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Flight to Submission Ch. 15

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As she came down from the intense high, David took away the wand, switching it off as he did so. Stephanie continued to experience aftershocks for a while and David just watched, sitting comfortably in his armchair until it was clear that she was recovering. He knew that in her over-sensitised state, the slightest touch would send her spiralling upwards again. Whilst he wanted her completely responsive to his commands and the demands of her own body, he also knew it was imperative not to over-expose and over-stimulate her.

When he was sure she was once again quiescent, he rose from his chair and moved to the head of the bed. Reaching down, he gently stroked Stephanie’s face.

“You have done very well my sub,” he told her, the warmth of approval suffusing his voice. “I am very pleased with you!”

Stephanie leaned her face into her Master’s hand. She was exhausted but buoyed by the approval she heard in her Master’s voice. Deep down a small voice was trying to berate her for having masturbated in front of someone but it was quickly drowned out as her Master continued to soothe her and lave approval upon her. The voice finally fell silent as a wave of contentment washed through her, rinsing away all negative thoughts, leaving only a sense of wonderment and a burning desire to obey her Master and experience the heights of pleasure to which she knew only he could guide her.

“Can you stand?” David asked.

In response, Stephanie sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She wobbled a little as she stood and David swiftly steadied her, placing his arm under hers until she regained her stability. When he was sure she was ready, he lead her back to the bathroom. A hot bath had already been run and he removed Stephanie’s cuffs and collar before helping her step into the steaming water.

She sighed as her body slipped into the hot water and allowed the heat to further relax her. Steam rose around her, wreathing her face and bringing a pink flush to her cheeks.

“Take your time,” David told her, smiling at the look of pure content on Stephanie’s face. “I will send Kristy along later to help you dress for your dinner duties.”

With that, he strode out of the room, leaving Stephanie to luxuriate in the neck high water, her eyes closed as her body relaxed.

She was not sure how long she drifted on the edge of consciousness but eventually she was roused from her semi-somnolent state by the touch of Kristy’s hand on her shoulder.

“Come on sleepy head,” Kristy said laughing. “We have to get you out of here and ready for dinner.”

She helped Stephanie out of the bath then held out a soft, fluffy towel ready. Stephanie wrapped it around herself and checked her hair in the bathroom mirror. It was damp but nothing that a good, hard towelling couldn’t sort out. Her face was still pink from the heat of the bath so she moved over to the washbasin, splashing her face with cold water. The result was that she felt relaxed but refreshed and when she looked in the mirror, the pink was fading from her cheeks and her eyes looked bright and clear. All traces of tension had disappeared and there was now a surety in her eyes that had been absent before. She was surprised at the confident woman looking back at her from the mirror but the image made her smile, the action lighting her face. Kristy drew in her breath as the woman in front of her transformed into a dark haired beauty. She had been pretty before but now, with the added confidence that she had found, that prettiness had turned into something infinitely more stunning.

After drying and styling her hair, Kristy accompanied her back into the bedroom where her outfit for the evening was laid out. There was a different corset lying on the bed. This one was a vibrant scarlet satin with black ribbon trim. A pair of black sheer stockings lay beside it and there was a pair of red, high heeled pumps placed at the foot of the bed. Stephanie decided she would apply her make-up before getting dressed.

She applied moisturiser, over which she smoothed the lightest application of foundation, taking care to blend for a natural look. Next was the mascara which she used to lengthen and thicken her lashes. As she allowed that to dry, she selected the shades she would use for her eyes. A silver green shading to a dark forest green at the outer edges. She finished the look with black eyeliner that she used on both the upper and lower lids. She used a subtle shade of blusher on her cheekbones then set it all with a light dusting of powder. Finally she selected a dark red lip liner and applied it to outline her lips then filled with an equally dark red lip stick. The effect was dramatic but classy and Kristy nodded in approval.

Steeling herself for what was coming next, Stephanie walked to the foot of the bed and placed her hands on the post. Kristy slipped the loose corset over Stephanie’s head, sliding it down until it settled in place.

