Tag: angles

Private Performances

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This story is a continuation of my “The Performance” series featuring my characters Megan Ward and Paula Hartweg. Of course, the ubiquitous Harry Stone is the narrator. I think that this story stands on its own, but you are encouraged to read my “The Performance” series and my story “The Heartland” for background.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real person or entity is coincidental and unintended. Thank you very much for reading my stories. Please leave comments.


Paula and I drove back to D.C. from Ohio on Memorial Day. We picked Megan up at Dulles around noon on Tuesday. She was tired from her trans-Atlantic flight but amused by our account of our trip to Ohio. We told her the whole story, including my consensual deflowering of Paula’s niece April. The account of our trip to Ohio also included the emotions that Paula and I had felt for each other. That evolved into the larger topic of the relationship between the three of us. Paula set the tone for the discussion by saying that she loved both Megan and me and wanted to stay with us forever. That put something on the table that Megan and I had never discussed which was whether our relationship was meant to be permanent.

Megan and Paula were both very intelligent, easy to talk, enjoyable to be around, physically beautiful, sexy, and exhibitionists. The three of us shared basic values and we had a surprisingly wide range of common interests. This may sound selfish, but I couldn’t imagine anything better than a permanent relationship with both women. I said so.

Megan resolved the discussion in two short sentences. “Of course,” she said, “I want both of you in my life intellectually, emotionally, and physically. I expect the three of us to grow old disgracefully together.” From the outside, it may have already appeared that Megan, Paula, and I were a threesome. To us, that conversation marked the shift from Megan and Harry plus Paula to Megan, Paula, and Harry.

Paula moved out of her apartment into Megan’s townhouse. I still had the apartment I leased when I first moved to D.C., but we used that for storage. I had been living with Megan for months. Adding Paula meant that we were all a bit closer together, but none of us complained. Megan and I were routinely nude at home and Paula adopted that practice.

Paula had majored in theater technical production in college, meaning that she was trained to design, build, and light sets. After graduation, her then-boyfriend Michael, who had the same major, got a job with a national touring production of a Broadway show that put him on the road for nine months. That ended Paula’s relationship with Michael and persuaded Paula that she wanted something more “normal” than a theatrical life. Indirectly through friends of Megan’s, Paula had gotten a job with the D.C. office of a company that designed and built displays for things like trade shows and festivals. The hours were more regular, and Paula’s travel was infrequent and mainly limited to the East Coast.

Megan and I continued to model for Megan’s friend Angelique. Angelique wanted to do a painting of me fucking Megan doggy-style, but she wanted the perspective to be from below the two of us. She had a clear glass stand assembled. Megan would get on the stand on her hands and knees. I would enter her from behind, and we would hold that position while Angelique sat beneath us painting what she saw. It was rather fun.

Angelique sold the original painting. It was a pleasing thought to know that someone had a picture of Megan and me fucking on a wall in their house. Angelique gave us a print of the picture. Angelique had also taken photos of us posing from below us, behind us, and in front of us. She had the photos framed and gave them to us. When Paula saw the photos, she insisted that I pose with her for Angelique to take similar photos of Paula and me fucking doggy-style. Angelique was more than happy to do that and framed the pictures of Paula and me at her expense. All six pictures went up in the living room of Megan’s town house. They were great conversation pieces when guests came over.

Since I had my own course load to teach, I did not typically get involved at all with the classes Megan was teaching. I was aware, though, that she was teaching an upper level course that fall on erotic art. As she described in, the class was a seminar with about 25 upperclassmen. The semester ended in mid-December. Megan insisted that Paula and I come to the last session of her erotic art class.

Megan’s seminar met on Thursday afternoon. Fortunately, I did not have a class at that time and Paula left work early. She and I slipped as unobtrusively as possible into the back of Megan’s classroom. I was surprised that there were almost twice as many women as men in the class. I’m guessing that the ratio was about 16:9. That wasn’t the only surprise I got that afternoon.

