Tag: action place

Olympus has Fallen Ch. 21

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Hera’s brow furrowed as she gazed down at Zeus. Stretched out in their bed, and totally naked, she could see his body was still covered with various bites and scratches from his million-year ordeal inside the time bubble. His poor tortured balls resembled emptied withered up wine-skins; brown, wrinkled and deflated, his oceans of cum having exploded out in a spectacular ruined orgasm. Despite the attack on their palace, he was asleep, and after several unsuccessful attempts, she gave up trying to rouse him. If a war would not wake him, what could. He was dead to the world.

“How long is he going to be like this?” Hera asked as she turned to Asclepius.

“Well, your majesty, it is hard to say,” Asclepius responded as he leaned over and listened to Zeus’ breathing. It was soft and light, a series of light purring snores. “I must say, it is astonishing he stayed asleep through the attack? I know for myself, as soon as the first explosion occurred I leaped from my bed. Can you tell me more about how he got like this? That may help with my diagnosis.”

Hera winced, and said, “Well, let’s just say that Zeus overexerted himself.”

“Yes, I would say! That is quite obvious,” Asclepius added, as he carefully lifted one of Zeus’ balls sacks with a probe. “These are completely empty. It is amazing…, just amazing. I did not think that possible for a deity like—”

“—Look Asclepius,” Hera snapped, “You need to stay focused on your duties! I asked you for your medical opinion on how long Zeus will remain incapacitated. As you can imagine, time is precious today. You know…,” she added as she frowned, “There is a war on!”

“Yes, of course, “Asclepius answered. “Well…, it is hard to say, your majesty. Something has completely drained him of his essence. Now, I know that Zeus has a vigorous constitution,” he added as he looked down, “especially in areas of, well, pardon me for saying so, but…, areas of sexual congress.”

“You do not need to sugarcoat it,” Hera said. “It is a foolish woman who does not know her own husband. I know he is a world class pussy hound. But, to the question—”

“—Yes, well, it will take as long as it will take. He has expended all of his divine spooge, and, that may take some time to replenish. This is really unprecedented, so I am out of my wheelhouse. It may be a day, or a month, or a decade. It is hard to say. I hate to press…, but, if I knew what—”

“What in the fuck is going on!” Hades screamed as he stomped into the bedroom of Hera and Zeus. Normally light blue, today he was deep purple, rage and hate flowing through his body like an unstoppable flood.

“Hades!” Hera exclaimed as she spun back to see her brother-in-law marching towards her. “I am shocked to see you here. You never leave the underworld. What the—”

“—Today, dear Sister-in-law is a special case,” Hades barked, “and from the harvest of the dead I see scattered out on your front lawn, as well as the blackened and charred ruins of every city I passed over on my way here, today is a dark, dark day. My palace is in complete ruins. That fucker Anubis attacked my house. My house, Hera! I am here to sound the general alarm. We need to immediately counterattack.” After glancing over to the bed, and seeing the sleeping nude body of his little brother, Zeus, his face dropped.

“What in the hell is going on with him?” Hades said as he pointed. “Does the little fucker not know that there is a war on?”

“Zeus is…, unwell,” Hera said.

“Hey Fuckhead!” Hades yelled as he shook Zeus’ foot. “Get your ass up, boy! There is killing to get to!”

“Lord Hades,” Asclepius said, “he will not wake. Lord Zeus needs rest.”

“Rest!” Hades screamed. “Are you fucking kidding me? This is no to time for sleeping. We need to fuck these mother fuckers up! I am personally going to ass rape that Dog headed freak show Anubis into oblivion. When I am done with him, he is going to wish his mother had never excreted his furry little ass into existence. We have no time for rest. We need to get all of our forces together and take this battle to the enemy.”

“Hades, there will be time enough for that. We cannot run off half-cocked,” Hera said.

“Hera, darling, I know that your natural nurturing instincts are—” Hades said.

“—Oh, no!” she said. “I have no such instincts here. You saw my palace when you arrived? The dead lie thick on my lawn and my palace is also nearly destroyed. No, we shall have our revenge, but it must be done with intelligence. Not brute force. We are too weak now to counterattack.”

“Yes, Lord Hades,” Asclepius said, “surely you must notice how your manna has depleted. So many of our temples like in ruins, our priests dead. The flow of sacrifices have dried up.”

