Tag: bed sit

Pool Boy Ch. 34

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I was keeping my eye out for any Police Cruisers in hopes of running into Erin and/or Samantha. I even contemplated going into the Station to see them if they were there. My cock grew in my pants as I thought about what trouble we could get into with them. I wasn’t driving the van and neither the Subaru nor their cruiser would be in any way suitable for our usual gymnastics. That thought reminded me that I was going to drive the van back to college tomorrow. Alexis and I had talked back and forth about it and the final decision was made. Either way was fine with me but I suspected that when the time came for her to drive the Subaru back to college for three and a half hours by herself, she might change her mind.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Noah. I wasn’t going to get by to see him again like I said I would. We chatted for ten minutes, said our good-byes and I hung up. Alexis looked over at me and said, “That was a nice thing you did. Noah worships you. I’m sure he was ecstatic that you thought of him.”

I smiled at her and said, “He may worship me but he adores you. He would love to fuck your brains right out of your skull.”

Alexis laughed and said, “Well, that doesn’t make him all bad does it?” We were both laughing as we drove by the guard shack to a wave from the security guy. We pulled into the driveway as Jarrod and Dee were just carrying out their suitcases. They waved as we got out. I helped Jarrod with the bags and Dee and Alexis hugged. Dee explained that they wanted to get back a day early before she went back to work. She giggled to Alexis and said, “I need to get the guest house cleaned up before Mom moves in and it’s been kind of intense here the past couple days. I think we both need a day to recover.”

Jarrod overheard Dee’s comment and yelled over, “Speak for yourself.”

We all went back in the house so they could give their final good-byes. Emma was still trying to get Dee to change her mind about going but Dee was adamant. Fifteen minutes later, they were driving down the driveway waving to us standing at the front door.

Emma asked what our plans were and I explained that we had that long drive with two cars so we would be leaving before noon tomorrow. Classes started again on Monday. We would stop somewhere for lunch. I didn’t mind long range driving but I knew Alexis wasn’t a fan. We went into the kitchen and made ourselves each a cup of coffee and sprawled out in the big leather chairs in the Study. Emma said that the Realtor would be coming on Monday to tour the house and make a recommendation based on area comparisons about what she could expect to get for her house. She knew two of those ‘comps’ were from Olivia’s and Sophia’s houses. She knew her house was comparable to theirs and if she got what they got, she’d be happy. She got virtually everything from Jim in their divorce. He had received a life sentence and he wasn’t going to need anything. If Olivia and Sophia were set for life from their divorces from Paul and Ron, Emma was doubly set.

Emma said, “I think Dee wanted to go home today so she could have Jarrod all to herself. He and I got it on a lot the last few days. I will have to be conscious of their needs when I move in to their guest house.” Alexis and I nodded. We knew Emma could take over a sexual relationship if she lost herself in her own pleasure. Alexis and I had expressed that very concern after we heard the news. Hell, we had run off to Las Vegas to be by ourselves.

Emma made a light dinner and we just sat at the breakfast nook table to eat it. We all helped clean up and then retired to the Study again. I turned on the TV and started watching a college football game. It was a one sided blow-out and I lost interest. I shut off the TV and joined Emma’s and Alexis’ conversation just as Emma was saying, “You should try it. I loved it. The only way I’m going to use it is if I keep ordering stuff to be delivered.” Alexi burst out laughing and Emma got laughing too.

Alexis gathered herself and said, “Mom says we should try her swing. She doesn’t have anyone to use it with.”

I looked at Emma and said, “When you move in with Dee and Jarrod, you’ll be at least halfway closer to us than here. We’ve missed you and we’re going to miss you again until semester break at Christmas. I think you should show us the ropes on your new contraption, so to speak.” I knew I was taking a chance going against what Alexis might want but she looked up at me and grinned as she nodded vigorously at her mother.

Alexis said, “Mom, please join us. It may be our last time in this house. Let’s give it a proper send off.” Emma laughed at that and stood up and took my hand and kissed it and then she took Alexis’ hand and kissed it. She led us out of the study and up the stairs. Alexis already had her blouse unbuttoned by the time Emma dragged us into her bedroom. She was wearing a sexy lace bright red demi-bra. Her nipples were hard and peeking over the top of the red lace. She unzipped her skirt and dropped sex izle that to the floor and she had on the matching red, lace high-hipped panties. She posed for us and my cock was going to explode just from the visual stimulation. Fuck, she was gorgeous.

