The Walks
Walking at Leisure.
Chapter 1 The First Walk
It had been a long 18 months. We both needed a break. To satisfy that need we booked a week in a wood lodge on the outskirts of Thornton Dale. There were another dozen lodges on the site. We chose this particular place because it was quiet, amongst stunning North Yorkshire Moors’ scenery, and part of Dalby Forest. We were going to walk, rest, dine and drink to our hearts’ content.
On the first day after arrival we relaxed and did absolutely nothing beyond feeding ourselves. So on the second day we planned a walk along forest trails. To quote the song it was a beautiful sky and a wonderful day when we emerged from our lodge. Packing the car we were waived at by a pair of pretty young things outside of their lodge a couple of a hundred yards away. Politely we waived back and hurriedly finished our preparations and drove to a spot identified on the OS map as a likely place to dump the car and start our walk.
After 3 miles it was getting seriously hot. Dalby Forest is densely packed with trees and they seem to make the air on a sunny day, close. To compound it the forest is spread over a series of hills so there many trudges up and down. It was a warm summer Sunday in the month of July. Alice (my beautiful wife) and I were enjoying some quality time in the countryside. The picnic was eaten and we were chatting away whilst enjoying the solitude.
As was common I raised the subject of how sexy Alice looked and praised her lustiness last night during our love making. The conversation became more fruity as we went along. We kissed. I then dared her. We hadn’t seen anyone for over an hour, it was hot, it was sunny. I dared her to remove her light blouse and bra. She refused. I persisted. She refused again, calling me a pervert. I dared a third time and this time whilst laughing she agreed.
To me the air was electric. We stood and whilst staring at me she slowly undid the buttons down the blouse front. Being short sleeved, that was all. Just as slowly she eased her arms out and handed the garment to me. I thanked her. Her hands disappeared around her back and after a small movement her bra came loose. Her hands returned to the front and covered both cups. We stood and stared at each other for it seemed ages before she lowered her hands taking the bra with them. Her beautiful breasts emerged. I held my hand out to start walking again and to my surprise Alice put the bra in it. I lowered my rucksack and secured both the blouse and the bra inside.
Alice’s face and chest were flushed red and her nipples were engorged and hard. I thanked her, took her by the hand and we set off again. The walk took in extensive periods of shade interspersed with more open aspects that exposed us both to the warmth of the sun. After just one of these I helped Alice liberally apply sun screen to protect her nakedness. And she looked lovely. I admired how with each step both breasts would respond with a small tremor. She was all woman and I love her.
Our plan was to take in a roughly circular walk which meant we had perhaps another 3 and a half miles to reach the car. Still the ground undulated and on one particular rise Alice fell some 10 yards behind me. As I puffed and panted my way to the top I called encouragement back to her. At the top I placed my rucksack on the floor and rested against a tree waiting for Alice to arrive. And then it happened. With hardly a sound the two pretty young things (about 20 years old) from this morning came alongside of me from the other direction and said Hello.
I mumbled my greeting and looked quickly towards Alice, who chose that moment to also draw level. The two young women stared. I stared and Alice looked trapped. Thinking quickly she brought her arms up and covered her naked breasts. That flush reappeared. One of the women spoke, “Hi, my name’s Madeleine and this is my friend Kathy. And you look great.”
It was Alice’s turn to mumble “Thanks.”
“Where’s your top?” Madeleine asked.
More out of nervousness than anything I said “In my rucksack.”
“Cool” said Kathy and Madeleine agreed.
They were then both full of questions. Did we do this often? Why were the clothes in the rucksack? Surely we realised we would be discovered? But also they praised Alice for her boldness. Alice asked for her clothes back and being a gentleman I started to open the rucksack. Madeleine surprised us both when she touched my arm and said “Don’t.”
Stupidly, I just stared at her. Alice, however, asked with a certain edge to her voice
“Why not?”
“Because you are brave and I bet excited and because we want to join this game” Madeleine replied.
“I don’t want to play anymore” Alice said.
Madeleine took the step to reach Alice and held both of Alice’s shoulders, looking directly at her.
“Of course you do, you are brave, sexy and fantastic looking and this is a real sexy adventure.”
Alice was still flushed and I watched spellbound as Madeleine gently moved her hands and slowly moved Alice’s hands from her naked breasts. Again, at escort bursa least to me, the atmosphere was electric.
