Tag: after party

The French Connection Ch. 01

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My name is Dominic Russell and I was thirty-two years old when these events took place. The story I am about to tell took place last July in the seaside resort of Tossa-De-Mar, which nestles in the rugged rocks of the Costa Brava in Northern Spain. I had been abandoned by my girlfriend only a week before the holiday after a rather heated argument. Rather than let a good holiday go to waste I had decided to go on my own. I had no intentions of seeking female company during my time away as I had every hope of getting back together with Sarah once she had had some time to cool down. However, that was before I met Monique.

I was happily ensconced in reading my book when I just happened to look up and was immediately captivated. On the other side of the swimming pool with its sparkling blue waters reflecting the light in the bright morning sunlight, now sat the most perfect creature I have every seen. Hair as black as the darkest night fell in straight lines around a perfectly shaped neck which ran down into a body created to look like an angel but yet designed for sin. Her tan was obviously firmly established, the result no doubt of living in a country with a warm climate. Her body was young and I guessed her age to be around that of eighteen. Her supple flesh was utterly desirable; her hour glass figure testament to her developed sexual maturity. Her breasts were perfectly shaped; full and round. Her black bikini gave me a wonderful view of exposed cleavage, cutting off just before exposing her nipples. The same outfit tapered down between her thighs mirroring her hidden womanhood underneath. Her costume was obviously the latest in fashion and was obviously quite expensive. Of more notice to me were the wonders the designer had been able to achieve with such a small amount of material. The fact that she obviously shaved her pussy was clearly highlighted by the sharp cut of the ‘V’ protecting her pubic area from public view. As my eyes lingered on the teenager’s supple form, she turned to place her large red towel down on her chosen sun Lounger. This presented me with a stunning view of her incredible bum cheeks which were almost fully revealed with only the barest amount of material running down between her pert buttocks.

I could feel my cock swelling in my swim shorts. I simply couldn’t look away. Whoever, she was, she represented everything a horny red bloodied male could desire. Obviously, the hot Spanish sun was doing its bit to fuel my hormones, but this was different. Having unrolled her towel she turned once again obviously getting ready to sit down on the edge of the Lounger. My eyes stayed transfixed on her body, observing every facet of her stunning beauty and trying to store it in my memory. Even with my book raised in front of me something about my posture must have given away my voyeurism. She suddenly stiffened as her gaze caught mine. Unabashed she raised one hand to shield her eyes as she studied me from across the pool. I could never recall such an awkward moment as when I first fell under that angel’s scrutiny. I’m not ashamed of my body. In fact I work out quite regularly at my local gym and have a suitably toned physique. However at that moment having been caught ogling this teenager’s incredibly desirable and highly uncovered body, I felt incredibly somewhat lacking.

She studied me for several more seconds. I had no idea what to do. My brain was still racing (as was my heart) with the fantasy image I had created of her undressed and naked body. By now my cock was rock hard and I prayed that she couldn’t see the bulge in my shorts from across the pool. All I could think of was her unbelievable figure and her oozing sexual desirability. Suddenly she moved the hand away from her eyes and flashed me an incredible bright smile before giving me a quick wave. Feeling like a complete fool I waved stupidly back with my spare hand before embarrassment washed over me. In my haze of sexual voyeurism brought about by the girl’s almost naked exterior, I had completely failed to realize that she had been accompanied. My eyes suddenly refocused only to see what could only be the girl’s mother now giving me a very serious frown. Utterly humiliated I immediately raised by book to hind my face whilst at the same time feeling the blood rush from my dick to my reddening cheeks.

The next hour was almost torture. I couldn’t focus on the novel I was reading. Every minute or so I would subconsciously take a peek across the sparkling pool waters to re-admire the raven haired beauty opposite. She was now laying full spread, face downwards on her Lounger. Her black top had been untied and left to dangle on the side thus allowing her to tan her back without a stripe. All that I could think about was those unguarded tits of her now lying firm and pert against the material of her bright red beach towel. This fantasy had now been going on for quite some time. My cock was rock hard in my swim shorts and I really had to focus against the urge to apply some pressure in attempt to stimulate bedava bahis some relief. The pool area was by now packed with sun worshipers, the quite of the day broken by the numerous screaming kids playing and splashing in the swimming pool. To me, the place might as well have been deserted. Apart from the omnipresent form of the girl’s mother sat upright beside her daughter, the place might as well have been deserted.

