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Koca yarrak merakım

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Merrhaabalar değerli seks hikaye  okurları  been 25 yaşıında evliyim bunu meraktan yaptım sadece eşimle seks hayatımız gayet güzel siki büyüktür beenii müthiş becerir banaa girdiği zaman kasıklarma deger siki biir gün aklıma fena bişey geldi düşündüm acaba herkesin aynımıdır yada daha büyükleri varmıdır diye amma amacım daha büyüğünü yemekti severimde neyse nette biiriyle tanıştım ona dedimki eger büyükse beenle ol dedim içiine alamayacağın kaddar büyük dedi merak ettim ve ertesi gün buluştuk onun evine gittik meraktan deli olan been yapıştım sikine hemen elimle okşamaya başladım biir yandanda dudaklarına yumulmuştum oda beenim kalçalarımı okşuyordu sonra beenii geri çekti ve üstümü çıkarmaya başladı boynumdan öperek aşağılara iniyordu zevkten deli olmuştum hele yarrağı düşündükçe amımın suları akıyordu sonra amımı yalamaya başladı önümde köpek pozisyonundaydı ve seni sikicem beenim tombiş orospum dedi amma agzıma boşalacaksın ilk önnce dedi o bunu derken been sarsıla sarsıla boş aldıım sonra fermuarını açıp agzıma aldıım sikini aman tanrım hayatımda görmemiştim böylesini içime girmesi içiin deli oluyordum o yalamamı istedi al agzına sok sonrada götüne sokucam dedi agzıma sıgmıyordu başımı bastırıyordu gırtlagıma girip çıkıyordu ressmen gırtlağımı sikiyordu beenii koltukta ters çevirip başımı aşağı aldı o koca yarrağı kafamdan tutarak agzıma gırtlagıma sokmaya başladı gözlerimden yaş bahis siteleri geliyordu sonra beenii kaldırdı ve koca sikini amıma sürtmeye başladı etrafında döndürüyor porno hikayesibeen ise kuduruyordum zevkten sik beenii diye yalvarıyordum o ise sikiicem seni köklediğimde tadına varacaksın diyordu sonra başını sokmaya başladı gerçekten çook büyüktü alamıyordum sonra saçlarımdan tuttugu gibi kökledi içim patladı sandım allahım içim yarrakla doluydu öyle biir sikiyorduki zevkten bayılacaktım sonra amımdan çıkardı ve beenii domalttı amıma tekrar soktu okaddar hızlı gidip geliyorduki memelerim saçım dağılıyordu sonra ayaağa kalktı ve aynı pozisyonda kal dedi bekledim elinde vibratörle geldi o dahada büyüktü gözüm korkmaya başlamıştı amma sikilmedende duramazdım sonra amıma girdi ve vibratöre krem sürdü götümün deliğine sokmaya başladı yavaş yavaş sokuyordu been zevkten deli oldum iki yarrak biirden yiyecektim hemde koca yarraklar sonra öyle köklediki bagırmaya başladım eliyle agzımı kapadı sonra acım hafifledi ritmik olarak sikiyordu beenii sonra saçlarımdan tuttu ve hızlanmaya başladı begendinmi siklerimi iyi sikiyormuyuz seni dedi been ise sikin beenii daha hızlı diye bagırıyordum zevkten inim inim inliyordum bu esnada aynı anda boş aldıık sonra içimden çıktı ve sana süprizim bitmedi dedi biiraz dinlendik sonra tekrar yalamaya başladım o koca yarragı yalamak zevk veriyordu banaa güvenilir bahis amım sulanmıştı gene parmaklamaya başladı seni daha çook sikicez dedi vibratörden bahsediyor sanmıştım amma yanılmışım diğer odadan biir erkek çıktı eli sikinde şok oldum beraber sikicez seni koca yarrağa doyuracaz dediler ürkmüştüm amma zevkli olucaktı iki erkek beenii hiçç sikmemişti arkadaşı geldi ve agzıma verdi diğeride amımı yalııyor parmaklıyordu arkdaşının siki daha güzeldi yalamaya doyamıyordum geçiktirici sıkmıştı sanırım agzıım uyuştu çünki sonra agzımdan çıkardı ve üstüme abandı yarrağını sürtmeye başladı ıslak amıma harika dedi ateş gibi yanıyor sikicem amını yarrak yediğini anlayacaksın diyordu sonra yere uzandı ve üstüme çık dedi üstüne oturmaya başladım amma dahada büyüktü zorlanıyordum evli sex hikayeleribelimden tuttu ve kökledi off ne bagırmıştım sakin ol dedi alışaçaksın hele bu seni götten siksin sen gör o zaman dedi beenii zıplatıyordu off ne zevk alııyordum boş aldıım onun boşalmaya niyeti yoktu kaldırdı beenii ve diğerinin üstüne oturttu oh daha fena sikiyordu havalarda uçuyordum sonra yavaşladı ve arkadaşı arkama geçip götümü yalamaya başladı anlamıştım göten sikecekti yer hazılıyordu been krem sür falan derken başını sokmuştu bile fena acımıştı sonra ritmikşekilde sokmaya başladı sike sike delirtcem seni diyordu büyük yarrak ha al sana iki büyük yarrak sok nerene sokacaksan diyordu sonra kökledi ohhhhh dedim artıkk ikiside içimdeydi hızlı hızlı pompalaöaya başladılar ezilmiştim aralarında umrumda değildi biiri çıkıp biiri giriyor aynı anda hızlanıyorlar aynı anda duruyorlardı arkamdaki vurdukça götüme sikini önümdekinin agzına gidiyordu memelerim ısırıyordu uçlarını her agzına geldiğinde dahada kuduruyordum sonra önümdeki boşalıcam dedi ve volkan gbi patladı içime sıcacıktı beende dayanamadım boş aldıım götümdeki hala sikiyordu daha been bitmedim dedi sikmeye devam etti beenii amma savruluyordum sonra siki götümdeyken kaldırdı ve beenii domalttı daha çook boşalacaksın seni sikerken dedi götümü parçalarcasına sikiyordu ellerimden geriye tuttuyordu köklüyordu hepsini şap şap sesler çıkıyordu sonra ata biner gibi çıktı ve saçlarımdan tuttu işte dedi sikmek böyle olur begendinmi orospu dedi been ise begendim sik beenii pezevengim sik beenii hemde sat diye yalvarıyordum satılmak kelimesi hoşum gider herzaman seni been sikicem bundan sonra been siktiricem diyordu yarrakların en büyüğüyle sikileceksin diyordu sonra titremeye başladı ve öyle boş aldııki götüme yanıyoprdu her taraf sanki biir iki kere daha gidip geldi ve çıktı içimden been ise kaç kere boş aldıım hatırlamıyorum bile ogun yarrağa doymuştum ikiside iyi sikmişti beenii sonrası içiin gene anlaştık ve bundan sonra hepp sikişiyorum onlarla bazeende amıma layık yarrak oldugu zaman sunuyorlar siktiriyorlar beenii nasıl zevk aldıgımı izliyorlar kocamsa herşeyden habersiz habiire beenii sikiyor doyumsuzum ne yapayım onlara siktiriyorum götümü amımı geliyorum kocamada siktiriyorum sex hikaye

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Para olmadığı için borç gırtlağımıza geliyordu, ben bir çaresiz bir şekilde ölümü bekliyordum ama bu kaşar olmamdan dolayı iyi bir iş çikartma peşinde koşma anlamını gelmedi için bir gün düşündüm ve oruspu olmaya karar vermiştim, madem bana iş yok madem beni kimse sevmiyor o zaman kaşar olim götümü satim iyi paralar sweet bonanza yorumlar kazanim diye bir fikir ile kendimden geçmeye başlıyordum, bir süre amımı açıp parmaklamaya başladıktan sonra tamam dedim ben oruspu olacam deyip hemen ilk borç nereye diye baktım, ve not defterimde sweet bonanza indir hemen kayıt altına almaya başladım ilk borç yüz elli tl olan bakkalcıya karşıdı, ama bakkalcı çok

olduğu için ona teklif etmiyordum çünkü o beni sikmez, bedava versem bile sikmeyeceği için yan sokakta bulunan abaza genç bir manavcı vardı ve dedim yüz elli tlye iki saat boyunca beraber dedim o tabi anladı işi kabul etti, ve hemen arka tarafa geçtik orada manavcı yarrağı yiyeceğim için çok mutludum ve hemen yarrağını çikarttı bir güzel yalamaya başladım, kısa bir yarraktı ama ne yapacaksın bedavaya değil sonuçta, deyip yalamaya başladım ardından arkasına doğru geçtim ve sert bir sikiş ile kıvamlı güzel amına girmeye başladı, süper bir sikiş yapıyordu adeta bir porno yıldızı havasında bir süre benim amımı siklp yüzüme doğru boşaldı.

