Tag: amber found

Bum’s Rush Ch. 08

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This tale is tagged as Incest/Taboo and describes sexual activity between siblings. If that type of story is not for you, this is your last warning to turn aside.


~~~ Week 41 ~~~

Based on my best calculations, Megan was at about the half-way point of her pregnancy. Everything was going well, and we had no reason to believe that any of that was going to change. It was exciting to think that we had passed a pretty significant milestone.

Trace finally proposed marriage to the families of his two girlfriends – who – of course – accepted his proposal. The happy trio would stay in the hut they were already living in – so we would not need to mess with clearing a spot – or building their home – but we still needed to take him on his “bachelor” hunt.

Paul, Joshua, Hal, and I took Trace hunting. In the morning, we took off towards the nearby watering hole and tagged a nice-sized boar. We carted it back to the village and dropped it off at the butcher’s hut. In the afternoon, we went spearfishing. We took the rebreathers and the water scooters. In addition to the basket of fresh fish, we also ended up bringing back an 8-foot tiger shark.

I jogged up the path, from the lagoon, and grabbed one of the litters that we used for crocodiles. We used that to carry the giant fish to the butcher. He promised Trace that he would prepare the hide for him. The island warriors didn’t wear any kind of fancy armor, but I thought it would have made a really cool set.

After dinner, both families came forward to stand with the women for the ceremony. Micah performed the double-wedding with little more difficulty than he did the normal ones. The older of the two women was named first at each stage of the process – but, otherwise, both of them were treated equally.

Once the official ceremony was over, the children of the village were dismissed to their homes and the real party began. Miriam’s magic juice flowed freely, and – after some time spent dancing – the village resonated with the sounds of primal lovemaking long into the night.

In our hut, the size of my sister’s belly did nothing to inhibit her libido – or prevent her from begging me to climb between her knees and stuff her full of my incestuous cock. Her enhanced body did, however, temper her raging lust to some degree; she wanted slow, solid, forceful lovemaking – so that’s exactly what I gave her.

She peppered my face with kisses and then wound her fingers through my hair. She pulled my face to the breasts that were beginning to grow larger – preparing for the arrival of our child. I suckled them as she moaned and writhed. Her heels were wrapped behind my ass, pulling me more tightly into her as I stroked in and out of her tight channel. Her pussy was warm and welcoming. Her sounds drove me forward, propelled me to chase after her need and bring her the satisfaction that we both desired.

I was beginning to worry about the physical activity bothering our growing child, but she had no qualms or hesitation about what we were doing causing any problems. It was her body – so I took solace in the notion that she would know what was good and what wasn’t.

My sexy sibling’s moaning got louder, and I knew she was close. I gave her the long, powerful strokes that she was craving, and she cried out as she climaxed – which drove me, headlong, over the cliff of my own orgasm – and I cried out along with her, groaning as my balls released their load.

Halfway through the night, I awoke to find my sister on her hands and knees – next to my body – with my cock in her mouth. As soon as I was hard, she climbed onto me and rode me until I pumped another load into her. She rolled to my side, gave me a lusty kiss, and closed her eyes. She got at least two more climaxes for herself before she wrung the seed from my balls.


Rowe informed me that we’d be butchering the following week. He had already talked to the hunting teams and told them to focus on bringing in young piglets – rather than hunting the full-grown native boars – at least until we’d gotten the cycles figured out. Without refrigeration – and having limited other means to preserve meat for long periods of time – it didn’t make sense to over-harvest. In fact, it would take quite a bit of planning to get the herd-management details figured out. In the end, though, if my plans worked out, the tribe would have more consistent access to adequate quantities of meat. That should make things easier for Micah and the elders – as well as for Miriam and the cooks. That was my hope anyway.

From the hog pens, I followed Rowe to the wheat fields – to see how things were going there. He had cleared another two plots of land – and had staggered the plantings so that we’d be able to have a dependable flow of wheat and straw as well. He cuffed me in the arm and smiled. I was happy that he thought things were going so well. I was just glad that I could come up with the ideas and dump the rest on him; I definitely did not want to be the one to have to manage all of the kaman escort minutiae.

It was amazing, to me, that we had so many talented people living in the village and how – with such an inadequate ability (on my part) to explain what I was trying to do, they had figured out the concepts and taken to the administration of the various projects that I had proposed.

