Tag: annie brother

Sister Transforms Her Stepbrother Ch. 05

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Just before Yvonne reached her exit her phone rang it was Sally who was handling the selling of her grandmothers home.

“Hi Sally what’s up?” Yvonne asked.

“I have some great news for you. I have a few clients I have been searching for houses, I have two offers in my emails. One offered $310,000 and the other offered $325,000 but only if they could close before the new year.” Sally said.

“Wow you have to be kidding?” Yvonne said nervously.

“I’ll be honest with you if you could close before new years you may be able to counter and get a bit more.” Sally said.

“Really you think?” Yvonne said.

“I do, they seemed very anxious when they were looking around the house and this is the 1st house of the many I have showed them that I saw that in them,” Sally said.

“Let me call Steve & see if he can handle it by then, if he says yes do you think countering with $350,000 would be unreasonable?” Yvonne said.

“I don’t see why you can’t ask for that, the worst is they hold firm or offer a bit more since I don’t think they want to let this one go,” Sally said.

“Ok let me call Steve,” Yvonne said.

Pulling off the road Yvonne dialed Steve’s office, the phone rang twice then Steve’s assistant answered the phone. Yvonne asked to talk to Steve telling her she wanted him to handle a house closing.

A moment later Steve answered the phone, “hi Chuck so I hear the house might be sold!”

“Yes Steve, Sally called and I got a great offer if I can close before new years,” Yvonne told him.

“I usually try to keep the week between Christmas & New Years as open as possible, so yes I can make it happen just let me know when,” Steve said.

“I think if I can I will fly in & then drive the car home from there. Is there any way you can send the title and any other paperwork I need to register it here? Then I can insure it & bring the license plates with me.” Yvonne asked.

“I can send it next day to you, if I can get it out tonight you should have it tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest,” Steve said.

“That would be great, thanks,” Yvonne said.

“Ok Talk to you soon then, Steve said.

Dialing Sally back Yvonne told her Steve said it could be done and Sally said she would call the client with the counter offer.

Yvonne continued her drive home, as he turned down her road her stomach began to churn as she thought about telling her father that her boy was soon going to be a girl.

As she drove in the driveway she took a big breath, then taking her luggage she walked in the door.

“Chuck,” Beth squealed as she saw her sister walk in. “Oh my you look great I’m so glad you are here.”

Beth’s mom, Mary, said, “hello Chuck, my God Beth has been going nuts waiting for you to get here.”

“When’s my dad getting home?” Yvonne asked.

“Um I’m not sure, we’ll talk later,” Mary stammered.

“Come n let’s take your stuff up to your room,” Beth said grabbing her luggage and running upstairs.

Yvonne followed and the walked in her room. Beth threw his luggage in the corner then patting the bed said, “come on let’s talk we’ll catch each other up.”

Sitting with her Yvonne said, “well let’s see I got an offer on the house a lot more than I asked as long as I can get it all done before New Years. I also don’t need to shave my legs or anywhere anymore I got laser done with my last session 2 weeks ago.”

“That’s great about the house glad to hear it, but I’m more excited to see your hairless girly body.” Beth said.

Yvonne stood up and took off her boy shirt showing her hairless chest & back. Then taking her shoes & socks off she took off her boy jeans running her hands down her soft silky legs. Finally with a little shake of her ass she lowered her panties and taking Beth’s hand ran it across her hairless crotch, turning around she spread her legs so Beth could see she was smooth even back there.

“Oh my God your transformation is going so well, wow you look so hot. I’ll bet you’re fighting the boys off!” Beth said.

“No not really, I go to school as Chuck and not much time for sexy Yvonne to come out and play,” Yvonne said with a chuckle.

“Wait I have something for you a little early present,” Beth said as she ran out the door.

As she came back in Beth said, “here open it up I want to see you in it.”

Yvonne said with a squeal in her voice, “Oh my God it’s great,” as she held up a lacy black dress, then black nylons, black lace panties and a lacy bra.

“Glad you like it, now let’s see it on you.” Beth said.

