Month: December 2024

Stripping in the Car

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Nicole was not a sports fan. Her family was never into sports. It had been fine, until she met Matt, who loved sports. They got along well in all other areas – beliefs, goals, physical activity, dreams – everything but sports. Matt was a big football fan, and spent every Sunday (or Monday) watching his favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. This was fine with her, as she spent that time studying and reading journals for her career. Their relationship continued to blossom, and soon they were married.

Matt continued with his football passion, making sure he was always in front of the television for the Packer game. This season, they were doing well. As Nicole was working on a project for work one Sunday afternoon, sitting on the sofa, the Packers scored. Matt looked over at Nicole, smiled a little bit, and said, “Hey, the Packers just scored. You should take off a piece of clothing.”

Nicole thought about it for a second, and thought “what the heck?”, and took of her shirt. This started a new ‘tradition’, in that they would watch the game together, and every time the Packers scored, Nicole would remove an article of clothing. Matt loved it because it got Nicole at least partly naked, and also more involved in watching the football games…

The season continued, and the Packers did well enough to make it into the playoffs. They won their first game against Philadelphia, and were scheduled to play against Atlanta the next week. That was also the week that they were to drive out to Nicole’s family who lived in Ohio. They drove out the 8 hours to Columbus, and had a great time that week with her family.

On Saturday morning, Nicole got a call from her work asking if she could please come back a day early, as one of her important accounts had hit a critical stage. Though she really didn’t want to, she knew how important it was to her small company, and reluctantly agreed. She also thought that would give Matt the opportunity to watch the Packer game on Sunday. She went to talk to Matt about it, and though he was a little upset, he understood the importance of what she did. “But now you will be able to watch the Packer game at home,” Nicole told him.

“Umm, Nic, the Packers play tonight at 7:00, not tomorrow.” Matt replied. This made Nicole feel even worse about having to go, but Matt gave her a big hug and kissed her on the forehead, and said “It’s o.k. don’t worry about it.”

They spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon saying goodbye to her family/friends, and got onto the road at about 6:00 pm. Nicole let him have control of the car’s radio on the way home, letting him listen to the pre-game of the Packers-Falcons. She thought she would use this time to get some sleep on the way home.

They were out on the I-70 towards Indianapolis when the game started. She was drifting in and out of sleep, with the seat leaned back with a light blanket over her. There didn’t seem to be much scoring early in the game, and when she first asked, Matt said that the first quarter just ended, and the Falcons were winning, 7-0.

A few minutes later, Matt cheered a little as the Packers scored a touchdown to even the score. Nicole started to drift back asleep, when Matt said “hey, you gotta take something off.”

Nicole wasn’t really thinking about their ‘tradition’, but since it was already the second quarter, slipped off her shoes and threw them in the back seat. She rested back into the heated seat and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, she heard Matt voice his frustration as the Falcons returned the kickoff for a touchdown.

She listened to the game for a few little while as Matt continued to try to teach her more about football and how the Packer were playing. The Packers scored again. Matt looked over at Nic, but before he even said anything, she had already removed her socks and threw them in the back seat.

They continued to drive as they got nearer to Indianapolis, and Nicole had suggested they stop for some food. They saw a sign for Culver’s on the next exit, and decided to go through the drive-thru. They ordered their food and pulled up to the window. After they paid their food and got the drinks, they were asked to pulled forward to wait for their food to be brought out to them.

They pulled across to the waiting area, when Rodgers threw a touchdown pass for another score. Matt cheered and looked back over at Nicole… “well, now is when it gets interesting, doesn’t it..” he said.

“Shouldn’t we wait until we get back on the road again before I take my shirt off?” Nicole asked.

“But they scored now… if we wait, it just won’t be the same… so what’s it gonna be, shirt or pants? They should be here with our food in a few minutes…”

Nicole otele gelen escort thought for a second, and thought she had outsmarted Matt, reached under her shirt and un-hooked her bra. She was suddenly very thankful that their car had partially tinted windows, which gave her at least a little privacy. She threw her bra into the back seat with her shoes and socks, with a smug look on her face.

They continued to wait for their food as they listened to the Packers kick off and the Falcons take over, presumably to end the first half. On the next play, however, the Packers intercept the ball and ran it all the way back for yet another touchdown… 2 of them in 45 seconds, and all while they are waiting for their food. Matt is cheering like crazy, and Nicole just smiles. He then gets a devious grin on his face, looks over at her, and says “so NOW what are you going to do…”

Nicole knows she has to expose some skin, and again asks Matt if she can wait until they get back onto the highway. “Nope, what are you going to show, sexy legs or tits,” was Matt’s reply. Nicole thought for a second, and decided on taking off her pants. Her shirt came down at least to her waist, but she knew that whoever brought out their food would see her baby blue thong panties. She shimmied her jeans over her hips and thighs, past her knees and leaned forward to pull them off her feet. She looked over to see Matt adjust his pants, as she could see his cock pushing against the front of his sweatpants.

She looked down and realized her pussy was starting to leak her juices onto her dainty panties. The light blue color was quick to show her excitement. She could also feel her nipples stiffen as Matt said “here comes our food.”

The young man pushed the bag into their window, and was about to turn around when Matt said “Wait. I want to make sure everything is right.”

The man turned back towards the window as Matt reached to turn on the inside light, allowing this stranger to see Nicole in just her shirt and panties, which were clearly visible. She thought Matt took a little longer than necessary to make sure they had all their food, but finally said “o.k., thank you.” He turned off the light and pulled out of the parking lot.

Once they got back onto the freeway, Nicole asked “so did you like showing my panties off to that guy?”

“You seemed to enjoy it as well, Nic. Your panties are wet, and your nipples were poking through your shirt… unless you were cold, which I don’t believe.” She had to admit, it was pretty exciting, and did get her juices flowing (obviously).

They ate their food, and made their way onto I-65 towards Chicago when the game re-started after halftime. Nicole was once again relaxing in the passenger’s seat, when the Packers scored again, giving them the lead 35-14, but more importantly, Nicole either had to lose her shirt or her panties. Since they were driving, she decided to lose her panties, and threw them in the back seat with her growing pile of clothes.

“Mmmmm….. nice. You are so sexy.” Matt said as his wife sat in the passenger seat in just a thin shirt. With her seat leaned back, he could also see the wetness of her pussy juices reflected off the light form the radio and GPS. She stuck her tongue out at him, and put her head back down on the headrest. It was the middle of the 3rd quarter, and she was down to one piece of clothing. She wasn’t too optimistic about keeping her shirt, but at least they were done with stopping, weren’t they?

As she rested back, her hand traced down to rest on her upper thigh. She could feel her pussy getting wetter as they passed trucks and semis, wondering if they could see down from their higher spots into the car and see her naked pussy. Her fingers brushed along her clit and she sucked in her breath quickly. She could feel her juices flowing out of her and down onto the seat of the car. Just as she got comfortable, her worst (or best) fear happened. The Packers scored again, which meant she was now going to be naked in the car for the rest of the ride home.

Matt hooted and hollered, more for the fact that Nicole was about to lose her last article of clothing than the actual football score. She brought her hands to the bottom of her shirt and started to lift it up her stomach and over her breasts. Her nipples ached from being so hard. She sat forward a little as she brought the shirt over her head, and her breasts bounced slightly. She threw the shirt into the back seat, looked over at Matt and said “are you happy now?”

Matt’s cock was straining against his pants as he looked over at Nicole’s naked body which was illuminated by the car’s instruments and lights. She was so sexy. rus escort Her smooth skin, nice breasts, trimmed pussy were all on display as she again rested back into the seat. She felt herself near orgasm as they continued to be near, passing, and being passed by, cars, trucks, and semis. She no longer had her shirt to hide her most private parts, only having the partially tinted windows and the seat leaned back as her defense. She wasn’t even completely sure if leaning the seat back was her best option – it kept her safer from the cars that were the same height, but put everything much more on display as she was spread out for any vehicle that was taller than theirs.

It seemed to her that all the lights inside the car seemed a little brighter than what she could ever remember, but she just laid back, incredibly horny, and watched the cars as they went by.

She reached her hand over to play with Matt’s cock as he continued to drive. His cock was rock-hard. Her other hand reached down to play with her pussy and rub lightly over her clit.

“You better not cum, yet…” Matt said, breaking the sexual tension.

“But what if I want to? I am so horny at this point, and I feel like I am going to explode!”

“Please, just wait. I promise, the longer that you hold out for now, the better it will be later. Right now, just enjoy the show you might be giving to the trucks and semis that are near us.” Matt said.

Nicole laid back wither legs spread a little, continuing to play lightly over her clit, occasionally sticking a finger into her sopping wet pussy. Her other hand was sliding up and down Matt’s cock over his pants. She wanted to cum so bad. She was convinced that the trucks they passed could see her tits and pussy, which seemed to get her even more turned on.

The game continued into the fourth quarter, and the Falcons scored. Nicole continued to play with herself lazily, going between her pussy and her tits. She rubbed the wetness from her pussy onto her tits and nipples. The breeze from the vent chilled her nipples just a little more, causing her to almost go out of her mind with lust.

Then Matt said something that made Nicole freeze up a little… “we are almost out of gas. We are going to have to stop and get some more.”

“Can I put my clothes back on when we are there? I don’t know if I can be naked at the gas station, and I have to use the bathroom” Nicole asked.

“Well, I can make you a deal. I will let you put on your pants, shoes, and jacket. Nothing else. You aren’t allowed to zip your jacket above halfway, and after you walk back out of the store, you have to unzip the jacket completely as you walk back to the car. No cumming when you go to the bathroom, AND you owe me a full sexual day at home. Anything I want… you can’t turn down anything I say.”

Nicole came back saying “wow, that is a lot you are asking. Not sure if it’s worth it. Doesn’t seem like a fair trade.”

Matt said “Sure it is. You get shoes for not cumming. Pants for a full sexual day at home, and you get to wear the jacket into the store for unzipping it once you get back out. I’m not asking you to take the jacket off completely when you come out, just unzip it.”

Nicole reluctantly agreed as she turned around to grab her 3 items of clothing that she was able to briefly put back on. Matt got off the freeway and turned into the gas station. His cock was still hard as he pulled up to the furthest pump away from the building. Nicole breathed a little bit of relief seeing that they were the only car at the store. She got out of the car, her nipples still hard and poking through her jacket, which was only zipped up halfway, showing a lot of skin (for her).

She walked into the store and disappeared into the bathroom as Matt filled up the car with gas. He made sure to keep a close eye on the door to the restroom, and just as he was finishing, the door opened back up, with Nicole stepping out.

She walked to the side of the store and got a couple bottles of water, which she then went to the clerk to pay for. She gave him an eyeful as she searched through her purse for some money. As she gave him the money, she looked back out at Matt, and saw that he was watching. She then completely shocked Matt and unzipped her jacket while she was still in the store, showing the clerk her breasts after he gave her change.

She walked out of the store and towards the car. The ends of her jacket hung free at her waist. The wind picked up a little, and pulled her jacket apart, which she made no attempt to try to stop as it uncovered both her breasts (it may have helped that they were the only ones at the gas station). Matt’s jaw fell open as he tried to take özbek escort in what he had just seen his wife do.

She got back to the car, leaned in to put the water in the cupholders, but then stood back up next to the car. She opened the back door and kicked off her shoes to put them into the back seat, then pulled the jacket off her shoulders so she was topless, then brought her fingers to the button of her jeans. They seemed to be a little shaky, but she unbuttoned and unzipped them, and then pulled them down and completely off so she was standing naked as she placed her jeans next to her jacket into the back seat. She closed the back door, and then slid back into the front seat. Matt was in complete shock in Nicole’s new boldness, hoping that he had found a new side of his wife, and his cock was harder than he can ever remember it being.

As they got back into the car, Matt almost forgot about the game that was on the radio. The game seemed well in hand, and Matt was as horny as he could ever remember. Then the Packers kicked a field goal. Nicole looked over at him, not sure what she was supposed to do. He looked over and said “well, you have no clothes left to lose, so now I want you to make yourself cum.”

Nicole didn’t have to be told a second time, as she was so hot and excited. She could feel her first orgasm building up inside her. She thrust 2 fingers inside her, then 3. Her other hand went from pinching her nipples, then back down to rubbing her clit as her other hand was busy slamming into her pussy. The sloppy sound of her pussy juices and the smell of sex filled the car, and she felt her orgasm come over her. It was so powerful that she started to convulse forward. She could feel herself actually squirt out of her pussy, and felt like she was going to pass out. She continued to violently slam her fingers into her as she was cumming, and her other hand held on to the seat as if to offer support to remain upright.

When her orgasm finally stopped, she fell back onto the seat. She looked down to her glistening body, the sweat that had built up between her tits and down her stomach. She could see her pussy and thighs glisten with her juices. She stretched out her legs, and then her arms overhead, pressing her tits forward. She made no attempt to hide as they drove through the more lighted areas on the freeway through Chicago. At this point, she really didn’t care if other trucks or cars saw her naked body. She was in a completely different world than she had ever been, and was lost in lust.

As she relaxed down from her self-pleasuring, the game was also winding down. Nicole looked over to see that Matt’s cock was still rock hard. At some point, he had opened his pants to let his cock free. She wanted him…. bad. The Packers scored one more time with another field goal, making the score 48-21. Matt didn’t get a chance to say anything before Nicole said, “well, the Packers scored again. I have no clothes left, I already came, now it is your turn.”

She leaned over and grabbed Matt’s cock. She started at the base, and started to stroke up and down. She lightly brushed her tongue over the head and could taste his pre-cum. She started to take him in her mouth, which drove him crazy.

Oral sex wasn’t something she liked to do very often, even though Matt would frequently ask for it. She got as much saliva onto his cock as she could, and even reached back into her pussy, which was still dripping, to add more lubrication. She could taste herself on his cock as she started to suck as her mouth went up and down his cock. She made sure to make loud, sloppy sounds as she let it ‘pop’ out of her mouth before she sank her mouth back onto it. Her free hand went back to her pussy and started working its way back into her. She sped up with her blow-job, and could feel him tense up, about to cum.

“I am going to cum,” he managed to say. He expected her to lift her head and jerk him off until he came, but instead she again sucked hard on him and kept working up and down his shaft. She reached down to cup his balls just as he shot his load into her mouth. The first shot surprised her a little bit, and hit her on the back of the mouth. She swallowed hard as the second shot came. Then the third, and the fourth. This was the most she had ever seen him cum, and she was trying to swallow all of it. She was having a little difficulty as it started to run out of her mouth, but her hand kept stroking up and down his cock. After he finished, she kept sucking on him, much more lightly, trying to get him hard again, as they had made it back to Rockford, and were nearing home.

They got off the freeway, drove the short distance to their home, and pulled into their drive. Once in the garage, Nicole sat back up, with lust still in her eyes, grabbed Matt and started to pull him out of the car. “I want to fuck you! Now! I don’t want to make love. I don’t want to have sex. I want to FUCK!”

They nearly fell over themselves getting into the house, but that’s a story for another day….

Starting from Scratch Ep. 064: BRACE YOURSELF

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“Am I too close to the car next to us Daddy?” Sable McKellen moved her eyes from one mirror to the next in her desired perfection. She wanted to impress her Father even though he was barely aware with a hellish hangover at the moment.

Window rolled down in anticipation of yelling stop he realized his daughter’s skills were pretty accurate overall, “As long as I can get my door open. I just don’t want you gunning the vehicle and crashing through the dentist’s office.”

“I didn’t have to park right up front. You told me too.”

“Just ease to the front curb and put it in park.”

“I know how to drive Daddy, you just never let us. I’ve had my license for a year now. Geez! Piper never panicked like you’re doing when she let Dakota and I drive home from school earlier this week.”

“Piper let you drive?’ Henry winced with disbelief, “Why am I just now learning this?”

“Because you might have kept us from driving her car again.”

Henry McKellen still reeling from his whiskey hangover didn’t want to argue, “This is good. Put it in park and shut off the engine. Good job by the way.”

“So can I have a car for my birthday?”

“Bus pass is cheaper.”

“Noooo! I’ll even get a part time job if I have to, insurance and stuff.” She appealed to his financial wisdom. It wasn’t working!

“No. I’ve told both of you I want you to finish high school first. Let me and your Mother go over finances more. If not for your birthdays I’ll aim for Graduation…from college.”