“Come on, be brave and let’s continue with the walk” Madeleine seemed to breathe in the quietist of whispers. She was still looking directly at Alice and now without me seeing she had taken Alice’s hands in her own.
“We’ve parked our car a couple of yards from yours and we are just as happy to walk back the way we’ve come, aren’t we Kathy?”
“You bet we are” replied Kathy with ill-disguised enthusiasm.
It was at this point I shook myself out of my statue-like state and suggested Alice could have her clothes back if she wanted. I realised this came out all wrong and made it sound really weak and unhelpful. Madeleine batted that away with ease,
“You don’t want them now, do you?” And maintained her closeness, her hand holding and her eyes looking intensely into Alice’s face.
“Come on let’s continue with the walk. We’ve told you our names so what are yours?”
“Mine’s Alice and that’s my husband Les”
And whilst she was saying this Madeleine had half turned and started back the way she had come but this time holding Alice’s right hand.
With her free hand she silently urged Kathy and me forward. As easy as you like Kathy fell in beside me, even helping me to get the straps straight of my rucksack. She talked easily and whilst I started my response she took a pace behind me and refastened the opening of the rucksack. Madeleine and Alice were perhaps 5 yards or so behind us. I turned to see if all was well and noted that Madeleine had released Alice’s hand as they walked in step side by side.
I wanted to find out who Kathy and Madeleine were. Kathy was easy to talk to and told me that they were students from the university at Hull. They were doing research during the vac and so had borrowed Madeleine’s father’s lodge for the duration. They were botanists. They were in the second year of their studies. Alice and Madeleine had fallen back over 50 yards so Kathy and I stopped to wait.
“Don’t you think this is fun?” Kathy asked. “I mean here we are walking in Alicepest nature with a husband and wife and the wife is naked from the waist up. Not only that, but Madeleine has persuaded her to remain so. You’ve got to admit this is fun.”
“Well, yes I think it is” I replied laughing.
“How long do you think Alice can be persuaded to stay as she is now?”
“I think as soon as we get back to the cars the spell will be broken.”
“I like that, really Freudian. Spell as in magic; as in control. It’s like a spell isn’t it? Madeleine has a real way with her. You want to see her in lectures, how the tutors treat her with understandable respect. Oh they’re nearly here.”
And with that my spell was broken. Alice and Madeleine were within a couple of yards and Alicep in conversation.
“Hi both” Kathy said and Madeleine smiled.
Alice was still flushed and her nipples looked rock hard.
“Hi you two” Madeleine replied. “Les, get Alice a drink please she is parched. It has been some haul to here.”
I removed the rucksack and searched for the water. I had to remove Alice’s bra and blouse to move stuff around and again stupidly stood up holding the two garments. Madeleine softly said just one word
and Kathy stepped forward and removed the clothes from my hand. Alice just looked on impassively. I offered her the water. Alice took it and drank heartily. I was delighted to see some escape. The small spill ran tantalisingly down her cleavage. She gave me the bottle back which I returned to the rucksack. I turned to Kathy and held out my hand for the clothes but Kathy shook her head
“No, it’s alright, I’ll carry them.” And carry them, she did.
Without a second thought I heaved the rucksack onto my shoulders and again Kathy helped me get the straps sorted. We set off. I looked back and noted that Madeleine was holding Alice’s right hand again and they were stationary. I kept a discreet check whilst Kathy entertained me with stories of the world of botany. As soon as we were again some 50 yards ahead so Madeleine and Alice set off and as soon as they moved Madeleine released Alice’s hand; very curious. My thoughts were brought suddenly back to now by Kathy’s question
“Don’t you thing Alice would look fantastic if she was dressed like that all the time?”
“In fantasy yes but sadly the real world intrudes.”
“And …?”
“Well there’s the law (public nuisance) and then there’s the whole thing of neighbours, family, work and so on; as said, great fantasy.”
At this point we passed a fork in the path to the left (we were going right according to the map) and coming down the leftwards fork was a couple with their dog. It only took a second or two to realise they would see Alice in her nakedness. I turned to warn, when Kathy put her hand on my arm and whispered
“Don’t, let’s see what happens.”