Yvonne espiye escort took her fake breasts out and taped then on. Putting her arm through the straps she slid on the bra, then wiggling her butt she pulled up her panties. “Mmm they feel so good,” Yvonne said as she ran her hands across those panties.

“They look so hot on you,” Beth said.

Yvonne spun around as said, “I’m a girl.”

In the middle of her spin her door opened up as Mary’s eyes opened wide she stuttered and said, “uh I mean I wanted to know if Chuck wanted something to eat.”

Yvonne was in shock and held up a shirt trying to cover her body, but she knew the truth was out.

Beth stood and said, “mom he’s a girl, he’s always felt that way and his father tried forcing it out of him, but I know he is supposed to be a girl.”

“Ok let me see,” Mary said as she gulped, “Chuck is a girl trapped in a boys body is that what you mean?”

“Yes I’ve always felt that way since I was very young. I’m a girl I want boys but not in a gay way.” Yvonne answered hoping she would understand.

“I don’t care I want you to be happy. As I look at you now I must sat you are much more beautiful as a girl than you are handsome when you dress as a guy.” Mary said opening her arms to hug her new stepdaughter.

As they held their hug Beth walked to them then hugging them and said, “I’m sorry it happened like this but mom meet your new daughter Yvonne.”

“Yvonne you say it fits you well,” Mary said.

After that they sat on the bed and talked for a while when Yvonne saw the time and asked, “so when is dad coming home?”

Taking a deep breath Mary then said, “he hasn’t been staying here for a couple of weeks since I told him to leave. We are trying to work out some stuff, but I’m not sure if it will help.”

“Can I ask what happened or is it too much for you?” Yvonne asked.

“I’ll let Beth tell you, it still hurts to say,” Mary said as she walked out the room in tears.

“So tell me Beth what the hells going on,” Yvonne asked.

“Well they had been having issues for a while, about 3 months. Then a few weeks ago she got a call and he told her he was in jail needing her to bail him out.” Beth said.

“So what happened?” Yvonne said.

“It seems he was caught with a prostitute, a male prostitute, in a rather compromising way. She bailed him out but told him to go, they have been trying to work it out but I’m not sure how it is going to go.” Beth said.

“I can’t believe the way he treated me for how I am and here he goes having gay sex, what a hypocrite,” Yvonne said.

“Come on let’s talk about something else,” Beth said.

“I need to book a flight for next week, I’m going to drive the car back, do you want to go?” Yvonne said.

“I can’t I have work, maybe if you ask mom she would it might be good for her,” Beth said.

A moment later Yvonne’s phone rang, seeing it was Sally she answered. Sally told her she heard back from the client they countered her offer with $340,000.

As she thought for a moment Yvonne finally said, “tell them that’s good, but now what do we do?”

“1st I need to send you a the contract with their offer for you to sign, we can do that electronically. They are doing this all cash and we don’t have to wait for a mortgage to go through so we then schedule the closing after they have it inspected if they want to do that.” Sally said.

“Well Christmas is on Friday, let me se if I can get a flight on Saturday or Sunday, can we set up a closing for maybe Tuesday?” Yvonne asked.

“I’ll ask them if that’s good for them.” Sally said.

“Hold on let me call them and see,” Sally said.

Yvonne told Beth what they offered and they both let out a squeal then a moment later Sally spoke up, “Chuck they said yes and they have a friend who inspects homes they’ll have him look at it so they’ll be ready to go.”

“Great I’ll call Steve and make sure he’s free if you could just let him know when you find out what time it will be.” Yvonne said.

When they hung up Yvonne called Steve telling him the date and that Sally will call him with the time.

After they hung up Beth then asked, “ok we should go out and celebrate your good news.”

Yvonne put nylons & dress her sister gave her, then looking at her feet she said, “I have no shoes to wear.”

“Hmm have you been practicing with any heels since last we tried?” Beth asked.

“Yes I can walk very nicely in around 4″ heels.” Yvonne said.

Beth left and came etiler escort back with a pair of sexy open toed high heels which Yvonne slipped on and strutted around to show her sister how well she walked in them.

