Tag: 50 shades

A Second Chance at Love Pt. 3

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Introduction: Here is a brief introduction for those who have not read Part I and II for some time: Jim was a successful corporate attorney when his wife died unexpectedly. He falls into depression, shunning friends and family for several years. At 38 years old Jim meets Jenny. Jenny is a pretty young woman with an incredible sex drive. She saves Jim from self-destruction and they fall madly in love. Jenny proves to be quite a handful for the straight-laced attorney. This story is about love, loss and second chances. Enjoy.

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Chapter 1

Jenny was on her cell phone before she even left Darlene’s apartment. It was after eleven pm when she dialed Jim’s number.

“Please, please answer,” Jenny whispered to herself as she heard the phone ring. Jenny’s pussy was throbbing with each step she took. She was desperately hoping that Jim was still up. She wasn’t sure that she would be able to stop herself from calling Rick if she couldn’t get to see Jim. She wanted desperately to stay faithful but it was going to be very difficult.

Jim was just stepping out of the shower when he heard the phone ringing.

“Hello,” he said a little irritated that someone would be calling this late.

“Jim, this is Jenny, can I come over?” Jenny asked even before Jim could say anything more.

“Sure, what’s wrong sweety?” Jim asked with concern.

“Nothing’s wrong, I just need you. I’ll explain when I get there.”

“Okay,” Jim said, still concerned.

Jenny drove quickly, one hand on the wheel and the other rubbing her swollen pussy. She looked into her rear view mirror, hoping desperately that she wouldn’t get stopped for speeding.

Jim opened the door and saw a somewhat frazzled Jenny. She immediately stepped into the house and into Jim’s arms. Jim was a little surprised when Jenny’s lips pressed to his and her tongue slid into his mouth.

Jim pulled away breathless and said, “What’s gotten into you baby?”

“God Jim, I just watched Darlene get royally fucked by a friend of mine.”

Jim knew that Jenny was setting up something for Darlene but he was surprised that Jenny had apparently stayed and watched. However, Jim didn’t have time to think about it as Jenny reached inside his bathrobe to grab his cock.

“I’m so hot sweety, I need this,” Jenny said as she squeezed Jim’s cock. Quickly she untied his robe and pushed it from his shoulders, leaving him standing naked in the foyer. Jenny began to kiss down Jim’s neck to his chest as she lowered herself to her knees.

“Oh God,” she moaned as she lifted his rapidly swelling cock to her lips.

“Ohhhh,” Jim moaned as Jenny began to suck him. He watched his sexy lover move her head up and down, taking his now hard cock deep into her throat.

When Jenny pulled away, Jim’s cock was glistening with her saliva. She kissed the swollen head one last time and stood up. “I need this cock in me now!” Jenny said, her eyes wild with lust.

Jenny pulled Jim to the living room and pushed him onto the sofa. She quickly began to strip off her clothes.

Jim sat on the sofa with a smile on her face as he watched his lover fumble with her clothes. When she got down to her panties, Jim had to gasp; the crotch was literally soaked. He moved forward to kiss her panty-covered pussy but Jenny pushed him back.

“I want that cock, you can eat me later,” Jenny said as she pulled her panties off and knelt astride Jim’s hips. She grabbed his cock and rubbed it across her swollen lips. “Ohhh!” she moaned, feeling like she could climax right there. Suddenly she pushed down, engulfing Jim in one movement.

“Oh God baby,” Jim moaned as he felt his cock surrounded by Jenny’s wet pussy flesh.

“Ohhh!” Jenny moaned again and began to move up and down. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh God you feel so good, I’m going to cum,” Jenny moaned and began to shudder. “Yes, oh yes, ohhhh!” she moaned as her body began to convulse in climax. Jenny shivered and shook as her body was consumed with sweet release.

Jim sat there letting his lover take her pleasure. He was amazed at how wild Jenny was tonight. When she collapsed on his chest, he held her tight, rubbing her back as little shivers ran through her.

“God I needed that,” Jenny breathed when she could talk again.

“Glad I could help,” Jim laughed.

“Thank you sweetheart. Now I need a long slow fuck baby,” Jenny said and kissed Jim tenderly.

“I think I can manage that,” Jim answered as he lifted his lover and turned her over on the sofa, never letting his cock come out of her pussy. He knelt between her thighs and placed her legs on his shoulders. He brought his lips to hers as he began to slowly move his cock in and out. Soon he was fucking her with a steady tempo, his lips moving to her heaving breasts.

“Oh yes, God you feel so good in me,” Jenny moaned as Jim worked his cock in and out.

Jenny was so wet that the room was quickly filled with the sloppy fucking sounds of a cock in a very wet pussy.