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ilk sikişmemdi

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herkese mrb diorum.adım OGUZ bu anlatıcam olay çalıştığım işyerinde geçti. ben istde yaşayan yakışıklı bir türk erkeğiym.olayda maltepede gerçklşti.ben iş bulmak için heryere gidiodum şansada maltepede bir fotocuda iş buldm.orda çalışıom para kazz-anıom.herşey kral şeklde ilerlio.bide benm çalıştıım işyerinde çok fazla taş gibi hatunlar haliyle benm gibi azgn biri onları görünce azıo , kuduruyor.ben eve gittiimde herzaman bi şöyle çok rahat 4-5 postaa tıom. ama yine yetmio.tabii benm yaşlarımda yani 16 yaşlarında insan gençliinde vermiş olduğu azgınlıkla her gördüğü kızıa çakası i vurası en önemkisi bide abaza bir türk erkeği olunca insanın gözü dönüo.bide fotocu olarak düğün salonun yanında evlendirme dairesnde her gün taş gibi hatunlar görünce böyle minili minili bide arada bir tanga götlü hatunlarda zaten ben uçuom başka bir dünyaya gidiom.çalıştıım yardeki kızlardan biri de 20 yaşında kaşı götü düzgn amı falan tam yalanmalık tam sikimlik.anlıcanız bir siken durur bi dahasiker buda böyle gider.tabii bende ne zaman yanında olsam benimKi direk gibi oluo.onu hep sikesm gelio.neyse gene bigün bunla çalışıom.tabii bide artık orada uzun süre çalıştıımdan ortam kral.bunun en sevdiim hareketi elle şakaları yalanmaları. yahu kardşm azıom napim.bu gene böyle ele yalanıo dedim sen böyle yapınca ben azıom dedim çok hoşuma gidio dedm.bu öyle bi bakış attıki korktum dedim herhalde ben onu sikim derkn o beni sikcek die.neyse hiç bişey demedi.bir hafta konusu sweet bonanza demo bile açılmadı mevzunun .bendede hiç utanma falan yoktur kızrıpta gitmem. neyse bir haftadan sonra gene ben bunla çalışıom.anasını satim tanga giymiş bu benm önümden gidio, ben onun göte bakark yol alıom.bu arada bir arkasına bakıo onun göte baktıımıda farkedio.neyse ben hiç bozuntuyada vermiom . bu bi anda bişey düşürdü yere yere eğildi almak için ben hep göte baktımdan geç kaldm firen yapmakta ve arkadan girdim onun tamponu çizdim arkadan buda sadece güldü.devam edio ben dedim sen böyle her gün bir kere düşürsen benim kalp herhalde 3. gün durur dedim nie dedi.. dedim niesimi var sende bu mal olduktan sonra bende buna hergn 1 kere değdirsem bu bana yeter dedim. dedi sen değdirmeklenmi zevk alıosun dedi bende madem çakamıom buda yeter dedim nie çakamınki dedi bende verdinde ben mi almadm be güldü iyi al senin olsun ister tepe tepe ister sike sike kullan dedi bende 2. si daha çok aklıma yattı dedim.neyse bu muhabbettn sonra ben bunu yemek arsında götürdüm arkaya kimsede yok bi ben bio bide sikim 3ümüz başbaşayız ben buna habire elliom en sonunda aldıım kucağama gel dedim buraya sana çakcam dedim böyle sikici bir gülümse daha attı. bu beni ve benimkini deli ettirdi. bwnim pantolono sıyırdm biyandanda memelerine elliom ama azdm kudurdum o dediki ben daha fazla istemiom dedi bende ii tamm dedim senin evde devam edrz deddim oda nerdn bldin evde devm etcemizi sweet bonanza oyna dedi ben burda yılların sikizi oğuzu duruo len dedim akşam 19:30 da işimiz bitti ben bunun bindii minibüsün arkasındakine bindim onun durduu yerdede indim he onunlada biri görür falan die gtmdm. neyse ben indim bunu takip ediom evine geldik apartman girdi arkasındanda ben 3. kata çıktım kapıda beni beklio yavrum geldim dedim hadi geç içeri dedim bi yandanda göte mıncıklıom girdik içeri ben bunu kucağama aldım bi yandanda soyuyom en sonunda bir tanga bide sütyen kaldı bendede sadece boxer var. ben bunu heryerini ayaklarddan amına ordanda boynuna kadar bi güzel yaladım he bu arada benm gibi de kimse bu kadar güzel yalayamz. neyse ben bunun tangayı sıyırarak çıkardım artık çırılçıplak hep istedim gibi bende boxer çıkardım 17- 18 cm falan yakışıklıdadırda kereta ben bunu amı yaladıktan sonra verdim bunun azına hakkaeten çok ta güzel saxo yaptı.artık enson kademeye gelmiştik. yani SiKiŞ kademesine gelmiştik ben amıma bir vurmuşum bi vurmuşum yani yok böylr bir çakış 3-4 dk kadar bu benim kucakta siktim ben bunu bide en sevdiim özelliimde 54 postaya kadar hiç dinlenmeden sikerim öylede yaptım bide hayalimdeki sikiş şekli küçüklükten beri hep kadın benim kucağımda ve ayakta sikiş şeklidir hep çyle sikmek istemişimdir ve artık bunuda yapmalıydım aldım bunu kucağa kalıdırdım ayağa bi çakirem bir sokirem yok böyle bir duyguya bi 3-4 dkta bu şekilde çaktım ara vermeden hemen 3. postaya geçtim buda kadın yatarken üstüne çıkıp sikmekti ve oğuz bunuda yapmalıydı ve yaptıda hem de6 dak boyunca yahu ama öyle bir rahatladımki amına koyım nie daha önce yapmamıştım die ama olsun geç olsunda güç olmasın bu ben onu sikerken öyle AHlıoki bu beni dahada azdırıodu 4 .postayıda bi bacağı yerde bi bacağını ben tutuom ayakta o şekil bir sikmişim 3 dk kadar artık bi dinlenmek lazımsı 1-2 dk kadar bi duş alalım dedim ok dedi girdik duştada ben bunu bi güzel yaladım banyodada 1 posata daha attım neyse kurulandık ama giyinmedik ben öylesevimda benm bi fantazimdir evde de 31 çekmeden önce hep eğer evde kimse yoksa çıplak gezerim. yine öyle yaptım ben buna bi 10 dak sonra yine siktim bu sefer ise ben altta yatıo o üstte zıplıodu çok da ii siktim en sonunda bu bana bu kadar yeter yoksa dayanamıcanı söyledi ben ise 1 postada daha atıp bitiricemi söledim oda ii ok dedi aşkım dedim aşkım dien azını yalarım dedim ve verdiim sözü tuttum benbunkla bi sevişiom harbiden süper sevişirkende memelerini elliom arada da yalıom. neyse artık 1 posta kalmıştı onu da arkadan yapmalıy-dım buna arkanı dön dedim odaok dedi döndü ben göt deliine sikimin başını dayadım ama zorluom zorluom girmio en sonoda sinirlendm bi anda bi kökledim ama yok böle bir bağırış korktum milleette bişey oluda gelck die ama genede hiç aldırmadm ve bu şekildede 4- 5 dk çaktım ve artık bırak sikimi kolumu kaldırcak gücüm kalmamıştı gittik biraz uzandık sonrada deidm nasıl siktim die dedi hiç bitmicek sandım dedi yahu bana kalsa gene bitmezdidi bi dinlenmem lazımdı neyse artık sonuna gelmiştik gitmeden öyle sadece bi 2- 3 dk seviştik ve ben sonra eve gittim ama süper bişeymiş herkese tavsiye ediom

