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Merhabalar, Yaşamış olduğum bu olayla kapalı kızlara bakış açım değişti,daha önceleri bana çok itici, hiç cinselliklik çağrıştırmaz, bakmazdım bile.taki tesadüfen eyüpten binmiş olduğum otobüse kadar. Son duraktan binmiştim boşolmasına rağmen otobüsün en arkasına geçtimbaka baka gitmek için. 3 durak sonra birden otobüs dolmaya başladı, okulçıkışına denk gelmişti. Binen kızlar ise hepsi lacivert pardesülütürbanlı kızlardı. Önce surat astım, dedim çıtır kızlar binicektiki şimdi dedim.Otobüs gittikçe doldu, adım atacak yer kalmadı. Her yanım kapalı kızlarla doldu.Biraz tuhaf oldumiki üç erkek öğrenci vardı ama, benim tarafıma kız grubu doldu. Önüme gelen kıztombul bişeydi, yanımdaki de yan döndü ama genede hafif ten temas ediyorduk. Bir durak sonra tamamen doldu otobüs, önümdeki kız biraz geri gelince kaçıcak yerim. Türbanlı Sex Hikayeleri
kalmadı, tamamen yapıştı önüme, yumuşacık poposu vardı. Eyvah dedim şimdiufaklık uyanırsa rezil olucam dedim. Alışık değilim çünkü böyle durumlara.Tabiki olan oldu,kız yaslandıkça, benim alet anında dikildi. Kız sertliği hissedince hafiftenyandan baktı sesini çıkarmadı. Bende matadorbet baktım ses çıkarmıyo, yumuşacık poposunabaşladım abanmaya, üstümde eşofman olduğu için, çok rahat hissediyordumvücudunun hatlarını. Çok kalabalık olduğu için yerimde tam köşe kimse görmüyoriyice cesaretlendim, hafiften elimle okşamaya başladım, kızda heycanlandısanırım, poposunu oynatmaya başladı, hafifçe eşofmanımı önünü çektim tek elimlealetim dışarı çıktı, rezil olmakta vardı ama işin sonunda, artık bende şarteratmıştı. kafaya koydum dedim tenine temaz edicem sikimle.Kız hafiften elini arkaya uzatınca da, yakaladım elini hafif hafif okşayarak,sikime doğru yaklaştırdım, temas edince birden çekmek istedi,izin vermedim.Sonra hoşuna gitti, hafif hafif sürtmeye okşamaya başladı. O sürterken bendeağrar arkadan pardesüsünü yukarı çekmeye başladım, bembeyaz bacakları ortayaçıkınca hepten azdım, nerdeyse boşalıcaktım.Beyaz külodu vardı, hafifçe indirdim,artık itirazda etmiyordu, beyaz kütür kütürellenmemiş poposu karşımdaydı, arasıra etraf bakıyor, durumu kontrol ediyordum,görmelerine imkan yoktu. Elini sikimden çekip, eteğini tutturdum matadorbet giriş solundan, bendesağ tarafından tuttum, kar gibi poposuna dayadım sikimi, sokmama imkan yoktu amasürterek boşalmak istiyordum, gidip geldikçe, kızın nefesi hızlandı ve birdenkasıldığını hissettim, boşalmıştı, titremesinden çekindim, çok şiddetli olduçünkü, anlaşılır diye geri çekildim biraz, O an hafif kıpırdanmalar oldu diğer kızlarda hemen toparlandım, bütün tadımkaçmış fakat azgınlıktan kudurucaktım. Okmeydanına gelince baktım kız inmeyehazırlanıyor eyvah dedim kızı kaçırıcam. Baktım duramıcam durakta bende peşindenindim, uzaktan takip etmeye başladım.Kız farketti, hafiften gülümsedi, biraz rahatlamıştım. Belki diyordum uygun biryer olur kızmet diyordum. Baktım bir apartmana girdi. Girerken gene baktı busefer davetkar bir bakış attı. Karar veremiyordum, tufaya düşmek te vardı. Birsüre bekledim sonra baktım blokta üst katta poliklnik var, bişey olursa orayagirerim, kontrol ettiricek bişey bulurum dedim.Ve girdim apartmana, biraz ilerde kız bekliyordu, İşaret etti gel diye, bodrum kata indik, burda kimse görmez matadorbet Güncel Giriş dedi, bu katta bir tek biz varız, evde de kimse olmaz akşama kadar dedi. Evden girer girmez üstüme atıldı,otobüste kudurttun beni dedi, bende asıl sen dedim. Hızla soyundum, ismielifmiş, elifse sadece külotla kaldı. Taş gibi göğüsleri vardı. çekyata uzandık,süt gibi vücudunu yalamaya başladım, külodunu çıkartmak istedim bir türlü izinvermedi, kızım olmaz dedi, sadece yalamak için dedim, zorla ikna ettim,çıkarınca nerdeyse boşalıcaktım, hafif tüylü lokum gibi bir am, hemen eğildimbaşladım yalamaya, iyice ıslanmıştı, sonra birden beni itip üzerime çıktı,aniden sikimi ağzına aldı, en sevdiğim şey bu dedi, şaşırdım tabiki, meğersebizim türbanlı tam kaşarmış, bakire olmasına rağmen. sikim ağzında kocaman oldu,hadi şu kremi sürde götten sik beni dedi, inanamıyordum, sadece sürtmeyidüşünürken, götten sikmemi istiyordu. Hemen kremledim, domalttım elifi, önceparmağımla, yokladım, sonra hafif hafif sikimi sokmaya başladım, çok zorlanmadangirdim, inlemeye başladı, biri iki git gelden sonra çok şiddetli boşaldım, yığıldım kaldım, Bir süre uzandım, sonra birkezde ağzıyla boşalttı beni,zevkten dört köşe oldum. Hadi artık git deyince kendime geldim. Hemen giyinipçıktım evden. Daha sonra sık sık bindim aynı arabaya ama bir türlürastlaşamadık, başka kızlar düştü biraz sürttüm ama elif gibisi çıkmadı karşıma.Ah Elif ah.

