Tag: annie mouth

The Minister’s Wife Ch. 04

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Isobel Meets Lady Mary

After the Reverend John Hardy seduced Lady Mary Grant, the daughter of the local landed aristocracy, his wife Isobel, far from being jealous, was eager to meet and attempt her own seduction of the lovely young woman. She’d seen her in church a few times, admiring her delicate beauty from afar, and knew she was on holiday from Cambridge University in England. It was quite by accident that John had met and seduced Lady Mary, but he assured his equally horny young wife that Lady Mary may well be susceptible to her charms too, and so they laid a plan to lead the lovely Mary further astray if possible.

John judged the time was right after Lady Mary had visited him at the manse for the third time, ostensibly to return the books she had borrowed, and borrow new ones. The real reason for her visits was her growing need for his cock. Having surrendered her virginity, willingly it has to be said, she had found within herself an almost voracious taste for the pleasures to be found between her legs. Quite simply, she couldn’t get enough.

Although Lady Mary knew John was married, and had met Isobel on every visit to the manse, with the thoughtlessness of a young 20 year old, she had somehow pushed that to the back of her mind, ignoring it, preferring to concentrate on the pleasures that John’s big cock gave her when he undressed her and fucked her over his study desk. Now, sated with pleasure, she sat on the couch in his study, slowly recovering from their latest bout of lovemaking. She had a fine flush of arousal on her porcelain skin, her chest still heaving from the exertions of a few minutes ago. She felt marvellous – her recent discovery of sexual pleasure still new, and a thing of wonder to her. She was day-dreaming, her mind dwelling on the pleasures she had just experienced, when the study door opened, and Isobel came in with a tea-tray for them.

With her clothes still in some disarray, Lady Mary jumped up and turned away, hastily trying to conceal herself from Isobel. However, Isobel came over, and standing behind Mary, put her hands on Mary’s shoulders., and spoke quietly in Mary’s ear.

‘Please don’t get yourself upset Lady Mary, I know what’s happening and I’m not the slightest bit jealous, everything is fine. Now come and have a nice cup of tea, and maybe some cake,’ and rather shame-faced, Mary turned, fumbling with the buttons of her blouse, whereupon Isobel reached out, and buttoned up the last remaining buttons in an almost motherly fashion, letting Mary know that it was all perfectly amicable. When Isobel smiled to her she couldn’t help but respond, although her embarrassment lingered on. It was a natural reaction, for only minutes before she had been spread-eagled, naked, over John’s desk as his big cock, slipped delightfully in and out of her sex.

By this time John was fully dressed, and making some excuse that he had something he must attend to urgently, he left the two women to become further acquainted.

‘Now Lady Mary,’ Isobel said, ‘I want no embarrassment or awkwardness between us. John and I have never been jealous of each other. It’s true I am his wife, but I do not own him, and believe it or not, I think it a great compliment to my husband, and to me, when another woman finds him as attractive, as you do.’ Lady Mary nodded and assured Isobel that she understood, although truthfully she was still confused by Isobel’s generous attitude.

‘You see,’ Isobel continued by way of further explanation. ‘Just like the women of the harem, a subject you have been reading about, I am happy to share him on occasion, with a truly delightful companion. I believe you and I will become even better friends very soon.’ Mary nodded, feeling somewhat better as Isobel explained things to her.

‘I wondered about the women of the harem when I was reading the book.’ Mary said. ‘It kept going through my mind; all those hundreds of women, kept in absolute luxury, and yet it must have been a sad existence most of the time. Knowing the pleasures of the flesh, yet constantly having to compete with others for the affection of their husband. I’d hate that,’ she finished.

‘Oh, I don’t know Mary, remember life was very difficult for women back then. Better to be in the harem, starved of affection, than literally starving out on the streets, and let’s be realistic now. Women are very resourceful when Küçükyalı travesti left to their own devices. I think if they lacked the pleasures and comforts of the flesh, it would have been by their own choice.’ Mary looked puzzled.

‘But surely no other men, apart from the eunuchs were allowed in the seraglio?’ Mary contended.

