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Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 20

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Warning, this chapter includes boobs too big to fit through a window, masturbation, nightmare scenarios, lesbian blowjobs, educational anomalies, canine behavior, dynamic action, dildoes, kung-fu cheerleaders, tactical stealth gameplay, burning passion, role swaps, cheerleader teleportation, cheerleader threesomes, and a terrified girl running for her life.

Girlfriend with Testing Device

– A Smutty Fanfiction, of Sorts –

= Part 20 – Dumb Blondes =

By Razmagurk

Note: For the sake of readability, and per her request, the following has been translated to keep it in accordance with the level of linguistic skill Ellen has previously displayed.

I thought sleeping would help.

It didn’t. If anything, it made things worse.

I just kept lying there, staring up at the ceiling, alternating between fits of confusion and anger and terror. And I was horny too. Stupid libido.

Something was wrong with me. Deeply, intrinsically wrong. I couldn’t tell what or how, but it was there. I felt… dumb. I felt like I’d try to grasp at a thought or idea and it would slip away, leaving me with nothing but an overwhelming sensation of mental impotence. My brain was a sieve through which everything I had once prided myself on knowing had all leaked out. Words, math, facts… all gone.

I was damaged. Broken. Confused.

So little of what I heard or saw made any sense to me. Things I know I used to know now seemed strange and mysterious. The text books on my shelves might as well have been wizardly tomes for all of my understanding of them.

I kept trying to grasp at the words to describe what was happening, to codify or express what I was feeling, but they just weren’t there. I tried to look up what was happening to me but all of the articles I found kept using all these words I couldn’t understand. The worst part was that I could remember knowing these things. I could remember using these words, saying these things that now made no sense to me. What the hell was happening?

It was like clutching at mist; like someone had pulled out all the connections in my brain and now none of them led anywhere. It was that agonizing sensation of having a word on the tip of your tongue, but so so much worse.

And it wasn’t just individual words that I had forgotten, even reading itself, reading the words I did know felt slow and difficult.

I shivered in panic. I literally couldn’t conceive of a worse nightmare than this, and here I was living it. I’d always been top of my class, hadn’t I? I’d always worked so hard. I’d always… I’d always…

I thought back to my time as an elementary schoolboy at St. Dominics. It was an all boys school on the west end of town. My mom would drive me down each morning on her way to work. The memories were as vivid and sharp in my mind as if they had just happened yesterday. But I hadn’t been top of my class, had I? I’d struggled with math and with… wait…

I pulled away from the memories like a hot knife. I at clutched my head. This didn’t make any sense. In my memories I wasn’t me. Had that been some kind of dream? It all seemed so real.

I thought back to when it had happened. Had Elizabeth been the one to do this to me? It seemed so hard to imagine, and yet who else could it have been if anyone? We were fighting when it happened. But, no… she was my friend, wasn’t she? Why would she do this to me? How? Had that weird little device she and Evan had been fighting over fried my brain or something?

My heart beat faster at the memory. The fight between her and Evan. Never have I seen that side of them before. The look in Elizabeth’s eyes as she pointed that thing at me. She was so angry and yet it wasn’t hate in her eyes, no, it was something else. Sadness? Disappointment? Bitterness?

I curled up into a ball and shrank. What had I done to deserve that expression? She was my best friend in the whole world. My planet spun around her star. All I’d ever wanted was to see her smile. This was the worst possible kind of rejection.

Had she wanted me hurt? Well, she got it. Only she could strike me at a point so vulnerable.

I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. I didn’t know what else to do. I’d considered going to the hospital. Time and time again the idea bounced around my big empty head. But how was I going to explain it to them? What was I going to say? If nothing I could think of made any sense to me, how was it supposed to make sense to them? I screamed into a pillow. I had to be going crazy. It was the only explanation that was even remotely plausible. What could the hospital do about that? Well, lots of things, I was sure, but I didn’t want to risk that they’d keep me long term. I had too much to do.

My last thoughts before I drifted off again were of Elizabeth. If she did this to me, somehow, maybe she could fix it?

I woke up some scant hours later screaming, throwing myself from one nightmare into another. The golden light of the morning poured into my room. yalova escort All was quiet save the pounding of my heart.

“Fuck.” I said. The word rattling as it crawled out of my parched throat. I collapsed into my pillow.