“Daaaaadddddyyy!” She swatted him on the arm pouting.

“I’m joking! Look just take one thing at a time, for now just go get those cheese graters taken off.”

“But you love my cheesy grin.”

“I love you. Now go. Tell them you’re on my insurance card if they ask. I need to sit here with my coffee and get my brain functional. Tell your Dentist Duncan I said hi. Oh! And, his assistant Marie…tell her hubba hubba.”

“Whatever! I’m not flirting with Marie for you. She’s not that much older than we are. I will tell Duncan hubba hubba though.”

“Too old for you. He’s about 35.”

“He’s still cute for his age.”

Shaking his head at her sudden appeal toward men he growled, “You’re sounding more and more like your sister. GO ALREADY!” Compliment indeed! It did make her mind wander.

“I’m nervous.”

“Why? It’s going to be a huge improvement. I won’t be able to tell you and Kota apart.”

“You didn’t earlier and I had my braces still.”

“As if I could tell you had braces from behind. You wore the same damned clothes and you were in her bedroom. Look I’m sorry I snuck up on you like I did. That was wrong and I’m ashamed of myself. I should have gotten dressed first.”

“Daddy?” She pouts at him, “You don’t need to apologize. I’m way old enough to not let things like that bother me.”

“I was fucking naked. It SHOULD bother you.”

“It didn’t. All I’m saying.” She offered a sheepish grin, “Besides, if Dakota can see you so can I.”

“Ohhhh God! I should have brought my bottle of Scotch.” He looks from side to side for a sense of direction, “I think there’s a liquor store close by.”

“You never drink so much Daddy. Is it…because of us? Mom playing around?” She knew she still had ten minutes before having to check in. She just felt like getting to the root of the cause.

“I’m over what your Mom is doing and no, It’s not due to you two either. I just needed to blow off steam.”

“Like you did going over to Piper’s last night?” She feared mentioning his spying on Kelly Herbert knowing too much too soon would result in his losing his temper.

“You knew I was at Piper’s?”

“Yes. I saw you through Trav’s telescope. Sorry Daddy.”

“Great! You watched me have sex with Piper. If you two get married you’ll be Sable Perbert.”

“DADDY!” She slapped his arm with a pout. “I only spyed for a few minutes. You were…interesting to watch.”

“I swear I’m going to put curtains up over Piper’s windows whether she approves or not.”

“I even heard her screaming when I walked home from the Herbert’s.”

“Will you go to your goddamned appointment already? How about we get you a tattoo saying Sable on your wrist so I can tell you two apart after we’re done here.”

“I don’t like tattoos. Mom would be mad.”

“Ugggh! GO!”

“Fine! Wish me luck Daddy.”

“Good luck Nosey Rosy. I’ll be here sobering up. Don’t slam the car door.”

“Okay! No more alcohol.” She points threateningly.


Going inside she halted in the opened doorway and pointed at him one last time to make sure he listened to her advice. Henry merely toasted her with his coffee cup then sat it in a cup holder as he eased his power seat back for a more relaxed angle. He needed a nap. Shades down, eyes closed he was out like a light.


Horton-Dexter High School…just before first bell.

Walking together Angus Furlong and Dakota McKellen chatted on their way to her locker. “Did you get jealous of your friends messing with my butt zipper?” She had to know.

“I eyüp escort wouldn’t say jealous. I’m just looking out for you. The guys get a little carried away sometimes is all.”

“So do you.” She giggled.

“What me?” He grinned, “Can I say something without you thinking bad of me?”

“Sure.” She reached her locker and began turning her combination right, left, then right one last time until it clicked open. “I’m listening.”

“You did that fast.” He eyed how quickly her lock was tumbled open.

“What? I know my combination by heart.”

“I still take three times to get mine right.”

“My combination is easy. It’s Ate Up.” She giggles, “Number 8 for Ate…the U in up is the number 21 in the alphabet…the P is letter 16. Soooo 8-21-16. I think it’s funny.”

“It is actually.” He laughed, “Now I can sneak into your locker and leave love notes.”

“Awww! You don’t love me yet. But, you can leave me snacks. I like Cool Ranch Doritos. What were you going to say?”

“That I can’t blame my boys…you have a nice ass. I looked when I zipped you up. Sorry.”

“That’s 8-21-16.” She dropped her jaw. “I can’t believe you?”

“Huh?” Flew right over his head, “Ohhhh! That’s Ate up! Gotcha! You’re hilarious. No, I mean it, you have a perfect body. Gonna shut up now before I start kissing you again.”

“Did you think I kissed you to make Mace jealous?”

“Naaa! If you like him more I guess I’m cool.”

“Really? I do kind of think he’s hot.”

“He’s a dead man.” Angus riled up then relaxed, “Just kidding! You kissed me pretty convincingly. I think you’re a good kisser.”

“I’ve been practicing.” She giggled switching books in her back to accommodate her next two classes. No need for him to know her lessons involved her Father.

“On that Mace guy?”

“You do know he’s Counsellor Cherry’s nephew right?”

“Only reason I’m not whupping his ass.” That was partially true. He didn’t want to risk the fun he was having in Detention. He was doing his best to seem neutral, truthfully he was jealous as hell just good at covering his tracks. “So, if not him who you been practicing with?”

“Paper boy.” She razzed him, “We get free newspapers if I make out with him ten minutes each day.”

“Uh huh! Tell me.” He took her by the hand and studied her expression. She definitely liked his sincere approach, although nosey. No way was she going to admit her Dad was coaching her.

“A peach. No lie!” It was! “Messy but effective once the pit is removed.”

“No shit? That’s how I learned to eat pussy.”

“Hmmm? I never considered that. Maybe I am bi? Where is Robin anyway?”

“Don’t know, don’t care. I’m with you, that should tell you something. Probably practicing in private somewhere for tonight’s game. I haven’t seen Tina or Octavia either. Really only Lily this morning.”

“Bells ready to ring. Angus?”


“Do you think about that kiss you and Robin gave me?”

“All the fucking time.” He melted slightly. Show sincerity and he was in business.

“Me too. You can pin me against my locker again sometime.”

“I was gonna next Wednesday when you wore a dress again.” He chuckled.

“You don’t have to wait until then.” She pulls her zipper on her shirt back down as a hint.

“Damn those are nice.” He admitted but chose to keep it dialed in. Zipping her back up he lifted her chin and kissed her lips softly. “I’d rather kiss these for now. Raincheck on those?” She stared into his dreamy eyes and nodded just as the bell rang. Parting was such sweet, sweet sorrow as her Mom might say, being a Literature Teacher. Walking away the only parting was she tugging her shirt zipper back down.


Speaking of her Mother…Josie was still reeling from her outdoor air mattress adventure. With Reese sitting right in front of her ready for 1st. period to officially start, other students were still filing in as the bell rang. Knowing her other students were knowledgeable of her slutty behavior, all but one student having not touched, kissed, licked, or fingered her Josie didn’t even lower her voice when talking about things. Her sole student Tabitha Martin, whom wasn’t so aware, at least that hadn’t come forward in her troubled thoughts on things had yet to show up. While needing to talk to the girl Josie was almost hoping she had called in sick.

“So…did Mimi trace the contours of your sexy body?” She sat on her desk fanning her bare foot toward Reese.

“Naaaa! She blushed the entire time I was with her. We just talked about how she’s coming out.”

“Coming out? Is she…she does talk about LeAnne a lot.”

“Probably, but I think she’s bi or she wouldn’t have let me…”

“Shhh!” Josie didn’t want her other fans to know so much about Mimi and they in turn taunt the poor girl. “I’m sure she liked it as much as I did.” His jizzing on her face twice in two days. It was definitely on Reese’s mind.

Noting her classroom full Josie hopped down then took the necessary steps to look out the door şişli escort into the hallway. No Tabitha? She looked back at April and Vanessa with concern, “Has anyone seen Tabitha?”

“Chicken Pox.” Vanessa offered info.

“Is that true?” Josie looked hesitant to believe her until April backed her friend up. Once believing them Josie shut her classroom door and moved to the front of her desk. “Alright then let’s get class started. Who wants to read the last part of Hamlet while I’m being eaten out?”

Her dress came off and Josie climbed back up on her desk laying back, legs wide, fingers patting her clit. The roar of desks being abandoned became loud and furious. For once Reese let the others enjoy his slut. He actually chose to do the reading. Josie had to brace herself for the stampede. Thirty seconds into being eaten by Logan her moans were louder than Reese’s voice.

“Fuck Shakespeare.” Reese slammed his book shut and just watched the show.


Principal’s office…dark corner of Hell…

Piper Cherry lay her head in her arms after being unfulfilled by the Vending Machine stud Special Ed. While being a really hot looking guy he was hardly talented in bed. Well, upright against the vending machines that is. Minuteman get down to it. She needed more. After Henry McKellen destroying her for over two hours last night she was going to be hard to please.

“Fuck Me! Why isn’t Mace texting me?” She didn’t know he was talked into giving Dakota and Travis a ride to school. On his way back home jamming music he wasn’t even aware of her texts. Just as well it was against the law to text and drive.

Bored out of her mind she was tempted to just lift her legs up on her desk and get herself off. Wouldn’t have been the first time, definitely not the last. Carl was out of the office dealing with his secretaries in a separate office down the hall. Luckily those elders kept to themselves unless it was necessary to get in touch with Carl. All the better for Piper, she was loved by everyone but she knew very little about those women. Carl had told her not to stress over them but in watching her own back she knew she needed to take the time to get to know them.

Wearing what she was today that might not be a good idea. Half her dress was see through. Tugging her skirt a mere two inches left or right she could see her pussy, same for her ass crack.

“God I’m so fucking horny. Roger?” She acts as if he were sitting right across from her, even though he wasn’t, “I’m trying to hold out for you after Ed but darn it. I have to find something to keep me busy.” Unable to think of anything but sex she gives up, sitting back she propped both legs on her desk and sank a pair of eager fingers. “Ohhhh Henry.”

Yeah, it was going to be a long day.


Open Wide Say Oz Dental…stupid name but they got the job done.

“Come on in Sable.” Dentist Duncan O’Malley followed his assistant Marie Sadler into a room. Sable easing around Duncan found the man gorgeous. At 5’7, with a well defined body she could tell he worked out. A bushy goatee of reddish brown hair made him look very distinguished. Marie was an adorable brunette with short brown hair and a stunning neckline, with her big green eyes she was beautiful. Body exquisite and petite but chesty to fill her out.

“Have a seat Sable. Ready to lose those annoying braces?” Marie assisted Sable by moving a dental tray back further for more room.

Once Sable was seated Marie spoke about procedure for Duncan who listened intently, standing against a counter admiring Sable. Especially her slightly unzipped shirt. Duncan was married but certainly liked a pretty girl. Sable was going to be stunning in a few short hours and he knew it. Listening to Marie, Sable drifted glances toward Duncan knowing he was checking her out. Eyes showing shyness she forced them to behave. “I have to be more like Dakota. I can do this.” Easier thought than done.

“So, after Dr. O’Malley removes the brackets I’ll assist him in cleaning the bonding adhesive away. After everything is completely removed and looking gorgeous I’ll fit you for a temporary retainer to wear for awhile until your teeth get adjusted to life away from their prison. Sentence over!”

“Sounds good. I’m soooo ready.” Something made Sable part her thighs as she told them that. Duncan noticing grinned sheepishly, she knew his mind was thinking dirty thoughts. So were hers actually. Losing her virginity was only days away. Let the fantasies begin.

“Great! Let me put a bib on you to catch any drool and keep adhesive off of that cute shirt.” Marie provided a paper bib clipping it around Sable’s neck. It wasn’t hard to notice Duncan’s disappointment in her chest being covered by the bib. Just as well he knew it would distract him from his job.

“Do I get my gums numbed?” Sable questioned.

“Only if we have to.” Duncan pepped up, “It’s a pretty painless process. Just let me know if you become too sensitive and we’ll rethink that.”

“Okay! Let’s do this. Oh, my Dad says hi.” She taksim escort smiles.

“Henry should be ready for a cleaning here soon.” Duncan pointed out.

“I’ll tell him. Dad also told me to tell Marie…hubba hubba.” She winces trying not to blush.

“Awww! That’s sweet. You tell your Father I said to behave himself.”

“As if!” Sable rolled her eyes, “Don’t get me started.”

“Hmmm! Get with me later.” Marie winked and patted Sable’s shoulder. “All yours Duncan.”

“Yes she is.” He winked as well. Sable grew wet in his stare.

“Yes I am.”

“I’ll be back shortly.” Marie excused herself leaving Sable and Duncan to get to work. Technically Duncan could do the entire job himself but he liked Marie being around. Truth be known he had been fucking Marie for the last six months. Their secret!

Stepping out Marie made her way past the receptionists and other dental hygienists cleaning teeth in side rooms. Removing her smock and hanging it up she stepped through the front waiting room and out the door. Unlike her, a receptionist merely shrugged at her departure.

Having parked their SUV directly in front of the dentist’s office Henry wasn’t hard to find. Leaning on his opened window sill Marie realized he must be sleeping, his shades masking his eyes. Taking this moment she scanned her eyes over his body and bit her lower lip. “Mmmm! He’s already hard.” Finally, wanting his attention she risks rubbing his chest through his polo shirt. Reviving he jumped slightly and lifted his sunglasses to look up at her, sunlight around her offering a halo at his lured back sight. Angel?

“Hubba hubba? Did you really tell your daughter to flirt with me?”

“I didn’t expect her to actually say it.” He chuckled, “How you doing Marie?”

“I’m good.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” He winced raising his seat upright.

“Sable’s in good hands. So…crush on me or what?”

Laughing at her hand still touching his chest, almost embarrassed Henry scratches his neck, “Who’s flirting with whom here?”

“Answer the question.”

“I’d fuck you.”

“Wow! I really thought you’d say no. I just wanted to mess with your head.”

“Which head?” He winked.

“Pretty sure I’m being watched. Peggy’s nosey. Otherwise I might take you up on that.” A casual index finger point at his tented erection was her subtle hint.

“Really?” He chuckled, “Messing with my head when I’m thinking with my other one is dangerous.”

“For the record? I don’t normally chase guys, they chase me. I remember you well over the past year so when Sable mentioned hubba hubba I found it adorable. I also recall thinking you were cute. If you wanna hook up I’m in.”

“No shit?”

“I need to keep this cool so I’ll find your number from your file and text you. That way you have my number. You call me, I won’t call you. I know you’re married, I prefer married guys. Just not married women. She won’t shoot me will she?”

“Dirty looks maybe. We’re pretty open these days so I think we’re both safe.”

“Awesome! Better get back in and help beautify your kid. Fist bump me for Peggy so she doesn’t presume the worst. I’ll tell her Sable asked me to relay a message if she asks.”

“Here’s to tapping you.” He lifts his fist and they bump knuckles while lifting away from his door. Watching her walk away he chuckles to himself, “She makes leggings look good. Definitely no panties. Well…my calendar just keeps getting full doesn’t it? Josie, Piper, Tessa, Svetty, Kelly, Dom’s sister Serafina…now Miss Marie. This will help keep my mind off that incest part of my game.” It wouldn’t be that simple and he knew it.

Back inside, Sable was whimpering slightly each time Duncan used pliers on her brackets twisting them and taking them off a section at a time. Concerned Duncan pauses, “Too sensitive?”

“No, just jitters. Feels weird is all.” She mumbles trying not to move her mouth too much. Noticing a bit of drool Duncan takes that moment to lift her bib and dab the corners of her mouth. In doing this his eyes lowered to check out her 34B’s. That zipper needed to come down more he thought. Knowing he couldn’t just stop and tug it down he resisted and went back to work. After a few minutes Marie returned and hooked Sable’s mouth with a vacuum to eliminate built up saliva.

“That better?” Marie smiled. “I waved at your Father through the front window.” She didn’t want to reveal more considering her other lover was her boss. She hoped Peggy the receptionist wouldn’t bust her out. Sable resisted speaking and just gave Marie a thumbs up. With Duncan performing his duties she didn’t want to interfere and slow him down.

“So far so good Sable.” Duncan detaches one section of her braces then had an evil thought. With her bib awkwardly laying a thin portion of her cleavage was left intentionally uncovered. Holding his removed section over Sable’s chest he looks to Marie. “Grab me a bottled water Marie. Throat’s parched.”