Megan lectured for about 45 minutes, I guess summarizing what the course had covered. Then Megan said, “To end istanbul escort the course, I’d like to share with you some examples of very recent erotic art.” She handed out packets of 8½ x 11 copies of some paintings and photographs. An attractive, freckled redhead who was sitting in front of us passed copies back to Paula and me.

I recognized the pictures immediately. They were pictures that Megan, Paula, and I had posed for with Angelique and some of Evan Macomb’s bondage pictures which we had posed for. Each of our faces was clearly visible in one or another of the pictures.

The classroom was very quiet as the students studied the handout. After what seemed a long time, a young man in the center of the room raised his hand. Megan called on him.

“Uh,” the young man stammered, “Dr. Ward, isn’t that you in some of these pictures?”

Megan smiled. “Yes, Brandt, I’m in about two-thirds of those pictures. The other two models in those pictures are also here today. Paula and Harry, would you come up here?” Paula and I stood and tentatively walked to the front of the room. “Class,” Megan said, “these are my two very good friends Paula Hartweg and Harry Stone. The three of us are the models in all of the pictures in your handout.”

The students glanced between us and our nude images in the handout. After a few seconds of silence, the redhead said, “You guys really look great naked.” I felt irrationally proud to hear that from a very attractive young woman.

Megan said, “Do any of you have any questions for us? Now’s the time.”

The redhead raised her hand. Megan nodded towards her. “What is it like,” the redhead asked, “to be, well, fucking someone while someone else is taking your picture?”

Megan glanced at Paul and me. We looked back at her. After a moment, Megan realized that we expected her to answer the question. “Well,” Megan said, “there is initially some anxiety. After all, we’ve all been taught that you keep your clothes on in front of strangers and sex is something you do in the privacy of a bedroom, preferably with the lights out. Once you break through that taboo, you feel very liberated. I’d say that posing like that is an exhilarating and empowering experience. Paula, Harry, would either of you like to add anything?”

I deferred to Paula. After a second, she said, “I agree with Megan. I guess what I would add is that I love both Megan and Harry and I’m proud to give physical expression to that love in a way that others can see.”

A few of the students had looks of disbelief on their faces. However, I noticed that the redhead was smiling like she understood exactly what Megan and Paula were talking about.

Megan and Paula both looked at me and, after a second, I got the hint that they expected me to add something. “I echo what Megan and Paula said, “I said. “I’ll just add that it is a great privilege and tremendous pleasure to pose like that with these women.”

The clock hit the top of the hour. Megan said, “Ok, unless there are more questions, that’s it. It has been great to have all of you in this semester. Don’t forget that your papers are due next Thursday and that is your entire grade for the course.”

The class filed out of the room, except for the redhead. She came up to us. Megan asked, “Can I help you Sharon?”

“I just wanted to say how impressed I am by your pictures and how glad I am that you shared them with us,” Sharon said.

“Well,” Megan said, “there is no point in posing if you don’t want people to see the pictures.”

“I was a little surprised that Megan shared the pictures with the class,” I added.

“Why?” Sharon asked. “They’re great pictures.” Sharon was about Megan’s height with rich copper-colored hair and a lovely, slightly freckled face. Although it was hard to tell given the warm clothes she was wearing, I suspected that she had a great body.

“Would you pose nude?” Paula asked Sharon.

“Oh, I have,” Sharon said, “But nothing sexual like what you guys have done. I’d love to do that.”

“Where have you posed?” Paula asked.

“Just family and school pictures primarily,” Sharon replied. When she saw the curious looks on our faces, she elaborated. “Mom and Dad are, well, pretty liberated. From as far back as I can remember, we usually went naked at home if no one else was around.” Sharon chuckled and added, “We’d also go naked if some of Mom and Dad’s friends or certain of my friends were visiting. So, anyway, I’ve been naked in a lot of our holiday pictures and vacation pictures. Mom and Dad sent me to a private school near where they live that was also, well, progressive. So, for example, I was a diver on the swim team. Our team pictures were always taken in the nude.”

Megan and Paula were both smiling. “That’s wonderful Sharon,” Megan said.

