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Ankara Travesti ve Çankaya Travesti: Bir Topluluğun İhtiyaçları ve Yaşam Alanları

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti olarak pek çok farklı kültür ve topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu topluluklardan biri de travesti bireylerdir. Travestilik, bireylerin cinsiyet kimlikleriyle uyumlu olmayan bir dış görünüm sergilemesiyle ilgili bir kavramdır. Ankara’da bu kimliği yaşayan pek çok insan, toplumsal zorluklarla karşılaşsalar da, destekleyici topluluklar ve güvenli alanlar yaratma yolunda önemli adımlar atmaktadırlar. Çankaya ise, bu bireyler için özellikle sosyal açıdan daha erişilebilir ve kapsayıcı bir bölge olarak öne çıkmaktadır.

Travesti Kimliği Nedir?

Travesti, cinsiyet kimliği ve dış görünümünü değiştirme arzusuyla, doğuştan atanan cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir şekilde yaşamayı tercih eden bireyler için kullanılan bir terimdir. Travestilik, cinsiyet geçişi süreci ya da sadece dış görünüşteki değişimi ifade edebilir. Bu, tamamen kişisel bir tercihtir ve her bireyin deneyimi farklıdır.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, travesti bireylerin hem sosyal olarak varlıklarını sürdürebileceği hem de kendilerini ifade edebileceği çeşitli alanlara sahiptir. Kentin çeşitli mahallelerinde, özellikle gece hayatı ve kültürel etkinliklerle tanınan bölgelerde travesti bireyler bir araya gelmektedir.

Ankara’daki travesti topluluğunun, hem sosyal hem de psikolojik açıdan birbirine destek olabilmesi için bir dizi mekan ve grup bulunmaktadır. Bu gruplar, güvenli bir ortamda travesti bireylerin deneyimlerini paylaşmalarını ve birbirlerine yardımcı olmalarını sağlar. Ayrıca, toplumsal farkındalık oluşturan etkinlikler ve organizasyonlar da, travesti kimliğini kabul eden bir toplum yaratma amacını taşır.

Çankaya Travesti Topluluğu

Çankaya, Ankara’nın en gelişmiş ve modern ilçelerinden biri olarak, travesti bireyler için özellikle dikkat çekici bir bölgedir. Çankaya’da travesti bireyler için çeşitli sosyal mekanlar ve destek grupları bulunur. Bu, bölgedeki travesti bireylerin, kimliklerini özgürce ifade edebildikleri ve toplumsal destek alabildikleri anlamına gelir. Özellikle Çankaya’nın daha açık fikirli ve hoşgörülü yapısı, bu bireyler için önemli bir güvenli alan yaratır.

Çankaya, sosyal yardımların ve kültürel etkinliklerin yaygın olduğu, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğunun daha fazla görünür olduğu bir ilçedir. Travesti bireyler, burada hem kimliklerini daha rahat ifade edebilir hem de toplumun diğer üyeleriyle etkileşime geçebilirler.

Travesti Bireylerin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar

Türkiye’de olduğu gibi, Ankara’da da travesti bireyler toplumsal önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Bu, özellikle iş hayatında, eğitimde ve sosyal ilişkilerde kendini gösterir. Çankaya gibi daha kapsayıcı bölgelerde bile, bazı travesti bireyler hala ayrımcılığa uğrayabilir.

Ayrıca, güvenlik sorunları da travesti bireylerin yaşadığı zorluklardan biridir. Güvenli bir yaşam alanı bulmak, kimliklerini açıkça ifade etmek isteyen travesti bireyler için önemli bir sorundur. Ancak, Çankaya’daki sosyal yapılar, bu tür zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için daha fazla fırsat sunar.

Travesti Bireyler İçin Öneriler

  1. Topluluk Desteği: Travesti bireylerin, kendi deneyimlerini paylaşabileceği ve birbirlerinden destek alabileceği güvenli alanlar oluşturulmalıdır. Çankaya gibi ilçelerde, topluluklar bu konuda önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Toplumda travesti kimliği konusunda daha fazla bilinç oluşturulması, önyargıları azaltacaktır. Eğitim ve kültürel etkinlikler bu anlamda çok değerlidir.
  3. Güvenli Alanlar: Travesti bireylerin sosyal ve kişisel haklarını güvenle kullanabilmesi için, özellikle Çankaya gibi gelişmiş bölgelerde güvenli sosyal mekanlar sağlanmalıdır.
  4. Yasal ve Psikolojik Destek: Travesti bireyler, hukuki ve psikolojik destek alabilecekleri platformlar sayesinde kendilerini daha güvende hissedebilirler.

Travesti & Travestiler

Ankara ve özellikle Çankaya Travesti bireyler için sosyal açıdan daha açık ve kapsayıcı bir alan sunmaktadır. Ancak, toplumsal farkındalık ve eşit haklar konusunda hala yapılması gereken çok şey vardır. Travesti bireylerin toplumda daha rahat bir şekilde kimliklerini ifade edebilmesi için, hep birlikte daha hoşgörülü ve anlayışlı bir yaklaşım sergilemek önemlidir. Çankaya, bu bireyler için önemli bir yaşam alanı sunmakta olup, daha fazla destek ve fırsat yaratılması gerektiği açıktır.

Categories: Uncategorized

Ankara Travesti: Bir Topluluğu Daha İyi Anlamak

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti ve en büyük şehirlerinden biri olarak, çok yönlü kültürü ve çeşitli topluluklarıyla dikkat çeker. Bu çeşitliliğin bir parçası da travesti bireylerdir. Ancak, toplumda travesti kimliğiyle ilgili yanlış algılar ve bilgi eksikliği, bu bireylerin yaşamlarını zorlaştırabilir. İşte bu makalede, travesti bireylerin kim olduğu, Ankara’da nasıl bir topluluk oluşturdukları ve karşılaştıkları zorluklar hakkında bilgi veriyoruz.

Travesti Kimdir?

Travesti, genellikle doğuştan atanmış cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir cinsiyet ifadesine sahip bireyleri tanımlayan bir terimdir. Travestilik, bir bireyin cinsiyet kimliğiyle uyumlu bir dış görünüm sergileme isteğiyle ilgilidir ve kişisel bir ifadedir. Travesti olmak, bir cinsiyet geçiş sürecini içerebilir ya da tamamen bireysel bir yaşam tercihini yansıtabilir.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, çeşitli sosyal ve kültürel etkinliklerin yanı sıra, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğu için de bir yaşam ve dayanışma alanıdır. Şehirde, travesti bireylerin destek aldığı gruplar, etkinlikler ve sosyal mekanlar bulunmaktadır. Bu topluluklar, bireylerin bir araya gelip deneyimlerini paylaştığı, dayanışma gösterdiği alanlar yaratır.

Ankara’daki travesti bireylerin en sık buluştuğu noktalar arasında kafeler, barlar ve sosyal platformlar yer alır. Bu alanlar, bireylerin hem güvenli bir şekilde sosyalleşmesine hem de kimliklerini özgürce ifade etmelerine olanak tanır.

Karşılaşılan Zorluklar

Ne yazık ki, travesti bireyler Türkiye’nin birçok yerinde olduğu gibi Ankara’da da ayrımcılık, dışlanma ve önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Çalışma hayatında eşit fırsatlar sunulmaması, toplumsal şiddet ve kimliklerini açıklama konusundaki çekinceler, en sık rastlanan sorunlardır.

Bununla birlikte, Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren LGBTQ+ destek grupları, bireylerin bu zorlukları aşmalarına yardımcı olmak için önemli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Bu gruplar, hukuki danışmanlık, psikolojik destek ve toplumsal farkındalık yaratma gibi alanlarda aktif rol oynar.

Ankara Travestileri İçin Dayanışma ve Destek Önerileri

  1. Topluluk Oluşturma: Travesti bireylerin, kendi ihtiyaçlarını anlayan bir topluluk içinde bulunması önemlidir. Sosyal medya grupları ve dernekler bu konuda yardımcı olabilir.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Daha fazla insanın travestilik hakkında doğru bilgi edinmesi, önyargıların azalmasına katkı sağlar.
  3. Destek Altyapısı: LGBTQ+ bireyleri destekleyen yerel gruplar ve kuruluşlar aracılığıyla psikolojik ve hukuki destek sağlanabilir.
  4. Güvenli Mekanlar: Travesti bireylerin rahatça zaman geçirebileceği güvenli sosyal alanlar oluşturulmalıdır.

Kısacası Ankara Travestileri ;

Ankara, travesti bireyler için sosyal dayanışma ve farkındalık alanlarında gelişim gösteren bir şehirdir. Ancak, toplumun daha bilinçli bir yaklaşım sergilemesi ve bu bireylerin yaşamlarını kolaylaştıracak düzenlemelerin yapılması gereklidir. Travesti bireylerin özgürce kimliklerini ifade edebildiği, ayrımcılığa maruz kalmadan yaşayabildiği bir toplum yaratmak, hepimizin sorumluluğudur.

Categories: Uncategorized

Parsons Ch. 04

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(A/N: As this is my first story/series, feedback/comments are always appreciated. Thanks for reading)

“So it’s been, what, three weeks?”


“And no text.”


“No call?”

“Just telemarketers.”

“Honestly, Heath, they might be dead.”

“You are not funny,” I scolded, taking a crouton and aiming it at Aaron’s forehead. A miss, but a valiant attempt. “I did contemplate it, but it just made it worse.”

“Worse?” Aaron asked, brushing off crumbs from his suit jacket.

I picked up my fork and stabbed some lettuce onto it, a bit more aggressive than I intended. “They went on a double date with Bradley and his girlfriend. She’s Landon’s cousin, Ellen. Great girl actually, I’m surprised it took them this long to-“

“Focus,” Aaron snapped his fingers. “So, they’re officially avoiding you. What’s your plan now?”

Was I supposed to have one? I was trying to force myself into metamorphosis, which mostly consisted of doing everything in my power to stop feeling like the scum of the Earth given the recent events. Picking up shifts at work, finally going to therapy (had to put my gym membership on hold for that one), and trying to do more favors for people around me – those who still talked to me.

Even though I still went to bed feeling terrible, the moments throughout the day were pleasant. I didn’t know Sarah, my next-door neighbor, had a python (and our landlord wouldn’t be finding out either). I didn’t know there was a running group that met every Friday at my nearby park, which I had just joined. I didn’t know Aaron loved trying new restaurants or that I would be having lunch with him at least once every week.

As the only person who knew every detail of what had happened, even if out of my initial desperation, I had increased our texts, which eventually turned to calls and became hangouts. Sure, most friendships didn’t begin with o hookup, but I was pleasantly surprised.

I still didn’t fully understand what Aaron did for a living, but if he made money, he didn’t show it – clothes being the exception. He had his own two-bedroom house, charmingly rustic with a vivid garden front and back. A ten-year-old black cat named Elote kept him company and yes, I would give my life for him in a heartbeat.

The cat, not Aaron. At least not yet

“What do you mean?” I lied, taking the small cup of ranch our waiter had provided and drizzling it over my Caesar salad. Today’s discovery was a Victorian-style house turned coffee shop. It felt like stepping into France, or at least what I imagined indoor France felt like.