Emma had seen Alexis’ ensemble because she had bought it for her. She was more interested in my cock straining hard on my zipper. She quickly removed her blouse and yanked off her bra. She dropped down to her knees and guided my granite pillar between her huge tits. She used her hands and then her arms to wrap her soft fleshy globes around my shaft. She looked up at me and said, “Fuck my tits.” I didn’t hesitate. My hips immediately started rocking forward and back driving my cock through her cleavage. She drooled a glob of saliva into her cleavage to provide lubrication.

Alexis wasn’t paying any attention to us. She was handling the straps and slings on the swing getting familiar with how they worked. Emma stared up into my eyes for a long time before dropping her gaze to watch my glans rhythmically popping up between her tits. She liked what she was seeing and she grinned up at me again. I was in a non-stop groan as I ramped up the pace of my tit-fucking. I wasn’t concerned about cumming now and not being available to the needs of Alexis and Emma. I wanted to cum between Emma tits more than any other place at that moment.

Emma knew the situation and she softly said, “Cum on my tits, sweety.” Alexis had become interested and she sat on the edge of the bed to watch. She pulled aside her red lace panties and started finger-fucking herself with one hand and stroking a nipple peeking over the top of her demi-bra.

My orgasm crashed over me and I blasted several hard streams of cum up from deep in her cleavage to splash up on her neck and chin. She tipped her head down as far as she could trying to catch my streams of cum in her mouth. She wasn’t very successful and cum rocketed up her cheeks and into her hair. She got laughing as she sat back and let the cum go wherever it was going to go.

Alexis’ eyes were closed. Her mouth hung open and her teeth were clenched tight as she seethed air into her lungs and moaned the air back out again only to repeat the action several times.

When I finished cumming, Emma released her tits and lifted each one to her lips to lick the gobs of cum from them. Emma was moaning, “Yumm. Yumm,” and Alexis opened her eyes to see what was happening. She abandoned her pussy and nipples and dropped to the floor and helped Emma clean cum from her tits and face. I sat down on the floor to ease the strain on my trembling legs. My cock didn’t soften at all and I started stroking it as I watched these two incredibly hot and horny women feverishly lapping up my cum.

When they were done, Alexis and Emma kissed passionately with open, searching mouths and tongues. They both groaned hard into the other’s mouth. Emma had her fingers going in Alexis’ pussy while Alexis was firmly molesting her mother’s tits. Alexis was rocking her hips hard on Emma’s fingers and then she turned away from Emma’s lips and looked at me with an almost feral look on her face. She released her mother’s tits and turned toward me on hands and knees. She swayed her ass from side to side as she approached. Her eyes strayed from my face to my cock in my hand and then back to my face. She didn’t come straight at me. She was kind of circling me, gauging when the right time was to spring her attack. I felt like a rabbit trapped in a corner as the fox circled in for the kill. There was nowhere to go and I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.

Emma watched in awe at Alexis’ display of animal instincts. She smiled up at me wondering how I was going to handle this. To be honest, I wasn’t sure myself but I could feel a new fire burning in me. I released my cock and let it bounce up and down above my lap. Alexis’ concentration was solely on my cock now. I had never seen such a look of pure lust on her face. She crept closer and then sat back on her heels. Her lips were parted and her teeth were slightly open as her tongue pushed through the gap and lashed her lips like a slithering snake.

Alexis pulled her tongue back through the gap and lifted one index finger to her lips. She didn’t look at it. She continued to stare at my cock. She pursed her lips and pushed her index finger through them to the second knuckle. She drilled her finger in and out of her lips like it was a mini-cock and then pulled it out with her tongue encircling it for a moment before retreating back into her mouth.

The heat from her passion was driving me higher and I started jerking myself off again. I was on fire. Alexis’ hand, that she had just pulled back from her mouth trailed down between her tits. She circled under her left tit and continued around until her index finger and thumb twisted her left nipple make them even harder and even longer. She trailed her hand across the top of her right tit and back under it and twisted her alt yazılı porno right nipple eliciting the same response. Her other hand trailed along the outside of her calf, around her knee and up her thigh to her waist. She trembled slightly from her own sensuous touch. Both hands went down over her flat stomach with spread fingers searching for their goal.