Sharon was smiling too. “Yeah,” she said, “I’m something of an exhibitionist. I really enjoy it when people see me with no clothes on.”

“We understand that,” Megan replied. “Maybe you could pose istanbul escort bayan for one of the artists whom we pose for.”

“I’d love that,” Sharon said, “but I’m not sure what my boyfriend would think about it. He’s pretty laid back about things, and its not like we’re the loves of each other’s lives but I try not to piss him off.” Sharon glanced at her smart phone. “Sorry, I’ve got to be somewhere. I really love your pictures.” Sharon turned and walked quickly out of the classroom.

“That’s Sharon MacDonald,” Megan explained. “I’d say she is probably the brightest student who was in that class.”

“She was certainly impressed with Harry,” Paula said with a laugh.

“What?” I replied.

“She was looking you up and down the whole time we were talking with her,” Paula said. “And, she had that packet of pictures opened to that full frontal of you.”

“Maybe she’s just heterosexual,” I said.

Paula went back to Pittsburgh to see her parents over the holidays. Neither Megan nor I had any close family living, so we spent the holidays together in D.C. This provided the opportunity for one serious conversation. “Harry,” Megan said, “I’ve been thinking for months about you having sex with Paula’s niece.”

That didn’t sound good. “Oh?” I replied. “That wasn’t one of my finer moments,” I went on. “I owe you an apology.”

“No, that wasn’t where I was going,” Megan responded. “But I do think that we should have an explicit understanding about sex with other partners. We’ve both done it to an extent. Why not? Sex is fun. Variety ads to the fun.”

“Don’t you think that there is an issue about fidelity?” I asked.

Megan smiled. “Harry, what we have is about much more than just sex. I love you and have no doubt that you love me. I don’t think that getting physical pleasure with someone else in any way diminishes the love we have for each other. The only thing I ask, and will promise to you, is that we are completely open between ourselves about what we do with other people.”

Shortly after second semester started, Sharon MacDonald asked Megan if she could get together with the three of us. Paula, Megan, and I met Sharon in a bar just off campus on a Friday afternoon. With Sharon was a slender, dark-haired woman. Sharon introduced the woman as Inga Walter.

“Inga and I have been close friends since freshman year,” Sharon explained. Any way, we wanted to discuss something with you.”

Inga, who spoke with a slight Central European accent, said, “Sharon, me, and a few other girls have been very close for two or three years now and, well, we al like to show off.”

“Remember those girls who streaked the campus in Halloween masks last October?” Sharon asked. “That was us.”

“My parents own an inn about 60 miles southwest of here,” Inga said. “February is a very slow month so my parents make the inn available to us for a weekend for our dinner dance. It’s usually on a Friday night. There are eight of us and most of us bring dates. Some of us stay over until Sunday. The inn has an indoor pool, sauna, steam room, and hot tub. It’s a pretty relaxing weekend.”

“The only thing is,” Sharon interrupted herself with a giggle, “we do the whole thing nude. Everyone strips off when they arrive on Friday and no one can get dressed until they leave.”

“Your parents are ok with that?” Megan asked Inga.

“Oh yes,” Inga replied. “Mom and Dad are very progressive sexually. They rent the inn out to nudist groups a few times a year, so the staff is used to it.”

“Any way,” Sharon said, “and I know that we need to be careful since we’re students and two of you are faculty, but our weekend is coming up in a month and we’d like the three of you to come. I can promise you absolutely that no one there will tell anyone else that you were there.”

“Thank you,” Megan said. “Can you give us a day or two to think about it?”

“Sure,” Sharon said, “can you get back to me by Monday?”

“Yes,” Megan replied.

That was how Paula, Megan, and I ended up at a lovely inn in rural Virginia on a snowy Friday afternoon in February. Sharon had given us very explicit instructions for the dinner. “We will start with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. in the lounge. Leave all your clothes in your room. You can wear jewelry or a necklace, and make-up is fine. Women must also wear high heels.”