~~~ Week 42 ~~~

I helped Rowe as he oversaw the first culling of the market-ready domesticated boars that we had raised from the livestock I had bought on the mainland. Micah and the elders came to view the process. I was elated that there were smiles on their faces. I glanced at the chief, and he gave me a nod. It felt good that they thought I had contributed something useful.

Eventually, we would try integrating the native hogs with the domesticated ones. For now, though, we were just feeding the captured piglets until they were needed. This was another way to make sure we had the meat we wanted when we required it.

When Megan and I had come here – more than 10 months ago – I had felt like we were just taking resources from the villagers. We had each jumped in – to try to carry our share of the load – but this project felt like something more significant. I was very happy that things seemed to be working out. This whole thing was definitely not what I went to school to learn – and it wasn’t what I’d grown up around in the suburbs.

Once I was sure everything was proceeding according to plan, I got permission to run and check on the north village again. I didn’t have any wildlife encounters and – a little over an hour later – I was jogging down the path – through the perimeter forest – and coming into the construction zone. I headed towards the platform that the architects and engineers used – which now sported a canopy to keep the rain and sun off of the overseers.

Nina gave me a hug and a kiss.

“Hi, sexy,” I told her.

“Hi, yourself, handsome,” she replied.

“How’s business?”

Quirking an eyebrow at me she said, “Now that we’ve figured out how to mitigate the rains…”

“Sorry,” I said, grinning.

“… we’re back on track – maybe even a little ahead.”


“If you’re looking for Johnny, you’re out of luck. He just headed back to the States.”

“Oh…?” I said, raising an eyebrow at her suggestively.

She laughed and said, “I’m good for now, thanks, hunky-man – but I should probably talk to your sister sometime to see about arranging a prisoner swap.” She was grinning evilly, and I wasn’t sure it was all boastful flirtation.

I leaned forward, bringing my mouth to her ear, and whispered – as lustily as I could, “I would LOVE that.”

Nina growled and grabbed my ass – before giving me a very platonic peck on the lips – and acting like she was just an acquaintance.

I moaned – distraught at how quickly she had turned from vixen to virgin.

She cackled in laughter – but the flirting was over – of that, I was sure.

“Anything you need from us?” I asked.

“Less rain; more daylight,” she said, smiling. “No. Like I said, I think we’re doing good. We should be pouring foundations by next week. They’re just getting all of the conduits laid for the electricity and the pipes run for the water and sewer systems right now. Half of the crew is swimming in the bay – waiting for the next team to arrive and take over. Every group that goes home talks about how amazing it is here. I’m having no trouble, whatsoever, keeping all of the cousins clamoring to come down here to help.”

“You never had a problem motivating your workforce anyway,” I told her. “They know you’re Queen Midas.”

For a half-second, I thought she’d flirt with me again, but she just said, “Thanks, Mike.”

“Alright, then,” I told her – giving her the best come-hither look I could muster – “if there’s nothing I can do FOR – or TO – you, I’ll be on my way.”

She laughed and waved me off.

I headed back towards the trees.

“Tell Megan to come visit in a week or two,” she called out.

“Okay, I will,” I hollered back.

When I returned home, I stopped to see my sister/wife and gave her the update from our “cousin”. She looked around at the other women – who turned away. She groped my groin to show her sympathy for Nina not responding to my flirtatiousness. She sent me off to my work with a lusty kiss and a hard-on. Miriam gave me a wink and a wave as I headed past her.

I cruised by the butcher’s hut, and he looked a little overwhelmed. He had a couple of teens helping him – but he looked like he could use a hand. After a couple minutes of instruction, I followed his directives. We finished our work just before they called us to dinner. My clothes were damp with sweat. It had been a while since I had worked that hard. I cuffed the butcher on the shoulder, and he returned the gesture, thanking me for my assistance.