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Naked Ch. 03

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I was awoken by a morning blowjob. As my eyes fluttered open, an orgasmic sensation enveloped me and I excessively jerked when I shot my load, causing my cock to spring out of Jennifer’s mouth and spurt all over the place as it was not being anchored. I breathed heavily as I said, “Holy shit.”

Jennifer crawled up next to me and said, “That’s for yesterday. You were absolutely wonderful. I figured you could use a pick-me-up this morning.” She jumped off the bed and said, “Come on. I’ve got to wash you up before you go to work.” She walked into the bathroom and started the shower. After stripping off her clothes, she grabbed me by the cock and dragged me into the shower with her. She soaked me up and lathered me all over to get the dried cum off of me, then turned me around and started jerking me off, pressing her tits into my back. As the water ricocheted off of the front of my body and her soapy hand pumped my member, it was moments before I was cumming again. Afterwards, she rinsed me off, toweled me down then knelt in front of me to give me another blowjob. Five minutes later, I was cumming into the back of her throat. Afterwards, she got up and said, “That should hold you over until you get home from work tonight.”

After we dressed, we said our goodbyes and went to our separate jobs. Though I had not noticed before we left, I had a tremendous hard on that would not deflate on my drive to work. After parking, I tucked my cock into my belt to keep it from creating a tent in my pants. I walked past everyone on the way to my office and was relieved when I was behind my desk. Unfortunately, I was not in the right mindset to work. By the time it was lunch, I had gotten nothing done and there was a knock on my door. It was Jennifer. I ushered her in. She immediately asked if I needed relief and I stated that I did. She unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the floor. She pulled my boxer briefs down and began to unbutton my shirt. I asked, “What are you doing?”

Jennifer answered, “Getting you naked.”

“But I’m at work.”

She grabbed my rock hard cock and squeezed. “Yeah. Just take off your shirt.” After I did as told, she pulled me to the edge of the desk by my dick and started jerking me off. Within no time, I was on the edge and she stopped. “I’m sorry. But I have to get going back to work.” She let go of me and walked out of my office without closing the door, so I was seen in all my glory by my secretary, who got up, entered my office and closed the door behind her.

As I was failing to completely cover up because I was as hard as I could imagine, Sarah asked, “Do you need help?”

“No Sarah. Thank you.”

The blonde haired beauty said, “But it looks painful.”

I looked down at my purple knob, which I was still in full view. “It’s not.”

Sarah inched closer and grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my groin. She reached out and grabbed my dick and started pumping away. As I mildly pleaded with her to stop, she picked up steam and soon I was arching my back as cum went flying through the air and onto the carpet. After eight cumshots, the last of my jizz dripped from the slit. She turned around and, before leaving, said, “I’ll request that the carpet get clean.”

I was left alone in my office to dress, but the day did not get easier. I couldn’t think about anything but cumming and got nothing done. Thus, I left early and, upon getting home, stripped off all of my clothing as soon as I entered.

Jennifer immediately came to greet me with a kiss on the lips and a gentle squeeze of my dick. “I love that you’re into this.”

I replied, “After yesterday, how could I not?”

“Good. Kimberly is on her way.” When the doorbell rang, she asked, “Can you get that?”

I walked to and opened the door and Kimberly immediately walked in and grabbed my cock. She dragged me to the family room by my appendage and sat me down on the couch. After dropping to her knees, she began sucking me off. With a full erection already, I felt the welling in my balls quickly and went to warn her, but all I got out was a grunt and I exploded in her mouth. She was a trooper and lapped it all up. After swallowing my numerous loads, she pulled back and asked, “Where’s Jenny?” After I pointed towards the kitchen, Kimberly left me panting and wanting more.

The two of them came back to see that I had yet to move and Jennifer said, “Let’s do something.”

Kimberly asked, “Like what?”

Jennifer queried, “Where’s a good place to show off Jake?”

Kimberly sat down near me and started playing with my prick. “I don’t know.”

“I know. My old sorority house.”

Fondling my balls, Kimberly said, “I’m sure they’re up for it.” She bent down and licked my cock head as she jerked me off. “He’d be an absolute hit.”

Jennifer said, “And you like them young, don’t you honey?”

I apologized again. “I’m sorry.”

Jennifer said, “Don’t apologize.”

Kimberly continued her attack on my cock. After tonguing pornolar the slit to coax it to open, I was leaking precum. “When are we going?”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

After licking my cock head, Kimberly said, “Give me a minute.” She continued to jerk me off while licking the tip.

Jennifer suggested, “Don’t get yourself dirty.”

Kimberly pulled up as I blew shot after shot into the air, most of which landed on my stomach. When I was done expelling my seed, she cutely said “Ready.” She grabbed my cock and walked me out to the car in the garage and we got in the back seat. As my wife got in, she resumed pumping me and then gave me a massive French kiss. My cock sprung to life. As my wife drove to her former sorority house, I passionately made out with Kimberly in the back seat while she was giving me another handjob and, right when I was about ready to blow my load, I pulled back from her and moaned before resuming the passionate kissing. We continued making out the whole way there, her cum-covered hand remaining attached to my dick.

The trip inside was rather daring. Without even knowing if they’d accept us, Jennifer parked on a side street near the house and got out. I was pulled by my dick by Kimberly. As a couple of cars zoomed past honking their horns, I was walked to the front door and made to wait, the only protection from nudity, Kimberly’s hand.