Suddenly my already pounding heart and swollen cock had something else to worsen their condition. The girl had looked to one side to say something to her mother. After receiving a reply she started to move. I watched on with utter focus, my book unnoticed as it fell downwards to my lap. The young girl had made no effort to retrieve her top and as she turned to clamber off her sun Lounger, her perfectly formed and uncovered tits came into my view. I swear as I first got to see her large brown nipples for the first time that I nearly exploded in my swim shorts. If she was perfect whilst covered, then she was on another level entirely when almost completely bare. Her gorgeous tits were an incredible sight. Her young chest was perfect in every conceivable way; her lusciously round and firm breasts immaculate. I could practically taste her nipple buds in my mouth as I fantasized about being able to lick and suckle my way around her bosom.

The girl stood up. As she did so, my eyes followed every motion of her breasts as she moved. With a casual gesture she flicked her head from one side to the other, sending her errant straight strands of black hair around to her back. Scooping up her bikini top she started to don it. I swear that her motions were deliberately slow as she dressed, almost as if she was aware of how incredibly uncomfortable her exhibitionism was making me. Once her breasts were covered she said something else to her mother before setting off around the pool. Not once during all of this had she even looked in my direction yet I was incredibly aware of some secret bond between us. As if to reassure my thoughts on this matter, she gave me a sly wave with one hand as her body shielded me from her mother’s view as she passed.

My heart was beating in overtime now and it was small wonder that my cock was not now sticking out of the top of my swim shorts. I watched her retreating form as she walked away, not once taking my eyes off her practically bare bum. From nowhere, a strong voice in my head urged, ‘follow her you fool!’ I blinked in surprise at the unbidden voice. Then, realizing just how right my subconscious was, I sprang from my seat. Wandering around the pool with the hot sun baked tiles burning my bare feet I prayed that nobody would notice the incredibly obvious bulge in my swim shorts. In light of all the young kids running around, such a revelation might provoke a rather embarrassing moment!

The teenage goddess vanished from sight as she rounded a corner of the white walled hotel. I followed, clueless as to what I was actually planning to do. What could I possibly say to her, our age gap between seemingly impossibly large. As it turned out, I need not have worried. As I turned around the break in the wall I found that she was waiting for me. For a split second my body froze in shock. If she was gorgeous from a distance then she was mind shatteringly stunning closer up. I was desperately aware of her state of almost total undress; the sheer amount of bare flesh on display, now so incredibly close.

“Hello,” she said in an obviously foreign accent. “Have you been enjoying yourself, watching me from across the way?”

My mind raced. First off, where was she from, which country? Her voice was as stimulating as her body; soft, supple and laced with sexual undertone. I decided I would guess at her being Italian until she spoke some more. If nothing else, she was definitely not Spanish. Now I was faced with a dilemma. Was she being insulting and had deliberately lured me here so she could chastise my voyeurism? On the other hand, was this the invite I so desperately wanted?

“Come now. A big boy like you should not be afraid of a talking to a young girl like me!” Had she deliberately just glanced at my crotch as she said ‘big boy’?

“Hello.” I stuttered out my greeting desperately trying to retain eye contact. This should have been easy as she had wonderfully large hazel eyes, but the allure of her bare cleavage was still calling to my blood deprived brain.

“My name is Monique,” she whispered drawing closer to me. I could feel the sweetness of her moist breath against my face. “And I love English men,” she stated in the same soft voice, her eyes looking into mine. I realized now that she was very obviously French and not Italian.

“Err, yes!” I managed to mutter. How could anybody think with such a young beauty in front of them?

“You do not say much,” she purred with her intoxicating compulsive accent. “Are you here alone?”

“Yes,” I said trying to regain some form of composure. I had casino siteleri never wanted to fuck someone as desperately as I did just now.

“I was just reading my book by the pool…” I never got the chance to finish.