“I mean, weren’t you planning on telling Tara what happened?” Aaron asked, taking a sip from his coffee. Psychopath – he liked it black.

If I could avoid it? No. But otherwise? “If she asked or got back to me, but I keep wondering if she never texted me ’cause she didn’t wanna confront me.”

“If it’s eating you up,” he started, “then it’s probably worse for her. For you, it’s keeping a single thing. For her, it’s Pandora’s box with the love of her life.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, cringing at myself. I didn’t love how often Aaron said the quiet part out loud, but it was mostly overdue. Turns out your redemption actions don’t undo the damage right away.

“But be honest,” he continued, “are you more scared of Tara knowing you slept with Landon or with accepting that Landon isn’t the guy you thought he was?”

“I mean….” I dragged. Aaron was not amused, He held my gaze as he drank his coffee. We both already knew the answer.

“It’s just a lot, alright?” I answered, “I mean, Landon and I are so close. You don’t know what it’s like being joined by the hip to someone for so long and then poof – you have to question everything they said to you.”

Aaron swallowed and cautiously put his cup down. “I do actually. I had a divorce finalized two years ago.”

An “oh shit” slipped out of me. I quickly sat up and covered my mouth. Aaron laughed sadly.

“It’s fine, it just had to happen.”

“What do you mean by that? Did he cheat? Don’t tell me he cheated. Or was it a she? Did you end up coming out when married?”

“Slow down, cowboy,” Aaron scolded playfully, dabbing the edge of his mouth with his cloth napkin. “Nothing happened with him. We just… weren’t in love anymore. It was mutual.”

“Bullshit,” I called out, moving around the chicken on my plate. “Mutual breakups don’t exist.” I brought some food into my mouth.

“Just because you’ve never had one doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

I sped up my chewing, covering my mouth as the last parts were swallowed. “Mm-mm, that’s not how it works.”

“Careful, I figured you wouldn’t struggle with swallowing,” Aaron teased. I rolled my eyes, sipping water as he went on. “I’ve been in bad breakups, but it wasn’t like that with my ex-husband. We just realized the spark wasn’t there anymore.”

That sounded worse than being cheated on. At least there you knew there was a reason. Falling out of love after investing all that bayrampaşa escort bayan time? I couldn’t survive it. “I’d rather them just dump me. I don’t know how you dealt with that.”

Aaron’s shoulders rose with a deep breath. “Well, since he was my first on everything-“

“Please tell me you’re joking.” The mere thought of marrying your first boyfriend, the first guy who saw you naked, the first of all firsts only to end up divorced someday? This anecdote was starting to make me feel worse.

“No, and I’m glad. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better man for all those experiences. He just wasn’t, you know,” Aaron shrugged, “the one.”

“If someone like you didn’t find the one, what does that mean for the rest of us?” I grumbled, crunching on a piece of lettuce.

Aaron tilted his head. “Who said I gave up looking? I had my little post-breakup fuck-everything-you-see season, but I think that’s coming to an end. I’d love to try again.”

My chewing slowed as I finished. “Are you saying…”

Quick enough to bruise my ego, Aaron shook his head. “No, I’m not talking about you. You’re in no place to be dating.”

He was right, of course, but was I not worth a double take to fill the husband’s slot? I interrupted my thoughts with some water. I was getting sick of the self-deprecation.

I chose to focus on the little things. “It’ll be a bummer to have to let you go once you settle, but that just means we have to enjoy the sex from here ’til then.”

Aaron laughed dryly. “I never plan on hooking up with you again, Heath.”

I wondered if the low self-confidence was just me acknowledging how others thought of me. Was I too dramatic in feeling a small pang in my chest? “Rough, man. I never even got to finish.”

“And I will regret that for the rest of my life,” Aaron dramatized as I gave him a sour smile. He leaned across the table, placing his hand on top of mine. They were always warm. Thankfully I was pretty much done with my salad, as his warm cologne filled my nostrils. Cinnamon. “Heath, you’re a very… intriguing guy.”

“In… a good way?” Was there a good way?

He gave me a half smile. “In a great way. And precisely because these past weeks I’ve gotten to know you and like you around is why I don’t want to ruin it. Does that make sense?”

It did. I had also really warmed up to Aaron. It was nice having a guy friend that could both understand me and not try to fuck me… at least not anymore. He was mature, but not condescending. Plus, his cat loved me. I couldn’t afford to lose that relationship.

But I joked anyway, exaggerating a sigh. “Be honest, is it because I’m losing muscle?”

Aaron shook a “no” with a grin. “You’re insufferable. Plus, I already offered for you to join me at my gym. I’m allowed a guest when I go.”

I was yet to see Aaron naked, but based on his legs alone he could have killed me with his thighs if he felt like it. His suit jackets did a good job of hiding his arms, but once they were off the definition of his muscles loved distorting his dress shirts. Who knew how many elephants he was lifting every week? “I’m not in the right headspace to be intimidated by a bunch of Adonis… ses. Adoni?”

“That’s a very small demographic, but if you insist,” he pulled back from my hand. I couldn’t help noticing how much colder it felt. I slipped it into my jacket pocket. “But back to the topic, I’ve had my fun. I’m ready to settle down.”

“And you’re not scared of it going wrong again?” I asked, unable to help myself.

Aaron remained relaxed. “Not at all, especially because last time it didn’t go wrong. It just wasn’t what I thought it was. That’s okay.”

“Couldn’t be me.” Okay, he didn’t ask and by the looks of it didn’t care about my sexual endeavors, but I couldn’t help but let him know anyway. Maybe that was why he hung out with me; I was his ghost of Christmas past, his reminder of how much better off he was now that he was leaving meaningless sex and instability behind, even if it was brief for him.

“For what it’s worth, I’m glad you were my last casual hook-up,” Aaron added, his lips turning upright. “If I’d known we’d end up here, I would’ve bought you that beer sooner.”

Aw. “You’re so fucking lame,” I retorted with my own smile. He chuckled and excused himself to go to the bathroom. I grabbed his napkin from a clean corner and hid it underneath a plate.

Whatever Aaron’s reason for keeping me around, I wouldn’t overthink it anymore. God knew I needed to hold onto the few friends I had left.

It only took a very brief and totally not at all strenuous month for me to be the one to cave. At my therapist’s suggestion, I sent a text to Tara, asking her if we could grab some dinner, or a drink, or anything if it meant finally coming clean. I had woken up that Sunday with the determination to finally find closure. Although the message was delivered, there was still no answer.

My therapist had brought up patience as being crucial in asking for forgiveness, bayan escort but I was very anxious as Sunday came to an end without as much as a read receipt.

By Monday there was still no answer. I went on as usual.

By Tuesday there was still no answer. I met up for a quickie with a guy I met on Tinder. Too much teeth.

By Wednesday there was still no answer. I had to call Claudia and Jolene an Uber halfway through the class. Guess they pregamed.

By Thursday there was still no answer. I had the day off and went to Aaron’s. His mom made a surprise visit and promised to teach me how to make flour tortillas.

By Friday there was still no answer. I went to watch a local band and went home with the lead singer – then left immediately when I saw the photos she had hanging on her wall with her boyfriend. What can I say? Therapy works.

By Saturday I had a read receipt. To celebrate I sent a message to catch up with Fawn and finally submit my portfolio for consideration. I spent the entire day painting – it had been a while since I had for myself.

By Sunday I had a text waiting for me as I gathered my stuff from Aaron’s gym locker. He stood behind me, wiping off sweat with the bottom of his shirt, his abs raising and sinking as he caught his breath. “You good?”

I read over the message, a drop of my sweat splashing on the screen. “Yeah. It’s Tara. She wants to meet up tonight to talk.”

“Are you gonna go?”

I wiped my phone off on my shirt, looking over my shoulder into Aaron’s concerned eyes. “I can’t afford not to.”

“Thanks, Helen,” I said to our server as Tara and I sat at a secluded booth at Alessandro’s. I had accidentally become a regular over the weeks. Helen smiled politely and placed the drinks before us. A beer for me, a lemonade for Tara.

We had politely greeted each other but abstained from a quick peck or hug. By how nervous she looked, she likely wasn’t capable of even faking etiquette right now.

“So….” I started, my heart beating at a million miles per hour. I was here to tell her everything – the hotel confession, the make-out at the library, the sex, the drunken conversation.

But she beat me to it. “I know, Heath. Everything. He told me everything.”

I opened my mouth, feeling the automatic need to make up some excuse or pretend to be in the dark. Aaron’s voice rang in my head before I could. I had to accept that that guy wasn’t me anymore. “I… I’m so sorry, Tara.”

Tara’s gaze went down to her drink, taking a moment to herself. “I’m not saying what you did is okay. It wasn’t, even thinking what you did. At the end of the day, you were okay with him doing that to me.”

I felt a lump in my throat but spoke through it. “I know, I’m sorry-“

“I’m not done,” Tara raised her hand, motioning for me to stop talking. She took a drink before continuing. “I didn’t even want to believe him, I didn’t think I could. The worst part was that he continued to deny what you told me until I found a bottle of lube in his dresser.”

Guess I wasn’t getting that KY back.

“And as I’m sure he told you, we’ve slept together before. We’ve never used that. So the night you texted… I asked if he was cheating, and it all came out.”

I couldn’t do anything but mouth an apology. She raised her eyes again, locking on mine.

“If he had told me he was also into men, that’d be one thing. I could have lived perfectly fine with that fact. I could have even lived with him being gay. Knowing how we were raised… I couldn’t blame him for wanting to hide that.”

I held my breath as her eyes burnt into my skull.

“But knowing he chose to cheat, to lie to my face about being in love with you and instead choosing to fabricate all these lies to push me – us – away from the truth for the sake of wanting to protect our engagement… only to take you to bed anyway.”

I didn’t know which part I wanted to dissect the most: him saying he was in love with me, him revealing he was bisexual, or finally knowing why he lied about Tara and I. Scratch that – if I could, I wouldn’t know any of it at all.

With mixed feelings, I still felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, almost like I could breathe again. The worst part was over, now came the consequences. A month had prepared me for this.

Unfortunately, weekly therapy sessions didn’t prevent my chest from hurting as I watched tears stream down Tara’s cheeks, leaving black trails on her otherwise flawless skin.

“I’ve always been a very forgiving person, Heath. I’ve always tried to seek compassion despite others hurting me. I’m wondering if you regret anything you did.”

“I do,” I answered instantly. “Tara I was an awful, awful piece of shit. I thought you were a horrible person and I used that as my justification, but I never even bothered to verify that. I’m not trying to excuse it, I just hope it explains why I went ahead anyway.”

“Surprisingly, it does.” It surprised me indeed. “I mean, why wouldn’t you trust your bağcılar escort bayan best friend of years? Why wouldn’t I trust my fiance? Oh…”

Her tears turned into streams. I started to get up, instead choosing to stay in my seat. I wasn’t sure if hugging her was the best course of action. Might be hard to find comfort in the man who helped in wrecking your marriage.

“I will always regret doing that to you, no excuse. You deserved better then, you deserve better now. I contributed to this and I am so, so sorry Tara. I should’ve told you when I last saw you – hell, I should’ve told you when he first told me.”