Eventually the door was opened by a sprightly brunette wearing a mini skirt. Wide-eyed as she looked at my purple cock head, she said, “How can we help you?” It felt like Kimberly took forever to explain the circumstances before we were ushered in. The petite youngster then approached me and Kimberly handed me over. “This is a nice surprise.” She anxiously started masturbating me by the front door. As I looked at the gorgeous youngster pumping my cock, I noticed that she never took her eyes off of it until I climaxed, sending massive amounts of semen flying through the air to land on the floor. As more sorority girls approached the foyer to see what was going on, the one holding my dick explained to the ever increasing flock that I was their plaything for the evening. I was immediately rushed and pawed at by numerous girls, then pulled to the great room where I was placed on a throne-like chair.

Immediately, a blonde-haired siren wearing a crop top walked toward me and said to the group, “I believe we have an impromptu blowjob competition tonight!” After the cheers died down, she stated the terms. I was to be blown by every woman present to completion and I was to give a rating of one to ten, ten being the best. In case of a tie, I was to be blown by each qualifying participant again for a new rating. Everyone must swallow. With Jennifer and Kimberly joining the game, that was going to be up to twelve blowjobs by the end of the evening. I hoped I had it in me.

After positioning was determined, the first girl to approach me was a brunette vixen with supple lips and green eyes. She walked up to me and said, “Hi. I’m Erin.” With that, she dropped to her knees and consumed me. She sucked my head into her mouth and began licking the slit driving me crazy. Then, she went at it, bobbing up and down with vigor until I exploded into the back of her mouth. I gave her a rating of seven and there were cheers from the crowd.

The next girl up was a spitting image of a young Britney Spears and introduced herself as Veronica. Because there were no rules on how to revive me, within her daisy dukes, she began giving me a lap dance, rubbing her ass over my dick. When that did not work, she reversed course and started grinding me head on until I was rock hard. She then slunk down to her knees and started repetitively licking my frenulum. Grabbing my dick by the base of my shaft, she flicked her tongue against the tip of my cock, and this drove me wild. As I inched backwards with tickling delight, she pulled me forward by my stalk and continued to excite my loins. When I was finally on the urge of cumming, she stuck her mouth around my cock head and used her tongue to lick the slit, pausing my climax but driving me insane. She reverberated her tongue nonstop for a minute, then sucked my head profusely, which sent me into an orgasmic bliss, By the time that I was done cumming, it was coming out of the side of her mouth and she was disqualified, otherwise I would have given her a ten.

As Veronica playfully pouted, another cute girl stepped up. She smiled at me, then my dick. “Hi. I’m Valerie.” She sunk to her knees and put my flaccid penis in her mouth, then just stood there. For ten minutes she licked my underside until I grew in her mouth and she started bobbing up and down. Within no time, I was fully inflated and she backed off. She licked me like a lollipop several times and kissed my purple head, but did not go any further. When there were boos from the rest of the girls, she dropped her head and entirely consumed me, causing me to spurt copious amounts of semen xhamster into her mouth, all of which she swallowed. I gave her a nine.

Next up was a brunette who resembled Gal Gadot. She walked up to me and immediately grabbed my cock and started jerking it off. She said, “I’m Carrie.” After I said that it was nice to meet her, she let go and reached down her pants. When she pulled her hand out of her crotch, she held it to my mouth. I instinctively devoured her fingers. With that, my member engorged. As soon as it did, she noticed and grabbed my dick. She squeezed and then released, squeezed and released and so on. Before I ever reached her mouth, she had me cumming, disqualifying her from the competition, but covering her hand in my liquid.

As Carrie embarrassingly left center stage, a blonde haired beauty stepped up and declared, “I’m Hope. I hope you like this.” She went at my flaccid penis and started licking it unmercifully. As I grew, I let out a yelp. Then, within a minute, with her still licking the tip, I let out a huge moan and shot numerous wads into Hope’s mouth, all of which she lapped up. I gave her a nine. The audience cheered.

As Hope glided away in triumph allowing me to see her perfect buns of steel, a redhead sauntered up and introduced herself. “Hi. I’m Candace.” She sat down on my lap and started grinding her butt into my crotch. While doing so, she turned her head and asked, “Do you like?”

Panting, I replied, “I like it a lot.”

“Good” was all she said as she stood up and started to remove her jean shorts and panties to a series of cheers from the rest of the girls. She grabbed my semi-erect penis and shoved it into her pussy as she sat back down. Within no time, I was growing inside of her and was rock hard. When she noticed my erection inside of her, she got up, knelt down and, with a stud on her tongue, attacked the slit. I was soon oozing precum and she was licking it up. She paused to say “You taste wonderful.”

“Thank you” was all I could muster as she attacked the slit again. Within minutes, the head of my cock was as purple and big as I’ve ever seen it, looking like it would explode, but I wasn’t getting enough stimulation to cum yet. In sheer ecstasy, I laid my head back and closed my eyes. She continued licking my cock head for another five minutes until she licked my dick like a lollipop. When I looked at her, she giggled and smiled at me, then sucked me into her mouth. When my breathing became heavy, she abruptly stopped and started lapping at the slit again. She let out another giggle.

Someone from the crowd yelled, “Get on with it!”

Candace turned around and said, “There’s no time limit.” She then resumed coaxing more precum out of my slit with her tongue stud. After licking the liquid, she consumed me once again and didn’t stop this time. Soon, I was curling my toes as I shot load after load into her mouth and she drank it all. She then stood up pantless and gave me a passionate French kiss, allowing me to taste myself. As she grabbed her shorts, I gave her a nine. Although she was better than the others, I didn’t want to waste a perfect ten.

On her way back to the peanut gallery, Candace was passed by an exquisite svelte brunette who introduced herself as Wendy. She asked if I needed some visual stimulation and, when I nodded my head, she ripped off her t-shirt and bra allowing me to see her tiny perky breasts. Then, she rubbed them all over me, eventually allowing me to cup and feel them. Her teenage body was such a turn on that I became rock hard in no time and, when she noticed, she plunged down on my cock. She swirled her tongue around the shaft like an expert as she slurpingly bobbed up and down.