‘True,’ Isobel, agreed, ‘but even a eunuch has a tongue and fingers if so inclined, but their pleasures, for the most part came not from the eunuchs, but from their fellow inmates of the harem.’ Isobel left that statement hanging in the air. Lady Mary was obviously thinking it over.

‘You mean?’ she stuttered out at last. ‘The… the women were…’ She looked shocked.

‘Exactly, a woman can bring another woman a great deal of pleasure Mary. Have you never thought of it? Have you never had a friend that you liked so much that you welcomed her touch and kisses? Someone you just liked to be near as much as possible. I know most girls do, or have done, or a teacher, an older woman you thought simply wonderful?’ As she spoke Mary nodded, beginning to see her past friendships in a different light.

‘Yes, but that was different. I never thought of any of them like that… erotically,’ she gasped out. ‘Never.’

‘Yes, but can’t you see, if you had been thrown together in an enclosed society where sexual tensions filled the air, how things may have developed differently? Those touches and sisterly kisses may have grown into a deeper love than your innocent young mind may have imagined up until now.’

‘Well, yes.’ Mary reluctantly agreed. ‘Faced with the prospect of rarely, or never knowing such pleasures again, I suppose they may have taken what pleasure and companionship they needed where they could.’

‘Exactly,’ Isobel confirmed. ‘You’re a clever young woman Mary. Clever enough to change her stance when confronted with reasoned debate. You’ve gone up greatly in my estimation.’ Mary smiled, flattered by the older woman’s attention and praise.

‘Yet, I don’t think another woman could give as much pleasure as a man in matters of love, could she?’ Mary asked uncertainly, looking at Isobel innocently. Isobel said nothing, but smiled. Standing up she moved over behind Mary’s chair, and put her hands on Mary’s shoulders, and stooping down she began to whisper in Mary’s delicate little ear.

‘My darling husband tells me you have beautiful breasts Mary, and that they are very sensitive to touch.’ Mary once again felt very embarrassed, but yet strangely excited by Isobel’s closeness, of course she was doubly susceptible to suggestion and touch due to her very recent sexual arousal at the hands of the minister. ‘Now, my darling, just give me a few minutes leave to prove my point,’ and with that she slipped her hands down off Mary’s shoulders and cupped the large young breasts in her hands, gently squeezing, finding the nipples beneath the fabric.

Mary gasped with surprise at Isobel fondling her breasts, but after a few seconds, her shock was overtaken by the pleasurable sensations that Isobel’s experienced hands were giving her. Any words of protest died stillborn in her throat, replaced by a moan of delight. She relaxed, allowing Isobel to squeeze and pleasure her, her eyes closed and now gasping for breath as Isobel unbuttoned the silk blouse she had recently helped to button up, giving her better access to the large, soft breasts. Isobel wasted no time in freeing them from the undergarments, and coming round from behind Mary, stooping even lower, she began to feast and suckle on the large erect nipples.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see Mary’s legs had drifted apart, and slipping her hand under the voluminous material of the skirt, it was a matter of moment before her hand was between Mary’s legs, bringing her shocking, but nonetheless welcome pleasure. Helpless to resist. Mary spread her legs wider to give better freedom for the invading hand. Within minutes she was in the throes of yet another orgasm as Isobel’s knowing hands manipulated her clitoris, labia and pussy. As her pleasures subsided, Isobel kissed her passionately on the lips, and Mary marvelled at the softness of her lips and the feelings of affection she felt for this woman.

Isobel reluctantly broke their kiss, and taking Mary by the hand led her, unprotestingly, to the spare room upstairs. A room Küçükyalı travestileri which Isobel kept exclusively for her seductions and sexual encounters with lady friends.

There, she passionately kissed Mary once again, and tenderly and lovingly undressed her, all the time undressing herself to keep pace with Mary, who seemed fascinated by Isobel’s own large breasts. As she unbuttoned her own undergarments she had taken Mary’s hand and slipped it inside her blouse, offering herself to Mary’s touch, and it has to be said that Mary took full advantage of these new wonders of pleasure opening up before her. Mary felt herself being undressed, and now enthusiastically began to undress Isobel in return. Within moments both women were naked and revelling in the feel and touch of their soft feminine skin. They sank down upon the bed where Isobel took the initiative once more and caressed between Mary’s open thighs.

