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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch. 17

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Martin sat alone in a small interrogation room. The large wood table with the two empty chairs on the opposite side of the table were all the furnishings in the room. The humiliation Martin had suffered as he was brought through the police station, the giggles, sneers and staring were still fresh in his mind. Though he was told he was not under arrest, he felt like he was, as his hands were still cuffed to the table. Several times the door would open and two or three people would stick their head in to get a look at at him under some false pretense of looking for someone else. Mostly curiosity in seeing this man that was dressed as a woman with a Bliss Mask. Martin stared straight ahead not acknowledging the curiosity seekers. It seems that though all the aspects of Martin’s current ordeal were perfectly legal, they were not a common event by any means around here. In a city as large as the one he was in now, only three men were registered with PCP’s and they all had to do more with SRS. Just normal crossdressing and a man having the desire to go out in public wearing a dress was not an acceptable reason to get a permit from the local government, no matter how nice the man looked dressed as a woman. Though there were many same sex marriages on the books here, and it was very common, he was the only same sex, arranged marriage , and the only male who was crossdressing as a woman publicly as a result of his same sex marriage. There was another arranged marriage that had been performed in the area, but it was a man and a woman union. So this made him quite a novelty here. Everybody wanted to see what this man bride looked like. Wearing six inch high heels, a Bliss Mask, and his hair in curlers had only added to the curiosity and gossip now spreading through the hallways of the police station.

The door opened again and this time a woman walked in. She was wearing a black business suit, and red three inch pumps that broke the silence as they clicked quickly across the floor to the table. She was reading the contents of a folder as she walked toward him, glancing up at him for a moment taking in his feminized appearance then returning her attention to the folder. She lay the folders out on the table and then had a seat across from Martin.

“Hello Mrs. Vargos, my name is Sarah Thompson. I am a legal adviser and consultant, and I also do some free counseling here, and I just happened to be here today when you were brought in. I see by your paperwork you were married just a couple of days ago,” she gave him a smile and asked, “You were out for a walk I understand?” she said looking him over. “Crossdressed in women’s clothes obviously.”

“A walk?” he said in his male voice looking through the mask that was strapped tightly around his head, the straps all hidden under the curlers in his hair, “Lady, I was fleeing a madhouse,” he said seriously. Martin felt this woman had no real interest in his ordeal and was just using her position to satisfy her own curiosity and to add to her counseling experience resume.

“Oh I’m sure it was. I here those three day consummation ceremonies can get quite extravagant and even a bit rowdy in their celebrations at times,” she said looking back at the paperwork, misunderstanding his meaning.

“I want out of this mess. Don’t you understand? I don’t want to be married to this guy. Get it? I’m running away. Trying to escape. Those people are crazy,” he said pounding his palms down on the table, his bright red fingernails shining in the light. “I need your help.”

“Mrs. Vargos, I hav…………” Martin slammed his hand down again.

“Call me Martin damn it. No more of this Mrs. Vargos bullshit. My name is Martin.”

“Ok, Martin,” she said calmly folding her hands and looking directly into his eyes behind the mask, “First of all…..Martin, I don’t feel we need you slamming your hands on the table to make your point. Please refrain from doing so. You have not been charged with anything at this time, but I will have an officer come in here and cuff your hands behind your back if I need to,” she said as she returned her attention to his file. “So you were saying?” She looked at his hands on the table, “Pretty fingernails by the way,” she said glancing down at his hands on the table, assuming she was paying this nervous man a compliment. Martin just glared at her through the mask as he pulled his fingers slowly into fist so his red fingernails disappeared from her sight. She studied his file for a bit, flipping back and forth, then she finally looked up and gave a little smile.