“Rubbish. You were staring at me all the time. I could feel you undressing me with your eyes.” Monique inched even closer and to my utter shock felt a warm hand brushing up the length of my hidden and very erect cock.

“Do not deny it. You want to fuck me, don’t you, English boy!” The way in which she breathed out the word ‘fuck’ nearly made me shoot my load there and then. I also wasn’t sure if the way she kept referring to me as ‘boy’ was a good or a bad thing. However, given the circumstances she could call me what she wanted and I wouldn’t care at all.

Once again there was pressure through my swim shorts as her fingers traced the outline of my stiff manhood through the fabric. She moved closer putting her arms around my neck and bringing her mouth up to my left ear.

“Well it is your lucky day, English. I want you to fuck my hot little body and put your hard cock inside my very wet pussy. It really is so very, very wet now!”

She moved her body into mine, pressing closer. I could feel her nipples sticking through the thin fabric of her bikini top and touching my chest. An erotic warm feeling settled around my groin as she pushed her pussy in the direction of my waiting dick. All that separated now from me engaging her in union was our swimwear.

“I want you to ride me! To fuck me! To lick me!” she whispered like the little temptress she was. “I want to lick your dick and suck your balls and when you finished fucking me, I want to taste your spunk on my tongue when you come inside my mouth.”

I had never, ever, had a girl talk so dirty to me before. To hear these kinds of words from such a young sweet looking creature was simply mind blowing. The hot warmth of her breath in my ear was an aphrodisiac where as the pressure she was exerting with her hold on my groin was cruel temptation. She had now wrapped both of her very long legs around my body now and I had subconsciously gone to cup her wide bum cheeks to support her weight against me.

“But not just yet, English,” she whispered back into my ear. “I told Mama that I would bring her a drink, so you will need to wait for me. Will you do that?”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I was so come to coming in my pants. To have her young pussy so close to my dick and yet not being able to penetrate her was unbelievable frustration.

“You need to let me go now.” She gave my ear a playful nibble. “Later and I am all yours.”

The promise of unrestricted access to her hot teenage body made me comply. Slowly I lowered her to the floor. She released her arms from around my neck but not before she had planted a quick kiss on my lips.

“Meet me under the bridge after lunch,” she instructed as she backed away. “You know where I mean, English?” she asked, raising her voice to cover the distance between us.

“Yes, I do. My name is Dominic,” I said, hoping to escape the rather generic label of ‘English’ that she had attached to me.

“That is a very nice name, Dominic. I will see you later, yes?” With that she turned and I watched her bum cheeks vanishing into the gloom of the nearby interior doorway. I could swear she had been skipping!

I retreated to my room and did what any respectable adult would do after such an encounter. I had a cold shower. I must admit the temptation to relieve my urges with a quick wank was very high. I knew it would take very little effort to close my eyes and relive every second of our encounter; the hot feel of her naked skin against mine. The smell of her sunscreen still lingered in my nostrils the aroma of coconut very strong. The memory of the feel of her groin pushed up against mine and the sensation of her tits against my chest would have me coming in seconds if I succumbed to my desires. The memory of her brown nipples standing upright and proud on her round breasts came flooding back.

After my shower I lay naked and panting on the bed. The shower had been incredibly cold and now I wanted the warmth of the room to revive me. The chilling waters had worked their magic and I felt a little more in control of my body then when the raging hormones had dominated me earlier. I closed my eyes and tried to recall Sarah’s naked body in my mind. For whatever reason, the memory of our last painful fight kept flooding back. Some of the things she had said had hurt me deeply and it wasn’t long before Monique’s body was filling my thoughts instead. I asked myself if I could go through with it, providing it wasn’t a wind up. I wouldn’t put it past such a young pretty thing like that, to simply enjoy giving men like myself, the come on before laughing it off afterwards. What I did find however was an overwhelming urge to find out. At the end of the day, any chance to fill a young pussy as hot as Monique’s was more bahis siteleri worth the risk of a little humiliation. I found myself staring at the clock. Lunch at the hotel officially finished at 1:30pm. I desperately hoped this was the time Monique had meant.

