Tag: ensorcell swing

Girl Power Ch. 02

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Thursday finally came. This would be my second time posing nude for the class. The first time I enjoyed it and also got a thrill from making my two friends get erections as they looked at me. I also met a new girl, Janelle, an exotic and sexy young woman.

After I described the experience to my roommate, Morgan, I coached her through her first orgasm in life by helping her masturbate. All in all, I was enjoying using my power to affect those around me. I wondered how my next nude modeling session would turn out and how I could learn to use the power of my body and exhibitionism I realized I had a lot to learn and understand.

I was a pile of nerves all day anticipating the modeling session this afternoon. Sitting in the the cafeteria, I tried to identify what made me so excited. Was being naked in front of people a reason to become so sexually on edge? I wondered if all nude models felt this way. Maybe I could ask Jacob about his experiences.

“Hey, doc, did you like get a big one when you were nude modeling?”

Nah, I don’t think that’d be the right approach. Maybe I’m a freak. It could be that normal people wouldn’t get turned on by being naked with other people. Of course, most normal people didn’t take their clothes off in a classroom.

I didn’t ponder the question too long, as one of my favorite songsters might say. I did think ahead to getting home later tonight, all keyed up, stripping in front of Morgan and giving myself a big, fat orgasm. Maybe, she just might join in. That was so hot when she masturbated for the first time the other night. Maybe I could even get her to be naked with me. I think I’m opening her up. I kinda like thinking that I am exerting some sway over her burgeoning sexuality. I don’t look at it as corruption as much as exploration. I think having someone who cares about her show the way is a good thing. Or, maybe it’s not corruption, exploration, or education. Maybe it’s just plain old seduction.

I ran back to the room and stripped to begin removing the telltale marks of underwear. I showered and sat on my bed naked while finishing an essay for comp class. Morgan came in and just laughed.

“I think I must be the only person on this entire campus who never knows when a naked person will be waiting for her,” she said while smiling.

“So, that’s a complaint?”

“No. I am getting used to it, but can’t say I am totally used to it. And, Gretchen, believe me it is not a hardship looking at your body. I think I’m sorta like Caitlin. I would give a lot to look like you, even for a day.”

“And, I keep telling you that you’re crazy. You’re beautiful. Maybe if you’d let me see what you keep so well hidden, I could tell you how hot you are,” I said and added after a pause, “or could be.”

“It’s funny, Gretchen, that the idea of you seeing me naked does not make me want to vomit as much as it did before. Maybe we’re making progress.”

“Hey, you could come with me and we both could model for the class.”

“Now, I’m ready to vomit.”

We both laughed.

“So, I’ll have to tell you all about tonight’s session when I get home. You can live vicariously through my experience.”

“I don’t know,” she said not meeting my gaze. “That might be too much for me. You know, might get me too excited.”

I was quiet until Morgan looked at me. “Well, we’ve learned there’s a remedy for that,” I said.

Morgan turned scarlet. “God, Gretchen, I still cannot believe I did that. I’ve been feeling I should go to confession and do like years of penance.”

“You did nothing wrong. You had an orgasm. That is one of the best things in the world. If God didn’t want us to have orgasms, he wouldn’t have given us a clit.”

“Somehow, I think I missed that point in my catechism class,” Morgan replied with a smirk.

“Well, take it from me—that’s the gospel truth.”

We shared a laugh.

“Seriously, Morgan, you should not feel guilty. As a matter of fact, you should treat yourself to more and more of them. I know they can get a lot better.”

“You mean like the ones you’ve shown me?”

“Yep, and even better still. If we were to do it together, I guarantee you’ll think your head is going to shoot off.”

“We did it together.”

“No, we did it in the same room in separate beds, with the lights out and the sheets on. I mean doing it looking at each other. That’s the best. Well, almost the best.”

“What’d you mean almost?”

I knew I had her intrigued now. I wondered if I could open her mind just a little bit more.

“I told you about Lisa and me.”


“What I didn’t tell you about is when we invited Derek to join us.”

“No way! You let a boy see you masturbating.”

“Yep. And we watched him. That was hot.”

“Jesus, Gretchen, sometimes you really shock me. I have never even seen a naked boy. I’ve certainly have never seen one aroused and masturbating. And, no boy has ever seen me naked. God, thinking about all this and then having a boy watch me masturbate, well, that’s like not even in my wildest imaginable dreams. Heck, niğde escort I never even dream about that stuff at all.”