Jim fucked his lover for a long time before he felt his balls begin to tighten. “Oh sweety, I’m so close,” he atasehirkadin.com breathed.

“Oh yes baby, so am I, cum for me, cum in my pussy,” Jenny moaned as she began to reach her peak again.

“Yes, yes here it cums,” Jim said as his hips began to pump rapidly into his lover’s warm and wet pussy.

“Oh yes, I’m so close, ohhhhh!!!” Jenny screamed as her body began to convulse in pleasure.

“Yesssss!!!” Jim bellowed as he began to pour his pent up sperm into Jenny’s willing pussy.

“Yes, oh God yes,” Jenny said and joined her lover in climax.

This time it was Jim who collapsed on Jenny. When he could move, he fell to the side, pulling Jenny with him.

“Wow,” Jenny whispered breathlessly, “thank you again. The second time was better then the first. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jim said as he tenderly kissed her lips.

The two lovers lay quietly for a long time until Jenny began to stir.

“Jim sweety, would you uh…would you…?” Jenny hesitated.

“What sweety?” Jim asked

“I…uh know I’m real messy down there but would you…uh would you eat me?” Jenny said hesitantly.

Jim hesitated for just a moment.

When Jenny saw Jim’s indecision she said, “It’s okay, you don’t have to, I know a lot of men don’t like to do that.”

“Uh…no baby, I uh don’t mind. I’ve just never done that after…you …you’ve been…you know…” Jim stuttered.

“Seriously, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have asked,” Jenny interrupted.

“Shhh!” Jim said and put his fingers to Jenny’s lips. Jim slid from the sofa to his knees. He pushed Jenny until she was laying back then he opened her legs and placed them on his shoulders. When he looked down at her pussy, he suppressed a gasp; the lips were swollen and red, his cum was running from the hole.

Surprisingly Jim felt his cock twitch as he began to kiss down his lover’s thigh. As he drew close, he could smell their combined juices. His own breathing quickened as he neared his goal. Finally he used his hands to spread her wet pussy as his head moved down and his tongue came out.

“Oh Jesus, oh my God,” Jenny moaned as she felt Jim’s tongue and lips touch her sloppy pussy.

Jim felt an incredible thrill race through him as he began to eat Jenny’s sperm filled hole. He was truly surprised that he was even doing this let alone enjoying it. Yet he couldn’t deny the thrill of tasting his own sperm mixed with Jenny’s sweeter juices. It was also a great thrill to feel how his lover was reacting.

Jenny grabbed Jim’s head and pulled his mouth into her throbbing pussy. She could feel him sucking his juice from her stretched pussy hole. What a lover he was becoming, she thought.

Jim became engrossed in his task, barely realizing it when Jenny began to cum. He felt her thighs squeeze his head and heard her scream as if from far away. He continued to suck his lover’s pussy until she pushed his head away and moaned. When he looked up he saw Jenny’s smiling face, his own face dripping cum.

Jenny pulled her lover up and kissed his wet lips then licked the dripping cum from his cheeks and chin. “Let’s go to bed,” Jenny said taking Jim’s hand and leading him to his bedroom.

Chapter 2

The following morning, Jenny and Jim woke up in each other’s arms. They hugged each other then stretched. Jim looked at Jenny and kissed her lips. He looked like he had something on his mind.

“What’s wrong?” Jenny asked.

“Nothing’s wrong sweety, I was just wondering if you…uh if you had made a decision on moving in with me?” Jim asked in a hesitant voice.

“Yes I have,” Jenny said.

“And?” Jim asked when Jenny didn’t answer right away. He feared the worst.

“The answer is yes!” Jenny said and exhaled heavily.

Jim almost leaped out of the bed with excitement. He pulled Jenny to him in an emotional hug. “Thank you, God I love you,” Jim exclaimed.

“Not so fast sweety,” Jenny said, trying to settle her lover down.

“What’s wrong?” Jim asked his heart sinking.

“Nothing really. It’s just that it has been a very difficult decision for me. I know that you know I love you with all my heart.”

“Yes I do.”

“You also know that I am a highly sexual person and that I have had a variety of lovers over the years. I am agreeing to give them up but I want you to understand that this is very difficult for me,” Jenny said taking Jim’s hand in hers.

“I know that,” Jim said quietly.

“I guess I am saying that this will be a trial; not for you but for me,” Jenny said sincerely. “I’m going to need all your help. I need variety and maybe a little kinky sex, kind of like you eating me last night.”

“I’ll do that anytime you want,” Jim said with a smile of pride.

“You ‘Mr.’ are going to have to be very creative in satisfying my wild desires,” Jenny joked, trying to lighten up the conversation.