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Içimdeki duygulara hiç bir zaman dur diyemedim.o içimdeki kadın bazen o kadar azıyor o kadar azıyorki ne yapacağımı şaşırıyorum.onunla iki yılı geçkin nette konuştuk.antalyada yaşıyor ve yazları da benim antalyaya gittiğimi biliyor.her ne kadar içimdeki kadın azsada ben kadınsı değilim.iri yapılı kiloluyum.o beni bu halimle seviyor ve istiyor. ama hemen olur demedim taki bu yaza kadar.bu yaz yalnız kaldığımda mutlaka sevişmeliyim dedim ve ona mesaj çektim.antalyada olduğumu ve isterse buluşmak istediğimi söyledim.ancak hafta sonu müsait olabileceğini ve gelebileceğini söyledi olur hafta sonu geldi.sahilde bir barda buluştuk.ilk defa yüzyüze konuşuyorduk.saçlarım aviator uzun ve sakallıydım.belki ona itici gelebilirdim ama korktuğum gibi olmadı.o gece sahil tenha idi başbaşa kalmıştık.yürüdük epeyce gözlerden ırak olunca kumlara oturduk ve öpüşmeye başladık o kadar istekli öpüyorduki mest oldum.elimi sikine attım.okşamaya başladım.büyümüştü kıvama gelmişti.pantolonunu açtım dışarı çıkardım.içim gidiyordu.dudaklarını bıraktım ve sikine yumuldum.gırtlağıma kadar sokuyor çıkarıyordum.o kadar uzun yaladım ve emdimki geliyorum dedi.başımı salladım ve ağzıma fışkırmaya başladı.yuttum hepsini.ağzımdan bırakmak istemiyordum ama o dayanamadı ağzımdan aviator oyna çekti sikini.yine dudaklarımız birleşti.seni istiyorum dedim.nasıl olacak dedi eve gideliim dedim.arabalarımıza bindik ve eve gittik.sevişmek istiyorum artık. beni sik artık dedim.soyundu ve yatağa uzandı bende soyundum.aslında kadın kıyafetleri giymeyi çok istiyordum ama acelesi vardı.tekrar sikini yalamaya başladım.yaladıkça kalkıyordu.bir yandan sikini yalarken diğer yandanda götümü bebe yağı ile yağlıyordum alıştırıyordum.biraz daha yaladıktan sonra üzerine çıktım ve yavaş yavaş oturmaya başladım.ilk ağrıyı atlatmam lazımdı.ilk acıyı atlattıktan sonra daha hızlı oturup kalkmaya başladım.sonra beni domalt dedim.domaldım arkama geçti ve arkadan silmeyebaşlıyordum.zaman azdı ve her türlü pozisyonu denemek istiyordum.sırt üstü yattım hem sikilmek hem öpüşmek istiyordum ama o bacaklarımı omunuza attı ve öylece girdi içime sokuyor sokuyor gözlerini kapamış üçmuştu sanki.geliyorum dedi.içimi doldur çıkarma dedim.kasıldı gerildi hızlandı ve dibine kadar soktu içime akıtmaya başladı.atışlarını hissediyordum.o kadar güzel bir duyguyduki harika bir şeydi. doymamıştım.götüm vıcık vıcıktı parmağımla oynuyordum ama o gitmeliyim geç kaldım diyordu.nolur dedim bir daha sik beni.kalktım sikini ağzıma aldım yine amiyordum.sekse doymuyordum bir türlü.önüne ayakta domaldım.nolur bir daha dedim.ayakta geçirdi.biraz daha sikti ve lütfen anla çok geç kaldım dedi.öptüm.iyi yolculuklar dedim uğurladım gitti…..Gönderen: cdmine

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Selam seks hikayeleri okurları, size aşırı azdığım bir gün başımdan geçen olayı anlatıcam. Olay gerçekleştiğinde 21 yaşındaydım şimdi ise 24 yaşındayın yani olay 3 yıl önce oldu. Amasyada yaşıyorum.O gün evde yalnızdım ve annem ve babam işte idiler, babam mesaiye kalacakmış annemde teyzemde işi olduğunu söyledi.Akşam üstüydü. Bizim karşı komşumuz aşırı yakışıklı kaslı bir adamdır. O 28 yaşında ve evli. O geceleri çalışıyor, karısı da gündüz. Ben nasıl yapsamda komşumun altına girsem diye uğraşırken aklıma bir fikir geldi. Televizyonu porno kanalı açtım önce ve sonra televizyonu kapatıp komşuna-un kapısını çaldım, uydunun ayarları bozuldu yapamıyorum yardım edermisin diye onu eve çağırdım. O da hemen geldi ve ben o anda mini etekleydim ve üzerimde de sadece daracık bir body deneme bonusu veren siteler forum bahis vardı ve göğüs uçlarım belli oluyordu. İçeri girince bana dönerek bu ne hal dedi.Bende yok bir şey tv bakıyordum ayarları bozuldu dedim.O 10 asniye içinde televizyonu açtı ve porno kanalı karşısındaydı.Bana terbiyesiz kız seni neler izliyorsun sen dedi ve bana kendine gel rezil etme kendini bunlarla dedi. Sonrasında hadi bene bir kahve yap bakiyim dedi. Ben hem utanmış hemde hevesim kursağımda kalmış bir şekilde mutfağa gittim. Birden mutfağa geldi ve arkamdan bana sarıldı ve bana sen şimdi porno izleyip azmışsındır dedi ve beni deli gibi öpmeye başladı. Beni bir çırpıda soydu odama götürüp amıma yumuldu ve o şekilde yalamaya başladı deneme bonusu yeni beni. Deli oluyordum, artık sok diyordum. Bana aniden sen bakiremisin dedi. bende evet dedim ve bana o zaman bu iş olmaz dedi. Bende lütfen sik beni ölüyorum yoksa yolda gördüğüm ilk adama vericem dedim, ama yinede bana olmaz seni bozamam dedi ve beni yere bıraktı, ama benim onu bırakmaya niyetim yoktu ve onun kalkmış sikini elimle tuttum ve en azından yalamama izin ver dedim. o da bana tamam yap bakalım becerebilecekmisin dedi. hemen pantolonunu indiridm deli gibi yalamaya başladım ama çok kalın olduğu için zorlanıyordum. Ama onu iyice azdırmaya yetmişti ve sevinmiştim beni sikecek diye. Beni yatağa yatırdı, elleri ve dili ile beni yalamaya başladı karnımı ,memelerimi yalamaya ve tam sokacağını düşündüğüm an ağzıma ben yatar iken verdi ve deli gibi yaladım ve ağzımın içine boşaldı ama ben durmadım ve sikini tekrar kaldırdım kesinlikle yarrağı içime almalıydım. Ona tamam kızlığıma dokunma ama bari arkadan yapalım dedim. Seni gerçekten içimde istiyorum dedim. Bu sözlerim onu resmen deli etmişti. Siki devasa olmuştu resmen. Çabuk bir hamleyle beni ters çevirdi arkamı yalamaya başladı. Bana götten siktirdinmi hiç dedi. Evet tatilde bit çocuğa vermiştim. dedim. Ve sikini götüme dayadı ve birden girdi. Sik çok kalın olduğu için neredeyse bayılacaktım. Pompalamaya başladı. O boşalana kadar ben en az 3 kere boşaldım. Ben artık bulutların üzerindeydim, hiç bitmesin istiyorsum. Drken oda bütün döllerini götümün derinliklerine boşalttı. saat geç oluyordu karısı eve dönmeden beni bir kez daha öptü ve seni artık bırakmam dedi. O günden sonra hangi ev boşsa orada sikişiyoruz. Bana arada karısının kıyafetlerini giydirip sikiyor. Karısı götten vermiyormuş. Oda benim götümü karısının götüymüş gibi kullanıyor.

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Fantasy Land

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Fantasy Land

My thanks to Loretta for telling me about her adventures and the fantasies she has lived or plans to live. She is truly under the control of her husband and will sooner or later perform in anyway he wants. Thanks to Joe for allowing us to communicate. Now enjoy this mostly true story.

