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Moms Love Sons

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Big Ass

Note: all characters in this story are over 18 years old.


My mouth dropped open as my friend’s moms walked into the living room. They were a couple of nice thick women who both had a sexiness about them. One was a dark caramel color, Sheila, and the other was a pale red head, Gloria. Something that went beyond just the physical attributes of plump breasts and a round ass. The way they walked and smiled and blinked and licked their lips and…

“Dude, you have a problem?” Derrick, Sheila’s son was glaring at me.

“Relax bro,” Mike, Gloria’s son said with a chuckle. “I think he has a bad case of jungle fever.”

“Damn, Mike, he isn’t just leering at my mom. Are you are cool with him perving on your mom?”

“I guess,” Mike replied. “It makes me feel less guilty when I fantasize about his hot milf.”

“That shit is messed up. But, yeah Drew’s mom is pretty hot.”

I didn’t like the way this conversation was headed so I quickly pretended to be interested in the video game they were playing. “Let me see the controller if you are not using it Derrick.”

Just then the two sexy moms turned their attention to us.

“What are you boys wanting for dinner?” Sheila asked. The questioned seemed simple enough, but it started Gloria giggling. This caused the all three of us to look up with confusion, but Sheila just turned to her friend and with a mock sternness whispered, “Behave.”

“We could order pizza,” Derrick replied.

“Again?” Sheila groaned. “Oh I guess it is alright. But remember, when your father gets back, we go back to healthy meals. I will call in the order.”

Sheila’s husband Jerry was away on business again. He would leave for weeks at a time. This time he had been gone for over a month. Gloria’s husband had left her when Mike was just a baby. I was just beginning to think that maybe those two women might need a man to take care of them from time to time. Perhaps at the same time, in the same bed, maybe they would touch each other…

“Oh my God, asshole!” Derrick complained. “Do you want the controller or are your hands too busy jerking yourself off?”

“Fuck off,” I mumbled as I reached for the controller.

We continued playing video games until the pizza arrived. After they ate Gloria and Sheila went upstairs with strict orders that we all stay downstairs or in the basement, which was Derrick’s room. They said something about pedicures or manicures or shaving their legs. We all nodded and headed downstairs to watch a movie.

I could not concentrate on the movie. My dick had not gone down since I had started thinking about the two moms upstairs. About halfway through the film I stood up and said that I was going to get a drink and asked if anyone else wanted anything.

“Nah, I am good,” Mike said, while Derrick just shook his head, focusing on the movie.

Walking up from the basement, I stopped at the landing to the second floor. Was that moaning that I could hear? Nah, it was probably just my horny imagination, so I started toward the kitchen.

“Oh fuck girl, keep doing that.” What? That wasn’t more than a loud whisper, but it sure got my attention. So I slowly crept up the second floor stairs.

“Oh God! You are going to make me cum!” That definitely wasn’t a whisper. That was a bit louder and I could tell it was Sheila. I walked softly to the bedroom door which wasn’t closed all the way. I peeked in.

The black woman was on her back with her legs up in the air and Gloria was laying in between. The both were completely naked and Gloria had her pale fingers pistoning in and out of her friend’s dark pink pussy as she licked her clit.

I couldn’t help but let out a gasp at the same time that Sheila hissed “I AM CUMMING! Oh shit!”

Sheila was too preoccupied to notice me, but Gloria looked up at me and smiled a wicked smile on her wet lips. She put her finger too her lips to signal for me to be quiet and then motioned me forward. It was like I was in a trance. It seemed more like one of my fantasies than reality. I walked slowly towards the two women on the bed. Sheila’s body was still quivering from her orgasm, her eyes closed, holding onto the feeling as long as she could. As I got nearer, Gloria held up her fingers to my open mouth. She put the same three fingers that had been inside the pink folds of her friend, into my mouth. Slowly I closed my lips and started sucking on them. Gloria’s eyes glazed over a bit.

“Oh fuck that is hot,” Gloria moaned as she took hold of one of my hands and placed it on her breast.

I felt the warm, softness then moved my hand to the other.

“You are hot baby girl,” Sheila whispered. “You sure know how to eat pussy.” She opened her eyes and saw what was happening. Here I was, a young white boy with a handful of her friend’s tit and was licking her friend’s fingers. I was licking HER juices off of them!

