Tag: dale cock

Excited to Be at Work

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I didn’t notice it. Not at first. Kevin was at my desk with a question and I turned to my computer to look up the answer. It took me a few minutes.

I was wearing the teal dress. It was a dress I knew I looked good in. A little risqué for the office but it was Friday and all the other girls dressed this way. Besides, there were some really cute guys in the office. Had to make an impression.

The dress showed quite a bit of cleave, that’s for sure. And the elaborate necklace I wore seemed to point down to my breasts with a “look at these!” gesture. For a man standing and looking down at me in my chair, the temptation to take a looksee must have been strong, I had to admit. Especially when I was looking away and there was no chance of getting caught.

Kevin was a cute guy. A little shy and nerdy. But that made him more attractive. To me, at least. I don’t think he was at the top of the list for the other girls there but that just meant more for me. And at 6’4″ tall on a wiry frame, there was plenty of him for me to handle.

“It’s OK if you can’t find it.” Ooh boy. His voice was so rich and deep. I wanted to ask him a question just so I could hear it again.

If I really thought about it, he didn’t need my help at work. If anything, he was the one who should be helping me. He’d been here two years and I was just a new girl. Maybe he was just making an excuse to see me?

“When did you say he sent it?” I was kicking myself for not asking something that required a longer answer. That voice.

“On the 23rd.”

“OK, let’s see. . . Oh, wait. I think this is it. But this is on the 24th. No wonder I couldn’t find it. Kev-in!” I chided and turned towards him.

And when I turned, there it was, pressing against his dress pants. Oh my god! Little Kev! Like two feet from my face!

I caught just a glimpse before I rushed back towards my computer screen. The blood was rushing to my face and I wondered if my neck was turning the same color.

“Can you send that to me?” His voice was soft now. Did he know that I saw?

“Just did. What else did you say you needed?” I turned and made sure to look him right in the eyes. He looked away. He knew.

“Oh, well, I wanted you to show me that Excel trick you were talking about but it’s OK. I can figure it out.”

The site of his erection had me thinking of tricks of my own I wanted to show him. I wanted to at least go in for another look. But I had to be sneaky.

I turned towards him and grabbed a file that was at waist level. Good thinking, Liv. This time, I got a good gander as my eyes slowly moved up his body before eventually arriving at his eyes. Mmm. He looked like he was hiding a nice sized cock behind those pants. I wanted him to linger just so I could be close to it. “Are you sure, Kevin? It won’t take long-“

“No, that’s ok. . . Thanks.” He scurried away and I turned back to my desk, shocked at the turn of events.

I surveyed myself and tried to figure out what had happened. Scanning myself up and down, I quickly landed on a theory. Standing above me, he could see right down my dress. And with this particular dress and that particular angle, he could get a good look at my breasts.

Kevin, you dog! Staring at my breasts right in the office like that! I actually didn’t mind. They’re really nice breasts.

I didn’t mind at all that he was staring at them. I was flattered that he seemed to enjoy them so much. I just wished I could get the same nice, long look at what was hiding in those pants. How was I going to get any work done now that I had that pretty cock running through my head?

My instant messenger flashed. It was him. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was still excited. Was he sitting at his desk with that long rod still pointing northward?

KevinStanton: hey, liv. i was wondering. . . do you want to grab some lunch?

LivBarry: sounds good

KevinStanton: perfect. let’s take my car

KevinStanton: do you mind a long drive? there’s a cool korean bbq place I want to check out.

LivBarry: i have a meeting in 90 min but as long as we make it back, i’m cool

KevinStanton: cool. i’m in the same meeting 😉

LivBarry: meet you by the elevator?

KevinStanton: yep


I had been driving for only a few minutes but I had to ask. It was killing me. I’ve always had this problem where I would constantly replay interactions in my head. I could spin myself in circles trying to figure what certain comments or actions meant. I’ve learned that it saves me a lot of aggravation to just ask. At least then I wouldn’t have to keep worrying about the hypotheticals.

“Hey, Liv. Do you mind if I ask you a question? It’s kind of a random question.”

“That depends on the question.”

“Well, when I was over at your desk, did you notice something. . . Something about me. . . I mean, did you notice that I was excited?”

“Well, yes, I know you get excited about spreadsheets.”

Maybe she didn’t notice! Or is she joking with me? She’s always poking fun at me.

“So you didn’t notice anything?”

