The Factory Pt. 02

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Here is Part 2 of The Factory. It’s my first story, and I’m so grateful for all the votes and comments. Sorry if I left part one on a bit of a “cliffhanger.” I hope you enjoy the rest! I certainly enjoyed writing it many times 😉

“The best part is it doesn’t move; you have to fuck it yourself.”

Rose feels her pussy clench. She longs to feel her clit sucked on, to feel that burn of overwhelming pleasure. She slowly lifts her leg up and over the side of the machine as if she were climbing onto a motorcycle. Her bare pussy opens ever so slightly. A quiet clicking sound of her wet lips parting, which would usually make her feel shame, now only makes her feel even more turned on. She wants to feel her cunt on display, her asshole open and begging to be touched.

Aaron walks around the back of her and places a hand on her lower back. “There…” he breathes. “Lower yourself down, nice and slow.” He guides her hips until the soft seat beneath meets her scorching hot pussy.

It’s warm and wet and has an indescribable texture. Soft to the touch but with a firm inside that promises pleasure.

“The bottom of a snail,” Aaron begins, “also known as the foot, is a muscular and flattened structure. This part is in direct contact with surfaces as the snail moves and feels moist and smooth,” he explains as Rose gently moves her hips to get comfortable. “The arm of an octopus, known as a tentacle, is a flexible and muscular appendage lined with suckers. These suckers help the octopus capture prey, manipulate objects, and explore its environment with remarkable dexterity.” He slowly makes his way around to her front and sits facing her. “This particular object is a mix of both. It’s soft and slimy, with tongue-like muscles that quiver as it glides all around that pretty pussy of yours.” He says with a smile, “It also has suckers, is flexible like the octopus tentacle, and will move simultaneously in many directions as it gently suckles and explores.”

Rose’s eyes are hooded. She can feel it. The machine isn’t even on yet, and she already feels like if she moves, she’s gonna cum. She can’t wait to fuck herself silly on this.

“Rose, sweetheart, I’m going to turn it on now, ok?” Aaron asks sweetly, “Remember, you can do anything you like. If you want to scream, that’s fine; no one can hear you but me. If you want to hold on to me while you fuck down, that’s fine too.”

Rose nods, “Ok,”

The switch clicks, and the slightest vibrations begin. It’s a barely there kind of sensation. She feels her pussy lips move as the slimy surface moulds itself to her, sliding up in between her folds. It’s such a subtle feeling that she’s not even sure that she’s not merely imagining it.

She closes her eyes as the feeling deepens in her lower tummy. The gentle flutter of the strange machine that is assaulting her pussy most incredibly is intoxicating. She realises that she’s holding her breath and begins to pant in short, staccato breaths.

“Good girl.” Aaron’s deep voice sounds close to her ear, provoking a shiver down her spine. “You look so beautiful like this,” he whispers. “So shy and sweet,” he tucks her hair behind her ear. “Just wait until it ruins your pretty little clit,” his voice is almost menacing. “It’ll suckle so softly you won’t know what to do with yourself.”

The soft burn increases gradually; it builds and builds until suddenly it overwhelms her, and she can’t stop herself from bucking her hips and letting out a guttural sound–a growl, almost.

She realizes that she’s holding on to Aaron’s shoulders for dear life as she fucks her hips back and forth. She opens her eyes and finds his face inches from hers. He’s looking at her intently. He’s looking at her like she’s the most precious thing.

Her face is sweaty and screwed up from the agonising pleasure, but she tries to smile at him. He returns the look and places his hands on either side of her face. It’s warm and comforting, and Rose thinks she’ll never get over this.

“I’m just going to have a look at how it’s türk casino siteleri working you, ok? I want to see your pussy getting drilled. Is it okay if I touch you?” He asks in his usual gentlemanly manner.

Rose can’t help but whimper pitifully; she’s on the verge of tears. “Yes,” she whisper-screams.

The gorgeous man gets to his feet and wanders around her, inspecting the situation as she indeed fucks the object between her legs. Its vibrations are everywhere; her entire pussy is getting touched and stimulated by the licking sensations. It gently suckles on her outer labia, her inner thighs, and that oh-so-sensitive place between her pussyhole and ass. It’s pure bliss.

Aaron places his big hands on her bottom and opens her cheeks. The cool air hits her asshole, and she clenches automatically. She can imagine her hole winking at the beautiful man who stands behind her and wonders if he likes it.

The machine continues to flutter with increased pressure; her whole pussy is quivering from its vibrations. The slime-like lube is dripping down her knees, and fuck, it’s such a turn-on. The suckers explore her curiously; they stop whenever she gasps in pleasure; they ‘know’ when they’ve found a sensitive spot. That being said, nothing has even grazed her clit yet.