“What the fuck! Drew! What the fuck are you doing in here?” She grabbed for a pillow and covered herself as much as she could. Turning to her friend Escort bayan she repeated, “What the fuck?”

Gloria sighed and pulled my face down to hers. She gave me a kiss on the mouth and said, “Guess you better get back downstairs young man. Fun is over.” She stood and moved me back to the door. When I left the room, she closed the door behind me. I tried to listen, but all I could make out was a few more “What the fucks” and some whispering, so I headed back downstairs.

I decided to go get the drink, but the taste of Sheila’s pussy made me go instead to the downstairs bathroom and try to remember exactly what had just happened.

By the time I was done, I heard my two friends out in the kitchen. Joining them for a snack, I kept looking toward the stairs to see if either of the two mothers were going to come down to confront me.

Nothing happened for the rest of the night.

It wasn’t until the next morning when I came up for breakfast that I saw the two women again. Sheila seemed very shy, but Gloria had a big smile on her face.

“Mike and Derrick still sleeping?” Gloria asked.

“Yes ma’am, I think so,” I said, unsure of what was about to be said.

“Ma’am? I think we are closer than that now, Drew,” she said with a wink.

I looked towards Sheila who just had her head down staring into a cup of coffee.

Gloria noticed me nervously looking at her friend. “It is ok, Drew. Sheila was just caught off guard last night. In fact we have a proposition for you.”

At that Sheila looked up at me, then at her friend.

“What… What is it?” I stuttered.

“Well, we usually just set the camera on the dresser like last night, but we thought maybe we could get you to work it for us. So we can get better angles.”

“Are you messing with me?”

This time Sheila spoke. “No we are serious.”

I stood there for a few seconds, looking back and forth at the two women. They certainly didn’t seem to be joking, but I didn’t want to commit to an answer just in case. “What about Jerry? He probably would want to kill me if I did that.”

Gloria gave a great big smile. “That is the thing Drew, he called afterwards and Sheila told him what happened. He can’t wait to see the video we made for him last night along with your cameo appearance. And it was his suggestion that instead of having a stationary camera, you operate it.”

It was then that the other two boys came into the kitchen and caught me staring at their moms with my mouth open. It was in shock but of course they assumed it was goofy lust.

“Okay, that does it. You are never staying overnight hear again,” Derrick growled.

“I agree,” Mike said. “Next time we stay at Drew’s house.”

“Yeah,” Derrick said as he grabbed his crotch. “Then Drew can watch his mom’s pretty lips suck on this black cock all day.”

“Derrick!” His mother shouted. “I think you need to apologize to Drew. That was uncalled for and mean.”

“Yeah man,” Mike said softly. “Not cool.”

“Whatever,” Derrick shrugged. “I got to head to work anyhow.” He grabbed his keys and left without saying another word to anyone.

Nobody said anything at first, but then Mike coughed and said, “Well, we have to get going to Mom. I need to take care of a few things this morning.”

Gloria nodded. “Yeah I have some errands to run also. Take our stuff out to the car and I will be right out.”

When Mike had left with the bags, Gloria quickly turned to me. “Drew, meet us back here in 4 hours. Derrick will still be at work and Jerry won’t be home yet. Then we can take care of Jerry’s video for him. It will be a big surprise when he gets in tonight.” She looked at Sheila and literally squealed. “This is going to be hot!”

She hugged me and headed out after her son.

I looked at Sheila. “Are you ok with this?”

Instead of answering me, she walked over and put her hand on my neck and drew my face to hers. She leaned into me and put her luscious lips against mine. I could feel her tongue open my lips. We kissed for a few seconds before she backed up with a deep sigh.

“Does that answer you?”

I kissed her cheek and said, “YES Ma’am! I will be back in four hours.” Then I walked out and got in my car and left. I was so out of it, I didn’t even notice how I drove back home.

I also didn’t notice Derrick’s car in front of our house. It wasn’t until I was heading back around the house from the garage that I noticed him driving away.

I walked into the house and saw my mother standing in the kitchen wearing a bathrobe. Immediately I thought of what Derrick had said about my mother sucking his cock. No way! First there was no way she would do that, and I had left only about ten minutes after Derrick. But as my mom turned toward me, I did notice a flushed look on her face, and her robe was not tied tightly around her. In fact I could just make out her nipple on her right breast.

She saw me and seemed shocked for a second. Pulling her robe tighter and tying it again, she composed herself Bayan escort and smiled.