Her firm little bottom lifted off the bed, to impale herself on Isobel’s fingers. They hugged each other, holding tight, and Isobel felt Mary shuddering with passion in her grip as she stroked the wet, open pussy, mercilessly driving Mary wild with excitement. It couldn’t last, and Mary came once more, gasping and mewling with pleasure as Isobel’s fingers slipped back and forth, deep inside her, stimulating her clitoris beyond all tolerance.

Afterwards they lay for some time, kissing tenderly, stroking and touching. Mary tentatively slipped her hand between Isobel’s legs, and felt this new wonder, pleased at how Isobel reacted to her fingers just, ‘there.’ Isobel spread her legs further and Mary slipped her fingers up and down the wet furrow, eliciting loud moans of pleasure from the minister’s wife. Still new to all this, she unexpectedly found her fingers slipping deeper into the furrow she was rubbing and into the warm depths of the wetness, drawing even more excited gasps and moans of pleasure.

Now it was Isobel’s turn to thrust herself against Mary’s hand as her pleasure grew more rapidly. The excitement was altogether too much for Isobel and quite suddenly she felt the familiar heat and rush of pleasure consume her body as she pushed herself harder against Mary’s hand, milking as much of the subsiding tremors of desire as she could, before falling back, laughing, as only a woman who has just been well pleasured laughs.

‘Well now my darling,’ she said to Mary at last. ‘Do you believe me now when I speak of feminine pleasures being not just the exclusive gift of men?’ Lady Mary smiled back at her, fondling Isobel’s big breasts.

‘Indeed I do Isobel, now I know exactly what you mean. Of course I have heard rumours of such things, a ‘forbidden love.’ But why forbidden when it is so extremely pleasurable?’ Mary asked.

‘Just let us say that some men, not all, and that includes my John, see female pleasure as being solely in their gift, and don’t like to think that women can exist quite happily without them in many things. They guard their privilege jealously and name it, “forbidden,” and, “perverted,” but of course, it is no such thing. It’s just another form of love and pleasure, as I’m sure you’ll agree, now that your eyes,’ and as she said it, she slipped her hand between Mary’s legs, ‘and your legs, have been opened.’ Mary giggled, then sighed with pleasure and contentment as Isobel gently circled her clitoris, with fingers slippery from Mary’s natural flow.

‘Oh yes Isobel, please don’t stop now,’ she pleaded, distracted from their conversation, opening her legs a little wider. Isobel slipped further down the bed, and began to lick the beautiful labia spread before her. This wasn’t Mary’s first encounter with oral sex, the minister having introduced her to it very early in their lovemaking sessions, but it was her first feminine tongue fucking, and as such, a memorable experience for her young and impressionable mind. Within minutes she was in the throes of yet another shattering orgasm, with Isobel doing everything within her repertoire of sensuality to stimulate her young protégé.

With typical female curiosity, it didn’t take long for Mary to venture into further exploration of Isobel’s beautiful body, and having fondled and suckled on Isobel’s bountiful breasts, eliciting a wonderful response which made her feel so powerful, and with Isobel apparently helpless before her touch, travesti Küçükyalı she let her fingers once more split the generous labia apart, releasing yet another flow of fragrant slick juices.

Remembering how she felt when Isobel licked and fingered her sex, she was now determined to return the pleasure to this gorgeous woman whom she now virtually worshipped. As Isobel, turned over onto her back and spread her legs, Mary looked at the shaven lips in awe. Thick fleshy lips, swollen with sensuality, opening under her touch, drawing gasps and moans of delight from her lover.

She could smell a heady, sexual musk as she dipped her face close, feeling the heat of the wet skin, and then she tentatively let her tongue slip across the prominent lips and clitoris. Isobel pushed up off the bed moaning loudly. The juices and pussy tasted strange to her inexperienced tongue, but not at all unpleasant, and Isobel’s reaction to the exploring mouth on her sex was such that, Mary licked and sucked at every slippery fold and crevice, while her fingers slipped into the depths that opened up before her touch driving Isobel wild with excitement, which led to such a powerful and prolonged orgasm that Mary could only feel delight and disbelief that she was the author of such pleasure.