“I hintli porno may have noticed something. I’m a very observant person so I notice a lot. Was there anything in particular you’re referring to, Kevin?”

OK, is she screwing with me? Or did she really not see anything?

“I mean, did you notice that I was, you know. Aroused?” She didn’t respond. I kept going. “I’m really sorry about that. It was just. . .

“Just what?”

“Just that you look so amazing in that dress today. . . and it seemed like maybe you saw. . .”

“I saw.” She was looking out the window. “But thank you.”

“Thank you? For. . . “

“For the compliment, Kevin.” She turned and smiled. “Oh, you thought I was thanking you for the view? You must think pretty highly of yourself-“

“Oh my god! I’m so embarrassed. I know that’s the last thing you want to see in the workplace.” I pause, unsure of whether to drop the subject.

“But I wouldn’t say it’s the last thing I want to see. I wouldn’t say that at all actually.”


I didn’t expect that reaction. I just wanted to apologize so we could move on. We would have to work together a lot in the future and I didn’t want any awkwardness between us. But, her saying that she didn’t mind it? Kinda hinting that maybe she even liked it? I had to know more.

I continued driving with my eyes glued to the road.

“But you liked it? You were turned on? Because I wondered, the way you were staring at it. I wondered if you were also getting excited at seeing me like that.”


“Oh, wow! Really? Like you were getting wet?”

“Don’t ruin it, Kevin.”

“Sorry. I don’t know when to keep my mouth shut.” It’s true. And I couldn’t help myself again. “It’s just that I’ve thought about you a lot and I was just wondering if you-“

“Hey, Kevin?”


“If you promise to keep quiet for the next ten minutes, I’ll give you a surprise. I think you’re gonna like it.”

“A surprise? What do you mean-“

“Kevin? What did I say?”


“Just concentrate on the driving.”

She reached over and rubbed my chest. She worked her way down to my leg. I was already half excited but this was enough to bring make me fully erect.

Liv slowly rubbed the outside of my pants, squeezing my penis as she did it. Even if this was the extent of the surprise, I would have thanked my lucky stars. I never thought I would ever get this far with her.

But there was more. She unzipped me and took me in both hands. The pleasure from the long, gentle strokes even made me swerve the car.

She looked up, started. “I thought I told you to handle the driving?”

“Sorry. I will.”

“Good.” She said this as she was leaning down. She wouldn’t be looking at the road for what she was about to do.

I felt her lips around me and she softly bobbed her head up and down on it. So soft and sensual.

I leaned my head back as she sucked me harder. Her lips glided up and down faster and faster and I thought I would explode immediately.

I continued to drive but it was so hard. Paying attention, that is. She clearly knew how to pleasure a guy.

She took me out of her mouth just long enough to jab at me, “Make sure you stay on the road.”

“Make sure you stay on the rod,” I joked back.

“Bad boy,” but she seemed to like the wordplay. I pushed my luck and tightened my hand around the back of her head to let her know she could suck me harder.

She let out a moan and I returned with one of my own. Mmm, she felt so good. I felt the car go faster and faster as she brought me closer and closer. My legs grew tense and my foot pushed against the gas.

We were maybe five minutes from where I planned to stop but I just couldn’t wait. My need for her was too urgent. I pulled over to the side of the road as she continued to suck me. I’m not even sure she knew we had stopped when I leaned over and slid my hand up her dress.


I never knew Kev had a wild streak. In the office, he was always so sweet and awkward. Turns out he was holding out a surprise from me. A big surprise.

I was busy, focusing on the task at hand, when I felt him push my panties to the side. He slid a finger inside me and I looked up, startled. No, I had no idea he had stopped the car.

I was already quite wet and his long finger got me wetter right away. I moaned as he entered me.

He spread the wetness on my clit and rubbed it up and down. Gently, just like I do to myself. Good boy, Kevin.

He was getting me worked up and I wanted to make sure he stayed as excited as I. I leaned down and took him in my mouth. Even though I wasn’t at work, I could still multi-task.

I could barely fit it in my mouth. His cock was that big. And thick. If I knew you were hiding this big guy from me, we would’ve done this a helluva lot sooner, Kevin.

He fingered me. As I sucked, his movements became more vigorous with excitement, going faster and harder. This caused me to tighten my lips around him. And that caused him to thrust more hizmetçi porno powerfully. Which, of course, caused me to blow him even harder. . .

