Tag: alison leaned

Tinkerbell Ch. 02

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Author’s note: This is a draft I wrote in a couple of hours. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. In order to understand this story, you really should read Tinkerbell (chapter 1).


It had been two weeks since Marylin had been with Lucy and Ward. That night, after the sex, the conversation had been awkward, as Marilyn started to sober up and began to realize what had just happened. After they sat down, Marilyn talked about work and the weather, clumsily avoiding any talk of the encounter the three friends had just had. Lucy and Ward had left half an hour later and Marilyn had gone to bed, postponing the cleaning until the following day.

Once in bed, she couldn’t go to sleep. Too much had happened in the last few hours, and she kept replaying the scene in her head. She had never done anything like this, and she tried to find an explanation, a way to categorize this experience within her life. In spite of her shyness, she had always enjoyed sex a great deal, and often tried to initiate it during her marriage to Ryan. During the last few years they were together, however, their relationship had deteriorated to the point that moths went by without the couple being intimate.

Her experience with Ward and Lucy, although exciting, weighed heavily on her mind. She had enjoyed it, but she felt guilty and embarrassed. She was confused, and even a little ashamed. She felt that she had lost control. Not in the sense of irrationally being unable to stop, but simply that she had gotten carried away. She had behaved in a way that she never had in the past, and this bothered her. It must have been the alcohol, she thought, trying to rationalize it.

Marilyn felt that she needed to speak to someone about what had happened, as a way to process the situation. But it couldn’t be Lucy. After all, it was Lucy whom she had been avoiding since that night, aided in part by the Spring Break and Lucy’s yearly trip to the beach with her family. After thinking about it for a couple of days, she decided to call Yvonne, her closest friend.

Yvonne had been adopted from Korea when she was just a few months old. They had known each other since childhood. Even though Yvonne lived in Chicago and they only saw each other once every couple of years, the two had remained close throughout the years. They had gone to college together, and continued to be roommates for two years after they had graduated from University of Oregon. Now Yvonne led a typical middle class life: she had two children, a nice house in the Lincoln Square, attended church regularly, and had a well-paying job as an executive in a transnational furniture company.

But it hadn’t always been this way. When they were younger, Yvonne had been the more daring and adventurous of the two. She had been willing to engage in one-night stands and had an openly sexual public persona. Before marrying her husband Gary, she had experimented widely with sex, and had been willing to try almost anything. She had had multiple partners of different ages and ethnicities, and although Marilyn didn’t know all the details of her friend’s sex life, she remembered the “adventures” that Yvonne had engaged in her twenties. At the time, Yvonne’s behaviour had caused a rift in their friendship, since Marilyn thought it was risky and irresponsible to be so promiscuous, and had told her as much. Eventually, they had patched things up, and when Yvonne met Gary, she finally settled down. But that was precisely why she was the right person to talk to, not only because they were best friends and Marilyn trusted her, but also because Yvonne had the “right kind of experience”.

In contrast, Marilyn had been shy and even insecure, and was definitely seen as more bookish. She didn’t exercise, and wore thick glasses until she graduated from college, when she finally decided to get contacts because it might help her get a better job. When she married Ryan, she had only had sex with one other man, and it had been a frustrating and unpleasant experience. Part of her shyness bonus veren siteler was due to her personality, but her self-image as a chubby nerd played a part in it too. It wasn’t until she had moved to New Mexico and started to get in better shape that her self esteem and self confidence improved. Even though she wasn’t slender, but rather remained on the thicker side, she was better proportioned, and her clothes fit right, which made her feel good about herself. She was more friendly and outgoing, but at the same time remained somewhat reserved with people she didn’t know.

Finally, on a Saturday she dialed Yvonne’s number. “Hey, Mary Belle, how is it going!” said Yvonne when she picked up, calling Marilyn by the nickname that only she used. “We hadn’t talked in almost a month.”

“Over a month, Y-Belle”, responded Marilyn, “over a month”.

They talked briefly about Yvonne’s two kids, about her husband’s new job, about each other’s families, and even had time to discuss the possibility of getting together during Yvonne’s next business trip to New Mexico. Eventually, Marilyn got around to what was in her mind. “I need to ask for some advice, Y-Belle. The other night… How can I put this…”

There was a long pause. “Yes?” interrupted Yvonne

“Errrr…, I had an unusual sexual experience… encounter?”

“Oh, wow! I hope it was a good encounter.”

“Well, you see, that is what I don’t quite know or I am not sure how to feel about it.”

“Why? Are you ok? Nothing bad happened, did it? Did someone force you to do something?”