Hi, my name is Loretta and this is a story about my husband’s fantasies and how they advanced over time until they were my fantasies too. It always seems to help a reader enjoy a story when they can get a reasonable mental picture of what the subject person looks like. So, I am 5′ 2″ 125 lbs with brown eyes and hair. I thought my boobs were a little small at 34B, but my husband insists that he loves how perky they are and believes they are just right for my petite body. I have done a lot of aerobics over the years which resulted in my having a very nice butt and as I have been told many times, legs to dye for.

We live in Jersey. I am a touch on the submissive side. I love my husband, Joe, very much and would do just about anything he asks of me. He has often asked me to engage in sex with other men but so far it is something that I can not quite do. Sooner or later he may get his wish because whatever my man wants my man gets. He respects my reservations and has not yet demanded I do this but we may be getting closer. He likes me to dress sexy and loves to show me off. At first sexy was a skirt that was a little short and a clingy blouse. That has advanced quite a bit over a few years. Let me tell you about it.

Joe started by taking me to dinner wearing shorter skirts than I am use to wearing. He would have me let my skirt ride up to show a lot of leg. He liked it when I flirted a little. Over time I added a semi sheer top with a lacey bra. Joe always wanted me to act a little sexy so I always had an extra wiggle and longer stride in my walk, just to draw attention. I began to enjoy the men looking at me and became willing to do more when my husband told me to.

Joe bought me a new skirt and wanted me to wear it out. I was a little tentative about it but agreed to give it a try. He kidded me about constantly pulling it down keeping my private parts, private. This time when we went out Joe took me to a lounge where they served drinks in addition to a diner meal. I have never been a big drinker but it was easy to tell that Joe was intent on getting me a little tipsy. He had me let my skirt ride up where I was showing legs almost up to my honey hole.

We went to the same lounge several times and I became more relaxed with each visit. My short skirt became a mini skirt and my bra went from lacy to a shelf bra and then to sheer one. Joe always wanted more. I began to occasionally flash men knowing they could see my thong panties. On the forth time we went to this same place we arrived much later than usual. That is when I found out they had live music. I love to dance. Joe began rubbing my ass while we danced to the slow music. He was sliding my skirt up so that my ass was on display. I am sure that my thong panties made it look like I was not wearing any. Joe knew what he was doing and that made it OK with me.

Well in time my look became more sluttish than sexy. And, I was enjoying it more. It is truly unbelievable how much attention a woman can get by showing off her body. Joe loved for me to show off and the more I showed the hornier we both were by the time we got home. Sex was out of this world. We began to know a lot of the regulars and counted them as our weekend friends.

One night in May Joe had bought me a new outfit to wear to our now favorite watering hole. He had me soak in my favorite bubble bath and served me a glass of really nice wine. Joe told me he had laid my clothes for the night on our bed. He wanted me to put on a little extra make-up and get dressed for our night out. I took time to make sure my pussy was totally bald for our bedroom party after the party. Having wrapped a towel around me I sat in front of my mirror and applied my make-up and fixed my hair. I went to the bed to put on my new outfit. It was a black mini skirt, black thigh highs, and a loose fitting button up silky white blouse. There was also a new pair of high heals about an inch higher than I normally wear.

I called to Joe to ask which underwear he wished me to wear. He told me that my outfit for the night was on the bed, get dressed, and let’s go. I had never been out without panties. It was going to be a real challenge without panties wearing a mini skirt. I did a little slinky walk up to him, pulled up my skirt, and ask how he liked his exhibitionist wife. He was all smiles.

We arrived and walked in like every other night. My skirt seemed to bounce. My imagination had me believe that with every step I was naked from the waist down. I downed a couple of drinks rather quickly and was instantly tipsy. I mentioned that I love to dance. This night Joe whispered in my ear to tell me to select who I would like to dance with. Bill was sitting mecidiyeköy bayan escort across from us and he was an excellent dancer. He then told me to turn toward him and to spread my legs enough to show him my pussy. I did as told feeling the redness in my face. Soon Bill was at our table buying us a round of drinks and telling me how great I looked.

Two drinks later an almost drunk Loretta was relaxed and less attentive to keeping the short skirt down. Bill asked Joe’s permission for me to dance with him. By the second song Bill’s hand was on my ass easing my skirt up to show me off. We returned to our table and my waiting husband. I ask Joe if he enjoyed the show. He said yes and encouraged me to continue. Bill came back by for another dance. He again made sure my ass was on display. He also gave my nipples a little pinch and unbuttoned my top button. He was rubbing his cock on me to make sure I felt how large it was.

Bill never got another dance that night because every man in the house wanted me. I fought off most of the guys playing with me but most got a nice feel of my ass and boobs. As I got drunker and the men got more persistent groping was just a part of the dance. My husband was in heaven. Just before we decided it was time to go home for the night my dance partner eased his hand under my skirt. Right there on a crowded dance floor with my husband watching I got finger fucked to an orgasm.

On the way to our car for the trip home I undid all my shirt buttons. I slid across the seat as close to Joe as I could get. My skirt was up around my waist. I leaned over and planted a huge kiss on Joe and asked him to hurry I needed him to fuck me. He laid me on the bed still in my hiked up skirt and unbuttoned blouse. That man began eating me out like never before. I came several times. Joe climbed on top of me driving his hard cock in deep. I ask if he enjoyed my show. He did not answer but that set him off causing him to blow a big load deep in me. We soon both fell asleep. I awoke the next morning still dressed (?) as I was.

I told Joe we needed to take a break from our dance hall. I will be too embarrassed to go back for a while. The weekend came and I found myself with another new outfit. Joe told me he was taking me to a different place but assured me I would be having a good time. My new outfit was a mini skirt that flared out at the bottom. It was worn with a tiny pair of sheer thong panties. From the rear you could not tell that I was wearing panties. The top was loose fitting and clingy. It was short which showed off my flat stomach.

Well, long story short, Joe took me to a gentlemen’s club. We had several drinks while we watched the girls strip and dance. We also had a meal that was surprisingly good. I was totally surprised about how several of the girls were hitting on me. Joe made sure that I had a lot to drink. About 11:00 I was feeling no pain. Joe excused himself I thought to go to the rest room. He returned a few minutes later to tell me I was entered into the amateur portion of the night. I would be dancing on the stage in the next few minutes. I guess that the alcohol and my now exhibitionist attitude helped me do it. This is what Joe wanted so I was determined to do my best.

My name was called and I walked to room behind the stage. I was going on stage as soon as the amateur currently dancing finished. I slinked out on the stage and began to dance. I rubbed my tits through my top. My nipples were hard as rocks. I teased the crowd of what must have been 50 men by raising my top letting the bottom of my tits show. I twirled around making my skirt lift and display my sheer thong. I took off my blouse and threw it to the crowd. As the song was ending I turned my ass toward the crowd and flipped up my skirt. I got a standing ovation and surprisingly a lot of tips.

I left the stage to return to my husband topless. We never found my shirt again. I enjoyed one more drink before telling Joe he needed to take me home for a good fucking or I was going to select one of the good looking guys to take me to the private VIP room. On the way out Joe stopped and bought me a T shirt to wear to the car. I put it on. The lady behind the counter called my name. When I turned to face her she sprayed the front of my shirt with water making my tits show. My nipples were trying to push through the thin T shirt material.

The more I show off the better and more often I get fucked. The following weekend Joe sent me to shower and dress for a fun day. It was early which surprised me. I went to the bed to see my outfit for the day. There were several of the tiniest bikinis known to mankind. I put one on and walked to my mirror. The bottoms were thong style which I knew the men would enjoy. The top was almost not there. It showed a lot of cleavage and a lot of side boob.

We live near the ocean and several beaches. Joe took me to a nearby beach. We spread out our blanket and sat our cooler nearby. It was just after lunch and we were already drinking. I kept adjusting my top to keep from falling out. I tugged on the little v shaped material covering my pussy lips making sure I was not totally on display. Joe laughed then reminded me that I had danced topless and flashed my pussy to my dance partners. We got another beer and walked down the beach. Joe told me to not touch my bikini and maybe my tits would fall out. I got a lot of stares especially looking at my ass. I lead Joe to the water and insisted we wade in. I was getting wet from excitement and needed to cover it up.