He broke the cycle before we hurt one another. “I can’t wait another minute until I’m inside you.” Mmm.

He slid my panties off and grabbed me by each side, lifting me onto him in the driver’s seat. I was just as eager, grabbing his cock impatiently and sliding it inside me. The car was cramped, but now that I was riding him, I didn’t mind. Not one bit.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me close to him. His thrusts were so strong and powerful. This sweet nerd had a wild side. And I liked it.

We were both gyrating so fast and hard. I had to steady myself with my hands on the ceiling of the car just to keep my balance.

Out here in the middle of nowhere, I felt free. Free to ignore my inhibitions. Free to be as loud as I wanted to. Free to tell him just what I wanted.

“Oh, Kevin!” I moaned. “Fuck me! Fuck me harder!”

He complied. His huge cock went deeper inside me, pounding the back of my pussy.

“Yes! Rub my clit! Rub my clit for me!”

I could do it myself but I wanted his big hands on me. Besides, I was still balancing mine on the ceiling.

We were fucking so hard I was surprised that his hand could find its way but it did. With just the first flick of his finger, I felt like I would release instantly.

He was close too. I could tell. He was groaning my name in his cute little-Kevin-way over and over until his sounds became less intelligible.

I came first. All the clit stimulation plus that perfect, fat cock inside of me. It was too much. I screamed his name at the top of my lungs. No neighbors to worry about, I let myself let go.

He was waiting for me to finish first. He fucked me even harder and soon I felt his own release. Mmm. His cum was so warm inside me. I loved knowing that I could do that to the guy who 20 minutes ago was awkwardly hovering over my cubicle.

Kevin was still catching his breath when I noticed it. The time! We had 15 minutes to get back to our meeting!

We had to run this risk of getting a speeding ticket but we made it back in time. Barely.

Before I knew it, we were sprinting to the meeting, barely any time to acknowledge what had happened. We arrived just in time, but as we both sat down, I noticed he was sweating. From the running or the fucking?

15 minutes into the meeting, my mind was still racing, my heart still beating heavily. I imagined he was the same. And just as I glanced over to see how he was holding up, I heard our boss speak his name, “and now Kevin will be presenting. . .”

He looked over at me nervously and stood up, wiping his hands on his pants. His hands were shaking as he began the presentation to the group. Poor Kev. He’s too sweet and shy for public speaking.

I corrected myself. Not always that shy. If only the rest of these people knew what we just did.

Sitting there, with my pussy still full of his cum, I knew I saw Kevin differently than the rest of the group. I looked him up and down, squinting my eyes to see if I could see that fat cock of his through his pants. Kevin, you aren’t the best presenter but you sure know how to please a lady. I wondered what he was doing after work.


Just minutes from doing what I had to admit was a pretty darn good job in the car with Liv, she then had to see me at my weakest. I’ve never been good with groups and talking never was my thing. I walked into that room feeling 10 feet tall and after a few minutes of fumbling my way through the presentation, I felt about 10 inches.

Liv had to have seen how hard my hands were shaking. I knew I should’ve tried to memorize it but instead I had my typed out notes. She had to be blind not to see the paper shaking as I gripped it tightly in my hands.

Ugh, just when I thought I had a chance with her.


KevinStanton: well, I guess I blew it

LivBarry: actually, I think I was the one who did that

KevinStanton: haha, yes you did. amazingly I may add

LivBarry: you may

KevinStanton: i meant the presentation though

LivBarry: you were so cute up there, kevin

KevinStanton: thanks but I’m not going for cute

LivBarry: ok, then . . . you were so fuckable up there, kevin

KevinStanton: oh really???

LivBarry: yessir!

KevinStanton: you’re going to make me blush. so the presentation. . .

LivBarry: it was fine

KevinStanton: no, it wasn’t.

LivBarry: well, tbh I was too focused on looking at your bulge

KevinStanton: can you be serious for a minute?

LivBarry: ok, sorry. you clearly didn’t think you did a good job so that’s what matters

KevinStanton: yeah, it was bad

LivBarry: so you say. . . but, here’s the deal. this was just the dry run, right?

KevinStanton: well, yeah, the actual client presentation is tomorrow night

LivBarry: tomorrow night?

KevinStanton: yep, west coast. remember?

LivBarry: i don’t. . . but i don’t have ifşa porno to be in the meeting

KevinStanton: oh ?

