Tag: eyes shining

Tali’s First Job Ch. 03

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After a month of working in the strip club and frequently working the booths with Molly, she approached me with an idea, she wanted to start doing private parties on the side and she wanted me to work with her. I had heard some of the other girls at the club talk about doing work like that and it seemed that it was way safer if you took someone else with you, also you got paid more, and a lot of times all you had to do was get naked and make out with your friend a bit.

I jumped at the chance for more cash, the little hole in the wall I had found for an apartment was really awful and I desperately wanted to find a way to afford a nicer place.

Molly was really happy that I agreed to work with her and said that she had a job lined up for later that week.

So a few days later on a Thursday night Molly and I headed out to an address in the suburbs. Molly told me that it was going to be a some kind of party probably a bachelor party and we were going to make really good money because the guy who had hired her was one of her regulars at the club and he was clearly a really rich guy.

As Molly and I were in a cab headed to the house I asked Molly what she knew about the guys at the party, like how many of them and what they were all about.

She said “Well my regular, Todd is a pretty basic guy I guess, he likes my lap dances and he tips well, other than that I don’t really know. But hey it’s a couple of guys in a house out in the suburbs, how weird could the people out there really get?”

I wasn’t as sure about it as Molly, she was a city girl and I had grown up in a suburban area, I know those people are just as weird as any others, and out here they just keep it all hidden and bottled up. So with this new insight I was a bit less comfortable with the gig, but it was still exciting and there was no way I was going to leave Molly to go in there alone.

“You have done gigs like this before though right? what kind of stuff do they usually want us to do?” I said.

“I’ve done a few before, they usually want a basic show, they want to see us kiss and tease each other. A couple lap dances and a strip tease is usually the extent of it. One time a guy paid extra for a blowjob but the other girl took care of it that time. Really the further we go the longer we stay and the more money we make. Always get them to commit to a time frame at the beginning and get the initial fee up front, if you don’t you can get screwed over way too easily. We are charging $100 an hour as a base rate. They want to see anything special they gotta start shelling out real money.”

What kinda special stuff do you think they might ask for? Like how far are we gonna go with it?”

She looked at me with a considering expression. “Well… I would be ok with us fucking each other. I brought a bunch of toys with us for any occasion.” She picked up the duffle bag at her feet to illustrate the point. “I’ve got a strap on and some double sided dildos. The guys will go nuts for that kind of thing. I have some other toys and some costumes too if we want to play characters. What do you think?”

I grinned and gave her a wink and said loudly enough so that the cab driver would hear it, “Oh Molly how many times do I need to tell you, if you want me to fuck you all night you really don’t have to try so hard.” I saw the cab drivers eyes snap to his rearview mirror as all of his attention was focused on us.

Molly just shook her head at me and said “You have no shame at all do you.”

“I am quickly learning that no, I really have no shame at all. Seems like in our line of work that is essential.”

Molly smiled at me and then poked me and said, “How do you feel about the costumes?”

“I am totally into role play, what are the costumes that you have?”

“Well, I have a teacher and student one, a cop and convict, and I have a mistress and a slave one.”

I grinned at her and said “I bet I know which is the sexiest of those three. Do you have the props to go with them? A ruler, handcuffs, whips and chains?”

“Well I have some of those, I have a few sets of handcuffs, I have some things to make a naughty sluts ass red and a few other surprises.”

“So we are obviously doing the mistress and slave one right? Which do you want to be?”

Molly gave me a wicked grin and seemed to imply a lot when she said, “I am the mistress and you are going to be my naughty little slave girl.”

When she said this her words seemed to send a shiver of pleasure and arousal through me. I knew that it was just a game and it wasn’t real but the fantasy of being her sexy slave girl really got me going.

My face must have flushed because Molly smiled even wider leaned in to whisper in my ear, “You love that don’t you, you want me to tie you up and use you like a little fuck doll.”

Her words were like a light kiss on the back of my neck, a shiver ran through me and I was immediately wet.

“Yes I do mistress, I want you to use all of me” I whispered back to her.

