Tag: alysia kraft

Megan , Jessie #02

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: Day at the Beach

Part 1

Today started out like most days that Jessie invites me to go somewhere with her, me in front of my mirror checking what I’d wear. I know it might be a futile effort, but I want to make sure I look my best when I’m with her. Maybe she’ll eventually grow to like me just like I did with her.

I also try to look good on every layer of clothing I have on, knowing how she can get some times when it’s just us. If we weren’t going to the beach, I’d probably be rummaging through my underwear drawer for something sexy.

However with the beach as our destination, I wanted to make sure my suit was just right. I had specifically bought a new one this summer just in case I went swimming with her. The last few times though I didn’t have the guts to wear it.

Now I was again standing in front of my mirror, blushing as I looked myself over in this tiny suit. Just holding on by a few tightly tied strings, I was worried I was showing too much skin. I know I’ve been naked in front of Jessie before, but at the same time there would be other people around.

Last few times we went to the beach, Jessie would be her usual self and wear skimpy little suits. I do adore her courage sometimes. She of course didn’t seem to mind the stares I’d notice people giving her. I admit I get a little jealous seeing the guys on the beach eyeing her up.

Today though I wanted to try and be brave like her, impress her, and maybe even titillate her a little. Ok, maybe not titillate, but a girl can dream, right? The suit though left plenty of flesh exposed. Of course my essentials were covered, but even if my nipples were hidden, the top left some of the skin of my breast out for viewing. I was worried that I’d have to shave a little to even wear the bottoms. Luckily it wasn’t that skimpy, but any smaller and I’d probably have to.

I suppose maybe I’m overreacting. The suit wasn’t the most outrageous thing out there. I’m sure Jessie would be showing even more than me, but up until a year ago I’d still been wearing one pieces until Jessie forced me to get a couple bikinis. Now I was going out in a little string thing probably half the weight of those!

I can’t say I’m a fan of the strings either. They feel like they could quickly become the victim of Jessie’s mischievous hands, just ready to let the light pieces of fabric fall to the ground in an instant. Oh, and then I’d be completely naked in front of her in no time flat, my whole body ready for anything she wanted. Oh if only she did want my body more…

OH god, I have to clear my head. She wasn’t even here and I was already starting to fantasize again. Besides a few of her own careless nipples slips, the last few times at the beach, she was actually well behaved and I was lucky to keep my suit on. Today should be no different; she wouldn’t risk anything too much on a public beach!

My text tone going off nearly made me jump out of my suit. Jessie was already here. I quickly got on my shorts and shirts over my bikini, grabbed my beach bag, and ran out to her car and got in.

I almost lost my breath as I looked at her. She was indeed in a skimpier suit than me, and she didn’t even bother to wear anything but that. So much of her body was already laid out for me to see, and we were still in town just in her car.

“Like the new suit? Was going to maybe save it for a different day, but I wanted to try it on and couldn’t convince myself to take it off.” Wait, did she notice I was staring?! Also I was shocked to hear she couldn’t convince herself to take it off clothing.

“That suit makes you look great! I mean you normally look great, wait I mean,” I was panicking already. It never is easy to give her compliments. I wanted to tell her she looked as gorgeous as a goddess at heart, but I knew I couldn’t come on too strong. Now I was just messing up my words and probably looking like a real dork already.

“Thanks Megs, you look killer in yours,” She said back. I think my heart actually stopped. I know she was just being nice, but still to hear her say something like that was more than enough to make me happy. We could turn right back and just end the day like this and I’d be content.

After that we went about our trip like any other. Talking about this and that, being the usual close friends we were. See as much as I want to tell her how I feel, to maybe get more between us, I also don’t want to ruin moments like this. I really do like her, but I love our friendship. I’m not about to weird out our friendship over my crush.

Part way through the drive, I wasn’t really sure where she was going. I knew how to get to the beach, and this wasn’t the right way. “Jess, where are we going?”

“Oh I thought we’d try out a new beach. I read about it and it sounds just wonderful,” Jessie said with a smile. That’s my Jessie, always making up new plans and acting on random spur of the moment type ideas. I figured I could trust her decision though, picking a fun beach to go to sounded like something Jessie would be good at.