“Morgan, remember what I said about saying ‘never’ regarding sex. Anyway, I’m not suggesting anything right now. But, at least let your mind entertain the image of Eli and Zeke sitting naked in front of you stroking their long, hard cocks.”

Morgan wiped sweat from her brow. With a sly smile, she said. “Do you think they have long ones?”

I got up and bumped fists with her.

“There’s hope for you, yet.”

“I doubt it,” she said.

Arriving at the studio a few minutes before class, I saw Jacob, the instructor, sitting at his desk.

“Hey, Gretchen, you came back.”

“Were you doubting me?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time we had a ‘one and done’ model.”

“Well, here I am.”

“Great. I had some good feedback on your first session.”

“What kind?” I asked.

“A few students said you were very relaxed and that made them feel more comfortable looking at you.”

“Uh, isn’t that the point of a life drawing class—to look at the model?”

“Of course, but you have to realize that this is a first-time experience for most of the students. They have never been in a situation where they are supposed to stare at a naked person they’ve never met before. Society teaches us we should avoid looking at a naked person unless we’re involved with them or it’s at a naturist park, or something. Otherwise, people can be accused of being voyeurs.”

“I think a lot of us have some voyeurism in us,” I said.

“I agree, but we are supposed to keep that feeling contained. Now, we are asking, no we are commanding them to look. Look at this naked woman. Look at her breasts, her pussy, her ass. Stare at her. It can be intimidating to the student.”

“I never thought about it that way.”

“Yeah, well, you did a good job. Plus some students said it’s a lot more fun when the model is as attractive as you and with a good figure.”

“Now you’re embarrassing me.”

Jacob looked at me and smiled. “I doubt that, Gretchen. I think you know you’re attractive and you like people seeing you naked. That’s not a critique. Actually it works to my benefit and helps the students do better work. Having a true exhibitionist for a model is a special treat.”

Jacob could read me better than anyone I’d ever met.

“I guess I’ll go get changed. Anything special for tonight?”

“As a matter of fact, I want to do some reclining nudes. When the students get here I’m going to have them move that chaise lounge up on the platform. I’ll drape a clean sheet over it and we can do a bunch of poses. You might not be as tired as doing all those standing and stretching poses.”

I nodded and scooted behind the curtain. In a few seconds I was naked and once more evaluating my figure in the mirror. Jacob’s words swirled in my head. People thought I was attractive. People liked looking at me. I am an exhibitionist. I smiled and pinched my nipples to make them stand up.

“Yes I am,” I said to myself as the tiny buds turned red and hardened. “I am an exhibitionist.”

Jacob called me and I walked out to the platform, careful to avoid tripping.

I saw Eli and Zeke grinning like a couple of kids about to ride the monster roller coaster. I wondered if they did have long dicks and if they would like to jerk off as I was doing myself. Those were just the kind of thoughts that helped my nipples remain tight and proud.

Jacob talked me through a number of poses as the students worked behind their easels. I was surprised when he called for a break. It seemed I had just started.

I walked over to Eli and Zeke.

“Hey, Gretchen,” said Eli.

“Hi, guys. Do you mind if I take a look?”

“Sure, but don’t laugh,” said Zeke.

I moved to stand in between them. I saw Jacob gesture to me and went to him.

“Gretchen, if you’re going to interact with the students, you should wear your robe.”

“Oh, sorry. No problem.” I dipped behind the screen, donned my robe and loosely tied it at my waist.

Walking back to the two boys, I could easily detect their erections straining their pants.

“Prof wants me to cover up when I’m not posing.”

“We wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t.”

I deliberately looked down at each of their crotches.

“That’s so sweet of you,” I said.

“Uh, sorry, Gretchen,” said Eli in a low voice. “Those things happen, you know.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with seeing me naked.”

“God, yes. It has everything to do with that. You’re totally amazing,” chimed in Zeke.

“Well, I’ll just have to take those two tents as compliments.”

I turned and looked at their drawings. Each had talent. Eli went for a more realistic view. He had done a full body outline as I reclined facing him. I thought maybe he gave me too much credit in the boob area, but I was not complaining.

“That’s good, Eli. You make me look attractive.”

“You are attractive, Gretchen.”