I don’t know if it was the sunlight or what little sleep I’d gotten, but as I lay there the situation seemed somehow less immediately horrifying than it had the previous night. The sharpness of the terror was dulled by the stillness of the world. In the light, all my anxieties seemed somehow less real.

I don’t know how long I lay there, staring up again at the ceiling unthinking. Not long enough.

I squirmed. I don’t think I was getting back to sleep. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to. I sighed and reached for the glass of water I kept on my bedside table but my hand bumped into my morning vibrator instead, plugged in and ready to go, just where I always left it. I bit my lip.

“Fuck.” I mumbled again. This was not the time.

I glanced back over at it as I returned the empty glass. No, I chastised myself as I withdrew my hand, how could I even think about that a time like this?

And yet…

I let out a whimper of frustration as I grabbed the thing.

It was fine, wasn’t it? There was nothing wrong with this, right? I did this every day, didn’t I? It was routine. It was normal. Why, if I didn’t masturbate, then wouldn’t that just be admitting how broken I was? I tried not to think too much about it. I tried not to think too much about anything.

I slid one hand along my soft, sensitive body, still sensual and relaxed from my slumber despite my nightmares. I traced out the paths of my desire along one breast, writhing in the warmth of the covers and letting out a soft sleepy moan as I plucked at one of my stiff, yearning nipples.

I purred as the humming vibrator slid home, and thought no more.

An eternity later, just shy of climax, my phone buzzed, struggling to be heard over the sound of my passion. I let out an exasperated grunt and opened one eye, craning my neck to see who it was.

Twenty missed calls from Elizabeth, ten from Evan, all from last night. That was… that was more than I could deal with right now. Above that though, from just now, there was a text from Emma.

“you ok?”

I just stared at it. No, I was not okay.

Wait, fuck. Emma had been there. I dropped my vibrator and grabbed the phone. I’d forgotten all about her and Sam. I’d been so caught up in my own shit that I didn’t even realize I’d left them behind. Oh, my god, I’d left them behind at the mercy of whatever that box was that Elizabeth had.

“Ema@” I typed, “R U + SAM Ok? WTF Happened?” I typed back. I was angry at how childish it looked, but too worried to really care.

All of my anxieties came keening back with each heartbeat I spent waiting for her response. The phone rang in my hands. I answered.

“We’re fine.” came Emma’s voice, concerned. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

“Emma!” I squeaked “Something really stupid is going on since last night!”

“Wait, what? What happened? Is that why you ran off?”

“Elizabeth and Evan were fighting! And then Elizabeth had some kind of weird box thing and she was waving it around and it made this zapping noise in my head and now I can’t speak or math good anymore!”

“Wait, wait, what? Slow down.”

I blushed. Fuck. What was I saying? Not only was I speaking like an idiot, but now she was going to think I was crazy too.

“Slut?” The concern was even heavier in her voice now.

“I… I…” I closed my eyes and hunched myself up. I couldn’t keep this in, I needed to tell someone. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Listen, Emma, you’re going to think I’m crazy but please just… just listen to me, okay? I think that thing fried my brain or something because nothing makes sense to me right now.”

“Its okay, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”

“I…” tears were welling up. “Thank you.”

“Okay. Slow down. Go through this again, what is this thing you’re talking about?”

“Elizabeth. She had some kind of box? Like a, uh, some kind of weird device that she was waving around and Evan kept like, freaking out about and Evan kept uh, ducking whenever it got pointed at him like some kind of gun or something.

“Wait, Elizabeth had a gun?”

“No, no, like, not a gun, but like a gun. It was like a gun.” I rubbed my head. “I- I can’t describe it. Like a little box? A garage door opener? With buttons and stuff? You don’t… you didn’t notice anything weird?” I tried to hide the quiver in my voice. “Maybe I am crazy.”

“Hey, come on, don’t say that. I’m sorry, I don’t remember seeing any box or anything. I remember getting up to go change Sam and then running around the dog park chasing sticks until it was time to go home. That’s about it.”

“Oh,” I frowned. “That sounds all normal doesn’t it? You really didn’t notice Elizabeth had anything… weird… or whatever, going on with her?”

“No. edirne escort She said that you had said that something had come up and that you had to run, but nothing out of the ordinary. Sorry, Slut.”