“Hey baby. Did you have a good time at Derricks?”

I mumbled something in the affirmative and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. I kissed her a bit close to her lips, trying to smell if she had just swallowed cum before I got there. Then I realized I was just being crazy. But as I backed off I noticed a cigarette smell on her breath and she doesn’t smoke. Derrick does.

“Mom, what was Derrick doing here?” I asked with a bit more hostility than I intended.

“Oh Drew, Derrick just dropped off your phone. You left it in his car. I asked him if he wanted to wait for you, but he said he had to get to work and that you two may have had a bit of a fight. Is everything ok?” She asked as she held onto my hand.

“Yeah, mom. Sometimes our friends say or do something that pisses us off,” I said trying to ominous in my vague comment.

My mother didn’t seem to notice. “I know, but they are our friends, so don’t stay mad.” She pulled me close with a tight hug. I know she meant well, but all I could focus on was her cigarette breath.

She noticed my standoffish attitude and squeezed me once then backed away.

“Well I guess I better go upstairs and get dressed.”

I was angry and yet I didn’t even know if I had a reason to be. I really didn’t think that my mother would fuck Derrick, but then that was before I had tasted Derrick’s mothers pussy juice and she had kissed me with her tongue. My whole reality seemed to be upside down and I really felt like I needed to fuck someone.

I watched my mother walk up the stairs. God! I was even thinking of fucking her. My father had died in a traffic accident eight years ago. My mom had put on a brave face and focused on raising me. But, now I looked at her as a woman instead of just my mom. I knew she had needs in taking care of the house and paying bills, but now I realized she must have also had physical needs, sexual needs. Had she just suffered through it for my sake or had she just been careful to not let me know about them?

I walked up the stairs to my room, but as I passed her room I realized the door was not shut all the way. Oh my god! My mom was standing naked, brushing her hair. My body felt like it was on fire and being shocked. My dick became unbearably hard. She was beautiful! She started to turn around, so I quickly continued down the hall. I wanted to wait until later before coming. I had hoped to get to fuck at least Sheila or Gloria or both, but I wasn’t going to make it.

As I lay in bed stroking my hard cock I tried to remember Gloria’s white face buried between Sheila’s thick black legs, but all I could think of was my mom’s naked body. I came and came hard. I thought I saw movement, but when I looked, there was nothing. But in my haste, I hadn’t shut my door all the way either. I listened carefully, but didn’t hear anyone. Would I find my mother outside my room if I jumped up and ran to the door? What would I do if I did? I closed my eyes for a second and then turned on some music. I needed a shower.

Four hours later I pulled up in front of Derrick’s house. Gloria’s car was already there. I rang the doorbell and waited.

“Come on in Drew,” Gloria said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in. She had answered the door in lingerie. I stared at her then back out the door to see if any of the neighbors had been standing where they could see her.

She must have read my mind. “Oh, who cares if anyone sees me? Don’t you think they would like what they see?”

“Hell yes!” I growled.

She laughed and gave me a kiss. Not a regular mom kiss either. She licked and sucked on my tongue until I gasped for air. She moved her hand down and felt my cock through my pants. “My, my!” she said with wide eyes. “I think this may get very interesting. Come on.” She led me back up to Sheila’s bedroom.

When we got there, Sheila was on all fours with a hand between her legs rubbing her pussy. Her ass looked so good.

“Ok Jerry, the guest of honor is here and I think he brought us a big package to play with.” Gloria called out.

I quickly looked around the room nervously. I wasn’t so sure about this. “Jerry is here?” I asked when I didn’t see him.

Sheila laid over on her side. “No,” she laughed. “I am already taping and we talk to him as if is here when we do that. It gets him off.” She turned to the camera on the dresser and smiled, “Doesn’t it baby?”

Okay, I have to admit, this was all a bit much for me and I thought for a second about just turning around a walking out. I am not scared of having kinky sex, but it seemed like I was in over my head.

Gloria sensed my reluctance so she walked over to the bed and reached in between her friends legs. Looking at me she said in a low sexy voice, “Drew, come over and feel how wet this black bitch is.”

Sheila looked at me and nodded as she spread her legs wider. I slowly waked over and reached down to hold my hand over her pussy. She had Escort shaved it and the wetness glistened on her black skin. My reluctance was gone completely. I wanted to fuck her. I pulled off my shirt and then started to undo my pants when Sheila looked at Gloria.

