, your top gapes enough to let me see your nipples.”

I straightened up and looked around. Graham seemed otherwise occupied with Alice, and Ian said later that he hadn’t noticed whether Graham had seen into my top.

Ian was smiling broadly, though, and that smile told me a lot. So when we went to the lake a week later, if my bikini bottom slipped a little after I had been in the water, I was in no hurry to adjust it. And when we four sat around on the blanket, I made sure that I occasionally leaned forward a bit and rested my elbows on my knees. Ian could see one of my nipples, Graham could see the other, and Ian could see Graham looking. I knew it was a compromise. I could tell myself that I remained dressed appropriately for the beach, and I could allow seemingly accidental thrills for Ian.

As for Alice, she must have known what the guys were doing. I guess she wasn’t upset, because when Graham was putting suntan lotion on her back, he reminded her of the idea to get a thong and pulled her bikini up so that it almost disappeared between the cheeks of her bottom. She laughed, let him put lotion on the pale skin, and didn’t touch the suit, as if daring Graham to see who would back down from the game first.

If I had shown more reticence then, maybe Alice would not have involved me in the sorority’s fundraiser.

By that second academic year, Ian had a book sent out to a publisher and seemed assured of getting his tenure. I had all the more reason to find ways to fit into the community. Because the college here is so small, faculty sponsors for many of the student clubs and organizations are difficult to find. Alice had been in a sorority in her university days, so she volunteered as a sponsor for one of the sororities here, and she asked me to help out. The girls, all upperclassmen, didn’t have a house for themselves, so meetings could be in any room on campus. Any bigger event took place somewhere off campus. At first, I found going to the occasional meetings pretty easy. The fundraiser would be different.

They wanted to raise money toward restoring some nearby property for a public park. It wasn’t that big of a project, so even a thousand dollars would be a good outcome. The girls were not thinking that modestly, though. I suppose the stories about the Honors House had some influence on the girls’ decision regarding the best way to raise money, wrestling in their underwear. Because the idea came up in the context of the nude activities at the Honors House, no one seemed to think it was that outrageous. No one thought such an event would be disallowed, so I said that such a show might make money, but would attract an unruly crowd that should make us think twice. The answer, the clincher of an argument, was the general consensus that their boyfriends would very willingly pay a couple hundred dollars each to see such a show. The gümüşhane escort crowd would be very manageable, and we’d still rake in lots of money.

Alice raised no objection, so I said nothing more. Our part in the event would be simply to act as, odd as it may sound, chaperones, although Alice also suggested that I could be the referee for the wrestling matches. Everyone liked that idea. Other ideas followed in the days to come, but I wasn’t present to hear them, much less to object.

Only as the night for fundraiser drew nearer did I learn more details. For one, the girls would wrestle in a kiddie pool, and there would be enough dirt added to the water so that they could advertise it as mud wrestling. More surprising to me, Alice and I were to dress like the girls. In other words, I was expected to be in my underwear in front of an audience of young men.

Alice gave me the usual encouraging words. She said, “With your slim body, those girls have nothing over you,” and “It will be just like wearing a swimsuit. In fact, it will probably show less than your swimsuit.”

How well I knew that to be true, but I was still uneasy. Ian would be there too, but so would Graham. Ian gave me similar encouragement, telling how pretty I am and how all the other girls would probably distract the boys anyway.

I asked him, “Do you want to come because of all those other girls?”

“I admit that I will look at them. Honestly, however, I think I’ll be more interested in looking at Alice and, even more, at you.”

With no one telling me to stop, I made plans to go. The girls, I knew, would be wearing their sexiest bras and panties, the push-up styles and thongs. I didn’t know what Alice would do. As for myself, I settled on simple things, a plain white cotton string bikini and a plain white cotton camisole top. The top would show how small my breasts were without letting everyone see too much of them.

One of the girls had a father who built condos in the area, and without telling him too much, she persuaded him to let us use a vacant condo in a new development. The little pool was set up in the basement. A tumbling mat was put down first so that there was a surface beneath the pool that was softer than the concrete floor, and the basement had a drain in the floor so clean-up would be easier.

Everything was prepared well, then, which is not to say that everything went as I expected.

The dozen boys did pay up, $200 apiece, to attend. They got more than their money’s worth.

That October night was unseasonably cool. As I figured, the girls nevertheless looked predictably sexy in their scanty attire. Breast sizes varied, but all seemed rounder and perkier in the underwire bras. The only ones who did not wear matching thongs wore matching g-strings instead. Ian and Graham immediately appreciated the sight of plentiful curves and cleavage, both top and bottom.

When Alice and I removed our dresses, they appreciated even more. The boys did indeed keep their attention on the girls more, but Graham beamed when he saw me. My nipples were poking out obviously as he patted me on the back and said, “Here’s to bare essentials.”

Ian’s reaction to Alice was speechless. She wore a black lace and satin bra and panty set. The bra was see-through enough to show the color of her nipples, and, as we could see when she spun around for us, the back of her panties were completely diaphanous. Since Ian seemed unable to speak, Graham toasted Alice’s appearance too, “Here’s to even barer essentials.”

For a short time, we mingled before the evening’s events began. I felt uneasy and embarrassed around so many boys, and seeing a boy I recognized didn’t help. Seth, a work-study student in the office with Alice and me, came over to talk. He seemed uneasy too, not knowing where to look and saying only, “Hi, Vivian. Thanks for helping with this.” I was glad that my cami-top provided some coverage, but with Seth right there, my panties felt really small. Even so, I thought it was funny that he was blushing more than me.