“Let’s just calm down a moment here. Martin, this is a file the city has for your marriage license request, name change, and other documents you have asked for recently. I want to go over it with you so you understand it better. There are no secrets in here, and you are allowed full access of course to all your public records,” she said turning the folder so he could read it. “I must say I have never counseled on a marriage such as yours before, as same sex, arranged marriages xhamster porno are not common at all around here, but I will say this, there are laws in place pertaining to such unions, and I will help you with any questions you may have about them. I also understand that in family arranged marriages, sometimes one person in the marriage isn’t always as well informed nor understands fully why their family may have decided to arrange a marriage for them in the first place. In such cases, maybe the bride is not……well……..as happy with the marriage let’s say, as the groom is,” she smiled looking the ultra feminized man over once again.

“This is not a MARRIAGE! It’s should be called being kidnapped, sold and forced to be someone’s sex slave. So yes, to answer your absurd statement, I was not well informed, and I’m not happy about this at all,” Martin said with much tension in his voice, fighting the urge to scream at the woman. She looked at Martin a moment, giving some thought to his situation.

“I can see where this would be very difficult for you Martin, at least initially. Trying to cope with all the changes that are happening with you so suddenly.” She did sound sympathetic in her tone.

“DIFFICULT? Look at me. I am a man.” Martin leaned over the table glaring at her, his overall appearance betraying his statement, “Look how I’m dressed. I am a straight man. You know what that man does to me in his bedroom?”

“Well, judging from the dark spots on your neck, I’d say the two of you are in the process of consummating your marriage, in a very old and traditional way,” she said as a matter of fact. “Where as most couples keep their wedding nights somewhat private, you are doing, “The Three Nights of Consummation,” that is designed to show off the bride to the public as she submits herself totally to her husband. Hiding her face from public view, showing her face only to her husband as she is seeded over and over again, wearing the Bliss Mask as a sign of her acceptance and submission to him as per the tradition. Having hickeys on her neck for each seeding she has received during the consummation period, so other men can see how fertile the husband is. Isn’t that about right?” she said looking at him raising an eyebrow, satisfied with her knowledge of the tradition. “I did research this as thoroughly as I could before deciding to talk with you.”

“Do you know what it is like to be forced to do this? Did you wear a mask when you were married?” he asked her.

“Oh hell no,” she said shaking her head and turning up her nose. “First of all, that is a custom that is seldom done and it’s usually very wealthy families that do such things. Most people couldn’t afford an arranged marriage. It is way out of bounds for me though, and very degrading to the bride in my opinion. I never would have married my husband, well loved him, had he wanted to even consider such a thing. It would have meant he didn’t respect me as a person as far as I’m concerned.”

“What about me and my self respect? Don’t you think this is degrading to me?,” he said sitting up so she could take in the full view of his dress. “People out there are laughing at me. Men shouldn’t be forced to have to do these things. I’m being used as a woman without my consent.”

“What do you mean men shouldn’t have to do this Martin? You think it’s ok for women to have to go through arranged marriages, but not men? You really think a woman in your situation would not feel just as degraded as you, at least initially?”

“Nobody should have to do this. It’s degrading to anybody,” he hissed at her, and bowed his head in aggravation..

“Yes I agree with you Martin. It is a very degrading practice in my opinion,” she said touching his hand. “I can not change that, but we can see if you have any recourse here though. Just settle down for a moment.”

“I…AM….A….MAN! Martin growled very distinctly.

“And I never said you weren’t a man. I can see you feel very embarrassed by being presented in this way, but you are legally married, and you are the bride of this man. So, before we continue that train of thought, let’s look and see if we can’t figure out how all this came about, and then we can assess your situation better and see what can be done for you,” she said as she took a piece of paper from the file she had.

Martin looked at the first document. It was the arranged marriage document that had been agreed to by his family. All the details of the Baron’s request to have Martin as his bride, and the dowry he offered, along with the acceptance by Martin’s family. The first signature on the agreement was that of Baron Anthony Vargos. The Baron had signed with the flare of John Hancock. Then the signatures of Martin’s family members were below. By signing this document, each family member was giving their consent for Martin to have his marriage arranged for him in accordance with the agreement and laws. Martin’s eyes welled up as he read the names of those that had felt yaşlı porno it somehow required he be wedded off by family consent rather than of his own accord. His father’s name was first. It pained him to see that. “Why would he agree to this?” he wondered. His grandparents on his fathers side, and his aunt Carolyn had both signed this document too.