As we got Escort bayan closer, the scenery was getting pretty nice. No longer were we in any cities or town, just nature all around us. I saw the sign coming up for the beach, and it wasn’t much longer till we were in the parking lot. It didn’t look like the beach would be too crowded. It was actually pretty out of the way, I’m surprised the trip took so long.

We carried our things out to the beach and I have to say it was quite beautiful. The lake was sparkling, the sand looked so soft and smooth. Trees surrounded the lake making the whole place look like a private, little, natural paradise. People had their towels laid out, and a few were off swimming. I didn’t even notice too many kids around. Jessie was good at picking a nice beach.

“Finally here, race you to the beach!” Jessie said as she took off running. I chased after her but I slowed my pace as I watched her. That small suit of hers looked like it wouldn’t even stay on her! I could see her butt bounce, and even a bit of sway of her breast at the side. I picked up my pace so she wouldn’t notice how far I lagged behind.

When I caught up to her she was already dropping her bag on the ground and sitting in the sand. I put my things down and sat next to her. We both just took a moment to take in the sites.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” I commented.

“Yep, not many places like this around here either. Took a bit of searching,” Jessie explained as she got her towel out. I suppose she couldn’t just sit and watch for too long, already set to get to tanning.

My eyes nearly popped out when I saw her loosen the back string to her top and let it fall off to the side of her. “Jessie, what are you doing, you can’t just go topless out here like this!” I whispered urgently to her. Although not a busy beach, we certainly weren’t alone, nor hidden.

“You’re right, I can’t be just topless,” she giggled. I knew she had to be just quick teasing me. Now she’d surely get dressed and just relax. She didn’t get dressed though. Her hands just went to the sides of her bottoms and got those pulled off her in a moment. She was sitting completely naked on the public beach!

Looking around I could see someone was even looking at us now. They knew Jessie was naked! “You really are nuts. You’re going to get us kicked out, someone already noticed!”

“Megs, don’t worry about it. It’s a clothing optional beach,” Jessie said. She then began to search her bag. Oh god, not a bit of clothing on her already. Her breast just hung out in the open as she was bending over. Her butt was sticking out into the open air. Again I was looking around and noticed the few glances we were getting.

“Says right here, clothing optional. One of the only places for miles near us. There’s even a sign over there.” She said point it out. Sure enough this was apparently a clothing optional beach.

“No one else is naked though. I mean aren’t you worried about how you’ll stick out?” I asked.

“Let them look. It’s flattering,” she said. I still was in shock that she’d just strip naked in front of all these people. “Just relax and enjoy yourself. It’s all open minds here, no one will mind or think you’re weird if you go without your clothes.” She said as she put her hands on my shoulder. She slowly laid me down on my stomach on my towel.

“Now just hold still and I’ll apply your sun screen. Today we’re going to get fantastic tans,” she bragged as I tried to do my best to relax. I really wanted to crane my neck up so I could look at her, but I knew I shouldn’t leer too obviously.

Remember how I said she could have had me naked in a few moments easily? Well looks like she wasn’t afraid to do that out in the open on a beach after all. As I lay there, waiting to feel her hands rub some lotion into my back, she was untying my suit. All I could do was give out a yelp and ask what was going on.

“All over tan Megs, might as well take this opportunity to get rid of some tan lines.” She was acting far too easy going about it. I don’t know how she thought I’d be ok with lying out with my whole naked back in view. Both bottoms and top were no longer tied on me, lying useless under my body.

I was going to tie them back up to cover up, but I suddenly felt Jessie’s hands rubbing the tanning lotion into my skin. For a moment I forgot what was going on. Her hands are so smooth and soft. The way she moved her hands was so sensual, or at least in mind it was like that.

I suppose if she was just sitting around naked, I could have my butt out. I mean everyone has a butt, and mines no different from anyone else’s. I also wanted to impress Jessie too. If I put my suit back on, she’d think I’m some pathetic little girl too embarrassed to show her booty off.

Her hands were traveling lower on my body too now. I realized where her hands were heading to. Next in line after my back would be my butt! Would she actually apply the lotion there? I mean we were only friends in her mind, and that is sort of a sensitive area, right? I could hear Bayan escort a part of me cheering her on though, hoping her hands would grab hold of my cheeks.

