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Mackenzie and Jennifer – Deadly Duo

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Female Ejaculation

As we sat and ate, I, trying not to comment too much, on either the food or David’s behavior, and Jennifer recounting the events of the day, the evening grew dark and blustery. The wind howled outside and the light flickered. Mackenzie started showing cracks in her well preserved exterior. I assumed it was her becoming more comfortable staying here, with us.

As I chewed a piece of rib-eye jerky, I mulled over the information I’d just received. Was it simply a differing matter of opinions? Or was Mackenzie a pathological liar? I didn’t want to think the latter, and I wasn’t about to go asking questions either.

“Can we?” Jennifer asked then, and I blinked, realizing I’d missed something.

“Oh, uh, what? What were we talking about?”

“Can we, you know…share a drink?”

“I guess,” I said flatly. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but I did keep a nice array of alcohol in the cupboard, for cooking and medicinal purposes. To my surprise, Mackenzie went straight to the cupboard, slid two bottles to the side, and pulled forth a few bottles of tequila, which I had never opened. They were dated before Jennifer was even born.

“This is the good stuff,” Mackenzie said, not waiting for instruction, or permission. She grabbed the cap with her lower three fingers, something I found very peculiar, and opened the bottle easily. Another peculiarity. I didn’t think it would come open that easily… I leaned forward, and saw there was a good inch or so missing out of the bottle. I sat back, observing.

Mackenzie went to another cupboard and grabbed three squat glasses out, and brought them to the table. She put them together in a tight line, poured tequila in each glass until there was half-an-inch without spilling a drop, and then she grabbed the cap and spun it back onto the bottle.

“To hell with David,” Mackenzie announced, raising her glass.

I grabbed mine, intending to toast and clink the glasses together, but Mackenzie seemed much too eager to get the booze into her mouth, and threw back the contents, swallowing it in one gigantic gulp, and then she made all sorts of face and noises as it burned all the way down.

“To hell with him,” Jennifer repeated the sentiment.

“Hold on-” I tried to warn Jennifer, but it was too late. She imitated Mackenzie and tossed the entire contents of her glass into her mouth and then swallowed.

“Oh fuck!” Jennifer groaned, and then she went sideways in her seat, gagging, holding her throat and her stomach and putting a hand to her forehead.

“Good shit, huh?” Mackenzie said approvingly.

“Why…why would anyone drink that!?” Jennifer gasped, and then waved at her mouth, trying to get rid of the fumes. She sat back up in her seat, looking at me for answers.

“One reason,” Mackenzie said, grabbing the bottle and unscrewing the cap quickly. “To get fucked up.” She poured herself another glass, and Jennifer too, and then looked to me. “Are you not drinking?” Mackenzie asked.

“I’ve got a drink,” I said, putting the glass to my lips and taking a sip. The liquid was exactly as I remembered it, and tasted even worse. It was like rubbing alcohol mixed with another taste I could never relate to anything else, other than the worm at the bottom of the bottle.

“Are you a light-weight?” Mackenzie asked.

“No. I just don’t like tequila that much,” I said.

“Oh, what do you like?”

“Schnapps,” I said. “I like peppermint schnapps.”

“You have that,” Mackenzie said, getting up and going to the cupboard. She found the bottle and brought it down, unscrewed the cap and took my glass out of my hands. She tossed back the contents of my drink, and then used the bottom of her shirt to wipe my glass out before pouring me a good half-an-inch of peppermint schnapps. “You want ice?”

“No,” I said, taking the glass from Mackenzie as if she were a full fledged alcoholic.

“Alright…,” Mackenzie said, turning a smile back towards Jennifer. “So what’s next?”

I took a sip of my drink and sat back in the chair, listening to the wind howling outside. Oregon was always such a shit place in the winter. Not much to do other than “cold” activities, like sledding, ice skating, plowing, trudging through the forest looking for something to shoot…. What were we doing here? Really?

Jennifer picked her glass up, and then emptied the contents into her mouth, swallowing again. I could tell it burned just as much as the first time, but she was handling it a lot better. Mackenzie whooped, and then did the same, downing her third glass.

I took a decent sized gulp and let the cool fire run down my throat, numbing and freezing as it went.

“What does yours taste like?” Jennifer asked.

I slid the glass over to her, so she could try it. She picked it up, smelled it, smiled, and then emptied the entire glass into her mouth.

“Jesus Christ,” I said as she swallowed and then gasped at the feeling of it racing down her neck. “You’re supposed to sip it, not chug it!”

“You sip, we chug,” Mackenzie said with a laugh, grabbing the tequila for the fourth time.