We left our room at 6:25. Paula and Megan both looked stunning. Paula was nude except for her heels and a gold necklace that hung down between her bare breasts. Megan wore her heels and a strand of pearls tied around her waist. One end on the strand hung down her abdomen, stopping just above her neatly trimmed pubic hair. I was completely nude except for a black bow which Paula had tied just below the head of my dick. “It’s black tie” she had giggled.

We walked downstairs and through the lobby of the inn. At the far end was the open door to the lounge. I could see a few naked people in the lounge. As we approached the door, Inga walked out escort istanbul with a couple who were, I guessed, a few years older than me. Inga was nude but the couple was fully dressed.

“Paula, Megan, Harry,” Inga said, “I’d like you to meet my parents Ute and Iens.”

The man bowed slightly. The woman, Ute, said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you and have you as our guests. I see that you are familiar with the dress code for the weekend.”

“Yes, thank you for letting us go nude,” Megan replied.

“It is much nicer when you have nothing on, for both you and those around you,” Ute replied.

“We will be as naked as you once the staff leave for the evening,” Iens added. “We’re giving them the weekend off. It means that we all have to serve ourselves tomorrow and Sunday, but it allows Ute and me to go naked also. Enjoy yourselves.” Iens punctuated his last statement with a slap on Inga’s bare ass.

“Thank you, Poppa,” Inga said. To us, Inga said, “Please come in and meet everyone.”

There were fourteen nude people in the lounge: eight women and six men, all younger than Megan and me. Two clothed young women were serving drinks. A thin but very fit young man walked up. “This is my boyfriend Conrad,” Inga said by introduction. Conrad and I shook hands I noticed a shorter girl with shoulder-length dark hair striding towards us. My first thought was that she had a fantastic body. My second, horrified thought was that I recognized the girl.

As the girl approached, she said loudly, “Professor Stone! I never imagined I’d see you here.”

Inga asked said to me, “You know Anna?”

“Yes,” I replied, “she’s taking one of my classes.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Inga said with more confidence than I felt.

Anna Marx was a junior. She was one of the brightest and most involved students in my Modern History of Central Europe course. She was also a history major, so she was a student in my department. Anna had a gorgeous face with piercing eyes and a sensuous mouth that more than compensated for a large nose. As I’d suspected from seeing her clothed in class, Anna had a very tight, sexy body despite her height. I introduced her to Megan and Paula.

We were joined by a very fit young man. Anna and the young man put their arms around each other’s backs. Anna introduced the young man, saying. “This is my boyfriend Simon Wykoff.” In a teasing voice, Anna added, “Simon’s not one of us wimpy social scientists. Simon’s a physics major.” I had the sense that Anna was needling Simon for being superior about studying physics, but I was impressed.

After we’d said hello, Anna removed her arm from Simon’s back and grabbed my hand. “Come on Professor Stone,” she said, “I need a drink.” I glanced at Megan, who nodded, so I let Anna lead me towards the bar. “Your friends are very beautiful,” Anna said. “Simon will be happy that I’ve left him alone with them.”

Anna and I got drinks and she led me to a corner of the room. Paula and Megan were deep in conversation with Simon. Seeing Paula standing next to Simon, I was struck by how natural it looked. They were about the same age.

“So, Professor Stone,” Anna said, “how did you get into nudism?”

“Anna,” I replied, “since we’re both stark naked, I think that you can call me Harry. I went to undergrad in the Great Lakes region. Maybe 90 miles from campus was a national park that had a beach on the lake. Some friends heard that it was ok to use a part of that beach nude. They wanted to try it and invited me along. We all loved the experience, and, for the rest of undergrad, we tried to go nude as much as we could. What about you?”

Anna thought for a moment. “From about 5th grade on, I did gymnastics. The leotard is fairly revealing. When I got into high school, I was also a cheerleader and the cheer uniforms were somewhat revealing and designed to accentuate our figures. I learned that I enjoyed having people look at my body and started wondering why I couldn’t let people see me without the covering.”