“No, no, no, I am fine. It wasn’t anything bad per se, I’m just… I don’t know how to interpret it, I don’t know whether I liked it, or whether I am suppose to like it…”

“Ok. Tell me more. What happened? I hope it wasn’t your first time doing anal”, laughed Yvonne trying to lighten up the mood and dispel her friend’s hesitance. Marilyn laughed along, nervously. Just as with other aspects of their personalities, in discussing their sex lives Yvonne was more open and direct, whereas Marilyn was more reserved, even with her friend.

“Well, how to put this… I had sex. With two people. At the same time There, I said it.”

“Mary-Belle, you had a threesome?!! I can’t believe it! What happened? HOW did it happen? I never thought you would do this kind of stuff!” Both women started to giggle, Yvonne out of amazement and amusement at her friend’s “adventure”, Marilyn due to her apprehension about discussing the situation.

“You see, that is my point. I am kind of confused. I don’t know exactly what happened, what led to this.”

“Well, there is always a first time for everything, as they say. But tell me more. Who was it? Was it with two guys?”

“God, no! Do you remember my friend Lucy?”


“Well, she and her friend Ward came over the other day. We started to drink some wine, we were chatting, having a good time. and after a while, we decided to watch a film I had received from Netflix. It turned out to be this super erotic movie. Ward and Lucy were cuddling, I went to the store to get more alcohol, and when I came back they were almost having sex in my living room! And then, I don’t know, they continued to make out, one thing led to another… and we ended up in my bedroom. The three of us.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute. How did we go from watching a movie to a full on threesome? Who the hell is Ward?”

“It’s a long explanation. But watching them there in front of me… I don’t know what came over me. I became really horny, and I guess the alcohol didn’t help either. Or maybe the other way around, the alcohol helped. They asked me to watch, then to sit with them, and we started to give Ward oral sex, and well, then… Well, you know”.

“So, you are giving a blowjob to this guy, Ward.. How, why? And who is he?”

“I don’t know how it happened, that’s what I am trying to tell you! After I came from the store, Lucy started to, you know, give him bahis a handjob, and then a blowjob, to use your language, they noticed I was watching, they removed the blanket they had over their laps, asked me to join them, and things spiraled out of control from there. It’s all a bit blurry. Oh my God, now that I am telling you I am realizing it’s worse than I thought. I behaved like a total slut!”

Yvonne realized that her friend felt genuine anguish over what had happened. She decided to just listen, without asking too many questions. “Stop. First, if there is anyone who’s been slutty here, it’s me,” said Yvonne with light laughter. “So, stop that. I really mean it. Having sex with two people is more common than you think. Second, did you do something you didn’t want to do? No, correct?

“No, I don’t think so. But then why do i feel this way. I am not.. usually like that.”

“Like what? You did something you wanted to do. Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, that’s the point, that in the moment I liked it. I feel like I lost control!”

“Do you regret doing it?”

“I… should I? Yes? No?”

“God, no! Stop that. If it’s something you enjoyed, and you did it safely, then what is there to regret? Besides, that is one of the points of sex, to loose control a little. Otherwise it’s no fun.”

“I don’t know. Why do I feel this way, then?”

“Well, because it was your first time in a threesome, it’s normal. Because you have to see these people again. You do know Ward, right? Does he work with you as well?”

“Yes, yes he does”.

“Do you trust him and Lucy to keep this between the three of you?”

“Yes, they are lots of fun, but very discreet.”

“Well, there you go. Stop flagellating yourself over this. I had many a threesome, and more, before I married Gary. It always very exciting, and I don’t really regret much, if anyting. I almost wish I were you”, said Yvonne as she started to laugh. “Stop thinking about it like it was something bad. Loot at it as a turning point, as way to break out of the rut you have been in since the divorce. You are beautiful and still have lots of stuff to learn in the sex department, young lady.”

“Ok. It does kind of feel like it’s the first time I am not thinking about Ryan in a while, I will give you that.”

“See. It’s time to bounce back, to start dating again, MaryBelle.”

“I have to tell you one more thing,” said Marilyn. “Ward, you asked me about him. He is… older, like in his fifties maybe. But he doesn’t look it. He is the PE teacher, and is in pretty good shape.”

“I see. I didn’t know you liked older men”, joked Yvonne.

“Oh, stop it. He is a nice guy. He is Lucy’s friend. They… you know.”

“Yeah, I know. They are fuck buddies. Was he good?”

“Yes, I think so. He is also black. There, I said it.”

“Damn, MaryBelle, you went all out, didn’t you. An interracial threesome. Did you do anal as well, by any chance?” Both women laughed.

