Kathryn Naked in the Alley
This story is a recounting of an actual dream I had recently, featuring my real-life best friend. I’m writing this as accurately to my dream as I can, mostly so I can keep the memory of it.
The only thing I added is dialogue, to make the story more interesting to read.
“I can’t believe I’m actually about to do this…”
This was my best friend Kathryn, who’d come to visit me for the week. She’d arrived that morning, and since we hadn’t seen each other in over a year, we’d spent the day chatting and catching up. Now that the night was well set in, we’d gone onto more… crunchy subjects. Some amount of alcohol helping to lower my inhibitions, I’d ended up telling Kathryn about my exhibitionist urges, and how I was going out in the street at night completely naked on the, let’s say, semi-regular.
To my great surprise, she hadn’t been disgusted, or even turned off by the idea. “Wow, you’re really doing this, in the street? You live in the middle of the city! That’s kinda courageous… Exciting, too…”
She’d said those last words almost in a whisper, like she couldn’t quite believe she was saying them. The reason I was so surprised at her receptiveness to my exhibitionism tendencies was that Kathryn had always struck me as the more conservative type, especially when it came to anything relating sex and sexiness. I’d never seen her wear anything more revealing than a simple tank top, let alone — God forbid! — a bikini.
So, when she’d told me she was excited at the idea of exhibitionism, I almost thought this was a different person sitting in front of me. “Exciting, really?”, I’d said. “You would have never struck me as the type to like this stuff!”
“We all have our little secrets, I guess”, she’d answered with a smile.
And so, a few minutes later, she found herself just inside my frond door, with nothing but a gray long-sleeved button-up dress to cover her otherwise completely naked body. “I can’t believe I’m doing this”, she repeated. Even if she was about to go outside and bare herself to the world, she’d still changed into her dress hidden in the bathroom, which I found adorably ironic. “You can do this!”, I told escort bursa her. “And remember, only go as far as you’re comfortable going, you don’t have to prove anything, this is still your first time doing this, after all.”
“Well, here I go, I guess…”
And with that, she slowly opened the door and stepped out onto the front balcony. As she descended the steps to the sidewalk, I went to the window to keep track of her. She was very skittish at first, clutching her arms around herself, as if to pull her dress even closer to herself. As she got to the pavement, looking around, she seemed to relax a bit. I assumed she found no-one around, enabling her to get more comfortable.
She immediately started crossing the street, looking all around as she did, and, upon reaching the other side, went to the right. From my vantage point, I had a tree blocking my view, and I lost sight of my friend. I stayed put, hoping she’d come back into view. After all, she’d told me she wasn’t going to leave the small stretch of street immediately in front of my apartment.
I waited a few minutes, but Kathryn still didn’t reappear. I was already making up scenarios in my head, so I decided to go out and look for her. I went out the door, down the stairs and across the street, but I still couldn’t see her anywhere. Following the street, I came to a side alley that connected two parallel streets, as well as a back alley running in the back of houses. As I turned in, I saw a silhouette at the far end, lit by the streetlights in the back alley. Kathryn!
She had her back to me, but as I started towards her, she seemed to feel my presence, and turned to face me. I almost tripped when I realized her dress was completely open in the front! She started towards me, like on a catwalk, and slowly stretched her arms above herself, smiling seductively.
Suddenly, lights appeared from behind her. A car was turning into the alley! She darted to the side and disappeared from my view. I stepped to the side to let the car pass, and then started again towards where I had last seen my friend. I passed the back alley, but she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. A few steps further, now into the second half of the side alley, towards bursa eskort the far street, I noticed a large, discarded wardrobe to the side of the path.
The wardrobe had one wooden door, and one glass door. Just behind that door, was… Kathryn, now completely naked! I approached the wardrobe now hiding my best friend. “Kathryn! Oh my God, what are you doing there?”, I whispered against the glass. “God, I was scared you’d been seen by that car!”
“I’m fine”, she said. “I’m great, actually! This is the most excited I’ve ever been! It’s like I’m both safe, and completely on display at the same time, this is the most perfect place!”
I still couldn’t believe this was the same person I usually saw completely clothed, never even hinting at displaying any of her features. And now there she was, showing every inch of her body. And what a great body she had, slim, with just enough shapes, and her long wavy blonde hair perfectly framing her face. She looked more excited than I’d ever seen her.
But just then, I started hearing voices coming from the back alley, which seemed to be coming our direction. “Kathryn!”, I whispered with urgency. “I think people are coming, you need to put your dress back on!” Her eyes went huge at the mention of people coming, but she didn’t budge. I could see the dress crumpled up in the shadows of the wardrobe, but she didn’t make a move towards it.
“Quick!” I repeated. “This is real, people are going to see you!”
“I… Think I want this”, Kathryn said, in a voice that sounded surprised at her own words.
“Well, they’re about to turn the corner, and I won’t be able to cover you up, so you better be ready!”
And with that, a group of six people appeared to my right and came towards us. The group was composed of four guys and two girls, all about our age. I spun around to face them, resting my arm awkwardly on the wardrobe in the vain hopes to conceal my friend inside.
“Good evening…” God I was so awkward, way to not attract attention to yourself!
“What’s up with that wardrobe? It looks like you’re trying to hide something in there”
“Oh no, I was just resting here, I’m taking a midnight walk” Again, not suspicious at all, good job bursa eskort bayan me…
They kept walking past me, still looking at me like the weirdo I definitely was in that moment. I almost thought I’d gotten away with distracting them enough for them not to notice my completely naked friend just in the shadows inside the wardrobe, but of course…
“Hey, what’s that inside the wardrobe?” Damn.
They approached the glass door, and I glanced inside, for the first time since the strangers had appeared. Kathryn looked like she was halfway between Heaven and having a panic attack. She was slowly stroking her body, fully feeling the sensations of being completely nude in front of a group of complete strangers. Her face was a mixture of fear and arousal, no doubt wondering how she’d gotten in that situation, and probably feeling hotter than she’d ever been in her life.
The group was idly standing around, not entirely sure of what to do next, but all were devouring my friend with their eyes. Then one of the guys made a move for the handle, to open it and remove the only barrier between them and the naked nymph inside.
“Hey now, that’s enough of that I think”, I intervened. “Show’s gone on long enough, you can go, now”
The boys seemed reluctant to leave so soon, but the two girls seemed to understand and thankfully, urged them to keep going.
“Come on, boys, we got some grass to smoke, let’s go”
“You can keep thinking about her when you’re in bed, come on, now”, said the second girl.
And with that, the group started going again, and turned the corner into the street, no doubt towards the nearby park. I looked back inside the wardrobe, to see the spell being broken on Kathryn, who jumped onto her discarded clothes and started pulling her dress back on. I opened the door.
“So, how was that?”
“I have never been so excited in my whole life”, she answered. “They all saw me! Completely naked! This is the best night of my life”
She slowly stepped out and started shaking. Her adrenaline level must have started dropping. I took her by the shoulder, and we started walking. I decided to take a longer way home, just to give her time to calm back down. I also noticed she hadn’t actually buttoned her dress back up; she was simply holding it closed by her crossed arms.
“Well, I get why you’ve been doing this regularly, now”, she said. “I think I’m already addicted…”
I smiled. “Well then, shall we keep the night going?”
The end