Zeke stood ordu escort back to allow me access to his easel. His style was a bit more abstract. He captured the lines of my body, this time from the rear as I had moved around the lounge. He was now just adding some detail, but I don’t think he would get as anatomically precise as his friend.

“I like this, too. You both have talent.”

They thanked me and said I should check out Janelle’s drawings.

She was just walking back in from a bathroom break.

“Do you mind?” I said as I picked up the edge of a sheet.

“Ok, but it’s just a sketch.”

Flipping the paper back, I had to stop myself from gasping.

Janelle had captured me as some sort of sexy creature. My breasts and pussy were done in great detail and my eyes looked like they were coals of fire.

“Wow,” was the best response I could make.

“That’s what we thought,” said Eli.

Janelle flipped one more sheet over and there was a close-up detail of my pussy. My lips pushed through the thin covering of pubic hair and my clit-hood was the center of focus.

“Holy shit,” I let out.

Janelle smiled and said, “I think you are so fucking hot. I wanted to get all that down.”

I looked at her. She didn’t flinch from my gaze. I thought I was about to be eaten by a wild animal. The extra wetness in my pussy told me that this could be a girl who could turn my world upside down. My limited experience with Lisa and a couple other friends told me that women could be amazing.

“I think she likes you,” said Zeke and poked me in the side.

“Fuck off, Zeke,” she said.

“Well, do you?” I asked.

Janelle licked her lips and nodded.

My knees almost buckled. This exotic looking woman wanted me. She wanted me in a bad way.

“Ok, class, let’s get going. Gretchen, can you get back on the lounge?”

I dropped my robe and climbed on the lounge, giving the guys and Janelle a great view of my back and spread legs.

Jacob said that he wanted me in one pose for the rest of the class and that the students should work on the one view. He propped a pillow behind my head and placed my arm so it rested up and on top of my head. He had me place one foot on the floor and then bent my other leg at the knee. My other foot now touched my knee. The effect was to open my pussy as I faced the guys and Janelle. He asked me to cup a breast with my free hand. I knew I must look wanton in that pose. The other students moved around to get a better view of my provocative pose.

The room remained silent except for the sound of pencil and charcoal on paper. Every time Janelle looked at me, I felt my vagina contract. I knew I was wet, but didn’t know how obvious it was to those watching me. It didn’t matter. The feeling of being watched and wanted overpowered any cautionary impulses I had. Jacob finally called an end and the class started cleaning up and putting away their materials. I stretched on the lounge, getting some kinks out.

Jacob stood in front of me holding the robe.

“Nice job, Gretchen.”

Standing, I let him slip the robe on me. I cinched the waist.

“What’d you think of the sketches you saw?”

“Interesting,” I said as non-commitally as I could.

“Do you also know Janelle?”

“Just met her in this class.”

“She has talent,” he said. “She certainly isn’t shy about letting her sensual side show in her work.”

“No shit,” I said.

“The guys have talent, too. Sometimes I think they don’t let their emotions free. That’s the thing about Janelle, she lets it fly.”

I thought about how she depicted my pussy. She was definitely letting it fly.

“So, you can come back next week?”

I brought my somewhat lurid mind back to the present.

“Sure, if you want me, Jacob.”

I don’t think I purposely made that sound as sexual as it came out. Well, maybe I did.

Jacob smiled. “Gretchen, I want you to model. That’s all. Ok?”

“Of course, what else did you think I meant?”

“Gretchen, do you think you’re the first model to flaunt her sexuality? Or, to come on to me? I don’t get upset. I understand that there is always a touch of eroticism in posing nude. But, I think of you as a model, not as a sex object.”

No one had ever called me out so coldly on what I was doing. Yet, he did it in a way that did not humiliate me.

“Sorry, Doctor Adams. I’ll be happy to come back next week, if you still want me to.”

“I do. You are going to be a great model.”

As he reached for his crutches I chanced a glance down at his crotch. Damn, nothing showing.

I dressed and ran into Zeke, Eli and Janelle outside.

“Wanna get that ice cream tonight?” Eli asked.

I agreed and we headed to the snack bar in the Commons. Along the way I found out that Janelle was also a fine arts major and planning to become a painter.

“Well, you have talent. Jacob thinks so, too.”

“Really?” she said.

“Just told me.”

“That’s nice to know. Of course, it’s easier when you osmaniye escort have a beautiful body to work with.”

We had fallen a little behind the guys as we talked. “Janelle, are you hitting on me?”