“But you didn’t remember?” Tara gasped for air, attempting to prevent herself from breaking into sobs. She took out some tissues from her purse and dabbed her nose. “Heath, I don’t harbor hate for you. You’re not someone I would want around me, but I couldn’t move on without talking about this. Without confronting you. So I ask one final question…. are you in love with him?”

The weight of the question hung in the silence. I knew I had enjoyed being with him. I knew I loved him amicably ever since we became close, but unlike my recent behavior I hadn’t sought out committed people, much less my best friend.

“I…” I had no clue. I figured if it was a yes, I would’ve said it. If it was a conclusive no, I would’ve too. “I can just tell you this. I’m trying to change. I want to be a better person. Landon doesn’t fit my goals. I could never trust him again after this.”

“That makes two of us,” Tara nodded. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, but delivered her thoughts anyway. “Just a final update, I guess. I filed for divorce this morning. He’s being cooperative. He’s even moving out and leaving the apartment to me.”

“It’s the least he can do,” I replied, “and the least I can do is cover these drinks. Again, I’ll never stop regretting what I did, Tara. You deserve so much better than this. Than him.”

“I know, Heath. I have no doubt about that,” she said, slinging her purse onto her shoulder. “I’ll leave you with the bill then. I wish things had gone differently. Most of all, I do hope you become a better man.”

I nodded in agreement. That was the goal after all. I motioned for Helen to come over as Tara left the bar. With my tab paid, I emerged into the chilly night.

I looked at the hour. My therapist wasn’t available to text, Aaron was out on a date, and any acquaintance on my contacts list would block me the second I suggested going out at this hour on a Sunday.

The benefit of Alessandro’s was its proximity to the gay bars downtown. I didn’t want to be home right now, so the nearest club it was.

I hadn’t visited them long enough to have forgotten the names, or new ones, or any other unnoticed additions. All I knew was that the lights were way brighter, the music was way louder, and maybe the issue was me getting older.

I walked into the least bass-thumping building. The streets weren’t crowded considering Monday was a few hours away, but the building in question didn’t let the limited customers discourage them from holding a drag show. It beat looking pathetic in a corner while everyone danced to poorly done song transitions. I grabbed a scotch and soda at the bar and found myself a table in the back, lending all my intention to the ongoing show.

When was the last time I had gone to a drag show? Scratch that – when did drag queens start looking so realistic? The queen on stage wore a voluminous wig that didn’t budge despite her running around the stage lipsynching to Gaga. I don’t know how much she spent to make herself look so natural. I toasted privately in her honor.

I seemed to have caught the ending of the show, the MC eventually announcing their closer. He added a red hue to the stage, the couple of audience members cheering at the slight change. Of course, I cheered too – I am nothing but a follower.

“Introducing the sizzling… the marvelous… the big and pretty from Salt Lake City…Dianna Fagron!”

We all exploded into cheers as Dianna stepped onto the stage, the music starting with her presence. She took center stage, a plus-size interpretation of Lorelei Lee’s iconic pink dress. Her wig mimicked Marilyn’s hair flawlessly, her makeup – while loud – was sharp, and by the way her ass moved when she walked, I wondered if just her hips were padded.

She mouthed along to the song, dramatically moving her arms and throwing her head back to what Shazam claimed was “California” by Chappell Roan. I added it to my library and grabbed five bucks in case she came around.

Dianna stepped carefully onto the floor, serenading (does it still count as serenading?) patrons as the MC uncovered a spotlight and followed her pacing. She took bills and stuffed them into her dress, stopping every other moment for faux theatrical belting.

When she noticed the sole person sitting in the back, she pointed at me and carefully walked up to my table. The spotlight illuminated me, throwing off my sight. It adjusted by the time Dianna was beside me.

It seemed like the song was coming to an end. She maintained eye contact, even as I handed her the money. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until she ran the bill down my face, one of her hands resting lightly on my knee.

David’s Limo

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The filtered morning sunlight shone into David’s bedroom through the gauzy floor to ceiling drapes of his large elegant penthouse apartment, waking David up.

David was the owner of a large successful limousine and chauffeur service catering to the very wealthy and executives alike. His clients were the type who did not care how much it cost for his services, as long as the transportation vehicles were top of the class in elegance and style, and the chauffeurs were trained in the proper aspects of being a chauffeur. David had learned the trade when he lived a number of years in the UK and other foreign countries.

The vehicles in his company ranged from the American style Lincoln Town Car limousine, to the top of the line Rolls Royce, and Bentley limousines, along with everything in between. He even had vintage limousines, bulletproof limousines, and others known for elegance or speed. Along with the vehicle, David provided the personally trained staff to drive, and cater to his clients.

On this morning when David awoke, he was feeling quite frisky, from a night filled with erotic dreams. Just thinking about the dreams put a smile on his face, and gave him an immediate erection.

David got out of his bed. He was naked as was now his sleeping custom. He no longer wore anything to bed. He found that wearing pajamas or even just his underwear to bed caused him to have a restless night’s sleep. In the morning when he woke up, he would still be exhausted and he found whatever he had worn to bed the previous night was torn to shreds. He never remembered tearing them up during the night.

David loved to walk around his penthouse apartment naked, with his cock rock hard. He did it quite often day and night. He would stand in front of the floor to ceiling windows of any room in his apartment and stroke his cock for the world to see. David had nothing to be ashamed of, he was quite a good looking thirty-nine year old man at just over six feet tall (two meters), with classic continental features. He had short brown hair with sideburns, and was otherwise clean shaven. He was quite well built and muscular, from his many hours of working out. This gave him a large muscular bubble butt, along with his other well defined beefy muscular features. The part of his body that seemed to get the biggest workout though was his cock. Even when not erect, it was quite long and thick. His balls were a handful also. In college, his fraternity house brothers had nicknamed him ‘Sausage’. David so enjoyed stroking his cock whenever he had the opportunity.

After walking around his apartment with his hard cock in one hand and coffee cup in the other, David thought it would be nice to take a long hot shower and take care of his throbbing erection before heading off to work. He had just stepped into the shower and was letting the warm water cascade over his taut body, when he heard the phone ring. Yes, David had a phone in the bathroom. Normally he would have ignored the call until he was finished in the shower, but he heard the caller id identify the call as coming from his company. He knew it could not be good news if they were calling him this early in the morning. He had plenty of people to take care of the everyday issues that came up. David stepped out of the shower soaking wet, still sporting his erection. He answered the phone. The company dispatcher was on the other end of the phone and explained the situation. One of the high-end limousines, a classic Bentley, was having some serious mechanical issues. The usual chauffeur driver of this vehicle had to use one of the other high-end limousines. This meant there was no one available who was qualified to drive the Bentley for servicing, and the Bentley was needed that evening, as were all David’s limousines. David told the dispatcher he would take the Bentley in as soon as he got to work this morning. David informed the dispatcher to call the service company and make sure they were aware he was bringing the Bentley in and the service needed to be completed today. The dispatcher said he understood and they both ended the call.

David got back in the shower. He could no longer enjoy his shower time, so he quickly showered and shaved. Out of the shower, David dried off and completed his grooming. David took his navy blue suit out of the closet. This was the one he had planned on wearing today anyway. The first pair of underwear David grabbed and put on was a pair of red and blue striped Andrew Christian butt-less briefs. He normally did not wear Andrew Christian’s to work, but today he was in a rush to get out of the house. As he pulled the briefs up over his hips, his large ample arse filled the butt-less section of the briefs. The edges of the briefs framed his arse and made it look even larger than it was. David quickly finished getting dressed, and looked at himself in the mirror. He pulled up his jacket to see how his slacks looked. He was surprised at how well the Andrew Christian briefs looked and felt beşiktaş escort bayan under his suit slacks. The briefs actually gave his butt a bit of a lift. Not that he needed it, but David’s butt filled out his slacks even better than if he had worn regular briefs. In the mirror, David also noticed that the design of the front of the Andrew Christian briefs showed his large cock off very nicely. Satisfied with how he looked, David left his apartment.

As David exited his building his driver was waiting at the curb for him with the rear door open. The driver had one of the smaller limousines. David got in. His driver took the driver’s seat. David informed the driver what had happened to the Bentley limousine and what David’s plans were. He told the driver he would need to fill in with David’s limo, as they were now short a limousine. The driver said he understood. David’s limousine was usually not used for the business. It was David’s private vehicle.

When David got to his limousine company, he and his driver got out of the vehicle. David informed the dispatcher that his limousine was available. The dispatcher told David that was great, as he already had use for it. With that David’s driver took his limousine out for a client pickup.

David went to the offices to get information about the Bentley limousine. David was given a full report on the problems the Bentley limousine was having by Frank, one of his office managers. David requested the keys and said he was going to take the limo in for service. Frank hesitated before he gave David the keys. David asked him what the problem was. Reluctantly, Frank reminded David that it was company policy and procedure that anyone who drove one of the company limousines was required to wear the proper chauffeur’s uniform for that vehicle. David smiled and told Frank that he was correct and asked Frank to get him a uniform.

Frank disappeared for a few moments and returned with chauffeur’s uniform, complete with chauffeur’s hat. David took the uniform and went into his office to change. As soon as David attempted to put the uniform on, he realized the uniform was too small for him. Frank put his suit back on. He called out to Frank and asked him for another uniform. Frank told him the uniform laundry service would not be returned until the afternoon, and the uniform he had was the only one available. Frank suggested that since he was only taking the limousine for service, he did not see any harm if David wore his street clothing. David said no, it would send the wrong message to his clientele and drivers if they were to see one of his limousines on the road being driven by someone not wearing a chauffeur’s uniform. Frank said he understood. David said he would do the best he could with the available uniform.

David stripped down once again to his Andrew Christian butt-less briefs. The cool air hitting his bare arse gave him a rush. He knew his cock was getting hard, and the friskiness he felt earlier in the morning was returning. David put the white shirt on first. It was definitely too small on him. It was skintight. The shoulders were too small for his broad shoulders. His muscular arms completely filled the arms of shirt, and he could scarcely button the shirt up. He was unable to button the top button on the shirt, his neck was just too thick. As he pulled on the uniform slacks, he knew they would not fit him. Before the slacks were completely on, he sat down to put his black boots on and covered his boots with the legs of his uniform slacks. With his boots on, he pulled his slacks up and tucked his shirt into the slacks. The legs and thighs of the slacks were drawn tight against his legs. He struggled to pull the slacks up over his bubble butt. Once he finally managed to get the slacks over his butt he still had to zip and fasten up the slacks. David began by zipping up the slacks first. The distance in the fasteners was too far apart to fasten them first. As he began zipping up his slacks, he knew it was going to be an effort. The zipper went up about a third of the way and that was as far as he could get it up. He struggled and pulled at the zipper. He heard a few of the seams pop. He was not sure if it was the shirt or the slacks. With a lot of wriggling, he was finally able to get the zipper all the way up. Once the zipper was up, David sucked his stomach in. Since he did not have a gut, he did not have much to suck in. However, it was enough that with a little force, he was able to fasten his slacks. David had a small private bathroom off his office, and in the bathroom was a full length mirror. He looked in the mirror to see how he looked. He had to laugh. He looked like he was stuffed into the uniform. There was no room to spare. The outline of his large cock bulge was on display. Even the head of his cock could be identified. He turned to see how his butt looked. Every strap of his Andrew Christian briefs showed through under the slacks. It would be obvious to anyone istanbul escort seeing him that he was wearing butt-less briefs. He was already so uncomfortable in super tight slacks, he decided not to put on a belt. David knew the jacket of the uniform was going to be too tight. He hoped he could just wear the jacket to cover his butt, and hide the fact that he was not wearing a belt. David put the jacket on and to his relief, it was long enough to hide the tightness of his shirt and the waist of his slacks. Nothing was going to hide the fact that the slacks were skintight from the waist to his mid legs. David tied the tie around his neck leaving the top button of his shirt undone. He topped the chauffeur’s uniform with the hat. It was the only piece of the uniform which fit.