A couple of weekends later Joe told me to get out my smallest bikini he was going to take me to a different beach called Higbee. I had heard of this beach known for being a popular location for bird watchers. We gathered our beach stuff and were on our way. Higbee Beach is where New England Road dead ends. There is a dirt road that opens into thick woods and swamp which shelters the beach from view. The road ends at the beach.

This was my first time being here. We parked the car and walked to the beach. I was carrying our blanket. Joe was carrying the cooler and bag with tanning lotions, etc.

We spread our blanket and popped a beer. That is when Joe told me that this part of the beach was 1 ½ miles long and that it draws people passionate about all sorts of natural pursuits including sunbathing in the nude. I gasped and said no. Joe again reminded that I had displayed all my private parts in public at one time or another. I stood up and dropped my bikini in the sand. Joe got us another beer and insisted we walk down the beach and back. I was wearing just my sun tan lotion.

We got back from our walk and several men began to stop by to visit. I told Joe how friendly everyone seemed to be. He explained the men were stopping by to get a closer look at me. Joe suggested I lay back and spread my legs so the men could get a good look at what they really wanted. Several of my admirers were also nude with monster cocks which did not help my horny situation. I finally ask Joe to put lotion on my body. When he got up my legs closer to my pussy I insisted he finger fuck me. I rewarded him with a great BJ. When it was time to go home I wrapped the blanket around me for the walk to the car and rode home nude. The truckers really liked it.

We went to this beach on 2 occasions. The second time I wore just a swim suit cover up that barely covered my ass. Soon as we reached the beach it was off and I was on display. Joe did not have to tell me to spread my legs this trip I wanted to just please him. This was a really busy day that allowed me to show off, flirt, and enjoy seeing a lot of nice cocks.

Two weekends later on a Friday Joe came home early and told me to pack a few sexy things he was taking me on an overnight trip. He told me to bring a bikini just in case we wanted to swim at the hotel. He also told me I would not need underwear. I did not know where we were going but I was ready for anything my husband wanted. Joe drove to a Hampton Inn located in Voorhees, NJ. I remembered how Joe continued to ask me to fuck other men while he watched. I wondered if this was getting ready to be a reality.

We had a burger in the Hotel Restaurant. Joe discovered that the hotel had an indoor swimming pool. We went back to the room for me to put on my near not there bikini. There were several men at the pool who constantly stared without trying to hide their lust. Joe and I were sitting by the pool on lounge chairs. He had me turn and push my arm against my left boob. It popped out of my top. I acted as if I did not know what happened for a few minutes so all the men could get a good look. That of course pleased Joe and made me horny as hell. We went back to the room. Joe opened the curtains, turned on the lights, and had me strip for him. Then we fucked for a long time with the curtains open where anybody on the upper floors could watch if they wanted.

That reminded me of something I had done once before. The wife of a neighbor wore a skimpy bikini when she worked out in the yard. I saw them walking ready to pass by our house. I quickly got topless and walked by our window so they could see me. That was spontaneous and not like me but I did get goose bumps and felt sexy, more than her little bikini.

We woke late and Joe ordered room service for breakfast. He told me to stay in the bed and remain nude while breakfast was served. He did let me keep the sheet over me up to my waist. The young man who brought our food was more excited about looking at me than serving. He almost spilled the coffee. Before the young man left Joe told me to come get my coffee. I got out of bed and walked naked to get coffee. My young admirer looked me over and left the room smiling. I told Joe to eat fast his desert was ready.

Joe told me he was going to the hotel lobby nişantaşı bayan escort and would be back shortly. When he returned to the room he told me there was a woman’s dress shop within walking distance. He wanted me to have a new outfit for wearing out that night. We got inside the store and there was nothing but sexy lady show off outfits. I tried on several and walked out of the dressing room to show Joe what they looked like. By the time I had modeled the 5th dress I had a nice little crowd enjoying the show. The outfit Joe selected was white and very tight. It came to about 6″ above my knees. The top of the dress had spaghetti straps and was V cut to below my tits. It showed a whole lot of cleavage. I was certain that at times one of my tits would be totally visible. My thought was I was willing to show anything my Joe wanted anywhere he said.

We returned to our room to take a nap. Joe said we might have a late night. I was not ready for a nap so I stripped and sat on the balcony while my husband prepared us each a Bloody Mary. He fondled my boobs until we were both hot and bothered. He had me lean over the railing and fucked me doggy style. Then we took that nap. I awoke and went to shower and apply my makeup for the evening. I put on my new dress. It was too tight to wear underwear even if I had some.

We went to the hotel entrance way to hail a cab. Joe told him to take us to the Volcano Steak and Sushi Restaurant. I was very impressed by both the food and the service. I had a hibachi combo (filet and scallops) which came with vegetables, rice, soup, shrimp, and salad. My husband ordered a bento box, and we shared a crab Rangoon appetizer. Everything was so delicious. Our server enjoyed looking me over and looking down my top. He obviously thought I looked delicious. We didn’t have room to order dessert, but the waiter brought out three cheesecake bites that were also quite tasty.

Joe had gotten the cabby’s phone number earlier and called him to pick us back up. He told him to take us to 597 NJ 73 in West Berlin, NJ. It was not a long ride. He had taken me to the Red Barn Adult Book Store. I was more nervous than the first night I flashed my naked pussy to Bill. I was very reluctant to go in not knowing what to expect. I decided to just go with the flow and watch Joe for his reaction. A sign on the front of the store said 65% off. I laughed to myself thinking that might be what Joe wanted.

We walked in to find a large store area stocked with every item one could possibly need to enhance sexual desires. There were several men browsing around. I was the only female except for the young lady behind the sales counter. She was darling looking, very young, curves in all the right places, and wore a skimpy thong bikini. I teased Joe about what he might want to do to her.

We looked around the room. It had sections which displayed special items for men, women, or couples. There were gifts, kinky toys, sex kits, games, furniture, bondage stuff, sex machines, lubes and oils, vibrators, dildos, lingerie, books, videos, and much more. We looked for almost an hour. Joe selected a new dildo for me. I don’t know what I will do with it, that thing was at least 14″ long. I’ve never seen a real cock anything like that. He also picked out a couple of videos. He selected some oils that were supposed to bring me to new heights of sexual desires and enjoyment. There was a display of small packets of which Joe got several. He took the items to the lady attendant. He put the packets in his pocket and had her bag and put the rest behind the counter with my name on it. He talked to her and appeared by his hand motions to be getting directions.

Another one of Joe’s fantasies was for me to make a porn video. I wondered if this was a training session for me and if the monster dildo may be one of the props for my staring role. I know when he asked me to do it, I will.

We walked through a door in the back which led down a hallway that had a lot of doors. On the left there were 4 doors marked gay, straight, couples or singles, and live. We went into the couple’s area door. The live door was marked enter only when the light is out. The couple’s room had a 60″ flat screen TV, a Dolby surround sound system and leather couches for seating. There was a play list of six different movies that changed weekly. There was a movie just starting. We took a seat to watch.

The movie was about this gorgeous woman with a perfect figure and large boobs. It started with her in a cab which took her to what appeared to be a high class hotel. The driver opened her door and she flashed her bald pussy for his enjoyment and then gave him a great down blouse view. She entered the elevator to the forth floor. Down the hall on the right was the room she wanted. She knocked and was welcomed in. There were 3 men in the room having drinks and obviously ready for a party. She went into the bathroom and soon came out wearing the sheerest baby doll outfit I have ever seen. She danced around giving each man a kiss and a tug on his dick. Then one at the time she sucked each of them off and swallowed their cum. She had the men strip and let them have her in every position known. At one point she had one of them in each of her holes at the same time. Talk about horny. I could barely contain myself.

Doctor Calgary

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I had developed a small red mark on the side of my rib cage which didn’t really irritate me but my wife constantly nagged at me to go to the doctors to get it sorted. Like most men I always put off a trip to the doctors so my wife had booked an appointment without my knowing and bluntly told me ‘you are going even if I have to take you myself’.

I had probably visited the doctors four or five times over the last twenty years and only for the usual crap like a cold or bad back.