Then, when I was on the verge of cumming, she stopped and just held my engorged cock towards the sky while she smiled. “Not yet.” She refocused her attention onto the slit and precum drooled out of me because I was so turned on. After lapping it up, she once again went down on me. When I felt the churning in my balls, she stopped again, made eye contact with me and smiled again. “Soon.” She stuck the stud into my slit again and I oozed more precum as I audibly moaned. She teased me several more times before merely encircling my cock head and licking the tip. The sensation was remarkable and I exploded into her mouth. After she triumphantly licked her lips after swallowing my juices, she gave my cock a kiss on the tip and said, “No one’s going to top that.” As she walked away, I gave her a ten and she victoriously held up her arms as the crowd cheered the first perfect score.

As Wendy took a seat, an exotic Asian beauty with piercing blue eyes walked up to me and grabbed my cock with one hand and fondled my balls with the other. “I’m Sienna.”

I whimpered, “Hi Sienna.”

She jerked me off for about ten minutes until my dick once again became rigid, then she dropped to her knees and encompassed my cock with her mouth. Although her technique was japon porno simple, she sucked my like a Hoover vacuum and I eventually erupted within minutes of when she started. Because of my quickness to explode, the group was expecting a perfect score, but I disappointed them when I rated her as an eight.

Jennifer was next up. She meandered over to me with a wide smile on her face and asked, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

I exhaustingly declared, “Yes.”

“Good.” She immediately knelt down in front of me and devoured my cock. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked at my engorged member as she pointed it up in the sky. “I can’t believe how much of a turn on this is.” And she plunged down on me again, licking slurping, and sucking. As she caressed my balls, I shot ten times into her mouth and she sucked down every last drop, then showed me her empty mouth. I was conflicted. While everyone waited for my rating, I was hesitant. I eventually gave her a nine and she marched back to the group. Although she was good, Wendy was still the best.

As my wife took her seat, another girlish looking teen walked up to me and introduced herself. With a devilish grin, she said, “Hi. I’m Vivian.” Although she was flat-chested, her legs and ass were to die for, and my appendage sprang to life without needing any stimulation. When she kneeled down in front of me, after grabbing my dick, she reached under her skirt and started to fondle herself. I felt like cumming even though I had yet to be played with. She licked me for a few minutes, then suctioned my cock head for a few and I blew my load quickly. Without hesitation, I gave her a ten.

As Vivian victoriously sashayed back to her seat, Kimberly got up and approached me. She removed her top and took off her shorts baring her perfect body. She knelt down in front of me and started jerking my flaccid penis off between her breasts then stood up in front of me and fingered herself. She removed her fingers from her vagina and thrust them into my mouth so that I could taste her juices. She then turned around and rubbed her ass against my crotch and I came to life. She slunk to her knees and licked my wildly before taking me in her mouth and swirling her tongue all along my shaft and head. Then she stopped mid-suck and just held me in her mouth as my cock twitched. Hoping for some friction, I started pumping myself in and out of her mouth as she sat motionless. Soon, I was fucking the shit out of her mouth and I was heavily panting. As I blew my load between her luscious lips, I let out a slight scream and declared “Ten!”

She stood up, blew me a kiss, collected her clothes and held up her hand in triumph as she walked back to the viewing area. “You young girls having nothing on me.”

As she received high fives from most of the girls, an ample bosomed dark haired beauty stepped up to me and said, “I’m Fiona.” She dropped to her knees and began blowing on my genitals causing them to stir. Then she planted numerous kisses all over my cock head before licking it. As I began to grow, she dropped her face and began devouring my balls one at a time, causing me to scoot back in the chair. After they were stimulated, she returned her attention to my dick and started licking my head again, which was a deep purple. Soon, she was bobbing up and down on my member without much care and I exploded into her mouth without warning. She gagged, some dripped out and she was disqualified from the competition. Only one more remained.

It was the only black girl in the sorority. She sauntered up to me in a skin-tight halter top with nipples poking out and walked around me, pawing at every part of my body. “I’m Andrea.” Then she knelt in front of me and pulled me closer to the edge of the seat by my cock. She repositioned my legs so that they were farther apart and, as she sucked me into her mouth, she stuck a couple fingers up my ass causing sheer exhilaration. Within no time, while she was fucking my asshole, I spilled my seed within her and exclaimed, “Ten!”

Veronica stood up in front of the group and declared, “A four way tie!” Cheers followed. “Given that it took so long to complete this competition, in order to speed things up and really have our way with Jake, the final will be cock roulette. Each one of you will have two minutes to suck him off before passing him to the next and it will resume with the first girl once all have had their turn.” As the four competitors, who were now standing, looked around at each other, Veronica asked, “Any questions?”

When there were no queries, Wendy, Vivian, Kimberly, and Andrea all walked up to me and took knees. When it was declared that the timing had started, Wendy went at me, licking and sucking me with wild bravado. When time was announced, Vivian took her turn, bobbing up and down in quick rhythm. As time was called, Kimberly voraciously sucked me into her mouth and attacked my engorged member. When time was called, Andrea took her turn. Then there was another round. Eventually, when Vivian went down on me the third time, I exploded in her mouth anointing her the winner. I was glad. Her child-like figure was driving me wild. After emphatically swallowing my load and standing up, Vivian asked, “What do I win?”

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Caught in the Act-the Anal Promise

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This is the much-delayed continuation of my second story “Caught in the Act”. So read that first if you missed it. I apologise for taking so long but I have a couple of other story ideas in my head, and I needed to get a skeleton of those ideas down before I lost the essential threads of thought. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy and please show your support with ratings and comments.