Anna took a sip of her drink. “What I didn’t know until my senior year was that the woman who was our gymnastics coach was a nudist. One day in practice, I had finished my floor exercise routine, and, if you don’t know gymnastics, floor exercise is very sexy. Anyway, I had done the routine four straight times. I was sweaty, the leotard was sticking to me, and I was a little excited. Coach walked up and I said, just a quip really, that I thought it would be better if we could do our gymnastics nude. Coach didn’t say anything, and I quickly forgot that I’d said that.”

Anna took another sip. “The season was winding up, I’d won sectionals but bombed at the regionals, Coach came to me in the locker room and asked if I’d like to do one more competition. I said sure. Coach asked me if I’d meant what I had said about doing my routines naked. I thought about that for a second. It sounded like fun, so I told Coach that I’d like to try it sometime. She said that there was a competition in another city. It wasn’t publicized but everyone in the gymnastics community knew about it. Men and women gymnasts from colleges around the region and a few high school seniors competed and everyone competed in the nude. Coach asked me if I’d like her to enter me in that competition.”

My Mom’s Secret, Part 4: The Confrontation

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One piece of information I didn’t expect to get in Dylan’s email collection was the user name my Mom used on Chat Avenue, the adult chat room where they apparently met. After I knew Dylan broke it off with my Mom, I frequently logged in as “Young Florida Stud” in hopes that I would find “Naughty FL MILF.” I figured if she was losing the guy she was fucking behind my Dad’s back, she may go back to the chat room to look for a replacement. This was a more fun alternative than simply presenting every bit of evidence I had against her to her face. If I could have a firsthand effect on her possibly cheating on my father, she would have no way out.

On a Wednesday afternoon, two days before my Dad was going to be leaving for Jacksonville for four nights, Naughty FL MILF finally arrived in the chat room while I was in there too. I had the day off from work, and if you had asked my Mom, she would have thought it was the last day off I had for the next six days. I told her I was working all weekend so that way if she did make plans with Young Florida Stud (me), she would think she had the entire weekend open. Little to her knowledge, she did not have the entire weekend open. I had Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, but she thought I was working 12-8, 3-11 and 12-8 those three days. And now that she was logged into the chat, all I had to do was secure a date with her and this fantasy would become a reality very quickly.

Once I saw she was in the room, I typed a message into the group chat to see if she would initiate a conversation:

“Looking for a horny mature woman to have a dirty chat with!”

I got a few replies right away, but none from my Mom so it didn’t really matter. I debated messaging her directly, but I thought that could come off as desperate. I figured I would at least give her a little bit of time in the chat room before I did.

Five minutes went by, then ten, and I was getting impatient. As I started crafting the message I would send to her, a message from Naughty FL MILF arrived. It was her.

Naughty FL MILF: Hey there, how are you today?

I momentarily froze. I knew I had one chance to make a good impression, otherwise I’d either need to register a new user name — along with a new made up email — or go back to my original plan, which was to just overwhelm her with all of the evidence I had piled against her.

Young Florida Stud: I’m not doing too bad, how about you?

Naughty FL MILF: Oh I’m doing fine. I’ve never seen your name in here before, are you new?

Young Florida Stud: Yeah this is my first time in actually. I had a friend tell me he actually met a girl in this chat and they started hooking up, so I figured it might be worth a try.

Naughty FL MILF: Sure why not? At the very least you could have some fun chats in here!

Young Florida Stud: Is that what brings you here? Are you a usual here?

Naughty FL MILF: Yeah I come in here every so often. Couple times a week. I’m generally just in it for the chat.

Young Florida Stud: That’s cool. So what’s your name? Where are ya in Florida?

Naughty FL MILF: Well since I’m married I shouldn’t give out my name right away 😉 but I’m in Fort Myers. How about you?

Young Florida Stud: My name is Derrick and it turns out I’m your neighbor! I just moved to Cape Coral gümüşhane escort two months ago. Small world, huh? Lol

Naughty FL MILF: No kidding! Where did you move here from?