Drew, a laid off auto repair worker awoke this morning in his furnished, government subsidized apartment. Drew had the capacity to be quite a good looking man. However, he did not keep a daily routine of grooming and personal hygiene. Most of the time he had greasy hair and needed a shave. His clothes were dirty, ill fitting, and it looked like he had slept in them. Drew even wore the same pair of cheap briefs for days at a time. They were dingy, torn and baggy on him. His briefs were badly in need of a good bleaching. To be fair, on the few days Drew had showered, shaved, and put on clean clothing, everyone around him could not believe it was the same person. He was a very good looking man. Drew was not tall and perhaps could afford to lose a few pounds. He liked his junk food. He had thick dark brown curly hair, and deep set dark brown eyes, and an olive complexion. Overall, he had Italian looking features. Drew never realized his full potential. He always expected a handout, and felt the world owed him.

Drew spent hours looking through his telescope. He particularly enjoyed watching the man who would walk around his penthouse apartment naked, stroking is cock. When this happened, Drew would pull up a chair to his telescope, sit down and jerk off. When he finished shooting his load into his already cum stained yellowed briefs, Drew would get angry with the man. Drew felt the man forced him to jerk off and cum in his briefs. Drew firmly believed the man knew Drew was watching him, and was doing this just to make him jealous and horny. Drew wanted to knock the man in the penthouse down a few notches. Drew thought up different ways he could get the man into a situation where he could do what he wanted to the man.

David drove the Bentley around for a while, but the limousine did not act up as was reported. David knew he could not take the Bentley in for some perceived problem. He decided to take the limo out for a long drive and put it through its paces. David drove the limo on the highway, where he knew he could drive at high rates of speed. Nothing happened, the limo drove quite well. David decided to drive out in the country, where the road elevation changed and the roads twisted and turned. Once again, the limo drove without any hesitation. David took the limo further and further out into a remote uninhabited area. He knew that if something happened to the Bentley out there, it was a simple matter of getting on his cell phone and calling the service shop for a tow truck and flatbed.

As fate would have it, the Bentley finally started acting up. David pulled the limo over to the side of the road before it finally sputtered and stalled. David tried several times to restart the Bentley. It would not restart. The limo stalled on a secluded tree lined stretch of road with forest on both sides of the road. David kept track of the road names as he drove, so that he could let the tow truck driver know where he was if this should happen.

Carefully, David got out of the limo. He wanted to avoid any possibility of tearing his skin tight uniform. He reached into his breast jacket pocket to retrieve his phone. As he felt the jacket for the hard plastic case, his heart sank. Did he not take his cell phone out of his suit jacket pocket when he changed? Hoping he was mistaken, David searched every pocket of his uniform jacket to no avail. He looked around the seat and the floor, perhaps it fell out. As he searched, he inadvertently stretched his legs too far. He heard a small ripping sound in his slacks. He stood back up immediately. He put his hand on the area he thought the ripping noise came from, and was relieved to find that he had not torn the seat of his slacks. He looked over his slacks, and was relieved to see that there was only a small tear in his slacks near one of the front pockets of his slacks. David returned to a visual search for his cell phone. It was nowhere to be found. David realized there was no way for him to get in contact with anyone, and no one knew where he was. He had been parked on the side this road for a while now, and no one had driven by.

As time went by, it was getting warmer outside, plus the humidity was on the rise. David escort bayan rus could feel the sweat building up on is brow. He noticed that his shirt was becoming wet with perspiration. Odd he thought, because the heat and humidity normally did not cause him to perspire. He felt sweat droplets running down his back and onto his butt crack. Sweat beads running down his butt crack were a strange sensation to him. One he had never felt before. He assumed that because he was wearing butt-less briefs, there was nothing to absorb the perspiration, so his sweat was able to run down his butt crack unimpeded. David tried to ignore the feeling and return to the pressing matter of getting some roadside assistance.

David waited for what seemed like an eternity, but in actuality it was only about 10 minutes for a vehicle to come by. David got in the middle of the road, and took his chauffeurs hat off. He waved his hat at the vehicle as it approached. He wanted to be sure the driver of the approaching vehicle did not just drive by him. As luck would have it, the driver of the vehicle pulled over behind the broken down Bentley. David approached the driver and asked him if he had a cell phone. The driver replied he did not, but he was an auto mechanic, familiar with English automobiles. David chuckled to himself, but thought he had nothing to lose. He told the driver what had happened. The driver said he would have a look under the hood and see if there was anything obvious.

The driver exited his vehicle. David was a bit apprehensive about this guy. He was unkempt and disheveled. He was wearing a sweatshirt and khaki pants. His clothes were dirty and wrinkled. The driver went to the rear of his vehicle and opened the trunk. He retrieved something from the trunk and then slammed it closed. As he approached David, David could see that it was a metal mechanics tool box. When the driver was standing next to David, he saw that David’s shirt was soaking wet and nearly transparent with sweat. He made a flip comment to David about the heat. David just grunted at the driver. The driver told David that his name was Drew.

Drew walked toward the front of the Bentley, put his tool box on the ground and told David to release the hood lock located inside the limo. David did so and also walked to the front of the limo. Drew propped open the hood and looked around the engine compartment. While David was still looking inside the engine compartment, Drew knelt down and opened his tool box. He pulled out a large rag and a long screwdriver. Drew stuck his head back under the hood and looked around for a few more seconds and pointed the screwdriver at something on the engine block. He told David to have a look at what he was pointing the screwdriver at. David stuck his head further inside the engine compartment. Once there, Drew put the large rag over David’s nose and mouth. David immediately passed out.

David woke up to find himself sitting in the middle of the back seat of the Bentley. His wrists were tied behind his back and his legs were spread apart as wide as possible with his ankles tied to the floor mountings of the seats. Besides being unnerved at being tied up, David was also quite uncomfortable because his too small uniform was now being stretched to its extreme limits and beginning to press into his flesh. David’s first instinct was to yell, but he quickly realized he was gagged. He began squirming around to try and free his tied hands. He was unable to loosen his restraints. He stopped his squirming when he heard the sound of fabric tearing. He looked down at his shirt and realized all he had succeeded in doing was tearing a seam and popping a button on his shirt. He then realized his tie was missing.

Drew opened the rear door on the Bentley limousine and got in. The cooler air from outside felt good to David. Being inside with the windows closed made the interior of the limo very warm for him. His shirt was completely soaked with sweat, so much that his shirt was now nearly transparent. Drew sat on the rear seat that faced the seat David was sitting in. He sat directly in front of David. Drew’s knees were nearly touching David’s inner thighs. Drew asked David if he knew him. David shook his head and managed to say no through his gag. Drew said he knew David and he had been waiting a long time for this. He said he had been planning this and all things finally came together when he was able to sabotage the Bentley. David gave him a puzzled look. Drew then told David that was all he needed to know.

Drew reached into his pocket and pulled something out of it. David was not sure what it was, until Drew held the object up in front of his face, and made a flicking motion with it. A knife blade popped out of the object. David jerked back as much as he could upon seeing the knife blade and the length of it. Drew waved the knife in front of David’s face, telling him how much he wanted to mess him up. He also put the knife close to David’s crotch. David was scared. He was in a vulnerable position, and could not defend himself. He tried to put his legs together, but Drew had tied them well enough that he was unable to move them, and also since Drew was sitting with his legs between David’s, David was unable to protect himself.

Joe and Greg

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ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER 18. All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real or other fictional characters is coincidence and unintentional.

Sometimes desire breeds opportunity. Two friends find that similar life situations lead to the exploring opportunities neither would ever admit too. Life and the need to be happy and fulfilled, are powerful motivators to adapt and except the not so norm.


Joe and Greg have been friends for a few years. Not best friends, but they do see each other a few times a month. They have a few common friends and are both married. Their wives are attractive ladies with very normal everyday lives.

The guys get together for coffee at a local shop every other week about nine o’clock in the morning. Their conversations are about almost every subject you can think of. The talks are always fun and invigorate both.

Recently the conversation has leaned towards matters of sex. Both do have sex with their wives once in a while – both would like to have more. Joe tells Greg he misses the playfulness his wife and he once had. Greg expresses a similar longing for something different.

Being married for over twenty five years each to the same woman has its rewards and also some drawbacks. Both men come to the conclusion that what they have is as good as it’s going to be with their present partners.

Joe confides to Greg he has spent some time looking at porn on the internet. Greg says he has done the same thing more than once. Greg admits seeing porn on the net is almost the only way he can get a sexual release. Joe agrees that porn is a great way to get-off when your partner lacks any desire to be intimate.

Joe tells Greg that his wife is a lay on her back kind of gal. Once in a while she will allow him to have doggie style sex. She is really not interested in anything new and sees sex as an obligation rather than a fun connection between two people.

Greg tells Joe he is faced with the same situation with the only difference being his wife will do a blow-job once or twice a year.

The two men meet more frequently now that sex is the primary conversation topic. They compare the porn websites that they have visited and the kind of sex they are interested in.

Neither man has ever been involved in any sort of male sexual contact. At their age both in their early fifties, they know what they like and what they don’t.

Joe confides during one of their conversations that he has visited some gay porn sites. He tells Greg that although he is not interested in anything gay, it is fun to look at other guys stuff. He recommends a few sites to Greg.

At their next meeting their conversation revolves around the gay porn sites only. They both reaffirm that being with another guy is not at all an option. They are only looking at these sites to have a little different kind of fun.

As their conversation progresses they both become more at ease with what goes on between the two men. Greg tells Joe it might be okay to touch another guy, but no kissing. Joe agrees that kissing another man would not be good. They talk more about being touched by another man. It makes sense that a man would know better than a woman what feels good to a man. They explore the possibilities during their talk.

Joe says he has to leave but has something in his car for Greg. They walk out together to Joe’s car. Joe gets in the driver’s side and Greg gets into the passenger side. Joe hands Greg the book he has promised him and they talk just a bit more. As Greg is getting ready to open his door Joe tells him good bye and puts his hand on Greg’s thigh.

Greg stops pulling the door handle. Joe not knowing why he put his hand on Greg’s thigh is thinking of what to say. Greg looks Joe into the eyes and neither man can summon a single word. Joes hand is frozen on Greg’s thigh.

Joe begins to lighten his hands presence and starts to pull away from Greg’s leg. Greg quickly puts his hand on top of Joes. Their look at each other intensifies. Greg’s hand is not holding Joes hand on his leg, its inviting something more. This all with only a touch and a look.