“The only other thing is, we didn’t use a condom. But he is healthy, and he and Lucy don’t seem to use them. I am sure it will be fine”.

“Well, there I disagree with you, MaryBelle. You must be very, very careful. You should always practice safe sex.” Yvonne stopped herself. If her younger years with multiple partners had taught her anything, it was that safety was paramount. She was ready to lecture Marilyn about how she didn’t really know whether Ward was healthy, how she didn’t know his history, or about how the very same fact that he and Lucy had an open relationship was reason enough to always use condoms. But she decided not to burden her friend any more for that day.

“Yeah, I know. It just… we got carried away. And, if I am honest, it did feel good to have sex again.”

“Does he have a nice cock?”

“YBelle!! What kind of question is that?!”, said Marilyn giggling.

“C’mon, don’t be such a prude!”

“If you must know, yes, I suppose he did have a nice penis.”

“Cock, MaryBell, cock.”

“Ok, deneme bonusu ok, he did have a nice cock. He knew how to use it, that’s for sure.”

“That’s important, I would say. Was he, you know, big? I had a few encounters with black men, and for the most part they were good lovers, as good as any other partner. There was this one guy, when we lived in Oregon, he was a friend of Jennifer O’Connel’s, remember her? He was just a little too big for me, to the point of making it uncomfortable.”

“Well, he was bigger than Ryan, and I guess except for some of the first few moments and the initial adjustment, it didn’t bother me. I hadn’t had sex in a while. I enjoyed it. He was uncircumcised, and the head was a little… bulbous, is the word, I guess. You know, bigger than the shaft”.

“Oh, I love those, how the skin moves over the head, and then you pull it back. Gary is, alas, circumcised. But he is good in bed. But tell me more.”

Not without some reluctance, Marilyn gave Yvonne a few more details about the threesome. And then Yvonne brought the call to an end. “Listen, I have to go run some errands with Gary and the kids. Let’s talk again. Call me anytime. If I am busy, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I just want you to know, again, you have nothing to be ashamed of. It’s great that you are breaking off with your past. Get out more. I love you”.

” I love you too, YBelle. Thank you for listening to me. Say hi to Gary and the kids for me.”

“Will do. And don’t forget: life is short. Talk to you soon”.

Marilyn felt relief after talking to Yvonne. She is right, Marilyn thought, why feel ashamed if I enjoyed it. And besides, she didn’t have any commitments. She went to the bedroom went out to the backyard to do some yard work.


After an hour of yard work, Marilyn went inside and jumped in the shower. As she was feeling the warm water roll down her body, she started to touch her right nipple, gently at first, and then started to pinch it. Her right hand urgently dove into her pubic hair, searching for the clitoris. She leaned forward, resting her head on the wall. Through her mind raced not so much images, but ideas, the sensation of Ward’s cock rubbing up and down along her labia, to then plunge in and out slowly, and then faster. Her right had quickened, and her left pinched harder, and within a minute a long, warm orgasm washed through her body, irradiating out from her belly and making her shake. She stayed still for a couple of minutes, and then proceeded to finish her shower.

After getting dressed, she sat down in the living room and opened a bottle of wine. She picked up a book she wanted had started a couple of months back, but had yet to finish: “On Beauty”, by Zadie Smith. What a coincidence, Marilyn thought, interracial couples.

She hadn’t read more than one page when her cell phone rang. For a second she debated whether to answer. The screen flashed Lucy’s name. She hesitated further. Finally, on the fifth ring, she picked up. After all, she couldn’t avoid her forever. School was set to start back up again on Monday.


“Hello, hello! How is it going, Mary. I hadn’t heard from you in a few days. Your last message was, like, 5 days ago.”

“Well, you were at the beach with your family, and I didn’t want to bother you”, lied Marilyn.

“Are you sure it wasn’t something else?”, asked Lucy in a playfully mischievous tone.

“Well, err sure…” stammered Marilyn.

“Ah, don’t worry, you silly. I imagine what you must be thinking. That Ward and I are a pair of degenerates.”

“No, how can you say that. Not at all… It’s just that… How can i put this?”

“You don’t have to explain anything, I understand. Listen, I returned from the beach a couple of days ago. I am at the grocery store, just getting some stuff for the week. Why don’t I swing by your house and then maybe we can chat a little. Say half an hour, forty five minutes?” Lucy didn’t give Marilyn any room to say no.

“Ok. Yeah, sure. I will be here”

“Great. See you in a bit”.

Marilyn hanged up the phone and stared at her glass of wine. She was about to have the conversation she had been avoiding.

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