Agreeable, Marie steps out for a break area. The second she departs Duncan loosens his grip over his pliers and lets the tiny bracket fall into Sable’s cleavage. She barely felt it but still flared her eyes. Gritting his teeth he whispers, “That’s what I get for not straightening your bib out. I kind of lost it in your shirt there. You can get it later.”

Stranger in the Crowd

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Kendra was super stoked for the festival! She got her ticket the day they went on sale and made sure that she and her friends were among the first to arrive. By Saturday afternoon she was beyond wasted! Bouncing between the stages indiscriminately, she was having the time of her life.

She had lost her top some point after doing a few huge bong rips. Between the sunny weather and massive crowds it was super hot so she didnt mind. Plenty of women were topless and she still had her bikini top on so it wasnt like she stood out. In fact Kendra found herself lamenting she had worn a thong under her skirt instead of bikini bottoms. With how many chicks were in just bikinis Kendra wished she was less clothed too. Instead she accepted a bump of blow and went to one of the stages.

She was rocking and dancing, caught up in the flow of the music and the energy of the crowd. Some hands slapped her ass and more than a few grazed her tits. It was a but annoying but after a couple more shots she didn’t care. No one was getting too intimate and the audience was so tight it was really inevitable.

The band on stage started to wrap it up and Kendra found herself headed to the main stage. Others had the same idea of getting there before this act ended and she staggered along with the flow. Looking around Kendra could see none of her friends were with her. Too drunk to go against the flow and find them she decided to keep headed this way. They’d find her eventually.

As Kendra moved to the edge of the flow to try and find a bit of fresher air she almost ran into someone. This chick was wearing more paint than fabric with a pair of pastel fairy wings. Kendra could see the bare skin of the blonde girls shoulders starting to burn and had a moment of thankfulness for her own olive completion and caramel hair.

“Hey cutie, you want to roll for the next act?” The blonde pulled a zip lock from her sequined fanny pack.

“Hell yeah!” Kendra hadn’t rolled for months, but took the capsule and washed it down with the last slug of water in her bottle. The fairy girl patted Kendra on the ass as she flitted off and vanished into the crowd. Kendra dropped eve gelen escort her empty bottle and let the crowd take her to the stage.

The sun was starting to go down as she arrived. The heat of the afternoon was passing but it was still very warm. The next act hadn’t started yet so Kendra found a place to sit down. A few friends found her and they passed a bottle and some joints while they waites. After a while the crowd started to surge and it was clear the band would be starting soon.

As Kendra rejoined the crowd her skin was starting to tingle with drugs. The press of flesh on hers was wonderful and she was glad that her shirt had been discarded. The more of her skin that was touched the more she tingled. As the crowd started to move to the music more bodies rubbed against hers. Kendra threw her arms in the air and swayed her hips to the music and in rhythm to the masses of people around her. Arms and hands brushed her and bodies bumped her and soon she was a delightful mass of pleasureable tingles.

Wapped up in the touch of bodies and the beat of the music it took Kendra a few minutes to realize a pair of hands were lingering on her. Hands that had started on her hips and were now moving upwards across her stomach. It was impossible to turn and see the man behind her as the crowd had grown too tight. She could have lowered her arms and pushed away the strangers touch or pushed off of him and into the crowd. But his hands turned the tingles to sparks that seemed to touch all of her nerves perfectly, so she stayed there and kept swaying to the music.

His hands moved higher as she felt his body grow closer still to her back. His hands found her breasts at the same moment she felt his crotch press against her ass. He must have flipped her skirt because his zipper was touching bare skin. She moved without thought and ground her ass against the bulge appreciating its hard length. Kendra could feel his breath on her ear pick up in response to her motions.

His hands caressed her tits over the top for a few seconds before swiftly sliding the fabric of her bikini away. His mecidiyeköy escort touch was incredible and her nipples hardened rapidly. He rolled the buds between his fingers and kissed her neck as the music blared around them.

One hand left her breast and went directly down to her pussy. He did not pause and bypassed the token scrap of fabric she was wearing. His finger found her lips soaking wet and easy to part.

Kendra stopped moving to the music and started moving to his finger. It glided up to her clit and drew little circles. She was moaning loudly but not even she could hear herself. His touch was light and smooth with her juices, it seemed unbelievable that a stranger could make her feel so good! Then he trailed back down through her well lubricated lips and found her entrance.

His fingers pressed against her, increasing the pressure steadily but so very slowly. She was rocking agaist him with her need to have him inside her. His other hand left the breast it was caressing and dropped to her hip. A little pressure spoke clearly and she stopped rocking against him. His hand left her hip. For a moment there was nothing and then she felt his bare cock pressing against the curve of her ass. His fingers slid easily into her pussy as he slowly ground his cock against her soft cheeks.

She started rocking again without being aware of it. Moving to the rhythm of his hand Kendra was sure his touch was getting her even higher. Her thighs trembled slightly as his fingers sent sparks of pleasure from her pussy across her body. She felt his hips move back briefly and for a second she worried he was leaving.

Instead his cock slid between her legs and was almost immediately slick with her juices. The tip of his cock started to rub against her clit. She was crying out into a sea of screaming as her clit ground against his cock. The slick pressure sent a steady flow of pleasure from her clit to her nipples, warming her core. She was on edge, eyes closed, all about how good his hands and cock were. Thrusting back he suddenly broke rhythm and slammed half his cock into her pussy at once.

She screamed into evi olan escort the noise with shock and pleasure at the sudden entry. Immediately her pussy started trembling and Kendra thrust her hips toward him. His cock in her pussy was exactly the touch she needed. She was filled up perfectly. The head of his cock rubbed against her gspot with every thrust.

Kendra was cumming hard on the naked cock of a stranger whos face she hadn’t even seen. She could never have imagined how turned on she would be as he fucked her in a crowd of strangers. She was touching three other people while he pumped in her and none of them were aware she was full of cock. Everyone looked joyful and thrilled, everyone was yelling and moving rhythmically. They didn’t stand out at all.

His fingers found her nipples again. He started pinching and twisting, sending lovely jolts of sparks down to her drenched and throbbing pussy. He was picking up the pace, pounding her so hard she could barely keep up. His hand went back to her crotch to stroke her sensitive nub. Kendra tossed her head back and moaned loudly. He had only to stroke for a few seconds to put her over the edge again. Screaming with pleasure as he fucked her through another orgasm his hips slammed against her in silent rhythm before one final heavy slam.

Kendra was sure she felt his cock twitch as he fired his load into her. His cock slid out of her though with a delightful jolt of pleasure, followed by his cum. It dripped from her pussy and ran down her leg. His arms were around her still and it was a good thing. She was weak in the legs from orgasm and quietly moaning from the feel of his cum pooling in her shoe.

He helped her get back on her feet while she adjusted her panties back over her pussy. They started dancing again as his hands roamed her upper body some more. The pressure of her panties on her sensitive clit while she danced was enough to get her turned on again. The feel of his hands on her tits and torso had her back on edge in no time. But he was backing away, hands on hips as his body moved. His hands left her and she was no longer sure if he was still behind her. Kendra slowed down and fixed her top to cover her tits again. She then got back into the dancing.

The crush of the bodies felt even better now, it was like the sex had brought all of her nerves to 100. She threw her arms in the air again and danced away, feeling the cum on her leg drying as she moved.


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Hairy Teen

I own a small hotel in the high north woods near a ski town. I’m not going to tell you which one, my clients demand their privacy. It’s one of those things that they’ve come to expect. Somehow, the people who need to find me always do-not just the basic, gotta have a room on short notice crew with an SUV, two kids and a foresight deficit. I attract the right clients through word of mouth. I never need to know how they found me, just that they did find me.

That’s what it was like last Friday, when the party girls rolled into town. I knew right off that my place was just what they were looking for, and they were in town to do more than ski. I liked their looks as they walked up to the front desk and the short blond asked about the “sauna special” that I run. The tall one with the foreign name, I think it was Anya, was right off of the pages of Vogue or some other high-end women’s magazine. She looked around my place with that attitude that says “well, it’s not the Ritz, but I suppose it will have to do”.

She was well dressed, perfectly made up, her brown hair pulled back tight into one of those professional ponytails that touched the collar of the beige jacket she had on. I usually get a better look at the figures on girls like her, this time the long coat made it hard to tell, but the high necked sweater looked like it was filled out nicely. The blond, Sarah, could have been a cheerleader at the local high school, or better, a girl who headed up the social committee of her sorority. Sarah was about six inches shorter than Anya, and the snug sweater she wore made it very plain that her breasts were one of her proudest features. I love the snow for skiing, but I gotta tell you, there’s nothing like a cold blast of our winter air to stiffen up a broad’s nipples and make her stand out firm and proud. The kind of place I run, they expect me to look, so I gave her hips a good stare too, her whole body seemed like it was built for fun, and I knew that she was probably the one who had ferreted out the best place to stay for what she had in mind.

When clients ask about our unadvertised “sauna special”, I never give them a hint that I know what they’re really looking for. None of that nudge-nudge-wink-wink stuff. There’s no point, we all know what they’re here for, and why rub it in? Partly, it’s because half the time, the OTHER person doesn’t know what they’re getting into, and my business it just to let the partner-in-the-know get on with the show.

I gave them their room key, and answered their questions about the best bar in town, and where they could go get a couple of drinks and go dancing. Sarah even asked me where the best place to meet guys would be. Personally, I think she was laying it on a bit thick, but who am I to judge? There’s always a chance that I’m wrong and the customers are just there to get a good night’s sleep before hitting the slopes. I didn’t think I was wrong about these two though, especially when Sarah asked about the process to reserve the “Health Room”.

Most ski town hotels have Jacuzzis and saunas as part of the room package. When I bought this place, I took a different approach. I had an entire room built from the ground up that my customers reserve by the hour. The center of the room is a big hot tub, and along the sides are a Steam Room, Dry Sauna, and a nice little water closet with river-rock lined shower. It’s a little small, but with good mirrors and a few properly placed lighting fixtures, it feels like a large, very private personal Spa. I deliberately had it built a little removed from any of the guest rooms, for obvious reasons-I like repeat business and keeping the noise down inside the room helps the illusion of total privacy stay alive for my clients. Customers reserve the room by signing up with the front desk in one hour blocks, and they have to get the key from the front desk in order to get in, which insures that nobody gets walked in on, ever.

Anya was optimistic, reserving the room for 10 pm to midnight. From the way she and Sarah were whispering and giggling, it was clear that she expected to rope in some Ski-stud early in the evening and be back in time for the Late Show. I don’t care when they use it, just be sure to reserve it in advance and put the cover back on the hot tub. I could tell, looking at Sarah, that two hours would be more than enough to get rid of the aches and pains of the singles dating scene.

I noticed that Anya paid, with American Express card; Platinum, no less. No, I was sure I wasn’t wrong about what was going on. Later that night, when the two walked in to get the key, I was certain. Apparently the bar was dead and they decided to grab bottle of wine and head back to my hotel, then take a good soak and go to bed, hitting the slopes the next morning. They had already changed into sweatpants and sweatshirts for the trip over to the Spa room, but I did see that it was Anya who drove up, and that the Cadillac SUV she was driving wasn’t a rental. It had a license plate frame from one of the more prestigious universities in our state, şişli escort bayan and I guessed the AMEX card wasn’t the only thing she had that was platinum. When she made a comment about using part of the weekend to try to persuade Sarah of the benefits of going to college, I started to get real solid idea of what a good target she was, and made sure to run her AMEX credit report before giving her the card back.

The two girls walked over to the Spa room, and disappeared through the little portico that shields the door from the cold wind-I like my customers to have a couple of seconds to adjust as they dash from the warm spa back to their bedrooms.

I locked up the office because they were the last people of the night to have reserved the room, and then went into the back where the girls reappeared in the bank of monitors, brought out in living color courtesy of closed circuit cameras.

There are benefits to building a completely private, sound-proof room from the ground up….

When Sarah and Anya got into the Spa room, they immediately breathed in the dry scent of cedar, tinged lightly with the smell of the chlorine from the hot tub. The room was dim, but not dark, and the lighting made the place feel cozy rather than small. The hot tub took up the majority of the room, including two walls, but an aisle ran between the tub and the doors that led into the steam room and the Dry Sauna, and then curved around in an “L” that ended at the Shower room with its native river stone walls. The room was a good 80 degrees, with steam from the hot tub making a humid contrast to the smell of the cedar. A towel rack on the wall with big fluffy multicolored towels also had empty space for them to hang their clothes after they undressed.

“I’m going to take a quick shower” said Anya, “just to rinse off before I get in the tub. Do you want to go first?” Sarah shook her head, and replied that she wanted to sit in the steam room for awhile before getting into the hot tub. The girls had already had plenty to drink, but had brought the bottle of Chardonnay along to make the night more fun. Anya slipped into the bathroom, Sarah poured a glass of wine and opened the door to the steam room. Hot, thick clouds billowed out, almost embracing her and drawing her into the white tiled chamber. A low, wide tiled bench ran around the two sides of the room not taken up by the steam nozzles or the door. It was designed so two people could lie at right angles to each other, with either their heads or their feet next to each other. Sarah laid herself carefully down on the farthest ledge, feeling the warm tiles against the backs of her legs and the cheeks of her ass. She had wrapped herself in a towel, but let it fall open as she laid down. She had plenty of room on the ledge to lay flat on her back and keep the glass of wine that she poured right next to her. She raised her head to sip the wine, letting the rich liquid trickle down her throat before lying back down and luxuriating in the heat and the feel of the steam as it swirled around her.

A few minutes later, the door opened and she heard Anya’s voice asking if she was still in there. Sarah sighed inwardly at her dense new friend-if she wasn’t in the hot tub, and the light was still off in the sauna, then where else would she be? “I’m here, in the back…lay down with your head toward me.” Anya’s shape in the mist resolved to Anya herself, still wrapped in a deep green towel that she had secured by tucking it between her breasts. Anya laid herself down with a sigh of contentment, her own glass of wine within easy reach. “This is great” she murmured. “Too bad we didn’t get any dates. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks for coming up with me on such short notice”.

Sarah turned to her side, so she could see her friend. Their heads were only a few inches apart. She reached out and squeezed Anya’s arm, “No sweat, I like spur-of-the-moment adventures”. She looked her friend over.

Anya’s eyes were closed, her arms lying at her sides. Her dark hair was unbound, and droplets of water clung to the waves that spread out on the towel. Her neck was a graceful arc that led Sarah’s eyes down to her breasts, which had dark nipples gone slack in the heat. Anya’s flat stomach was the product of years of aerobics, her one concession to rebellion a silver navel piercing that set off her tan. Sarah’s gaze continued down, noting that Anya had recently shaved her pubic hair to an inch wide strip, a look she approved of tremendously. Anya had told her that she liked looking exotic for her boyfriend, and the recent break-up hadn’t changed her habits.

Anya’s eyes opened, and caught Sarah’s glance. “I don’t know how that jerk dumped you” said Sarah, “you are really pretty”. Anya blushed, and glanced embarrassedly down at her naked form. She replied “Not as pretty as you.”

Sarah sat up, then stood carefully-the heat from the room made it easy to get dizzy, plus the wine. Both girls were starting to sweat, a sheen covering their skin. A trick of the light in the steam made it escort bayan fatih so they could see each other perfectly, but the door was hidden from view-it was as if they were lying in a deep cloud bank. Sarah moved to the controls, turning the heat up a bit more. When she turned go back to her ledge, she found Anya still looking at her, staring at her own completely shaved and smooth mons.

“Um…why do you shave everything off?” Anya must be drunk to ask that kind of question, she was usually reticent to ask personal questions.

“I like the way it feels, especially when it’s like this.” Sarah answered, meaning the steam and the heat.

Anya sat up, looking up and Sarah “What do you mean, how it feels? Can I touch you, just to see? Does it tickle?”