“Wow you look like you were born with them on,” Beth said.

Beth got dressed in a slutty yellow outfit with a skirt so short her bottom was almost showing, the top was a v that hung so low the top of her nipple was starting to show.

“Oh my you little slut,” Yvonne said laughing out loud.

“Ok let’s get going, do you mind if Greg came too?” Beth asked.

“Greg but he only knows me as Chuck,” Yvonne said.

“I hope you don’t mind, but before I could ask you to be my maid of honor, I needed to see how he was with it and had to tell him. He took it really well and was glad I told him, he said he would support both you and I with this decision.” Beth said.

Thinking a moment Yvonne then said, “I’m glad you told him, now I can be me around him. You didn’t tell anyone else did you?”

“No just him, but I guess mom now knows too. Maybe if you want you can tell your dad no, it’s not like Christmas could get ruined.” Beth said.

“I think maybe we should get it over with, do you think your mom would mind if I invited him over tomorrow?” Yvonne said.

“I don’t know we can ask,” Beth said.

When they got downstairs Mary saw Yvonne and said, “my God you’re so gorgeous Yvonne, you two have fun tonight.”

“Thank you Mary, I was wondering would it bother you if I invited my day here tomorrow so I can show him his new daughter?” Yvonne said.

“Yes that would be fine I’m glad you’re doing it, it needs to be done. I will make sure I am here with you too since I have no idea how he will take it,” Mary said.

“Thank you,” Yvonne said as she kissed Mary’s cheek.

The girls went to the bar a nice local club where they met Greg who was waiting for them. As they approached the table Beth saw that Duane, Greg’s best friend was also there.

Beth whispered in Greg’s ear, “why is he here, I thought you were here to meet Yvonne tonight?”

Greg whispered back, “Greg and Tina broke up last week he came to my apartment and what could I do?”

Duane then stood up and held out his hand then said to Yvonne, “hi I’m Duane I’m glad to meet you.”

Yvonne shook his hand and said, “my names Yvonne, pleased to meet you.”

The four sat down and talked the night away. Duane danced with Yvonne many times and Beth thought how nice it was to see her having such a great time, As she watched Duane & Greg dancing on the floor she leaned in to Greg and said, “I’m glad you brought him here, they look so good together.”

Duane as they danced told Yvonne about himself and then asked her about herself.

Yvonne didn’t know what to say but decided she liked him and then just said, “look I have to tell you something, it’s because I think I like you. I was born a boy but I have always known I’m a girl.”

Looking into his eye she noticed he wasn’t pulling away so continued to say, “I’m not into girls, it guys that I like but I don’t consider myself gay I am heterosexual.”

“So how does that work, do you still have, um you know a penis?” Duane asked.

“Yes I do but I am going to transition, when when the surgery is done I’ll be a real girl pussy and all,” Yvonne said.

“I’m a little bit shocked, but I think I like you too. Would you like to maybe go out on a date with me so we can talk more?” Duane said as he blushed a bit.

“I think I would like that,” Yvonne said.

As the night ended Duane leaned in giving Yvonne a quick kiss and then asked her if Thursday she’d like to have dinner and they decided he would pick her up at 7:00.

On the ride home Beth said, “you & Duane that would be great if it worked out, he is going to be Greg’s best man.”

“He is so nice and he doesn’t care that I’m not yet a girl down there,” Yvonne said.

The two got home and found Yvonne’s dad was there. Walking in they heard him & Mary arguing loudly. As they entered the kitchen they saw Mary crying as she told him they were done.

Yvonne’s dad turned around and looking at her then yelled, “what the fuck is going on with you?”

“Dad I wanted to talk to you,” Yvonne said.

“So you’re still a little girly queer, are you going to tell me again your really a girl?” He yelled seeming almost ready to strike her.

Mary stepped between them and angrily said, “get out you hypocrite, you’re calling her etimesgut escort gay, no she’s a girl just wanting a boy to love her. You were found sucking a guys cock and you’re calling her gay, please just get out.”