I shivered as I felt her finger tips glide over the beginning of my crack. She pushed the lotion into my cheeks. I felt I could melt in her hands. I had been waiting for a day like this for awhile now, and I never would have dreamed it’d be out on a public beach like this.

I didn’t dare look around though. I knew that people would probably take notice of the girl rubbing down another naked girl, but I didn’t want to know for sure. I really wanted to just soak in this moment. I did feel guilty though. I knew Jessie didn’t attend for this to be this sensual. Yet, what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt, right?

All too quickly though her hands were already now at the bottom of my cheeks. I guess since she wasn’t trying to be sexy, it doesn’t take long to apply sunscreen to a butt. I did yelp silently when I felt her hands move between my legs. I could feel her rubbing lotion into my thighs. I suppose she wanted to make sure I didn’t get burned, but I was still embarrassed. Her hands had come so close to an even more sensitive location. I also worried that with her hands and eyes focused there, she could probably even see my lips too!

Her hands left my erogenous zones shortly after that. After finishing up my legs I was both happy and sad to know it was over. I was tingling all over after that. It’s hard to admit, but at that point I told myself, “I’m going to be busy in bed tonight.”

Now I thought things would be over. I figured I’d be able to continue to hide naked in plain sight and just work on my tan. Yet Jessie asked in, “could you get to mine now?” She had set the bottle down next to my head as she went to lie on her stomach.

My heart was beating fast now. Did she essentially just ask me to feel her up all I like? Well no, she didn’t ask that, she of course didn’t mean that. Yet she did ask that I put lotion over her entire back area.

I looked around as I grabbed the bottle. To get the honor of doing this for her, I’d be taking a big risk too. I couldn’t just lie on my stomach anymore and hide my front side. I’d have to kneel over Jessie, my body out for anyone to see.

“It’s a clothing optional beach, nothing weird about it Megan. You can do this. Jessie didn’t mind doing it. No one made a scene. This is a once in a lifetime chance,” I was telling myself. I got up on my knees, an arm slung over my chest, my other holding the bottle. I shuffled over to Jessie. I looked around. I saw one or two people who were looking this way, but didn’t look like they were watching intently, just glancing.

I looked down at Jessie. She had her head resting on her arms, her eyes were closed, as if ready to take a nap. She did look very beautiful lying in the sunlight. “Megan, just do it. She was nice enough to get yours, time to pay her back,” I reasoned with myself again.

I forced my arm away from my breast as I began to squeeze sunscreen into my hand. I knew my breast were now just out in the open, yet I knew if I continued to look around, it would make my bashfulness too obvious. I had to just ignore where I was and get this job done.

I began on her shoulder blades and worked my way all around the usual areas. Nothing was too weird yet. Just being a helpful friend. I got more and more nervous the lower I got. I was worried of how well I could control myself. I knew I shouldn’t do anything weird, that I should just quick apply the lotion and be done. I know it’s wrong, but part of me wanted to take advantage of the situation though.

When my fingers were just barely touching the area that would normally be covered by a suit, I became too shy and flinched my hands away. The second attempt to move on to her butt, my hands drifted around it. It still felt racy enough to have my hands on her hips, but it wasn’t the goal. I tried just moving to the legs, but I knew that wasn’t a good idea. If I didn’t get her butt, she would probably question it, and if she didn’t she could get a nasty burn.

Biting my lip, I forced my hands to move onto this forbidden zone. Part of me knew how wrong this was, but part of me tried to convince me that I had to pass it off as normal.

Now I’m no professional ass grabber, and my hands haven’t touch anyone’s butt but my own, but Jessie’s butt was wonderful. So soft, so round, and I wish my hands were glued to it. It was something else really. I knew I probably lingered longer than I should. I was able to get going and got to back of her legs. I looked again at her bare butt, noticing how now it looked like it shined with the moisture that was soaking in.

Even though this site was amazing, something else actually caught my eye. As I was getting her legs, Jessie had spread her legs, probably wanting to give me easier access for the lotion. I couldn’t help but notice that her lips were quite visible too. I blushed knowing how intimate this view was. I was so close, and it was like she was offering to show it off. Escort I even toyed with the idea in my head that she wanted me to make sure that skin got covered too.