Young Florida Stud: Just Orlando. My Uncle owns an autobody shop in Cape Coral, but he’s getting older so I’m gonna take over some of the day to day stuff and eventually run it myself.

Naughty FL MILF: Good for you! Is that what you did in Orlando?

Young Florida Stud: Yeah, after college I didn’t get a job right away so I decided to start working there, and I actually really liked it.

Naughty FL MILF: What was your major in college?

Young Florida Stud: I was a business major. So if I end up taking over my Uncle’s company it will come in handy.

Naughty FL MILF: For sure! How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?

Young Florida Stud: I’m 27 years old. Is it rude to ask how old you are?

Naughty FL MILF: Haha no I don’t take offense. I’m 56, I hope that doesn’t make you run away.

Young Florida Stud: No way. If we’re being honest, I love women who are your age.

Naughty FL MILF: Oh yeah? Why’s that?

Young Florida Stud: There is just something I find really sexy about an older woman who has enough confidence in herself to still go after younger guys and know what they want sexually. It’s just a huge turn on.

Naughty FL MILF: I can see that.

Young Florida Stud: But the question is, are you that kind of mature woman?

Naughty FL MILF: What kind of mature woman do you mean?

Young Florida Stud: The kind who knows what she wants sexually and isn’t shy about going after a younger guy?

Naughty FL MILF: Perhaps 😉

Young Florida Stud: Well now I’m very intrigued 🙂

Naughty FL MILF: Haha you should be!

Young Florida Stud: I’m gonna guess that that would be a very good description of who you are, but you are obviously being cautious because you don’t know me yet.

Naughty FL MILF: You’re a smart kid 😉

Young Florida Stud: Well thanks, but I’d like to get to know you if that’s a possibility.

Naughty FL MILF: I think I would like that too Derrick 🙂 My name is Anna

And from there my Mom and I continued to chat for the next two hours. About 45 minutes in I got her to admit that she had been cheating on her husband (my dad) recently. Fifteen minutes later we exchanged dirty pictures. The one she sent me was one of the same faceless ones she had emailed Dylan. The one I sent her was a picture of a random guys cock and abs that I found on a porn site. She was impressed. Minutes after that we exchanged face pictures. Her’s was her Facebook profile picture, and mine was the Facebook profile of a Friends Friends Friend who lived in Dallas. Again, she was impressed. A half an hour after that we were role playing a hook up. Ten minutes later we were making detailed plans to hook up, and as I expected, she was angling for it to happen this upcoming weekend because her husband would be out of town and her son would be working.

Saturday at 1 pm we would be meeting at the Publix supermarket that was ten minutes down the street from our place. Once we verified that it was each other from the chat room, I would follow her to the community she lived in, park in the clubhouse parking lot gümüşhane escort bayan and drive with her in her car back to the house. From there we’d have multiple hours to have sex with each other before her son (me) got home.

She gave me her email in case I had to change plans. I emailed her Friday night with the same picture I had sent to her in the chat with a message that said, “Really looking forward to tomorrow. Here’s my picture again in case you forgot what I looked like. Send me yours too if you don’t mind!”

When I woke up Saturday at 10 am I had a message back from her with her picture attached … “See you in the bakery at 1! Can’t wait!” So when I left the house at 11:30 to go to work I could barely contain my excitement. I knew that in just a few short hours my Mother would be completely under my control.

I grabbed some lunch and then sat in my car in the back of the parking lot until 1 pm. At 12:50 I saw my Mom pulling in. She was wearing a white tank top that showed a fair amount of cleavage and tight jeans; it was certainly a more revealing outfit than she would wear out if she were going to the store with my Dad or myself.

I didn’t plan to go into the store and confront her there. There was too much that was out of my control in the store. I would let her walk around Publix for a while until she realized she was stood up, then I’d be waiting at home to confront her when she got back. As soon as she walked into the store I sped home so I could get everything set up. All of the emails she had sent Dylan were printed out. All of the emails she sent me, plus screenshots of our chat in Chat Avenue were printed as well. And of course, the video that Dylan recorded of him fucking my Mom in my bedroom would be ready to go on my bedroom television.