The morning activities over, both of us turned our attention to the rest of the day. Rob went to work, and I busied myself around the house for a few hours. By mid-afternoon I returned my attention to the coming evening. Logistics are everything for a night of lust to work as you want.

Kids first; a mid-week sleepover with their father.

Was dinner necessary? Probably not, I decided to just lay out a few snacks and put a bottle of white wine in the fridge, figuring that as I had already told Rob to come home late, he would not want much to eat, and we could rapidly move on to the whole purpose of the evening.

Just how was this going to play out? This morning, I had rather surprised Rob, and he was vulnerable to anything I wished to do, as would anyone caught stroking themselves to their favourite porn short. On the other hand, he certainly knew his way around a woman’s body as his morning snack, eating out my cunt, had clearly demonstrated.

The other thought was that I had totally boxed us into a corner with my fuck-talk. In the heat of the moment, committing to getting my anal passage fucked later in the day is the sort of decision I tend to go with when I am fully revved up, mid-session, with a wet pussy and a long thick dick in my hand!

I was beginning to feel nervous about what I had got myself into.

Having started the day in such a decisive manner I realised I was going to have to maintain that level of effort. My thoughts turned with, what let’s call it, “come fuck me clothing”. Since my divorce, money was not plentiful, but I had a small selection of items which I knew would, without fail, cause an uncomfortable bulge in my partner’s pants and a corresponding wet patch in my knickers, if I was wearing them.

I had one set of matching French lingerie, a translucent lace push-up bra and a matching pair of backless knickers. The bra held my breasts in half cups of lace which did nothing to hide my large brown areolae and my nipples. The push-up wiring gave me a deep cleavage, which Rob was already familiar with, having had his dick squashed into it earlier that morning. The knickers were, in fact, little more than an inverted triangle of lace covering my runway of closely cropped hair and the slash of my untidy cunt. The lace triangle was held in place by two elasticated lace bands running between my legs, up and under my butt, over my cheeks to the hip where the other two corners of the lace met a band that held the tiny piece of underwear to my hips. Totally dysfunctional, but gorgeous, unless you could describe inducing a throbbing erection and a stream of my juices a purpose.

I also laid out a black faux-leather pencil skirt, with an exposed full-length zip at the rear. Short, the hem well above my knee it showed off my legs and butt to great effect although I could not move around too much in it without having to wriggle it back into place as it rode up very easily. I doubted that this would be an issue that should concern me this evening. If everything went according to plan, I would not be wearing it for long. I finished the outfit off with a white silk T-shirt that emphasized my breasts by resting softly on my skin, bulging from the lace half cups, and hanging loose from my breasts to my waist. For shoes I chose a pair of heels. Rob was tall and I would not overshadow him with any heels I would wear. Combined with the black pencil dress the heels would tighten my leg muscles just enough to tighten and enhance the shape of my legs.

I had almost guaranteed that I would be getting both of my fuck passages filled later in the day, so I decided to prepare myself for the enjoyment to come. I had a butt plug which I used occasionally for my own pleasure, using it mostly in combination with my faithful Magic Wand. However, with a diameter of a thick cucumber at its base it was comfortable enough to insert and I could wear it for 30 minutes or so as a preparation for the evening. It left my sphincter more relaxed and ready for a pounding later and helped in ensuring a more hygienic experience for both of us.

Before showering I stripped naked and pushed the lubed butt plug into my butt and let my muscles clamp it in place around its neck. It was comfortable enough that I could continue to walk around the house and, I must admit to a state of semi-arousal feeling the plug firmly in place in my expanded rear entry.

I showered, pulled the plug slowly out from my butt and while porno 64 my butt was still gaping washed it out with Vagisil and hot water from the hand-held shower attachment.

After showering I dressed, carefully checking in the mirror with underwear only and then with the T-shirt and skirt to ensure the right look at each point in the evening. Satisfied, I went downstairs to check wine and snacks.

Everything was ready and I settled on a kitchen stool waiting for Rob. I had timed things well and within five minutes I heard Rob’s car pull up outside.

Rob let himself in and walked through to the kitchen. I was sitting cross legged, wine beside me as he entered. Bless him. He had a huge bouquet of flowers cradled on one arm and a bottle of champagne in the other,

I smiled. “Oh, I was not expecting this.”

He put his twin burdens down, pulled me to my feet and held me loosely against him, his arms around my waist. He was obviously nervous after his very unexpected morning upstairs.

“I have been thinking about you all day. I thought you were wonderful this morning but if you, in any way, regret what happened I am totally OK with that. You deserve far more than these flowers and the champagne; but if you like we can drink a toast to you, and I can be gone from your house and life tomorrow morning.”

I laughed throatily, leaned forward, and kissed him on the lips.

“Trust me, you have been in my thoughts too, and they did not include you leaving tomorrow or leaving our interrupted enjoyment of each other unfinished.”

I could see the tension leave his body and we both relaxed against each other. One place the tension had not gone was his dick, as I could already feel a growing outline inside his pants.

The ice was broken, and we had got over that hurdle of not knowing if we were going to take this relationship further. I knew the prelims for the evening were going to go smoothly and we were going to have a lot of fun in the next few hours. The champagne could wait but I poured another glass from my chilled bottle in the fridge, and we sat together on the couch.