I entered the surgery and I walked to the desk to be told by the receptionist who rolled her eyes and said quite sharply that ‘you use the touch screen on the wall’. I pressed ‘male’ on the screen, input my date of birth, to which the screen displayed something about being late and please take a seat. My appointment was 09.10 and it was now 09.15.

I took a seat and did the usual look around the room and reached for a magazine, a buzzer then sounded and a scrolling message was displayed on a LED panel on the wall asking me to proceed to Dr. Calgary’s room.

I walked down the corridor following the direction arrows and turned left, knocked on the door to which a voice said ‘Come in’. I opened the door and a young coloured lady said ‘Please take a seat’.

‘My name is Dr. Calgary and I have taken over Dr. Melley’s practice as he has recently retired’. All my previous visits, albeit a few, had been with an older gentleman named Dr. Melley.

‘What can I do for you?’ Dr Calgary asked.

With that the phone rang and she said ‘Excuse me a moment’ and answered the phone.

As I sat there I did what I guess a lot of men (and maybe women) do. I gave the young doctor the once over. I looked her from head to toe (what I could see of her anyway). Dr Calgary, I guess, was around mid twenties, she had her afro hair tied back in a tight bun, light brown skin with an almost perfect complexion, big dark brown eyes, a very small quite beautiful nose and very prominent lips. She wore no make up apart from eye and lip liner.

As she continued on the phone I casually followed the lines of her body as she sat very upright in her chair. She wore a dark grey suit, with the skirt just below the knee. I would have guessed she was about five foot and sınırsız escort no more than eight stone.

As I sat there I had a wicked thought.

She finished talking and replaced the handset, she apologised and again asked ‘What can I do for you?’.

I replied ‘It’s a bit embarrassing really… I, I…’

‘Would you like to have a chaperone or see a male doctor?’

‘Well its, I…’

‘Listen I am a professional and I see men and women of all ages and conditions.’

‘I have a pain each time I ejaculate…’

‘How do you mean…pain?’

‘Well as I orgasm I have a really sharp pain in my left testicle.’

‘Would you prefer to see a male doctor at all?’

‘Well, no it’s just I….’

‘Stand up and remove your clothing please.’

I did as she asked. I stood up, undid my belt and button fly and dropped my jeans to my knees, opened my shirt buttons and then finally pulled down my boxers.

Dr Calgary just sat there for a few moments in silence and just stared at my cock.

Her eyes widened as she stared. There I was, stood in this room, trousers down to my knees with my cock and balls on show to a complete stranger. Even though she was a doctor I had never met this young woman in my life.

Even flaccid my penis looks immense. If you have read my previous stories you will know I have almost religious followed natural penis enlargement for over three years. I have gained just over 2 inches in length and width. I was a bit pissed I hadn’t freshly shaved my cock and balls and the fact I’d turned up in jeans and a t-shirt, but here I was stood with my cock and balls on display to a complete stranger.

Dr Calgary cleared here throat and said ‘Explain what the pain feels like.’

‘Well a sharp ermmm….. pain.’

Still staring at my cock she said ‘Does it hurt during intercourse?’

‘No, just when I’m shooting’



‘Oh, I see. Could you please move closer to the desk?’

I tried to move closer to the desk in a penguin style manner, to which Dr Calgary said ‘Would it be easier for you to remove your clothes?’

I then (without asking) removed my slip-on trainers, socks, shirt, trousers and briefs so I bayan arkadaş was stood completely naked in front of a woman I had met only five minutes ago. I guessed she had meant just my trousers and underwear but I was in full flow now.

I moved closer to the desk and I was only about a foot away from Dr Calgary.

She stood up and said ‘excuse me’. Removed her jacket, brushed passed me and walked to the small sink on the wall of her office, squirted some anti-bacterial gel in her hands and turned on the tap. I was able to get a good look at Dr Calgary stood at the sink. She had flat shoes on but her calf muscles were really defined and as I traced up her legs the skirt she was wearing was quite tight into the knee which framed an awesome looking backside as the fabric clung to her arse and hips.

She turned around as she dried her hands on some paper roll. Threw the paper into a bin and walked back to her desk.

‘Could you show me where you experience the pain?’

I took my cock in my left hand and pointed with my right index finger my left testicle.

Dr Calgary sat back down in her chair and moved her face within inches of my cock and balls.

‘Is the pain enough for you not to ejaculate at all?’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Well is it enough for you not to want to…. ‘ (clearing her throat) ‘Shoot?’

‘Sometimes yes… ‘

I then let go of my cock and the head narrowly missed the doctors face by a few centimetres.

She then stood back up, returned to the sink area and reached into a box and took out some latex gloves. She then snapped both her hands into the gloves and walked back over to her chair. In anticipation of what was going to happen next, I felt my cock almost uncontrollably filling with blood.

As she sat down and looked back in my groins direction, her eyes widened as the blood started to fill my erection.

‘I’m very sorry.’ I stammered.

Dr Calgary gave no reply and just looked my cock engorging to an immense erection.

As my erection was almost at full mast she grabbed the head even though my foreskin was still covering it and then grabbed my ballsack with her other hand.

Her small coloured hand looked so unusual holding my knob sarıyer escort and foreskin and only just about reached around the thickness of my shaft.

‘I am going to gently pull your scrotum, can you please tell me if you feel any pain at all.’

Dr Calgary, still holding the head of my penis, pulled my scrotum down quite sharply. As she did this she pulled the hand holding my knob upwards, and I uncontrollably let out a guttural sexual groan.


‘Well what?’

‘Did you experience any pain at all?’


She then let go of my scrotum and deliberately or not pulled the foreskin from over my knob with her other hand. As she did this a drop of pre-cum appeared from my cock and rolled down my knob, foreskin and onto Dr Calgary’s glove covered hand.

She then let go of my cock and on removing the gloves, asked me to get dressed.

‘I am going to ask for a second opinion. Please book an appointment with the receptionist on your way out. Can you please refrain from any sexual activity for at least 48 hours prior to your next appointment.’

As I dressed my cock was bobbing about all over the place under the watchful eye of Dr Calgary. I first sat and put on my socks, then stood up and placed my t-shirt over my head then sat back down and put on my boxers. As I stood back up my erection forced its way through the front opening of my boxers at which I just first put one foot in my jeans, then the other and bent down and pulled them up. I then forced my cock into my jeans and buttoned up.

‘Thank you.’ I said.

‘Please book that appointment and don’t forget what I said about sexual activity.’


I walked to the door, opened it and turned to walk up the corridor. As I walked the length of the corridor with my erection subsiding I noticed the gaze of the less than helpful receptionist. As I approached the desk she could obviously make out the lines of my subsiding erection. This time instead of rolling her eyes she was wide eyed at the sight of my cock underneath the material.

‘I need to book and appointment’

‘When would be best for you?’ the receptionist stammered.

‘As soon as’

My mind was filled with thoughts on what would actually occur at the next appointment.

‘Next Monday at 0910’

‘That’s fine thanks’

‘We’ll see you next Monday then’

As I turned to walk out I heard the buzzer sound, the scrolling LED message now displayed ‘Dr Calgary is running 25 minutes late.’

Dear Diary Ch. 02

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Hello again! If you enjoy this diary entry, please vote for it, or drop me a line! xoxo Kel 🙂

* * * * *

May 15

Sorry for the delay, dear diary, i had lots of homework last night, and no time to finish the story. Jason and i are truly broken up now; we had a huge blowout fight in school, i don’t know why i bothered to date him at all. I know i told you before how he was fantastic, and i was in love. I was wrong. He’s a prick, and always has been, i just didn’t realize it.

I left off with Anthony leaving the car and Michelle complaining about the taste of his semen in her mouth. Shouldn’t suck cock if you don’t want the taste, as far as i’m concerned, but then Michelle probably couldn’t help herself. Did i mention that she’s a tramp and a whore? She is.