Time crawled by until the appointed rendezvous drew near. Time and time again I had to resist the urge to bring myself off with the images of Monique’s body and tits flooding my head. Finally I dressed in a light white shirt with short sleeves and a pair of cotton slacks. I hope an image of well dress may help me live down any embarrassment that Monique might have planned. I walked down the stairwell from my room with the racing thud of my heart pounding in my ears. I was sweating profusely and this had little to do with the dry heat of the Spanish day.

The bridge Monique had referred to was actually a raised crossing that spanned the two divided halves of the hotel before leading off on both sides to numerous apartment doors. My excitement soared as I neared on the ground path for as I looked up I saw Monique’s unmistakable form on the bridge above.

“I though you might not come,” she shouted and gave me an encouraging wave. She was now wearing a white summer dress which although as not as revealing as her bikini, made her look even more voluptuous. Her dress was low cut and promised a wonderful view of her cleavage once I reached the same level as her. It was only the reminder of her dirty words breathed softly into my ear that reminded me just what a vixen this teenager promised to be.

I reached the under-hang of the bridge and looked up into Monique’s beautiful face. Her cheeks were flushed and I could the redness in them even from my distance below. This just made her look even hornier than before and I simply couldn’t wait to reach her.

“How do I get up?” I shouted upwards.

She didn’t reply but giggled instead. It suddenly caught my attention that she was doing something with her dress. It came as a complete shock when I realised that she was slowly hitching her dress up at the front. Through the wide slits in the bridge design I could see more and more of her shapely tanned legs when suddenly her pussy came into view. I stood transfixed at the sight of her shaven muff; a sharply cut ‘V’ of midnight black pubic hairs surrounded her incredible pussy lips. I was immediately at full attention, my dick long and hard in my cotton boxer shorts. This girl was absolutely incredible! Without a doubt she was in possession of the sexiest, horniest and most fantastically fuckable little body, band she was as dirty as sin to boot.

“You must be careful, Dominic,” she called down with her soft French accent. “Men who look up girl’s skirts have a habit of getting wet!”

I stared up, my gaze firmly locked on the sight of the slit between her legs. Even from here I could clearly make out of the sight of her little clit poking out of the top of her pussy lips. Her reference to what might happen if I continued looking up at her exposed private parts was completely lost on me. As it turns out, I narrowly escaped her promise as just then the sound of an apartment door opening on the upper floor caused Monique to hurriedly replace her dress. Laughing she ran to the left hand side of the bridge before vanishing from sight. The sound of footsteps on hidden stairs drew closer and then Monique appeared from round a corner in the building structure.

“Are you ready to fuck me?” she asked in her horny French accent.

“Oh yes!” I assured her.

“Then we best go back to your room and start having some fun. Tell me Dominic, do you have a balcony in your room.”

“Yes, I do,” I said, completely clueless as to why she might ask.

“Good. When we get to your room, I want you to fuck me from behind on your balcony. I want to watch the world go by whilst I have your cock in me.”

It didn’t take long to get back to my room. I remember little of the trip, my thoughts and hormones on the coming event. What I do recall was just how quickly Monique’s dress left her body once the door was closed and the enthusiasm she showed helping me remove mine. Needless to say, Monique was a hot naked as I could have imagined. Her hot wet little pussy looked incredible nestled between those perfect tanned legs. Her hot, wide and perfectly rounded bum cheeks were in my hands almost immediately as I dropped down to my knees to sample at her honey pot. My tongue slit up her immaculate crack, tasting her womanhood and sampling the contours of her little clit. She groaned with desire whilst I flicked my tongue up and down, tasting her wetness and enjoying it immensely. Soft fingers ran through my hair whilst I pleasured her pussy until suddenly they became strong and hard. She practically yanked me to my feet.

“You must learn to share,” she panted in short breaths. Her flushed cheeks highlighted the hazel colour in her eyes. Forcibly she steered me in the direction of the bed where she gave me a powerful push forwards. I didn’t resist and within seconds she was mounting me in a sixty-nine position. Once again I plunged an exploratory tongue into her warm wetness whilst an incredible feeling of pleasure ran upwards to my brain from where Monique was now hungrily sucking my cock.

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