Sarah smiled, “Sure, give me your hand.” She took Anya’s hand, and slowly stroked the bare skin of her mons with Anya’s fingers, first up, then down. The steam and her own sweat has made her slick, and the rasp of Anya’s hand made her gasp slightly. Anya jerked her hand away “I’m sorry” she stammered, “I didn’t mean…”

“Anya…it’s ok, there’s nobody here but us, I know you just wanted to feel.” Anya nodded, but kept her eyes averted from Sarah’s. Her hair now hung loose around her shoulders, as wet as if she had just washed it. A droplet of water slid slowly along her collar bone, then down her left breast, Sarah reached out to touch it, “See, there’s nothing wrong with touching.” She let the tip of her finger nail brush against Anya’s nipple as she drew her own hand away. Now it was Anya’s turn to gasp, and Sarah felt the nipple stiffen as the fingernail drew across it. “Nothing wrong at all.” She knelt in front of her friend. “Anya, look at me, are you OK?” She brushed the hair back from her own eyes, and her own green eyes tried to meet at Anya’s brown ones.

Anya nodded, but she still didn’t meet Sarah’s eyes. “Can I feel it again? It felt …neat.” She finally asked, but didn’t raise her hand. Sarah turned her friend’s face toward her by the chin, finally looking her in the eyes.

“Yes, if you want to.” She stood up, and this time, Anya put her own hand out and slowly stroked the freshly shaved skin at the top of Sarah’s slit. Sarah gasped slightly again, louder this time. Her arousal was becoming apparent, she felt her own nipples contracting and beginning to throb. She put her hand over Anya’s, and slowly moved it away. She could feel a tremor in her buddy’s hand as she knelt in front of her, in between Anya’s open legs.

“Anya” said Sarah, “It’s ok…let me show you how. Lie back.” Anya, trembling, did as she was told. Sarah got onto the ledge with her, there was plenty of room. Lying next to her, the shorter girl took Anya’s right hand in her left, and gently guided it onto her own flat stomach. She used Anya’s hand to gently trace the curve of her thighs, parted them slightly, and then guided Anya’s hand to explore the folds of her flesh. After a brief hesitation, Anya relaxed and let Sarah take control of their entwined fingers.

She was already slick, and the feel of Anya’s fingers between her legs made her wetter. As she moved her hips gently against the combined pressure of their hands, she raised her eyes to the place where the wall met the ceiling. She had to look hard, but she did make out a slight red blink, so tiny she would have missed it if she hadn’t been looking. Content with that clue that her plans would move along, she laid her head back and concentrated on the lesson she was teaching Anya.

Anya’s hand under her own was at first shy and hesitant, even once her resistance had relaxed, but something in the gentle movement of Sarah’s hips was encouraging her. She ran one finger along Sarah’s swollen lips, then gently probed and found her clit. Sarah sighed and pressed her hand closer, encouraging her to continue. Sarah pressed harder, and felt her friends finger, sliding through the sweat and her slippery juices, slip into her tight tunnel, then immediately pull back; Anya thought she had gone to far. “Don’t stop,” whispered Sarah, “That feels wonderful.”

“But I don’t know what to do…” Anya’s normally superior attitude had slipped. Sarah could hear the pressure of curiosity and desire, mixed with the booze, combining to drive Anya to do things she had never considered before. “Just do what feels right,” Sarah encouraged her, pressing their hands back between her legs.

This time, Anya’s fingers lingered on Sarah’s clit, pinching it and feeling the swelling flesh gently with her finely manicured nails. She parted Sarah’s lips with a finger, and Sarah pushed their intertwined hands harder along her slippery slit. Sarah moaned, and opened her legs more to Anya’s probing, pushing her finger all the way inside. Anya’s hand cupped her smooth, shaved mound, now two fingers inside the blond woman, who now held her wrist in a surprisingly strong grip. “More,” she gasped, “More!”

Anya did something she always liked men to do to her-she took her middle finger out of her friends now merter escort bayan dripping cunt, and slowly pressed it against the tense muscle of her ass. Slippery with Sarah’s juices, her nail opened the way, and Anya’s finger was soon buried in her friend’s backside. Anya marveled over how she could feel the thin flesh that separated the two tunnels she was boring into her friend.

Sarah thrust against her, using her grip on Anya’s wrist to control both the depth and speed of her double penetration. The pressure against her clit spread heat up through her breasts, which glistened with the sweat that had dampened her own hair, and her large nipples tightened, tingling in anticipation of the next movement.

“Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop” panted Sarah, her back arching as she ground Anya’s hand harder against her. Anya felt her own hot juices spreading down her thighs, and the wine made her giggle at the sensation. With her left hand, she squeezed her breast in time to the rhythm of Sarah’s hips, and tweaked her own nipple into arousal. “So this is why guys like to fuck me,” she thought “It’s great to fuck a woman. What a turn on it is to be inside her.”

Sarah’s face was flushed, and Anya felt her friend’s fingers caress her own inside her wet passage, driving her fingers against the hot walls of her flesh. Her legs were trembling, and a new gush of wetness washed over Anya as Sarah’s back arched uncontrollably. Anya ground the palm of her hand into Sarah’s pussy as hard as she could, and it was trapped there by Sarah’s own hand. Sarah’s mouth opened wide in a soundless scream, and Anya felt her fingers clenched by the powerful contraction of the blond’s creaming orgasm.

Sarah laid back, still holding Anya’s fingers inside her, then slowly released her grip. Anya drew her fingers out, lingering to run her nails slowly along the tender flesh. Sarah twitched and shivered, then sighed as Anya’s hand left her completely.

“Was that…ok?” asked Anya, suddenly shy again. The heat and the wine were making her light headed, and the enormity of what she had done, fucking a woman, was slowly growing in her mind.

“It was fine,” whispered Sarah, with a secret smile, “let me show you how fine…” Before Anya could protest, Sarah raised up and straddled her, her knees on the ledge to either side of Anya’s shapely waist. “It’s your turn.”

Anya was trapped, held down by the weight of her friend and so buzzed that she couldn’t have protested as Sarah lowered herself down and gently kissed her. She hesitated for a moment, but felt her lips opening under the pressure of Sarah’s tongue. Kissing a girl! Her Sorority sisters had had to kiss each other during pledge week, but it was not like this. Sarah tasted like wine and something sweet, something that made her relax into the kiss and put her hand behind the dark haired girl’s head and pull her closer. Sarah ran her hands down the outside of Anya’s face, down the sides of her waist, and parted her legs to get between them. She moved her kiss down to Anya’s neck, gently licking away the beads of sweat that had pooled there.

Anya rested her head back on the soft towel, content to experience whatever it was that Sarah had in store for her. Sarah’s mouth found her nipple, taking it between her teeth and teasing it. In response, Anya felt her cunt tingle, and her clit began to throb. Sarah traced the line of her tit with her tongue, gently lapping at the curve and then continuing down to Anya’s stomach. Anya moaned when Sarah’s tongue found her navel, the sensation of being licked and suckled there completely new. She put her hands on Sarah’s head, caressing her wet hair, but still hesitant to ask for more.

Anya’s legs were already trembling before Sarah’s lips reached the V where her legs met, and when Sarah suddenly licked her labia from to bottom, she convulsed from the sensation, only subsiding when Sarah shifted her ministrations to gently nibbling the sides of her thighs, allowing her to relax again into the pleasure of the moment.

Sarah raised up and looked at her victim “Anya, look at me.”

Anya slowly raised her head, and looked at the blond woman, the juices from her dripping sex glistened on Sarah’s face. The sight made her even wetter, and she wanted Sarah to stop talking and keep kissing.

“I want to teach you so many things,” said Sarah quietly, “but I want to know that you want them.’ As she spoke, she ran her fingers along Anya’s waist, sending shivers all the way down to her toes. “I need to know that you want what I have to give. If you want it, say it.”

“I want it…oh God…don’t stop now, I want it all…” Anya’s voice trembled as Sarahs’ fingers began massaging her clit. She gasped as Sarah pinched her clit almost painfully, “Louder, don’t whisper” commanded Sarah, squeezing again.

“Oh God!” Anya raised her voice to nearly a shout as Sarah’s fingers slipped inside her, “Don’t stop, goddamn it, give me everything, fuck me, FUCK ME..oh god, please fuck me.” Sarah smiled, and dipped her head down between her lovers tanned thighs, opening up her womanhood by pulling her labia apart. She licked Anya’s clit, faster and faster as she heard her moaning. Anya’s juices and the sweat of the steam room made her thighs glisten, and Sarah eagerly licked away the dampness of her dripping pussy.

St. Hilary’s

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Seeing as it was such a beautiful day, Principal Mathers decided to take a stroll during his lunch break to the nearby woods. Running through yesterdays surprise experience with the sixth form girl, Hayley Jones, he smiled to himself as he pushed open the gate into Chisolm Woods.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a ferret carrying something in his mouth and decided to see what the little chap was up to. As he drew nearer he saw the ferret attempting to bury some small piece of jewellery in the ground next to a large old oak tree. Carefully edging towards it, suddenly both of them froze as the sound of a girlish laugh rang out amongst the trees. The ferret bounded off in the other direction, and Principal Mathers, realising that he wouldn’t be able to follow, turned his head to see if he could discern where the sound had come from.

Edging his way around several overgrown bushes he realised that he was about to step out onto a small clearing, occupied by two of the girls from St. Hilary’s. They were both lying on their sides on the grass and seemed to be discussing something intently.

He was about to cough and step out into the open when one of the girls – whom he now recognised as Dawn Kelvin – leant forward and kissed her friend on the side of her face. At the same time Dawn’s hand came down to rest on the other girl’s plaid skirt, which the Principal realised had already risen up her thigh several inches.

Mathers was transfixed as their kiss seemed to become more passionate, and couldn’t help staring at Dawn’s hand as it slowly made it’s way under the hem of the other girl’s skirt. From where he stood he could plainly see her fingers gently squeezing her fine rounded cheeks, encased in tiny white lace panties.

Just as he began to realise that his cock was rapidly thickening at the sight of these two, Dawn pulled back from the other girl and caught sight of him.

“Principal Mathers!” she exclaimed, jumping back.

The other girl quickly span around, blushed, and said, “Oh, sir, we didn’t realise you were there.”

“Um, yes,” coughed the Principal as he struggled over the brambles into the clearing. “I was just following this little ferret, you see….”

The other girl – Suzy Winterson – smiled at him and said, “Won’t you come and sit with us for a minute?”

“I’d be more than happy to,” said Principal Mathers. “I… er… hope that I wasn’t disturbing you.”

Dawn and Suzy exchanged quick smiles, as they both had guessed that he had mecidiyeköy escort bayan been standing there watching them for some time.

“You won’t tell anyone that we were kissing?” asked Dawn.

“Of course not,” mumbled the Principal. “It’s… fine. Very natural… yes.”

“It doesn’t mean that we’re gay or anything,” said Suzy.

“And it would be fine if you were that way… inclined,” responded Mathers carefully, noting that Dawn’s hand had returned to rest on Suzy’s hip.

“It’s just that some of the other girls spread rumours,” continued Suzy, “and they can be quite mean to us sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” said the Principal. “And if you have any problems with the other girls you know that you can always come to me.”

“So you don’t think that if we kiss a bit it makes us gay?” asked Dawn sweetly.

“No, not at all,” said the Principal in his best reassuring voice.

“What about if we kiss like this?” said Suzy, as she brought her face up to her friends and kissed her with her mouth slightly open.

Principal Mathers could see their tongues slowly sliding against each other’s lips and teeth, and found himself having to shift slightly to accommodate his hard-on, which had once again springing uncomfortably to life.

“I’m glad that you think so,” said Dawn, giggling at the glazed expression that had entered Principal’s eyes. “It’s just that some of the other girls caught us in the changing rooms the other day, and they’ve been teasing us ever since.”

“How awful,” said the Principal. “I can’t see why two young ladies like yourself shouldn’t celebrate the winning of a match or a…”

His voice trailed off as he saw Dawn’s once again begin tracing its way up her friend’s long tanned legs.

“Actually,” said Dawn,” we were doing a little more than just kissing.”

“Oh?” coughed the Principal. “And what precisely… if you don’t mind me asking…”

“Well,” said Dawn, “we’d just gotten out of the showers and were both towelling ourselves off and, seeing as there was no-one else there, I started kissing Suzy’s neck.”

Principal Mathers swallowed audibly, and Suzy, still laying on her side, but now facing him, said, “There’s nothing so wrong with that, is there?”

“I wouldn’t have thought so,” said the Principal, a little nervously.

As if on cue, Dawn edged closer behind her friend and lowered her mouth onto the exposed part of Suzy’s neck.

“She just kisses so nicely,” said escort bayan taksim Suzy as she half closed her eyes.

“Would you like to know what happened then?” asked Dawn softly, in between tracing her tongue over Suzy’s neck and shoulder.

Principal Mathers nodded mutely and attempted to look as relaxed as he could manage on the grass beside them, whilst trying to cover his erection with his jacket.

“Then I put my hands on her breasts,” said Dawn, “and began gently squeezing her nipples whilst I was kissing her back. She has got lovely breasts, don’t you think, Principal?”

“I can’t say that I’ve ever…” Mathers began to lie, but decided that there was little point in finishing his sentence, as Dawn’s hand had snaked under Suzy’s arm and began unbuttoning her blouse. Suzy helped her friend, and soon the blouse was open to the waist, uncovering her firm breasts.

“Boys sat they like them,” said Suzy with a grin. “Sometimes I let them touch them, but I prefer it when Dawn does.”

Dawn nuzzled closer against her friend’s body and began to caress Suzy’s tits in front of the Principal. Mathers could feel beads of perspiration forming on his brow as the two most gorgeous girls in college were virtually making out, barely two feet in front of him.

“I think that boys like it most when they put their cocks in between them,” said Suzy as she glanced down at the Principal’s crotch. “Is that true, do you think?”

Dawn stifled a giggle as the Principal grasped vainly for words. Suzy decided to demonstrate and, lying down on her back, took a breast in each hand and pushed them together.

“Is that what they all want to do, do you think, Mr Mathers?” she asked.

Meanwhile, Dawns hand was now running down over Suzy’s flat belly and onto the front of her loosely fastened plaid skirt.

“I’m sure I would love to,” said Mathers quietly, and began to slowly push off his jacket.

“It’s just such a shame that you’re our Principal, said Dawn cheekily. “Else you could put your cock in between Dawn’s tits…”

“…whilst Dawn licks it,” added Suzy as she continued to squeeze her breasts and flick a finger over her now erect nipples. Dawn’s hand had now found its way inside Suzy’s skirt, and the Principal could see her fingers under the waistband of her panties, gently stroking her pussy.

“I… we… No-one would have to know,” mumbled the Principal.

“Hmm. What do you think, Suzy?” asked Dawn, lowering her head down in the escort bayan beşiktaş direction of Suzy’s pelvis.

“I’m not sure,” said Suzy as she watched her friend pull the sides of her skirt apart and expose her small lace panties. “I think that your dad would be very upset if he found out.”

Principal Mathers had already begun unzipping his trousers, and was trying to surreptitiously pull out his cock. Both girls pretended not to notice and Suzy continued, “Remember last time, when he caught you with that man; you told me that he spanked you so hard you couldn’t sit down all day.”

Dawn, who was now lightly kissing Suzy’s lace covered pussy, looked directly at the Principal and said, “Can you imagine? He just bent me over his knee and started slapping my ass with his hand.”

“You said that you liked it,” giggled Suzy.

“That’s not true,” smiled Dawn. “I said that I liked it when Mr. Powell, the maths teacher, did it.

Mathers could hardly bear it any longer, and made to come nearer to the girls.

“Oh, Mr. Mathers,” said Suzy in mock astonishment as she turned to look at the Principal with his stiff cock in his hand. He was now on his knees beside her head, and she watched through half closed eyes as she felt Dawn pull her panties to one side and start lapping at her pussy.

“I don’t know if you should,” said Suzy, who was now beginning to breathe heavily from the attentions from Dawn’s nimble tongue.

“Perhaps we should come by your office after college,” she said. “Then you could put your cock between my tits, if you wanted.”

Mathers was now wanking his cock inches from Suzy’s face, who continued to look up at him with her mischievous grin.

“You could put it in our mouths too” she said softly, noticing that the speed of the Principal’s hand had picked up a notch at this suggestion.

“Would you like me suck on it while you spanked Dawn?” she asked, sensing that he was now moments from coming. Dawn was now licking feverishly between her friend’s legs, with her own hand inside her panties at the idea of the two of them fucking the Principal.