Determined to repay such pleasures as she herself had experienced at Isobel’s hands, she continued past that orgasm, bringing yet another, and then yet another orgasm from her dear companion, until at last, Isobel begged her to stop. The triumphant Mary, ignoring the pleas of her mentor refused to stop, and continued, with Isobel helpless to prevent it, until at last Mary took pity on Isobel’s pitiful state and came into Isobel’s arms, where Isobel scolded her playfully for being such a bad girl, but thanked and rewarded her with tender kisses.

With both girls exhausted from their efforts, they dozed on and off for some time until the door opened, and John entered the room. Isobel smiled at him.

‘We have a delightful new companion darling,’ she said to her husband, spreading the willing Mary’s legs apart and stroking her pussy. Mary smiled hazily, as her pleasure grew. John undressed and Mary couldn’t suppress a moan of excitement as she thought of the wickedness of her situation.

In a moment Isobel turned her over and urged her to get to her knees and, ‘present,’ her bottom for John’s inspection. Taking her husband’s big prick in her hands, she rubbed his tip against Mary’s yielding lips, feeding him into the silken depths of Mary’s pussy. The girl moaned with such incredible excitement, pushing back to impale herself, as Isobel slipped her hand between the parted legs, rubbing Mary’s clitoris, adding immensely to the pleasure now building rapidly in her sex. Given such treatment it was little wonder that the girl’s sensitised pussy responded almost immediately with an orgasm, and then again, until she begged them to stop. Now Isobel laughed as she had her revenge, for Mary had refused to stop stimulating her pussy scarcely an hour before.

Like Isobel, Mary pleaded for them to stop, yet was helpless to stop herself from responding to the sweet pleasures inflicted on her body by the horny couple. As the minister’s big cock plunged into her pussy, stretching and filling her, and Isobel stimulated her clitoris and breasts in every way, she felt herself totally out of control, which somehow excited her even more.

Although she felt totally exhausted, yet she succumbed again and again to the almost unbearably pleasurable sensations between her legs, responding even when she felt she could take no more. At last Isobel took John cock from Mary’s aching pussy and sucked him into her mouth tasting and savouring the young woman’s juices on his skin. John gave it up then and spent himself into his beautiful wife’s mouth, where Isobel swallowed him down eagerly, and then kissed Mary on the mouth letting her unwittingly have some of the remaining seed too.

It was much later that Mary went home, happy and satisfied. Fingered, fucked and sore, but filled with delight at her day of pleasure at the hands of the horny minister and his wonderful wife. Mary knew she would never be the same person again, but yet she was grateful for the new horizons shown to her by the Hardy’s. She felt totally wicked, and even a little, ‘perverted,’ but all that was as nothing compared to the pleasure, and feeling of being, ‘well used,’ which filled her emotions completely. She knew within herself that she must try to experience as much as possible with them before going back to University in a week or so. After all she reasoned, it was all part of her, ‘education,’ too.

* * *

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Joyeux Noël: Une Fête D’Alléchante

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A string of pearls has the power to conjure up some of the most delectably dirty desires all while having this air of timeless elegance and grace. So delicate and simple, accentuating wherever it gently lays. No matter what you decide to wear, from a simple pair of jeans and blouse to a gorgeous floor length gown, a string of pearls will always exude a subtle amount of sensuality.

Which is exactly how I felt at that moment, standing next to him as we were greeted by his boss and some of his colleagues. Everyone was very friendly and laid back, dressy casual being the choice of style for this Christmas party. Of course, there were touches of the traditional Christmas flair; red and green mixing with silver and gold, velvet and silk and lace mixing with tulle embedded with diamonds and sparkles. A perfect touch of elegance for a semi-casual get together.

My emerald velvet dress felt amazing against my body, sitting right above my knees with the low v-cut draping down right underneath my breasts. It did reveal a little more than I had intended for tonight’s party. However, judging by the look I received from him when I walked downstairs and asked him to zip it up, I knew it was the one. It also gave more attention to the beautiful antique cream double strand pearl necklace and matching studs I adorned with the cream peep toe platform heels pulling the whole outfit together and also making my legs look fucking fantastic.