Rose can feel how engorged it is. She imagines it pulsating furiously, red, and angry. She desperately wants something or someone to give it the attention it needs. She’s panting and moaning quietly, her hips moving back and forth. Back and forth, she must look like a dog in heat, she thinks. She likes it too–the idea of looking desperate. She loves not having any control.

Aaron continues to hold her big bottom open, massaging her cheeks with his hands. It adds to the sensations she’s getting from the machine, too, as he’s rhythmically pushing her down onto it.

“Remember, Rose, if there’s anything you want me to do, just say the word.”

Rose wants to scream, but a pathetic whimper is the only noise to escape.

“I know, it’s hard, but I really want to hear you,” he says, and if Rose could concentrate on something other than her cunt getting wrecked, she thinks maybe he sounds a little desperate too. “Just tell me,” he pleads. “Tell me to lick your asshole,” he says. “It’s right here, and it will feel so good, baby, I promise! You just have to tell me.”

Rose shudders, and her asshole winks again in anticipation. She tries to take a deep breath before spluttering out. “Lick my asshole.”

Aaron groans, “Ahhh, yes, sweet Rose, I’m gonna lick the fuck out of your pretty asshole! So pretty,” he says a little dreamily. As he gets closer, Rose can feel his warm breath on her fluttering hole.

A warm tongue presses on her, covering her entire rim. She stills, frozen by the overwhelming sensation, and an animalistic sound crawls up her throat.

“Come on, angel, talk to me,” Aaron mumbles directly into her, his tongue never breaking contact. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?”

Rose’s mouth hangs open, her eyes roll up into her head, and suddenly a loud moan leaves her body. It feels so good to finally let it out that she can’t stop. She moans louder and louder, and Aaron begins to lap at her ass relentlessly. Not too fast; a constant lick up and down. The roughness of his tongue feels indescribable as the machine underneath her continues to ravish her pussy.

The machine’s centre slowly closes in, trapping her clit between two soft walls. “Ah, yes, yes,” Rose whimpers.

“What is it, Rose? Tell me”

“My clit,” she responds. “It’s getting closer to my clit.”

“Aww, does your pretty little clit need some attention?” he coos,

“Yes,” Rose whispers, practically in tears.

Aaron gives her asshole a couple of long swipes with his tongue before answering, “When you want to cum, just tell me, and I’ll make you cum. The machine will close in on your clit and a sucker will attach itself to your clit hood. It will then milk the hood until you orgasm. In the meantime, en sağlam casino siteleri I will continue to lick your asshole, and with your permission, I’d like to finger your pussy hole too; that way, I can massage your g-spot from the inside as you cum.”

Rose moans again, louder. The mere fact that he’s telling her what’s going to happen is mind-blowing. The thought of all of those things happening while her clit is begging for literally anything is devastating.

“So?” he asks, “Do you want to cum?”

“Yes,” Rose pants,

“You need to tell me.”

“I want to cum,” she adds.

“Louder,” he teases.

Rose moans as the machine traps her clit, “I want to cum!” she says louder.

“Once more,” Aaron demands while licking her asshole again.

“Please!” she begs, “I want to cum!! I need to!”

“Ok, angel, here we go.”

The machine holds her clit still, and a sucker indeed attaches itself to her clit. Rose pants and whines, her hips furiously trying to hump down, but Aaron is holding her still as he continues to massage her rim with his tongue. The sucker starts to wank her clit hood; its suction is soft, and the burn is so good it’s almost unbearable.

Rose knows she’s going to cum within seconds; it’s too much. The pleasure is like a tsunami as her body trembles and shakes. Her clit gets suckled and wanked while Aaron is still lapping at her asshole like it’s ice cream.

“Are you going to cum?” he asks.

Rose whines pathetically, “Yes, yes, yes! I’m gonna cum”

“Tell me it feels good,” he says, words muffled as he licks and licks.

“Feels so good,” she answers tearfully. “So so good!”

“Hmmm,” he groans into her ass, “I’m gonna finger you now, are you ready?”

Rose makes little “ah ah ah” sounds before responding, “Yes! Please! Finger me! I need to cum!” she begs.

“That’s my good girl,” Aaron coos again. “Now scream,” he adds in the deepest of voices as his long finger slides deep inside her and begins mercilessly finger-fucking her. The clit suction continues to wank and suck. Aaron doesn’t miss a beat while he licks and laps at her abused asshole. And Rose finally screams.

She screams like the horny little heat bitch that she is. She screams and screams as her body spasms, and an orgasm rocks through her body with the force of a tidal wave. She feels herself lose control and squirts all over the floor.

Aaron moans along with her, obviously enjoying the show she’s putting on. A feeling of pride radiates through her as she listens to his groaning. He likes it.

“You humped so well, baby,” he adds. “Your asshole was fucking my tongue; you looked so needy and desperate.”

“It feels so good,” she whispers.

“Yeah? Can you cum again?” he asks.

“My clit is too sensitive.” Rose pants

“Ok, baby. Would it be okay if I taste your cum?”