Molly pulled minyon porno back slightly to look me in the eyes, her hand reached up behind my head and threaded her fingers through my hair and then seized me in a hard grip and pulled my mouth to hers crushing my lips with a rough but incredibly sexy kiss, her tongue forced it’s way into my mouth, I melted into her.

We made out in the cab the whole rest of the 10 minute trip to the house, when we got out all of our clothing was twisted and unbuttoned.

Molly bent over at the drivers window showing off her tits and handed the guy his fare, “keep the change, and have a good night.”

The man managed to stammer something unintelligible back and then drove off quickly. Molly turned and smiled at me, “shall we?”

We walked up to the door our heels making loud clopping sounds on the stone walkway. I looked up at the house and finally realized that we were not in the normal middle class suburbs, we were in the super rich part of town.

The house we were walking towards was huge and had a large well kept lawn, everything about the place seemed to drip money. From the shrubs carved into sculptures to the Mercedes and Lamborghini that were sitting in the driveway, I could see a three car garage behind that with the outlines of other cars in the dark. I looked at Molly and said,

“I think we can charge a bit more for our hourly rate.”

She looked back at me wide eyed and nodded.

After ringing the front door bell we waited for a few minutes before we heard footsteps on the other side of the door. A tall and handsome man with blonde hair in khakis and a blazer stood there.

“Hello there, we’re here for the party tonight.” said Molly.

The man seemed to ignore her words and was clearly leering at us, his eyes quickly judged us and he seemed almost disappointed.

“Right you are the whores that Todd found. I suppose you will be adequate. Come in and don’t touch anything.” He then turned around and started walking away.

I grimaced at Molly and motioned discreetly at the guy. Who did this dick think he was? And what kind of place had we just walked into? Because if there is one thing I know it’s that if suburban middle class people had some weird stuff in their closets the super rich were way worse.

Molly just shrugged and frowned at the guy and started following him.

We walked down a long hallway lined with expensive looking art and statues. It was dead quiet in the hall except for the clip clop of our heels on the marble floor. The rude man reached a door and opened it.

“Get yourselves prepared in here, we will call for you when we want you, don’t leave this room and again don’t touch anything”

I looked around the room that seemed to be a lounge or den or some other place like that, never being rich myself I had no idea what the difference was. The floor was carpeted and the walls were lined with bookshelves.

Molly got to work immediately, she started taking things out of her bag, some she put in piles and others she handed to me.

“Start getting dressed, they don’t seem like the patient kind of people.”

I quickly striped down and started wiggling into the sexy latex straps that made up my costume. It was black latex and the top was a tight band that could barely fit over my tits. I was popping out above and below the strap and every time I took a deep breath I nearly busted out. The other half was a similar tube skirt that again barely got over my hips and my cheeks were not fully covered. To go with the top and skirt I had knee high black stockings and black pumps. I had leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles that had multiple D rings on them for easy attachment, I wore a thick black collar with a ring in the front. The final piece was a ball gag that for the time being hung around my neck.

I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and touched up my makeup while Molly got into her much more elaborate costume of the mistress. She had a full latex dress that covered her from knees to neck and had built in gloves. The dress had some clear patches to show of some skin, and had some strategically placed patches that could be removed for easy access to the important areas. She wore heels twin to mine.

As she finished adjusting her dress I stood and just stared at her in awe, she was incredibly sexy and her entire demeanor had changed. She seemed more powerful and the urge to kneel at her feet was very strong.

Molly looked at me, smiled broadly and said. “Well hot damn, that outfit does not really fit you does it? I guess I won’t ever be able to wear those again, now that you stretched them out. The guys are gonna love you that is for sure.”

I just smiled back at her and getting into character I said, “Thank you for the sexy clothes mistress.”

“You are welcome you sexy little slut, I can’t wait to take them off you.” Molly said as she grabbed me by the collar and attached a leash.

We waited for at least 20 minutes olgun porno but it felt like hours. I was incredibly excited and I kept getting lost in thought and imagining what we were about to do. The anticipation was making my imagination run wild and I was trembling slightly with anticipation and arousal.