The entertainment was something I didn’t expect. A classically trained pianist from Juilliard who played both classic and newer Christmas songs flawlessly and with so much warmth and passion. The surprising part? It was his boss’ wife. They had met shortly after she graduated from Juilliard and married just a few years later, staying happily married for over thirty years. Both of them supported each other in pursuing their passions with him starting up his own company and her becoming a professional pianist, playing with some of the world’s most renowned orchestras. It’s so nice to see a long-term marriage that both people still loved and supported each other after all these years.

My mind drifted back to reality as his hand slid from the small of my back to around my hip, squeezing lightly as I looked up at him. A burgundy sweater over top of a white button down dress shirt was the perfect outfit for a Christmas party without going too overboard. Black pants and black ankle boots gave the look a comfortable but still dressy look, and the silver and red Rolex complimented the outfit nicely and was an incredible turn on for me.

Which wasn’t made any better by him taking every opportunity to touch or tease or torture me in many devious ways that would go unnoticed by the other party goers. First it was a hand on my ass waiting for drinks at the open bar. Then a hand sliding dangerously close to the hem of my panties underneath the long and perfectly decorated dinner table. Then it started getting more daring with stolen kisses in closed off hallways as we excused ourselves to the bathroom.

Not that I minded much, but do you know how hard it is to talk with the wife of your boyfriend’s boss, chatting casually about romantic era classical music while his hand is halfway up your dress and act like nothing is going on?

As the night gradually drew to a close, most of the party attendees were either saying their goodbyes or relishing in the bar as they talked business. However, we decided to enjoy the incredible view of the night skyline from the penthouse’s beautiful wraparound terrace. The minimalistic metal melding with the thin frosted glass almost made you feel like you were walking on air, which made way for the most incredible adrenaline rush.

This coupled with the inconceivable amount of lust and need that was simmering throughout my body started to make me feel lightheaded and it took all the strength in the world for me not to faint when I felt his hand slide over the small of my back.

“Are you cold?” He said as his eyes scanned over the beautiful view. I could hear that damn grin in his voice indicating he knew just how much I was affected by him.

“Not in the slightest.”

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he nuzzled Escort bayan the spot right above where he “accidentally” bit me while kissing my neck this morning when we were cleaning up after breakfast. Makeup really is a beautiful thing. “What is going through that pretty little head of yours?”

“It’s breathtaking out here at night,” I murmured and lightly grabbed the glass railing.

I caught him looking down over my shoulder as he said, “I think my view is much better.”

“Making up for lost time?” I quipped and turned around to lean against the railing. I pulled him into me, craving both the warmth of his body and his delicious scent. “You know, since you behaved so well in there?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His hands slid up and down my sides as the wide grin said everything.

“Uh huh.”

We both laughed and stood there, staring at each other for what felt like forever and embracing this moment of solitude to enjoy each other. I started getting even hotter when he pulled back just a little and slowly looked me up and down. “What?”

“Hmm nothing. Just thinking how truly exquisite you look tonight.”

I could feel the burning in my cheeks at his comment. Yep, makeup is a beautiful thing.

Caressing my hand gently down his chest, I admired his outfit but also imagined the incredible body underneath. I remembered all the passion and ecstasy and love he’s brought me since our first encounter, inhaling deeply and then exhaling with a slight shudder as I tried to compose myself. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

“I try,” He chuckled low as his finger traced underneath my pearl necklace, my skin burning as his finger grazed over my neck.

“They’re a graduation gift from my grandparents. My grandmother especially wanted me to have a nice necklace instead of the costume jewelry she always saw me wearing, so she passed them down to me.”

“She has amazing taste,” He mumbled as his finger moved to trace over the pearl necklace and slowly down over my collarbone. He continued his slow descent down my chest, gliding dangerously close to the top of my dress where my cleavage was on full display. My breathing hitched and I bit my lip as he looked up at me, his finger slowly teasing over my skin.

The sound of heels clicking on the marble floor made us turn our heads to the double French doors, seeing a small group of women chatting happily as they obliviously walked back to the party. Suddenly I was turned around to face the railing, grabbing onto it mostly to steady myself from the arousal that pumped forcefully through my veins.