We chatted and laughed about the morning and the surprising turn of events that we had both enjoyed. However, we had left as much undone as done that morning. I had been up for more, but circumstances forced us to call a halt. He clearly felt the same as his eyes were devouring my body and outfit. I am not very good at letting things run their natural course. Look at my behaviour in the morning! I could feel that urge to action building up again. I got up from the couch and stood in front of Rob. I pushed his legs together and stood with my legs either side of his thighs. My skirt was tight, and all this did was push it further up my thighs which now were a foot away from his face and almost entirely exposed to his lustful glaze. Of course, he responded. He ran his hand up both thighs from my knee to the hem of my dress and then pushing underneath the skirt, up the back of my thighs to grab my cheeks. I was, of course, only wearing the backless knickers I had selected earlier, and his widening eyes could not conceal his amazement as, instead of a covering of lace or cotton, he found his hands moving from bare thigh to bare cheek. He ran his hands back down my thighs and reaching around the back of my skirt, pulled the ring of the exposed zipper at the back of my skirt. With the zipper open my skirt fell off my waist, away from my hips dropping to the floor between us. He chuckled and grasped my naked butt with both hands. The two thin strips of lace crossing each cheek offering no obstruction to his grasp.

He was facing my naked thighs just a foot from his face and the small triangle of lace did little to hide my pussy. He took a cheek in each hand and pulled me towards him, at the same time pushing his knees apart and forcing my legs wider. The flimsy lace covering did little to hide my sex and with my legs now spread his eyes were taking in what he clearly considered to be the main course for the evening. He pulled the lace triangle aside, fully exposing my cunt to his gaze. He gently placed his thumbs between my labia and pulled them apart fully revealing the entrance to my cunt and exposing my clit nestled in the folds of skin above my sex. He leaned forward and put his lips around the little fuck button at the heart of my sexual feeling and gave it a little tug and suck with his lips.

Fuck. Immediately I felt the first wave of lustful ache of pleasure move out from above my cunt down the inside of my thighs and up through my belly.

“Shit! I want your dick as much as you want my cunt, you animal.”

I pushed him back and grabbed the waistband of his slacks, pulling the belt buckle open and unzipped his fly. I pushed a hand down the front of his briefs and found his already growing dick waiting to be grabbed. His shaven pubic mound was just a shade more stubbly than that smooth, just shaved Türkçe altyazılı porno morning feel, of earlier. Still smooth but coarse, horny as fuck! I took his dick in my hand and held it, feeling it grow as he responded to my touch. He lifted his butt off the sofa and slid his slacks down his thighs and I pulled his boxers down his thighs as his dick grew and swung to the vertical in response to my touch.

“Fuck, you’re a horny bitch”, he exclaimed.

I leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “Yes I am. You are going to fuck both my holes tonight and I am going to suck every last bit of cum from that dick of yours’ before we are finished.”

Lacking the words for an appropriate response he stuck two fingers in my cunt, which, in the moment, seemed very appropriate to me. He pulled me towards him, I leant down toward him and he stuck his tongue in my mouth and gave me a hard, tongue entwined, lustful kiss. He then spun me round and sat me on his lap facing away from him. He pushed his hands up my back to my bra clip and expertly flicked the clip open. He pushed the bra up so that my boobs were hanging free under my T-shirt and he cradled one in each hand, tweaking my already hard nipples as he did so. His rigid dick was pushed down under my butt and the exposed and moist tip was rubbing the skin between was my cunt and my butt. He slipped one hand through my runway of hair and parted my cunt lips again, rubbing one finger over my clit and into my cunt rhythmically. This was making my cunt juice flow, and his hand was getting soaking wet. I reached down pull his hand from my cunt and put the finger he had been using to frig me into my mouth and sucked hard. I loved to taste myself on a man.

This was getting difficult, and we were getting ahead of ourselves. I even still had my heels on. I stood up.

“Upstairs now my room?” I suggested.

I did not need to ask twice. I stood up, boobs swinging free with my nipples brushing sensually against the silk fabric of my T-shirt and with my ridiculous but sexy knickers covering very little of me from the waist down. I led him to the stairs, and he followed me a few steps behind, like a dog following a scent. We must have made a curious sight. He was holding his pants up with one hand, almost tripping up on each stair as he watched me, nipples hard against my silk T-shirt, basically naked from the waist down except for my heels which I knew caused my butt, just inches from his eyes, to sashay provocatively as I climbed the stairs in front of him.

Once in the bedroom I kicked my herls off and turned to face him, my back to the bed. He wasted no time in pushing me back on the bed and kneeling on the floor, lifted both my legs over his shoulders, giving him a clear view of both my fuck holes. Although not strictly necessary he dispensed with my knickers quickly, wriggled out of his slacks and briefs and pulled his shirt over his head. I pulled off my T-shirt and loosely hanging bra, then before we really had any more time he buried his face in my cunt. This morning showed he knew what he was doing, and he began to suck and flick my clit with his tongue. I was pretty revved up; my juices were beginning to flow and things were getting slippery. He parted my cheeks and while he continued to frig my clit he inserted his first finger in my arse; not far, but enough to add to my state of arousal. He then used his thumb to massage my perineum from butt hole to cunt, sliding it as deep as he could into the entrance to my cunt at the end of each stroke. As far as I was concerned this was seventh heaven, he could do that all night.

I relaxed into the growing glow of bliss that I could feel emanating from somewhere deep in my cunt. The feeling was so good that I felt like I needed two of him, one to concentrate on my gaping gash and the other to hold my tingling tits and suck my rock-hard nipples while I took his dick in my mouth. However, tonight was no threesome, so I relaxed into it and ran my own hands over my tits, my hardening nipples and as a little help to Rob pushed my hands down either side of his face and pulled my labia as widely open as I could. This just allowed more of my fluids to flow, allowed him to look deep into my cunt and encourage him to make my fuck button grow and harden.

The more Rob flicked my clit I found myself spreading my legs wider to encourage his tongue deeper into the crevices of my cunt. I could feel that familiar aching wave building in my crotch and spreading down my inner thighs and up into my belly. I was really pulling at my nipples and pulled my left tit up to suck on the sensitive button at its tip. I knew that the rising wave would break and my body would shudder from the orgasmic feeling but I wanted to just surf the rise of that feeling going higher and higher.