When a man finally did arrive I muffled a squeal of excitement into a short squeak. It was not the same man as before and this one seemed much more serious and less aloof and full of himself. He waved us over to the door and we quickly approached him.

“I’m Mr. Chenkovs bodyguard, I must examine you both before I take you to see him.” He said with a heavy accent and motioned for us both to hold out our arms. He patted Molly down first, he did a very professional looking search and quickly moved over to me.

I held out my arms and grinned at him.

“I don’t really have a lot of places to hide things” I said.

He just stared at me for a second then checked under the collar and cuffs and ran his hands up between my legs and rubbed over my pussy and up between my ass cheeks. I shivered with excitement as he did, the rough and unfeeling way he handled me was incredibly hot, I felt like he could do anything he wanted to me and I would have absolutely no way to stop him. My breathing hitched for a moment and I think my face flushed because finally a lascivious grin crossed his face.

“You would be very surprised just how creative people can be with hiding things. The human body has so many surprising abilities.” As he said this his hand was still on my ass and his other hand was gripping my collar and he gave my ass a hard squeeze while he stared at me with incredibly stony eyes.

His sheer intensity and the way he handled me took me by surprise and I felt myself go a little weak in the knees. Again my imagination went wild and I pictured myself kneeling in front of him and pulling out his cock. The brief fantasy made my face flush even more and I trembled in his hands.

He then released me and stepped back losing the grin and becoming professional again.

“You will come with me now to the party.” he said.

Molly who was staring at me uneasily said “Wait not yet, we haven’t been paid anything yet. I told Todd that we get our hourly fee upfront.”

The man stared at her for a moment, then he snapped his fingers at another large man standing near the door. The bodyguard said something in what sounded like Russian to the other man who nodded and left the room.

A minute later the man came back into the room and walked over to Molly and handed her a thick envelope.

The first guard who appeared to be the one in charge said. “That should cover your fee for the whole night. If there is any other charges you can bring them up with me in the morning before you leave.”

Molly looked into the envelope and almost gasped. It was full of hundreds. At least $3000 dollars.

“Im sorry sir but I think there might be some mistake, we are just strippers and performers, we don’t do any other kinds of special services. For this kind of money…” Molly drifted off and held the cash out to the man.

“I was told to give you a certain amount, I gave you this amount. If you want to negotiate further I would not advise you do so. Mr Chenkov is having a party and wants to have a good time. It is always good for everyone if Mr. Chenkov gets what he wants.” Said the bodyguard.

Molly frowned at him then looked over at me. “Are you ok with this?”

I looked at her and then back at the man. I was completely lost in a fantasy, I was picturing the bodyguard bending me over the nearby couch and fucking me silly. “Hmm? Uh yeah I’m good… are you?” I stammered back.

Molly got a hard expression on her face and looked at the bodyguard, “What exactly is going to be expected of us in there?”

The guard grinned his wicked grin that never reached his eyes at her and said “You will party yes? Everyone will have a good time at a party. Some drinking some dancing, and you can do your show.”

“So thats all then, dancing and the show?” Molly pressed.

“Of course. Are you all good now?” he said and held out his arm to the door.

Molly stuffed the cash into her bag and gave a gentle tug on my leash and we started on our way to the door.

We entered the room and immediately there was a cheer from the twenty five or so men in the room, they all turned to look at us and there were whistles and crude suggestions shouted at us, plenty of the guys were laughing and slapping each other on the backs. All the men were dressed in suits and were holding drinks. They all looked to be very rich men. I could see the blond rude man in the middle of the group talking to an older man with a large mustache and a bad combover.

The room itself was large with marble floors. One side of the room had large floor to ceiling windows and the others were lined with bookshelves. There were couches and armchairs strewn about small şahin k porno coffee tables. In the far corner there was a pool table. As I was surveying the room the shorter round man with the mustache and combover that had been talking with the blonde man approached us.

“Hello, I am Chenkov. And you must be the girls that Todd has told me so much about.”

As he said this he waved forward another man I assumed was Todd.