At that moment Suzy arched her back as she felt an orgasm run through her, and seconds later Mathers also began to cum; shooting streams of it over her face and exposed breasts. Suzy whimpered in pleasure and, holding down Dawn’s head with her hand, begged her not to stop. As another orgasm hit her she groaned out and clamped her thighs around her friend’s face.

Collapsing back onto the grass, Mathers watched on in amazement as Dawn lifted her head and, climbing further up Suzy’s half naked body, proceeded to lick off his cum from Dawn’s tits. Suzy was smiling dreamily and, gazing down at the Principal’s cock said, “I hope you’ve left some more in that thing for later.”

Sound of Crickets

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Shane had fallen asleep confused, feeling emasculated, listening to crickets. The trip to Derrick’s parent’s lake house had not gone so well for him. This was their last night before leaving this Podunk northern Wisconsin place, this place about which Derrick and his friend Dennis kept coolly commenting “so many memories.” They would raise the remark when the conversation turned to something mundane, like the toilet clogging, or taboo, like the KKK presence in the area, and make everybody laugh, especially the girls. Especially Nadine. Shane’s Nadine. The one who had made out with him days before the trip, and was now ignoring him, like everybody else. Shane listened to the crickets and relished the reality that at least they were way out in the woods and there were no street or car lights to keep him up; and told himself, one more day of this shit; and slept.

He woke up to different sounds entirely. He first heard footsteps down the hall, going past his room. A rap on the door of the room next to his — Dennis’ room. The door opening and several voices whispering. Dennis’ and — could it be? Was it really? — Nadine’s. You’re just making that up because you’re sad and pissed off at her, Shane told himself and turned around and focused on sleep. His focus was broken soon after by an,


That was the best spelling approximation he would later come up with, pouring his emotions out into his journal, of the sharp, breathy female sound he heard through the wall.

Could be anything, anybody, he told himself. Why do you assume it’s Nadine?

But who was he kidding? Of course, it was Nadine.

Shane lay on his back and listened some more. Just to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.

Several minutes later, another — Uhhhhah!

This vocal sound — which, having fumbled through sex with only one girl in his nineteen years, Shane had never really heard outside of porn — came more frequently over the next few minutes. It became gradually sharper at the end.

Uhhah… uhhhhhahh…uhhhahhh!

He could no longer pretend it was his imagination, or divorce the sound from the source. It was Nadine, his cool, understanding red haired friend, then his crush, in his first year of college. It was her in a headspace he’d never heard or seen her in, though he very much wanted to.

And the other person involved in the experience was Dennis.

There were no other sounds. Just Nadine’s voice. Shane thought it was peculiar. Where was the sound of the bed moving? Or Dennis making sounds? These noises had been omnipresent that one time he’d overheard his roommate and his roommate’s girlfriend fucking. Was she just sitting there masturbating while Dennis watched (this was a fetish some people had, he knew)?

Or — and he felt stupid for not thinking of this until Nadine was moaning steadily, in breath-induced waves of sound — she was simply getting eaten out.

Shane loved a good blowjob (he’d received two) but still had trouble with the idea of reciprocating. The idea of putting your face down there felt icky to him. His friend had told him eyüp escort a story about his girlfriend farting in his face. Shane knew that girls apparently liked it, but he wasn’t there quite yet.

Nadine made a couple lower, slower sounds,

Aaaahhhhh H-h-h-aaaaahhhhh

Followed by a short — Uh!

Followed by something — a sheet moving, or Dennis sitting up. Nadine laughed, unprompted. Dennis said,

“You taste immaculate.”

Nadine laughed louder and said,

“Oh my God. Stop.”

Shane thought, I guess I’d really better learn how to eat pussy.

He wondered if that might be it. Maybe that was the end of their sexual session. He’d hear Nadine walk back to her room in no time. It took him a moment to realize that his eyes were open and another moment to feel the self-hatred creep in.

When he and Nadine had arrived at the house, Derrick had come outside to meet them, and brought them inside to meet everybody else. Alyssa, Derrick’s sister was on a call for work on her laptop. Candace, a mousy girl who was apparently Derrick’s ex-girlfriend, but there anyway, had just come in from a swim. Dennis was laying on the couch, an open book on his chest. It was unclear if he was sleeping or not. A snake tattoo ran up his arm, which draped over the pillow.

When Shane thought about it, Nadine had seemed interested in Dennis even at that moment. She glanced at him for a while and said,

“Oh. Don’t want to wake up this dude.”

Derrick shook his head.

“I don’t think he’s even asleep,” he said. “So anyway, upstairs are –“

“Hey,” came Dennis’ voice from the couch. “Dennis.” He waved to them without opening his eyes or shifting his position.

Shane returned the hello and sat in an armchair. Nadine moved to the stairs with her duffel bag. Dennis opened his eyes and watched her move around the couch. It looked like Nadine saw him doing it.

“I’ll go put my crap upstairs,” she said.

“That’s a beautiful necklace,” Dennis said.

Nadine touched her thin silver necklace, as if remembering that it was there. Shane felt embarrassed for the first time that weekend; he had never even noticed it.

“Um, yeah, it’s pretty nice isn’t it?” She said flatly.

“A few months ago I had sex with this girl who wore a similar necklace,” he said. “It didn’t look right on her. Her neck was too wide for it. I had to stop before we were finished because I looked down at her neck and was like, wait, you’re still wearing that awkward thing? Is it supposed to keep your head from falling off or something?” He looked to Derrick and Shane as he said this last bit, and laughed, and Derrick laughed with him. Dennis returned his gaze to Nadine, who had not yet gone upstairs.

“On you, it’s very becoming, I’ve gotta say.”

Nadine stood still for a moment and said, in what Shane thought was a sarcastic voice,

“Yeah…thanks, buddy.”

“You’re welcome.” Dennis kept his gaze on her.

Shane wondered who the hell said these kinds of things immediately upon meeting someone, and who the şişli escort hell had a massive tattoo of a black snake, and who the hell this guy, Dennis, thought he was.

It was another couple minutes before Shane realized he was wrong; it wasn’t just oral sex. He heard the repositioning of bodies, the shifting of sheets, the low, soft smack of what sounded like lips parting. Dennis muttered something too low for him to make out. Nadine hummed,


He heard a body — her body — recline and Dennis’ moving around the mattress in what sounded like walking footsteps. Then some quiet.

Nadine inhaled. She exhaled. She inhaled louder and this inhale ended in a whimper. At the same time, the mattress crunched with Dennis’ body sliding against it. Another kiss sound, this time with more of a smack to it.

And it all went both downhill (for Shane’s self-worth) and uphill (for his dick) from there.

Nadine had remarked to him that Dennis was “a little gross.” Shane assumed that, after her experience with that cheating asshole Greg from the past school year, she would definitely be steering clear of Dennis this long summer weekend. He pictured himself standing up for her, calling Dennis on his bullshit and his stupid tattoo, and Dennis backing off for the rest of the visit.

That was until they were around a campfire, smoking pot, and he noticed Dennis lean into Nadine to whisper something in her ear before handing her the joint. She made a face, but looked somehow amused, too, and Shane was not sure what was happening in her mind, or how it could happen. He tried to say something at that moment. He cleared his throat and said to Dennis,

“Hey man, what…” But he couldn’t finish. He just felt himself unable to finish.

Dennis looked at him.

“Yes, Shane? What what?”

Shane searched for words. There were none to be found.

“I dunno, man. Never mind. Nothing.” This was what he settled on.

“Is there a what-what I can get?” Dennis said, mock-politely. The girls snorted. Including Nadine.

The next afternoon, after they’d all gone swimming, he thought he saw Nadine whisper something to Dennis. They were behind the rest of the party. Shane put it out of his head. He was just being paranoid. It was a total coincidence that they were walking side by side.

“UH UH UH UH…yeah…UH”

This was what Nadine was now whispering. Except to Shane, it wasn’t a whisper. It was piercing. There was only one person, he was sure, who could hear her better than he could. That person was Dennis.

The mattress-moving had commenced. It squeaked ever thirty or so seconds, from what he could tell. He thought he could make out the breathing of the other participant in the sex — that is, Dennis’ slimy, douchebag breaths. But neither him nor the mattress were as audible, or as consistent, as Nadine.

But they did come close. After a pause that sounded like some bodily readjustment, the mattress movements came more rapidly, and Dennis started saying occasional things. Nadine did another long inhale and released sharper taksim escort UHs. Ultimately, she was still the loudest thing in that room.

“UHHHhhhhh UHHhhhhhh AHHhhhhh…”

Dennis muttered,

“Look at me.”

“AHHHhhhh AHhhhhh AHH hhhh…” (Shane pictured her looking at him).

“I’m gonna make you cum on my cock.”

That was the last audible thing Dennis muttered, and it was all Shane needed to hear. He was done. Dennis needed to shut the fuck up now.

Shane squeezed both sides of his pillow over his ears. He removed it after less than thirty seconds. He was in this for the full scenario. For better and most definitely for worse. His dick, he could feel, was erect, pushing against his long johns.


Wow. She said shit a lot, she called people dude and bro, but she never said fuck.

A whapping sound barked from the midst of all the motion. Shane was not sure where the whapping was coming from and he both did and did not want to know.

Nadine gasped,

“FUCK…I can’t take it anymore…FUCK!”

Dennis joined in,

“Jesus Shit!” He grunted. They both let out a simultaneous shriek and groan that destroyed Shane’s soul.

Shane wasn’t sure why he did it, but he got out of bed and opened his door. He stood in the wall space between his bedroom and Dennis’. He wasn’t sure what he intended to do. He slumped down against the wall. The hall was pitch dark, and only the logs from which the cabin was built etched out from the blackness, barely. Shane realized that he should go back to bed.

The door to Dennis’ room opened. Dennis stepped out, completely naked, and shut the door. Shane had a small seizure against the wall and tried to make it look like he was just coming back to his room.

Dennis snickered.

“Damn dude,” he said. Shane looked at him. Dennis’ face was blanked out by darkness, but he could guess his expression. “Didn’t think you would stoop this low, I gotta say.”

Dennis rubbed his shaft. He stuck his fingers under Shane’s nose.

“Here. Smell that shit.”

Shane inadvertently took a whiff. He had never smelled a pussy before, so he did not know, at first, that was what he was smelling. He did not know that Dennis had “hit it raw” (though he knew the expression). He assumed they had been using a condom, because didn’t everybody use condoms? All he knew was that it smelled like body odor and something else. Something other than semen.

Dennis walked on to the bathroom, clicking on a mini flashlight as he walked. Shane’s heart raced. He went back to his room and shut the door.

His door opened a few moments later. It was Nadine. She stood in the doorway, her red hair looser than he’d ever seen it, all of nineteen. She was not as darkness-shrouded as Dennis. Her breasts had red imprints on them. The triangle between her legs sported a tuft of pubic hair. Her eyes were a touch bloodshot.

She stood there for some moments and let him look. For the first time, Shane did not get the wrong idea from her.

Nadine said on an exhale,

“Okay, buddy.” She turned and shut the door.

Shane lay on his pillow, his eyes squeezed as tight as he could squeeze them. The crickets were done. The view from his window was so vast that he could even sense the sun just barely beginning its ascent, way out there in the distance.

So You Want to be a Nudist

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Hello, your nudist pal Jess here. I answer a burning question today.

How do you become a nudist, and what are the issues involved in this lifestyle change.

I will tell you my story. I am a straight white man from the sunny South who became a nudist in my early 40s. I had the freedom to make a change after suddenly becoming single again.

Those of you who follow me know my tired old personal story. I refused to get a vasectomy, then my young wife left me and later divorced me.

That is probably the cliff notes version of my divorce, but it’ll do for our story here.

I wanted to try nudism for years by 2001, when I actually started my new life. It was like I was outwardly one person, but internally there was another wilder person trying to assert myself and get out. I bet some of you have felt this type thing.

By 1985 this wilder internal sexy person had led me to try some pretty wild stuff, for a shy guy who was pretty tame in the grand scheme of dating, sex, and everything else.

I was conservative in dress, style, and even thought. Man how things have changed for the better.

The first wild thing I tried was nude driving on the interstate late at night. Fairly easy thing to try. But it actually turned me on tremendously.

I was so nervous, I got way down in the car seat, like an 85-year-old granny trying to see over the steering wheel to drive. As I have told you all before in my nudist on I-95 adventure story, tractor-trailer drivers notice nude drivers the most.

They have the best view and are always looking for nudity, I think.

Kind of a perk of being an 18-wheeler, a concrete cowboy or cowgirl, so-to-speak.

Sure, people aboard a passing bus might see you, but they can’t blow their horn, flash their lights or draw much attention to you. They just tell others on the bus what they think they saw. Think they saw is key. When you see a nude driver the first few times, you don’t believe what you saw sometimes.

Tractor-trailer drivers watch for nude drivers, especially nude women with big tits and of course the most-popular ladies, the pussy-flashers.

I know flashing is great fun for you women. The 18-wheelers live and love to see it.

Being a man, I did not think flashing truckers was a very good idea. Some might enjoy seeing nude men, but most probably don’t. I figure it might even piss some truckers off.

Going back a few years–I actually let a truck pass me in broad daylight on I-95 in Jacksonville once while I was driving nude. They noticed me and blew their airhorn. I loved that moment and waved back.

My nudity was accepted, at least by that trucker. I’ve always hoped it was a female driving that rig that day.

Another time, I was barefoot, driving with no shirt, but I had my short shorts on. A male trucker saw this, sped up and caught me.

He got right on my bumper, waved me over to the next rest stop, but I did not pull off. Some truckers just want to see nude people, others want to sleep with the nudist drivers they see out on the lonely road.

So, driving nude after dark is a good way to simply jump-start your new lifestyle.

But driving or riding nude during the daylight hours is like turning your sexual excitement level up from 1 to 7. It takes real bravery. But the pay-off is dayside car nudity is erotic as hell.

Most regular otele gelen escort clothed drivers don’t even notice your nudity, hard as that is to believe. They are lost in their own boring life. You are not lost, you have found a new, and exciting nude life.

A rolled down driver’s side window is kind of a tip-off to other drivers that you want to have fun, and be seen.

Some sexy girls put their feet on their dashboard. This is hot and always gets my attention. I have a strong foot fetish.

Some women strip down, but face their husband in the driver’s seat. They love to show their lovely bare back and sexy ass to you.

Women with their nude backs turned to you is kind of rare. A woman wearing a bikini or even a sundress is more realistic to see.

That can be pretty hot some days. Your imagination works wonders. What else is she wearing or more importantly–not wearing?

I have always thought that some excited, turned-on women dress on top, but don’t wear much else below that. Maybe this is more of my fantasy of mine than reality. So sexy a thought.

I bet a lot of girls play with themselves in their cars. I think I would if I were female. Or better yet, they let their husbands or boyfriends play with them while they drive.

They might not only lose control of themselves but their car, too. Pretty dangerous stuff.

Now finally I will get to the subject at hand.

One way to become a nudist is to start at home. Start sleeping in the nude.

Shave your body, then sleep nude. Feels great to have freshly-shaved nude skin under clean sheets. Shave down there, too, but do it slowly and carefully.

It helps keep you in the mood, and you will want more sex, and no doubt get more sex. It is just natural to play with an already naked person in your bed.

Another thing you should do is start wearing sexier clothes to work. Start wearing fewer under-clothes, if you can get away with it. Trying going commando some, if at all possible. I tried that a little and loved it a lot. What an intense feeling.

Becoming a nudist is kind of a gradual thing for most people. Each experience builds on what came before.

Okay, so you’ve tried some nude things. Now what?

Check out some websites for the nudist clubs. Find out where the nude clubs near you are. Find a club and call them to arrange your first visit.

Get your background check done. Don’t let this background check deter you. The clubs need to know who is going to visit.

They can’t just let anybody in. The checks are for your safety, really.

It has always been my nature to put some distance between where I live and where I get nude. Drive an hour or so out from your hometown.

I once knew a woman from Pennsylvania who was so afraid of seeing someone she knew at a resort she went to Canada to get nude. That is too far. Eventually she got braver and just drove to a nearby resort.

We would get people from Pennsylvania, Maryland, plus Virginia and West Virginia. A lot of DC people visited the club, too.

The reason to drive some distance from home is simple. You might just run into someone you know. They could tell your family or friends they saw you at the naked place.

Of course you saw them at the naked place, too. This usually keeps people from telling tales rus escort out of school, but not always.