“M-maybe I really am going crazy. God, I just feel like such an absolute idiot. It’s awful. It’s like I can’t use big words or think clearly. Everything feels like such a… such a… everything feels really hard. I mean, listen to me, I’m speaking like an child.”

“Aw, honey, what? You’re speaking like you always do.”

“Huh?” My heart leapt in my chest. What did she mean by that?

“And you’re not an idiot.”

“I am! I can’t do math or read things good and I keep seeing things and thinking things that don’t make sense. Like, there’s all this stuff that I know I should know, but I don’t know any of it! I can’t even do like, high school math.”

“Well, there’s nothing out of the ordinary about that.”


“I mean come on, you’ve never even graduated grade school.”

“What are you talking about? Of course I’ve -”

I gripped my head. I thought back to school. An all boys elementary school. I could remember it like it was yesterday. I could remember Elementary school, but no farther. No middle school or high school, no college. An all boys school. All boys.


“No… no…” I threw off the covers and stormed out of my bedroom. That wasn’t right, I could prove it. I ran over to the plaque I had hanging in the living room. “Look, I’ve got my high school diploma thingy right here, it clearly says-”

I dropped the phone.

That wasn’t my name.

“This doesn’t make any sense… I’m in college, I’m top of my class. I’m- I’m smart, aren’t I?”

This had to be some kind of stupid prank or something, right?

“Slut are you okay?” Came Ellen’s tiny voice. “You’re worrying me.”

“No… Look…” I picked up the phone “I- I’m in college, right?”

“Uh, yes?”

“So how could I be in college if I never finished grade school? If I never did good in high school?”

“What? Why would that have anything to do with it?”

“No, no, that’s like, that’s how it works isn’t it? They… they don’t let you into college unless you do high school, right?” I asked half for confirmation, I wasn’t too sure about it myself.


“So, if I’m in college, I must have been in high school.”

“I’m not following.” Emma said, confused. “What’s that got to do with anything?

“If I didn’t graduate,” I said slowly, surely, desperately clinging to my thread of logic. “then how am I in college?”

“Why wouldn’t you be in college?”

“Because you’re saying I didn’t graduate!”

“Slut, are you sure your okay? You’re not making any sense.”

“You’re not making any sense!” I screamed.

Silence from the other end. I almost dropped the phone again. Oh god. Here she was being patient and compassionate with me and I go and yelled at her. What was she going to think? I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying very hard not to panic. I had barely known this girl for a week and here i was having a full fledged psychotic freakout.

“Listen, Slut,” she said, slowly and evenly. “you sound like you could use a friend right now. I’ve got to take Sam for his walkies, do you want to meet up at the park in like, half an hour? We can talk it out? Maybe get some coffee? There’s this great cafe nearby with just the cutest waiters. You won’t be disappointed.”

“That…” I sighed in relief. “That sounds really really good, actually.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.”

I fell back onto the couch, the phone falling to the floor. I was still stunned by the absolute whirlwind of emotions. I was lucky. Emma was a good friend.

I looked back up at the diploma on the wall and shook my head. A part of me wondered if being smart was just some kind of lingering dream. What if this was the awful truth? I shook my head. No. I wasn’t going to let myself think that. Something weird was going on. I just… I had to figure it out somehow.

I considered, briefly, calling one of the girls on the squad. Stacey always knew what to do. I was worried though. If I brought it up to any of them then soon enough the whole squad would know and I didn’t want to appear weak in front of the girls. Not that they’d take advantage of it or anything, but, well, even though I was the junior member of the team, some of them really looked up to me. I wanted to be a good role model. Plus, trust was really important, and how could you trust a girl to catch you if you know she was acting all crazy?

I let out another sigh. My gaze drifted down to the rabbit vibrator on the table. I must have forgotten to put it away after getting dressed for dinner last night. It was probably still half charged. I bit my lip. Emma’s call had interrupted me before I could cum. Would it really hurt to just lay back and lose myself in pleasure once more?

No. Fuck, I erzurum escort had to get ready. I was meeting up with Emma. I stood up and headed towards the bathroom, then stopped and sighed as I came back for the rabbit. Maybe I could do both.

The shower was a godsend. Even if I had to rush it, I’ve always found that a handful of good loud orgasms really does a great job of clearing my head in the morning.