“You were right Todd, I do like them very much. Thank you for this gift, it will not be forgotten.”

Chenkov wrapped his arm around Todd’s neck while talking to him, which forced Todd to crouch next to the man. Chenkov gave him a light slap on the face and then released him.

Todd stammered a thank you to Chenkov before quickly moving towards the bar on the other side of the room. At no point did he look at either of us and seemed to be extremely nervous.

I exchanged worried glances with Molly, what had she gotten us into? This guy was acting like he was some kind of mobster.

We didn’t have any more time to consider the situation as Chenkov walked up to Molly grabbed a handful of her ass and pulled her to his chest.

“I am very pleased that you are here to celebrate with us tonight.” He said to Molly, staring at her with an incredibly intense look.

“And I see you have brought a very fine pet with you as well.” He said to her as he looked me up and down and examined the leash in Molly’s hand.

“Yes she is very lovely isn’t she, too bad she has been a naughty little slut today.” Said Molly getting into character and getting back some of her confidence. She loosened up in his arms a bit, grabbed his drink and took a swig.

Chenkov seemed to be momentarily stunned by Molly’s attitude, then threw back his head and roared with laughter. “A saucy little wench we have here.”

Then there was a SMACK and Molly jumped as Chenkov slapped her ass before letting her go and turning to me.

“So, you have been a naughty little slut today, what have you done that was so bad?”

He was an intimidating man, his breath smelled like alcohol and cigars which mixed with his very heavy cologne. His eyes ran up and down my body before focusing on my tits.

I took a deep breath which prompted a grunt of appreciation from him, then said. “Well sir, I have been petulant and ungrateful. I was not paying close attention to my mistress. I also have been having very dirty thoughts.”

“Tisk tisk, very naughty indeed,” He said as he circled me looking me up and down.

“Those dirty thoughts… you will have to elaborate on that for me.”

Something about this man made me want to immediately do as he asked. Possibly his confidence or his sheer presence, clearly everyone in the room answered to him and I was no exception.

I looked down and said softly, “I was imagining myself having sex with your bodyguard sir.”

“HAH! Well now that is certainly interesting, Mishka did you hear that? This hot little slut has been dreaming of your cock! Hah! Well now how are you planning on punishing this naughty whore?” He said to Molly.

Molly came closer to me shortening her grip on my leash as she did and said “Well now if I told you that would spoil the surprise wouldn’t it? How about I just show you.”

And with that Molly got a good grip on my collar and pulled me towards a nearby table. The men at the table leaned back quickly as Molly stomped one foot on the table and said, “Give us some room here… and up on the table slut.”

I did as asked and got on all fours on the coffee table. I could feel the eyes of everyone in the room as I bent over and gave a clear view of the tiny g-string that I was wearing under the skirt. The men in front of me had a perfect view of my cleavage.

I heard Molly put down her bag and unzip it. She started taking out her toys and laying them out. Then I felt her hand on my neck as she grabbed the ball gags strap.

“Are you going to be a good little slut and take your punishment with some dignity? Or do I need to gag and bind you.”

“I will be good mistress I promise.”

“We shall see about that.”

As she said this I felt a presence close to me and then Chenkov’s face was in front of mine as he crouched in front of me.

Chenkov grabbed my chin with his hand and tilted up my face so I was looking him directly in the eyes. “Such a pretty slut, will she cry pretty tears when she is beaten?” He said in a quiet voice.

I was extremely intimidated by him and didn’t know how to respond to his question. But the way he was controlling me just by standing in front of me made me even more excited.

“Would sir like to see me cry?” I decided to say.

“Oh yes slut, I will like it very much.” He said almost immediately in a low and menacing tone.

As I stared into his eyes many different thoughts were crossing my mind, I imagined this rude and brash man whipping me, being bound, naked bent over taking his lashes that would not stop until he was satisfied. It was a shocking image in my mind. Despite his average height, bald patch and mustache he had something about him that was still attractive to me. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was but he had my full attention. Which is why when Molly spanked me it was much more shocking.

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