Going to a landed nudist resort was a big deal to me. I told my secret to some people I totally trusted at work, only to see word about me being a nudist leak out.

Kind of got me fired once from a good job in a small town. There were other issues, but how would you like HR at your job to bring up you being a nudist during your job review.

I wasn’t expecting the nudist lifestyle to get me in trouble, but that one time it did.

People and employers in larger cities seem more accepting of the nudist lifestyle. Kind of like being gay. It is just a lifestyle, but a hot-button lifestyle, I suppose.

But in the small town South, gossips could not hold back what they heard about me. It was too juicy for them to keep quiet about. Please, be careful who you tell.

My advice to you isnot to tell people at work at all. Do not tell your family. Many older family members will not understand what in the hell possessed you to do such a thing.

Who would get naked in front of all those people, they might say.

I would say, 21st century people not stuck in a time warp. Modern people who want to have some fun, by showing some skin, and seeing even more skin.

My advice is to go as a couple with your best friend. Go with your husband or wife. Sometimes one mate in a nudist couple loves the lifestyle, while the other person only goes to support their mate.

You’ll see the wife at the resort, but the husband is missing. Maybe he went to play golf.

If at all possible, get the closest person in your life to join you on this great nudist trip. Trust is a must.

If your husband did not go, tell him what he missed, the beautiful woman with great tits, a shaved pussy and a super sexy ass.

Tell him you met a guy with the biggest dick you ever saw. Make it competitive, so your husband will go the next time to protect you from these “freaks of nature.”

Makes me laugh when I think of what some clothed people think nude resorts are like. They are usually not even close.

So, now you have checked out the website, called the resort, and gone to the club once to see this new nude world.

To me it was like going to a new planet that I did not know existed.

Like an old Star Trek episode. James T. Kirk beams down to the hot planet where all the people seem to be nude. Get a tri-corder reading down there, man. Even Spock’s ears would perk up more at that place.

Doctor McCoy would say, “my God Jim, I am just a country doctor. I have seen a lot. But all these people on this planet are plum naked, naked as jaybirds.”

Kirk would say, “just enjoy it, Bones, relax man.”

I knew there were resorts, but I never dreamed I would get to go.

It seemed like something that might happen out in California, or in Florida, but not near me.

But the sunny South is an ideal place for nudist resorts, really. especially SC, Georgia & Florida, where people kind of let their hair down, during beach trips anyway.

Once you go to a resort, try to meet the people there, form some new friendships. Nudists are the best people because we have nothing to hide.

They will tell you which nude resorts they have been to, and what they thought of the resorts.

You özbek escort know, was the management good, were the members friendly, what were the rooms at the lodge like, how was the bar, was the restaurant food good, that type thing.

Eating nude in a resort restaurant is quite fun, by the way. The staff people wear clothes, although the bar staff goes nude, at times.

I always wanted to take a nude group bowling. I found out they have nude bowling leagues in Florida. That would be super. I wonder if you could bowl barefoot? what a rush nude bowling would be.

Once you find a nudist resort you like, check into the activities. Is there regular or water volleyball, is there a pot-luck night, is there good beer at the cook-out or at the BBQ?

One of the hottest things I saw were the Saturday night nude dances at Avalon.

If you like music groups, we had you covered, or maybe I should say uncovered every August. At the nude music festival bands wore clothes. We did not.

One time a hot, fully-clothed female lead singer was on stage at the club. She said, “you know, people always told me to imagine the audience was nude if I was nervous, but I never thought they really would be.”

The singer got into a great mood and started stripping off a garment after every song.

Soon enough was only wearing her boots and a smile. The band was dressed, but she was nude, like us. There were 400 or 500 of us watching the band. We were laying on our blankets on the grass at the club with our lovers watching the concert. It was fantastic.

Watching her strip was one of the hottest things I have ever seen at a resort, because it was so unexpected. We were so proud of her. She partied with us later. Stayed nude for hours with us. Hot as hell.

You might think being a nudist is only a summer time thing. Not always, not everywhere.

Some resorts have heated, in-door pools, steamrooms and the always popular hot tubs.

The hot tubs feel especially good on a winter day. These resorts stay open year around. Other resorts that only have outdoor pools close down in winter to give the staff a break and for much-needed repairs, and renovations.

They usually do stuff like the re-painting the bottom of the pool, or making the hot tubs warmer, etc.

Once you are hooked on nudism, you might want to visit the resort every weekend or twice a month. That is more realistic.

If you go to a summer only club, you’ll want to use a tanning bed near your house all winter to keep your deep, all-over tan going.

If you are a world tourist, you might try the nude city in the South of France, or go down to Key West. It is on my bucket list to go down there, for sure.

There are all-nude flights, nude cruises, you name it. There are large nude beaches in San Francisco, up in New Jersey, down in Miami, plus a lot of smaller nude beaches elsewhere.

It is all fun. It is a great lifestyle. But you have to take the first step and try it.

The first step might scare the pants or panties off you, but you’ll laugh later about how nervous you were at first.

You’ll be damn glad you took the first step. Believe me, it’ll be one of the best things you ever do just for yourself, or for your lover. Probably help your marriage by putting adding a new sexual spark.

One time back in the hills where I grew up, I asked my mechanic what was wrong with my car. He said, “it ain’t got no fire.” Kind of like some people’s marriages, I guess. So put some fire back it your marriage by going to a nude resort. Might help out.

Good luck, my friends! Get wild, get nude and have some real fun for once.

Slut Stripper Fun Ch. 03

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I reached the centre of the room noticing that three of the guys, Paul, Steve and Adam were seated on the sofa and Neil was stretched out on a large bean bag. There was a dining chair in the centre of the room facing the sofa, which the guys had strategically placed so when I would be sitting my Tits and pussy would be facing them. I moved around the sofa slowly doing some bump and grind moves, letting the guys see my crazy sexy net dress, displaying my quarter cup bra holding my pierced tits upwards, my under-bust corset, cinching my small waist and my stockings and garters framing the leather look snap front thong which was so small and tight I may as well have come out naked. It was clinging to my mound showing my shaved slit as though it was naked, like a shiny black second skin. I stood before each guy momentarily, encouraging the guys to feel me at every opportunity.

Adam slid his hands up my stockings and placed the palm of his hand over my leather covered pussy and gave it a nice slow rub.

Steve made a beeline for my pierced nipples as I leant forward offering more scope to play with my full tits.

Paul slid his hands up my waist tantalisingly slow, till they reached my side boob where he systematically spread his fingers across my breast and began to massage my breasts and nipples magnificently.

I moved over to the bean bag where confidant Neil was smiling at me leaning back with legs slightly parted, proudly showing off his very impressive bulge. I stood facing Neil and gyrated slowly lowering myself slightly giving him a good view of my tits and pussy. I turned slowly, bending forward, as I pushed my ass high and tight, then parted my legs slowly, displaying the thong cutting my ass cheeks apart. The thong was stroking my puckered asshole deliciously as Neil slid his finger slowly down my ass crack, circled my asshole three times then smoothed its way along the thong, tenderly pushing the material between my swelling pussy lips. As the material brushed my inner labia I let out a soft moan.

“Yesssss!” I hissed with sexual delight, as Neil slowly worked the leather material into my pussy. His hand moved forward and upward as he palmed my shaven mound and with a flick of his thumb, he unclasped my thong and slid it back toward him, as the mild friction of the slicing leather material, softly grazed my pussy, tingling the most wonderful sensations through my cunt. I turned my head back to look at Neil who winked at me. I licked my lips and blew him a kiss as I stood up to reveal my shaved pussy to the guys on the sofa. I turned back to face Neil and displayed my hairless quim for him to feast his eyes and decided to give him an extra sexy treat my pushing my mound forward and holding my pussy lips open exposing my tight pink hole to him. Again he winked at me with those powder blue eyes and smiled the most wickedly erotic smile I’ve ever seen. My pussy was buzzing thinking of Neil being inside me, but first I would need to finish my dance and show the other guys some fun.

I gave Neil a saucy wink and mouthed “I want to fuck you!” which he smiled back at me and mouthed “I want to fuck you too! I giggled at our private naughtiness then turned my back to him to give the guys some fun. I walked up to Steve and straddled his lap, lowering my exposed pussy directly onto his obvious bulge. I positioned my hot pussy into place, I then slowly gyrated my hips and moved my lips to his ear. My hot breath tantalised his erogenous ear as I whispered

“Do you want to take my dress off?”

Steve swallowed deeply with what appeared to be nervous excitement and took hold of the hem of the fishnet dress and slowly rode the sexy garment over the under-bust corset, over my swollen nippled breasts and finally over my heavily made up face and off my body completely. Hs hands held my taut buttocks as I arched my back pushing my large breasts forward. Steve flicked his tongue over my hard pierced nipples then took the fleshy nub into his mouth and gently sucked. His teeth came into play, gently biting and grazing my nipples sending me wild with desire. My hips began to rock back and forth on his lap as my pussy lips separated due to the pushing of his increasing bulge. Without any penetration it would appear that I was about to orgasm. My excitement was too far advanced to recede and I ground my pussy into Steve’s impressive bulge feeling the heat from his cock as he twitched his excited member, sending the orgasmic waves throughout my pussy. I kissed his neck and ear whispering hoarsely that I was coming.

The other guys cheered hearing of my impending orgasm as I tossed my head back and panted furiously that I was coming. My body shook with the intensity of the orgasm as the last waves of orgasmic eve gelen escort desire dissipated from body. I looked at the guys and smiled as they all smiled back excitedly. If this was the start, then I was in for some serious pleasure this evening. I leant across Steve and kissed Adam as Paul joined our little party by slowly playing with my nipples. I had Adam Kissing me as I sat on Steve’s throbbing bulge whilst Paul stimulated my very sensitive nipples. I placed my left hand on Paul’s cock and my right hand on Adam’s. Both cocks were fully erect and very impressive. I’d already sampled the delights of Adam’s glorious cock, so I decided to unleash Paul’s cock first. Undoing his zip, I reached inside his pants and scooped a very impressive rock hard olive skinned cock from its restraint. His cock stood proudly erect as I ran my taloned fingers up and down the smooth length. His cock twitched as I wrapped my fingers round the shaft and stroked the flesh back and forth. His cock was uncircumcised with a very meaty foreskin. I pulled the foreskin back revealing a pink coloured large bulbous helmet oozing with pre-cum.

I smiled at Paul then leant over his lap and pursed my painted lips over his wet smooth glans. His cock slid inside my mouth as I twirled my tongue around the sensitive head. Paul groaned with pleasure as my tongue worked its magic on his beautiful cock. As I slowly bobbed up and down his length, sucking gently on his blue steel erection, I felt a naughty finger rubbing between my labia, rubbing my obvious wetness all over my smooth pussy lips, lubricating or events to come. The finger gently teased my lips, softly tickling the erogenous sensitive flesh till at last it slowly began to penetrate me. The finger slid effortlessly in to my sexed up my pussy, sliding to the front wall of my cunt and pressed quite forcefully onto my Gspot. We had an expert in our midst as the fingertip pressed on the spongey fleshy spot and began to oscillate frantically. I slid the cock from my mouth and rested my head on Paul’s lap as the intruding finger took my libido up to defcon 1.

The finger was working at warp speed as the squelching sounds emanating from my pussy grew louder and louder. The friction and heat cranked my arousal up to the highest level as my orgasm burst through my body like a sexual tsunami. My female ejaculation began spurting from my cunt, soaking Steve’s trousers, as gush after gush of female jism sprayed his pants. My screams were decibel splitting as I begged the finger to stop as I couldn’t take anymore pleasure. The finger chose to ignore me and continued at the same velocity, pushing me close to passing out with sexual exhaustion. My head became dizzy as the endless waves of pleasure electrically charged my pussy. I pushed down on the finger which prevented its movement and allowed me some sexual respite from the world of Sexual deviancy and the chance to return to the normal world of straight forward fucking.

The slut that I had become was purring with sexual delight as the finger slowly removed itself from my pussy and brushed itself on my painted lips. The smell of my highly aroused pussy was embedded into the flesh of the extremely wet finger as I ran my slut like tongue along the length of the fabulous finger, tasting my deviant orgasm. Paul removed his trousers and shirt and stood from the sofa directly behind me. I clambered off Steve’s lap to allow to remove his pussy soaked trousers. He dropped his trousers revealing to me my first ever pierced cock. His bulbous had had a thick gold ring going through the eye of his cock and coming out of the side of its bulbous head. Intrigued I pulled Steve’s cock closer for a more detailed inspection and ran my cock over the gold ring and placed the tip of my tongue inside the enlarged eye, tickling the tip delicately. Steve moaned with delight and whispered.

“Lick it slut!” which I willingly obeyed. Paul moved my knees apart and slowly slid his Latino cock deep into my drenched creamy pussy. My pussy was extra tight after the oscillating female ejaculation, clamping Paul’s cock like a third hand. Paul pushed his cock as deep as it could go, banging the opening to my cervix. I do like to be fucked deep and Paul was doing exactly what I like. I rode his cock slowly whilst licking the ornament ordained cock. Adam told Paul to slide underneath me and fuck me cowgirl style so he could fuck my ass and they could DP me. I moaned with delight at the thought as I sucked the pierced wonder.

Paul removed his cock from my pussy and sat on the sofa as I straddled his thighs, sliding my opening over his smooth bulbous head. As his head was enveloped by my pussy I slid down the length till he was in mecidiyeköy escort me up to the hilt. I leant forward slightly to arch my back so my asshole was in the prime position.

Adam spat on his cock quite loudly then placed the tip at my puckered ring. He pushed his cock forward as my puckered ring stretched over his huge cock and clamped the shaft as it disappeared inch by inch up my tight slut asshole. Paul and I both moaned as the tightness encapsulated us both. I could feel the searing heat of both cocks as the move in unison in and out of my stretched holes. Steve was overcome with sexual ecstasy watching this unfold and declared that he was going to come. I placed one hand on his bare ass and pushed him into my face, ensuring every splash of come went down my throat. Steve groaned through gritted teeth as spurt after spurt of hot virile young seed slid down my willing throat, His youthful exuberance was evident as the ferocity of his spurts were quite forceful, even borderline violent. I let his flaccid cock slip from my mouth as I smiled at him then encouraged the two cocksman with some vocal support.

“These beautiful young cocks fucking my pussy and ass are making me want to come!” which was not just encouragement but also the truth.

“Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” I pleaded. The guys were building a speedy rhythm pleasuring my pussy and ass as my next orgasm began to appear.

“Oh fuck guys you’re making me come!” I groaned throatily as my orgasm surged through me. I bucked ferociously on the cocks as they both informed me that they were also coming. The once in a lifetime episode occurred as all three of us reached orgasm together. As my electric sexual pulses tingled through my cunt a flood of young hot seed splurged through my anal cavity while a gush of warm sticky young spunk flooded my pussy. We slowly rode each other as our orgasms waned. All three of us panting with just a hint of laughter and giggling as our chests heaved gasping the air into our lungs. As my orgasm began to wane Paul took my pierced nipple into his mouth and gently licked and sucked the flesh, sending me back up the arousal scale to what can only be described as a mini orgasm, which made me moan with delight and repeatedly utter the word “Yes!”

Adam slid his cock out of my ass and picked some kitchen roll and began to wipe the spunk and pussy juice away from my ass and cunt. He cleaned it vigorously but also tenderly which increased my mini orgasm to a full blown scream your fucking head off one. When the clean-up was complete, Adam walked into the kitchen to dispose of the sex drenched kitchen roll, his still huge cock swaying from side to side. Steve had now returned to sit on the sofa, with his jewelled cock lying limply by his thigh. Paul was sprawled across the remainder of the sofa, with me straddled across him as my pussy gently rubbed itself on his hairless thighs. Neil spoke in a soft but determined tone.

“Don’t I get any action?” he smiled

“Adam!” I shouted “I’m just taking Neil into your bedroom to fuck him while you guys recover!”

Adam shouted from the kitchen

“Go ahead we’ll see you soon!”

I grabbed Neil’s hand helping him from the bean bag and led him into Adams bedroom.

Unbuttoning his shirt, I ran my hands over his smooth tanned chest, working my way down his six pack stomach and began to unbuckle his jeans. His shoes and socks were already removed as I slid his jeans over his tight smooth hairless thighs. His tight Calvin Klein briefs shaped his prominent cock wonderfully as I ran my warm lips over the material of his briefs, kissing the shaft of his cock. I slid his briefs down over his hips and thighs as his rather large cock bounded free, standing proudly erect.