“Oh my god,” Martin said softly to himself. “how many people knew about this. Did they know he was going to also be feminized in this deal?” he wondered. His mind pictured his aunt Carolyn saying after being told of the marital plan, “Dressing him like a woman? Oh sure, why not. What difference does it make as long as he is finally in a stable relationship of some kind,” and then laughing to herself as she signed the document that would force him to do just that. He never liked his aunt much, his father’s sister, and that may have contributed some to Martin’s thoughts. Then it was his cousin Amber? “What?” he gasped. She had just turned 18 years old recently. How could they ask her about something so critical to someone else’s life? She was not mature enough to have an opinion on such a thing. Yet in her youth she had been allowed to make a decision, that Martin should be married off to be another man’s wife? There was one other name, and he was expecting it to be that of his bitch stepmother Missy, but it wasn’t. It clearly said, “John Hastings.” He looked for a moment at it quietly as he thought in a confused state.

“What the hell is this? Who is John Hastings?” he spat out as he tried to figure out what his eyes were now seeing.

“Those are the members of your family Martin who decided you would be better off being where you are today.” Martin was still trying to piece it all together.

“I don’t know a John Hastings. Who is he and why is he allowed to make this decision for me?”

“I don’t know who he is. Evidently they felt you needed to be with someone who would take care of you and your affairs, better than you could on your own. Six signatures of approval by family members are required to start an arranged marriage process, and six are here. There were no descending opinions, which is also a requirement. Any descents would have had to been worked out first.”

“I don’t agree with this!” Martin spat out.

“Unfortunately Martin, your opinion doesn’t count in these cases.”

“Who is John Hastings? I don’t know any John Hastings. That is a bogus signature to push this through. There is no John Hastings.” Martin said trying to discredit the document now. “Can’t you see this is all a setup? I mean my cousin is just a kid. Her signature shouldn’t even count.” Martin was getting teary with frustration.

“As far as your cousin goes, well she is eighteen, so the signature is legal, though I would agree with you, she is way to young for such a decision in my opinion. I’ll look into that other signature for you if you like, but all of these signatures had to be witnessed and confirmed so I doubt there are any fakes here.”

Sarah flipped the page and Martin’s attention was brought back to the present. This is your request to change your name from Martin Hastings to Marcia Vargos,” her red nails pointing out the important lines to him, “And this is the final copy of acceptance.” Martin noticed the dates on these documents predated his wedding by weeks, though the activation dates were the wedding date itself. There was official seals stamped on the bottom of the page that made it a legal copy.

“These items are request from you recently that have been rejected for one reason or another. This one you requested an annulment of your marriage because you have a desire to have a sex change.” She looked up at him with a smile that seemed to be hiding a giggle. “You thinking of becoming a real woman Martin?” she asked with a grin.

“Yeah. I want to be a woman. Anything wrong with that?”

“Oh no, I think it’s just fine,” she said with a smile noting his lack of sincerity.

“So this forced same sex marriage is no good, right?” he said without emotion.

“Well, you do have an attorney working on that aspect for you obviously,” she said. “He was retained for you by Michelle ….”

“Hastings,” Martin interrupted her, “That’s my bitch stepmother. She goes by Missy. Real cute huh, Missy,” Martin said with as much venom as the female orgasmic facial expression on his Bliss Mask would allow.

“Actually it says here her name is Michelle Jacobs.”

“What? That can’t be right.” Martin said looking at the document, but there it was, Michelle Jacobs. “That’s her maiden name,” Martin said. She must have gone back to it after the death of his father.

“I also see that a request is in, but some documents have to be redone apparently. I did review this file before I came in to see you though. I took the liberty of filling out a PCP, which is a Public Crossdressing Permit for you seeing that is why you are here in the first place today. If you want to sign it right here, aldatma porno we can get this process started for you today,” she pointed to the signature line.

“Then can I go home? Once I get this PCP?”