“Keep staring at this gorgeous skyline, sweetheart,” He whispered into my ear. His sigh against my ear had my eyes rolling back as his hand slid up to rest on my hip. “Don’t look anywhere else and trust me. Everyone else has either left or is on the other side of the penthouse enjoying the party. No one will see what we’re doing from any…”

“I’ve needed you since we started getting dressed for this, so I really could care less who watches us right now.”

He groaned and guided me over to the other side of the terrace away from the door, lightly pushing my back against the railing. His strong hand slid over the back of my neck and pulled me closer, kissing me hard as his hand caressed over the back of my neck. The stray hairs coming down from my updo tickled my neck as his lips pulled from mine, his tongue skimming over the pulse point where my jaw met my neck and causing a combination of a chuckle and a moan to escape from my lips.

“Do you think we can get away with fucking on your boss’ terrace while everyone is inside?”

“Only if you’re quiet.” There’s that damn grin again.

“Oh you’re one to talk. You were the one that almost got us caught when I was blowing you in the bathroom while we were in Fiji.”

His hands slid my dress up and turned me around to slightly bend over the railing, his hand dragging down to caress my ass. “Do you want me to bring up the theater?”

Damn. “Point taken,” I sighed. “Can we just agree we’re both loud.”

“Agreed,” He chuckled and leaned down to my ear, softly biting it. “So do you Bayan escort think you can keep quiet, sweetheart?”

I nodded, my heart racing with excitement both for him and also how at any moment we could get caught. His fingers slowly traced up the inside of my thigh and teased my swollen pussy through the cream lace panties, my hand covering my mouth to stop the escaping moan.

“It’s so cute that I’ve hardly done anything to you and you’re already this wet. I love it when you’re this turned on for me.”

“Couldn’t you have cooled it at dinner,” I whimpered as he pulled my panties to the side and slowly circled my clit with his finger.

“I didn’t see you complaining when you were slightly bucking your hips into my hand.”

I wanted to scream for so many reasons right now, but I needed to remember where we were or this could get ugly real fast. He made one final swipe across my clit then dragged the finger down to my dripping hole. A strong breeze blew across the immaculately kept shrubbery that lined parts of the terrace, creating this calming atmosphere as I bit my hand to keep from moaning when he slipped two fingers in and slowly fingerfucked me. My cheeks were on fire when the wind calmed down enough and I could already hear the wet noises of his fingers thrusting in and out of me.

“Does it feel good, sweetheart?” He chuckled, his other hand holding onto my hip and his thumb teasing back and forth over my tingling skin.

My hips bucked into his hand on a particularly hard thrust and I involuntarily moaned into the night sky, not being able to take his torture anymore. “Pl-please fuck me.”

“Well since we’re on a bit of a time crunch, I guess I’ll let you off this time.”

I let out a whimper when he pulled his fingers out of me, closing my eyes as I heard the familiar clanking sound of him undoing his belt and sighing as I reveled in the moment. Feeling the wind blowing gently over my sensitive pussy, remembering the taste of the delicious wine we had at dinner, smelling the faint woody scent of his cologne and hearing the soft noise of him sucking my juices off of his fingers.

Grabbing onto the railing, my body wracked with pleasure when I heard the rustling sounds of him pulling out his cock and almost lost it when I felt his hand pull my panties to the side. He slowly stroked the head of his hard cock over my pussy and I let out a small moan, laying my cheek against the cold glass of the railing. My lips turned into a grin when I heard his low groan and rolled my hips into him, causing him to bite back a growl. “Fuck I need to be inside you.”

“It’s where I’ve needed you the entire night,” I sighed and spread my legs apart more, pushing my ass up to accommodate him as my dress slipped upwards. “And no hair pulling, it took over an hour to get my hair done for tonight.”

The white hot pleasure that shot through my body when his cock pushed inside of me had my legs shaking and me almost dropping to my knees if his hands weren’t grabbing onto my hips. He leaned over me and softly kissed the back of my neck, throwing in a few small licks and nibbles just to hear more of the low whimpers that spilled from my mouth. “Can’t make any promises, sweetheart.”

His hips slowly thrusted into me, fingers digging into my sides when my hips thrusted back. Thankfully I wasn’t afraid of heights because I’d be scared out of my mind at seeing the view I had from the 35th floor penthouse. The vehicles on the road looked like toy cars and the people looked like ants as they all made their way to wherever they were headed, none of them realizing the debauchery that was happening right above their heads. I can’t lie and say the thought didn’t add to the pleasure and lust running through me.