“I’ve been waiting for this!” I smiled, taking his warm glans between my lips. Teasing his bell end I began to work my tongue on his full length. He whispered softly.

“Oh you fucking slut. You do that so well. I need to be inside you!”

He moved me back onto the bed gently as he climbed between my open legs. The subdued lighting of the bedroom could not hide the increasing glossy wetness of my pussylips as he slid two fingers into my hot tight hole. I raised my pussy off the bed to meet his thrusting fingers as he hooked the front wall of my cunt and began to finger blast me. I thrashed on the bed wailing “Give it me. Finger my cunt!” as the inevitable gushing orgasm spurted from my cunt. As the last spurt flew into the air, Neil pushed his tongue into my drenched cunt sending me into another mini orgasm. Moving his sexy lips gently over my pussy, then tenderly kissing my thighs and the under-bust corset, reaching my neck with soft gentle nibbles and delicate kisses evi olan escort until he ran his tongue along my lips and kissed me with softest lips I’d ever known. Neil’s cock was at my shaved opening as it found its way home without any help. Sliding slowly into my cunt, my stockinged legs edged their way up Neil’s hamstrings and rested on his back.

My hands were n his cheeks as we kissed lovingly, fucking each other slowly yet passionately. Neil began to gently nibble my bottom lips as his huge cock slid in and out of me, taking my state of arousal higher. He leant up on his hands and whispered.

“You have to let me see you again. I need to be inside this pussy some more! One fuck would never be enough with you!” he declared.

“Give me your number and we’ll definitely fuck again!” I reassured him.

He began to increase his speed to almost full tempo when my orgasm thrust through me. Bucking my hips against his, I fucked him and kissed him, enjoying the heightened sexual pleasure he was delivering. Hubby will explode when I tell how good these cocks were.

Neil waited until my orgasm had subsided when he turned me over parting my legs as wide as they would go. He knelt behind me and slid his cock into my cum drenched pussy with full force. I panted loudly as the movement took me delightfully by surprise.

“Oh yeah Neil, fuck my cunt. Fuck this unfaithful slut!” I panted.

Take my cock slut!” Neil whispered through clenched teeth.

“Fuck me! Pound my cunt!” I begged.

Neil thrust forcefully, stretching my pussy with his thick cock. Thrust after thrust of his young virile cock, stretching my married cunt with unfaithful abandon.

With no warning and very efficiently, Neil withdrew his cock from my pussy in one thrust and banged it deep in my ass with another.

I came on contact. This sex machine knew just what buttons to press on me and his cock was working me over good and proper.

“Your husband will love to taste your ass when I’ve finished destroying it!” he growled

“Oh Neil take my ass!” I begged

“You’re my slut and will fuck when I say!” he commanded.

“I’m yours to do with as you want!” I panted obediently.

“You’ll come to mine tomorrow and wearing something like this while I fuck all your holes. Hubby can watch, but he can’t touch you!” he ordered.

We most definitely had a sexual deviant of the highest order stretching my whore slut ass and whom I don’t think I could refuse any request.

“Take me!” I screamed as I felt his hot young seed gush into my anal passage sending me to another orgasm.

As his cock slipped out of my ass he looked me in the eye and gently kissed me saying.

“You can ring your husband to collect you now. You’ll need all that sexual energy for tomorrow night!” he calmly explained.

He got up off the bed and walked into the lounge returning with my bag and holdall.

“The guys know your leaving and they’re delighted to have fucked such a sexy filthy slut!”

He looked me up and down so arrogantly and confidently.

“Ring your husband and leave me your number and I’ll call you later and you can masturbate while I give you my address and your husband can clean your pussy and ass with his tongue while he listens!” he stated.

I rang my husband and waited for the phone to answer.

“Hi babe anything wrong?” he asked

“No everything is perfect. Would you collect me now?” I asked.

“Sure Babe I’m on my way. Did you have a good time?”

“Better than you could imagine. I’ll tell you when I get home. Come now honey, I’ll see you in ten minutes!”

Hanging up the phone I handed Neil a card with my number and email address.

I leant forward and kissed him softly which became more passionate, till we were in a full on clench. Neil stroked my pussy and said.

“If he’s here in ten then we’ve enough time for me to leave some hot seed in your unfaithful cunt to feed him when you get home!”

Neil bent me over and fucked me wildly sending me to orgasm land once more. I fucked him back just as wildly as I leant my head back as he pulled my hair tightly. My open mouth turned to meet his as his tongue reunited with mine and we both started to orgasm in unison. His rapturous hot seed splashed inside my womb sending me wild with desire.

I milked his cock that slut that I am. This cock was even more special than Adams and would be inside me at every given opportunity. I just hope hubby can handle it as that’s what’s happening. As Neil continued to empty his balls in my cunt I placed my face on the bed and softly whispered.

“Fuck me tomorrow and show my husband how you will make me your slut!” I said in all sincerity.

We panted ourselves back to normality as his cock slid out of my pussy.

“You’ll be a great slut to have around. Keep wearing the sexy outfits. You’ve a fucking great body and fuck me do you know how to use it! You are the ultimate slut”

As Humphrey Bogart once said “This could be the start of a beautiful friendship!”

Skater Girl Date Ch. 02

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We headed back to my car in the parking garage. I keep a bag in the trunk with car cleaning stuff. Armorall, Turtle Wax those Windex towlets stuff like that. Trisha looked so smokin’ hot. Her nipples were poking through her black dress and there were globs of my cum in her hair and drying on the side of her face and chin.

My shirt didn’t look any better. It was getting cold and clammy and I reeked like the floor of a messy video booth in a bad porn shop. I looked like I had run a marathon. I was soaked with Trish’s pussy juice and cum. I loved it though.

I have a Chevrolet Concourse 4 door sedan the 1993 model in metallic silver. Hey it’s not a muscle car I know, but it has a big back seat and lots of trunk space and a $2500 stereo system. I can blow out your eardrums from a block away. In college I had roommates that were always taking my shit so I learned to keep all of my important stuff in the trunk of my car. Tools, snacks, car care stuff, condoms and an overnight bag, shit like that.

I had half a stiffy still 10 minutes after the show we put on at the Civic Center. We had walked to my car with her head on my shoulder holding hands the whole way. We laughed and talked about how turned on we were by the whole thing.

“I think I saw my parents as we were walking by the restaurant you know.” Trish told me. “I hope to God they weren’t watching our show or if they did that they didn’t recognize me.”

“Jeez I sure hope your right about that. I don’t think they would like me much after they saw me eating out their daughter in public.” I said opening up the trunk. Luckily I had a blue dress shirt in my trunk bag. I took out the plastic container with the wipes in it.

Instead of giving her one I began to lick her clean like a mother cat cleaning her little pussy. “What are you doing?”

“My grandmother always said you can clean anything with a little spit.” I said licking some drying cum off her ear. I began to suck her ear and closed the trunk. She was leaning her head to the side so I continued sucking her ear and began to suck and kiss my way down her neck.

I guided her to the side of the car and opened the back door on the driver’s side and she kind of fell back onto the seat. I landed on top of her. Continuing my kissing only now it was her mouth. I had slid one hand onto her right tit from the side of her halter top and was massaging her very firm boob. I was pinching her erect nipple. My other hand was running up and down her leg from the side of her pussy down to her knee. She reached up and untied her top to give me better boob access.

I began to suckle those beautiful tits like a starving calf. I had both hands up massaging them and I was sucking and kissing and licking my way from nipple to valley and back to nipple. She was fumbling with the unbuttoning and unzipping of my pants. She grabbed my cock and began to jerk me off. She would run her thumb over the head of my dick at the top of each stroke. When she did that it would pull my urinary meatus apart as she rubbed the constantly flowing pre-cum onto the head of my dick.

She certainly knew how to give a great hand job. I pushed her skirt up and began to rub her pussy. I slid a finger in while putting pressure with the palm of my hand on her mons veneris and clit. She was still soaking wet and so very, very tight.

“Put it in me. Fuck me now. I need to feel you in me.”

“No problem.” I said as I fumbled around and pulled a rubber from my pants pocket. I held it up to her. “Put this on me.” I said.

“You don’t need that I’m on the pill.” She said. Our faces were inches apart and we were looking in each others eyes. “In that case,” I said “have you ever seen the Madonna movie with William Dafoe? I think it was called Body of Evidence. They fuck on the hood of a car in a parking garage and I’ve always wanted to recreate that scene. Minus the glass of şişli escort bayan course.”

“No, I’ve never seen it. You want to fuck on the hood of your car?”

“Not mine the one next to us. I don’t want to scratch my hood.” She laughed and said why not. I kept my socks on but took off my pants and lay on the hood of the BMW next to us. It was an older model and didn’t have a car alarm. My dick was pressed to my stomach and I was stiff as a board. My dick was like a leaky faucet with drops of pre-cum dripping onto my stomach as I lay on the cold hood of the car.

She took off her shoes and started to suck me and jerk me off while I lay on the hood. She had the halter part of her dress dangling down around her legs and the bottom of her dress was pushed up around her belly button. She looked awesome. Her gorgeous blue eyes looked up at me through her blond bangs that had fallen over her eyes while she sucked and jerked my cock. She was humming while she was sucking me. She looked so seductive I was almost ready to blow.

I think she could feel my balls tensing because she took her mouth off of my dick and smiled. “You taste fruity.” She said with a grin.

“Stop smiling and start fucking.” I replied.

“Oh, so now I have to do all the work?” She said grinning.

“Yeah, equal rights. Now get on that cock before it explodes.”

“It better not explode until I tell it to explode.” She said.

“Is that a threat?”

“Yes.” She said gripping my cock. While all this was going on we could hear other cars moving around in the garage. A few had gone by us but I don’t think they really noticed us. I was lying down and she was giving me a blow job and there were a couple of lights out where we had parked. We were in a row of cars facing against an inner wall of the parking garage.

She stood up and turned around. She straddled my legs with her feet on the bumper of the BMW grabbed my cock and slid it between her labia a couple times to add more lubrication. Like I didn’t have enough already with her slobber on my cock and my pre-cum dripping like a leaky faucet. She positioned the head of my dick at the opening of her vagina and slowly sat down. My head was in. She sat a little further. I had my hands on her beautiful ass massaging her cheeks. Half my shaft was in her when she pushed up with her muscular legs, Jesus even her full but cheeks flexed when she pulled back up so just the head of my dick was in her.

I could see under her ass where my shaft was glistening half of it wet. This time she slowly sat all the way down. “Oh my God you feel so hot and tight inside. You have the hottest pussy I have ever felt. It’s like molten lava around by dick.” And it was. I can’t describe the heat I felt in her pussy. It was pulsing around my dick. It was so tight there had to be a vacuum seal or like she had a gasket at the entrance to her vagina.

“Oh God, you feel so big inside me! You fill me up. If I don’t move I can feel your cock throbbing in me. I can feel the veins of your dick. My pussy is on fire for you!” She started to slowly lift her self up and down on my shaft. I just put my head back and closed my eyes. The feeling was incredible. If she gave a great hand job she gave a super fantastic pussy job! I had to look away as the site of my dick going in and out of her pussy was just too erotic for me to watch. She was moaning and going faster.

A car was going by and stopped behind us. Neither of us could see it because we were both facing the wrong way. I really didn’t care anyway. I don’t think she cared either. Unless it was a cop neither of us was stopping. We were both moaning and she was making a “huh huh” sound every time she slapped her cunt to the base of my dick. “Oh my God!” She yelled. “Shoot it now! I want to feel your cum! Shoot your load! Now! Now! Oh shit, Oh shit!” She was slamming down on me escort bayan fatih so hard I think I left my ass prints permanently on the hood of that BMW. That was when I saw the first flash go off.

She was starting to have little convulsions. I could see the cheeks of her but clenching and unclenching. There was another flash. I could see her asshole winking at me. It pushed in and out, in and out. She stopped moving and her shoulders were shaking. I felt a gush of fluid flow down around my dick. Again with the flash. That did it! The rush of hot fluids, the gripping hotness of her honey pot on my shaft, I started to shoot my wad. The first blast made me do one of those stomach crunch things. By the third and fourth blast I was sitting up with my arms around her waist and my head on her back. She was still shivering and I felt another gush of fluid flowing from her vagina. My balls were soaked, my pubes were soaked. There was liquid dripping from the car bumper and I was still coming. 8 times I shot into that godamn Mt. Vesuvius of a cunt. It was mind blowing.

There was another flash from behind us. What the hell? Someone was taking pictures of us. I still couldn’t move as my dick was stuck inside Trish. She was silent her head was bent and her eyes were closed. I don’t think she even knew where she was. There was another flash and it seemed to be moving closer. I pushed her up and my dick popped out of her pussy and was followed by a mixture of our cum. I held her up and rolled out from underneath her. I let her sit back down on the hood of the car.

“What the fuck?” I yelled as I turned to see some 45 year old creepazoid taking pictures of me with my dick sticking straight out in front of me.

“Smile your on candid camera.” He said. He took another picture and ran back to his car. He jumped in and left. I went back to Trish who was now tying the halter top part of dress back behind her neck. She stood up.

I heard a dripping sound. I looked under the front bumper of the BMW and there was a good sized puddle dripping from the bumper. It looked like the radiator had burst, but it was just me and Trish. She had a smile on her flushed face. “Godamn we do that well together.” She said.

“Fuckin’ a right we do. That was fantastic.” I didn’t say anything about the photographer and I don’t think that she even noticed.

I went back to my trunk and got out the wipes. I was going to clean off my dick until Trish sat in the back seat with her dress hiked up. “I’ll clean you off.” She said with a smile. I stood at the open driver side door of the back seat between her wide spread legs. She began to lick and suck my cum and her love juice off of my cock. She lifted my dick up with one hand and licked up and down the underside like it was a big ice cream cone.

Then she did the same with my balls. She lifted them up with one hand and licked the underside of my balls up to my asshole. Then she sucked each nut individually while licking them at the same time. Needless to say my dick was clean but hard again.

“My turn.” I said. “Close the door.”


“Close the door.” I said. She closed the door. She was on the outside and I was on the inside kneeling on the back seat. “Now put your legs through the window and spread ’em.” I told her. Luckily I have those windows that go all the way down in the back, not like newer cars where the windows only go 2/3 of the way down.

She slid her gorgeous ice skater’s legs through the window and had her hands inside the car holding on to the upper part of the car door and the roof of the car. Her inner thighs were slick with drying juices; her cum and mine. I began to lick from the inside of her knees up to her pussy. First one side and then the other.

I don’t know how successful this process really was as I could see more juices oozing from her cunt. I put my lips merter escort bayan on her vagina and began to lick and suck as much juice as I could. It was a pretty funky mess. My cum and her cum mixing together with the clear nectar of her lubrication. I liked it though. It was a musty, sexy odor mixed with a hint of urine. It tasted just fine to me.

I put a couple of fingers in her vagina and massaged her G Spot while I sucked her clit. I was sucking it in between my teeth and kind of gently gnawing on it. I was flicking it with my tongue as I held it between my teeth and sucked on it. She was breathing hard and making little grunting noises. She was pressing her legs together around my head. I took my fingers, wet with her juices, and slowly pushed one into her asshole. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her pussy and fucked her with it. My nose was colliding with her clit every time I went forward.

My finger in her ass was going in and out. She moaned and I felt her pussy contracting down onto my tongue. Her sphincter squeezed down on my finger so hard I didn’t think I would be able to get it out of her ass. This lasted for about 15 seconds and both holes were flexing the whole time.

“Jesus Christ!” She said. “We may as well spend the whole night at the car.”

“No way!” I said. “I want to see you dance. I want to see you shake that booty of yours.”

Once again I grabbed the wipes. This time I cleaned my dick, and she cleaned her own reproductive area and her inner thighs. I put on my pants. “I have to pee.” I said.

“I do too.” She replied. I walked over to the front of the BMW beside us. There was already a mess of liquid there. “Hold my dick while I pee.” I commanded. I unzipped my pants and flopped out my semi erect unit.

“Where should I aim it?” She asked.

“Hey you’re the one with the dick in your hand.” I said. Still holding my dick she had me turn around facing the hood of the BMW with my ass prints indented on to the hood.