“Hold on,” she cautioned Stephanie as she started to tighten the laces.

Stephanie endured ankarakazan.com as Kristy laced the corset tighter and tighter, finally resorting to the special tool for the final time. When she was finished, Stephanie felt as if she were encased in steel but the corset ensured she had a very defined hour-glass shape. She turned around and with gentle hands, Kristy lifted her breasts and ensured they were displayed to perfection with the support of the corset’s shelf. The day’s sunbathing session had given Stephanie’s skin a light golden sheen that contrasted beautifully with the make-up and corset.

Stephanie sat gingerly on the bed, trying to adjust her breathing to accommodate the restriction of the corset. When she felt ready, she picked up the stockings and slowly eased the delicate material up her legs before fastening the lace tops to the corset. She placed her feet into the shoes and Kristy knelt to lock the straps around her ankles.

At that moment, David strode into the room, a new set of cuffs and collar in his hands. He told Kristy to leave them, an order that Kristy swiftly obeyed, then wrapped the scarlet collar around Stephanie’s throat, securing it before commanding her to lie on the bed. Stephanie immediately did as she was told and in short order David had not only wrapped the new cuffs around her wrists and ankles but had also secured them so she was held tightly in place. She was not, however, secured in the usual, spread-eagled position. David had secured her wrists as usual to the head posts but then had used lengths of chain to secure her ankles to her wrists. The result was that Stephanie was left with her pussy and ass completely exposed.

David moved to the set of locked drawers and after unlocking them with a small key, he withdrew several items that Stephanie could not see. He moved back to the bed and Stephanie felt it give as he sat beside her.

Without a word he moved his hand down and let his fingers explore her pussy, sliding them between her folds, finding and rubbing her clit until she moaned in desire and juices started to drip from her pussy. He spread the juices liberally up and down her slit, paying specific attention to the puckered ring of her ass hole. Stephanie moaned again as she felt first one then another of his fingers penetrate her back passage, slowly moving in and out, increasing her desire. When he felt her relax, completely surrendering to his actions, he withdrew his fingers and swiftly replaced them with a butt plug, easing it firmly into her until her sphincter closed around the narrow section.

Stephanie moaned again as the plug filled her back passage but had barely registered the fact when she felt her pussy invaded by another solid object. David lifted her slightly by the hips and fastened a thick leather strap to an attachment at the back of the corset. He drew the strap down over her ass and between her legs. There was a small bulge on the inside of it that when the strap was drawn tight settled hard against Stephanie’s clit. When he was satisfied, David fastened the top of the strap to a second attachment on the front of the new corset. The strap was now held tightly and securely in place, keeping in place the items filling Stephanie’s ass and pussy. She had never felt so full. The dildo was thick and long, stretching her pussy and she could feel it rub the butt plug through the thin partition.

David released her from her restraints and allowed her to rise from the bed. He was not finished, however. Taking Stephanie’s right nipple, he pinched and teased it until it stood proud and erect. Swiftly he attached a slightly bulbous clamp and tightened it until the nipple was held in a vice-like grip. Stephanie moaned, partly in pain but partly in desire as her pussy responded to the stimulus. He repeated his actions with her left nipple and again Stephanie moaned as she felt her pussy getting wet in reaction.

David stepped back and looked at her sternly.

“You will serve dinner tonight in complete silence,” he told her. “I intend to further your training tonight and part of this will be to teach you complete control of your body. I do not expect to see or hear anything other than complete calm and silence for the duration of the meal, no matter the provocation. Any slip will result in punishment tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?”

Stephanie quailed at his words. She had a dreadful feeling that this serving session was going to be far harder than on previous occasions! Nevertheless, she knew what was expected of her and nodded to show she understood.

David noticed her trepidation and his manner softened slightly. He took her chin and tilted it so that she was looking into his eyes.

“Stephanie,” he said gently, “when and only when you have complete control over your body will you be able to experience the greatest heights of pleasure. In addition, as I have said before, I fully expect you to become one of the best submissives I have ever trained and the best submissives get the best Masters, the ones who are deeply invested in the well-being of their submissives. What I do with you now is all aimed at this purpose and if I am pushing you hard, it is because I believe you can take it and will become everything you are destined to be!”