“Slower, slower”, I groaned.

Rob obviously heard my plea and transferred his flicking tongue away from my clit sex izle and reverted to nibbling my labia but he could also feel my body shaking in anticipation and could not stop himself returning his attention to my clit. Too much. Too much. That wave just crashed through me. My hips bucked, I squirmed, and my thighs slapped hard against Rob’s head, clamping it to my spasming body.

I needed to feel flesh, any part of his body would do but he had to get on the bed with me, now.

“Please, please, I want your dick.”

He lifted his head from my soaking cunt and stood up at the end of the bed. I sat up and clamped his legs between my soaking thighs, firmly wrapping my hand round his throbbing dick. I took the glistening, purple head of his dick into my mouth and sucked hard on the knob-head and then while sucking pushed my mouth down his rock-hard dick until my nose was flat against his shaven pubis. I opened my lips and gasped for air and sucking hard again slowly pulled my lips up his shaft until it was totally free from my lips leaving my mouth finally with a soft plop. I started on his slime covered knob again and began to repeat the whole process. I was already leaking cunt juice on the bedsheets and now every time his shaft sprung free from my lips a river of both our juices dribbled in a slimy sticky stream, like honey, from the tip of his knob onto my inner thighs, running onto the sheets.

“Paula, that is so fucking good. I am going to cum in your mouth if you keep this up. I thought you wanted it up your arse? I want to cum in your butt and this isn’t helping!”

“Thanks, for the warning”, I thought.

He was right, and as much as that dick tasted so good, I had promised him my arse earlier that day. I reluctantly, and with an extra-long-drawn-out suck, pulled his dick from my mouth.

“OK Big Man. Show me what you’ve got. Lube is on the side table. Fuck my arse”

He pushed me back on the bed and grabbing my ankles he twisted me over onto my front, reached under my stomach and pulled me up into a doggy position. He pushed my legs apart with his knees and slapped his glistening, saliva and pre-cum soaked rock-hard dick against the brown circle marking the entrance to my rear fuck hole. I was aroused as fuck and was ready for anything.

“Are you going to fuck my butt? Just like I told you to, this morning.”

“Yes, and I am going to make you cum hard, my thick dick slamming into your butt. I am going to destroy you”. He gasped out the words between sharp intakes of breath.

Shivers of expectation ran through my body and my already soaking cunt twitched and my sphincter pulsed at the thought of what was to come. He grabbed the cheeks of my arse and spread them wide with his thumbs, stretching the brown puckered ring and opening my rear fuck hole in expectation. He leant forward over my exposed butt and let a huge gob of spit drop precisely on target in the middle of my brown puckered ring. I then felt his curled tongue lick at his own spit and then push urgently against the tight entry to my butt. I pushed outward with my muscles and his tongue entered and was clamped tight by my sphincter. His lips pushed tight against my butt and he did his best to tongue fuck my tight ass-hole.

Oh fuck! That felt good.

First, I was still leaking cunt juice from my twat after the expert attention of his tongue on my clit and now my arse was high in the air about to be violated by his tongue, fingers or, much better, seven inches of hard, thick cock that I had sampled that morning. I dropped onto my shoulders thus freeing one hand to reach underneath and push apart my swollen, soaking cunt lips and rubbed my hard clit between two fingers. Rob withdrew his tongue and replaced it with three bunched fingers at the entrance to my butt. I pushed out again with my sphincter, expanding my tight rear entrance and his three bunched fingers slipped past the tight muscles of my rear fuck entry and into my butt. I was twirling and flicking my clit like crazy as I felt him push his fingers in as far as they would go. With his palm against my butt and the amply lubricated fingers deep inside me he began to twist them to spread the cool lube over the walls of my rear fuck hole. I stopped frigging myself and reached back to his balls and began tugging and massaging them. He took his dick in his hand and steered it first to my gaping cunt which was so wet he needed no effort to insert to the hilt, his belly making a wet slapping smack against my butt which was wet and slimy from my cunt juice, his saliva and the lube, as the entire length of his dick filled me. I felt him rotate his three fingers in my butt and massage his dick through the thin layer of skin between my two fuck holes. He was filling both my fuck holes and began to synchronise his rhythmic thrusting of both dick and fingers. I returned to frigging myself as he matched his pistoning dick and massaging fingers to the same rhythm. After a minute or so of this I could feel the heat of another orgasm beginning to rise within me-this is not how I intended the night to end. Rob had manfully been working me up to two orgasms and had somehow maintained a rock-hard dick but held back what, by now, I was hoping would be a massive load of cum.

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Okul Kaydına Gidince Bana Kaydılar