“I’m not sure you know how strong that stuff is,” I said warningly.

“It’s şiran escort okay Papi,” Mackenzie said with a sly smile on her face. “It’s my last one. And then-“

The lights flickered again, and then went out.

“Shit,” Jennifer said.

“It’s alright. I’ll grab the flashlight and-“

Something sharp flicked and a single flame burst into life, burning at the end of a bic lighter, held in Mackenzie’s hand. “Hurry up. These get hot fast,” she said.

I got up, went to the table by the front door and slid open the drawer, searching for the flashlight I kept there, in case of emergencies.

“You wanna see something cool?” Mackenzie asked Jennifer.

“Sure,” She said.

A moment later, I heard a whoosh! And the room was illuminated in light for a split second. I spun around just as Mackenzie flicked the bic to life again.

“Don’t ever do that! Never! You hear me?”

“Yeah, Jesus,” Mackenzie said, as if I’d just done her wrong.

“You’ll start the whole god damned house on fire, doing some stupid shit like that.”

“I only used a little,” Mackenzie said.

“A little, a lot, it doesn’t matter. I saw a guy do that, and accidentally inhaled afterward, on, you know, reflex. Burned both his lungs, had to go to the hospital. Died a couple days later.”

“Uh, maybe you shouldn’t do that again,” Jennifer said, and then she laughed.

“Yeah, maybe,” I said, and then a moment later, I laughed as well.

“Come on! This is getting hot!” Mackenzie complained.

I yanked the entire drawer out, and then found the flashlight in the back, grabbed it, shook it, and slid the switch forward. We had light.

Mackenzie let go of the lighter and then blew into the top of it, over and over again, before setting it down on the table, upright. She grabbed her glass and poured another drink, screwed the cap on, and then downed it quickly. “Okay, now I’m done.”

“You need another?” I asked, directing my question at Jennifer.

“Noooo,” She said, shaking her head. “Nope. I think I’m done. My stomach feels weird.”

“Yeah. It does that. If you’re going to puke, head for the toilet. That goes for you too.”

“I’m fine,” Mackenzie said and then she pulled her chair over to Jennifer and whispered something into her ear.

“I’m going to go start the fireplace,” I said, walking tot he front room and taking the flashlight with me. I silently thanked my pre-planning and making sure I had plenty of firewood in the house, prior to the cold setting in. I took a few logs and some tinder, set the fireplace up and lit it. Almost instantly, the fire roared to life, snapping and crackling, and I grabbed the giant spark grate and wrapped it around the front, just to make sure I wasn’t going to catch the house on fire either.

As I walked back to the dining room, I saw the shadows of Mackenzie and Jennifer, silently locked in some sort of heated conversation. I refrained from shining the light in their eyes, walked around the table, sat down, and then put the flashlight in the middle of the table, pointing up. That’s when I saw that neither Mackenzie or Jennifer were speaking. Their lips were pressed together, their mouths were moving, but they weren’t speaking. Tongues were entwining, sliding against each other, probing the depths as they imitated actions taken above, and below, later.

I couldn’t help it. I continued to watch, my cock roaring to life in my jeans, threatening to rip a hole in them. After a good minute or so, Mackenzie let go of Jennifer’s cheek, and slowly pulled away. Jennifer turned and saw me, and put on a slightly embarrassed face. Mackenzie looked at me with more than a bit of mischief twinkling in her eyes.

“Can I?” she asked Jennifer, her eyes darting toward me.

Jennifer looked at me, and then back to Mackenzie. “I…I don’t care. I guess. He hasn’t kissed anyone in a very long time,” Jennifer said in warning.

“Wait, what? What are we doing here?” I asked.

Mackenzie got up, and came over to my chair, pushed it out from the table, and then sat down on my lap, sideways, with both her knees pointed at Jennifer. “Is this okay?” she asked Jennifer. Jennifer nodded, looking at both of us now, a weird, twisted look as it was.

“Okay Papi. No touching,” she said warningly, and then she leaned forward, her lips coming toward mine. I looked at Jennifer, wondering what was going on, but the look on Jennifer’s face as eager and expectant, as if she were just waiting to see the two of us embrace. Not just waiting, but wanting.

I stopped pulling away, and let Mackenzie kiss me, and her lips were just as soft and wet as ever. My dick throbbed in my pants, and I knew Mackenzie could feel it underneath her ass cheeks because she gave me a little moan, but continued kissing me, and then, she pulled away.

“That’s not a kiss,” Jennifer said, as if completely disappointed.

“What?” I said.