As you may have guessed by now, she’s part of the reason i broke up with Jason. Anyway, here’s what happened. After the movie, Jason took everyone home. He dropped off Anthony and Michelle at Anthony’s house, then dropped me off. He tried to get me to let him sneak upstairs and make out in my bedroom; i told him no, and he left, still mad. As i closed the door, i saw him leave; in the wrong direction. I got worried that i’d made him so mad he was going to go wreck his car or something, so i grabbed the keys to my Dad’s car and got in, tearing off down the street after him. I was pretty far behind, and was barely able to keep him in sight. Finally, he slowed down and turned into a neighborhood. I was pretty much lost. He pulled up to a very nice house, and turned into the driveway.

I coasted quietly to a stop and watched. He didn’t notice that i had been following him. Too busy being mad at me i imagined. He walked up to the front door, opened it, and went into the house. I was amazed; i’d been to his house before, and this wasn’t escort bayan çapa it! I got out of the car and crossed the street, keeping to the shadows, asking myself what the hell i was doing even as i crouched down next to the house under a window. It was a hot may evening; many of the windows were open. I could hear Jason as he walked through the house, but the lack of lights on in the house kept me from knowing where he was.

I dove to the ground as headlights swept toward me. I picked grass off of my shirt (now ruined) as i heard another car pull into the driveway. High heels clicked on the sidewalk as the car’s driver walked to the front door and opened it. I peered into the window again, as hidden as i could make myself.

And watched as Michelle came through the door and switched on the lights. She was dressed the same way she had been earlier: tight white half shirt barely covering her boobs, too-tight jean shorts, and high heels. Like i said, she’s a tramp. Her makeup was redone, perfect red lips set in a perfectly adorned face. I could hear her as she yelled “Jason? Where are you?”

So i’m thinking to myself, what the hell is going on here. She’s obviously not suprised to find Jason here; either they planned it earlier that evening, or she recognized his car. I watched as she kicked off her shoes and started walking through the house. “Jason? What kind of game are you playing?” She switched off the light as she left the room, then walked through the house in the dark. Fortunately, the house was a single level, and i was able to follow her progress by the windows. Great, i thought to myself; now i’m a stalker. This is the best night of my freakin’ life.

I wound up a room behind her; it’s hard work trying to sneak quickly. I finally heard her say “There you are! Is that a present istanbul bayan escort for me?” Wondering what Jason had bought her, and why, i snuck to the window the noise was coming from. What i saw almost made me burst into tears.

Jason was laying back on a bed, naked. His erection, while not as big as Anthony’s tool, was sizeable, and due to a trick of the moonlight coming in through another window, the first thing i saw. I was unable to move as i watched Michelle step out of her shorts and peel off her shirt, revealing a blue thong and bra set. She climbed on top of Jason and reached back to grab his cock with one hand while her mouth devoured his, her tongue slipping deep into his mouth. Jason returned the kiss passionately, more passionately than he ever kisses me. Michele’s hand continued to work on his erection as he popped open her bra, allowing her oversize tits to fall out. He immediately started sucking on a nipple, while his hands reached down and cupped her ass, kneading it hard enough to make her moan. I was jerked out of my daze by her bra, which struck the window above my head after Michelle flung it off.

I thought to myself, that’s it, i’m outta here. But i was unable to stop watching my boyfriend – correction, ex-boyfriend – and his torrid little slut Michelle. “Get inside me” she hissed at him, her head thrown back, her hips grinding on his stomach “now.” Jason obliged, rolling her over onto her back, grabbing her panties, and ripping them off of her in a quick motion. He ran his fingers through her hair down there, and made a few moves with his fingers that caused her to jerk around like crazy, her boobs bouncing in time to his rhythm as she moved. I couldn’t take my eyes off them, i watched as her nipples hardened with pleasure, and was surprised to feel my own harden escort bayan beşiktaş as i watched.

I watched him push her legs back, and watched her grab her ankles and pull them toward her head. With one quick thrust he was inside her, closer to her in this one night than we’d been in 3 months of dating, her back arched, her “oh” of pleasure echoing off the walls. Then he was pumping furiously, ramming her over and over, his eyes glued to her tits as he fucked her, Michelle urging him on with repeated “fuck me baby”-s and “oh yes”-es. After about 2 minutes she came, screaming his name at the top of her lungs, which set him off; he pulled out of her and straddled her quickly on his knees, grabbing one of her tits in each hand and sliding his hard cock between them, squeezing them together, and spraying his cum over her chest and face.

He collapsed, exhausted, beside her, and i found myself able to move again. I watched as they lay there, spent, silent, except for the sound of Michelle wiping the jism from her face with her fingers and then putting them in her mouth and moaning as she sucked them clean. Neither Jason nor I was able to tear our gazes from her lips as she did that. Then i watched as the little slut crept down the bed and took his soft cock, glistening with their shared juices, in her hand and looked up at him. “ready for round 2?” she said, and at his nod of approval, began to suck his cock, moaning as his hands found her slick slit and started to stroke it.

I left then, unable to watch anymore. I let the air out of the tires of their cars, got in my own, and went home. I broke up with Jason the next day. All in all, it was a terrible experience, i thought.

It was only later, when i got home, that i realized how aroused i had been by watching them. I don’t know whether it was the act of watching, or if i’m just obsessed with sex, or if i’m bisexual or something (which i doubt). But i can’t deny that i was turned on, both times. I don’t know what i’m going to do, dearest diary, but i can tell you this: you’ll be the first to know.

Until then, XXXXOOOO Kel 🙂

Cuckold Gets An Eyeful And Mouthful

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Average – that’s how you would describe 99% of my life. An auditor senior with PWC, 2 bed home in the ‘burbs, silver 3 series in the drive. Married for a little over 3 years – cuckolded for nearly a year.

A cuckold, for the un-initiated, is a man who allows his wife to ‘be’ with other men. Thereafter the number of permutations is almost limitless from a knowing acceptance of her excuses (sick relation etc) to full submissive, watching, arranging, participation etc.

Until now my wife had always gone out to meet her fella, her stud, known as ‘bulls’. His wife worked shifts and I am often away so it was convenient. It progressed to the point where I was often at home and she would go out then tell me all about it. I always liked to hear the sordid details, I’m a little masochistic that way.

Today would be different. A first for both of us. And a new aspect to our relationship.

I came home a little after 1pm. Caroline was in the bathroom fixing her make-up – she looked fabulous. Dressed like she was going out clubbing or on one of her dates. She had a tight white blouse unbuttoned just enough to show the top of the breasts an indecently short black skirt and her bright red, fuck me now, 4″ stilettoes.

“You’re home early” She said clearly surprised at my afternoon arrival.

“Yes” with a questioning tone that signaled the change of subject “are you going out?”. Caroline always dressed sexy but conservatively. Even when she was out on a date she was business like (even though she would normally be concealing slutty underwear).

“No – you are” She fired back “Dave’s coming over and you cannot be here”.

“What’s he coming over for?” I asked inviting her to play.

She played “Dave, my boyfriend – you know the one with the nice fat cock? Is stopping by on his way to work (he also works shifts) and he is going to use his little whore – your wife – fuck her good, maybe even let me suck on his nice FAT cock” She was in domineering mode now standing legs wide apart so the hem of her skirt was taught. She pulled on my tie so I moved into her, lowered her voice and iterated each nasty word as she described what was about to happen.

We kissed passionately, the thought alone was turning me on. My hand came up her thigh and began massaging to soft, already damp, pussy. She broke off. “Seriously you can’t be here when he arrives”.

A mischievous thought entered my head “Do you mean I can’t be here or he mustn’t know I’m here?” I asked “there is a difference you know?” She pondered for a minute.

“Ok” She replied “You want to hang around?” with that She turned back to the mirror and reapplied her lipstick. “He’d better not know you here – promise me”.

“Promise” I said “I’ll stay in the main bathroom – quiet as a mouse.

She disappeared downstairs removing any trace of my entrance as I closed the door and waited for our guest. Then waited some more. A good twenty minutes had passed before finally the door bell rang. I could only hear muffled sounds before he was ordered inside. Apologizing he was late – an accident on the motorway meant he would have to be away sharp.

“That’s fine” She said “but you’re not going anywhere until I’ve had you – I am so horny” as she headed up the stairs before crashing into the spare escort feriköy bedroom. “God I need some cock” was followed by the unmistakable sound of a zipper coming down.

