Blair and Foster
I’m so freakin’ nervous about today. I have a meeting with Dr. Andrew Foster this morning to establish whether or not I’d be a good Teachers Assistant (TA) for him.
I look at myself in the university’s bathroom mirror. Running my fingers through my dark auburn hair, I look at the green-eyed woman starring back at me. Maybe I shouldn’t have picked such a bright lipstick. Does it make me look too pale? Ugh, who cares, I just have to go in there and show him I’m totally up for the job. I run my hands over my black pencil skirt and tug at the white blouse I picked out last weekend. It’s a little bit too tight around the bust area, but I’ve always had trouble finding tops that fit my double d’s without looking stretched out in the front. I look down and realize one of the buttons in the middle of my chest has come undone, revealing my dark purple, lace bra. I look around and quickly do it up, hoping I haven’t been walking around all morning with it undone.
I shake my head and frown, I’m not this well put together girl that’s looking back at me. I can’t even stay on top of my school work half the time. I also hate skirts. Why aren’t jeans considered professional? I’m Blaire for fuck sakes. I play rugby and have zero interest in owning a dress. Ok, ok, lets focus. This isn’t the end of the world. It’s only for today’s meeting and then I’ll just never wear it again.
I make my way to the 4th floor where Foster’s department is. The hallway is pretty much deserted, which is surprising for a Thursday morning. I readjust my book bag on my shoulder and recite the lines I’ve prepared to deliver today in the hopes of sounding oh so smart.
I arrive at the faculty of Human and Social Development to find that the secretary’s desk is empty. Unsure if I should wait, I look down at my watch and realize I can’t really stand around – I’m going to be late. Looking up I notice a sign with Dr. Fosters office number. I figure I can just make my way down – I mean, he is expecting me, right?
I finally find his office at the very end of the corridor and stand in front of the door, realizing that it’s not too late to run. Shaking my head, I tell myself that this isn’t going to be hard, I just have to assist this old professor with whatever it is TAs do and all will be well in the world. My mother will get off my back about not working, and it’ll look good on my resume. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
I hear a knock on my door and freeze. I’m in the middle of changing into my work clothes – is it really 11 already? I ran a little late today because I had to change my bike tire on the way to the University. Usually I’m already dressed and ready to go by this time. I also haven’t had any coffee this morning so this is going to be an interesting meeting.
I call out for them to wait a second but the door swings open anyway. I have one leg in my pants with no shirt on as this gorgeous woman walks right into my office. We both freeze and I see her eyes go really wide. Her face turns bright red but she doesn’t look away. I’m lost for words and shove my other leg into my pants and zip them up.
“Uh, sorry, I thought you said to come in,” she says as she slowly looks me up and down.
I can’t believe I’m standing there half dressed in front of a student. I quickly reach for my undershirt and pull it over my head.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it, the doors here are pretty thick. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll just finish up here.” I hope I sound casual, because I’m definitely not feeling it.
What the hell just happened? I can’t believe I’m sitting in this professor’s office while he’s trying to finish getting dressed. I mean this guy is fit. Why aren’t all professor’s as good looking as this guy? I can’t remember the last time I had a super hot teacher – like, ever. All my teachers this semester are past their prime and mostly female. He’s at least 6’2, and very fit but in a nice attractive way not in the “I can barely move my arms” way. I got a good look at his upper half and damn! I’d let this guy take me on that desk. I instantly stop myself from going down that thought path. He’s completely off limits. There’s no way he’d be interested in me anyway. I mean, I’m nowhere as fit as this guy and definitely love pizza way too much to ever be one of those skinny fit girls you see all over the internet. This girl’s got curves and I’m pretty happy about it. I wonder how he likes his women…
Foster clears his throat and I realize I’ve been staring at him for the past minute. Embarrassed, I look down at my hands and twist the gold ring on my pinky, a nervous habit.
“So, I’m really sorry about that.” He looks down at a piece of paper on his desk “Miss Cavanaugh, it seems, I’ve been having one of those days. How about we forget about that incident and begin the interview?”
I can’t help but smile. He must be so embarrassed.
“Is there something you find amusing, Miss Cavanaugh?”
I let out a giggle and immediately regret it. So unprofessional; but then again, look who’s talking.
“Well, Mr. Foster, I can’t help but find this situation a little amusing, since only moments earlier I was worried about making a good first impression.”
To her surprise, Foster starts laughing and sits down behind his desk.
“Yeah well, that was one hell of an introduction and I am sorry. I don’t usually greet people like that.”
“Aren’t I the lucky one?” I say, smiling and feeling more at ease.
He smiles and looks down at his papers for a moment before looking up again.
“Alright, Blaire Cavanaugh, tell me a bit about yourself.”