I knew that was a stupid idea though, and just got her thighs and legs before I acted on any silly daydreams.

Part 2

My time with her body was done though as I got to her feet. I put the lotion down, and looked over her body one last time. I maybe would have looked more, but the fact that I was naked on the beach came crashing back to me.

I had looked around and saw that one or two people were most likely looking at us. I quickly got back to lying on my stomach. I couldn’t last much longer with my boobs on show. I groaned in embarrassment as I lay, because I could feel just hard my nipples were. I really hoped no one had looked and saw them like that.

I had some time to think about what happened too. I have to say, it’s embarrassing to even admit all that here. I really do seem to be falling for her. I probably crossed some lines too. Did I take advantage of what should have been a more innocent moment? She didn’t seem hurt by it though, so maybe it isn’t so bad. I mean I could have done worse…

Anyways though, after awhile of tanning, it was getting to be time to turn over. Now I think it’s obvious I wasn’t sure how to approach this. I could hear Jessie turning over, and I knew she probably now had all on show. I tried looking around best I could. I didn’t see anyone leering.

She was so very brazen. I had been able to force myself to get naked, but all I had showing was my butt this whole time. If I rolled over too, I don’t know if I could handle everyone seeing my naked body.

My nipples were bare, not to mention still pointy from the previous events. I would also be lying with my little tuft of hair, and who knows what, sitting out for the sun to shine on like a spot like. I could just picture everyone just looking over and staring at me.

Why do I let myself get into these situations? It’s bad enough when we’re somewhere private, but now we were surrounded by people. I could See Jessie just smiling and acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Either she loved attention or really didn’t care, I couldn’t tell.

I could put my bikini back on. Sure it was small piece of fabric, but it would keep me hidden again. Yet Jessie really did seem to want me naked. Why did it have to be so hard to please her?

Well I had to get my bottoms back on. As much as I wanted to try and look cool and confident around Jessie, I still couldn’t stand the idea of just letting anyone look over and see my most secret place. Yet what to do about my exposed top half?

I rolled over, keeping my legs shut tight and an arm over my breast. I looked to my side for both my suit and anybody who might be trying to steal glances. I found my bottoms and let my breast stay uncovered as I pulled the bottoms up my leg. I don’t think anyone would have seen anything too racy…

I really could have put my top on, Jessie didn’t seem to object to me putting my bottoms back on. Yet I knew that she wouldn’t respect me if I went and hid my whole body, right? So although it was tough, I decided I’d remain topless, right there on that public beach.

I didn’t see anyone staring. Maybe topless girls weren’t too rare for this beach. It didn’t help calm me down fully, but I was able to stable my hands long enough to put some suntan lotion in them. I began to rub my body up and down with the stuff. Although I felt guilty about it, I was thinking about if Jessie had offered to get my front side too. It’s hard to even describe how much I blush when I describe this stuff to all of you!

I almost was going to skip getting to my breast actually. I felt it would be really dirty to rub the lotion into them in front of everyone. Yet going home with a burn there was not an option I convinced myself. I could only look down at the ground as I moved my moist hands over my modest mounds. I flinched a little when I felt the bolt of pleasure go through me as I passed over my stiff nipples. I was nearly mortified to think how much I was turned on out here in public.

After getting all my exposed skin protected from the sun, I laid down. I never really noticed fully before what it’s like to lay down on your back and you can feel your boobs flatten against you. I mean it’s something I’ve never been so aware of. I guess it didn’t help knowing anyone could be looking at them now. I sort of felt a little self conscious knowing they looked even less round and firm. I looked over at Jessie could see that you could still tell her breast were very fantastic. It made me sort of sad to think that even if Jessie was into girls, that she could easily find someone prettier and hotter than me.

I don’t think I’m ugly or something. Just that if Jessie wanted, I bet she could get a girl with a killer rack, beautiful form, and in general someone not as plain as me. I subconsciously moved my hands to my breast to try and perk them up a little more, push them together even to make a little cleavage. I sighed as I let them go. “Don’t be silly Megan; you know she probably wouldn’t care what a person looks like. She isn’t shallow like that.” I smiled knowing that I was right. Jessie wouldn’t care what a person looked like.

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