He groaned as she began sucking on his cock. “You are horny today aren’t you?” he told rather than asked “we’ll you just suck on that then your master will give you what you need”.

Master! – What the fuck!! My dominant mistress was some-else’s slave.

A few minutes later “Enough” he exclaimed “Let me see it – did you do as I instructed?”.

“Yes master” she replied meekly.

I had to see. Opening the door just a fraction first I noticed their bedroom door open – good the bed was on the back wall. But I could see them, from behind, in the mirror.

She pulled her skirt up and climbed onto the bed as if ready for doggy style. Her sweet ass so inviting, so suckulant, so fuckable and alas so unavailable.

“Then tell me what you have done” he instructed.

“I’ve prepared my ass for you” the words almost choked me “It’s ready for you – my master” She went on “I ’emptied’ it this morning as you requested, cleaned it oooh so good put lots of lub on for you worked it in so well I wanted it to be perfect for you – perfect for your magnificent cock”.

“Then you have done well” he said reaching for the little bottle of lub before smearing generous quantities on, what I have to say, was one seriously fat cock.

“Please” she begged “Please I need it take my virgin ass – fuck it hard – I so need to feel you in me” and with that he entered. She gasped. Part in pain, mostly in delight, as he entered very slowly before slowly withdrawing and then reentering. He did this several times before he started fucking her. Slow at first he soon built up an impressive pace. He fucked her sweet ass for a good 10 minutes as I watched from my secret spot. My own arousal only tempered by the disappointment at not being the first in that gorgeous ass.

She was close to cumming. It was clear from the labored breathing the aching sounds and ‘desperate’ moans “Oh please” she panted “harder, fuck me harder, make me cum, please” she pleaded.

Crack! The unmistakable sound of flesh on flesh, hand on ass to be accurate. I did not see it but the red imprint developing was evident. She let out a gasp and grabbed the pillow as his other hand rose up. Crack – the other side now stung with the same heat. “You’ll cum only when I permit it – you understand” he told, rather than asked, her.

They continued fucking.

His own noises betrayed his impending orgasm. She responded to his increased vigor she was ready to go. He grabbed her by the back of the neck on pushed her head down into the pillow whilst, with other hand pulled her waist tight as he dumped his first squirt of thick hot cum deep into aching asshole.

The sound of their mutual release was amazing. So much I almost came too.

I watched, captivated, as he drove in again. Another injection of man-fat was dumped. Grasping the base of his cock he then pulled fully back, exiting her ass and inserted into her gapping cunt. Another 3 or 4 pumps and he was empty. I’m sure she came again as he entered her pussy. It must have been aching for attention.

He finally pulled escort gülbağ out for good and wiped his fat, cum-covered cock, up and down her ass crack. “There you go” he said as she slumped down onto the bed “why not get that limp dicked husband of yours to clean that up” again he told rather than asked. For the first time since they entered the bedroom my heart stopped attention was drawn from my cock and I was aware of just how vulnerable my hiding spot was.

He exited the room – into the en-suite – the shower started. I was frozen. Do I go in? I so wanted to. Do I stay here until he’s away? All I could picture, in my minds eye, was each of her delicious holes, fucked, bulging with his cum.

A minute or so later the shower stopped. He remerged drying furiously, was dressed and was gone. Clearly quick exits was something to which our guest was well versed.

“Iain” She called “Iain, come on out I need you, come get this while it’s nice and fresh!”

I slipped out from my hiding spot silently and stood in the bedroom door way. “Well?” She asked “Did you enjoy our little floor show – was it everything you imagined?” I nodded my agreement.

“You got a nice little stiffy?”

Again I nodded.

“Then let’s see it.

I unzipped and let my twitching cock breath free. “Take them off” She retorted with a faint sense of disgust then, more playfully, “take them all off” She instructed.

Clothes came off in an instant and I dashed towards her to dump my own load into her. “Woah!” She exclaimed “not so fast – buddy!” I backed up a little as She continued “Wank for me – stroke your skinny little cock” I did as I was told. Grasping the base of my cock I twisted it slowly and carefully providing a good show without going ‘over the edge’.

“Good” She said approvingly whilst stroking her wet cunt. “Now, on your knees. You are going to worship my feet, clean my shoes, suck the end like you saw me sucking Dave’s cock”.

I followed her instructions to the letter. Kneeling at the side of the bed she gave me over a foot to start with. The bright red point of the shoe always had a special place for me. That, and the effect they had on her already great legs, had been a turn-on for a long time.

“Come on suck it” She barked and she crammed the toes deep into my mouth. “Clean it up good my little bitch”.

“But, but” I stammered “they are clean”.

This did not go down well. “What” She barked clearly angered by my insolence. “If I tell you they are dirty – then they are dirty! here” and with that she removed the foot I had been worshipping. Pulling her legs up she brought the stiletto point up to her ass hole and slowly, carefully, with a slight gasp, inserted it. Sliding it back and forth until it was buried to its full extent then slid it out.

Glistening with cum and lube she replaced it on her foot. “Now it’s fucking dirty – so clean bitch!” She raised her leg high so I needed to stand. I was way to far gone to resist, or to notice the wet man standing in the doorway, and took the full 4″ deep into my mouth. Closed my lips, rolled my tongue around the heel and sucked and liked it very clean.

“That’s better” She moaned and she returned to caressing her cunt. “Now there is plenty more needing escort kağıthane done – lie on the floor – face up and open your mouth”.

As instructed and with my own cock dripping pre-cum I settled on the floor as she stood over me. “Now” She began “My ass hole just took a pounding – it’s sore – and it’s full of cum” I knew what was coming and I was aching for it “You are going to lick and soothe my shit hole, you are going to clean all the cum that has escaped onto my ass and then you are going to use you tongue to open my ass and clean every drop of cum from it – got that!” She did not wait for a reply and began lowering herself on me. Pausing just above my face she made me reach up to pry her cheeks apart and lick the cum from her ass.

Done with her cheeks I timidly began on her ass hole. As I did so she pressed down forcing my head back to the floor as my tongue entered her shit hole. It went deep almost immediately, still stretched from that cock, and the cum just slid right down and into my open mouth. It was amazing I was desperately trying to hold my load when she started running her finger nails up my shaft – it was impossible sexual torture!

“That’s good” She exclaimed as she began gently grinding. A few more minutes and we were nice and clean. And it was time for the front.

Rather than just turn she stood, turned, and then looked down upon me. My face was glistening wet, massive smile on my face and the hardest my cock has been since I was 17!

“Oh you’re a good boy” She said sarcastically “You want my cunt?”

“Of course!” – what the fuck did she think.

“No” She replied. Still standing over me. Thick dollops of cum in her pubes, oozing from her hole directly above me.

“Please” I begged. Silence.

“Please – let me clean your pussy” trying the logical approach (like there was any fucking logic to this). It was role play pure and simple and I loved it – needed it!

She knelt over me, just inches away, “Now” she started with a long and dramatic pause “If we do this” another pause “you realize this changes everything” and settled onto my eager mouth.

The taste, the smell, it was amazing. As I sucked and licked every drop of cum she had to give. She explained “You are now a fully fledged cuckold. I do what I want. I fuck who I want, when I want and where I want. You do what I want, exactly what I want and when I want it – I do hope that is clear?”

She gave me no chance to answer as she ground down on my face.

“For example” She said as a small dribble of piss exited, rolled down my tongue and was swallowed without question. “Good you seem to be learning” and another, slightly large trickle ran down and was also swallowed gratefully.

“Good” She said again “you see I am cleaning your mouth out – getting rid of all that sticky cum. I can be a kind mistress to a good cuckold”. And with that she grabbed my aching cock.

“This will be the extent of your sex” as she started wanking me slowly but violently. Banging down hard with each stroke.

“If you are good I will allow you to wank. If you are very good, like today, I might even wank you, but” and here came the threat “If so much as get a hard-on without my approval – you get nothing – fuck all – is that clear?”

She eased of my face so I could answer. “Yes”.

“Good boy” She then opened her bladder and a glorious gush of piss flooded out as my cock exploded.

“Oh we are going to have some fun now” She said rising slowly and heading for the shower.

This story is inspired by, and dedicated to, my most giving mistress – mistress Lee.

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