Greg takes his hand away and Joe still looking into Greg’s eyes, moves his hand slowly up Greg’s leg to his crotch. As Joe cups Greg’s crotch, Greg closes his eyes. Not knowing what to do next. Joe gently massages Greg’s cock. He can feel it getting firmer with each movement.

Joe wants more. He reaches over to Greg’s zipper and pulls it down slowly. Greg does not open his eyes only reaches over to Joe with a hand on his shoulder signaling his approval. The zipper is all the way down and pops open just a bit. Joe takes his hand and slowly slides his hand into Greg’s pants. His soft boxers are all that separate the two men now.

Joe again massages Greg’s cock now almost fully erect. He reaches further in and down to Greg’s balls. They are full and very warm. Greg moans with delight and maslak escort Joe knows his forwardness has been good for both.

Joe continues to play in Greg’s pants. Stroking his cock and massaging his balls. Joe moves his hand down one more time to the leg opening of the boxers. He slides his hand in and moves up past Greg’s balls. Joe now has his first penis other than his own in his hand. No more fabric between them.

Joe slowly strokes Greg’s cock with his partner moaning with absolute pleasure. Greg tells Joe “this feels better than it ever has with anyone.” Joe agrees that stroking Greg’s cock has got his own cock hard and wet.

Joe speeds up his stroking and notices Greg’s posture changing. Joe asks him are you going to cum. “Yes, Yes Joe I am about their.” Joe stops for a moment. Greg asks why are you stopping. Joe “So you don’t make a mess in your pants.” Greg insists “Joe finish me, I don’t care about the mess.” Joe resumes his stroking and soon Greg moans and announces he’s cumming. Joe keeps stroking and his hand is quickly a wet mess, a wonderful wet mess. Greg opens his eyes as he spurts his last and looks Joe in the eye and says “that was the best hand job of my life.” “Can I do it for you?” Joe shakes his head no. Greg with a disappointed look says why not? “I am way late for a meeting, meet me here tomorrow.” Greg says great and Joe wipes his hand of the sticky goo and Greg zips up his pants.

They part each knowing that a new chapter in their lives may being coming to light. This is something neither would have considered just a few weeks ago.


The next day they meet for coffee as they have so many times before. But now there is so much more to talk about and consider. Will they follow up with what happened in the parking lot? How far will all of this go? What will they considering doing and what will they never do.

They both agree that touching and hand jobs would be okay. Kissing, oral and anal are out of the question, after all they are not gay. Having set the limits for playing, they head back out to Joes car and this time its Greg’s turn at giving Joe the same treatment.

Greg’s new found skills are equal to Joes. He’s got Joe hard and panting in no time. Joe cums with the same intensity as Greg. Only, Joe has made a real mess. His load is about twice as much as Greg’s was. There is cum everywhere. The two friends laugh as they attempt to clean up the mess.

They both come to the same conclusion that playing in the car limits their play and comfort to say nothing about cleaning up the mess afterwards. They agree to find a better place.

The following week they agree to meet at an out of the way motel, clean, quiet and most important discrete. They arrive within a few minutes of each other and get a room. The room has a single large bed and a great bathroom with a large walk in shower.

Their conversations over the weekend have been to reset the limits on their play and also to talk about what they do not want to do. First the limits: No kissing, oral or anal play – after all they are not gay. They do want to experience taking a shower together and more touching and more complete and unhurried hand jobs then what they have experienced in the car.

They undress and head for the shower. First Joe gets in and gets the warm water running. Greg follows and stands behind Joe. With warm water running onto both they just stand there not knowing what to do.

Greg reaches to the side for a bar of soap. Lathering up the bar he begins to wash Joes back. Joe tells Greg “that feels so good.” Greg continues to wash Joes back and works his way to his butt. Lathering up the soap again he reaches between Joes legs and massages his balls with his soapy hands.

Joe turns around, Greg takes the soap and lathers Joe’s crotch, paying close attention to Joes cock. This is fun for both. Joe gets in on the act and massages and strokes Greg’s cock and balls. They rinse off after more than an hour of washing and playing with each other. They take turns toweling each other off, it’s been more fun than ether had considered.

Moving over to the bed they pull down the bedspread and pick a side. Both men lying there naked talking and feeling each other.

Joe takes Greg’s cock and applies some lube he had brought with him. Greg lays back and puts his head onto the soft oversized pillows and closes his eyes.

Joe starts slow stroking Greg’s entire cock’s length with one hand and encircling the cocks head with the other. Greg moans with outright pleasure. Joe speeds up his pace for twenty minutes of intense stroking. His pace has Greg on the edge of cumming. He slows again to bring him down without cumming.

Joe does this same up and down two more times. On the fourth trip to I’m almost there, Greg pleads with Joe to let him cum. With a determined pace and a firm grip he sends Greg over the edge. Greg screams “OH FUCK” as he cums.

Four, five, six spurts of white sticky fluid leave escort gebze Greg’s body flying high into the air and landing on his stomach and chest.

Joe continues stroking slowing his pace and grip. Greg is somewhere in heaven. His wife never gives him a hand job. This was beyond what he thought he could do at fifty two. A damp towel wipes the cum from him as he regains his composure and strength.

Greg takes the same lube and liberally applies it to Joe. Greg plays with Joe much the same way. Stroking his cock and massaging his balls. Joe however can’t be edged. Once he is there, he is there. Joe cums so hard he nearly passes out. Not as much cum as Greg but it came out with a bang.

Joe needed more time to recover. Both lay on the bed talking with each other and touching and just fooling around.

They each came two more times during the next couple of hours, amazing themselves. Either of the men would be hard pressed to cum with his wife during sex and now three times in one day, WOW.

They cleaned up got dressed and made plans to meet at the motel again next week. They met two more times doing much the same things only the results and sensations where much stronger.


About six weeks had passed since their first sexual encounter in the car. They had honored all of their limits, no kissing, no oral and no anal play. Joe however, wanted to do more. He waited until the two got together next to talk to Greg.

It was Friday afternoon and Joe and Greg where together again at their now regular motel. They got the same room had a drink and took their clothes off. Joe started the conversation by asking Greg if they could revisit the limits they had. Greg had no objection “what’s on your mind Joe.” Joe explained how he always enjoyed a good blow job, but had not had one since he was married. They both laughed. Joe asked Greg “When is the last time you had a good one.” Greg thought for a moment and said “so long ago he could not remember.”

Joe looked at Greg and said “you’re in luck. I want to give you one. I don’t need you to do me, I just want to suck your dick. I think I could do it really well, please let me try.” Greg told Joe “okay let’s try it.”

They took a shower together as they always did and once on the bed they went through their massaging and rubbing each other.

Joe stroked Greg’s cock for just a little while and then moved over the top of it. Greg let himself fall back into the pillows to enjoy what was to come next.

Joe leaned over and kissed the head of Greg’s cock. It was a wet kiss that turned into licking the entire head and ring. Greg moaned with delight. Joe first took only the head of his buddies cock into his mouth. Sucking and flicking his tongue on the tip. Without warning he deep throated Greg’s cock. Greg let out an “OH FUCK THAT FEELS GREAT.” Joe knew he was on the right track. Like a cock sucking expert he treated Greg’s cock with stroking, licking and sucking he had never ever received himself.

Greg was taking it like a man but he was not long for this world. He knew he would need to cum real soon. Joe “I am going to cum in a minute. Do you want me to cum in your mouth?” Joe nodded “yes.” Less than a minute later Greg was going to cum. “Joe here it comes.”

“Oh Fuck” Greg cums hard and fast spurt after spurt into Joes virgin cock sucking mouth. Joe keeps up with the hot fluid and swallows every drop. As Greg starts to slow down, Joe remembers something an old girlfriend did to him.

He keeps sucking very softly on Greg’s cock, taking about half of it and slowly sucking. Greg responds by grabbing Joes head and screaming “OH SHIT THAT IS SO GREAT.” Joe keeps Greg’s cock in his mouth until it is soft again.

They both need a rest and Joe needs to clean his face up a bit. Greg has never really thought about sucking a cock. He is not really sure about what to do, and that swallowing thing. He tells Joe “since you gave me the best blow job of my life I would like to give you one too. I’m not sure if I can swallow your load but I will try.”

Joe lets his friend know that he was prepared to do this. If Greg is uncomfortable with this he would be okay with trying some other time. Greg a bit more determined tells Joe, “No I want to do this for you.”

Joe slides back onto the bed and lays flat on his back. Greg joins him and looks at Joes cock in a new way. Taking it into his hands he strokes the half hard circumcised penis for just a few seconds before it responds and becomes rock hard. It’s not a monster cock so many men seem to think they have, rather a normal sized, straight and great looking cock.

Greg moves his lips to meet Joe cock’s head and kisses the small hole at the top. He then begins to lick and gently suck the head and ring. The ring is full and pronounced and gets his full attention. Joe moans with the delight of his friend playing with his cock.

Greg, more confident, takes half of Joe into his mouth while escort merter still stroking the lower shaft. Joe “OH MAN THAT IS SO FUCKING GOOD.” Greg continues his exploration of how to please a man. Sucking, flicking his tongue and stroking.

Joe tells Greg as Greg takes his full length into his mouth with the head lodged in Greg’s throat, “I am going to cum soon.” Greg tries to brace himself for what is to come.

Joe arches his back, grabs Greg’s shoulder and screams “I’AM CUMMING.” Greg takes the first few spurts of Joes cum and tries to swallow, but that won’t work. He opens his mouth just a bit so some of the cum can run down Joes cock and his hand. Joe keeps pumping and Greg’s hand is covered by Joe’s juices.

Greg pulls his mouth away and finishes Joe off by gently stroking this amazing cock. Greg looks at Joe and wants to apologize for not swallowing his cum. But before he can get a word out Joe tells Greg “that is the best blow job I have had in years.”

Greg smiles and says, “But I did not swallow like you did. Joe, you didn’t need too. That was truly great my friend.” Joe looks at Greg and says “should we take oral off the limits list.” Both laugh.


The two men over the next several weeks play and enjoy all of the new skills they have acquired. Both men have become very good at giving head. Greg loves to deep throat Joe and lately swallows every drop of his cum. Joe can edge Greg and make him cum three or four times in one afternoon.

Their next play date in on Saturday just past noon. They get their favorite room and go through their ritual of a shower and so on. Greg has been talking to Joe about expanding how they play. Greg would like to try anal. He would like to have Joe penetrate him with a condom. Joe thinks that would be okay. “Let’s try it” Joe says to Greg.

Greg thinks that a doggie style position would be best for both. Joe agrees and both get up on the bed. Joe takes a fair amount of lube and places it on Greg’s rectum. Next he pushes one finger in just a little to allow Greg to get acquainted to the feeling. Greg moans with the feeling, a little uncomfortable but feels good.

Joe puts more lube at Greg’s opening and inserts another finger deeper than before. Greg is starting to enjoy this. Greg tells Joe “I’m ready if you are.” Greg looks back and Joe has a solid hard on. Joe places the condom over his hard cock and positions it at Greg’s rectum. “Okay this might hurt a little” Joe tells his friend and with that he pushes a little into Greg. Greg jumps a little. Joe “you okay”. “Yes, just go slow.” Joe pushes in and out slowly several times allowing Greg’s ass to open. It finally lets the head pass, and Joe pushes half of his length into Greg. Greg tells Joe he wants all of him inside.