His silver grey eyes held hers captive, the sincerity of his words sinking deeply into her psyche, settling her fears. David watched carefully, his gaze intense as he saw the resolution creep into her eyes and indeed her whole being. When he was sure his words had taken effect, he released her chin and attached a leash to her collar. Giving it a gentle tug, he led her back to the dining room.

When they arrived, Sue and Kristy were already present, Sue sitting at the table with Kristy kneeling deferentially by her side. David took a seat opposite his fiancée and indicated that Stephanie should kneel by his side. Obedient to his wishes, she sank quietly to her knees, automatically placing her hands behind her back and ensuring her legs were as widely spread as possible, her breasts thrust up and out, ready for her Master’s use, should he desire it. Her nipples were already throbbing from the bite of the clamps but she was determined to show no sign of her discomfort.

David and Sue exchanged quiet conversation for several minutes, catching each other up on their days whilst their subs knelt quietly in place. When David was sure Stephanie had relaxed, he slipped his hand into his pocket and pressed a button on the console concealed there. Stephanie went rigid as she was suddenly assaulted by powerful vibrations in her ass and pussy and against her clit and nipples as the vibrators were activated. Within a very short space of time she could feel her pussy get hot and wet and had to resist the impulse to squirm as she felt juices start to leak out around the leather strap and run down the inside of her thighs.

Imposing strong mental restraints she tried to resist the increasing demands of her body, concentrating instead on keeping her breathing regular and even, no easy task as the vibrators continued to stoke the heat building in her! She compressed her lips to prevent a moan from escaping them then almost spoilt everything by sighing in relief as the vibrators were switched off. Just in time she caught herself but her body was crying out in frustration.

“You may serve the appetizer,” David instructed both subs.

How she did it, she did not know but somehow Stephanie managed to rise gracefully to her feet and follow Kristy into the kitchen area. The blonde woman looked over at her understandingly as her eyes picked up the sheen of moisture on the insides of Stephanie’s thighs.

“Your Master obviously thinks very highly of you if you’re already at this stage,” she whispered as they collected the plates containing a terrine of smoked chicken and confit duck with celeriac remoulade.

Kristy took the plates whilst Stephanie took charge of the wine that would be served to accompany the first course, a Leitz Rudesheimer Magdalenenkreuz Riesling Spätlese 2010. Stephanie was surprised to see a white wine accompanying the confit duck but assumed there was a good reason for this.

The first course was served by Kristy but as Stephanie moved to fill the glasses, the vibrators started up once more. She flinched slightly but with a supreme effort of concentration, she managed to pour the wine into the glasses of both Sue and David without mishap. Sue was impressed by her control. She knew how difficult it was to endure this training, having undergone it herself, but the new girl was coping extremely well. It appeared that hidden deep beneath the layer of insecurity, a steel core of determination had lain dormant.

As Stephanie placed the bottle back on the table, David relented as switched off the vibrators, then indicated that Stephanie should take her place by his side once again. As she did so, he ran a nail over her right nipple. She almost gasped as the action sent tremors shooting through her pussy from the over-sensitised nipple and could not prevent her body stiffening slightly. David noticed her reaction and filed it away for discussion later. It was not overt enough to merit punishment but would need to be pointed out to her as an area for improvement.

The couple paid attention to their food, savouring the rich, dense flavours, the acidity of the wine cutting beautifully through to balance and cleanse the palette. Once again David silently blessed his luck in obtaining the services of his chef Christian. The man had such an innate understanding of the balance of flavours and every meal served was a gastronomic masterpiece, leaving the diner pleasantly sated but never weighed down.

When they were finished with the starter, David indicated to the two subs that they should clear. He waited until Stephanie was on her way back to the kitchen before activating the vibrators once again. Stephanie paused for a moment to impose strict control on her wayward body which was once again crying out for fulfilment before continuing on into the kitchen. David noted the pause and made a mental note that this would incur punishment the following day.