Why did I just accede to her instruction? I just shrugged and we kept on our way with both of us stealing glances. The dog was mudanya escort first to emerge and seeing new friends sprinted to Madeleine and Alice. Madeleine bent down and petted the dog whilst Alice stood impassively by, with her arms at her side. I really wanted to know what was going on in her head. Then we could here the couple calling the dog (who was taking absolutely no notice). The couple came out onto the main path a moment later and I clearly heard the woman say
“Tom, she’s naked!”
They hardly missed a beat though and continued to walk towards Madeleine and Alice. Madeleine was still petting the dog and Alice looked distinctly unhappy turning her head this way and that. Kathy gently took my hand. I looked down at her and she smiled back. I looked again at the scenario unfolding before us and saw that Madeleine had stood up and was standing next to Alice. The couple arrived to claim the dog and we could hear that there was a conversation going on though couldn’t hear what was being said. They all shook hands followed by more conversation. Alice raised her arm and pointed at us and the couple turned and looked our way. Kathy halloed and waved with her free arm. The couple and Madeleine waved back. Alice again was standing there with her arms by her side. The couple then moved on.
Again we waited until Madeleine and Alice joined us. Kathy asked what had happened and Madeleine said she would tell her later. Alice said nothing but was again flushed with very large and hard nipples. I asked her whether she needed another drink but Madeleine said she didn’t. Alice said nothing. We set off again and again Kathy and I were allowed to get some 50 yards ahead before Madeleine and Alice moved. We crested a rise turned a corner and there below us were the two cars with several others parked about. Kathy still holding my hand led me down to their car which was nearer. I was concerned now. This was a far more public place and we, or rather Kathy, had Alice’s clothes.
When we reached the car (a mini) we stood there with Kathy continuing to hold my hand. After a short delay Madeleine and Alice came into view and made up the distance soon after. So there we were stood outside of the mini. Madeleine unlocked the mini and stood next to the open passenger door with her hand resting gently in the middle of Alice’s back. I said
“I think we should be getting back now” and both Madeleine and Kathy agreed. Madeleine added
“We’ll go in the mini. Why don’t you follow behind in yours?”
Not on message I said to Alice
“Come on then let’s go.”
Madeleine quickly responded
“No. Alice is coming in our car; we have a lot to talk about. Kathy give Les, Alice’s clothes”
Which she did. Throughout this Alice remained silent and impassive. Confused I walked to our car and got in. I was busy mulling all this over when the mini started and drove off, Alice in the back. Kathy was driving and Madeleine was leaning back over her seat and seemed to be talking to Alice. We followed in convoy back to the lodges.
When we got there the mini drove to their lodge (a couple of a hundred yards away from ours). I parked in front of ours, got out and waited. This was now getting worrisome. There were several families out in front of their lodges enjoying the sunshine. Madeleine got out first carrying something which she handed to Kathy when she got out. Alice emerged on the far side of the mini. She and Madeleine talked for a couple of minutes before Madeleine led Alice round to my side of the mini. My breath stopped. Alice was wearing only the black panties she put on this morning; no shorts, no socks and no boots.
I was aware all the noise coming from the families stopped. I looked and could see they were all staring at Alice. Madeleine led her slowly across the grass to our lodge. They were again holding hands. When they arrived at our lodge Madeleine handed Alice to me. Alice was again very flushed with her nipples sticking out rigidly. Her breathing was shallow and fast. I took Alice’s hand and was about to make good our escape into the lodge when Madeleine spoke
“You look after her Les, Alice is one brave lady. She will need your best lovemaking tonight, won’t you Alice?”
Alice nodded silently.
“Alice has agreed we will all meet up tomorrow, so see you then.”
And with that she was away striding across the grass. I quickly led Alice inside. And we did make love. It was exciting and very satisfying.
Chapter 2 The Picnic
In the morning, a beautiful Monday morning, the sun nudged me awake through the curtains. Alice was still sleeping Aliceply. I very gently extricated myself from the bed and room and headed to the loo and after the bathroom I headed to the kitchen and the first cup of tea of the day. The kitchen had a beautiful view over the wooded hills. The scene was improved by a blue sky and bright sun. Dressing gown, cup of tea in hand, I sat and drank it all in. It didn’t get any better than this. After cereal I noted the time — 7:30. I knew it nilüfer escort had to be the fresh air and perhaps because I was on holiday and after all we were burning daylight.