With a few more strokes Joe is balls deep in Greg’s ass. “How does it feel” Joe asks Greg? “It’s great.” Greg “Fuck my ass Joe, fuck me.” Joe starts a rhythm of in and out that is good for both.

For Joe Greg’s insides are better than any pussy he has ever been in.

Joe’s wife would never let him screw her there, but this is not her, this is his buddy. Joe picks up the pace with full deliberate strokes. Greg moans and screams with each bottoming out stroke. “OH FUCK ME JOE” “FUCK ME.” Greg can feel every part of Joes cock. The ring is like a plunger deep inside of his ass pushing and sucking all that lube around.

Greg reaches for his own cock and starts to jack himself off. Joe is beyond the point of no return. He feels the heat of Greg’s ass through the thin condom. It’s a feeling he will want from now on. Joe is so close to his orgasm it almost hurts. Joe to Greg, “I AM GOING TO CUM IN YOUR ASS BUDDY.” With that he begins to pump his hot fluid into the condoms tip. Greg can feel the heat from the fluid and the pressure from the tip expanding.

Greg Screams “I AM CUMMING TOO.” He shoots stream after stream of hot cum onto the bed. Joe continues to pump as he is cumming. As he finishes he remains still in Greg’s ass. Greg collapses forward onto the mess he made with his own cum.

Joe stays in Greg until he is soft again. The two men roll over facing each other and cannot believe how great that was.

A little rest and it will be Joes turn. Joe wants to experience anal too. He wants to be on his side with Greg behind him. They position themselves. Greg applies lots of lube to Joes butt hole. A finger goes in and Joe says “he is ready.”

Greg gets behind him with a condom on his hard cock. Joe opening is not as reluctant as Greg’s was. One push by Greg and he is half way in. As Greg slides into Joe he hears. “FUCK ME BIG GUY” “FUCK ME.” Greg moves in and out like he has done this a hundred times. He slams into Joe for ten minutes. Joe is jacking himself off and is ready to cum. He cums over his hand and the rest dripping onto the bed. His sounds of delight trigger Greg’s need to cum into Joe. As Joe finishes cumming from jacking himself off, Greg cums in Joe’s ass, filling the condom to the max.

They continues to pump and stroke until both are soft and spent. Again they hold each other now spooning.

After some much needed rest they finished their day at the motel each giving the other a fantastic blow job swallowing the days last cum.

Ballet Tights Pt. 02

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Big Dicks

So there I was at my first ballet class. I was very nervous and made it clear to people, even if they didn’t’ ask, that I was straight. I wanted to wear tights but I wore sweats the first time and a dance belt because I was too self conscious, but I soon found two things — I genuinely enjoyed the class and the discipline of ballet, and even though it was a ‘beginner’ class, it was at a serious New York dance studio and people took it seriously.

Occasionally advanced level and pro dancers came in for refreshers. The class was mostly women but there were plenty of men, and out of respect the high level of tradition and craft in the class instructor most of the men wore tights of some kind. I learned later it was vital to see the correct positioning of the knees.

After a few classes, I felt comfortable enough to wear tights and not sweats. I was nervous but I also felt so alive and comfortable in them. The first time I walked in wearing tights, I felt a wave of fear at the door, but once there I realized it was perfectly ‘normal’ to dress like this for class, and the teacher even said it was good that I was wearing them. Soon ballet class became my favorite place. Its hard to explain but the tights were beyond sexual it felt sensual to wear them a heightened, ideal existence, like a ballet performance, a magical world, separated from the drudgery of every day.

I was super comfortable talking to the women and the guys in the class. I tried to sneak looks at the women, but out of respect for class mates and the class, I never ogled or stared. But the ‘cure’ wasn’t working, my sex fantasies were still about men, though I didn’t look at any of the men class.

That all changed the day a dancer walked in. He looked very much like the male dancer in the magazine that I found so alluring, and although I was convinced I was straight, even just looking at him my heart dropped and my mouth went dry. He was wearing a close fitting white t shirt and black tights. He walked by and took a barre position in front or me. I tried not to look but when I finally looked at his ass I couldn’t help myself, feelings of wanting to touch him raced through me. I couldn’t stop thinking about him after class and for the first time I didn’t only just have sexual fantasies about men, I had romantic ones as well.

At this point, I was worried that I might have gay feelings. I was still repressing and rationalizing, but the feelings kept growing and growing and I found myself eagerly anticipating my next class. But I kept telling myself it was for the women. Even so, I began to allow myself to look at some of the other guys, and I realized while I found the women’s bodies sensual and beautiful, a guy in tights made me weak kneed and lustful.

After a couple of classes, I usually smile and say hi to the ‘regulars’ and when I said hi he smiled and introduced himself. Our eyes lingered on each other a little longer than usual and butterflies filled my stomach.

“Hi I am Tim”, he said.

I told him my name and we chatted a little about ballet. It turned out he studied pretty seriously when he was younger, but switched majors in college and now was working at a pretty good job but missed ballet and wanted to get back into it.

I told him I admired that, I wish I had the guts to take it when I was younger, and now that I took it I loved everything about it.

“I love the discipline and tradition”, I said.

“Me too”, he replied, “I love that in this class the men and women wear tights.”

“Yeah”, I replied, “I am surprised how good they feel. I feel better about myself when I am in them.”

“Did I just say that!”, I said to myself. But he responded with a smile and agreed.

That night I got home and I realized I had strong feelings for him both sexual and romantic. But still I wasn’t ‘ready’ to face my sexuality. I still tried to flirt with girls in the class, but they all felt like friends and I didn’t feel anything for them.

One day Tim came in and as he placed his bag by the window, I noticed one of his ballet slippers was untied. Without thinking I seized on the chance.

“Your slipper’s untied, here let me fix it”, I said as I knelt down and tied it.

My escort taksim hands shook as my fingers touched his leather ballet slipper. I could feel the warmth of his body near me and the smell of the nylon and his leather slippers. I tied them up, somehow managing despite my racing heart and butterfly filled stomach. I got up and he looked at me, smiling and thanking me. His eyes lingered a little more and I looked at him and smiled until the spell was broken by the teacher announcing the beginning of class. Thankfully, I was wearing a dance belt because I had a throbbing hardon and was worried that even the movement of a plie might cause me to cum.

From that day on, a mounting desire built in me. Our conversations grew longer and longer and we’d often physically glide by each other almost touching sometimes a hand brushing against the other’s body.

I would often ask him tips about ballet and sometimes he’d physically correct me like the teacher did and once I thought his hand lingered just a bit longer on my leg than the correction required.

Then one day, he wasn’t at class. And the next class. My heart dropped and I thought he was gone for good. I couldn’t hide my enthusiasm when he appeared in class again. I ran over with a big smile and told him how I missed him and how good it was to see him. He said he missed hanging out with me too, but he had been busy at work.

“Let’s make sure we don’t lose contact again”, I blurted out.

And he replied by asking me out for a drink after class. He mentioned there was a quiet bar nearby. Funny as it sounds I was still worried about being gay but quickly thought It didn’t imply I was gay and though I was nervous I thought ‘why not” and said yes.

We both didn’t want to change because it would take to long and class was on a weeknight so we both decided to just slip on pants over our tights and go to the bar.

He insisted on buying drinks and as we relaxed we talked more. The alcohol began to have its effect on me and my inhibitions about being gay left me and all I could think about was how nice it would be to feel his bulge in tights.

We chatted about ballet. At one point he asked if was uncomfortable in tights under pants. I replied that no I actually liked how tights felt, and though the dance belt (the undergarment men wear) might get little uncomfortable after while, I loved wearing tights. I quickly said I don’t think of them as ‘girls’ clothes. He agreed and mentioned throughout history they were seen as practical men’s garments.

After a couple of drinks, we started to talk more about class, ballet and tights. Especially tights. He asked what brand I wore and suggested a better brand- that felt soft and sensual and great for class. He said he had an extra pair and we were about the same size and he would bring them next time. He paused a moment and then said:

“Wait, I have a better idea, my place is a few blocks from here, why don’t you swing by and you get have them for next class”, he said.

I enthusiastically agreed and by this point I was horny, and my whole body was trembling as I stammered out “Yes”.

We walked over to his place still talking about ballet, but all I could think about was how good he looked in tights and how I wish he wasn’t wearing the pants over them.

We got to his place, it was a nice clean mini one bedroom with a soft inviting love seat. He offered me a drink and as he went to the fridge I sat down and looked around. There were pictures from his younger ballet days. He handed me a drink and went off to get the tights.

When he came back he was in his ballet outfit again. He mentioned that he slipped off his dance belt because it was a little uncomfortable but the tights always felt good after class. He handed me the package and suggested I try them on. He said I could change in his bedroom – this was a small New York mini one bedroom and the bathroom was a little small for changing.

I went in and stripped off my street clothes, then my tights and dance belt. As I put my clothes on the bed, I noticed his dance belt was on there as well. The door was closed by I still looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was looking. escort izmit I then picked up his dance belt and sniffed it. The erotic aroma immediately gave me a hardon and I had to think about something else to try and keep it down. My whole body was shaking as I slowly slipped each leg into the tights and hiked them over my crotch and butt, making sure it separated my glutes and fit tightly around by cock. He was right — this black pair was soft and sensual and clung to my skin yet felt so freeing. I headed towards the door the tights gently slid with my movements and felt wonderful against my skin. I didn’t want to walk out in tights with a full erection, I tried to pull my shirt down to cover it and took slow breaths to try to calm it down. Eventually my erection diminished and I stepped out of the bed room and he was there with my a drink.

“Well”, he said.

“I love them!”, I exclaimed, “they feel so nice!”

“They look great on you”, he said, gazing at me and smiling.

I gave him a dirty smile and gazed at his tights. My eyes lingered on his nylon encased bulge.

“You look great in yours too!”, I replied.

We paused for a moment, and I noticed I was rapidly getting a hardon, so I quickly turned to the pictures on his wall.

“Wow, are these from performances you did?”, I said walking over and setting my drink down at a side table. I was facing away from him, so he couldn’t’ see my erection. I stood close to one of the pictures, pointing at what appeared to be him in a performance, in white tights and velvet tunic, I practically drooling.

I heard his voice getting closer.

“Yes”, he replied, “that was from a student performance of Swan Lake, I played the prince.”

“It was the height of my career — it was all downhill from there” he said laughing.

Without realizing I was saying it I found myself mumbling the words “You’re still a very handsome prince.”

“Thanks”, he replied, so close behind me I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke and I could feel the warmth of his body.

We said nothing for what seemed like an eternity but it was probably only a few seconds, I felt his breath closer and closer, and then, I felt his gentle lips on the back of my neck. I softly moaned as leaned back as I felt his hands wrap around my waist and I felt his erect nylon clad cock against my butt. The nylon on nylon felt indescribably sensual.

“Your hands feel nice”, I whispered, putting mine over his, and then I reached back with both hands and drew his hips closer so his cock pressed into the divide of my glutes,”That feels really nice too”.

I turned around and gazed into his eyes which were aflame with passion. He had a soft, sensuous smile as I felt his fingers glide down my back lightly caress my butt. His hands felt electric through the stretchy delicate nylon fabric.