When the fingers on her left hand found her outer labia, she spread them wide open revealing the pink vaginal lips. She dropped her right hand to the bottom of her vagina and dragged all four fingers up through her sopping pussy and across her clitoris. Every ounce of air exploded from her chest pulling it forward. Her head snapped back on her neck as a passionate groan of, “OH MY GAAAWWDDDD” burst from her mouth. Her eyes closed as she was looking up at the ceiling. She seethed air back into her lungs through clenched teeth and parted lips.

Alexis’ hips launched forward as her chest was retreating. Her head snapped forward, synchronized with her hips. She raised herself up off her heels and while still on her knees her hips and head pulsed one way and her chest went the other. Her fingers on her right hand were furiously digging into her pussy and her mouth formed into a silent scream. Only the slightest wheezing noise was emitted. Her hips continued to fire as her silent scream ended and was replaced by a huge gasp of air.

Emma moved in behind Alexis because she recognized that she was well beyond control of her own body. She had pushed herself into a self-induced orgasm for the ages. Emma moved closer to wrap her arms around Alexi’s torso and caught a shoulder in the face for her troubles. She pulled back but kept her arms out in anticipation of Alexis’ inevitable tumble.

I finally was able to move off the bed and I moved over quickly to help Emma help Alexis, whose furious spastic surges started to slow a little. Suddenly, Alexis’ eyes burst open and my extremely hard cock was right in her line of sight. She pulled her left hand from her sex and grabbed my cock and stuffed it into her mouth. In her current state, I had visions of her biting my cock right off in her delirium. I didn’t move and let her do whatever she wanted.

Alexis had been gasping for air before she stuffed my cock in her mouth and she promptly pulled it back out so she could take a breath. She shoved it right back in and she looked up at me. I was thankful that there was sanity in her eyes because there wasn’t any earlier. She took a few full penetration stroked into her throat and then pulled back out to take another breath.

She continued do this for quite awhile and then she released my cock and fell back on her heels again. She hadn’t been sucking my cock for any other reason than it was there and she needed it as much as she needed the oxygen she was gasping for.

Emma encircled her with her arms and Alexis leaned back into her. Emma said, “Fuck, baby girl. That was intense for me to just watch. Are you alright?” She hesitated a moment as though she was doing a system diagnostic and then nodded.

Alexis said, “Jesus Christ.”

After several moments of Emma’s soothing touch as she dragged her fingers through Alexis’ tangled hair, Alexis looked up at me still standing beside her. She smiled and emitted a contented sigh and said, “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt him did I?” as she looked down at my bobbing cock inches from her face. I smiled and shook my head.

I said, “Babe, do you think you want to do the swing now. You look pretty wasted. There is always tomorrow morning.”

Alexis thought for a moment as she ran her system diagnostics again and then said, “Tomorrow will be fine. My pussy feels like an electric current is running through it right now. I keep getting random pulses.” Emma smiled up at me and nodded. She obviously knew what Alexis was experiencing. I had seen Emma and Alexis do these body trembling pulses long after their orgasms had passed.

As I helped Alexis to her feet I commented on her new lingerie. She adjusted the parts so everything was in place and then posed for me. My cock had not gone down entirely and it was bouncing out in front of me again. It was the sexiest outfit I had ever seen, even on those Victoria Secret’s models and Alexis’ magnificent body only enhanced the vision. Alexis did the full 360 pose and then spun around and grinned at me. “Mom bought it for me. Don’t you think it’s delicious?” I could go with that description.

Emma was staring at my bouncing cock and said, “Based on that reaction, I think he likes it Honey.”

Alexis giggled at Emma’s words and then said, “Mom, I don’t suppose you could take care of that thing for me do you?” as she pointed at my cock. “I’m not sure there will be enough room in bed for the four of us.” Emma burst out laughing and pulled herself to her knees. She got to her feet using my cock to pull herself up. She didn’t hesitate a second. She pulled me by my cock to the swing. She didn’t altyazılı sex izle say anything. She just motioned for me to sit on the seat sling. Alexis sat in the overstuffed chair by the door to watch. She was obviously still wasted as she just dropped herself into the chair. Her legs flopped up over the arms of the chair. They were splayed wide open as her vaginal juices drooled from her pussy and down the crack of her ass. She stuffed her left hand under to catch it before it fell to the chair.