I had a small shark steak for dinner. It was pretty good. The crocodile stew was still my favorite. Megan kapaklı escort didn’t eat all of her roast pork – so I finished the rest of her food as well. I had worked up an appetite.

After dinner, my sister and I snuck down to the lagoon to skinny dip and catch up on the laundry – although – I should say it the other way around – because that’s actually the order we did things. Once our clothes were clean, I laid in the surf and Megan rode me until I came. As usual, she got two or three for herself by the time I was cumming.

When we were done with our chores and our lovemaking, we put on our swimsuits and carried our laundry back to the hut to be hung up to dry.

The next day, I took the workboat to Panama City for some supplies. Miriam was nearly out of flour. Rowe wanted another push-carry. Paul tagged along with me. We grabbed biscuits and gravy with Jorge while we waited for the stores to get the items delivered to the dock.

I checked in with Alma. She sent me back with a couple things to drop off to the construction site. One of them was a bag of mail from home.

I called the agency that was working with Nettle and checked on how she was doing. I talked to the woman I had dealt with in the past. She estimated that Nettle would be finished with the program in another month. Based on what she was seeing, she expected the prickly princess to decide that she didn’t want a permanent placement in Panama City. I had talked with the administrator about the resort before. She said she anticipated that Nettle would choose the resort as her ultimate work location and place of residence.

It took a little longer, getting home, because we swung up to the resort to drop the mail and the other items off to Nina before we headed back to the village. Paul and I got back home just before the evening meal.

~~~ Week 43 ~~~

Paul and I helped Hal and Rowe with a few small projects. I kept looking at the watchtower/treehouse. I really wanted to take it up another ten or twenty feet but – so far at least – I hadn’t figured out a way to do that without bringing in outside resources that would be foreign to the island. I ended up grabbing some bamboo and reinforcing the top – just to be safe.

I took Megan to visit Nina, as she had requested. The workers had started pouring the foundations for the central complex and the infrastructure buildings. The three of us chatted for a little bit and then Nina asked us to come back the following week – informing us that she would have a surprise for us at that point.

Hestia visited the resort as well (accompanied by a warrior from their village). She said she had three or four girls from their tribe who seemed to be serious about following in Nettle’s footsteps. I told her I would talk to the group that we were dealing with for her sister and see how they wanted to handle things.

I spent the rest of the week helping Rowe and the butcher – getting the kinks worked out of our food production pipelines. Things were going more and more smoothly but – as with anything – there were some bumps at the beginning that we had not anticipated.

~~~ Week 44 ~~~

Megan and I returned to the north village – and the resort – to find out that the “surprise” was a visit from mom and dad – with Christmas presents and food. We spent some time with our parents – as well as Johnny and Nina. We hadn’t even realized that it was Christmas. It was a very different kind of celebration – but we had a good visit with all of them.

I laughed when Nina told us that she’d given all of the cousins the holiday off but expected them all to be back on the job the following day. Looking over the resort campus, it was getting easier and easier to see how things were eventually going to be laid out.

We talked to Nina about the likelihood that Nettle would serve as her first liaison – and the fact that Hestia had more villager girls that seemed to be heading down that path. She mentioned that she had a teacher cousin who had already expressed interest in coming to the island to work with the native people. I gave Nina the name of the agency we were dealing with for Nettle. She said she would have Alma coordinate with the organization and get the teacher (Macy) down here soon.

The plan was that Macy would work with their group to start taking the training and documentation that they had and turn it into a written language that we could give to the islanders – as well as the Panamanian government. If we could get the island kids to read and write their own language, that would make interactions with police groups – like the one Luis worked for – easier down the road. Obviously, it would also open up so much more for the people of the island.

