A Journey to Control Ch. 01
This is my first attempt at writing a story and it is a mixture of truth and fantasy. I welcome all comments, but please be gentle!
Chapter 1 – Sat/Sun
“How did you end up here?” you might ask. To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure myself. The last couple of years have been somewhat of a blur. Exciting? Absolutely! Educational? That too! Everything I could have expected? Oh yes. That and much more.
So…where is here? I sit here at my laptop, naked and locked up tightly in a chastity device. Under instructions to write my story, or at least the last two years of it.
Let me tell you a little about me first. I’m 52, married with no kids. I’m fairly average-looking with a normal middle-aged guy’s body. Even I don’t have a good enough imagination to make me some well-hung Adonis in a story on the internet. I have my own law practice with 3 other partners. I’ve always been a pretty high achiever and very driven to succeed. If you knew me, you’d probably classify me as a typical Alpha male…if you knew me.
But if you REALLY knew me, you’d know that under the surface of that successful businessman, I’ve always been somewhat submissive. Nothing really masochistic, but always craving some sort of control and occasional embarrassment, preferably at the hands of an intelligent, confident Woman who loves pulling those kinds of strings. For a long time, those fantasies were confined to reading stories in Literotica, Penthouse Variations and the like.
All that changed on a business trip a little over two years ago. I had seen online ads for a group called ClubFem. They are committed to exploring the Female Dominant/submissive male dynamic. It turns out they were having a play party the weekend I arrived in town. I contacted the Head Mistress of the group and asked if they allowed out-of-town visitors and what I needed to do to attend.
She let me know there was a munch on Saturday afternoon and if I attended that and was given an ok by the group there, I could attend the party Sunday evening. So, to make a long story short, I attended the munch, met several very nice ladies and some very normal-looking ordinary pendikkadin.com guys, just like me. We had a few drinks and talked about our experiences in D/s. As the meeting was breaking up, the Headmistress, Mistress Joelle, told me that I was approved to come to the party. She said she would send me the details and location, along with a link to the rules of the party.
The rules seemed pretty normal. Males were not allowed regular clothing. They either had to be naked or could wear women’s panties. They would be given a marking when they arrived to indicate if they were owned and whether they could be touched by other Dommes. And of course, everything had to be consensual.
Saturday night came and if I said I was nervous and excited, it would be a massive understatement. I had gone by the store and bought a pink thong. (I wasn’t sure it would be a good first impression for a visitor to be totally naked). I did a little manscaping and tried it on. If you’ve never worn one before, spoiler alert…they don’t really leave any room for boy parts!
I arrived at the party in a house in a residential neighborhood a few minutes after it was supposed to start. I was greeted at the door by a younger guy wearing a collar and loincloth. He directed me to a room to get undressed and stow my clothes. I came back to the party and into the kitchen, naked other than the thong (which really didn’t hide much), in a room full of people that I didn’t know. I was blushing a lot, but fortunately not getting aroused. The thong would definitely not have handled my very normal-size erection.
I saw Mistress Joelle and went over to say hello. She was very friendly and took me around and introduced me to everyone. The first part of the party was an ice breaker with snacks and sodas. Before I knew it, I had fallen along with the rest of the subs into the routine of fetching plates and refills for the various Dommes. My lack of attire was really an afterthought!
It really fed my exhibitionist desires, but I didn’t get an extreme amount of attention since most of the Dommes had subs of their own. About halfway through the night though, I saw a Domme that had arrived late. She was dressed simply in a silk blouse and leather skirt. When I first saw Her, I was totally smitten. She was probably about my age and very attractive. She looked elegant. Very graceful and feminine, but with a look on Her face that made it very clear She was not to be trifled with.
Although She had arrived with a sub, I tried to hover around Her as much as possible without being distracting. I would have done anything to get this beautiful Woman’s attention!
As the play portion of the party began, I was able to see all kinds of scenes. One sub was being flogged by a lovely dark-haired Mistress. A paddling was going on in the corner, another sub was giving his Mistress a foot massage. I’m sure my mouth was hanging open.
Then the moment that changed my life. SHE called me over and asked me to get Her a refill on Her drink. When I did, She introduced Herself as Mistress Evelyn. She told me that She wanted Her sub to get a flogging from the dark-haired woman. She asked if I would let Her warm me up with a spanking and a little play while he was getting flogged. Oh MAN, would I ever! I told Her I would be honored.
As Her sub was being led back to the flogging area, She stood, handed me Her drink and told me to follow Her. Watching Her from behind in that leather skirt would have made me follow Her anywhere! She gave me a once over. Fortunately, the thong was still managing to control my growing erection.
“Very nice thong! Pink looks good on you,” She said. She told me to lean over and put my hands up against the wall. She ran Her cool hands over my bare bottom, pinching and squeezing before giving me a couple of quick pops with Her hands. “Mmm. Your bottom colors very nicely.” She continued to give me a dozen strokes. Nothing too painful, but still very exciting.
She leaned into me and whispered into my ear. “Is this what you were hoping for tonight? To get your butt turned pink? I can tell the spanking is exciting you.” As She said that She reached around and squeezed my cock. “Hard cocks don’t lie. You are loving this!” She backed up and looked at me. “Ten more should be enough, don’t you think?”
I nervously said “yes Ma’am.” At that point, with Her sub, the dark-haired Mistress and two other onlookers in the room, She reached over and pulled my thong down to my knees. Needless to say, I was hard by that point and my cock was pointing almost straight out.
“There, that’s much better.” She gave my cock a couple of very quick strokes to make sure I was completely erect and then proceeded to give me ten harder smacks.
“Now, turn around and face me.” As I stood in front of Her, my thong slid down and pooled at my ankles. “Now, thank me for warming up your cold bottom.” As I started to stutter out my thanks, She said “No. Thank Me by kissing my boots.” I knelt in front of Her and lovingly kissed Her boots. Then I stood back up in front of Her. She smiled and said “welcome to town. I hope You will have good memories of it. Now pull your thong up!”
By this time the play was wrapping up and everyone had gathered in the living room to chat. It was then that I learned that Mistress Evelyn was not only beautiful and dominant, but She was very thoughtful and intelligent. As the party was winding down and the guests were leaving, She handed me a small piece of paper with Her email address on it. “I know you’re only going to be in town for a short time, but I enjoyed turning your bottom the same color as your thong. I’d enjoy chatting with you more sometime.”
I got dressed and drove back to my hotel. I was so excited by the party and meeting Mistress Evelyn that I think I could have flown back to the hotel without a car. I looked forward to getting to chat with Mistress Evelyn and dreamed what it would be like to play with Her again. When I got back to the hotel, I got undressed and took a shower. Then I sent an email to Ms Evelyn to thank Her and tell Her how much I enjoyed the party. I crossed my fingers and added a note that I was going to be in town all week and had some free time if She would be interested in meeting again.
I checked out a couple of my favorite CFNM stories on Literotica and decided I would take advantage of the arousal from the party to rub out a nice, slow orgasm. Before I even got started, I heard my laptop ping. I looked over to see a new email in my inbox. It was from “Evelyn Stein”…