The swing was still set from earlier so it was way too low for me but it made it easy to climb into. Emma got on her knees between my knees and pulled one of the straps hard to pull me higher until my cock was right at her mouth level. She stood back up and adjusted the sling on my back so that I was leaning backward but not all the way to horizontal. She put my feet through the leg slings and set the cushions just below my knees. Emma positioned herself between my knees again and reached out and pulled my cock back slightly and guided it into her mouth.

She didn’t have to move her head at all. She was swinging me forward and back as my glans pulled back to her lips and then in to her throat. I adjusted the sling for my head so I could watch without holding my head up. I looked over at Alexis and she was lazily dragging her fingertips through her sex as she watched.

Emma sucked my cock like only she can for several minutes and I was aware of my orgasm circling at the periphery of my mind. Every time Emma pushed my glans into her throat, I let out a groan and look down at her face as a smile formed around my cock. I looked over at Alexis and said, “Fuck. Your mother has to be the best cocksucker on the planet.” Alexis’ face turned to a frown and I revised my statement, “Your mother has to be the second best cocksucker on the planet.” Alexis’ frown inverted to a smile and she continued her languid finger motion.

Emma was fully aware of my pending orgasm and she pulled her mouth back to the ridge and then took suction in her cheeks and firmly peeled her lips over the end causing a “smack” noise. She giggled and stood up. I couldn’t believe she was going to leave me here in this condition and position. I was needlessly concerned. Emma turned around and backed her ass up to my crotch and bent forward as she guided my raging hard cock into her pussy from behind. She was reaching back to grab the straps and she backed up as she pulled me forward. My cock slid in until she stopped and let out a groan. She adjusted for a moment and then she impaled herself on it. We were both groaning.

I didn’t move a muscle and let Emma control the action either by rocking her hips forward and back or by pulling and releasing the straps to set up a rocking motion. The sensation on my cock was incredible. I looked over at Alexis and said, “We’ve got to get ourselves one of these.” Alexis frowned again and I realized that she hadn’t had a chance to use it yet. “Don’t fret Babe; anticipation will make it even better tomorrow.” She smiled. Emma was groaning hard as the swinging motion drove my fatty in and out of her pussy. My orgasm was coming ever closer and I wanted it badly.

I was wishing that Emma would speed up the action so I could cum. Jesus I wanted t cum. She did the opposite. She slowed and then stopped. I was humping myself forward trying to get the swing going. Emma pulled herself off my cock and gobs of vaginal juices followed it out and drooled down her legs. She wiped both legs with her hands and then wiped her lubrication on her anus. I knew instantly what she had planned, as she adjusted her position and then pushed her anus against my glans. She hung on to the straps so I wouldn’t get away from her. She pushed back and my glans disappeared smoothly past her sphincter. She screamed from the initial penetration and stopped there for only a moment. The pressure and heat of her bowels was amazing. My orgasm was imminent and Emma knew it. She stopped and didn’t move for several moments. I was nearly crying I wanted to cum so badly.

Alexis watched her mother teasing me with her ass-fuck. She said, “Mom, stop teasing him. He’s going to explode and that will be an awful mess to clean up.” Emma giggled and went back to getting the swing going again. I’m sure I didn’t make a dozen full penetrations in Emma’s ass before my balls seized and I was spewing cum into her bowels. Emma screamed when my cock surged in hardness. She was slamming her ass back into me as I swung forward. Air burst from my lungs, “YYYUNNNGGGGG,” followed by a gasp for air. I repeated this for every single stream of cum launched into Emma’s ass. Emma screamed as a vaginal orgasm crushed her. She staggered forward dragging me with her in the swing. Her anus had a grip on my cock and my weight stopped her forward motion and then dragged her back.

She couldn’t get off me and I realized her dilemma. I leaned forward in the swing seat and picked her up and pulled her to me. As she settled in my lap, my cock drove all the way in and Emma screamed again. I held her with my hands on her tits as we swung together in the swing. Neither of us moved. I was waiting for her to relax so she could get off my cock. She started laughing which just got us swinging even more.

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