One of his hands dragged up my side and slipped in the slit between my cleavage, massaging my breast as his thrusts quickened. “You know,” He murmured in my ear, his rough voice making me shiver. “I really considered ditching the party when you came downstairs in this dress. I wanted so badly to take you back upstairs, hike it up and slowly fuck your brains out as many times as it would take to render you speechless.”

Shit Escort that sounded so hot. “We can still do that, tomorrow is a Saturday.”

He moaned in my ear and leaned up, pulling me with him. His hand firmly covered my mouth when a particularly loud moan came out as he thrusted hard and deep into my soaking wet pussy. “What if I did fingerfuck you under the table during dinner? What would you have done?”


“Would you have grasped your chair and dug your nails into the cushion in an effort to try and keep quiet? Or would have it been too much for you and you’d just excuse yourself to the bathroom in the hopes that you could compose yourself.”

My mind shut down and mouth dropped open when wave after wave of intense pleasure surged through me as tears trailed down my face with the overwhelming feeling I felt.

“Or…would you have let me fingerfuck you as you spoke with my boss’ wife, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, not even needing to think about it. He just had that control over me that made me do things I normally wouldn’t do with any other person.

The groan he let out was single handedly the hottest sound he ever made. His hand covered my mouth again, knowing full well I couldn’t keep quiet any longer, as his tongue traced over the shell of my ear. “You’re such a naughty girl aren’t you?”

The muffled moans of acknowledgement spurred him on as his hips bucked even faster into me. His other hand caressed down my stomach to my pussy where he slowly rubbed my clit, groaning into my neck as he lavished it with bites and kisses to keep from getting too loud.

“I would have too,” He said, his nose skimming over my neck and then softly bit my ear. “I would have leaned my arm on the back of your chair, being the doting boyfriend as I listened in on your conversation, my hand slowly trailing up your soft thigh as I began tracing my finger over your wet panties.”

My hands painfully grasped onto the railing at his wicked narration of what he would do, surprised that it didn’t break my newly manicured nails with how hard I was grabbing onto it.

“When I felt you squirm enough, I would slide my hand underneath your panties and slowly push two fingers inside your wet cunt, teasing strokes in and out as you are chatting away with my boss’ wife. I would bring you right to the edge and then stop just as you were about to cum, adding to the conversation knowing just how much my voice turns you on.”

I gasped and moaned as my body violently shook with my orgasm, not being able to hold it any longer.

He chuckled in my ear. “Just like that.”

My hips bucked back into him, desperately wanting him to continue with what he would do to me. “More,” I moaned, my voice raspy from the noises escaping my lips.

“You’re so insatiable,” He groaned and his hips bucked faster. “Fuck I would’ve kept edging you the entire time you were talking. Slow teasing strokes with my thumb brushing your clit every so often until it was finally time for dinner to start. Only then would I let you cum, grinning as I watched you try and keep calm as your body wracked with pleasure just from my fingers. Then, while everyone was distracted with the staff, I would slip my fingers out of you and savor your juices on my fingers. More delicious than anything that would be served at this party.”

“Holy…fuck I’m going to cum again.”

“That’s it, sweetheart. Cum for me.”

I leaned my head back and kissed him hard as my second orgasm crashed over my body, causing him to groan against my mouth as he came deep inside of me. My hand moved to run through his hair when I felt him empty the last of his hot cum inside of me. We stayed like that for a few more minutes just savoring the moment, kissing slowly as our tongues danced together.

When we finally composed ourselves, he slowly pulled out of me and I dropped to my knees to run my tongue all along his cock, the mix of both of our cum staining his still slightly hard cock. My lips curled into a slight smile when I heard the muffled groan from behind his hand as my lips slowly sank down his cock to finish cleaning him off. I fixed my dress as I stood back up and was greeted with his hand wrapping around my throat, pulling me into a searing kiss.

He groaned when my hand went to put him back into his pants. “We need to leave. Now.”

I had no objections to that statement. Who needs presents when you have a hot guy that can read your mind.

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