“Okay. Go now.” She told me. I have to tell you it’s not the easiest thing in the world to pee with a girl holding onto your steadily hardening dick. Once I got it started it was a piece of cake though. She started off aiming at the radiator of the car, she moved up hitting the BMW hood emblem, and then as I was really peeing she got it up onto the hood. My piss filled into the depressions left by my ass on the hood. Pumper Number 9 was running out of gas by this time. I gave a couple of forward hip thrusts and a last couple of spurts.

“Shake me.” I told her.

“What do you mean? Are you done?”

“Yes I am. You have to give me a shake to get the last couple of drops out.”

“Like this?” She asked shaking my dick from side to side. She was enjoying this.

“Up and down works better.” I said. She was laughing and waving my dick up and down, twirling it in circles and generally manhandling my Mr. Happy. “Okay, Okay. Now you have to put him back in my pants and zip me up.” I said.

“Oh, but I like playing with him. I like aiming him and feeling him get bigger in my hand.”

“I promise that if I have to pee again you can hold him for me.”

“Promise?” She asked with a pouty sound in her voice.

“Yes.” I said with a smile on my face and in my voice. “Now I want you to pee on the windshield.” I said still smiling. She stood there looking at the car and thinking for a minute.

“Okay.” She said. She climbed on to the hood and sat on the roof of the car with her dress hiked up to her waist. She put her heels on the top of the front windshield with her legs spread and began to pee. I had to move to over to my car because her piss was almost shooting over the front of the car. Damn she had some pressure built up! Her piss stream slowly shrunk back to a trickle flowing down the front windshield of the BMW. “How’d I do?” She asked smiling.

“Holy mackerel I think you can pee farther than I can. I wish I could hold you while you pee like you did me.”

“Maybe next time you can.” She said with a smile as she slid off the roof of the car and back to the ground. We both put on our shoes and headed towards the bar.

(To be continued)

Shy Wife Ch. 03

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Chapter 3 – Black’s Beach Revisited

I had set out to get my shy wife Chris to be more adventuresome. Not every attempt was successful, and I will not bore you with my failures. But I am still working on Chris, without pushing her too far. She had gotten naked on the Black’s Beach before and had her picture snapped with a tourist (Shy Wife

), she posed for a nude portrait and modeled for my art class (Shy Wife

). Here is my latest success.

I don’t even remember what the bet was, but I was confident enough to wager a day at the spa.

“Yea, and what do you want from me?” Chris said, skeptically.

“Oh, just a return visit to Black’s Beach – on my terms.”

Chris was so confident that she was right that she did not even to ask what those terms were, other than her getting naked for some sun on the sand. In the end, I won the bet. Chris offered an expiation regarding how her answer really should have been right and rolled her eyes, claiming I had won on a technicality.

Technicality or not, I won, and we set off for the Black’s Beach the next weekend. As we were parking, I filled Chris in on what I wanted – “Ok, so here are the terms.” She raised her eyebrows and gave me a skeptical look. “I’ll take my chair and pack, I’ll walk down the trail alone and find a spot on the beach. You follow in five minutes. When you see me on the beach, set up near me, but not too close. You don’t know me. Just put down your stuff and get naked. No hiding, take off your clothes and let whoever is there enjoy the view.”

Chris sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Wait,” I said handing her the sun screen. “You have to talk with whoever is near-by and,” I paused “you have to get a stranger on the beach to rub some of this sun screen on your back. A guy that is, no chicks” I smiled.

Chris just opened her mouth and let out a breath.

“Hey, you lost and you agreed to my conditions,” I said. “Get him to rub the sun screen on your ass too and I will buy you that day at the spa anyway” I smiled. Chris couldn’t even respond except to shake her head. “See you down there,” I called as I started down the path to the beach, smiling to myself, leaving my still speechless wife standing at the car.

The weather was perfect for a day on the beach. High 70s with a light breeze. I worked my way down the trail to the beach thinking about my plan. As I started walking south along the shore, the usual crowd of wieners glanced up as I passed. An older couple was pulling off their clothes and staking out a spot away from the water and the watchers. A couple of topless coeds sat in chairs. I wanted a closer look but didn’t have the time, I walked further down the beach. I had to find the perfect spot, and I did.

Fifty yards down the beach I spotted them, three college guys spread out on their towels not far from the water, in perfect position to observe anything of interest that walked down the beach. They wore sunglasses and smirks. Two of them lay on their stomachs, propped up on their elbows so they could glance around if something merited their attention. A well built kid with curly black hair was sat facing the water taking in the whole view.

I set down my chair about 20 feet up the beach and a little behind them, just far enough away not to invade their space but close enough to hear what was going on. They glanced my way, but clearly I was not worthy of further thought. I pulled off my shorts, took out my book, sat down and waited.

The older couple who had been setting up further down the beach took a stroll past us. I saw one of the college guys, a skinny kid with brown hair give a subtle gag sign to his friends as the couple passed. I glanced at the walking couple. True, there was not much on the woman what had not headed south, but at least she was out here. You’ve got to give her credit.

The usual crowd passed by, a couple runners, a tourist in Bermuda shorts, I guy in a Speedo with a thin woman who was topless. She was good enough to merit a raised eyebrow from one of my college friends – a freckled kid with tousled blond hair.

After a couple of minutes, I glanced up the beach to see Chris a couple hundred yards away, walking along with her feet in the surf, her daypack on her back and a grass beach mat rolled under one arm. Her blond hair was pulled back and her long T-shirt covered her to the top of her thigh.

As she got closer, my college friends glanced mecidiyeköy escort bayan down the beach too, but there was nothing to see. One leaned over to the other while looking down her way, presumably to suggest what she might look like without the shirt.

As Chris got closer, I could tell she had spotted me. She stopped in the surf not to far away and then turned, looking up and down the beach, like she was looking for a place to sit. She paused and looked at the surf again and then turned and started waking up the beach toward me and the college boys. They looked away as she did this, but were clearly wondering why she was coming their way.

“Excuse me” she said smiling down at their naked bodies. “Do you mind if I put my stuff down over her” pointing to a space about five feet to the side and slightly in front of them. “I don’t want to be bugged, and I thought if I sat near you it might keep the creeps away.”

“Sure,” the curly headed kid said as his friends nodded and shrugged, possibly a little uncomfortable at being asked this by I fully clothed “older” woman as she stood over them.

“Thanks” Chris said, dropping her backpack on the sand. “I appreciate it.”

Not as much as they will, I thought.

Chris unrolled her beach mat as my friends went back to their conversation and pretended not to notice her. The two on the far side did their best to watch Chris out of the corner of their eyes as they talked to their friend.

Chris took a minute arranging her mat, perhaps trying to work up her courage. She took out her sunscreen, her iPod, her book, her towel, her water. There was nothing more to unpack, so she stood up and turned toward the water, looking out at the waves. She paused, then she reached up under her t-shirt and slid off her shorts, giving us all a quick shot of her ass. Chris Dropped her shorts beside her then reached down and pulled her T-shirt off over her head, revealing that she had nothing underneath. The air involuntarily left the conversation beside me. The guys lay on their stomach were glancing over their shoulders toward their buddy, but it did not take a genus to notice where their eyes were focused – her beautiful ass, naked back and a glimpse of her breast just visible from where they were laying.

Nice, I thought, but I had hoped she would face them for the show, that was what I said, “no hiding.” As if she had read my mind, Chris took a noticeable breath, turned toward the college boys displaying her lightly tanned body and creamy tits. Her newly trimmed bush, formed a neat triangle above the lips of her pussy, just visible beneath. I had to concentrate hard to keep from getting hard. As Chris leaned down to arrange her towel on the mat, a look from her out of the corner of her eye said, “there — you happy now?”

The quite conversation between my college friends self consciously resumed as Chris sat down facing the water and picked up her sun screen. She squirted some onto her hand and rubbed it into her feet and legs. As she reached her thighs and the area just above her neat bush, I could feel the conversation trail again. When she squeezed more cream out and rubbed it with both hands over her soft breasts and full nipples, the conversation fell silent.

When Chris’ neck and face was coated, she paused. Time for the other side, I thought, but after staring out at the waves a bit, she rolled up her shirt as a pillow, popped in the ear buds of her iPod and lay down closing her eyes. Her breasts with their new coat of sunscreen shined in the sun, slightly whiter than the rest of her tanned body. I had to work to contain my enthusiasm. I could see my college friends felt the same way. The curly headed guy turned to his friends and silently bit down on his fingers, raising his eyebrows, one friend gave a thumbs up and the other mouthed Owwwwww!

As Chris lay naked in the sun, they continued to study her through their sun glasses, occasionally leaning over to each other, whispering comment and smiling. The men strolling down the beach did not seem to mind either, though most were discrete since it did look like she might be will the three guys sitting nearby.

After almost a half hour, Chris’ body started to glisten with a light coat of sweat. She picked up a towel and wiped her brow. Then she sat up, looking down at the water, her breasts hanging like ripe peaches. Time to turn over? I could tell she was escort bayan taksim trying to figure out what to do about the second part of her task. She glanced over her shoulder and looked at the guys as they looked down. She stood up with the sun screen in her hand and looked around again, but then she dropped the tube of sun screen and walked down toward the water.

The eyes of my college friends followed her, as did the several guys sitting a bit further away.

“Oh shit,” one said as she walked out of hearing.


“Yea, I could do that all day.”

“Bit old for you don’t you think,” said the blond. “I think Pete has a bit of a Mrs. Robinson thing going on.”

“What? She can’t be much more than 30, and did you see those tits! She could ride me all day long!”

“You wish.” You see her ring?

“Yea. So, what’s she doing here alone?”

“Husband is probably some rich old fart.”

“Nice ass,” the blond commented as Chris waded into the waves.

“I never got past her tits” said the skinny kid.

The conversation died out as they watched Chris dive into the waves. Down the beach, an older guy had walked to the edge of the waves where Chris was and started to wade in too. It looked like my college friends were not the only ones who thought she was hot.

The curly headed kid, who I now knew was Pete, followed the action with his eyes as the stranger waded out toward Chris. A couple minutes passed we all looked out at the water and watched Chris from the beach.

“Look at that guy. He’s stalking her,” said Pete.

“Yea, so.”

“I just think I’ll go down and make sure she’s OK. She did ask us to help keep the creeps away,” Pete smiled.

“Yea, you do that, and who’s going to keep you away, creep.”

“Fuck off,” Pete said, flipping his friend the bird as he walked to the water.

The older guy was within a few feet of Chris, chest high in the water. She was doing her best to ignore him but each time she moved off, he moved toward her.

Pete waded in and then dove under and swam out into the waves. At first, he kept his distance, around twenty feet away from Chris. He caught a wave an body surfed in a bit then swam out again.

Chris turned, and I could see her say something to the older guy who was right next to her by then. In two strokes Pete was there. After a couple of words from him the older guy backed away and swam off. I could see Chris smile. She and Pete talked a bit. He caught a wave and she caught another, hints of her naked body emerging as the surf surged around her. Standing, she pulled a bit of sea weed from her chest, turned and walked out into the waves again.

A Chris and Pete continued to swim and chat, his friends had no end of comments. “Fucking hound dog” said the blond kid who had now turned to lay on his back so he could watch the action.

After a few more minutes, Chris and Pete turned from the waves and started to walk in together. Clearly, Chris had her mind on other things because a particularly large swell caught her from behind and knocked her from her feet. In a second, Pete reached below the froth and pulled her up, his body pressed against her and his arms wrapped around her naked flesh. With his right hand firmly clasping her breast he brought Chris to her feet, then quickly moved his hands to her shoulders, obviously saying “are you OK?” There was a nod from Chris and Pete self consciously dropped his hands.

With a smile, Chris pulled another a strand of sea weed form her chest and dropped it in the water between them. They both turned walked out of the waves.

“Thanks again,” she said as they got within earshot. “That guy was a creep, and I do appreciate you digging me out of the waves.”

“Well, no problem, sorry about the hands.”

Chris smiled.

Chris shook our her hair. Water glistened on her skin, dripping from her tight nipples and bush. This time, Chris made no attempt to hide herself from the eyes behind the sun glasses not so discretely taking in every inch of her body. She stood facing my friends and picked up her towel to dry herself. As she dried he chest their eyes followed. As she dried her bush, the air left their lungs. I know she felt their eyes on her, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Ok, now that was the kind of show I wanted.

Chris reached down on her mat. She picked up her sunscreen and coated the back of her legs escort bayan beşiktaş then she looked over her shoulder, discretely glancing at me an then immediately at Pete who was just sitting down.

“Pete, Could you do me just one more favor.”

“Sure, what.”

“Could you put some lotion on my back. I can’t reach it and I don’t want to burn.” She held the tube out as he looked at her.

“Sure,” he said taking it from her hand.

Chris lay down on her mat and propped her self up on her arms so her breasts hung down for me and for Pete’s companions to admire.

Pete looked over at his friends and raised his eyebrows. He squirted cream on his right hand and rubbed the white cream across Chris shoulders and she tilted her head down so he could coat her neck.

“Make sure you get it all over, she said, I burn easily.”

Pete spread the cream across her shoulders and back then, with another squirt continued down to her lower back. As he did this he shifted slightly, his member rising perceptibly.

He paused at the small of the back, not wanting to push things too far.

“Go ahead, and do the rest please, I don’t want a burned rear.” As Chris said this, she glanced briefly up toward me, raising her eyebrows and giving me a “SEE” look.

Pete paused then did as he was told. With a big squirt of lotion on his hands he rubbed it into her ass. His member stiffening more.
“Thanks” Chris said smiling as she rolled to her side and took the lotion from his hands, glancing down at his member. Then she lay her head down, popped in her ear buds and closed her eyes as Pete’s friends gave him signs that I can only guess meant “you stud,” “fuck,” and “you dog.”

Pete looked over my way and I looked down, lost in the moment, I had been staring not to discretely. I looked back down to my book as Pete returned to his friends. Damn, that was a better show than I expected. I read the same paragraph over a few times as I tried to contain my hard-on. Finally, I headed to the cold surf, to fix things.

As I walked back from body surfing a bit later, Chris was sitting up with Pete right beside her. As they talked quietly, I saw her smile. This attention from a young stud seemed to suit her. As I sat down, she pulled out a pen from her backpack and wrote something on his hand. Then she pulled on her T-shirt, gathered her stuff and walked off up the beach. I waited a couple of minutes and did the same.

When I reached Chris near the trailhead she smiled. “Day spa it is” she said. “Better be careful what you promise. You happy now?”

“What ‘d you think?” I replied with a smile.

Chris turned toward the path, but I had other ideas. Come this way, I said, holding out my hand. She followed as we walked into a little canyon just north of the path. We wound our way back from the beach.

“Where are we going?” Chris said, but I think she knew.

“Right here should do,” I said, pulling off my shorts to let my growing erection spring free.

“Here?” she said, looking around, unsure.

“Yea.” I reached over and pull her shirt off over her head with little resistance.

“But what if…”

Next came her shorts.

“No one will see.” I assured her, spreading my towel on the sand and easing her down onto it.

With no further resistance I moved Chris onto her knees and she bent over in the missionary position. By then I was rock hard. I slid my cock into her wet pussy, wet and waiting. Clearly, I was not the only one turned on by our trip to the beach.

As I started to bang my wife in that little canyon, I looked up to the cliffs above and saw him. Sitting with a pair of binoculars looking down at us. “No one will see us…except him,” I smiled to myself.

I started to thrust harder and Chris pushed back, shoving my throbbing cock deep inside her, her breasts bouncing with each thrust. As I glanced up again, I say the voyeur on the hill now had a camera with a long lens to his eye. The hot lava that had formed inside me during Chris’ show came flowing out. I came, and came again, filling her with molten liquid as he documented our primitive ritual on film.

We fell panting in the sand.

“Fuck, that was good,” I said.

“Yea,” smiled Chris, looking around and reaching self consciously for her shirt.

As we walked back up the trail I asked Chris what she wrote on Pete’s hand.

“Oh, just my email address” she said with a smile.

“A fake one, I suppose?”

“No, I gave him my real one,” she said with a shy smile.

I gaped.

“I don’t have to answer,” she replied defensively.

“I may just have to chain you up.”

“Not today,” Chris replied. “One fantasy a day is more than enough for me.”

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