There was a knock at the door. I ambled over and was surprised yet not surprised to see Madeleine and Kathy. They were dressed plainly in khaki tops, shorts and walking sandals. They were packed and ready to go. They followed me in with Kathy chattering away about the day, the walk and how we would have such a good time. I said
“You’ll have to forgive us. Alice’s still in bed and as you can see I’m not even dressed.”
Kathy insisted they would wait whilst we got ready. Madeleine interrupted Kathy and looking directly at me said
“I’ll help Alice up and to get ready.”
And with that she picked up one of the day bags they had brought and headed off to the bedroom. Falling quickly into stupid role I again just stared. Kathy as though on cue piped up again and suggested I make us both a cup of tea.
“I’ll make us all one”
“No don’t do that; just you and me. Madeleine and Alice will want one when they are ready.”
“What do you mean `when they are ready’?”
“You know what I mean, `when they are ready’. Now can you and I have a cup of tea? I’m gasping here and if we are going out today we are going to need all the liquids we can get.”
I was defeated. I filled the kettle whilst Kathy’s chatter started again. This time it was about the fascinating flora hereabouts. Whenever she took a breath I could hear murmurs from the bedroom. Nothing distinct, just murmurs. As I was filling the two mugs I looked down the hallway to the bedroom and saw the door open. Madeleine and Alice (who was wearing her dressing gown) came out and went straight into the bathroom. Kathy warned
“Careful you’re spilling it.”
And I was. Cursing under my breath I cleaned up the mess and carried the mugs to the table. Kathy was now explaining the joys of the larch. From the bathroom I heard first the flush and then the bath taps running. I must admit my curiosity was piqued. With half an ear tracking Kathy I concentrated on the sounds emanating from the bathroom. The murmuring continued once the taps stopped. This was interspersed by silences, giggles and splashes. I realised that Kathy had stopped talking. I apologised.
“Don’t be silly. You must be interested to know what is going on.”
“And that is?”
“Let’s wait and Alice can tell us.”
Compliant again we sat there in almost total silence listening to the quiet sounds coming from the bathroom. Time goes slow this way but eventually the bathroom door opened and Alice came out with her back to us. She was naked and quickly followed by Madeleine. They returned to the bedroom. Taking this as a cue I rushed into the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned myself for the day. Whilst in there I could hear lots of laughter and the voices of Madeleine and Kathy. Once dressed in my shorts and t-shirt I returned to the kitchen. We were all together again and Alice stood out.
She was wearing a frock I hadn’t seen before which came down to some 3″ below her knee. She had makeup on and her fingers and toe nails were crimson. The G3 flowed off her in lovely clouds.
“Doesn’t she look beautiful?”
“She certainly does Madeleine” I replied. “So what’s the plan for today?”
I posed this question to all three. Again it was Madeleine who spoke
“Well we’ve packed food, drink a couple of blankets to sit on and an itinerary. We have it all planned. Now put your boots on Les and Alice I have a special treat.”
We all watched as Madeleine produced a pair of gold coloured kitten heel court shoes and gave them to Alice. Alice examined them and leant forward as though to put the shoe on her lifted left foot. Madeleine just said
And Kathy quickly knelt taking the shoes from Alice, and placing them one at a time on Alice’s feet. Alice steadied herself on Kathy’s shoulders. I couldn’t understand why Alice was going to wear those if we were all off on a hike.
“Why those?”
“Because they are beautiful and Alice looks exquisite in them. Now shall we go?”
And with that, taking Alice’s left hand she, Alice and Kathy walked out to the car. I was left with 2 day bags and securing the premises. This time it was our car and I was the chauffeur. Madeleine guided Alice into the back and promptly got in beside her. Kathy sat beside me and immediately restarted from where she had left off over tea. It seems there is a lot to be said for broadleaf trees. The rear view mirror afforded me a steady view of what was going on. Madeleine and Alice had their heads inclined together. Alice had her eyes closed whilst Madeleine was talking and staring at me via the mirror. I was the first to disengage.
Following Kathy’s directions we wound away along several forest roads before turning off into a small clearing. At Madeleine’s suggestion I reversed the car in. We decamped and after Kathy and I took the day bags, I followed Kathy out of the clearing on a climbing woodland path. Just like yesterday Madeleine and Alice waited until we were a good way in front, before setting out. We climbed steadily. Kathy being younger than me could and did chat happily whilst I puffed and panted my way upwards. At the top we stopped for my benefit and I happily slumped against a tree.