“Well, that’s going to be some task if last night was any indication,” Jim responded with a chuckle.

The following weekend Jenny moved out of the house she shared with Katie and into Jim’s house. When Jenny told Katie that she was going to move in with Jim, she wasn’t surprised. While Katie was somewhat sad, she was okay with the decision since she had discussed moving in with Jerry on several occasions. The problem was that Jerry’s apartment was far too small. Now she and Jerry would have a house that was much bigger then his apartment.

Jenny wasn’t happy with Katie’s decision to let Jerry move in. Jenny didn’t like Jerry and felt that he had the potential to be abusive, in addition to being a drunk. However she couldn’t say anything to Katie for fear of losing her as a friend.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Jenny’s prediction to come true.

Both she and Jim began to see a change in Katie not long after Jerry moved in. She became elusive, often standing Jenny up for lunch dates and not returning calls. She began to wear dark glasses and long sleeve shirts. Jenny became concerned for Katie’s life.

At dinner one evening Jim and Jenny were talking about their concern for Katie. Both of them felt that it would be very difficult to confront Katie and not risk her friendship.

“I just don’t know what to do Jim. I’m sure Jerry is abusing Katie and I’m afraid she’s in real danger.”

“Have you seen her lately?” Jim asked.

“No, she keeps putting me off.”

“Alright, I’ll tell you what I’ll do, tomorrow evening I’ll stop by unannounced and see how she’s doing. Will that make you feel better?” Jim asked.

“Definitely! Thank you so much sweety.”

The following evening on the way home from work Jim made a detour to Katie’s house. When he pulled up outside he saw that the lights were on. He walked up on the porch and started to knock. Suddenly he heard a blood-curdling scream. Jim turned the doorknob and found that it was locked. Quickly he used his shoulder to hit the door, splintering the lock and propelling himself into the house. Before he even straightened up he saw Katie come running straight at him from the kitchen. Her blouse was half torn off, she was bleeding from the corner of her mouth and her left eye was swollen.

Jim saw Jerry come rushing from behind her, a knife raised in his hand. Katie ran right into Jim. In a reflex action Jim pushed Katie to the side, throwing her over a coffee table. Jerry, drunk and in rage, came directly at Jim. For Jim it almost looked like it was happening in slow motion. He saw Jerry’s wild eyes and the shinning butcher knife raised above his head.

Jim’s fist shot out in Jerry’s direction. It was more of an accident then skill when Jim hit Jerry directly in the nose, snapping his head back and knocking him to the floor unconscious. The knife grazed Jim’s arm as Jerry fell backward.

It took only seconds to happen but seemed so much longer. Jim’s heart was beating wildly, his breath coming in gasps, as he stood over the prone man. He wanted to make sure that he wasn’t getting up. When he was sure Jerry was out he turned to Katie and saw that she was lying on the floor between the coffee table and the sofa. He walked over quickly and reached his hand down to help her up. When Katie grabbed his hand, Jim screamed in pain. The blow must have broken or sprained his hand.

“Oh God Jim,” Katie cried as she helped herself up. “I think he would have killed me if you hadn’t come in.”

“Call 911 and get the police,” Jim said. “I’ll watch this bastard here.”

“I don’t know how to thank you Jim,” Katie said hugging Jim.

“You can thank me later, right now I need some ice and you need to call the police and maybe the paramedics,” Jim said as he realized that he was bleeding pretty good from the cut on his forearm.

Katie placed the call as Jim watched Jerry. Then she ran to the kitchen and got a bag of ice and a couple of towels. She cleaned Jim’s arm and helped him wrap his hand with the ice inside a towel.

When Jim looked at Katie he saw a cut on her forehead and her eye was almost swollen shut. There was still a trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. “Let’s get some ice on your eye,” Jim said. The two sat on the sofa nursing each other’s wounds when two policemen ran into the house followed by two paramedics.

“Wow, what happened here?” the lead officer said when he saw Jerry on the floor and the bruised couple.

Jim explained the situation and the officer wrote up his report while a paramedic worked on Jerry. The other paramedic helped the two of them.

When Jerry came to, one of the cops handcuffed him. Jerry was dazed, his nose broken and blood was running down his chin. “I want that bastard arrested, he broke into my house and tried to kill me,” Jerry screamed in a drunken slur.

“Oh really,” the cop said, “I think maybe you need to think more about how long you’re going to be in jail for abusing this lady. We have a judge in this precinct that frowns on abuse of women. In fact, she doesn’t take kindly to assault on a police officer either.”

“What assault?” Jerry slurred.