Not too long after I was clipping on my leash and stepping out the door when when my phone rang. It was Elizabeth. My head swam as I looked at the name.

I begged myself not to answer. I pleaded with myself to just ignore it, to pretend it never happened. But lord help me, I needed to talk to her. I needed answers. I needed to know that it hadn’t been her. I just wanted so badly to believe that this was all a big accident and that everything would get solved and things could go back to normal.

I mean, she was my best friend, right? Maybe I just needed to trust her enough to give her the benefit of the doubt.

“H-hello?” I answered, failing to hide the trepidation in my voice.

“Slut!” came Elizabeth’s beautiful low voice on the other end. She sounded almost embarrassed to say my name. “Where are you?”

“W-what?” I squeaked. “Where am I? Elizabeth, what the hell happened last night?”

“Okay, okay, you’re confused, I understand. It’s okay. Listen, whatever is going on right now, I can fix it. I can fix everything, okay? I promise. I just need to get to you. Where are you right now?”

“I-I’m at home. Elizabeth what happened? I’m so scared.”

“I know. Listen. I’m on my way. Stay there. I’m coming for you. I’m going to make everything better.” There was a quaver in her voice as she said this. I knew her too well. It meant that she was up to something. It meant that she was lying.

All the terror and grief I’d been pushing back seemed to crash down over me all at once. Raw panic surged through my veins. She knew where I was. I had to go. I had to get out of here.

I threw the phone to the ground and ran.

I didn’t know where I was going, just that I had to get as far away from home as possible. I couldn’t risk being anywhere nearby when Elizabeth arrived. It took me maybe five minutes to realize that I still had to meet up with Emma and Sam. Maybe… maybe there would be safety in numbers.

Maybe it was just my nervous pace, but somehow, I still managed to get to the park early. We hadn’t decided on a meeting location or anything and I didn’t have my phone with me so i just sort of waited on one of the benches, fiddling with the handle of my leash. I think a part of me expected Elizabeth to just jump out of a bush and grab me or something.

You know how in movies the weather always seems to match the mood? This was not that. It was annoyingly gorgeous out. Pleasantly warm with a gentle breeze. It was kind of frustrating, actually. It was like the world itself was oblivious to my plight. It all just made me question my own sanity further. How could anything so horrible as this be happening on a day like today?


I perked my head up. Emma was walking up the path holding Sam’s leash. She was wearing a super casual white tank top with these little denim booty shorts, and I don’t know if it was the sun catching her at just the right moment or what, but I swear to you, she looked like an angel.

Following a few steps behind was Sam, wearing a cute frilly little dress that she was having a hard time managing in the breeze. Sam’s head kept turning to track some of the dogs playing on the lawn nearby.

“Emma! Sam! Hi!” I smiled up a them. It was good to see they were in one piece.

Emma sat down on the bench next to me. “Sit!” she said, looking at Sam. Sam sat down next to us, smiling, but her attention was still on the dogs running around nearby.

“Good boy.” She ruffled Sam’s hair.

“I’m really, uh, super happy to see you both okay.” I blurted out. “I was… I dunno, I was worried maybe Elizabeth had maybe done something real bad to you or something.”

“Done something? To us?” Emma laughed and gave a devil-may-care smile.

“See? Its so… so… It sounds so dumb. But like, she had this box, and she did something with it, and now nothing makes sense. I’m terrified of what she can do.” I cradled my head in my hands. “She called me just before I left, did you know? She wants to see me, but I’m so scared of what that means, what she might do.”

“You know she’s probably just worried about you, right?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I know her better than anyone. There was something about her tone of voice. She’s up to nothing good.” I sighed. “I don’t get it. Normally I’m the one who’s getting up to things and she’s the one who has to come rescue me.” I sighed again, a note of wistfulness in this one. “She’s always been the sensible one. I… I don’t understand what’s happening.”

“I don’t know what’s going on,” Emma said, put an arm around my shoulder supportively. “But I’m hear for you, okay?” She pulled me in for a half hug. I blinked back the moisture in my eyes.

“I- I’m so glad you guys got away safe.” I sniffed back a tear. “You have to stay away from her though. If she tries to uh, if she tries to get in touch with you or something, you need to, just, not go anywhere near her.”

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