“He’s all lips,” Jennifer said, turning to Mackenzie. “A kiss.” Jennifer got up, took one wobbly step toward my chair, and was there. “This is a kiss,” she said, and she leaned over, and pressed şirinevler escort her lips firmly against Mackenzie’s mouth. Their mouths opened and then tongues entwined again, licking, and sucking, and tongue fucking each other for a long minute before they broke apart. Jennifer wiped something off the side of her mouth and then sat back down in her chair. “Now I wanna see a kiss. A real kiss.”

“You heard what she said Papi,” Mackenzie said, and her eyes sparkled like a million stars in the night. She leaned in, and I did too. Her lips touched mine, hot and wet and electric. Mackenzie opened her mouth, and I did too. Her tongue, small and pointy, slid into my mouth and teased my own. I licked at the side of her tongue, and then snaked my tongue past hers, around it, and back out again. Mackenzie shifted her weight on my lap and my cock slid sideways, nestling in the crook of her ass. I groaned and she shifted her weight again, her ass cheeks tightening, and then relaxing.

My hands, unable to just sit there, immobile, reached forward. I grabbed her by the front and the lower back, my right hand came up underneath her shirt, and I found her left breast, her nipples firm and wanting attention. I squeezed her breast, and then gently pinched her nipple, tugging at it for just a second before Mackenzie swatted it away. She pulled away and stood up quickly, moving back to her seat. “I told you, no touching Papi,” she said flatly.

“I…I’m sorry,” I said, not understanding.

“It’s fine,” Jennifer said, turning to Mackenzie. “I…I didn’t mind.”

“I didn’t mind either,” I said sheepishly.

“You ready for bed?” Mackenzie asked Jennifer then, standing up and walking over to her.

“Yeah, I think so,” Jennifer said, standing up and immediately falling back into her seat.

“Uh! Looks like you’re a light-weight too,” Mackenzie said, and she reached down and hooked an arm underneath Jennifer’s. “Come on Papi. Help me get her to bed.”

I got up and grabbed Jennifer under th arm, and then, I simply bent down and scooped her legs out from underneath her, lifting her up to cradle her against my chest.

“God damn Papi,” Mackenzie said, impressed.

“Can you grab the flashlight?” I asked, and Mackenzie did, leading the way to Jennifer’s room, and opening the door as well.

I navigated the treacherous landscape of the floor, over to the bed in the corner, and gently sat Jennifer down.

“Alright, I’ll see you both in the morning,” I said, and as I turned, Jennifer grabbed my hand.

“No kiss goodnight?” She asked.

“Oh, Sorry,” I said, bending over and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. As I stood up, she stood up too, holding onto me for support. “What are you doing?” I asked, as she leaned into me.

“I want a real kiss,” she said, turning to Mackenzie. “If you’re going to kiss my friend, then I want a kiss like that. Just as good.”

“Jennifer,” I said, bringing my forehead down to touch hers. “I think, you might be drunk.”

“I don’t care,” she said, and then she tilted her chin up and pressed her lips against mine. I was going to pull away from her, tell her to stop, but she fell forward and I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from collapsing. She melted against me, her lips did too, and she opened her mouth, her tongue, soft and slippery, probing the seal of mine. I held her up, and my brain swirled like a blender on high. Would I deny her this? This itty bitty bit of intimacy? This kiss, a simple gesture…I couldn’t deny her, not after engaging in such a thing with her friend, and she was right. I couldn’t.

My lips parted, and her tongue touched mine. There was an electric current there, racing between us, like batteries touched pole to pole. She found her footing, stood up on tippy-toes and slid her tongue into my mouth, hungrily licking my own. I couldn’t help it. I chuckled, directly into her mouth, but she didn’t mind. My tongue gently moved forward, and when she realized it, she focused on it, her lips closing around it, sucking it into her mouth, sucking it, and stroking it, in and out, as if I was fucking her mouth with my tongue, and then, with one last supremely suctioned effort, she released me, and rocked back on her heels, giddy.

“I, uh…Good night girls,” I said.

“Good night daddy,” Jennifer said.

“Good night big daddy,” Mackenzie said, her voice sounding thoroughly entertained.

I walked out of the room, taking the flashlight with me, but then, when I got to the door, I clicked it off and set it on a shelf. “I put the flashlight here, on your shelf, in case either of you need it,” I said.

“Thank you,” Mackenzie called back, but Jennifer didn’t reply. I assumed she’s passed out right then, and I closed the door behind me, and then headed to the front room to check on the fireplace, before heading to my room.