She must not have waited too long at Publix before deciding she was being stood up. By the time I parked the car down the street, ran back to the house and got everything set up, she was walking in the door, and she had no idea I was home.

“Sean, what are you doing home? Your car wasn’t in the driveway,” she said as she walked into the kitchen and saw me sitting at the dinner table. In front of me I had my laptop and a stack papers.

“Sit down with me Mom.” A look of concern came over her face, almost as if she were connecting all of the dots.

“Is everything OK Sean? Did something happen at work?”

“Everything is fine with work. I didn’t even go in to work today. I need you to come sit down though, alright?” She reluctantly approached the table and sat down across from me.

“What are all of those papers for?”

“On these papers are the emails you sent Dylan Burr. They include pictures you sent him, both non nude and nude, plans for when you two would hook up, and details about fucking in Miami.”

“Sean please –”

“Shut up Mom. You are going to sit there and hear what I have to say or all of this information is going to Dad and every other person you know. Understood?” She shook her head yes. “Every email you and Dylan sent to each other is included here. I watched you fuck him multiple times. There’s a crack in the blinds in the window in your bedroom. I stood outside the house and watched you two. One day I confronted him about it and he gave up this information escort gümüşhane very easily. He said he was just using you, and that he could find another middle aged woman to use in no time. But before he broke it off with you, he fucked you one last time … in my bedroom. I have it recorded. I have video of Dylan fucking you on my bed like a cheap whore. I can show ya the video if you want. It’s hooked up to my TV. Want to go watch?”

Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head no. I loved it, and continued:

“Also included are the emails and pictures you sent to Young Florida Stud, also known as Derrick, also known as me. You were talking to me, Mom. You sent naked pictures of yourself to me. And today you went to Publix to meet me. Of course, you didn’t know this. You wouldn’t want me at all involved in your sex life. But now I am involved.”

Until I mentioned that I would be involved with her sex life, my Mom wasn’t making eye contact with me as I spoke. Now she stared right at me.

“See at first, I was going to use this information to get as much money as I possibly could. I know you control just about all the money that Dad makes, and I was going to make sure all of what you take went to me. But then I watched you get fucked a couple of times, and as sick as it may seem, I enjoyed watching that. I’m not going to ask you to fuck me. However, I am going to now have total control of your sex life and anything I consider to be remotely related to it.”

She tried interrupting but I continued talking.

“Now if you decide you don’t want to do something that I tell you to do, all of these papers and the video of you fucking Dylan will be given to Dad and everybody else in our family. Both Grandmas, your brothers, your sisters, your godchildren, your cousins, your friends. I’ve made enough copies to send it to everybody you know and love. And same goes for if you, for whatever reason, decide to divorce Dad. All of this information will get to him, and he will use it against you to ensure that you will get absolutely nothing in the divorce.”

I was finally finished, but she remained silent.

“Anna, do you understand everything I said?”

She shook her head yes, but that wasn’t good enough.

“Use your words Mom.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Are there any questions you have for me?”

She shook her head no, but that wasn’t good enough.

“Words Mom.”

“No. Will you just leave me alone now?”

“I have one question, then I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day. Why did you do it?”

“I don’t know Sean,” she quickly replied. That wasn’t going to cut it.

“Bullshit. That’s bullshit. This is all out in the open now, so just start being honest. Why did you do it?”

She took a minute to think about what she should say. She was obviously overwhelmed by everything that had happened.

“Well?” I asked.

“I just needed better sex, more sex. I have needs … I wasn’t trying to hurt your father, he just couldn’t satisfy me the way I need to be satisfied. I needed more sex.”

We sat there for a moment staring at each other. Her answer was honest, and basically what I expected to hear from her. I stood up and started walking toward my bedroom. Before I was out of the kitchen, I turned back toward her …

“Don’t worry Mom. Now that I’m in control of your sex life, you’re going to be having all of the sex you could handle. I’ll make sure you are being used like the cum-guzzling slut you truly are.”

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