He leaned into me and our lips touched. I had never kissed a man and my knees trembled so much I nearly collapsed and had to hug him for support.

Our lips met again and we looked at each other smiling. All I could think about then was him, but I realized all thoughts about whether I was ‘gay’ or no faded away and became irrelevant. I had tried to kiss and have sex with literally dozens of women by then and nothing ever felt like this.

Even lightly kissing I was so excited I thought I was going cum right there, I found myself trying to calm down and think of other things because I wanted this to last forever. With women, I later realized, I just wanted to be ‘cum and be done’. Still, I couldn’t resist, and my hands slowly glided down his back and felt onto his nylon covered ass. Unbelievable waves of pleasure went through me. Finally after all these years of fantasy, my desire to touch a man in tights became a reality and the reality exceeded any fantasy I ever had. My fingers gently stroked and felt the contours of his ass, and I playfully fingered the crevice in between his glutes and pressed him closer to me. Our erect, throbbing cocks rubbed together as I cupped his ass with both hands. I backed away a little and looked him and smiled.

“Hi”, I said smiling.

“Hi”, he replied and our lips met escort kağıthane again and another wave of pleasure pulsated up and down my body.

This all felt so natural and relaxed, unlike anything with a woman and it seemed like my body knew what to do before I did. I put both my hands on his hips, and looked at him sensually, then my eyes gazed down at his fully erect nylon encased cock. I moved in again but this time I kissed him on the neck, then on the chest and I slowly sunk down kissing his stomach through his tight fitting stretch tee shirt, then pulled it up and kissed his torso.

I loved how the nylon tights moved and stretched on my legs and butt as I knelt down finding myself eye level with his fully erect cock. It looked beautiful, and I had never desired anything so much as I did his cock right there. I leaned in and gently kissed it, looked up and smiled. He ran his fingers through my hair, and kissed his cock up and down his shaft, licking it through the nylon material. I again cupped my hands on his ass and buried my face in his cock, the sensual aroma, warmth and feel made me lose myself in ecstasy.

At this point I was so into pleasuring him that I had forgot to ‘worry’ if I might cum. Funny, with a woman, all I could think about was getting off, with him, I had completely forgotten myself and only wanted to pleasure his cock.

I ran my hands long the line of his waistband. My hands paused for a moment. In the heat of passion, I realized I had reached another “no turning back” point. At this point, I could still walk away, write it off to too many drinks and go on convincing myself I wasn’t gay.

I knelt there, looking at his beautiful erect cock, and stroked my hands on his upper thighs. My hands again grabbed the waistband of his tights and slowly I pulled down his tights, revealing his fully erect cock.

“No turning back after this”, I thought to myself. At first that made me hesitant and nervous, but then the wall of fear broke apart and a feeling of peace washed over me. Yes, there was no turning back and that was a good thing, I realized. I lightly kissed his cock and immediately brought a joyous smile to my face, I looked up at him, smiled. I looked down at his cock and again gave it a loving, gentle kiss and then slowly opened my mouth and let the his head in.

My moistened lips went over the head and slowly worked it in and out, occasionally stopping to lick the head.

I had never given a blow job before, but it came so much more naturally than anything with women, and unlike with women, I wasn’t thinking “did I please her enough, can I stop now”, I was thinking I didn’t want it to end!

I kissed his cock up and down and licked it, then took his shaft with one hand and started to pump his head in and out of my mouth. I heard him softly moan as I he ran his fingers through my hair, occasionally gripping tightly and when he did that I knew I was turning him on.

I slowly took him deeper and deeper as felt his throbbing cock in my mouth and gently caressed his balls.

I ‘deep throated’ him a couple of times until his cock was lubricated with my saliva. I grabbed it with one hand, stroking him as my mouth went up and down his head occasionally licking it with my tongue.

Our rhythm grew faster as he began to moan and twitch and he joined in the rhythm pumping in and out of my mouth. The pace grew furious as I felt quick throbbing on his cock that I instinctively knew he was about to cum.

“Ohh….uhhh…ohhh”, he moaned and felt his hot cum explode in my mouth. He continued to cum for what seems like ten seconds and I took it all in and swallowed. I had never tasted cum before and it was the most sensual feeling to have his warm semen in my mouth. I savored it, swallowed again and then licked up any after cum and pulled up his tights. I rose up and our eyes met again, he stroked my cheek and we embraced.

We were both panting for breath but our lips still met and we glided over to the couch and plopped down, tired and relaxed.

He started to grab my cock, but I told him it was okay, I had enjoyed it as much as him.

“Are you sure?”, he said.

I told him I was sure, and I admitted it was my first time and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever done and right now I just wanted to savor it.

“Ok”, he said, “But I want to please you next time.”

My heart raced at the thought as I smiled and kissed him. There was definitely going to be a next time!

Will Pt. 01: Massage Therapy

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Will is my massage therapist. Outside of massage therapy, he’s a soccer player, and has that lean, muscular build. He’s 5’7″, of Greek ancestry, and from what I’ve seen (legs and top of chest) he’s covered in a dark layer of fur. He’s always very proper, excuses himself to allow me privacy to change, even if I’m only taking my shirt off. I have some back and shoulder issues, and he works on the upper body a lot, less often on my legs, so quite often I only need to be shirtless.

However, as well as massage, he does a therapy called fascial stretching which involves a lot of stretching, with him using his body to move mine. For example, he’ll bend my leg over his shoulder then thrust up and away from my hip to stretch that joint. This position places his groin very close to mine. Another technique is to place my foot in his groin and bend my leg up and toward my shoulder.

Will is, as far as I knew, completely straight. He’s been with his girlfriend for many years, and I don’t even get a whisper from him, most days anyway, of any same-sex attraction. He knows I’m gay, we’ve talked about it and my life over the few years that I’ve been seeing him. He’s always been curious and just seemed interested in my life.

This happened some time ago (pre-pandemic). I had a scheduled session with him for fascial stretching. For these sessions, he asks that I wear loose fitting cloths or a pair of gym shorts, something that won’t impede movement.

Preceding this session, I’d been more than horny and feeling a bit slutty, and on this day, I decided that while I’d wear shorts, I’d be commando under them. The material, of the shorts I chose, is a very thin, escort topkapı almost a see-through lightweight nylon. He has amazing hands and the fur on his arms feels fantastic as he slides his arms across my back, with just the lightest tickle. With that in mind, it helped with the choice to go commando this day.

As we begin the session, Will asks what issues I’m having (we usually start with discussing problem areas) and I let him know about some hip stiffness (legitimate) and my usual aches and pains. We start the stretching session with me on my back. As he starts moving my legs around, stretching and bending my body, leaning into, on, and over me, my cock is flopping around in those shorts. I notice he’s looking, not staring but he’s definitely looking. As he places my foot in his groin, I swear I can feel his cock under my toes. I lift my head up and look at where my foot is placed, he continues with the stretch.

We spend about 30 minutes on my lower body, with me folded around him, in some very erotic positions, at least to me, he tells me to roll onto my belly and he’ll put some needles into my hip (he’s also an acupuncturist). I’m on my belly and I feel my shorts get tugged down, and now my ass is out there. He remains professional, and starts to apply the few needles and electric stimulation to that area, but I feel a touch a little away from where the needles are going in.

At first, I think he’s just resting his hand while he adjusts needles, but that hand stays and starts to squeeze a little, as well as slide around. It’s entirely on the wrong cheek too. I don’t say anything, because, well his hand feels good squeezing escort kocaeli and rubbing my ass. The stim from the needles fades and my shorts stay down.

My cock does not.

He removes the needles and stands up, that hand is still on my ass, and his body brushes against my hand, which is by my side on the table. Deliberately? I’m sure there’s a hardness there that brushes against me. I want to grasp at it, but he moves up to my head and has me roll over – he did not adjust my shorts back.

At my head, he begins working on my neck and shoulders, my very hard cock is trapped in my rolled down shorts but that it’s hard is clearly visible. His hands leave my neck and heads down to my chest, a nipple is tweaked, my dick jumps. He remains on the nipples for a few minutes. Then, as his hands continue down, I feel a hardness press the top of my head, as he leans over me, and I realize it’s his cock.

His hand continues down and frees my cock from its cloth prison, but he doesn’t touch it, instead he moves back up my body, caressing and rubbing.

A word about his clinic, the walls are paper thin, you can hear everything in the rooms on either side of where we are and even conversations going on in the reception area. I do not want to make a sound, even to ask him what he’s doing, I just lay back and experience those amazing hands caress my body, trying hard not the moan or whimper in pleasure.

He moves around the table, to my side and my hand reaches for his hardness, through his shorts I try to get a good grip but it’s more of a grasp and slide kind of hold, as he moves down to the middle of the şişli escort bayan table. His hands find my cock and he takes a hold of it. With one hand rolling my balls, he gently begins to stroke me. I look up at him, directly into his hazel eyes and he looks back at me. I can’t believe this is happening.

Then, he leans down and takes me in his mouth and his lack of experience shows through, but this hot man’s warm, wet mouth wrapped around my cock is all that I need in that moment. I try to thrust up into him, it’s a reflex, but his strong arms hold me in place, and he does the work. Up, down, hand on balls, hand on nipples. Leaving my balls, he let’s his fingers stray down to my ass. He doesn’t penetrate but pressures the area and it feels so good.

His mouth and his hands have done their job and I’m close but I cannot moan, I can’t be loud and scream his name, I can’t say “Fuck Will take my load”, I can’t even warn him, more than to tap his arm, hoping he’ll get that note.

And I cum. Fuck do I cum. I fill his mouth with my load, and it rolls down the side of my cock onto my balls, pooling on the sheet on the table. It feels warm and wet on my legs and balls. He just keeps sucking, swallowing what he can. That kind of surprises me – not that whole event hasn’t been a surprise.

I start to go soft in his mouth, and he stands up, taking a towel, he begins to clean me up, rubbing my cock, my balls, down onto my ass. Neither of us has said a word. Finally finished he starts to tell me about the exercises I should be doing before our next session, and says, he’ll excuse himself while I get dressed. I’m left alone to regroup. I never did get to see his cock, even get him out of his shorts, it was all one sided and I’m not sure who’s need was being fulfilled mine or his.

I leave the room, and he’s in the reception area, we chit chat while I settle the bill and he says, “Next time, we’ll expand on those exercises a little”.