LivBarry: but maybe i will hang around for moral support

KevinStanton: oh?

LivBarry: perhaps

KevinStanton: i would like that!

LivBarry: but on one condition

KevinStanton: what’s that, liv?

LivBarry: tonight, you can fantasize about me all you want but you are not allowed to touch yourself. do you understand?

KevinStanton: I do!

LivBarry: good boy



I wanted to cheer him up. He seemed so restless and awkward during the presentation. I happened to find awkward and restless to be quite charming but I knew the higher-ups didn’t. And I knew tomorrow’s presentation was critical for the company and for Kevin’s career. The good news was that he had a chance for a do-over.

The kid was smart. And articulate. That wasn’t the problem. It was clearly nerves. The self-consciousness of everyone watching him. The importance of one moment meaning much more than full years of anonymous toil at his desk. This mattered. Probably more than Kevin even realized.

I’ve never had a problem being the center of attention so I couldn’t naturally relate to his predicament. What I could do, however, was cheer him up. Get him feeling cool and confident just in time for the Big Moment. That I could do.

I started with the compliments. They weren’t lies. I had stared at his perfect cock the entire time he was standing up. If anyone had thought to look at me, they surely would have caught me licking my lips. I had just gotten done fucking him and all I could think about was doing it again.

Sitting there in the conference room and seeing him struggle, I knew two things: 1) I needed to help him find his mojo 2) I was going to do it by fucking his brains out.


I spent the last night practicing over and over until I had it down. It wasn’t going to win any awards but the content was good, it told a compelling story, and I was finally starting to deliver it well.

It was 5:00 and I hadn’t heard from her once today. In between practicing, worrying, and doing my regular work I still thought about her a lot today. God, it was so difficult to not touch myself to her last night. But, I obeyed. I didn’t know why she asked or what she was up to but I sure wasn’t going to take any chances.

I wondered what she was wearing today. What kind of bra and panties she had on. Did they match? Of course, they did. This is Liv we’re talking about.

God, I just wanted to taste her so much. She sucked me yesterday and it was glorious. I would love to return the favor. I bet she tasted absolutely incredible.

Where was she today? Had she already grown tired of me? The meeting was in 2 hours and I had no idea if she would be there. She said she would be but that was yesterday. Today seemed like a different story.

Only 2 hours left to practice. I brought my laptop to the conference room and began pacing my way through a few more dry-runs.

LivBarry: where are you, young man?

LivBarry: hello???

KevinStanton: hi! sorry, i’m in here practicing

LivBarry: i’ll be in there at 6:30. be ready for me.

LivBarry is offline.


I knew I had him curious after the last message I sent. Send him something mysterious and then ghost. That was the plan. I bet he was already typing a reply right when I shut down my computer. I don’t think he’s not worrying about the meeting now. His focus is on me and what I have in store for him. As it should be.

He really better be ready for me because I was going all out to get ready for him. After heading home from work, I took a fresh shower and put my outfit on.

It was determined last night what I would wear. A little black dress. Black fuck-me-boots. A brand new matching bra and panty set. As I admired myself in the mirror, I realized it wasn’t just the boots that screamed, “fuck me!”. The whole ensemble shouted “sex” and that was exactly as I wanted it to be.


She was right on time, 30 minutes before the meeting was to start. Let me tell you, it was quite a sight. She walked into the conference room as I typed a few changes on the laptop.

“Wow, Liv, is that what you wore to work? That is. . . just. . . wow.” I could barely speak.

“Don’t be stupid, Kevin. I wore this for you.”

“You did? Well, thank you-“

“I thought you could use a little snack. Would you like that?”

“Well, yeah, I mean, I didn’t have time for dinner but we only have 30 min-“

“Back your chair up, Kevin.”

She walked up to me, nearly on top of me, and leaned against the conference table. I scooted my chair back, expectantly.

Call me naïve, but at that point, I really was thinking we were talking about dinner. Her next move hit me over the head like a steel pipe. Liv herself was going to be my meal.

Liv turned her back to me and hiked up her skirt to reveal a tiny black thong. She bent over, placed her arms on the table and faced the wall. She went silent and didn’t even turn to look at me. The next move was clearly mine.

If I hadn’t been thinking about it all day I may have been more typical hesitant self. But, today. Today I knew exactly what to do. I squatted down and slid her little panties down to her knees. I had to. I was dying for a taste.

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