“Yes,” Hades said as he sighed, “I have noticed my powers ebbing. But, we cannot let this stand. We must—”

“—Oh magnificent Hera, Queen of heaven, whose face is so beauteous it rivals great bowers of roses in June,” Ganymede said as he entered bedava bahis the room. “Sparrows and songbirds weep in frustration at the sound of your voice, the golden hymns from your mouth putting to shame—”

“—Ganymede! You need to wrap it up!” Hera barked. “We have no time for your extravagant soliloquies today. Now, have you secured the prisoners?”

“I have your majesty. The survivors, all very foolish Egyptian soldiers, now stand bound and on their knees, awaiting your command. Now,” Ganymede asked as his face cracked into a grin, “shall I deposit them into the lair of the Typhon. Perhaps a snack of Egyptian blood will whet his appetite.” “The Typhon!” Hades exclaimed as he spun towards Hera. “Are you really considering unleashing the Typhon?” Grinning, he added, “I am impressed, Hera. You have some balls on you.” Pointing to Zeus, he added, “So unlike your worthless husband.”

Hera smiled, but shook her head. “Yes, the Typhon will be making his appearance…, soon, but not today. None of us are strong enough to control him. That will come later, much later. Revenge is best served at a time and place of our choosing.” Turning to Ganymede, she said, “No, do not dispatch these prisoners yet. I am going to put their ass to work on repairing the damage to my palace.”

“Excellent your Majesty,” Ganymede said, “whose glowing eyes fill the world with beauty, more glorious than the first ray of—”

“—Ganymede!” Hera snapped.

“Sorry, your majesty,” Ganymede said. “But, there is something else. Something quite important.”

“Oh?” Hera said. “Go on, and,” she said as she smiled warmly, “try and be brief.”

Ganymede bowed, and said, “I will try. I regret to tell you that your prayer gong has cracked, the desperate pleas for relief from Athens having grown so strong, the sheer force from the number of laminations having knocked it off of the wall. I fear, your Majesty, that this is a very grave development. Athens is the only place in the world with a major temple to all of the Gods. I fear if it falls, then what little manna we have left will be consumed.”

Hera frowned as she listened to Ganymede. He was absolutely correct. Athens, more than any other city in the world, was the one place where every God and Goddess had a major shrine. As she stared out the window of her bedroom, into the corpse laden and smoldering ruins of her front gardens, she saw the great basin of sacrifice and sighed. The flame was very low, just a mere flicker now, where usually a conflagration roared. Perhaps only one temple, at most two, were left.

“Ganymede,” Hera said as she stood up straight, “go and fetch the great Horn of calamitous alarm. Send out a message to all of the Divine. We must assemble at Athens. There we shall make our stand.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Ganymede replied as he scurried out of the room.

“Hera,” Hades said, “Enlighten me. What is going on? This attack by the Egyptians is unprecedented. There must be a…,” Hades paused as his eyes wandered back to his brother Zeus sleeping peacefully on the bed. “He caused this, didn’t he? This is his doing; I just know it!”

Hera sighed, and said, “Yes, Hades, once again, your brother, my husband, has brought the world to the brink of destruction through the wandering mischief of his cock. That also is why,” she added with a wink, “he is out of commission for a bit. But, I will fill you in later. That is more than enough about him. We must fly to Athens immediately. We cannot let these last temples cannot fall!”

Hades nodded, and as he and Hera walked outside, his eyes passed over the thousands of dead on the lawn. The twisted broken bodies of the heroic Centaurs lay intermingled with dead Egyptian soldiers. The harvest of the damned would be high, and the Underworld would be packed had it not been destroyed. He narrowed his eyes when he spied the surviving prisoners.

Ganymede, as always, was quite efficient, and thousands of dazed and terrified naked Egyptian soldiers knelt chained on the ground. They were the unlucky ones, caught behind when the general retreat from Olympus turned into a route.

“So, have you questioned any of them yet?” Hades asked. “Frankly, once you are done with them, and they are dead, I look forward to their arrival in my domain.” With his black eyes glistening, he added, “What I have planned for their eternity is very, very dark.”

Hera, holding her arms out to her side as she prepared to launch, said, “There will be time enough for that later, Hades.” A malicious grin formed on her mouth, when she added, “But, by the time I am through with them, they will beg for death! You are nothing but a big pussycat compared to the massive Bitch I can be when I am irritated.”

Hades laughed and smiled as they launched into the air. As they flew out into the horizon, Ganymede blew on the mighty horn.


Nyssa growled as she dug her nails deep into Dionysus’ neck. For hours he had been in-between her thighs, casino siteleri slaving away as he worshipped her pussy. Hidden away on Dionysus’ private refuge on the slopes of Mount Athos, her whole body tingled as she curled her toes and another orgasm flooded from her cave. Breathless, she slumped back down in the pool and purred as her body wilted from their erotic convulsions.