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Ben doktor eşim ise hemşire.doğu illerinden birinin köyünde görev yaparken yaşadığımız seks dolu günler oldu…birgün muhtar rahatsızlanmıştı.onu tedaviye gittiğimde muayene ederken yarağının çok büyük olduğunu gördüm.neyse eve döndükten sonra karımla sikişirken büyük yaraklı erkekleri isteyip istemediğini söylüyor ve onu tahrik etmeye çalışıyordum…..karım ufak tefek fakat taş gibi bir hatun olup sekse çok düşkün olduğundan ben bunları söyledikçe yarağımı daha büyük iştahla emiyordu.ona muhtarın yarağını gördüğümü çok büyük olduğunu onu emmek isteyip istemediğini sordum…gülerek ciddimisin dedi….bende ewet dedim .bir gün muhtarı yemeğe davet ettim ve karıma istediği kaynarca escort bayan günün geldiğini söyledim. ilk önce bayağı affalayan karım bakalım alete de bir dedi ve güldü….muhtar geldikten sonra yiyip içmeye başladık…karım son derece açık giysiler içinde kıçını sallayıp duruyordu.muhtarın gözleri fıldır fıldır dönmeye başalmıştı.karım mutfakta iken hadi dedim ….muhtarı baştan çıkar..içeri döndü içki bardağını muhtarla tokuştururken kucağına oturuverdi…..muhtar iri elleriyle göğüslerini okşamaya başlamıştı. eteğinin altına don giymemiş karımın amcığını ellemeye ve dudaklarını öpmeye başladı.bende rahat olmak için yatak yenişehir escort odasın geçelim dedim.yatak odasına geçtiğimizde karım muhtarı şehvetle soydu.yarağını görünce ufak bir çığlık attı..hemen 20cm.üzerindeki yarağı emmeye başladı.muhtar çıldırmış gibi karımın her tarafını emiyordu.karımı sırt üstü yatırıp amını dillemeye başladı…karımın zevk suları akarken muhtarın aletini de sıvazlıyordu…..muhtar ın yalamaları hızlanınca karım titreyerk ve çığlık çığlığa boşalmaya başladı…..muhtarın kocaman yarağı artık hedefini bulmak istiyordu.hemen karımın bacaklarını omzuna alıp muhteşem yarağını karımın sulanmış amcığına köklledi…..karım escort pendik bir zevk tufanına kapılmış zincirleme orgazm yaşıyordu….yarağa doyur beni muhtarım diyede bağırıyordu…..karım ben 4 defa boşaldım muhtar daha gelmedi içime.gördünmü kocacığım nasıl sikiyorlar karını dedi…..ben zaten ayakta fışkırmaya karım daha muhtarın yarağını emerken başlamıştım.onun için aletim iyice sönüktü.karımın bağırmaları ile bende yeniden uyandı yarağımı sıvazlamaya başladım….muhtar son birkerede daha karımı iyice belinden kavrayıp köküne kadar geçirince karım zevkten inleyrek boşalmaya muhtarda içine döllerini fışkırtmaya başamıştı.bnde karımın yüzüne bütün döllerim akıttım….muhtar doymak bilmiyordu…….karımı o akşam tam 5 kez sikti…..karım ın orgazm sayısı heralde 20 yi bulmuştu…….amcığı iyice genişleyen karımın benim sikimi artık istemeyeceği hep büyük yarakları isteyeceği kesindi..muhtarla orada kaldığımız sürece karım hep sikişti…….bana da otuzbir çekmek düştü…….Gönderen: anadoluatesi

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Karimla Anlaşiyoruz.

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Biz 15 yıldır evli ve mutlu birçiftiz brbirimizi çok seviyoruz karımın adı aliye. Yalnız önemli bir sorunumuz var benim penisim biraz doyurucu değildi bir yere gittiğimiz zaman karım hep nedense erkek lerin önüne pek bakardı bubenim çok dikkatimi çekerdi birgün kasabada karımla vasikalık fotoğraf için yani muamele için fotoğraf çıya gitmiştik. _o günkü heyacanı hıç unutamıyorum fotoğrafçının adıda osmandı ya alayamadım osman karıma fotoğrafçı değil de sanki doktor gibi sanki hasta muayene ediyordu adam karımla çok farklı ilgileniyordu ama nedense bende sanki büyülenmiş gibi hiç nekıskanıyordum nede sesimi çıkartıyordum sanki filim seyrediyordum. Birden osmanın ellerinin karımın memeleriyle oynadığını gördüm. Sanki daha önce sanaryosu hazır bir film gibi oluyordu herşey. Ben heyacandan ağzımdilim tutulmuştu hiç ne birşey söyleyebiliyorum çamlık escort nede bir haraket edebiliyorum. O anı bir görecektiniz kameram olsa çekecektim çokheyacanlı çok ___ben sessizliğe dvam osman karımı birgüzel okşuyor o arada karımda galiba şehvetlenmiş olacakki baktım yavaş yavaş elini osmanın önüne attı pantolun üzerinden aşağı yukarı ovduktan sonra karım osmanın yarağını fermuardan çıkarttı ve sevmeye başladı hayret bunları bende seyrediyorum böylece sürtünme emişmek devam ediyordu. Dedimya sanki bizim için hazırlanmış bir ortam hiç kimse gelen gidende yoktu. Bir ara osman karıma durdedi bu böyle olmaz olurki gelen giden olurdedi vebiz karanlık odadayken osman dışarı çıktı ortalığı kollaçan ettikten sonra birden ben şaşırdım adam dükkanın kepeklerini indirdi nebiliim kapıyada birşey pendik yenişehir escort yazdı astı. Yaa adam bizi buraya hapismi ediyorne dyerek düşünürken meyer dükkanın arkadan gizli giriş kapısı varmış. Biraz karanlıkta bekledikten son ra baktımki köşeden bir çıtırtı sanki korku filmkerinde olduğu gibi ben irkildim fazla geçmeden osmanın yüzü göründü. Ben artık anladımki haaaa buadam bizim karıyı sikmeyı kafaya koymuş. Olacakları heyacanla izlemeye başladım şimdi osmangeldi karımı soyundurmaya başladı bile ben ortada kazık gibi dikiliyorum karımla osman yoğun bir işbaşı yaptılar merak ediyorum işin sonunu benide aralarına alırlarmıacaba diye düşünmeye başladım tam odüşün cedeyken osman beni çağırdı gel dedi sende bari bize katıl iki erkek bir karı osmanla beraber karımı sevmeye başladık pendik escort bayan karım önce osmanın sikini bir güzel emdi yaladı ben ikisinide seviyor okşuyorum birde osman sikini elime verdi al biryudumda sen tadına bak dedi birazda bana medirdikten sonra —__osman sanki çıldırmış gibi inliyordu ben yavaşçaosmanın sikini bıraktım karımın yanaklarını ve memeleri sevmeye başladım osman daha duramıyordu hemen kaltığıgibi karımın bacak larını açtı ve kos kocaman sikini karımın amına sokmaya başladı. Osmanın siki benimki kadar iki misli idi her haldekarımbu yarrağı buldu ğuna sevinmişti çok memnundu oda çok zevkli iniltiler çıkartıyordu buhikayem çok uzunda ben az ve özünden anlatıyorum osman kapıya neyaz dıy sa hiç kimse nearayan oldu nede soran biz üçlü sikişmeye devam osman karımın içinde kaçkere patladığını bilemiyorum ama epey bir zaman sonra baktımki karımın amından adeta dere gibi meni boşalıyordu ikisininde gönlü olana kadar sikiş devam etti. Bize artık toparlanalım dedi üstümüzü başımızı giyindik toparlandık eve geldığimizde karım boynuma sarıldı beni öpüp teşekkür etti. Neyapayım göz göre göre boynuzlandık amma karımın memnuniyetine değerdiGönderen: saykla

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evli çiftle..1

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Selam,ben kayseri de yaşıyorum.31 yaşındayım ,mühendisim.kendine göre fantazileri olan ama hiç birisini gerçekleştirme şansını bir türlü yakalayamamış sıradan birisi işte..bu olay 15 gün kadar önce başıma geldi..o kadar şaşırdım ki olup bitenlere birilerine anlatmak istedim.kırk yılda bir akşamları iş dönüşünde eve gitmeden önce,seviyeli insanların takıldığı biyerlere gider bir duble rakı içerim..işte böyle bir akşam üstü yine birahaneye gittim,zaten ufak olan mekanda köşede bir masa bulup yerleştim içkimi ısmarladım..içerisi oldukça kalabalıktı,10-15 dakika sonra bir adam yer yokluğundan müsade istedi masama oturdu,kısa bir sessizlik ardından tanışma faslından sonra,klasik içki muhabbeti başladı,adam ben yaşlarda birisi ,öğretmenmiş içkiyede yeni yeni alışıyor,muhabbet gayet seviyeli,hemen kaynaştık escort pendik bikaç dubleden sonra ahbap olduktelefonlarımızı verdik birbirimize sonra arabası olmadığı için onu evine bırakmayı teklif ettim kabul etti,apartmanın önünde indi ve ayrıldık,aradan birkaç gün geçti hafta sonu,cepten beni aradı,öğretmen evinde okey oynuyoruz işin yoksa gel bir kişi eksiğiz dediolur dedim,gittim.karısı kendisi ve bir tane daha bayan arkadaşı ile bir masada tanışıp okey oynamaya başladık,karısı güzel değildi ama nefis bir vucudu vardı,esmer,etine dolgun 26-27 yaşlarında bir bayandı ismi emine idi(gerçek adını yazmam doğru olmaz),neyse oldukça dik ve iri göğüsleri vardı ve neden bilmiyorum çok sexi bir havası vardı,oyunu bitirdik..biraz oturduk sonra arabamla evlerine bıraktım..bu bikaç hafta devam etti.karı kaynarca escort bayan koca her ikisiylede oldukça samimileştik…sonra bir hafta sonu yine okey sonunda evlerine bırakırken hadi gel balkonda çay muhabbeti yapalım dediler,olur dedim ve evlerine çıktım.emine mutfağa gitti,bizde balkona oturduk,emine döndüğünde üzerini değiştirmiş,daracık bir kot pantolon ve tshirt ile yanımıza gelip oturmuştu,dar kotunun yapıştığı götü muhteşem duruyordukendi kendime kızsamda arada bir ona bakmaktan göğüslerini izlemekten vaz geçemiyordum.konu konuyu açtı derken ahmet (buda gerçek ismi değil tabiki) emineye nasıl tanıştığımızı falan anlattı,emine ye ogece masada alkollü halinden yaptığı komikliklerden falan bahsetti güldük,derken ahmet ortam güzelhadi 2 bardak bişeyler kurtköy otele gelen escort içelim dedi olur dedim,çıktım 10 dakika sonra ,bir şişe rakıyla eve döndüm.girdik mutfağa hep beraber mezelerimizi hazırladık,evde ne varsa artık,oturduk balkona başladık içmeye,ben rakıyı yudumladıkça emine ile ilgili kafamda bir yandan fantaziler üretiyorum bir yandan da kendi kendime kızıyorumayıp oğlum adamlar seni evlerine aldı yakışırmı gibisinden,ruhum karma karışık,ahmet içkinin dozunu kaçırınca başladı konuşmalarında sikerim-sokarım vs.gibi küfürlü konuşmaya ben emineyi utandırmamak için duymamazlıktan geliyorum,ahmet artık yice dağıttı,ben kalkmak istedim o ısrarla oturmamı istedi ve okuleğitim sistemi vs.aklına ne gelirse her şeyi eleştirmeye devam ettibir müddet sonra emine de öğretmen olmanın verdiği ilgiyle konulara katılmaya ve konuşmaya başladı,ilerleyen saatlerde emine bir kadeh içmek istediğini söyledi,ilk kez içecekmiş,bir bardakta çay bardağı ile ona doldurduk,bardak ufak diye hadi bir tane daha derken,karı koca kafayı buldular zaten alkole alışkın değiller bizimkiler dut gibi oldu..Gönderen: mavikedi

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