“Well…… no. All the paperwork will be done, but still needs to be processed, you need to have a judge ok and sign off on it, and then you still need to come in dressed in your feminine attire of course, to have a picture taken for the ID card. It only takes a few minutes, but you are obviously in your Bliss Mask today,” she gave a nod of support to him.

“Can you please take this damn mask off me. I hate wearing this thing. It’s driving me crazy.”

“No,” she said bluntly before returning back to the subject of public crossdressing, “Being married to another man and also desiring a sex change, you should have no problems getting a permit to crossdress publicly, as I understand those are the two top criteria for which these permits are issued.”

Martin felt stuck. He couldn’t argue about not wanting to be dressed as a woman, as this avenue of escape was still in play. Missy had done what she had said she would. It was so humiliating sitting across from this woman signing a paper she obviously found somewhat amusing as her pursed lips indicated when she gave him a pen. Martin signed the document, Marcia Vargos, then dropped the pen on the table.

“Thank you Martin. You should have no problems whatsoever crossdressing in public once we get that picture for your permit. You will need an escort to dress in public until then.”


“Yes, I mean it is legal in your situation as a male bride to crossdress in public right now if you’re with your husband.”

“That’s so degrading,” Martin hissed. “I am forced to marry this man, and then the law makes exceptions for when I’m with him? Like he keeps me safe or something? Look at me Sarah. I’m a grown man. I don’t need that man to look after me,” he said flustered by the idea.

“Well, you do if you want to go out in public wearing women’s clothes without a permit Martin. That’s just how it is. Those laws are in place for a reason, and in case you have forgotten, you are wearing women’s clothes.”

Martin slammed himself back in his chair in frustration. “I’m the victim here! I need help to get out of this mess.”

“Yes, I understand and I’m really sorry how this works out so often. These arranged marriages, unlike your mutually agreed upon unions are so difficult to get out of, especially for the one that had their family speaking in their stead. Even more so when in your situation. I’ve read of cases of arranged marriages where women have been married to men and the courts have denied annulment request and divorces for reasons that the court would have had no problems granting in traditional marriages. I’m not sure why that is though.”

“How can the state require a man to dress as a woman and be totally humiliated in public, just because he is in a same sex marriage? Shouldn’t it be two men, looking like men? Why do they care?” Martin knew the answer but it never made sense.

“You’re not required to dress like a woman,” she gave a grin at his statement, “The law says nothing about how you dress. It is your preference, well, your husband’s actually, that has you dressed as a woman Martin. The law just makes it ok for you to crossdress in public should you so desire because of the type of relationship you have.”

“Or my husband’s decision?”

“Well…..Your marriage to this man was arranged partly for the reasons he would be helpful in making lifes decisions with you and in many cases for you. That is part of the reasonings behind these arranged marriages.”

“So I’ve heard.” he said frustrated. Martin looked about the room trying to figure another way out of here. Obviously the laws were totally against him in this situation, treating him as if he didn’t have the abilities to make decisions on his own.

“Martin, someone is coming to get you, so you can be escorted back home.”

“I don’t want to go back there. I need an attorney or something. I need help. My husband is a sick sadistic man.” Calling the Baron his husband was difficult for Martin, but in here he had to try and make his points quickly.

“The Baron? As I said before, you have an attorney working on your case. Are you saying you wish to file a complaint against your husband for abuse of some sort?”

“YES! YES! YES! YES! FINALLY!!” Martin said flopping his hands down on the table as he fell back in his seat. She looked him over seriously.

“Ok, well I’m sure someone will take your statement, but now I need to have you escorted over to a holding cell. You will have to walk through the precinct duty area to the holding cells. I’m sorry for that, but there is no other way. Martin please remember, I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but the way you are dressed, the Bliss Mask and all……well is a bit novelty here. I know in some big cities it is much more common, but not here. I’m sure you will feel eyes staring at you. Just keep moving forward and we will make this walk as quickly as possible.” She closed the folder. “I will talk to someone and make sure someone comes in and takes your statement,” she said standing and taking the folders as she prepared to leave.

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