“So, was it worth the wait, Gorgeous?” Dionysus said as he lifted his head from her crotch and smiled.

Unable to form coherent words, Nyssa just nodded. The wait had been worth it. So long in that cave on Monserrat, her jealous rage building as she watched this gorgeous God worshipping one Nymph and Goddess after another, finally, she had her turn and it was so very much worth it.

“Hey,” Dionysus said with a wink as he motioned down to his cock. “I am sorry I blew my load prematurely before. I was a too worked up and obviously on a hair trigger. But now, I am ready for round two and I am going to take you properly.” He raised his eyebrow and said, “After all, Gorgeous, you deserve a proper fucking!”

She grinned and nodded as she watched him lift out of the water. As he stood up in the pool, she felt her mouth salivate as her eyes greedily devoured his body. His erection was impressive, and frankly, beautiful. Red and angry, Nyssa’s heart swelled with pride that she had gotten him hard so quickly after his premature ejaculation. Poor Di-Di! Blowing his load in a ruined orgasm after waiting so long. I need to make it up to him. She, of all of the Nymphs on Olympus would have the honor of releasing Dionysus — TWICE! Those bitches will burn with envy when I tell them about this!

Now refreshed and recharged by the Wine God’s oral attentions, an electric surge of lust ran up her spine as she leaned forward in the pool. She giggled as the warm velvety waters teased the tips of her erect nipples and re-stoked her erotic furnace. Her pussy ached, but not from need, but from complete and utter satisfaction. The God of wine had drunk her pussy stores down to the dregs, but now, it wasn’t about her anymore. She wanted nothing more than to see Dionysus hose down the world with his hot cum.

She slowly reached out and cupped Dionysus’ balls in her hand. They were hot to the touch, squirming and shivering as her flesh touched his. Wow, they refilled quite quickly! When she heard him whimper, an ocean of honey boiled in her cunt. Nothing ever was sexier than the primal, primeval need he was throbbing; radiating his desperation into her hand like a beacon.

“Oh, baby,” she cooed, “these are so tight! I am going to take such good care of you. It is such a shame that your first release was ruined. But, I promise, this one is going to be spectacular.”

Dionysus could not speak, his legs shaking as they turned to goo.

“Yes, oh great Lords of Chaos, yes,” Nyssa said as she scooted up close to Dionysus. She licked her lips as she gently ran her forefinger up and down his shaft. “Now, the question is, should your second release be in my mouth, my pussy, or my ass?”

“Nyssa, please…,” Dionysus said as he reached forward and ran his fingers through her hair. “It has been so long, I, I—”

“Well…,” Nyssa said as she licked her lips and winked. “In order to properly evaluate your options, perhaps I should give you a sample of each, and then you can make the final call.” Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and slowly took Dionysus into her mouth, her tongue bathing and teasing his shaft as he was swallowed.

“Oh, Oh Great Lords of, Oh, Oh!” Dionysus cried he wallowed in the silky feel of her warm mouth on his manhood. It had been so very long, and he felt his balls begin vibrating in the water as his breathing grew short. “I, I choose your…, AYYYYY!”

Nyssa sat back sharply in the water as her hands flew up to cover her ears. “What in the fuck is that?”

Dionysus too had blocked his ears with his hands, and after a second or two, he sighed. “Fucking, retarded, God damned, fucked up, fucktard, shit, fuck!”

“What is it baby? What’s wrong?” Nyssa cried, before adding, “And what the hell is that noise? It sounds like…, like some kind of horn.”

Shaking his head, Dionysus’ shoulders slumped as he sighed. “Yes, it is a horn, and that, my lovely Nymph, is also the sound of spectacular bad timing.”

“What? A horn? What…”

“It is the Great Horn of Calamitous Alarm.”

“The what now of who?”

“The Great Horn of Calamitous Alarm. It is a signal, from Olympus for all Gods to assemble,” Dionysus continued. “It is only used under the most extreme emergencies.”

After climbing out of the pool, Dionysus looked down at his hard cock and throbbing balls, and winced. “And…, I can’t think of a worse time for it to be blown.”

Nyssa leaned forward in the pool, reached up and tickled his left ball with her delicate hand. “Yeah…, especially since it is you who needs to be blown. But baby, bahis siteleri you must be so horny. Maybe I can take care of you before you have to—”

Dionysus gently removed her hand and smirked. “—Sadly, no. Once the horn is blow, every God is compelled to answer immediately. I am afraid we will have to continue our fun later.” Raising his eyebrows, he squatted down and kissed her. “I will have to take a raincheck.”