Blaire is a beautiful woman and I can’t stop looking at her lips. I keep having to tell myself to look up. When I do, I get lost in her deep green eyes full of excitement as she tells me about her passion for educating people on sexual health. She wants to be a Sex therapist. Damn, I’d want her as my sex therapist. Shit, I can’t be thinking about her that way, she’s a student. Why do I have to be teaching Healthy Sexuality? If only I was teaching about the Cold War, or something very none sexual like Carpentry…
I mentally shake myself and force my attention back to what she’s talking about. She says she plays rugby. I instinctively look down at her body and think, wow, this girl is fit. Not too fit though. She still has some nice curves – and those tits. Fuck, they’re huge. My eyes rest on her chest and notice that two buttons on her blouse are undone. I can see that she’s wearing a purple, lace bra. I shift in my seat as I start feeling my dick growing hard against my leg. Fuck. How am I suppose to concentrate when this girl’s tits are practically hanging out? I run a hand through my hair and stand up, quickly shoving my hands in my front pockets to conceal my erection. I turn towards the large window behind me.
As Foster gets up to go stare out the window, I pause as I notice the arousal pressing against the front on his pants. I look up at him and notice that his blue eyes are no longer as bright as before, but are now darker as desire swims within them. I inhale sharply and nervously fumble with the ring on my pinky again. We just stare at each other without a word. Foster comes around to the front of the desk and leans against it. He crosses his arms and just looks down at me, as if weighing his options. I can almost see the wheels turning and will him to just bend down and grab me. I want to feel his strong arms around me. I want to taste those lips and have him take me from behind on his desk.
Not knowing what to do next I open my mouth to tell him that I should probably go, and just like that, he pulls me out of the chair. We are now standing face to face and awfully close. I can feel his hand on my elbow and can smell the fresh mint on his breath. “Kiss me”, I beg silently.
I’ve lost all reason as I stand in front of Blaire with my hand holding on to her elbow. What do I think will happen – we’ll kiss and then be on our way? We can’t cross that line. We just can’t. But then she looks up at me with so much lust in her eyes and at that moment I know she wants me as bad as I want her.
“Kiss me,” she whispers and I see the surprise on her face. I don’t think she meant to say that out loud. Not giving her time to process what she’s just said, I close the distance and crush my lips against hers. God, she tastes so good. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close. She smells so sweet and I want to taste all of her.
I tease her lips apart with my tongue and feel myself grow harder as our tongues dance in her mouth. I pull back a little and bite her lower lip, jut enough to send shivers down her back.
We back up until I hit the edge of the desk. I pull away and swing her around so that she’s now the one with her ass against the desk. I lean against her, pressing my hard cock against her body. I start gently kissing her neck and make my way down to her shoulder. She moans deep in her throat and throws her head back. I take this as an encouragement and start undoing the remaining buttons of her white blouse while kissing her deeply.
I can’t fucking believe this is happening. Foster is an amazing kisser and is in the process of removing my top oh so slowly. I just wish he’d rip it off already! Finally, my shirt is off and I’m standing there in my bra and pencil skirt. Thank God I picked a matching set of underwear this morning. Not wanting to wait any longer, I reach back and unzip my skirt letting the soft fabric slide down my legs. I watch as Foster follows my skirt with his eyes, as it falls to the floor. He looks up again, smiles and I feel my insides melt. How is it possible to feel so attracted to someone after only meeting them minutes earlier?
I grab his shirt like I’ve seen women do in movies and pull him towards me. As his body comes in contact with mine I can feel his erection, long and hard, against my stomach. I sense the need to have him between my thighs growing with every breath. He leans forward so that our lips are now merely inches apart.
He reaches up and grazes the top of my breasts with his index finger.
“I want to taste them,” he says hungrily.
Filled with anticipation, I nod as he expertly unclasps my bra with one hand. He gently runs his fingers under the straps and lets the bra fall to the ground. He stands there for a second, seeming in awe of my generous chest. Slowly, he covers both tits with his hands and starts rolling my nipples between his thumb and index fingers.
Within seconds my nipples grow harder and I can’t help but press into him. I moan, wanting him to taste them. I look up at Foster and see lust and passion swimming in his eyes as he pulls and teases each nipple with his fingers.
“I want you to suck on my tits.” I can’t believe how confident and in control I sound. I can tell he’s even more turned on by the growl that escapes his lips.
This woman is fucking amazing, I just want to bury myself deep in her. I lean forward and pause for a second, admiring her beautiful creamy skin and her pink nipples, hard and at attention.
“Foster, your 11:30 appointment is here.”
We freeze. Fuck! The department secretary could not have picked a worst time.
“Uh, give me 5 minutes Trudy.” I yell, my voice sounding hoarse.
I look at Blair and I see embarrassment, panic, dread and lust flash through her eyes and watch as panic takes over. She leans away from me and stammers some incoherent sentences as she starts gathering her clothes. She keeps apologizing as she gets dressed and I just want to reach out, hold her and tell her it’s going to be ok, but I don’t. I’m frozen on the spot, unsure of what to do.
Before I know it, Blair’s dressed and leaning down to grab her book bag.
“I’m so sorry again Mr. Foster, this was so unprofessional and I will no longer be applying for the TA position, because well, you know…”
With that, she spins on her heals and exits my office, leaving only her sweet scent and my sexual frustration as any indication that she was ever here.
End of Part 1
Many thanks to my editors, Shygirlwhore and King Mitch.