“This,” the officer said and ripped the pocket of his shirt. “Now if you decide to make trouble for Mr. Lewis here, I’ll make sure that assault of a police officer is added to your charges. That should get you about ten years.”

Even in his drunken state Jerry understood the situation and shut up.

“Thanks,” Jim said as the officer led Jerry out. Jim realized that Jerry could have claimed that he broke into his house and attacked him. It certainly wasn’t true but anything could happen in court, as he well knew.

“No problem, we deal with scum like him everyday. Take care of yourself.”

“Hey, if you ever need some free legal advice, give me a call,” Jim said and handed the officer his card.

“Thanks, I will.”

The paramedic wrapped Jim’s hand and bandaged his arm. “You should have that hand x-rayed to see if you broke anything and you might need a tetanus shot for that cut,” the paramedic said as he closed his medical case.

“Thanks I’ll go to the doctors tomorrow.”

When the house was quiet again Jim turned to Katie. She had tears in her eyes. He pulled her close and held her for a long time. Jim let her cry for a while then pulled away. He looked at her swollen face then at his hand and arm. “We’re quite a mess aren’t we,” he said with a smile.

“I’m so sorry I got you into this Jim,” Katie said, sniffling again.

“You didn’t get me in to anything. You’re our friend and friends help friends.”

“Well, thanks again, you saved my life.”

“I’m glad I was here for you. You’re going to come over to our house tonight, I’m not letting you stay here alone.”

Katie wiped her nose and nodded her head.

“Go get some things and let’s go,” Jim said.

An hour later Jim led Katie into his house.

“Oh my God, what happened?” Jenny cried when she saw the two of them. She immediately thought that they had been in a car accident.

“Well, you were right about Jerry,” Jim said, “but he won’t be bothering Katie for a long time.” Then Jim proceeded to tell Jenny what had happened.

Jenny rushed to hug Katie then pulled Jim close.

“Ouch,” Jim said as Jenny squeezed his swollen hand.

“Sorry, do you think it’s broken?”

“I don’t think so but being my right hand I’m afraid I’m going to be a cripple for a while.”

“So I guess you are going to want to be waited on hand and foot,” Jenny said in mock seriousness.

“Well, I was kind of hoping,” Jim smiled then they all broke into relieved laughter.

The following day, Jim went to the doctor and found that his hand was only badly sprained. The doctor wrapped it again and put it in a sling. He told Jim to keep from using the hand as much as possible. Then he patched up the cut on his arm and wrote him a prescription for pain medication.

Katie stayed with Jim and Jenny for the rest of the week. The day she was due to go home, Jenny asked to talk with Jim.

“Jim, Katie can’t afford that big house by herself. Do you think she could stay with us until she finds an apartment?” Jenny asked with a worried look on her face.

“Jenny, Katie can stay with us for as long as she wants, we have plenty of room here.”

“Thank you,” Jenny squealed, “I’m so relieved. I didn’t want her to go back to that big house alone. I love you so much,” Jenny said and jumped up and kissed Jim before running off to tell Katie.

Chapter 3

Katie moved into Jim’s house the next day.

Jim had a large bedroom in the basement with a bath and a small kitchen. It even had it’s own entrance. Katie wanted to pay rent but Jim wouldn’t accept it. He told her to donate the money to a charity for abused women.

The arrangement worked out great for Katie and Jenny. They were great friends and companions, almost like sisters.

It wasn’t a bad arrangement for Jim either. He got royal treatment from both women, especially Katie who wanted to pay him back for saving her life. She was always available to get him a drink or snack, asking if he needed anything.

However, even with all the attention, in some ways it was difficult for Jim. He now had two very sexy women running around the house half naked most of the time. Jim began to feel guilty when he began to feel sexual stirrings when Katie was around. She often ran around in panties and tee shirt with no bra. Jim wasn’t sure if she was trying to tease him or not but he had a hard time not getting excited when she was around. Often she would intentionally (or at least it seemed intentional to Jim) bend over in front of him, showing her panties or a view down her blouse. Sometimes she would sit carelessly on the sofa, giving him a great view up her skirt or dress. It was driving Jim crazy.

Jenny knew what was happening, she could see that Katie was teasing Jim. In fact, she got a thrill out of watching her friend drive Jim crazy. However, she wasn’t going to let Jim stay frustrated for very long. She had a plan.

One evening Jenny brought a movie home for them to watch. It was some silly soapy romantic comedy. The three of them were sitting on the sofa in the darkened living room watching the movie when Jenny started to get frisky. She had placed an afghan over their laps. As she began to nuzzle Jim’s neck she placed her hand on his thigh just below his shorts leg and began to move it up under the leg.

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