“I’m done with you all you keep that sissy boy don’t call me again fuck all of you,” he said as he slammed the front door.

Mary held Yvonne and stroked her hair saying, “it’ll be ok baby we’re always here for you.”

“Thank you so much, now I don’t have a dad but I guess I finally got the mom I should have always had,” Yvonne said.

“Mary I need to fly down to South Carolina to sell my grandmother’s house, then drive up her car, would you like to go?” Yvonne asked.

“I would since I have nothing here now, when do you want to leave?” Mary said.

“I hoping to find a flight either Saturday or Sunday,” Yvonne said.

“Ok just let me know,” Mary said as she walked to her room.

Beth and Yvonne went to upstairs and laid on Yvonne’s bed Beth holding her tight telling her it would all be ok.

They both drifted to sleep as Yvonne imagined just what is might be dating Duane and maybe a bit more.

Yvonne booked a flight the next day for Sunday and later that day she received the package Steve sent her. Filling out all the paperwork and calling an insurance agent she insured the car. Yvonne asked Mary if she wanted to go and they left to motor vehicle to register it.

“Since my dad isn’t coming over today, or any other day it seems, can I take you & Beth out to dinner?” Yvonne asked.

“That would be wonderful my dear, but I don’t want you to pay I will,” Mary said.

“No I want to,” Yvonne said. then telling her about the inheritance she agreed to let her pay.

All three of the girls dressed to the nine’s then went to the steak house. Ordering wine they finished two bottles, dinner was great and they left to go home.

“So Beth tells me you have a date with Duane, he’s a great guy. So did you tell him yet?” Mary said.

“Yes I did and he wanted to date me even after I told him,” Yvonne said.

“I think you two will make a great pair, maybe someday even a bit more,” Mary said.

“Mom leave her alone, let them get to know one another before you marry them off,” Beth said grinning.

Morning was finally here and Yvonne asked Beth, “what should I wear?”

“Mmm how about that blue dress from the 1st time we went out? You looked so hot in that Duane will never forget you.” Beth said.

Yvonne took her advice but unlike that 1st night she tried the 6″ heels before making sure she could walk in them. Feeling good how she felt in those, she took them off put on her breasts and put her clothes on. When she was done Beth did her makeup wanting her to look perfect for what she hoped was something special.

As Yvonne stepped into her shoes Beth looked and said, “You look so good sis, I hope you have fun tonight.”

Duane showed up at 6:55, then knocked on the door. Mary opened the door and invited him inside.

A moment later Yvonne started descending the stair a vision to see and Duane said softly, “You look beautiful, so very beautiful Yvonne.”

“Just have her home early and no hanky panky,” Mary said.

The two had a nice dinner and split a desert, when the bill came Duane paid it and left a good tip. “Where would you like to go now?” he asked.

“Where ever you want would be fine for me,” I said as we stood Duane taking my hand we walked out to his car.

Duane drove us to what the teens call the point where they all make out and sometimes did more.

“If you’re taking me here to try to take advantage of me, I’ll tell you you’ll get nothing until I get to know you more,” Yvonne said.

“No I was kind of hoping we could maybe make out but if you’re not ready we can go somewhere else. I want you to feel safe and comfortable I’m ok with slow.” Duane said.

“Well making out might be fine I think,” Yvonne said.

Duane leaned in a gave her a kiss, soon their tongues dance as the time passed so quick. Finally coming up for air Duane looked up and said, “it’s getting real late I should take you home.”

Yvonne fought off the feeling she started to have wanting to hold his cock in her little hands and finally said, “yes that might be best.”

Driving her home he walked with her to the door then leaning in kissed her once more. “Can I see you again,” he asked her hoping she’d answer yes.

“I just booked a flight to fly out Sunday, Saturday I’m free if you want to go out,” Yvonne said.

“Ok say around 6:00 we’ll go out to dinner and then maybe dancing or a movie whichever you want,” Duane said.

“Dancing would be nice, see you then,” Yvonne answered.

Yvonne went upstairs undressed and lay dreaming about what it would be like being with Duane long term falling asleep dreaming of him……..

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