As Stephanie reached the safety of the kitchen, she hurriedly put down the bottle and glasses and gripped the edge of the counter top, trying desperately to still the tremors running through her body. Kristy looked on in sympathy but did not dare offer any assistance. Stephanie had to learn to deal with this herself and in fact was doing an admirable job. The sheen of perspiration on her skin indicated how hard she was fighting to maintain control.

Stephanie closed her eyes and implacably fought the demands of her body until she finally felt she had a degree of control. When she opened them, she found Kristy waiting patiently for her assistance with the main course. Her mouth started to water as she looked at the beautifully prepared honey and grain mustard glazed lamb shank sitting on the plates. The accompanying tureens were filled with parsnip mash and roasted root vegetables. It had been a long and strenuous afternoon and she was shocked when her stomach rumbled, stimulated by the delicious aromas arising from the plates.

Kristy laughed quietly at Stephanie’s apologetic expression and leaning over, whispered quietly in her ear.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell! I’ve been through this myself and know how difficult it can be!”

Smiling gratefully at Kristy for her understanding Stephanie asked what Kristy would prefer to carry in. Kristy took a look at Stephanie and opted to carry the heavier tray containing the tureens of vegetables, feeling that the young woman had enough to contend with already. She led the way back into the dining room with the younger woman following on behind, struggling to balance two hot plates whilst denying the demands of her body. Imposing the strictest control, she placed the plates in front of Sue and David and returned to the kitchen to bring in the wine whilst Kristy served the vegetables.

A 2008 Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape had been opened and allowed to breathe and was now placed on the counter, it’s neck wrapped with a snow white napkin. By now Stephanie was desperate for relief, the insides of her thighs were soaking wet and tremors were constantly running through her body. Again she closed her eyes to try and stave off the demands of her body. When she felt ready to continue she picked up the bottle and returned to the dining room, taking great care to pour the wine in a steady, uninterrupted flow. Finally David took pity on her and switched off the vibrators once more.

Stephanie almost slumped in relief before remembering where she was and what was expected from her. Instead she moved to her Master’s side and at his gesture, sank gracefully to her knees once more. She tried her best to keep her breathing slow and even but it took a tremendous effort on her part, an effort that was noticed by David, who kept an unobtrusive but careful eye on her throughout the main course. He noted the tremors running through her that slowly died down as the meal progressed, the sheen of perspiration on her skin indicating how much effort she was putting into maintaining control and like Sue, he was impressed. This young woman was amazing and he felt honoured that she had given her trust to him to mould her into the perfect submissive, something he was now sure she would achieve.

When the main course was finished, the subs were once again instructed to clear. This time David held off from activating the vibrators, believing that Stephanie had earned a break. With relief, she followed Kristy into the kitchen area, placing the empty plates and glasses onto the counter. The final course was laid out in front of them. This consisted of a light and delicate mango tart tatin with crème fraiche ice cream and cognac sauce. To Stephanie’s surprise there was no accompanying wine but she realised that the cognac sauce would more than make up for that.

She followed Kristy back to the dining table, placing the dessert in front of her Master with care before once again sinking to her knees beside him. David allowed her to get settled then once again activated the vibrators. Stephanie’s eyes grew wide as her now highly sensitised body screamed at her for gratification. She couldn’t prevent a small gasp from escaping her lips and looked down in dismay as she sensed her Master’s displeasure. She tried her hardest to remain still and composed for the rest of the dessert course but by the time her Master had finished, she was breathing hard and her eyes were starting to glaze as lust raged through her body.

The vibrators were set at a level that was just slightly lower than that needed to send her over the edge, keeping her hovering on an excruciating precipice. She ached to be able to give herself relief but knew that even if the leather strap had not denied her the opportunity, she would never be able to do so unless given permission by her Master and certainly not in these circumstances! She almost sobbed out loud when the vibrators were once more switched off and she was no longer sure whether that was from relief or frustrated desire!

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