“Damnit!” Nyssa cried as she slunk back down into the pool and ran her feet up Dionysus’ chest. “I was so looking forward to feeling my pussy get all filled up with your divine cum.”

Dionysus, taking her foot into his hand, lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. “Well, there will be time enough for that when I get back. After all,” he said with a wink, “I still owe you!” He turned to his right, filled up a goblet with wine and passed it to Nyssa.

“So, keep your fires stoked while I am gone. Little Di-Di has big plans for you.”

Nyssa grinned and took a sip of her wine, giggling as the delicious vintage slid down her throat. As she opened her mouth to speak, suddenly Dionysus lifted his hands and the waters began to churn. “Oh, Oh Dionysus, Oh for…,” she purred as the warm soft bubbles began exploring and teasing every inch of her flesh beneath the waters.

“There we go, Girl,” Dionysus said with a smile. “That should keep you quite entertained while I am gone.” After robing himself, and adjusting his tunic over his painfully hard erection, he winked as he started to float up into the sky. “Now, don’t go anywhere. I will be right back!”

“Dionysus, wait…, ooof, Holy mother Gaia, Oh, oh great Gods…,” she panted as the first of many orgasms began to burn up from her toes.


“Holy Fuck, will you look at that!” Orion cried as he flew over Athens. The sight took his breath away. The entire city was in flames, charred marble laying in ruins on the corpse laden streets. In the early morning light, as they flew over the harbor towards Athens on the hills, it looked as if the sun had crashed into the earth. All was orange and red as the hungry flames roared through the formerly beautiful metropolis.

“We are too late,” Circe cried. “All is lost!”

She gripped Orion’s waist hard as they soared through the air on Pegasus’ back. Beneath them, in the harbor, a great elephant, hundreds of feet tall, lay dead in the water. She covered her nose as the scorched burning flesh sickened her.

“Wait a minute, Circe,” Demetrius cried, “Maybe we are not too late!”

Demetrius, gripping Circe’s waist behind her, pointed down to the beach. There he saw prisoners, and from the looks of their uniforms, they were not Greek. As he looked closer, he smiled. The survivors of Athens were rounding up soldiers from the water. “It looks like the worst of the attack is over, and it looks like we won!”

“Perhaps,” Orion said, “But damn if the city is not toast. Just look, not a building remains standing. If this is winning, I would hate to see what losing is like. There is not a temple left in the whole town.”

“No, look up there,” Demetrius said as he pointed to the Acropolis. “The Citadel survived.”

“Well, that is where we need to go then,” Circe said. Orion nodded, and steered Pegasus towards the great mountain towering over Athens.


On the Plaza of the Acropolis, Archimedes emerged from the temple of Hephaestus. His tunic was wet, saturated in the blood of the bull he just sacrificed to the Fire God. His skin and hair were also soaked to the core in the entrails of the sacrifice. Divine sacrifices were a dirty business, but Divine help was needed, and desperately. He closed his eyes and again offered a prayer to Hephaestus, hoping the God would answer.

Now that there was a lull in the fighting, the first all morning, Archimedes felt his legs go weak. It had all been so fast. His pleasant morning back in his palace with his slaves, his head buried in their glorious pussies, was viciously interrupted by this sudden attack. Although the day was not two hours old, it had been a very eventful two hours!

“Archimedes!” a female voice screamed from his left. “Hurry, man the weapon! The attack is starting again!”

“Oh Fuck!” Archimedes cried as he stood up. Sprinting over to the God-Ballista he felt his mouth go dry when he climbed up to the firing deck. One glance in the hopper confirmed his worst fears. The supply of thunderbolts was nearly gone. Only one glowing bolt remained, and once it was fired, the Ballista would be nothing more than an impotent mechanical oddity, pretty to look out, but worthless. Cupping his hands over his eyes to look into the glare of the rising sun, he saw a winged creature heading straight for the Acropolis.

“Well,” he said to the acolyte, “At least there is only one attacker this time.” Turning various handles and levers on the God-Ballista, he locked in on the target. He held his foot over the firing pedals, but paused. As the unidentified object grew closer, he saw it was no scorpion. It was a horse. A flying horse with three riders.

“Archimedes, why are you not firing? The attackers are almost here!” one of the soldiers yelled from the battlements. “Shall I take them down with my arrows first?”

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