“No, he is supposed to videotape us. Jerry doesn’t want him to do anything but touch me with his hands.”

“No, Drew, don’t stop,” Gloria begged. “I want to see your cock!” she started to help undo my pants and pull them down.

When my cock sprang free they both gasped and reached out to touch it. Sheila grasped the shaft while Gloria cupped my balls with her hand.

Gloria looked at her friend and then turned to the camera. “Looks like there has been a change of plans, Jerry. It looks like your wife wants that big white cock filling her black cunt.”

Sheila pulled her hand back quickly like it just got burned. “No! I can’t. This isn’t what we planned. Jerry would not be okay with this.”

Moving her hand to stroke my cock Gloria said, “But have you ever seen a more beautiful cock? He wants to fuck you.” She turned to me almost pleading, “Don’t you Drew?”

It was hard for me to speak so I just nodded.

“No. I can’t.” Sheila said again, not taking her eyes of my cock, but more quietly than before. “We are just supposed to do each other and Drew will tape us.”

“Fuck that! I am not wasting a cock like that. I need this. If you won’t do it, lay down and I will eat you as this monster takes me from behind.”

All three of us got into position. Sheila on her back with her legs spread, holding the camera on her friends face as she licked her, Gloria on her hands and knees, and me fucking her doggie style. I started out slowly pushing in a ways then pulling back almost all the way out. Then slowly pushing in farther and then out again. Gloria’s pussy grabbing onto my cock each time I withdrew. When I was finally all the way in I stopped and held it there. I closed my eyes and felt how good it was. She was clenching her muscles rapidly around my cock.

“Fuck, I am cumming!” She gasped.

She had stopped licking Sheila who had gotten up and moved around with the camera to get a closer shot of my cock inside her friend.

“Fuck me now, Drew!” Gloria panted.

I was happy to oblige. I was glad I had jerked of earlier now, because it was the only thing that kept from filling her pussy way too soon. I grabbed her hips and pulled her back hard onto my dick. Slamming into her with an animal lust. She grunted over and over with each thrust. I looked down at her face and saw that she was lost to another orgasm. Sheila had been taping her expression as it happened, but then moved back to her ass. My cock was messy with Gloria’s juices and Sheila reached down and rubbed my cock as it pulled out of the white woman’s pussy. When her hand was very wet she moved away from my cock and started rubbing Gloria’s asshole. Pressing her fingers against it more and more, until she pushed one inside, then two.

Gloria yelled with pleasure. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh god yes!”

That was all I could take. I started to come inside Gloria, but Sheila grabbed hold of my cock and pulled it out so that I came all over Gloria’s ass. Sheila rubbed my cock against her friend’s asshole until it stopped spurting.

“Drew take the camera and film this.” Sheila said as she handed me the camera, then moved her face down to her friend’s ass. She started to lick all my cum, making her chin drip with it. I zoomed in to get a shot of the contrast between the darkness of her face with the sparkling whiteness of my cum. I was starting to get hard again.

Sheila took my messy cock in her hands and began stroking it. I held the camera focused on it. I wanted more. I took my hand and moved Sheila’s head down so that she could suck it. At first she resisted but then she put it between her lips. I captured every moment for her husband.

Gloria had turned around and saw what was going on. She held out her hand for the camera, so I handed it to her. She focused on her own face and spoke to the camera. “Jerry, I know you didn’t want for Sheila to fuck Drew, but it looks like that is what she wants. We won’t make you have to suffer through that, so I am turning off the camera now.”

She swung the camera back around to focus on Sheila sucking me. “Say bye to Jerry, Sheila”

Sheila pulled my cock out of her mouth long enough to say a quick bye and then went back to sucking.

“Bye,” Gloria said as she switched the camera to off.

I tried to get Sheila to lay down, but she looked up at me and said, “No, I want to suck you off, but we can’t really have sex. That was just Gloria’s way of teasing Jerry. It will drive him nuts wondering. But if he asks me I want to tell him the truth.”

She went back to sucking me. She was very good and it wasn’t long before I again was blasting my cum, this time into her mouth. It started to run out of her lips so Gloria leaned down to help her.

After it was over we all just lay back on the bed, relaxed.

Sheila then looked at her phone and said, “I need to get a shower and you both need to leave soon. Jerry said his plane will be getting here in about 20 minutes and Derrick gets off work in less than an hour.”

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