Ian recognized two students from classes he had taught only a couple months earlier in the summer term. Sharon, an aspiring poet and free spirit, struck a pose for him and asked, “Do I get an A”?

She called LiLi over, one of her classmates in Ian’s class. Lili was third-generation Chinese-American, and while she may have talked like a regular college girl, she retained enough Asian shyness to feel awkward in front of Ian then. Under the circumstances, all she could do was giggle.

Then Alice got things going, calling for the first contestants to step forward. The boys gathered around the little pool, sitting on the floor. Ian and Graham stood off to the side a bit, their view of the proceedings unobstructed.

Lili and Eryn stepped into the pool. Both slim and petite, they were paired as nearest to each other’s weight. Alice gave us the instructions that would apply all night. “No biting, no kicking, and hakkari escort no hair pulling. Otherwise, anything goes. Viv here will declare when one of you gets pinned. Ready?”

We all nodded, and I once I said, “Go,” I was up to my ankles in muddy water and still way over my head.

The two girls surprised me with the ferocity of their efforts. In an instant, they were down, splashing, pushing, grunting, and laughing. More surprising was how Eryn used an unexpected move to catch Lili off balance. She grabbed Lili’s bra and yanked it, breaking the strap and baring Lili’s small breasts and dime-sized dark nipples. I was surprised that Lili didn’t seem more shocked. Getting her bra torn off didn’t make this shy girl run for cover, nor did the loud cheering from the guys embarrass her.

On the contrary, Lili didn’t take long to react in kind, grabbing for Eryn’s panties. The panties didn’t tear, but Lili got them down around Eryn’s knees. Since they were grappling with each other, no one could see that much beside Eryn’s obviously bared bottom. In fact, that bottom seemed all the more prominent as Eryn tried to press Lili onto her back. The move was working until Lili grabbed Eryn’s bra and snapped it. Eryn tried to grab Lili’s hand, and Lile was able to flip her. Straddling Eryn, Lili used her knees to hold the other girl’s arms down. I checked Eryn’s back and declared a winner.

Before letting her up, Lili reached behind her and finished yanking Eryn’s panties off. Only then did she step out of the pool and off the mat to stand next to Alice. Her posture betrayed a little self-consciousness, but she still did nothing to hide her breasts. Alice was waiting for Eryn and me near the drain in the floor. She had a hose to rinse the dirt off the girls. First, though, I was to stand between them and raise the winner’s hand.

My head was still spinning as I took my place between the wet and muddy girls. Wet, muddy, and nude, that is. Eryn walked behind Lili to her place, pausing to grab Lili’s panties and yank them down. Some playful pushing and giggling followed, but neither tried to retrieve any clothes.

I raised Lili’s hand, and Alice proceeded to use the hose to rinse both of them. The guys whooped even louder in applauding the winner and ogling the two of them. Washed off, their bodies glistened, and all could see the narrow strip of Eryn’s pubic hair and the cleanly shaven vulva of Lili.

Before I could catch my breath and grasp what was happening, I was in the pool again, telling Stacie and Jenna, “Go.” As short as the first pair, these two were not at all as small as Lili and Eryn otherwise. And all soon could see Jenna’s generous breasts and Stacie’s curvy bottom. In fact, the two of them seemed intent on stripping each other before getting down to really wrestling. Even then, neither cared that much about winning. I raised Jenna’s hand in the end, and rinsed off, both of them showed off puffy labia without the covering of even a single hair.

Still in a blur, I started back toward the pool. Then some guy yelled, “Hey, she’s got some mud splashed on her too.”

He was referring to me, and Jenna and Stacie steered me back. As they stood beside me and held my arms, I saw Alice look back at our husbands. When I looked their way, Ian smiled and made a subtle nod to me. I turned to Alice. I didn’t say anything, only stiffened myself as if anticipating the cold water from the hose. She read my acceptance and ran the hose over me.

Of course, my camisole clung to my skin and turned transparent. My nipples, previously apparent in their shape, were now evident in their size and color. Looking again at Ian, I saw his face turned toward Graham, taking in his obvious pleasure at my exposure. The cheering was for me now, although I hardly heard it.

Alice noticed Graham’s stare and tried to even the exchange. “Just in case someone got a spot on me,” she said, and she ran the hose over her own chest and back. Her bra and panties could hardly show more, but I appreciated the gesture. And so did Ian, I noted.

Soon enough, I was back in the pool between Sharon and Whitney. These two were both tall and athletically limber. Whitney ran track, while Sharon, pale as you would expect a poet to be, was a swimmer in her spare time. Their match proceeded like the previous one, with half-serious moves that were meant to get their clothes off before the real competition began.

Once they got into it and were rolling in the pool, I had a number of times when I thought one or the other was about to be pinned. Leaning in, I realized another consequence of my soaking. The camisole might cling to me when I was standing, but if I leaned over at all, the cotton material, heavy with wetness, draped open and hung away from my chest. Without considering the matter too much, I figured that these girls were willing to bare all, so I should be able to stick to my role as referee. I just had to pretend to forget that I was giving Graham and several of the boys ample opportunity to see my tiny breasts.

When I could finally declare Sharon the winner, I could not bear to look out into the audience, conscious of how flushed my face and chest must have been. I was also a little taken with the deep rosy color of Sharon nipples that contrasted so beautifully against her ivory skin.

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