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Alexis Adams

Ben Ömer, bundan yıllar önce Lisede okurken halamın oğlu Osman çalışmak için bize (İstanbul a  geldi, Evimiz küçük olduğu için beraber yatıyorduk, Bir gün gece korkmuş bana arkadan bir sarıldı, göğüslerimi sıktı bi  hoş oldum, sonra ben Osman a arkadan sarıldım sikim kalktı taş gibi oldu, götünün arasına koydum uyudum, ertesi gün yine yatakta uyumuş numarası yapıyoruz ama ben kazık gibi olan sikimi arkadan iyice sürttüm boşaldım, sıra Osmana geldi diye arkamı döndüm götümü geriye attım Osman da arkadan sımsıkı sarıldı ve sikini götümün tam deliğine getirip, sürterek boşaldı. Sonraki günlerde iyice ileri gitmeye başladık, artık donumuzu da çıkarıp, götümüzü sunmaya başladık, bir gün ben yorganın altında aşağıya indim, Osmanın sikini ağzıma aldım bi güzel emdim, tam ağzıma akıtırken çıkardım, bunları yaparken ben Osmanın götüme dayamasından ve sürtmesinden daha çok zevk almaya başladım ve bir gece mutfağa gittim zeytinyağ ile kar gibi beyaz götümü iyice yağladım, ilk ben hemen sikimi O nun götüne bir iki sürtüp arkamı döndüm, Osman götüme yapıştı donumu indirdi araya sikini soktu bir iki git gel, tam deliği zorlarken sikinin başı götüme giriverdi O da şaşrdı ve hemen içime ılık ılık boşaldı.Seks Hikayeleri
Neyse günler böyle geçerken Lise bitti, sınavı kazanamadım, ama ön kayıtla sikiş üniversiteye alan İzmir de bir okul buldum ve kayıt yaptırmak için tek başıma otobüsle İzmire gittim. Sabah okula gittim ama çok kalabalıktı o gün işimi bitiremedim. İzmir’i bilmem, hiç kimsemiz de yok, öğrenciyim fazla param da yok bunun için otobüs terminaline geldim ve akşam geç saatlere kadar banklarda oturdum uyuklamaya başladım bu arada yanıma 45-50 yaşlarında uzun boylu iri yarı bir adam geldi, benimle tanıştı biraz konuştuk olanları anlattım o da adının Hasan olduğunu evdeki çocukların köye gittiğini yalnız olduğunu söyledi ve bizim eve gidelim bizde yatarsın sabah ben seni okula getiririm dedi. Benim de başka bir şansım olmadığı için sessiz kaldım ve kalktık yola çıkıp bir otobüse bindik, giderken Hasan elini omzuma atıp, konuşurken konuyu cinselliğe getirdi, hiç karı kız arkadaşın oldu mu dedi . ben de hayır daha 17 yaşındayım dedim. Hasan da ben kızlardan hoşlanmam  istersen  sana karı kız bulabilirim dedi. Biraz şüphelendim, bu adam oğlancı mı ne diye ama artık çok geçti Hasan abinin evine geldik. İçeri girdik beni doğru yatak odasına götürdü ben eyvah derken üstümüze rahat bi şeyler giyelim dedi birer kısa şort giydik ve mutfağa geçtik, dolaptan buz gibi 3-4 bira çıkardı içtik ama ben gece brazzers yolculuk yaptığım için çok yorgun ve uykusuzdum. Hasan gece 12 oldu sen de yorgun görünüyorsun bir duş al da yatalım dedi. Ben de çok teşekkür ederim dedim ve banyoya girdim. Duş alıp, bornoza sarıldım çıktım ve Hasan abi yatağı açmış, bana sen yat ben de duş alıp geliyorum dedi. Ben bornozla çırılçıplak yatağa uzandım, bi süre sonra uyuyup kalmışım. Biraz sonra boynumun yalanması ve arkamda bir sertlikle uyandım ki, Hasan abi pozisyonunu almış, siki kazık gibi götüme geçirdi geçirecek, beni bir korku aldı Adam dev gibi bizim hala oğlu  küçük Osmana benzemiyor.Abi ne yapıyon  sen, beni yanlış anladın ben senin bildiğin oğlanlardan değilim dedim ve Adamı zar zor itekleyerek arkamdan uzaklaştırdım. Hasan abi sinirlendi ve hepiniz önce böyle yapar ama sonra bu yarrağın tadına doyamaz diyerek mırıldandı. Baktım  bi süre bana dokunmayınca ben çok uykusuz olduğumdan tekrar derin uykuya dalmışım. Hasan da beni ürkütmemek için ellememiş, benim horul horul uyuduğumu görünce, götümü güzelce yağlamış ve Sex hikayeleri yalamaya başlamış iyice beni hamur gibi yapınca koca sikini götüme sokmaya başlamış, götümde bir acı ve sızı ile uyandım ki , içimde sanki koca bir kobra dolaşıyor. Kendi kendime oğlum hd porno Ömer koca sik içine artık girmiş, kurtuluşun yok. Bi arkadaşım hep Tecavüz kaçınılmazsa zevk almaya başlayacaksın derdi,  bari zevk almaya bak dedim, uyuyormuşum gibi yaptım, Hasan abi de beni uyandırmamak için sikini götümde santim santim ilerletiyordu, koca sik sanki götümü yararak içimde ilerliyor acayip tatlı bir acı ve sızı vardı ama dudaklarımı ısırıyordum. Hasan abi kafamı çevirerek dudaklarıma yumulmak istedi, baktı ki dudaklarımı sıkıyorum, sen uyanıksın yavrum demedim ben bu yarrağı yiyen tadına doyamaz diye dedi, ben de haklısın der gibi onun dudaklarına eşlik ettim deli gibi birbirimizin dudaklarını dilini emdik. Hasan abi sikinin tamamını götüme soktu bir süre böylece kaldık, sonra acı azaldı ben kalçamı sağa sola hareket ettirmeye başlayınca, O da yavaş yavaş götüme sokup çıkarmaya başladı. Ben Abi sen haklıymışsın gerçekten çok tatlı yarrağın varmış, bana zevk vermeye başladı hadi iyice köküne kadar kökle götümü parçala iyice sik  beni dedim. İyice götümü domaltarak Ona sundum Hasan abi dev gibi götüme öyle hızlı hızlı girmeye başladı ki…..ben zevkten inlemeye başladım…Ohhhhh…Oooohhhh daha hızlı daha hızlı vur kökle abi senin at yarrağı gibi koca sikini yerim ben sik hadi parçala beni dedikçe O da makine gibi çalıştı, sonra beni kucağına aldı kucağında küçük çocuk gibi kaldım zıplattıkça zıpladım ve sonra dana gibi bağırarak içime ılık ılık bir boşaldı acayip,döller su gibi bacaklarımdan aktı… sonra sarılıp öpüşerek öylece bir süre.Porno Hikaye

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