Rose hardly knows how to answer that, so she just nods. Aaron lowers his head and begins to kiss her pussy, soft, gentle kisses. He glides his tongue along her folds, never too close to her sensitive clit.

“I want to see you cum, too,” she pants as her orgasm somehow continues to course through her body, leaving a delicious burn in its wake.

Aaron leaves a trail of kisses all over her pussy lips and hole, over her bottom and asshole, then makes his way around to take his seat in front of her once more. He lets his pants fall to the ground, and his beautiful cock slaps up against his stomach. It’s perfect. His skin is rich mahogany, and Rose is mesmerised by how it looks–hard and divine. She’s never had the desire to suck a dick before, but he looks absolutely delectable.

“Can I lick the tip?” she asks softly, gradually coming down from her high.

Aaron strokes her cheek. “Of course, sweet Rose,” he answers.

Rose waits patiently as he takes a step towards her, ready to offer her his dick. He grunts quietly as his fingers gently tease the tip; it glistens with precum. Rose lifts her head and parts her lips, eager canlı casino siteleri to lick the hole from which his precum oozes. He places the tip on her lips, and she can’t suppress the urge to rub her lips over it, smearing the clear liquid over her mouth like an expensive lip gloss.

Aaron breathes heavily; it’s a sound that Rose would die to hear again and again.

She slowly lets her tongue slide out of her mouth and touches the beautiful cock presented to her. Aaron shudders a loud groan, and Rose continues to rub her pussy down on the slippery surface, whose vibrations have now toned down to a gentle buzz as she licks ever so softly.

“Rose, do you want me to cum like this?” He asks, “If you do, I need you to lick right here.” He places his cockhead on her tongue, and she can feel the ridge just under the head. “Just keep licking, and I’ll cum. I can already feel it. You were so good for me; you made me desperate too.”

Rose’s tummy swoops, and fuck, she’s getting turned on again.

She continues to rub the flat of her tongue up and down, just where Aaron likes it. It feels so good to hear how good he feels. His deep voice vibrates throughout the room, making a velvety sound as he moans. Rose adores the fact that just the tip of her tongue can make a man melt. Her pussy is still gently rubbing against the machine, and she knows that she’s going to have to tease her pussy for years to come from this memory.

Aaron moans louder and louder as she continues to lick the same spot. He almost sounds pained. “Rose, sweetheart, I’m go-gonna cum,” he stutters, jerking his hips slightly. Rose changes nothing; she simply continues to lick his cockhead. He begins to moan and groan louder and louder. “Fuck,” he grunts. “Ah, ah, ah, ah,” he shakes and groans before pointing his dick to the floor and spurting cum, making a small puddle.

They stay in silence for a moment, catching their breath. Aaron sits in front of her again and leans his head on her shoulder. Rose wonders if he is like this with all of his ‘customers’.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

She smiles, “Yeah, I’m good. The machine is still on, though,” she says with a giggle.

Aaron chuckles too, “So it is,” dialling down the vibrations to a stop.

They stay like that for a few moments. Gradually descending from the sexual high. Rose wonders if she’ll ever be able to experience something like this again.

After a while, she climbs down from the saddle and goes into the bathroom to shower. Her entire body feels like jelly. Her pussy feels red raw and glorious. She washes away the stickiness of the lube and her own juices. She puts her original clothes back on and walks out of the bathroom. The room is back to normal, the floor has been cleaned, and Aaron is also back in his suit. He looks ethereal.

“How do you feel?” he asks. “Did you like it?”

Rose blushes. “Yes.”

“Do you feel better now? A good orgasm always makes me feel good.”

Rose squirms at how matter-of-fact he is about it all. “I suppose I do feel better.” She takes a deep breath. “So, do we just say bye, and that’s it?” She feels a bit awkward now that it’s all over.

Aaron gives her his heartbreaking smile and says, “How about we say’see you soon’, hmm?” He suggests tucking her hair behind her ear.

Rose almost feels sad about its ending. How can she possibly go back to a normal life after today? After knowing what it feels like to cum so hard, “Is it wrong that I want to see you again?” she asks, feeling shy once more.

Aaron cocks his head to the side. “Of course not; you can come and see me anytime you like,” he says kindly. “There are many other facilities here too. Other machines, a conveyor belt, role play, and rooms for many different activities.

“So,” he announces in a tone that indicates that their time is up. “See you soon?” It sounds like a question.

Rose smiles and says, “See you soon.”

He leans in and pecks her cheek. “Soon, sweet Rose,” he whispers in her ear.

As Rose leaves the building, she feels a bit like Bambi on unstable legs. She walks to her car feeling like everyone can see straight through her; she still feels kind of naked. She goes to get her car keys out of her bag and finds an envelope.

To: Sweet Rose

Gift card for a free session with Aaron.

Cum back soon!

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