I stripped down, stood there for a long time, completely naked, trying to decide whether I should go to the bathroom and relieve my stresses for the day, or just lay down in bed and do it. Eventually, I laid down, deciding I was too tired and with şirinyer escort the power out, I didn’t know how much water we were going to have. I slapped my alarm clock out of habit, even though it was off, the battery having died a couple of years prior. I wasn’t interested in replacing it either. If I had no power, then the rest of the city had no power, and if I was going to be late for work, chances were, everyone else was going to be late as well.

Reaching down next to the bed, I searched for the hand towel I kept folded there, just in case I sneezed during the night, or if I had to wipe my eyes out, or, like now, if I needed something to jerk off into. When I didn’t find it right away, I leaned over even more, searching, holding my body off the floor with one hand while I reached under the bed with the other. Finally, I just gave up. My cock was hard as a rock, but it would have to withstand the test of time. I wasn’t going to make a mess, in the darkness of night, and not be able to clean things up. I fluffed my pillow quickly, pulled my blankets up around me, rolled over on my side, and went to sleep.

I was soundly asleep, having some sort of fantastical wet dream playing out involving a three-some with Kendra and Mackenzie, when I heard my bedroom door open. The hinge barely made a sound as the person slowly closed it, and then slowly let the handle rotate back into it’s neutral position. I listened intently as I thought I heard the button being pressed into the handle, effectively locking the door.

Slowly I rolled over, looking toward the door, trying to figure out who it was. The bed to my left depressed as whoever it was, put their weight on it. A moment later I heard rustling of fabric, and then, whoever it was, slid under the covers. Gently, I slipped my arm around her middle, and pulled her to me, snuggling tight against her back. My hands probed over her smooth bare skin, and I knew then it was Mackenzie. She was completely naked, head to toe, and she smelled so good, my cock was instantly standing at attention.

I pressed my face into her hair, brought my lips to her ear, and whispered into it. “I was wondering when you were going to come see me.”

“You were?” she whispered back, her voice not much more than a subtle hint in the darkness.

“I’ve been waiting. I…was sleeping but…I was hoping.” I moved my hips, my cock finding the crook of her ass and sliding between her cheeks. “Do you miss it?”

“Miss it?” She asked.

“I want you,” I said, my lips sliding against the ridge of her ear, making her shiver. My lips opened and I plucked at her earlobe, and she groaned at my caresses. I sucked her earlobe into my mouth, ran the tip of my tongue around the edge of it, suckling it as if it were one of her nipples.

“God that feels good,” she moaned.

“There’s more where that came from,” I said, my hand sliding up to grab her breast, my thumb and forefinger gently rolling her nipple between them. “You like that?”

“God, yes,” she groaned.

Her body was hot, shivering, and lithe. I let go of her breast and slid my hand up, caressing her arm, and then ran it down her side, grabbed her ass, and squeezed it hard. I pulled her ass cheeks apart, letting my cock nestle further between her buns, and then let go of, turning my cock into hot-dog.

“You orchestrated that little stunt in the kitchen, didn’t you?” I asked, my lips against her neck, just below her ear.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Did you have fun?” I asked as I planted tiny kisses against her skin, working my lips up and behind her ear, and down to the nape of her neck. “I bet you loved it.”

“Uh-huh,” she whispered.

“I just want you to know,” I said, getting up the nerve to say the rest of what I had to say, “…I don’t like sharing.”

“Okay,” she breathed, accepting the information for what it was, but I could hear the questioning in her voice. She was wondering if what I was saying was, she couldn’t do things with Jennifer. That’s not what I was saying. I didn’t care about that. Besides, I knew that wasn’t going to fly. I just wanted to avoid another “David” situation.

“No guys,” I said. “I’m fine with girls, but no guys, …please.”

“Okay,” she breathed easier, and she turned her head back and even though I couldn’t see her, I could feel her. I could feel what she wanted, and I moved my face to hers, and our lips pressed against each other. I drank her in, kissed her hungrily, and my hands slid all over her body moving up and down, and into her crevices, and over her points. She shivered at my touch, excited beyond anything I’d ever seen before, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Are you cold?” I asked, pulling her into me, and then rolling her into my spot as I slid between her legs and scooped my hands beneath her arms.

“No,” she whispered. “Just…nervous.”

“I’ve got just the cure,” I said with a mischievous grin forming, and I slowly began inching down her body, my lips planting hot little kisses in a trail that ran down her neck, across her right breast, under it, across to the other breast, down, off the edge, along her side, and then across… I slid down underneath the covers until my feet wouldn’t go any further, and then gently kissed the top of her mound, placing my hands on her inner thighs and gently parting her knees. I hoped she was remembering our little escapade from earlier this morning, as I was only too ready to pick up where we’d left off.

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