Nina said that she also planned to put Macy in charge of the program to fast-track any new island volunteers into the positions that she would need filled at the resort. Not only did Nina need liaisons, but she wanted some islanders who could serve in basic staff positions. Her idea was karabağlar escort that the more island people that she could integrate into her team, the more likely her staff would be to avoid causing problems with the islanders that should (theoretically) never know that the resort was even here.

~~~ Week 45 ~~~

I made a quick visit north, once more, and found out that the infrastructure buildings were finished. The liaison quarters were completed as well. The central complex was about halfway done. The foundations for all of the huts were also being poured.


Hestia arrived at the central fire with a guard/escort – as well as a messenger from her uncle’s tribe. Her mother’s brother’s village had a problem and had asked for our help. At some point in the past, some person (or group) had dumped some cats onto the island. The animals had flourished and were now causing problems with the island’s ecosystem.

Micah tasked Joshua, me, Trace, two warriors, and a handful of the older teens with traveling to the other village to help them exterminate the non-native invaders. Joshua would handle the meetings. The rest of us were just going along to support him.

It took a full day to journey there. We traveled all afternoon to get to Hestia’s village, spent the night there, and then moved on to her uncle’s tribe.

Once we were there, Joshua met with Hestia’s uncle (Brightface) to coordinate how we would be assisting them.

Brightface’s trackers had found one nest of the feral cats, and they were working on eradicating that group. We helped them with that – and then assisted the trackers in determining if there were other nests that needed to be acted-on as well.

We spent the first day working on the nest that had already been located. The felines were quick and elusive. I was actually happy that Hal had forced me to spend so much time working on my sling skills. Slings were the only weapons in our arsenal that were effective against the little monsters.

Trace worked with their trackers, and we found two more nests. It took us the rest of the week to deal with those. Each night we returned to the village to resupply and rest. Each day, we went back out to track down the invasive critters and remove them from the island.

Brightface expressed gratitude – on behalf of his people – for our help in solving their problem. On the way home, we stopped in to tell his sister that we had finished things up and were traveling back to our village.

~~~ Week 46 ~~~

I checked in with Nina once again to see how things were progressing at the resort. The central complex was finished, and the construction teams were building the “huts” that the visitors would stay in. I jogged home again.


Mid-morning, the next day, we didn’t need a spotter or lookout to tell us we had visitors. As soon as we heard the boat engine, we headed for the lagoon to see who was coming. It was Luis. I grabbed a water-scooter and went out to see what was going on.

The police boats had noticed suspicious activity at a nearby island. They were concerned it was more smugglers. They had never made contact with any of the people on that island – and they weren’t even sure there were tribes there. However, the flurry of activity suggested that there were either villagers at risk – or that the smugglers had chosen that island as a base of activity. Luis had stopped by to ask for our help to check it out.

After explaining the details to Micah and the elders, they coordinated with Hal to pick the members of the team that would be taking canoes to the other island. The police boat would follow. They would support us as needed. They would also be ready and waiting to haul away any smugglers we found.

I didn’t tell Luis but I wasn’t planning on handing over any live bodies. As we prepared to leave, I thought about it a little more and decided that would probably hinder whatever investigations they might be working on. I turned that idea over in my head a little more as Hal, Joshua, and I worked to get our team together.

Miriam sent a messenger out to us, and we ended up back at the central fire – meeting with the elders once more. Miriam was adamant that she was going to be part of the response-team. To say that Micah was less than enthusiastic would be a major understatement.

Miriam was certain that we were going to come into contact with other tribes. She was concerned that an all-male team would be perceived as encroaching on their territory – whereas including females in the group would make our force appear more peaceful.

While Micah understood that side of the argument, he was reticent to put his wife in harm’s way. In the end, she compromised. Trace and his wives were brought in. Miriam talked with the women and shared the information that she wanted passed on when we found the island tribes. She gave them gifts to deliver as well.

We loaded our teams and our equipment into the canoes and headed out. It was my first time traveling on the open sea in the crafts. I did both better and worse than I expected. Although, by this point, I had built the musculature that was required to do the job, I had never used those muscles in this manner. Additionally, I was ill-prepared to deal with the larger waves. Thankfully my fellow teammates were patient and helpful.

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