“Do you want to be hit on?”

“Not what I asked.”

“Ok. Yeah, I am.”

“So, you’re gay.”

“Let’s say I’m open. Does it freak you out that I want to have sex with you?”

I swallowed hard. “I wouldn’t say it freaks me out. I also don’t know if that’s what I want.”

Janelle ran her hand down my back, lightly touching my butt.

“You are major hot, Gretchen. I want you.”

“Uh, I should take that as a compliment?”

“Think about it. I could make you cum like you’ve never cum in your life. I’m talking a whole new dimension.”

My vagina clenched, for about the tenth time tonight. I envisioned this exotic woman naked and crawling over my body.

“Have you been with a woman?” she asked.


She laughed. The guys turned their heads but she waved them off.

“Gretchen, there’s no sorta. Either you had sex with a woman or you didn’t.”

“Well, my best friend and I fooled around in our senior year. Curiosity and all that. There were a couple others, too.”

“Did they fuck you?”

I stopped walking. Janelle turned toward me.

“What,” she asked, “too direct.”

I stood with my mouth open.

“How’s this, did they insert a finger inside you? Did you play with their boobs? Did any of them eat you or you eat them? Does that help?”

I still could not find my voice. She smiled again and slipped her arm through mine.

“Let’s keep walking. Gretchen, let me tell you what I think. I know you like showing off. I know you like people looking at your naked body. I suspect you like the idea of exciting people by showing your body. I also know you get seriously turned on. I could see how wet you were getting. When you looked at my drawings, I knew you got a rush. So, I know there is some interest there. What I’m offering is a fun way to explore that interest.”

“Janelle, I don’t know.”

“Hey, no need to answer now. Just think about it. I’m willing to bet that when you think about it, you’ll be playing with yourself.”

I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. She was so right. First Jacob and now Janelle. Was I that much of an open book? Was my “secret power” not really a secret? We walked behind the guys in silence for a while.

Janelle leaned into me. “You also like looking at those two tight butts, don’t you?”

I giggled and nodded.

“You want to fuck them?”

Giving into the charged atmosphere of her questions, I answered. “Well, first I’d like to see what’s behind those pants.”

“Yeah, they both get so hard drawing you.”

“You noticed?”

“Of course, I stand next to them. From what I can see Zeke seems to be packing a bit more than Eli. But we’d have to do much more complete examination to make a final determination.”


“Told you, I’m open.”

Arriving at the Commons we got our cones and sat around a table. We were trading some background. When it came to Janelle, she finished her cone, wiped her mouth and grinned.

“I suppose you noticed I am not white bread like you three.”

I started to say something, but she cut me off.

“It’s no big deal. You three are white. Me, well let’s say I have a lot of color in my background.”

Janelle explained that her father is African-American and her mother is Native American with a little Mexican mixed in. Her father’s father was African-American.

Her skin was light brown and smooth as silk. She kept her thick, black hair in a long plait that highlighted her Native American heritage. Her face was a mélange of all the races producing a unique, exotic result. If she were five inches taller, she could make a killing modeling. At five feet five she was not going to walk the runways. She had a tight figure with what appeared to be quite small breasts and a round butt. In any sized crowd, Janelle would stand out.

And, she wanted me. I did begin to wonder how sex would be between the two of us.

*** In art history class on Friday, Zeke and Eli wanted to know what I really thought of their work.

“I like both of them,” I said.

“We like drawing you,” confessed Eli.

I slowly raised my index finger and said, “Yeah, I guess you do.”

“God, that’s embarrassing,” said Zeke.

“But, we’re only guys,” he added, “and you are freaking beautiful. Our other friends cannot believe we get to see you naked. They are all like thinking of signing up for class. I guess when you see someone dressed and then know that they are posing nude, it sorta makes if really sexy. I mean that’s why we get turned on. You’re someone we know and you’re hot. Sorry, if getting aroused bothers you.”

“Don’t worry I’m only yanking your chain.”

“I wish,” said Zeke, half under his breath.

“You’d like that?” I asked.

Just then class started. For the first time in Art History, I felt time drag on. I wanted to continue this conversation with the guys. This just might be the opening I was looking for. None of us had any classes that afternoon and we decided to go off campus for some sushi. We walked to a popular place and ordered a variety of dishes.

“So, let’s put it out there,” I said.

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